St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 26, 1909, Image 1

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11 1 r
r ?
Toiubtcrlbc for THIS Paper.
AH tbt ntwt white It b newt U
our motto. Call In and enroll
Of admtlilni In THIS Paper J
and you'll nerer rrxrtl It. lie- J
lb at one and keep right at It J
Devoted to the Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
I VQI" 5 ' ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1909. NO. jo
To be Decided Upon at Makes Campaigning Dif-
the April Election ficult Business
The Two Factions Get Together and Unite Upon One Ticket.
Strife, Dissention and Turmoil Vanish and the
Hatchet is Buried Quite Deeply
Prospects Assuming Ro
sier Appearance
Council Has More Busi
ness Than Time
Tho matter of tho purchnso of the Under tho corrupt prnctlco net. no Tll mn8B mooting culled by tho
furry boot, which Is to bo voted unon cordlmr to which tho comlnir niunlcl. Citizen 8 Ticket and held In tho St.
noxt month, should bo considered pal campaign will bo conducted, pol- w A HnU Monday evening was a
rrom nn oconomlcal standpoint. It Is lllcnl workers nnd hangers on, who runuio mvo renst. tiio iioii and
estimated thut to complete tho vnr- In tho past hnvo been pests of every tho ,n,n,) ,n' down together, tho
Ions street Improvement alrcndy potl- aspirant for election to public office, ,m,cl11'1 wnB burled bo deeply that
tloned for at tho present forry will bo nblo to receive few rewurds 11 wl" roulro a diamond drAl con
charges for transportation of crushed for tholr nlleged services. No candl- 8,muly "t. work for days to reach
rock will grpatly exceed 15.000. If dntu In normlttnd to olvn nnvlmdv tho pipe of peaco was filled to
tho proposed purchase of tho boat oven so much us n drink or n cigar, 1,8 capacity i"d tho fumes permeated
Is turned down It Is qulto probnblo or n trousor button while ho Is out tha atmosphere with Its odoriferous
that tho prevailing prlco will bo campaigning, nnd If ho becomes effervescence until nil became Itu
rslsed considerably in 10'allatlon. In thirsty himself, ho must Indulge In ""Wtod with Its peaceful
this event, unlets some ilher modo 1 "Mitch" treat. No other porson Is "'lolescenco, nil tho old sores, strife,
of trnnsportntlon bo Inaugurated, or permitted to spend nny money In any bickerings, contentions, warring fnc
tho greater part of tho street work manner for tho purpose of Influonc- ",ld olonicnts woro gathered
bo not done this year, tho forry lug voters to cast tholr bullotB for u togotlicr nnd consigned to tho hot
chnrgos nro liable to bo In the neigh particular porson or parly. tomless pit of .oblivion. Tho dovo of
borhood of. $7,600. If tho purchase The luw provides thai no minister ponco "ovored very near and tho
Is voted down by tho people nnd u shnll command or uttcmnt to persuade bonullful ollvo branch was passed
special election Is called to vote on any voters to vote for or against from ,mnd to Harmony nnd
the construction of n new ferry, and iny cnndldnte for office. KOod fellowship woro very much In
carries, It Is not unlikely that a year it Is oven mado unlawful for nny vltloncc, nnd If there were nny
will elapse before tho now boat can Individual to hot on tho result of nn b,,,ur feelings engendered they were
bo put Into commission. As a re- oloctlon. nnd If this In nttemnted tho 1101 expressed. All wns peace,
suit tho street work will hutu to bo unriles Imnllcniod In tho bettlmr I)llrlnK tho afternoon roprosontn
postponed, or else tho city will pro shall be subjected to Imprisonment t,ve" of 1,10 lwo fractlons-tho Cltl
tlcnlly throw nwoy close to $7,500 n tho penitentiary.
