THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Published Evory Friday At 117 West Burlington Street. BV MAKKMl & nvltHI.KH. Tint Rtcvimv Is entered nt ost office n Saint Johns, Orison, ns mall tnntter oi uic second cinss under tne Act 01 con gress of March 3, 1879. Job Printing icutcd In flrst-etaaa nla. mils lor .!nl 1'rltitlnc rmh on iltllterr. All communlcnllon. nhotild be sddreutd to Tta ItaTtaw, Ht. John. Oregon. Adrrrtlilne rolrt. 11.00 per Inch per month. Subscription prlco $1.00 peryenr. A. W. MRKM, K'lllor W. 15. IIVI5RI.KU, Associate FRIDAY, MAY at, 1909. At this tlmo of tho yonr people nro naturally dlseussliiK In their minds tlio riucstlon, wlicro shall wo buy our goods? Ah our nnswor to this tin portnnt problem, wo refer them to tho advertising columns In thin Ismiv Never trndo with a man who doo not ndvortlsu If you wnnt nice, frosh clonu goods ut reasonable prices Kind 11 innii who does not tidvortls nnd you will find n man who is rusty nnd old fnshloned tin tho good which ho Is trying to soli. Wo nro In receipt of n copy of tho linston Ilernhl announcing nn Imposition for ltoHtou In 1020 In honor of tho binding of tho Pilgrims Them Is no event In tho history of our nation Hint deserves more con sldcmtlnii, nnd tho exposition should bu well planned nnd Hindu to over shudow every world fnlr beforo Hint time. Kvery stnto In tho union should nnd will no doubt do nil In Its power to mnko tho exposition tho Krnndest 11 f fnlr tho world has over ' known. Willi HiIh Issue wo launch a boom for a suspension hrldKo between Ht. .lohns nnd Whltwood Court and wo oxpect to stay with It until It Is tic coinpllsbcd or has proven to bo nn feasible and Inpractlcable. It la un necessary to try and eiiumernto all tho blessliiKH (bat would bo do rived from such 11 structure (hoy nro so obvious Unit oven a blind man can see a few of I hem at least. Wo believe tho thing Is practicable, feasible nnd with 11 11 nulled effort may bo accomplished. Homo was not built In a day, neither will this hrldKo, but nothing ureal was over accomplished without strenuous ef fort 11 being mndo and It will bo so in this ciiso. Wo lulond lo boom It to tho best of our ability, and In vito every clllnm In Ht. Johns to Join In tho movement, oven If they cannot do nioro than nlgn tho pe tition to inlto tho matter to tho log- The fit. JoIiiib Commcrclnl club mot In regular assembly Wednesday evening, nnd advertising, ferry ques tion nnd n suspension bridge nt St. Johns woro tho principal topics ills ciiBsed. The nttendnnco was not what it should have been. It scorns that the members nro again falling Into tho old rut Hint was In voguo last year Indifference, poor nt ten dnnco, lack of Interest, nnd nny old excuse good enough to give for not attending. If the club is to amount to anything every member must bo up and doing, Kvon If It docs re quire a little energy nnd sacrl flco on tho pnrt of the members to attend it should bo worth tho cf fort. It Is an honor to belong to n commercial club but It Is certainly not nn honor to the club to enroll and then bo absent at 11 majority of tho meetings. If there Is no life In tho club it Is tho members' fault Attend nnd If n live subject Is not brought up, broach one yourself. Is discouraging to tho few faithful to attend night after night with about a fifteen per cent nttendnnco, Do live wire. Make up your mind to bo present next Wednesday night, and permit nothing except sickness or death keep you from being on hand Shake off (ho lethargy and do your duly ns a good citizen of Ht. .Johns Tho suspension brldgo proposition met with favor by tho club and It wns deemed worthy of making n strenuous effort to obtain, Definite steps toward securing this project will bo formulated In the near fu lure, and n movement will be launched such as has never before been Inaugurated for a public utility In Ht. Johns. o Whooping Cough, This Is n more dangerous dlscaso limn Is generally presumed. It will ho a surprise to many to lenrti that moru dontliH result from It than from scarlet fever. Pneumonia often re suits from It. Chamberlain's Cough Itomedy bus been used In many cpl demies of whooping cough, and nl ways with the best results, Dolbort McKolg of Harlan, Iown, says of It: "My boy took whooping cough when uliiu months old. Ho hnd It In the winter. I got u botllo of Chamber Iain's Cough Itoinody which proved good. I cannot recommend It too highly." for salo by all good drug- lists. Ml hats trimmed prices nt the Voguo. nl reduced Try 11 fountain pen for (en days mill If satlfled, buy It If not, 110 I.. I. I..... It I.. ....... 