w THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW rnli1lhf Etmt Frl!r At 117 Wet Ilnrllugton Sttret, St. John. IIV MAUKMt & llVI'.KI.I'.T'.. Tun Khvikw Is entered nt jwst ofTicc In Saint J0I11111, Oregon, n limit timttcr of tlie second clnw under the Act of Con RtcM of March 3, 1871). Official Nwj)pr of th City of St Johns. Subscription prloo $1.00 per yonr. A. V. MARK1.H, l'.dltor V. li. HY15RI.HH, Associate FRIDAY, MARCH 2G, 1909. Work fr r a Grrntor St. Johns. - Hood a few of ttio provisions of I.nok of Bpaco forbids lis publishing tho Corrupt l'ractlco Act In this Ihsuo. Lack of spneo forbids iih publishing It In full. - . . . Wonder whoso cut the OruKimlnn mietirud In Tuesday's udlllon with thu itninu J. I llondrlckH underneath? It wns certainly fnr from resembling In nny innnnor lliu coiinlouniico of our worthy towiiHiutui. , 1 I'ortlniid Ih launching n HtroiiK movement for linlf 11 million piiputit tlou liy IDIL. AccordltiK to 'Polk's .11 rectory mummer its population Is now nhout Lftft,00O, mid It Ih bollovud hy inuny of tho business men of Hint city Unit in leu that number will bo coiifluod wllhlu Km bordurs In threo yonrH. If It does, unit there nro intitiy good roiiMoim for thu belief thut It will ho ho, tho KiiKl Hldo will t'omo In for tit least SO purcont of the Increase. If St. .tohiiu Ik not nt Unit tlmo 11 pint of I'oriliind, Iih populit Hon Hhould nt IoiihI ho 1U.UUU In lIUl! J. F. HENDHICK8 Candidate for Mayor Ih distinctively 11 Western intiii, llo wiiul to Moiituuit when ipillo it young until i'i years ago; wiih roiinly com iuIhhIoiiih' for four yt'iirn In Itiivulll county, In thut statu, mid nerved iih it member of city enuuill In tho illy of Hamilton, Mont. Ho resided for nearly 20 ycniH In Montana, 17 of which wore spent lu the Hume county. It certainly augurs well for tho fu ture welfare of St. Johns when Its citizens gut together und cant nil partisanship, Btrlfo, fnctlonnl differ cnccH and turmoil aside nnd Join hand lu hnnd In building for n great er nnd moro glorluus St. JoIiiih, Tho maun meeting In tho Woodmen Hall Monday evening did moro to strengthen the feeling of good fellow ship mid cement tho citizens to gethor with one common purpose In vlow than anything Hint Iiiih yet taken place In this city. And thero can he no question that tho people, of St. JoIiiih wiih well represented at this convention. Citizens from nil walks of llfo wuro there, mid If any did not harmonize with the proceed lugs they were strangely silent and tho mnsH of people knew It not While thu ticket nominated may not havo mot with tho entire approvu of many, It wns nucossnry for bar loony's snko to make concessions on both sides, If tho ticket selected Is elected tho faces of Aldermen Whittle, llonhmii, Miller mid Hunter will bo absent from tho Alderiunnlc body when tho now council Is orgnn Izod. These men nro all good, faith fill officers and hitvu served tin Ir city honorably ami well. .Mr. Wlndle was especially flno on street woik With a long ami thorough experience on tho milking of first class thorough fares "Hilly" iih ho Is familiarly known wiih In u class by himself, 1'os sussed of good Judgment, sound senile nnd over honorable and upright, his successor will havo it difficult task to perform If ho succeeds as well. Mr. Itonhaui Iiiih curried Into the council chamber tho same careful methods lu the conducting of inunlcl pal affairs iih wiih thu menus of es litbllMhlng and making such n spluti did success of IiIh prlvutu business Conscientious, unassuming, pnlnstiik lug and scrupulously honest, his 1 dace can never ho filled lu a moro satisfactory manner. Messrs, Miller mid Hunter have also performed their tasks lu a pleasing anil careful manner. They havo tried to do their duty In all things pertaining to city govern incut and havo succeeded admirably. Itetter men nro hard to find, and they can retlro for a season feeling that they havo performed thu duties of their