"No person shall, In order to pro
mote his nomination or election, dl-
rectly or Indirectly, promlso to np-
nomination or election of any porson
to any public or private position or
I employment, except that ho may
tens Ticket and tho Good Govern
ment Ioaguo met In prlvntu con
clave In tho Commercial Club rooms
In an endeavor to unlto upon 0110
ato tno eiomont of strife so preva
lent In other municipal campaigns
Concessions woro made on both sides
and aflor debating and deliberating
for somo little time a slate wns
meeting ml
In ferry charges. It will cost $13,'
030 to buy tho present boat with Its
franchise of ten blocks and acces
sory utility, and It Is estimated that! point or securo tho nppolnlmont, "ot of candidates nnd thus ollmln
it win roqulro 13,000 additional to
put In n now boiler, make other re
pairs and place It upon a cuble sys-
.u, .u wmi n in uu nccuiHuuio 10 publicly nnnounco what Is his pur
tho county commissioners. This Lose of cholco relnllnir to nny eloc
makes u total of $18,000 for buying uon In which ho may pnrtlclpato. UKrcMl u-'011 ftnd tho
tho boat and placing It In good ro- sa cnndldato who has received tho Journcd'
pair. Suppose wo subtract $7,500 nomination to any nubllo office or Tho convention III tho evening wub
that tho city would In all probabll- Losltlon shall Dav nnv monov or called to ordor by Presldont K. C
Ity savo in tho way of ferry chargos, authorlzo or Incur nny oxponso, Couc. nIld "'tor tho minutes of the
nnd $8,500 romnlus. Tho oxport who either directly or through others In Previous mooting nnd been road, by
recently examined tho boat stated his bohalf, In oxcobb of 10 per cent Secretary Valontlno, Itov. C. P. Outes
that It alone wns worth In Its pres. 0f 0110 year's salary or componiiU- ot ,ho Oood Government longito,
out condition about $7,000. With tho tlon of tho offlco to which ho Is nom uro"u n,m "m" " pnrucuinriy nappy
$3,000 additional that Is proposed to natbd, provided that no cnndldato nddroS8- "tated that thoro waB
bo put on tlio boat It should bo shall bo restricted to loss than $100. no 'MU0 now l dlvldo tho peoplo of
worth flO.000. Thus It can readily This does not Include his contrlbu- thl8 unlclpallty, thut tho liquor
bii seen from this viewpoint that the ton toward tho paymont for tho I"08"0" nd bcen passed up to tho
city would bo ahead of tho game to printing of his party stntomont, or courU ,0 dec,do UP"' tt,ld to city
Ihn .ntent of about $1,500, to say n)a own stntomont, If ho bo nn Indo- of"tla,B ,iad no further powor In tho
nothing of what Its cltlzons might pendont candidate. matter. Ho commended tho present
savo In fores, the Incroused business porson shall solicit any cnndl- cou"cll tar tholr good work In trnns-
It would yet tho benefit of from tho dato t0 subscrlbo to tho support of acUnK tho a,fn,r8 of ,ho cy In a
Tualatin volley farmers through the any club or organization, buy tlckots bus,Ie8s Hko manner nnd that thoy
oporntlon of a freo ferry, tho streelfl t0 nny entertainment or ball, or sub- had inndlod the reins of government
that could bo Improved, the oppor- 8Crlbo for or pay for spaco In any wo11' 1,0 Bn,d tno c,,y r 8t Johns
tunlty of running a forry from foot book. DroKram. norlodlcal. or other nad "ccomo a oy.word on account of
publication. ,ho mnny loUy blckor,n88 that hod
No person shall pay for personal conunos m mo
KrvirH to h nrformn,i nn tho dav Pa8t. that thoy wero now ready
of any caucus, primary or election
for any purpose connected directly
or Indirectly therowlth, oxcopt for
the hiring of porsons whoso solo duty
shall be to act as challengers and
of Pittsburg or any other street It
might doslro, and tho stigma that
might bo attached to the city tbrougk
turning tho ferry people down. It