1 .num.... w-iui. ... . i""' xponse. Ht. Johns I'l.nriuncy. thorn. Let us all get together nnd shoulder to shoulder work for n mis-1 o pension bridge nt HI. Johns, I Ho 11 booster for Ht. Johns, the land or nny Interest therein, or nny Improvement thereon, and tho dninnges which each of said owners respectively will suBtnln; nnd shull also make Just and equitable est I mates nnd assessments of the value of tho benefits and advantages of said proposed extension of said Richmond street to tho respective owners or other persons Interested In land or other property which said vlowers shall bo dcomcd especially benefitted by such opening and ox tension of said street, Haiti vlowers shall thereafter, at their earliest convenience, nnd not later than 20 dnys, report tho assessment for damages and benefits to tho council of said city, giving, ns nearly 11 s they may by duo dltllgcnco ascer tain, the nniiio of nny owner or own crs owning or having an Interest In any lot, block, tracts or parcels of land which shall bo benefitted by such extension and tho amount of the respective benefits, togothcr with tho damages assessed to each tract or parcel of laud caused by snld ex tension of said street; and the name of the owner or owners of said tr&cU, loth, parcels of land so dam nged. Hint In making said report, said Mowers shall assess ns part of the benefits tho sum of $2.00 each, for encli of snld viewers per day noccs snrlly required for vlowlng said pro posed extension and assessing dam ages nnd benefits ns aforesaid. Tho recorder of tho city of St, Johns shall send, by mall post paid it notlco of tho appointment of tho snld viewers, giving their names nnd designating tho time nnd place for meeting and specifying with conven lent certainty the proposed exten slon of snld Richmond street to each of tho property owners whoso property Is proposed to bo npproprl uted or to tils agent to tho post-of. flco address of sucli owner, If such post-offlco address shall not bo known then tho notlco shall bo directed to such owner or agent at Ht. JoIiiih; and said recorder shall also and at lensi flvo days beforo the day set for the meeting of such viewers ns aforesaid, cause snld viewers (o bu notified of their appointment nnd tho time and the plneu of such meeting That xwiou snl I lowers shall file their report wlcu the Council, the tocordor shall forll.wUr. send by mnll post paid, to tho owner of each lot pnrt thereof, or tract of land ns sessed for benefits or damages, or appropriated for tho proposed ex tension of Richmond street, directed to the post-offlco address of such owner or agent, If such address bo known, nnd If not known, to Ht. fohns. Oregon, stating wiien sum report shall bu considered by tho council: nud directing that they pre sent their objections, It nny there be, in writing; nud when mid where they shall bo heard; and wiien mid where said council shall reject or ac- upt the report of mild vlowers. Adopted this lllh day of May, 1001). Attost: A. M. KSSON, Recorder. j published in tho Ht. JoIiiih roviuw, May U mid 21, 1U0D. In order to Insure a change of ad- crtltement the copy for such change should reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember thin and save the printer thereon, nnd H16 damnges which oach of said owners respectively will sus tain; and shall also mako Just and euultablo estimates and assess ments of the value or tho benefits and advantuges of snld proposed wid