offices honorably mid well. We hnvo followed these gentlemen week In and week out through tho various vlclsslltides and perplexing problems that from tlmo to tlmo con front tho clly fathers, ami wo can at- test that they havo over been on tho side of right iih wo saw It, ami tho city Is vastly ilcher In moro ways than 0110 through their connection with tho city council, Uf Mayor llrlce, who retires with tho good will mid best wishes of PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. AN llo resided lu Idaho for flvo years every one, (hero Is nothing to say mid served lis mayor of Mackay; for except what Is good. llo presided ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE PORTLAND OAS COM PANY, ITS SUCCESSORS Oil ASSIGNS. A lUOHT TO LAY PIPES AND MAINS IN. ALONG UPON AND UNDER ANY AND ALL STREETS, AVENUES LANKS, ALLEYS, SQUARES AND PUHL1C PLACES, IN CLUDINO 11RIIJ0ES, IN SAID CITY 01-' ST. JOHNS I'OR THE PURPOSE OF CARRYING AND DISTRIHUTINO OAS FOR II, LUMINAT1N0, HEATING AND KINDRED PURPOSES INTO THROUGH AND THROUGHOUT THE CITY 01-' -ST. JOHNS AND TO SELL SAID OAS TO THE 1NIIA1I1TANTS THEREOF AS WELL AS TO SAID CITY 01' ST. JOHNS, OREGON, AND AL SO TO OWN, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A PLANT KOR THE MANUFACTURE OF SAID OAS Tho city of St. Johns does ordnlu as follows: Section 1 That thero bo nnd I hereby granted to tho Portland Ous Company it corporation organized mid existing under tho laws of thu Statu of Oregon, and Its successors or as stuns, thu right. Privilege mid rrmi chlso of laying mains unit service pipes lu, along, upon mid tinder ull streets, avenues, lanes, squares, pun He places mid bridges, nnd tho right, privilege ami traiichlso of main tnlnliiK ami operating a system for thu purpose of supplying nnd selling said city of St. Jolins mid tiiu 111 habitants thereof with gas for II lumluatliiK. heating and kindred pur noses, ami the right, privilege ami and franchise of erecting and opur tiling 11 plant for tho manufacture of gas. and all rights, privileges anil franchises granted to, or conferred upon tho Portland Gas Company, Its successors or assigns by this Ordln mice, shall continue to exist and re main lu full force and effect for n period of twenty flvo years from thu date that this Ordinance becomes 11 forcu, Section 2. This franchise. Is grant' ed to thu Portland Gas company, Its successors or assigns on tho condl tlou that thu said company shnll charge for gas furnished to tho In habitants of thu said clly of St. Johns, a sum which will not exceed uno Dollar mid Twenty Flvo Cents per 0110 thousand cubic feet uf gas, pro vldlng said charge for gas . paid at thu off leu of thu company to bo main tallied lu said city of St. JoIiiih on :r before tho lOlh day of each month following Hint lu which said gas Is supplied, and If nut so paid at said tlmo ami place, mi addition al charge of flvo cents per thousand cubic feel may bo exacted. That said company wilt furnish thu city uf Ht. JoIiiih. if It shall require same, In any of Us public buildings, or lu It streets or public places for Ilium- imtlng, healing mid other purposes, gas, at 11 price not exceeding thu price so to bo charged to tho In hiibltanlH of said city of St. Johns; that when tho population of thu city of St. Johns shall exceed 110,000, tho price tur thousand cubic feet to bo charged for gas shall not exceed the piled charged therefor lu tho city uf Portland, Oregon, That Haiti Portland tins company, Its sui'cesHorH or assigns. In consid eration of tho franchises, rights mid trlbtition of said gas for, In mid through said city, shall begin within thirty days after the acceptance of this franchise, and If actual con struction has not been begun within thirty days from tho ucceptatico uf this franchise, unless tlolaycd by Judicial acta, strikes ur causes nut tllo fault of thu grantee, tho council o the city of St. Johns hereby re serves thu right tu forfeit tho fran chise