has boon ostlmatod that a now forry
will cost approximately $10,000,
which does not, we believe, allow for
approaches, life savors and various
owier necessary nppBraiuo. wueiner watchers nt the polls. No porson
this amount would build nnd furnish shan bUy( goj givo or provide nny
a boat that would meet the npproba- polUcaj bftdsei button or Insignia to
tlon of tho county commissioners Is be worn nt or about tho polls on the
somothlng wo do not know, but some day ot election, and no such badge,
of our citizens claim that there Is no buUon or Insignia shall bo worn nt
doubt about that question. Suppose or ttbout tho poj)8 on nny election
It does. Even then It Is unlikely thai day
$18,000 will cover tho additional ex- j0 publt8hcr of a newspaper or
penso of approaches, etc. Then n otner periodical shall Insert, either
special election costs- somothlng. A in ,ta advertising or reading columns,
certain number of days havo to any pa(1 Matter which is designed or
etapse ueioro uio quesuon can oe
voted upon. In the meantlmo the candidate or political party or organ
streets need Improvement, aud the izaioni or measure before tho peoplo,
progress of tho city Is retarded Just unle88 jt j8 8tated therein that It U
that much by not having them lm- ft pald advertisement, nnd unless tho
proved. The trade from Tualatin val- naraa or tho chairman or secretary,
ley will be lost to us this yoar, and or the name of tho officer of tho
tho freo ferry proposition will go pomical or other organization insert-
glimmering for an Indefinite period. ,ng tho sara0( or the name of somo
We do not care to advise the voter wll) Jg responsible thorefor,
people l.ow to vote upon this question, wJtj, h.g reSldenco and street number
to bury the hatchot and get togothor
upon ono common platform nnd work
In harmony for tho good of St
Johns. Ho bolloved that "Watch St.
Johim grow" should becomo our
watchword nnd united with one pur
pose in viow to further tho cause
of St. Johns much good could be
accomplished. The address watt well
received and lis spirit of harmony
and fair play met with general ap
probation. Mayor II. W. Ilrlce, In n pleasing
llttlo talk, placed In nomination tho
name of J. P. Hendricks iih cnndl
dato for tho offlco of Mayor. Ho
said Mr. Hendricks was n public
spirited man, u man of business nnd
fully competent to bundle tho 11C
fairs of the city In nn able manner
s no further nominations wero of
fered the nominations were declnred
Frank Horseman, with a few com
pllmentnry wards, placed In nomlnn
tlon tho namu of A. M. Khsoii ns
caniiianio to succeed Himself as
City llecprder. No other caudldnto
.vas named.
1 W. Valentine then nominated
J. 10. Touch ns n candidate for the
offlco of City Treasurer to succeed
himself, Tho nomluntlon was also
made unanimous.
Pascal Hill, In 11 few well chosen
wortis, presented tno name of II, VI
Collier ns n cnndldato to hiicccoiI
himself us City Attorney. Ho stilted
that Mr. Collier wns n fine Inwyor,
had inndu nn ndmlrnblo record tho
past year, and thnt ho had dono con
slderablo work for tho good of St.
Johns outside his duties as city nt
lorney gratuitously. H, K. Howllt
then nroso and placed In nomination
tho name of 8. II. Uroono. No othor
nominations being offered n vote wns
called for. Tho result showed that
Mr. Collier had received 05 votes and
Mr. Oreeno 58. TJ10 former wns
duly declared nominated.
Willis Moxon then placed In nom
ination tho nnmos of C, I.. Johnson,
A. W, Davis and S. I.. Doblo as nom
inees for Couucllmon nt Large, nil
present Incumbonts. No othor names
being suggested nomination closed.
Nominations for Ward Couucllmon
wero then In order, II. H. Hewitt
mnilo tho motion that citizens of tho
two wards segregate themselves aud
eacb ward choose Its own candidates.