ening of Uuclianuu street to tho re spective owners or other persons In terested In the land or other property which said vlowors shall be deemed especially benefitted by such widen ing nnd changing of snld street. Said vlowers shall thereafter, at their I8 fill) . earliest convenience, and not later i. on ,i.. ,..... ., I Increase In splto of the fact thnt new moat markets aro being opened up In Ht. Johns, our trade still continues to There Is a renson. People ment for damnges and benefits to reamo wncn tney want uouument the council of snld city, giving, as It Is not tho cheapest market that, nenrly aB thoy may by duo dllllgenco kocps It. They cannot afford to, ns ascertain, tho nnmo of the owner or owners owning or having au Inter est In nny lot, block, tracts or par cels of land which shall bo bene fitted by such widening mid tho amount of the respective benefits, together with tho damages assessed to each tract or parcel of land caused by said widening of said streot; and tho nnmo of tho owner or owners of said tracts, lots, parcels of land so damaged. That In making said report, said viewers shall assess as part of tho benefits tho sum of $2.00 for each they cater to a certain class who aro sntlsflod with poor meet nnd good meat cannot bo sold nt poor moat prices. That Is tho roaBon why tho trado of BITGOOD & COLE Is constantly Increasing. Nothing but tho best Is kept on hand, and peoplo nro beginning to roallzo this, Then their prices nro at tho very of said vlowors por day necessarily lowost notch at which first class required for viewing said proposed change and widening nnd assessing damages and benefits ns aforesaid. Tho recorder of tho city of St. Johns Hhnll send, by mall post paid, a notlco of tho nppolntmont of the snld vlowers, giving their names and meat can bo sold to mako a living profit. Dealers In Inferior moat catch the peoplo at first, but thoy cannot hold them. It doesn't pny to bdy meat and then hnvo to throw It out. If you are not satisfied with I Here is the greatest propo sition ever offered. $30 Talking Machine FREE The Arctind talking machine free with $50.00 cash trade. An Aretino 10 inch record with $10 in ensh trade. Remember tho Aretino record fits all kinds of disc talking machines. M. S. COBB 101 Jersey St. St. Johns, Oregon BARGAINS I IN try IMTflOOD & COM. TO WATER USERS. S."n .1". .t'n',r,n"d J" nuallty you have been getting, iikLtiiif)) iiiiu niv.u r rvini v.uii vontcnt ccrtnlnty tho proposed widen ing of said lluchannti streot, to each of tho property ownora whoso property Is proposed to bo appropriated, or to his agent, to the post offlco address Water used through huso of Buch owner, If such post offlco sprinkling yurds or sldownlks uimress snai not no Known, tnen mo washing windows must bo paid for notlco shnll bo directed to such owner . ,. . .... or ngont nt St. Johns; nnd snld ro- ""vuncc, nnu useu oniy uoiwoon cordor shall nlso, and nt lonst fivo 'ho houra of C and 8 n. in. nnd S days beforo tho day sot for tho meet- and 0 p. m. It must not bo used for Ing of such v owors as aforesaid, a1)rkllnir streets. Any ono uslnir ah I.I iil.iun.. a 1 . ....I i - for or I of their nppolntmont nnd tho tlmo nnd tho plnco of Biich mooting, That when said vlowers shall fllo their report with tho Council, tho re ono wntor contrary to those rules, or wasteful ly, will bo shut off without further notlco. If paid In mlvanco for tho months of June, July, August I Real Estate Call on J. E. Williams RaalHuncfi - ft1f Nnvth lamaaw Office - - - - St. Johns Land Company I MOMaVMMMMOMI cordor shnll forthwith send by mnll, and September entitles tho user to post paid, to tho owner of each lot of part thereof, or tract of land as sessed for benefits or damnges, or wntcr for this purposo until January I, 1910. St. Johns Wntor Works and NOTICE appropriated for tho proposed chnngo Mghtlng Co., 1'. H. IMIefson, Super- nud wldonlng of Uucliannn Btroot, I Intendont. directed to tho post offlco address of such owner or agent, If such ad dress bo