herein grunted; tho Portland Uas company, Its successors or as signs shall hae its mains and plpo Hues luld mid bu distributing gus company, Its successors or nssltins shall expend not less than $1,000 per year in operating said system, main taining said gas supply and extend ing said gas mains and system In said city of St. Johns. Soctlon 8. All gns mains or pipes lor conducting gns which may or shall bo laid by said Portland Gas company, Us successors ur assigns pursuant to tho provisions of this Ordinance must bu laid in such man ner as not to damage tho streets or any property public or private, and where the streets nro dug up for tho therethrough within one hundred purposo of laying or repairing pipes, working days from thu date of Its ucceptauco of the franchise horoby grouted, unless delayed by Judlclul action, strikes or other unavoidable causes, on tho streets of said city as follows: From tho City Limits uu either Dawson street or Willis Doule- vard to Ilninswlck Avenue, bunco on tho work must bo done under tho supervision und to tho satisfaction of tho superintendent of streets, and such streets and other properly must uo left lu its good condition as they wero beforo such digging, nnd nil damages caused thereby must bo re paired nnd kept in repair for one henco from Jersey street to Its crossing with liurllngton; mid upon falluro so to do tho Council reserves tho right to forfeit tho cer tified check for $3000 horolnnfter re ferred to, nnd within one your from tho date of its acceptance of said franchise laterals on tho streets uf said city as follows: On Jersey street from Uurllngton to St. Johns Avenue. On St. Johns Avenuo from Edi son to Lively street. On Cntlln street from Edison to Lively streot. On Fessenden street from Edison to Lively street. On Chlcngo street from Edison to Portland liouluvurd. On Tncoma street from Edison to Jersey street. On liurllngton street from Craw ford to Jersey street. On John Blreet from Crttwford to Willis Iloulovard. On Richmond street from Craw ford to Columbia Dotilovnrd. On Tyler street from Wlllametto Iloulovard to Dawson street. On Iltichnnon streot from Wlllam etto Iloulovard to Dawson street. On Charleston street from Willis Iloulovard to Portland Iloulovard. On Oswego street from Willis Iloulovard to Portland Iloulovard, On Alleghaney street from Wil lis liouluvurd to Portland lloulo- vnrd. On Lehigh street from Willis Iloulovard to Portland Huuluvard. On Newport street from Willis liouluvurd to Portland liouluvurd. Ami bu It further provided that If tho Portland (las company, Its suc cessors or assigns, shall fall to com plete tho laying of such gas mains ami laterals and ho able to supply gas therethrough to tho said city of franchise Is granted, tho city of St. St. Johns and tho Inhabitants thero- Jonns reserves tho right at Its elec- uf. and to expend $30,000 lu tho con stritctlon and completion there of and tho connection of salt) gas mains und gas plpo system with tho gns mains of East Portland Gas Light company within one year from thu (Into uf its acceptance of this franchise, tho Council shall havo thu right, power mid authority to forfeit tho certified check for $.1000.00 here inafter referred to. Thut Portland Gas Company, Its successors or na tion und upon payment therefor of a fair valuation thereof to bo made ii'd determined as hereinafter pro vided, to purchase as mi entirety nnd tako over to Itself tho said gas plpo system, gas mains mid property appertaining thereto and plant re ferred to herein, If any, of thu snld Poriinmi Gnu company, Its succes sors ur assigns; provided, however,! that before tho city shall havo! authority to purchase or tako over I YOUR HOME Built according to your own plans in EAST ST. JOH N S Can he liutl in the new restricted Imildiiitr district for a few hundred cash and balance on easy monthly terms. or, lights, car service and stores. Streets graded, water, TALK IT OVER with any agent in