TMn motion curried, but beforo the
lomlnntlons woro mndo T. J, Monn-
hnn mounted tho platform nnd
suited that In tho spirit of harmony
entered Into In the afternoon tho
name of 8. C. Cook and 1 P. Urown
Wo clip tho following oxtrnct from
tho Orlnno, n paper published nt
Valo In Mnlhour county, nud It
trll'iifl rrnnit iimnai I 1 1. . i t
mint I... ,iIh...I I.. ..n.l.,nilnn "w" owwu ""IK U10 Oil
".I. hml gns lands held princlimllv bv
In each ward. Nomluntlon then pro
ceeded, nnd resulted In 8, C. Cook
uid J. W. Davis being notnlnnted as
candidates for Councilman In tho
First Ward, nnd J. H. Hlller nnd F.
P. llrown In tho Second Word.
The platform Is short, broad, deep
nnd far reaching, of few words but
of great Importance "A Qrenter 8t,
Tho candidates wero then lined up
In n row nt tho foot of the platform
and speeches wero called for. J. F.
Hendricks spoko ' first. He nailed
several derogatory tales that had
been circulated concerning his past
enreor, said If elected ho would give
to tho city of St. Johns tho very best
that wns In him, that ho, would per
form his work without fear or favor,
that ho was bound to no faction or
clique, nnd that ho would constantly
work for n greater St. Johns com
morclnlly, socially nnd morally.
8. C. Cook said he would do the
bent hu could for St. Johns, nnd A
W, Davis said that ho hoped to lm
C uncll mot In regular session
Tuesday evening and tho minutes of
tho previous regular nnd ndjourncd
meetings road nnd approved.
Til,. ....I ... ..
St. Johns residents. Moro relnllnir ,,.1 . V . . " ""lr
to It will bo published noxt week. "Z .1 JrZZ. I .. ' , "' T'
searching Inlook Into tho Mam- v" " "
titl.l t.1nal,.B.. at.nM.. 1 1 a I
motn nud iJastern Oregon Oil nnd
Qns Companies convinces tho spoclnt
correspondent of tho Orlnno nud tho
Caldwell Tribune that theso coin pan
Iqs are organizations of ropreseutn
tivo citizens of Oregon nud
men nnd women who hnvo substnn
tlnlly shown their faith In thu com
panies by putting their money into
thorn, who want moro money, pro
poso to get II, nud nro confidant thnt
their feet aro now on tho path to
prosperity. And the Indications nro
reassuring thnt every stock holder
In these companies will within tho
coming twelve months, snap his
fingers at his lato limited clrciim
stnnces, Indeed thu prospects nro so
alluring that thu bleed leaps nt the
probability of those who hnvo had
thu foresight to Invest in thu hold
Inga of these companies not only be
J. J. Chnmbeau reported thnt ho
would bo ready to begin work on tho
city books by tho first of next week.
A communication from tho Port
laud Itnllwnv. IJiflit jo Pnunf rv nr.
Idaho, furhlg , 0 (0 (ho c(y tho f'titry
boat now operating between Vancou
ver nnd tho Oregon shore wns road.
As no prlco was quoted tho recorder
was Instructed to solicit It.
communication was road from
Henry Hewitt of Tncomn In which he
stated that ho wns tho possessor of
over CO percent of tho 8t. Johns Clns
Light &Ileat Co.'s slock, nud that
It wns his intention to furnlHh tho
people of 81. Johns with coat gns.
Communication was ordered filed.
A bid on tho Improvement of Staf
ford street by T. H. Cochran was
held over ono week. This gontlomnn
also prenonted tho only bid offered
on tho Improvement of Allegheny
lug assured uu early enviable Indo
, iiivji nam una no iiopeu W) an- . .... , , . mo iiiipuivuiiiuui or ,
prove with experience. V. II. llrown "ml""c. .bul " ,,,,om,lt, competence L,rcot( wlch WW ftcC(,pwt
St. Johns 1.. '....,.. Jackson asked for pormls
, Irlz r : r:"r' nnoct spur wm. im, tmi-
1 . ,lMo nt J'OHHonilon nnd Wnll
these companies, men and women
said he would work for
the best ho know how.