known, nnd If not known, to St. Johns, Oregon, stating when such report shnll bo considered by tho council; mid directing thnt thoy ........... I. ,Hll..H. I. ...... bu, In writing; nnd when nnd whoro firftin IIHCk hill I PflCP ui,.,n 1...,i. .....1 n...i till; Ollltll UU HVHIM IIIIU " IIVII IIIIU where snld said council shnll reject or accept tho roport of said vlowers. Adopted this 11th day of May. 1009. Attest: A. M. KS80N, Recorder. Healed proposals will bo received by tho undersigned until I o'clock p. m. May 28', 1909, for tho loose of tho now St. Johns City Dock (double Mny It and 21, 1909. WANTKD Strawberry plckors; stonily employment during sen son. Fur particulars address W, L. Smith, Hood River, Ore, R. F. I). 1 box sar..r YOUR HOME Built according to your own plans in EAST ST. JOH Can be liatl in the new restricted building district for n few hundred cash and balance on easy monthly terms. Streets graded, water, lights, car service and stores. TALK IT OVER with any agent in St. Johns, or ageut on tract. Phone Richmond 601 ubllslied In tho Ht. Johns Rovlow, "). Dimensions 120 by CtO foot, uu root onciosou, mils to bo ac companied by certified check In tho amount of fGOO.OO dollars payable to tho city of St. Johns, Oregon, con ditioned, that tho bidder shull with in 30 days from tho acceptance of his bid and conditions, entor Into In good faith arrangements for tiso nnd occupancy of said dock. Right re served to reject any nud all bids nud ro-advertlso for same. Address A, M. Eaaon, Recorder of tho city of St. Johns, Oregon, Published In tho St. Johns Rovlow, MHy U, 21, 28, 1909 Pointers for our Patrons. - 1 irr ine iiuicrcncc uctwecn noor stock and first class stock on a job is a smau item wnen yon consider tlie value of the job. It is the price of a satisfied customer. It is I better to make so cents less 011 n job and have a customer who will come back, than to use the flimsv stock, mnke the extra 50 cents and lose your customer. That is the way wc figure it. N S GIVING AWAY HATS NO But we give you the best hat for the money ever offered in a first class shop. VOGUE MILLINERY Open evenings 2nd door north of Postoffke Tho Portland Journal hatt Inau gurated 11 novel nehomo that was worked In Pittsburg nud other cltleii of tho Knst as u circulation lioostur. Au Individual termed "Raffles," by means of numerous gulBim emloaviuH to uludo Identification. Tho Journal RESOLUTION. It Is resolved by (ho city of St Johns; That whereas, tho city engineer of tho city of St. Johns has filed his l.ffnrH 1. mwnr.1 u lll, n kI ,,, ,.!., ! lOPOrt, pllll Itllll SUI Vey III tllO Hint . " ...... -,......n .11.... I VI 1)4 I Villi I lift llll Milium PI I'Ul of 1100 to IfiOO for his "eapture. Only patrons of the Journal nro elg. iblo nnd curtain words must bo ut tered before ho will enpltulate. Tho prospective captor Is likely to bo frozen by u fierce facial expren- In the city of St, Johns, as shown by Hiihl report, plat nud survey now on file In the offlco of tho city re corder nnd uro hereby referred to, nud Whereas, snld report was adopted iiy ordinance embodying tho same RESOLUTION It Is resolved by tho city of St. Johns;' That whereas, tho city englneor of the city or St. Johns has filed his report, pint and survey In tho mut ter of widening Ruchnuan street in Westerly lino of Jersoy streot to tho Willamette river, by wldonlng the sanui liv rnmlumnlnir n Hlrln nf inn. I tllO City Of St. JollllS. IIS SllOWll bV nn sl.ln thrrm..lin'., tl.o said report, plat and survey now on entlro longth flvo (6) feet wldo, there Our Charges. As is customary, we will charge tor cam oi inatiKS, 50c; lor resolu tions of respect, 81.00: for notices uecessnry to cnango aim niter res- ot cliurclt or lodge cntertninmeuts sonden street In snlil city from tho Limners, socinbles . etn. . are charges for admission, 5c per 1111c, uui wuere mere are no charges RESOLUTION. It Is resolvod by tho city of St. Johns, thnt It dooms It oxpedlont and slon beforo ho tan utter half tho 011 the 4th day of May. 