St. Johns, or agent on tract. Phone Richmond 601 yours ho has Iiihui iiii actlvti fire man, and for two yearn Iiiih been 11 member of thu SI. JoIiiih Pirn depart-; intuit, llo bus been present at every flru sluco that tlmo und uttvur ro culvud 11 (tint for his services, nor did ho oxpct it. ThroiiBhout bin of-i flelul llfo hi acts have always been chum und his methods hoiioi'Hble mid upilght. attached to IiIh round, and tho people of St. Jolins can make no mis take In electing him May nr. A vol for J. V. HtmdrlckH for may or U it vote to make St. Johns grout-r. with dignity mid grace mid was very faithful In his attendance. ills counsel on ull matters was hound, eaioful and accurate, mid ho guided council over many vexatious and try lug experiences with a master hand. A feeling of mutual good fellowship has ever been prevalent in tho come ell chamber (lie past year, mid to No stigma of any nature Is .Mayor llrlco la accorded tho credit for maintaining this happy statu of af fairs. Ills record us mayor will go down In tho annals of St. Johns' his tory as 0110 of tho wisest anil bust ever recorded, and ho can retlro from public llfo with 1111 imblemlshot lecord ami 11 feeling of supremo sat isfaction over his official career. With tho platform of "A Greater St Johns" It was eminently fitting that J. F. Hendricks should be iiomlunatui for Mayor sluco .Mr, Urico declines to servo furthur. No bettor booster I no limn with tho lutoiiuils of tho i ll V o,.v . in goim u H, 10art, nml , wi, would shape. It would I- wl.o to look well ' ,vo ,, of aud mono). for .u im. .,....... m ...e me.it you are ful.lorK l0 ,,r0Kri, f St. John Hill KIIUIUIUl-VH KIMIII I ,1 1 ...1. 1. 1.. .1... l. 1 .,, la luilliiivu nilltlll lliu uwuiivwtl iv.-o ut privileges granted by this Ordinance ami us compensation for same, mid in addition to tho rnto for gas here in made mid provided for, shall pay to the city uf St. Julius tho sum of Ono Hundred Dollars yearly during tho term for which this franchise Is granted. Each uf tho annual pay- 1 meats of money required by this section shall bo made, by tho Port land Gas Company, its successors or assigns to tho Tieiibtirer of tho city it si. Julius, who shall Issuo his receipt therefor, which said receipt snail uo it full acquittance to Portland Gas company, its successors sinus shall within ten days after the I such gas plpo systems, property, etc.. I accoiitnnco of this franchise furnish I the question whether or not tho city to tho city of St. Johns a certified shall ncimiro or tako such gas plpo check In tho sum of $0000.00 to be I system or property shall first bo sub-1 drawn in favor of tho city of St.lmltted to the electors uf tho city at Johns mid deposited with tho city re- the regular election for city officers rurder. That If sold Portland Gns next preceding tho expiration of tho period fur which this franchise Is granted. In determining tho valua tion of snld property to bo purchased and tnkuti over to the city, there shall bo excluded therefrom tiny value of franchise or rights of way derived from tho city of St. Joliuc to maintain mid operate such property, out thero shall bo Included In such nidation tho value of all works, structures, buildings, plpo systems, ami gas mains laid In, on, along, up on mid under tho streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, squares mid public places of tho city, and material and property which snld Portland Gas company, Its succossora or assigns, tuny have put litto.upou.over, under or along tho streots, avenues, lanes, al leys, squares nnd public plncos of tho city. Tho price or valuation to bo paid by tho city of St. Johns for said property shall bo fixed nnd dotenulned by threo arbitrators, one appointed by tho common council of the el'y, number appointed by sultl Portland Gns company, Its successors nt- assigns, and tho third appointed by tho two so choson; and tho de cision In writing uf said threo ar bitrators or n majority of thorn, made lu duplicate, and signed by them, 0110 delivered to tho Mayor of tho city and tho other to said Port land Gas company, Its successors or 1 uno 11 1110 names, anil sain nrlco anil I ni u-nrol nml icinl nil tnwl uvillu in !.. .l .ci..r.l . nKn !.,. ..!.. 