11. w. couior stated no win con
tluuo to do his duty ns ho may see
It, that he would do as much for tho
tempernnco oloment as ho would for
thu saloons, thnt tho law book and
supremo court decisions would bo
his guide In tho future ns they hud
been In tho past, and that his do
cision on tho liquor quostlon wuu
rendered only nfter careful study,re
search and a minute Investigation of
the laws and decisions of tho stuto.
A. M. Ksson Btated that ho did
not Intend to be n perpetual cnndl
ttrfeis, ns ho Intended constructing
UM III lllinllra In lln.l
who, llko nil successful peoplo nro " . " ' " ' .
... 1 ,1, I " fc "l ,,,u tii'lllll uu iail17f
IHisltlve, who do things, who decide
on a plan nud pursue It, up hill and
down, anti who nro wlso enoug)i tL,0
laugu 111 uiiHiiicicH. inu sort or poo
plo Indeed who invariably gnln tho
goal for which thoy are making.
Wo will first turn to a cousldera
lo cover 1ms not yt been (Indicated,
110 action could bo taken nt this
Thuongluoer wan Instructed to pre
pare it new estlmuto for tho Improve
meut of Kant Ilurllnglou and Tiuhi-
ma streetH, tho former ono block nud
Opening a Success
The Vogue Millinery In tho Mc-
Open New Townsite
The Smith-Wagoner Co., tho por-
Chosnoy block wns tho scono of mony.sonnol of which firm are former well
because tho Judgment of the cltl- lf any shaJl appear In such adver
tens as a whole is no doubt better tlsement In the nature of a slgna
than ours. But there are some points ture
we may bring to their attention ,.No payment shall be
pretty and seasonable hats last Sat
uraay at tno spring and summer
opening, and tho store was pretty
well filled from morning until night
with ladles and children buying and
trying on tho new shapes and styles.
Mrs, Stucker has mot the require
ments of ,hor trade admirably and
was busy all day greeting her old
riintnmArH nnrl meatln? thn tw.uf in.a
lenus ,0 .u, ,u,o ur uv ""' coming In. Her pattern hats shown
were the latest designs In all colors
and shapes, and she mado steady
sales on opening day. A novel feature
introduced was sending out a pigeon
with a coupon attached to Its neck
entitling tho ono who captured tho
bird to $10.00 hat. Up to tho present
time, however, the pigeon is still at
liberty with Its valuable necktlo Intact.
Bonds Approved
placing his name on the official bal-
mado for lot. Severe punishment la provided
from time to lime In relatlqn to it any editorial matter, either for or for any violation of the act. Wilful
that may have been overlooked, and ag8in8t any candidate. Every letter, folse swearing Is declared perjury nnd
as It Is a, serious question it demands circuiar bill, placard or poster relat- punishable as such."
serious consideration. plosion must bear on Its
faco, the name and address of the J. Grey, foreman for Grant Smith
author, and the name of the printer & Co., has bought the big white
or publisher thereof, and if the same, house and red barn opposito tho
or any publication shall contain any foundry on Dawson street, and Con
false statements or charges reflect- tractor Gee Is moving them to South
The bonds for the new school Ing on any canamaie s cnaracier, 01. -uuu. luo u.. uUl
buildings have been approved and morality or integrity, me auiuor, buu w.D "
plans will soon be selected for their every person printing or knowingly will probably be sold tnis wcck.
construction. The new high school assisting In the circulation thereof, Portland Is gradually coming to St.
will be a fine adornment on the shall be guilty of political criminal Johns, If only a dozen houses at a
o r tha Mil and will h sn me-1 libel. Persons seeking a nomination ume
thing that all our 'citizens will feel without a bona .fide intent to secure
proud of. 'the office may bo enjoined from" Work for a Greater St. Johns.