1909. deslg essential sentence. Therefore, It will "uted as Ordluunco No. 229 of said require n most persistent person tn ' uU'' "a ,li;re' wfwjwl to and ' ' lllliiln 11 Hurt it tlila r.uifiliitlmi iimi- beiir him captive. Many uwkard and im,fl)r u ,u,rol)y rc8l,ivcd that liuuiillttlliiK scenes nro likely lo en- Puscnl Ulll, Charlie l.lniiulst and T sue us well ns many humorous one. U. Cochran, each being disinterest wiiniin.p 11 uin 1.., i mm. 1 freeholders of tho city of St funui of llin Ji.lirn il Ik il.inl.triil J"'"m OVOr ",0 nSV f wOUty-OllO fnnio of the Journal lh it doubtful j.y,.M( nm, ot iu,K n,lnU.d to nny ijiiOTuiui, Aiiyiiow 11 is muiuiiiiiiiK , of tho parties Interested In such pro- dlfferunt nud will give Portlnndois , posed extension of Richmond street KonioililiiL- tn iiiniiK.i iIi,.imh,.Km win. land each possessing tho ouullflcu 1 iiuim ui j mora 01 mo 1 ircuii v ourt of Multnomah county, Oregon, be for u brief period. Is America after n few more gen erations to become n nation of idiots ? We nsk this nueMioti in all serious ness nfter'being comjielled to listen over tlic telephone recently to 11 con versation between 11 supposedly bright young man and woman. The really most intelligent part of their conversation wns "telle and "hit ha," ns the rest was such an inane jumble of modem slang and contra dicatiou as to be entirely uuiutellig able to the uninitiated. If young Americans are to be educated along such Hues of conversation, their destined future is certainly a blnnk as far us mentality is concerned. Polk Itemizer. Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Baptist church will hold it social at the church l'Vlduy evening, Mny 2S. A program Is being prepared and light refreshments will bo served. A hearty Invitation Is extended to all. and they nnd each of them nro here by appointed us viewers to view such ...... .......... ........ ....... - J II1MBIHI UMUI1BIUII UI Oil 111 HUH . mom! street nu shown In said ro ' port, plat and survey uf snld euglu eer above referred to, nud to assess damages nud benefits caused by such change nnd extension of said Richmond street; nud thnt said Pascal Hill, Charlie JMuimlst nud T. II. Cochran, as such viewers, shall meet ut tho offlco of tho city re eorder of tho city of St. Johns on tho 22 day of May, 1909, ut 2:30 P. M, of said day, ami shall then and there bo sworn to faithfully discharge such duties as shall bo assigned them. That tho said viewers shall, at that tlmo or any subsequent Halo to which they may adjourn, which snail not exceed ono week ut n tlmo, proceed to view the proposed extension of Richmond street; mid to deter mine and assess how much, if any, less valuable the land or other prop erty or any pnrt thereof, through or over which said extension Is to bo opened ami laid out, will bo rendered thereby; and shull also ascertain the respective Interests of all persons claiming to bo owner or owners of fllo In tho offlco of tho city recorder, and nro horoby referred to, and Whereas, said report was adouted by ordinance embodying tho sumo on tho tth day of May, 1909, designated as Ordluunco No. 22S of suld city, and Is hereby referred to ami mndo a part of this resolution, now there- tore, u is nereuy resolved thiit A. M, Steurns. II, W, Iloiihtini and K. C. Couch, each being disinterested free holders of the city of St. Johns nud over tho ago of twenty-ono years, and not being related to nny of the parties interested In such proposed widening of lluchaunu Btreet, and each possessing tho qualifications of Jurors of tho Circuit Court of Mult iiomah county, Oregon, bo and tioy and each of them nro hereby an. pointed ns vlowers to vlow such pro posed widening of lluchnnun street, ns shown in suld report, plat and sur vey of said Kuglneer ubovo referred to, and to assets damages and bene fits caused by such clmuiso nnd wld- enlng of snld Ruchaiian street; and that said A.M.Stearns, II. W. Ron ham and K. C. Couch, us such vlowers, shall meet nt the offlco of tho city recorder of tho city