1. 'expend 1?.!"ft,'?1" !!!!!' b ""I? ?!V0Tt. front; has water ami electric liKhW, located on' a nice 40x100 lot only 4 bus " ,1 : iT: t)IOs oiu car line ami 1 block from irradetl high school at St. Johus. and 1,1,., , , tnr.in.,.i no I on cent car line: mice S117: 5o cash, balance $13 rur nmntli of fft; using. A Hootl hualth, and If your uuat Is litiklug In quality your honlili must suffer lu consoqimnco. lu tho spring tlmo the blood uotMls the very best nourish mint to aid it in casting off tho uo uummulutloiis and Impurities that tho body lias sbsorUnl during tho wlutur season aud meat Is the grout body builder. Now tissues replace thu old, now blood asserts Itself aud tho body is practically msdo miow lu tho spring time. Therefore It be Iioovms thu public to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that their moutB are only of tho best, BITGOOD & COLE Curry only this kind In stock, and 110 person can go wrong by purchasing this groat body builder from thorn. If you nro not already. a patron of their market, give them a trial order. Work for u Greater St. Johus. this municipality. Ever ready to push and aid any public enterprise, with a confidence in St. Johns that Is uu bounded, it business judgment that Is particularly valuable to tho trans action of inuulclpul affairs, of an optimistic nature and genial dlsposl tlou, he will enter upon his duties If elected uiitrammuled by any prom Ises or attached mid subservient lo any faction or body of men. Of tho now men slated for Couu- cllinanlc positions wo havo but little to suy at this tlmo. With tho ex ception of Mr. Cook, than whom there Is 110 better man anywhere, our acquaintance thus fur Is limited, but their real worth Is fully uttestcd to by those who know them well, and tho city has nothing to fear from placing thorn lit charge of municipal affairs. Of tho candidates for re election wo will havo more to say anon, but they uro all good. after tho sumo becomes duo mid pay able after written notice front the city of St. Johns to pay same, to pay any or sum annual payments us compensation us provided for In tills section, tho city of St. Johns shall liavo tho right lo collect such over duo payments from suld Portland Gas Company, Its successors or assigns, by suit or action mid shall havo a lien upon said gus plant aud mains for tho payment of same. Each of suld annual payments shall become Hue on the first day of Decemboi each year, Tho Portland Gas com pany, Its successors or assigns, lu addition tu tho compensation above stipulated for shall furnish and sup Ply tho City Hall In tho city of St. Johns with gas free of charge for both illuminating and heatliu: not ex ceeding C0.000 cubic foot per annum. Thut tho said gas shall contain not less than 675 II. T. I'nlts per cubic feet, mid tho Illumination shall bo not less than 17 candle power. Section 3. Tho Portland Gas com pauy, Its successors or assigns, shnll tumult free service pipes connecting the mains with tho meters 011 uunli- cation of property owners desiring to have and tiso gas on their prom Ises, wherever tho mains of tho onipany shall bo laid, provided that said meters when situated on tho premises of consumers uro not u greater distance than 30 feot from tho outer curbing or curb lino next tho street, mid If n greater distance than 30 feet, such service piping in excess thereof to bo paid for by tho onsuiuer. Section -1. That tho work of In tuiting nnd laying such gas rystem and mains for tho couduct und Uls- company, Its successors or assigns shall within ono yeur from its ac ceptance of this franchise install aud lay said gas mains, laterals ami gut plpo system, und shnll conuoct sumo with tho gns mains of East Portland Gas Light company, and bo niiiu 111111 reauy 10 supply said gas in me sum city or St. Job tho sum of $30,000 has been ed In tho construction of suld pipe system, laying suld mains mtliiuvnllii . ... ..