1 '
known business mon of St. Johns,'
but now subdivision real estato
brokers of 333 Chambor Commorco,
Portland, ore putting on tho first
new townslto to bo located on tho
now United Hallway lino, now bolng
built on tho west eldo of tho river,
opposito St. Johns, aud is hooding by
way of Hlllsboro to tho Tillamook
country. Tho now townslto Is named
Valley Vista and is charmingly lo
cated In tho famous Tualatin Valloy,
A magnlflclent view of mountain
peaks and ranges, of cities a fow
miles ndjuctnt, spread In beautiful
panorama leforo this sightly loca
tion. Distanced from Portland somo
fourteen miles, or two miles closer
than Is Greshnm, this provides a
pleasant ilde of 25 minutes from tho
station located at the center of tho
townsite to tho heart of Portland, or
bul a very fow moments longer than
Is now consumed In reaching somo
of thu choicest Hast Side residence
districts, No drawbridges with which
to contend, but the quickest and
finest lnterurban service out of Portland.
The same company is putting on
the market acreage of as fine soli as
lies outdoors surrounding the town
slto. Theso consist of 3 to 10 acres
each and are Ideally adapted for
fruit raising, berry culture or garden
ing truck. An exceptional opportun
ity is offored the man who tolls by
dally labor in placing him on an equal
ity with his more fortunato brother
ot financial moans. Not only is It
tlon of tho Mammoth, 11 company .uu lultr bIuokH ,.. ,...
whoso biock 11ns uouuieu 111 vniuo 111 mils totaling $I09."3 won. allowed
ll... A f l .1 ....I . ...Ill I.. I
1110 inai uu uu,!., 111111 which will, ill A resolution Oliolllm: till Willis
date, that twelvo months wns a Prounuiiuy, irouiu or quourupio 111 bmilovnrd through tho Mnnlo trait
short term, that It required tlmu to "l0 "oxt cu ,,n'r" n,ld ,f ,ho wo11 bo was adopted, nud thu engineer ln
mothodlzo nnd systomlzo tho work comos u prouueor tno biock will strutted to preimro Plans nnd estl-
thnt falls to tho recorder's lot, that umP Irom UH Pr0MUI,t miotation to .u ,l0H for tllu ,,,rovomoiit of snmo
.... I iim ir.A otiniin I
no would ovor bo obliging nud cour- " On motion of Mr. llouhaiii tho pro
teous to all and Bhow sueclnl fuvors ",0 B,ocl of 11,18 company hub,
to none, that ho was vastly Interested f , "10 """'J" by more and Maplo streets wns ordered
In tlui i-llv mill unnM iln nil In. cinlit tiutuim luum.u mi kwiiu
inoy nnvo acquired inrgu iiomings 111
thu company, tho head officers of
both of Vales' banks bolng among
tho number.
jvldoncos of high grado oil In com
morclal quantities In tho Malheur
fluids aro now so soomlngly uumls
takablo that sovoral ot tho most
skoptlcal heretofore aro now ncqulr.
lag stock, Thu domand for Mammoth
stock has been so lively that It has
Tho pupils of the St. Johns Public Practically oil seen taken from tho I . . .
scuouis inis wcck ucgan a crusauo uu uuuuku ium uiu m m
of advertising St. Johns in a manner treasury to sink a 3,000 foot holo.
that promlsos to bo far reaching In I interest in and expectations for tho
Its bonoflcont results, Stationery with Kastorn Oregon Oil & (laa Company
a cut of tho Central school building holdings udjolulng tho Mammotht on
thereon has been provided by tho tho east, and embracing Identical oil
Commorclul club and tho pupils will bearing sands with Its pioneer neigh
wrlta matter descrlptlvo of tho Pen- bor, bids fair to bo abreast ot tho
Mammoth In an Incredibly short
toward making It prosper.
J. K. Hlller nud 8. I,. Doblo both
promised to bo good and do all In
their power to further tho cause of I
tho city anil good government.
