THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Publlihfd Kery Prldny At 117 Wot Ilurltiigton Street, St. Johns, BY Marklk & IlVKRMSK. Tint Kkvihw Is entered at jwst office In Snlnt Johns, Orison, ns mall matter of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879, Job Printing icutd In flnteUn i.m. Hllli tor Job I'rintlnc csah on dellrerr. All communication! nhould bs iddreued to Th Barttw, Ht. Johns, Ortton. Subscription prlco $1.00 por yonr. A. W. MARKl.U, lidllor W. . HYHRl.KK, Associate KKIDAY, AI'KII, 23, 1909. 1'atlon iitid IiIh gang of rubbers who lmvo boon sonillrifj tlio prlcu of wheat ukywnrd for tlio past week or two will receive many blessings (7) when tlio Iiouho wlfo Ih compelled to pay two bltu moro por unek for her flour. There would bu no sym imtliy oxpondod on Pattern If ho would mako 11 inlHtako and roach too far and land where Joe Leltor did when ho attempted to corner tlio wheal market severnl year a ago. llllly Sunday, the groat Kvnngol 1st, has purchased a fruit farm In Hood River valley, and expects to talto poHHusfllon of tlio samo this Hiiiiiiner. Whllo IIIIIIo'h grcnt iiinbl Hon may bo tlio Having of ho 11 Is thero Ih no doubt of tlio fact that bo nover loses night of tlio almighty dollar, ttnd garnom thorn In mom rapidly than ho doen hoiiIb. If ho woro lo r.o out nud preach tlio go pol without purse or scrip ns tlio Muster coiumandod, Instead of re quiring largo feed for IiIh services, moro confidence might bu placed tu bin work. , 1 - 1 Tlio electrocution of 0110 Ilernnrd (Jurllu, 22-yonr-oId discharged mibjeel of tlio Hlato reform school of Now York, for killing IiIh luolbor Ih 11 Ioh hoii that ovory mother In tho land should liavo Imprinted on bur mem ory. Iternard Carlln blamed IiIh niotlier for putting hlin In tho reform M'hool mid cherlnhed ami mimed IiIh hatred for bur tilt tho yearn ho wan there. 1 1 Ih prldo wiih wounded by Iho dlHgrnto mid bo chiifed under re strnlut. Undoubtedly Iho boy had n natural born prldo and had ho been 1 oaied by 11 sympathising and Hons Ihlo mollier ho might lmvo been a credit to her nud to hluiHelf. When ever 11 child goeH to tho reform school thorn Ih Hoinellilng wrong In (bu raining, Wo dchlro lo expresH our beiirtfelt thaukH to tho tiolghborH and friends who ho kindly tendered Ihelr aid nud Hympathy during tho Illness and death of our liiiHband nud father, Mary Tryon and family. REPORT ON PAINT INDUSTRY. Relow Is published the report of a committee composed of I'. II, Kd lofson and K, U. Couch, who woro Hunt by tho Commercial Club to In uHtlgato tho inurltH of tho Oregon Slonnu .Mineral I'ulnt Co., which an ticipates moving tlielr plant from Salem to St. Johns, and Increasing It to five times Its present capacity, Tho Dally Capital Journal of Sidom In Bpeaklug about tho matter, has tho following to say: "Tho Capital Journal recalls the organized labor that wus bestowed on securing tho Oregon Sienna l'alni Industry for this city. That wtis only n fuw yearn ago, but It has grown Into a largo and successful business, with n branch establishment at Portland Now it committee Ih hero at Hulom from St. JobiiH to try and secure the paint factory for that live city down on tho peninsula. They wore sent up by tho Ht. Johns Commercial club which Ih figuring 011 bow to gut tho paint factory moved down there. Thoy Heemetl to bo fuvorubly Impressed, and will mnko tlielr re port (o tho club Thursday ovenlng," Tho report follows: To tho Bt. Johns' Commercial Club; Bt. Johns, Oregon tluntlouiuu: Wo tho undersigned, it Committee duly appointed to Investigate and report on tho merits of tho Oregon Bleuun-Mlueral l'nlnt Co. and Itu products, Hiibmlt to you as follows: Tho plant Ih located In tho factory district at Salem Oregon, ban good Hwltcblng facllllleH with tho South era I'nclflc Hallway, and Ih within 'i fow feet of tho now Kloctrlc Line. Tho main building Ih 10x00 feet, Ibreo stories high where tho various nppllaneeH and machinery needed In the mnuiifncturlng of palntn are dls trlbuted, which coiihIMh of the fol lowing: 0, 102 gallon MIxurH. 