(!. I a iwuiivktiiiK eaiiitj niiu una minim ui i ... i. , i mint I Pftu it...!.... 1 n, n iT . I I'ttMi Bui:vcoBurH ur UODiKIia Ul sa r a""" valuation so deter- said required heroin, then 8aU Check aforesaid. huI.1 nron..rlv bo snail uo returnotl to sa d Portland tho city of hereof und pay- ........ nn .. 9 .. - I 1 1. .1.,. Ir 111.. tl... .1. .1. 1 ..V.V IIIVIWIUI MO HlVlt.illU) .4 ..V ..... .Wirv..J VI 4 LI1U I.IIJ Ul M. Johns; ami If said check bo not so deposited within said tlmo tho Council of tho city of St. Johns shall havo tho right to forfeit the frun chlso herein granted without tho In terventlon of auy Court. Section 6, In tho ovont that said Portland Gas company, Its succes sors or assigns shall fall to main tain said g is plpo system lu good inner ami repair, or shall fall to I'luimu I, reusonauiy sutncient ser- Columbla Uouluvurd to Jersey street year by nnd nt tho oxpenso of said Portland Gas Company. Its succes sors or assigns, nnd tho opening of streets und ropnlr thereof shall bo done In accordance with thu general rules mid regulations that tho said authorities may from tlmo to tlmo adopt In respect thereto, and the said Portland Gas company, Its suc cessors or assigns shun furnish ul good and sufficient bond In thu sum of ISOO.OO running to tho city of St. Jolins mid deposited with tho Treas urer of said city as surety for and conditioned upon thu fulfillment of the provisions of this section 8. Section 0. That said Portland Gas company, Its successors or assigns, shall hnvo and nro hereby required to file In tho office uf the city re corder of tho clly of St. Johns n map or pint showing tho definite I location of tho gro plpo system and gas mains in mm n.rouglioiit tho city within thirty uuys after same Is completed mid I. .smiled mid shall thereafter also furi.ltn to tho clly it map or plat of an) und all changes thero. Section 10. Tho rortland Gas com pauy, Its successors or assigns shall lay alt pipes Including both laterals and gas mains at least 20 Inches be low tho grade uf thu street where such grade Is established, mid where such grade has not been established, then lliu clly engineer shall furnish tho grade. Section 11. Portland Gns company, I Its successors ur assigns shall bo I deemed to hnvo abandoned all rights and privileges coiifetrcd by this Or dinance unless it flies written ac ceptance of this franchise wlihln 30 1 days after this Ordinance shall bo lu forcu. Soctlon 12. That upon tho expira tion uf thu period for which tho NEW TOWNSITE Valley Vista 25 Minutes to Chamber Commerce On west side, no bridges to cross, and located ( on United electric line that runs from Portland to Hills boro. 50x1 00 Lots, $40 and Up The very finest soil, station on the ground, tele phone service, lots cleared and in cultivation, good school and located in the famous Tualatin valley where everything will grow. Very finest strawberry land. For Ten Days Only These lots are offered at $i down and $i per week. Several of these have already been spoken for and the tract will not last long. SMITH-WAGONER CO. 333 Chamber of Commerce 1 There is a Hat for you at the Vogue Milli nery FOR YOU. Don't fail to come and get it 40I00 lot end this 4 roomed house for 51 175 $50 cash and $12 per month. 