of St. Johns on tho 19th day of May, 1909. at 2;30 P. M. of suld day, and shall then and thero be sworn to faithfully uiscuurgo sucii uuties as snail bo assigned them. iliut tho said viewers shall, at that tlmo or any subsequent date to wmcn tuey may adjourn, which shnll not exceed ono week at a time, pro ceed to vlow tho proposed widening or tiucnnnan street; nnd to dotor initio ami assess how much. If any less vmuuuiu 1110 lauu or other pro perty or any part thereof, throujih or over which said street Is to bo widened and laid out. will be ren dered thereby; and shall also as certain tho respective iuterest of all persons claiming to bo tho owner or tho owuers of tbo land or nuy In terest therein, or any Improvement for these events, we will break the rule nud insert them free. We make this announcement so that our good friends may understand by changing said Fessondon street from Jersey streot to tho Willamette rlt'm- frnm Qlvlv tn Cni.n.i.u tfft feet wldo, nnd tho city engineer la our "lie in this respect. nereuy ordered and directed to make survey of such chnngo; to make a plat of tho samo and a written ro port containing a full and complete description of snld Fessonden streot 'as changed; and of tho proposed TIAIE TABLE O. R. & N. Where the Money Grows Fruitdale Acreage On the Ueautiftil Clackamas River, the Famous Trout Fishing Stream of Oregon, Within Kight Miles of Portlutid, the Great Market of the Pacific Northwest. Pure Water, Pure Air, Pure Health. A Matchless Paradise For a Home, We are selling tracts in rich and beautiful FRUITDALE For Only $75.00 Per Acre And on terms that will appeal to all. Rich Soil, No Gravel, Level, Plenty of Water. Here is Your Opportunity. You will be in the company of those who are doing things worth while. Let us give you a diagram of the route from Poverty to Plenty nnd help you to quick independence and hnppiness. a.m. P. in. Leave Rast Side (A. M.J 6:40, 7:10, y.iu.y-jK 10:30,11:10, 11:50. v. .u w.,ii,u, i;5o, a.-jo, 3J10, 3:50, 4:30 5:106:00. Leave West Side (A. M.l 6:50, 7:30. 0:10, 8:50, 9:30, 10:10, u:jo. p. M, I ia:io, 13:50,1:30, j;l0, 3:50, 3:30, 4:to 4:50. 5:30, 6:20. Union Depot, Portland. No. a Chicago Special leaves 9:15 a, w. t,.,...,.i.i , . " 1 n". aiukaiic -iycr leaves ai :v n. in tlons of each lot and tract of land IhS.' $ "P.,eave 6:00 P- to be appropriated therefor; nnd to ? arrive, 8-,o5 n m mnkrt such aiirvuv. mnnrt nn.i iin 1 1. : iJl ' "rrnes 0.50 p. ui, I nilll flln li. Mlllo ttllh lh .llu m! I i. ' ?J"ySr arr,V lOIOO 8. til. v v vj v"ifio,5 Kanias v-iiy lixv arrives 720 cordor within twenty days from the No. 7 Local Passeueei 1 arrives smV dnto of thopassago of this resolution. - . 12 Adopted by tho Council May ith, St. Johns Ferry Time Card. Attest: A. M. ESSON, Recorder Published In tbo St. Johns Review, -May 7 ana 14, 1909. HENDRICKS HARDWARE CO. NOW IS THE TIME J To lay In ymrwMlyaf We have a fine assortment ou hand. Call in and pick out what you want. HENDRICKS' HARDWARE CO. of It you want to, sell or exchange property mo Wolcott, (The Rent Man.) 401 South Jersoy. Side entrance. American-Scandinavian Realty Company 107 Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon. For further information call on J. J, Engrkn, owner, corner of Gilbert aud Thompson streets, St. Johns. I I I I I I "HAZELWOOD" lc Crm Th Bast Obtainable Cosiest place in towu. Bring your friends arouud and treat them to something fine. Get our rates for church parties, socials, etc. Note the big yel low sign, A. UNGER 103 N. Jersey St, THE : . PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Oregon. Established 1905 PAID-IN CAPITAL STOCK AND SURPLUS ? 30,000.00 OPPICERS R. T. Piatt, President C. A. Wood, Cashier P. C. Knapp, Vice President DIRECTORS R. T. Piatt, President. Attorney I'. C. Knapp, Vice Pres., Sec. Pen. Lumber Co. M. h. Holbrook, Capitalist Peter Autzen, Pres. Portland Mfg. Co. H. L. Powers, Vice Pres. and Gen. Mngr. Uwiston Sweet Water & Irrigation Co. Thos. Cochran, Real Estate C. A. Wood, Cashier