1 Can beading .Machine. I Dry Crusher. I Oil mid Water Pump, 1 Dry (Irlmler. 2, 100 (liillon Oil TnnkH. f, .'10 tlalluu Paint Mixers. t, HO Inch llurr Paint (Irlnder. :i, 21 Inch llurr Paint Grinders. I CiiKt Color tlrlndors. 1, 100 (I11II011 Water Tank. I Dust Collector. I, 20 II. P. Motor, shafting, pulleys, piping, hciiIoh nud other npplnucoH. Total value without Ileal Kslatu or cost of building 11510. Yultio of slock tin band, consisting of olH, palntH, glue, alcohol, turientliie, Cre osote, varnish, whitings nud ciiiih, ap proximately $0000. Tho above figures nro arrived at by enumerating eaclij item In thu factory, and are no taken from any books. Actual amount of business done from Mnrch 1st lo November lHt 11)08, according to figures fur nlslied by tho management $H,GC2 SC. Capacity of present plant 100 gal Ions of furnished product during 10 hours, with thu help of four men at n cost of $10.00 per day. A no profit of .10 cents per gallon Is con sldorcd reasonable; netting thu con corn $30 per day during thu busy season with their present limited capacity. Tho Oregon Sionna-.Minural Co.'i mine is located near thu Willamette river, In tho South-eastern purl of Lane county, two miles west of Walker, 11 station (West) on the Southurn Pacific Knllwny, whero thu company own 02 acres of land where borings hnvu been made, and whero through other mentis of prod puctlug, such uh sinking shafts anil tunneling, It has been determined beyond a doubt that a supply Is oh tainablo practically Inexhaustabte, vnrylng In colors from gray, yellow and maroon, from which almost any other color desirable can bu hud by proper mixing. A compurntlvo easy grade lends from tho Hallway stntlon to tho mine, making the cost of transports Hon Insignificant; the present chargo for hauling Ih 75 cents per ton freight rates from Walker to Port land $1.G0, cost of mining " cents per ton, total cost per ton $2.10, which Ih a trifle Ichh than 14 cents per lb. delivered In Portlnml. Comparing this with other mineral palntH which must bu shipped over land or by water, tho advuulugcH uh to cost tiro decidedly In favor of tho homo product. Ah It Ih tho Intuit Ion of this company to erect a plant, ut Bt. JoIiiih with it capacity flvo times iih great as tlio present plant, with practically the hhiiiu force em ployed, only two men moro being needed to bundle tlio output, It seems as though thu success of this com imny Ih nKsured, Inasmuch tho trans portntlon of oIIh, cans mid other inn terlnl In considerably reduced. This however resin largely with tho man ngemeiit and Its ability to gut their product before the market, nud tho loyalty of tho Pacific ConHt pcoplo oh to 11 product ".Made In Oregon." All other things being equal, this Slogan should bo mnde to mean something. Tho people nro ready (n buy n homo product when It Ih uh good uh others, and wo should not buy It unless It Ih iih good; but hero Ih nu article which romptircR favor ably to any other of Uh kind, and 110 doubt will lmvo tho support of our homo pcoplo. It bus given en tiro satisfaction wherever It has been ap plied, as near as we have been ablo to ascertain. Testimonials to gether with an analysis can bo hud on application from Mr. D. II. Wey ant, president of tho company, who Is always ready to furnish any In formation desired, Respectfully yours, P, II. Edlofson, K. C. Couch. ORDINANCE NO. 227. AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE COST OP IMPROVING WALL STREET IN THE CITY OV ST. JOHNS, FROM THE WILLAM ETTE UOuLEvARD TO DAW SON STREET IN SAID CITY, AND DIRECTING AN ENTRY OK 8UCII ASSESSMENT IN TJIE DOCKET OK CITY LIENS. A HAPPY OCCASION. The city of St. Johns docs ordain ub follows: Tho city council of tho city of St. Jonns Having ascertained tho cost or Improving Wall street from tho Easterly lino lino of Willamette boulevard to tho Westerly lino of Dawson street In said city, ns shown by resolution of tho council on tho 0th day of March. 