Adjournment followed.
Will Do Good Work
changed to Fillmore and Ilnyos, ow
ing to tho fact thnt property owners
adjoining tho former locution refused
to cut down somo trees that Inter-
Iforcd with tho light pouotrntliig to
any dlstunce.
Matter relative to tho Improve
ment of Fessonden stroot wits tiiken
up, but owing to thu document In
connection therewith being Milwugtliy
It wns doomed advisable to lay the
matter ovor and take It up ngnlu ut
Monday ovonlng.
Big Dance Proposed
Insula In goneral and St, JoIiiib In
particular and send to friends resld
Ing in othor soctlons of tho contln
out. Postago thoreon will be paid
for by tho Commercial club. Prob
ably several of tho host lottors writ
ten will bo published by tho llovlow,
and then tho public will get a hotter
Idea of tho good work tho pupils aro
doing. Tho crusade Is certainly a
meritorious ono and there Is no doubt
that flno results will bo obtained.
tho installments on eitucr lots or
acrcago are placed so small as to
bo In reach of most overy ambitious
laborer, thus providing not only a
To Plat Into Lots
Vaughn & Co, havo recont'y pur
chased a fivu-acro tract In Whit-
wood Court, noar tho Claromoiit Tav
ern, on tho United Electric Hallway
and aro having tho tract surveyed
and plotted Into lots preparatory to
placing them on tho market. This
tract la 011 tho cholco part of thu hill
for resldouco slto, and Is only a trifle
over four mllos dlHtant from the
safe but a certain way of gaining an chambor 0f Commorco building. Slnci
income ror mo years 10 come. .., ., ,,,, wIth .1... brldces
crossing tho rhor there bus beeu un
Tho ringing of the fire alarm increasing uomnuu tor west hiuo res-
startled our Inhabitants shortly after Mdont Properly, and tho several tructs oUior JnformaUou concorK jt wm
noon Wodnosday. Upon Investigation lowur" n.u,...B ur, lo uoucoa lator on
II wn fnnnil thnt n small liullillni? In WUCloriiy. AUBirUCl.
Oak Park was in flames, and before
tho fire boys could reach tho scono
of conflagration tho dwelling had
boon razed to tho ground. Tho loss
was In the neighborhood of $200.
Tho proposition of holding u dsiuo
nt thu now city duck for thu purpose
ot lalslug funds for 11 miltubht flout
at thu Itoiu Ciirulval wua takvu up
by tli ('(mmerclul dub at Its meet
ing on last Thurwliiy ovenlng. A
tommllUu composed of F. W. Vuldii-
lino, John N. Kdlofson, A. W. Vin
cent, A. L'nger, J. K. Kilkenny, Harry
Hunter, A. W. Davis. W. W. Wlndle
and Chas Hredesou wus appolntiHl to
look after tho details oonuwtttl
therewith. Tho St. Johns Hand 1ms
uk rood to donate their services freo
of chnrgo, Tho project premise) to
be a great affair and peoplo for mllos
nround will no doubt be In atten
dance, It will glvo overy one who
attends a clear conception of the
Immensity nud substnutlalty of thu
new dock, nnd will no doubt bo n
hugo success In more ways than quo.
Tha date of holding the dunce und
Mrs. J. h. Wolf of Salora is visit
ing with her daughter, Mrs. J. U.
marketed at a reasonable figure, but Campbell, this wock.
No. 222 drew the prlzo of n hand
some silver ton set ut Newton's Cash
Grocery lust Saturday. Tho party
holding this coupon has not yet pre
sented the sumo, und unions tho num.
bor Is, produced ut tho store beforo
tomorrow tho set will be aguln put
In drawing,
Tho Pltchlcss Pino Lumber com
pany at Kant Kt. Jonnti are punning
work on their now plant thuro ns
rapidly us posaiblo. Good headway
has already been mado on their imw
riunlug mill nud dry kilns.
Work for a Greator St. Johns.