771 r ""i i. - I A ' on. I lu II ' S I Four Room Bungalow. A beautiful 4 room bungalow, havinp; living room, kitchen and 2 assigns, shall bo final and binding "ice bed rooms, with closets to each; all interior to be finished in natur- or uss kiis of such payment. Should Ua8 company, its successors or as- become Im proper of tho said Has company Its successors signs, otherwlso said chock shall bo st J h., l.v virnm l.err or asslK.is fall or neKlect for ten days forfeited as above stated and bo- m1' i l erefor nforei SMITH-WAGONER CO., 333 Chamber Commerce. M. S. COBB city of St. Johns shall elect not to acquire said property, or shall not purchase tho same, und tho city shall elect to grant a now or additional franchise, In lieu of tho expiring or expired franchlso granted by this Ordinance, and application bo made by said Portland (las company, Its successors, or assigns for such new or additional franchise, and In that caso said Portland Gas company, Its successors or assigns shall havo tho first nml nrfprnnttnl rfirlit In tntrn wie in tne supplying of gas for do- and recelvo such now or additional lliestlc Or Other OUrnoSOS at anv tlimi I rrnnolilg.v nml If thn until HnrtlniiH during said term for which this f run. In nn rnmnnnv Ita RltrppssnrR nr nfl. chlso is granted, tho Council for the signs, do not take such new or ad- uty or si, Jonns, may urtcr tho re I dltlonal frauchlse, but tho same Is, fusal of said crnntco Its successors I nf lor their oleotlon not to takn tho or assigns to commence such re. anmo. cranted bv tho cttv to anv cor. pairs for n period of thirty days of- poratlon, association or Individual not tor Written llOtlco 011 tho nart of tho I then hnldlnc a franchlso from snld city of such delinquency of ordln- city for tho manufacture and salo of itiiie, 10 ucc are ail risnts aud nrlv. ens therein, then and In that caso lieges granted forfeited and thereby I such corporation, association or In- ruvoho an riguts ana privileges con- dividual taking such now or addl- tnllW.ll twr.ll, I nl.nl! I.. n .1 .1 It I . .... I UUIIUI I . HUVH1D v, DilUU 1U UUUiMUU IU . Section G. That In all outlying tho compensation to bo paid to tho as In this section above provided for and sparsely settled districts of said city for such now or additional fran- fixing and determining the price' cuy o si. jonns, and wnero the chlso, pay to said Portland Gas com- ana valuation of said property Incase population Is Insufficient to Justify I pany, Its successors or assigns, or tho city shall purchase and tako sum company In laying gas main to the city of St. Johns, In trust, for over same. 101 Jersey St ST. JOHNS . 1 SPECIALS! SPECIALS! HOSE! 250 pairs Children's Ribbed Hose, worth 20c per pair; special price 4 pairs for 25c. LACE REMNANTS 250 "Dolts at to cents a bolt SILKS 75c values, for 7 days only 45c a yard .j $25 REWARD thereto, residents of such districts said Portland Gas company, Its suo 111:1.' procure ait extension or gas cessors or assigns, at or beforo tho initais thereto nnd a supply of gas, time such now or additional frail, by ecterlng Into contract In writing I chlse takes effect the fair and eoult- wltli said company, said contract to I able valuation of tho said property bo secured by a good and sufficient of said Portland Gas coiunanv. Its bond to be approved by tho company, successors or assigns, which the city binding themselves to consume an- by this section reserves tho right to Dually not less than flvo hundred feet purchase and take over, tho valuatloi of gas for each dollar expended by I thereof and price to be paid there- 1110 company lu extending said pipes for. to said Portland Gas comnanv. ami gas mains into said district. I its successors or assigns, to bo fixed section 7. Passed by tho council this.... day of 1909. ' Approved by the Mayor this..,. day of , 1909. Attest: Mayor. Recorder. Published in tho St. Johns Revlow, March 19 and 26, 1909, Any ono desiring to have spading That said Portland Gas I and determined lu tho same manner doao should call up Richmond 1S51, Will bo given for tho recovery of two brass cylinders, weighing 310 pounds, which were placed on the Portland & Suburban Express Co.'s car at Portland Dec. -itb, but was abstracted therefrom beforo the car reached St, Johns. Portland &Suburban Express Co. St. Johns Water. Works & Light ing Co. The Thimble Club met with J. HlUer last evening, Mrs. I 9W !1 v