1000. and of Christian rocord ln 1110 ottico of tho City In comer ot buiu ciry; ana notico there of having been published In tho St. A complete suprlso wub perpo truted upon E, 11. Parker und his us- tlmnblu wlfo Wednesday evening by the members of the church. It wub thu 4Gtti nnnlvers ary of this worthy couple's murrlugo, Johns Rovluw, a weekly tiowsnauer o and It was deemed a fitting occa- general circulation ln tho city of St. ul in ,.!n.f 1, Hiirnrlse About fifty JoIing' tllu official paper of snld city slon to spring a surprise, About tiny 01 Mnrch 12th nnd m m m guilty persons wero In tho scheme, shown by tho affidavit of the fore gathering at Mrs.Stuckcr's and pro- man of snld paper, which affidavit ceudlng to tho Parker homo lit a ? ," ot" $ the City ... Recorder: and lean! nostlnir of nn. body. Mr. and Mrs. Parker woro tC08 of 8llch 8troot niprovomu,lt( nbout lo retlro for tho nigiit wnen 1 siiown by tho affidavit of tho City tho party, laden with all tho good knglneor on fllo with said recorder, things Imaginable dropped In upon JtV'uUT by'SiS !T them. They woro equal to tho occ.i- lutlon, tho sum of $6805.37 being slon, however, and greeted tho In- said Engineer's estimate of said cost voders in a hearty manner. The ofJ,,alu Improvement. , . . , . The tlmo within which snld in- evening was spent in n most enjoy- provotnent Is to bo completed Is hero nblo manner, and ovcrybody was by fixed at 00 days from the ln.U I inrrv u-linti tlin limit rntnit In ilitnrirt. publication of notico for proposals fol nu ,i .t,in., tn, 11,. , , ?.nlu. work, wLlch prfposnls must bo ",u " rued with tho Ret. of suld city suppiieu uy uiu inuics or tno party on or beforo the Pth day of May, wero simply great, and mnny of tho 1000, at four o'clock, P. M. of snld WHERE QUALITY COUNTS When you have .1 prescription filled you want the purest drugs. We use only the purest drugs, and we compound our prescriptions just as the Doctors pre scribe thcin. If you want your prescriptions filled right bring them to us. North Bank Pharmacy 1909 Spring Styles 1909 Bed Rock Prices Drummer's Samples of: Ladies Wash Suits $2 to $4.25, Children's Dresses 25c to $1.50, Tailored Shirt Waists $1.25, Panama Skirts $3 to $5.50 A glance at our windows will convince you that our goods are up to date and prices are right. M. S. COBB were too full for utternnro day. 114111 nnu iuu iiiii iui uiiuitiiii u 1 t... , - ,. , 1 , ' , ...... . ow therefore, It Is hereby ordered when they took their dopnrluro. Tho Umt ga,i Blrcel bo improved n8 host and hostess were tho rcclpl- snld resolution, nnd thnt onlB of mnny linndsomo and val:i- "ecoruer snnu Kivo iiotico uy I I . -...-- 1 1 1 A M I I'Hwiivmiuii lui nut IVBS illltll IIIIUU U..IO mui-u ui Bii.urwuro Him ut Mort0 8uccu88Vu publlcatloilH mementos or 1110 pleasant occnsion. in tho St. Jolins Review, a weekly Tho Jolly purty finally wended their nowspnper cr general clrculntlon In! ...... i...,..,.,-.i -i. u,i.uni, m- snld city, tho snmo being the official , . ... PiPor thereof, Inviting proposals for un 1 mnui uiiiii Hii luiHinn mnKing said improvement for snld of tho dny, fooling suro thnt thoy hnd sum, ns estimated by the City En- vr. 101 Jersey St. ST. JOHNS .J Where did you say the spe- jjf cial sale of hats was ? had tho tlmo of their lives. A PLEASANT AFFAIR. A very plonnnnt party wan given by Mils Mnmle Clntton at tlio I home of her parents on Mohawk street Inst Saturdny evening. OameH street, glneer as cast thereof, or such other sum us shall flunlly be fixed nnd determined by snld engineer, not exceeding snld sum, Is hereby assessed to lotH, parts of lots and trncts of land In their several pro portions In snld Improvement dis trict of snld Wnll street, from the Easterly Hue of Wlllnmette boule vard to the Westerly line of Dnwsou In tho respective amounts I. ...... .1. ...I .....I ......... I ..,. ,.i. ,, 11, iiuiviiiiui iiuiui iiiiiiuii iiiiii iisiubiiuii nnd mtislo mnde up the order of tho ,0 Mn( oU( parU of oU nnd trncU evening, after which delicious re- of land abutting, proximate or ml- freshmentn wore served. A splendid Jucenl thereto and as being especial- time Is reported. Those present '' Pnrtlculnrly benefitted by snld ... ' , , . . street Improvement of said Wall wero MUsoh Jennlo Hlce, OlndyH 8,rcut. heretofore declared and now Isenhntli, Moreen Thurmnn, Qort- deslgunted as nil of lots, pnrts of rtulo Thurmnn, Alice Royor, Ilecco nna iracu or inn from tne Miderson, Alberta King, M.nn.o Ison- C ' ot. ,e 'en, r c ? I, ock '3 hath and Mnmlo Ontton, Floyd pnrts of blocks, or tracts of land Churchill, Clifford Chnnoy, Alfred abutting thereon, or ndjncent or proximate tuoreto 011 eitner siuo or the street. an an jr r mr r mr mr mr me jr mn mr mr At the. VOGUE Tnllmiin, Porry Ilrndley, Arklo An derson, (lordon and Wilbur Ilolllngor, John and Josslo Kord, Ijwls Worth, Oeorgo Royer, Ilarloy Manning, YOUR HOME Built according to your own plans in EAST ST. JOHNS Can be had in the new restricted building district for a few hundred cash and balance on easy'monthly terms. Streets graded, water, lights, car service and stores, TALK IT OVER with any agent in St. Johns, or agent on tract. Phone Richmond 601 That all property so Included In Mid Improvement district uh afore- raid Ih hereby declureil to be Ijcnl Improvement District No, 18. TJ10 City Recorder Is hereby di rected to enter, ut the proper time, tho snld imsessmeiitH hereby made In tho lion docket of said city and cause I notico to tie given, ns provided by law and the charter of tho city of St. Johns, nnd that said assessment be apportioned us In the charter of I suld city directed. Passed by tho Council, April 20, 1U0II Approved by the Mayor, April 20th, lUOil. J. V, HENDRICKS, Attest: Mayor. A. M. ESSO.V, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Rovluw, April 23rd, 1000. Proposals For Street Work Plant a Penny in Union Square COMMUNICATED l.nut week thero wiih uu article in tho Review iiHkiug what the rea sons woro that mi many people do tlielr trading In Portland, iIiuh glv- I I 1. . u, I I .1... I I. .1 . ' ""' ''"'" 1 S,K. ,,rK opening up In good Instead of our own town. If mery slllll,0i h W(ll(1 l)0 ww , ,l)ok w,, one wuh n booster for HI. Johim and ',,, ,,0 ,llmlt). of , nll,at you nro wim anxlDiia to nee It grow It would B,iK. t n0l diet guiirnntees good bo different. MorrclmuU would lmu health, mid If your meat Is lacking 11 larger trade and eonhl iiiuke better u quality your health must Buffer In prleim. Rut how Is this splilt to be 1 'ouseiueiuv. Proposals For Street Work ! Proposals for Street Work. brought about? One thing that him been 11 drawback Is that most all o' the clty'H work, such as the build ing of the city hall, city dock, laying of bowora, building of north end Kdhool and additions to suliool hao been let to outtddo people who employ outside labor and buy material outside of St. Johns, nud the people paying the taxes not lecelvlng the benefit that they should. If the busluehH of a town is to grow uvery one should work for tho In terest of the town, and thero Is no reason why eonlriietors nud nur elmuts hero cannot furnish nud do work us cheap uh people out tddo of tho town, and uh a result thero would be more prosperity 111 St, Johns. One Interested lu St, Johns. Sealed proposals will bo received at tho offlco of tho recorder of the city of St. Johns, until May 11, 1009. at -1:00 o'clock. P. M.. for tho Improvement Wall street from the East lino of Willamette lloulo- van! to tho West lino of Dawson I Sealed proposals will bo received Sealed nronosals will bo recolveil stroot In tho manner nrovlilod liv Or. I a uu' uuiie m iuu ny recorder 01 at tno office or tho Recorder of the ainanco No. .'27 suuject to the pro tho elty of St. JoIiiih. Oregon until t city of St. Johns, until May 11. visions of tho chartor and ordinances o clone p. m. -May it, moo for tho 1000, ut 1:00 o'clock, P. M., for the of tho city of St. Johns, and tho es- improvement or Mist miriiiiBton street impiovement of Tacorua street from tlmate of tho city engineer, on file. rrom tne east lino or Jersey street the west Hue of Jersey Btreet to By laying 6-foot cement wulk on to the eiiBt line of Kellogg street the eust Hue of Hayes street by either sldo thereof nnd grading to I by sldewnlklng nnd by loworlng tho placing sanw to subgrndo as shown subgrado with macadam of 11 feet street to Buugrntlo unit uiuciulnmU- by profile t Hereof, nnd by macadam-1 wide In conter thoreof. lug the Hume without a sum! binder. I Ulng full width fiom Jersey street to Bids must bo Btrlctly In accordance Hum luueauam to uo iweive incnes , ivwihoe street, and u strip 16 feet WHU printed blanks, which will be deen lu center of street nud tauerlm:; wlilo fmm ivn nhni stront tn llnva I ftimlfiliPil mi nnnlloiitlnn n thn nttirn I In the Bprlng time the to u depth of bIx Inches ut either street. Said imnrovement to be inmii of the recorder of the city of St. and watch it grow to dollars 1 Values are Growing Like Jonah's Gourd in this tine tract COLUMBIA TRUST CO. A. T. BOLDON, Agent Office South of Smith Crossing I I I I J blood needs the very best nourish meut to aid It lu casting off the ue eummulatlons nud Impurities that the body Iiiih absorbed during the winter season nud meat Ih the great body builder. New tissues replace tho old, new blood asserts itself and the body Ls pructk-ully made anew In the bprlng time. Therefore It be. hooves the public to know beyond a shtidow of a doubt that their meats are only of thu best. BITGOOD & COLE Carry only this kind lu stock, and 110 person van go wrong by purchasing this great body builder from them If you nre not already u patron of their market, give them a trial order. Pointers for our Patrons. Hums Jones and family arrived hi St. Johns this week nnd have taken possession of their new residence on Mohawk street. Mr. Jones will em hark Into the real estate business with heudiiunrteiH ut tho Review of flee, lie Is desirous of listing us many properties ns possible, and any ono having property to sell would do well to list same with him. Drop Into tho Review office and lUi with him at once, us he him a number of buyers on tho string, 1 0 Bo a BOOSTER for St. Johns. 1 lie (liltercucc between poor stock ami first cities stock 011 u job is tt .small item when you consider the value of the job. It is the price of a .satisfied customer. It is better to make .so cents less 011 a job ami have u customer who will come back, than to use the flimsy stock, make the extra .so ceuts ami lase your customer. That is the way we figure it. Western governmental policies ably discussed. Western life vividly pic tured lu Renville's Western Month curb, lu tho manner provided by ordl- ns provided by resolution dated Johns, And said Improvement must nance No. 102 und the charter of snld September 11, 190S, and macadam bo completed on or beforo Aug. 10th, iiiy uiiu 111 ucconiuuco wiiii mo piaui j taut as provided by Ordinance 102, iu. profile and specifications of the city 1 ot the city of St. Johns. Also to lay No proposals or bids will bo con- engineer now on uio in 1110 oinco oi wood walk 12 feet wide on south siueroa unless accompanied by a the city recordor. side of said street extending back certified check payable to the order Kneli bid must be accompanied by from Jersey street to contor of Block of the mayor of the city of St. Johns, a certified check payable to the may-, 30. James John addition. cortlfled by a responsible bank for or ror a sum not less than ten per , Said improvement to bo done In ac- a amount equal to ten per cont. of cent of the contract price and nolcordunce to tho plans, profile and 11,0 aggregato proposal. hid will bo considered unless uccom- j specifications of tho city engineer, now Tho right to reject any and all pnnieu uy sucn cnecK ami upon i on fllo lu the office of the cltv re. oiaa is hereby reserved. blanks furnished by the city recorder i corder. for such purpose. Kach bid must be accomnanled bv u iviiiiitHi cnecK payhi'io to me way- Bum improvement must be com pleted on or before July 20th, 1000. The right to reject tiny and ull bids Is hereby reserved, The estimated cost of said Im provement Is IVJj.tT. The price of reck f, o. b. at crusher will bo 85 conts per yard. liy order of the council, A. M. KSSON. City Recorder. Published lu the St. Johns Review, April 23rd, 30th, and May 7th, 1000. Object to Strong Medicines. Many people object to taking the strong medicines usually prescribed by physlcntns for rheumutism, There Is no need of Internal treatment in any case of muscular or chronic rheumatism, and more than nine out of every ten cases of tho disease are of ono or other of these varieties. When there ls no fever and little (If any) swelling, you may know that It lb only necessary to apply Chamber- Iain's Liniment freely to get quick ro ller Try It. For sale by all good or for a sum not less than 10 per cent of the contract price, and no uiu win bo considered unless ac companied by such check, and upon oiaiiKs furnished by the city record er for such purposes. saw improvement roust bo com Tho right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved, The estimate cost ot said Improve ment Is $$18.57. Crushed rock for this purpose will bo furnished at tho crusher at the rate of t5 cents per yard. pleted on or beforo July 20th, 1000. uy order of the City Council. A. M. KSSON, Recorder. Published In tho St. Johns Review, Mril 23rd, 30th, and May 7th. 1009. FOR 8ALE. By order of tho City Council, A. M. KaaON, Itocorder. Published in tho St. Johns Review, April zira, sutb and May 7th, 1900, it 1A Paints and Finishes for 1 E very H ome Use This is the i Sand andGravel ACME QUALITY Two houses and lots, corner Edi son and John streets. Lot 100x100 feet. A snap. Inquire R. V, Mc- Koon 19th. I have made arrangements with the Pacific Bridge Co. for wash ed river gravel and sand in un limited quantities. Contractors figuring ou street work or on building would do well to see me and get prices. Bunkers are lo cated at foot of New'ton street, opposite the site for the new school building in East St, Johns. Business phone Woolawn 1 194 Residence phoue Richmond 1341 L D. Jackson freshen the odd jobs of painting you have been planning For the bucgy, the furniture, for the floors and woodwork. jar tvtry pawt purpiit, we have the right Finish. PAINTS, ENAMELS. STAINS AND VARNISHES are each anil nvrv nn e-!n!C-i1l.. 1 r ., .v.v..vuiv.uu yityajcu jor specinc uses. . Kcmembcr if its a surface to be painted, enameled.. ...,vUl .oiiiuucu or nniwjea in any way, there s anj vcmc Quality Kind to fit the purpose. We can. tell you what to use, how much to use and! .the cost. Jsl us. See OUR WINDOW DISPLAY HENDRICKS HARDWARE CO. jm JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB I 1 Subscribe for J tho Review and be I ly. druggists. i happy.