St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 12, 1909, Image 2

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At 117 Wett tlurtlngton Street, St. John.
I1V MAKKt.1t & llVKKI.ltlt.
Tint RUVliW U entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Ortmi. ns mail matter
of the second class under the Act of Con.
Kress of Mnrch 3, 1879.
Adrfrtlilng rstri, $1.00 per Inch per month.
Job Frlntlnjr ifentd In flnt cUn ilf.
nilt lor Job l'rlntlnc rmh on dfll.prjr.
All rommunlrtlnn iliooM be sddreiica to
The nerlew, M. Johm. Oreron.
OfflcUl Ntwiptptr of the Oltr or Bt. Join.
Subscription prleo $1.00 poryoar.
W. 15. HYliRLUH, Aswclnto
FRIDAY 1 MARCH !2, 1909.
"Lucky" Unldwln, It Is stated, loft
n fortune of fSO.OuO.UOO. Ho wan.
Don't forget tlmt registration busi
ness. Attonil to 11 now nun gui 11
off your mind. It will lie too Into nf
tur April lot.
A Huston wuiuiui Ih reported to
lmvo "embraced twenty-tlneo differ
unt rullglons." It muy ho thnt up to
tho present 1 1 1110 she lint not found
uuy tin Jt. rcclproctitc'd.
TI10 city council nt Its moating
Tuesday evening ndoptt'il n result!
t Ion culling for 11 toto on tho pur
chuso of tho present furry hont nt
tho April election. TIiIm notion was
miindiitory tin (ho part of council Tor
tho reason Hint necordlng to tho
charter II. Im ncresHiiry to ollhur tic
coit or rojocl hy votu of tho people
tho proposition of buying tho furry
before the construction of a now
boat project can bo prcHenlod to
tho people. Tho ferry people have
reduced the price to Itn.uuO, and It
In now up lo our citizens to either
buy tho boat or force those, people
out of business Inter tin.
Ah per the proponed charter itmenil
inontM, a copy of which hint boon
mulled to (itich registered voter In
Ht. Johim by tho Clly Recorder, a
vote will bo Hilton April filli 011 the
mnttor of tnkliM (In llitior tUeHllon
mil of the baiitni of llio council, If
tho town goM wet a'ler a vote on
thu question a' mi election, the coun
cil U dlreclud lo Immiio ii IIcoiino tin
der Hut regular restrictions. If tho
town kooh dry at HiIh elect Ion (lion
tint council hIiiiII not Issue 11 II
coiiho. In oilier wordH, (hey have
absolutely no discretion In (ho mat
(er, 'I'll Ik ellmluateH all (IiIh con
tention out of thu clly'H worlt and
they am not handicapped by IU This
measure hIiouIiI, and no doubt will
carry, tm there chii bo no objecllon
to It from any point of view. The
(wo Krent objecls are to glvo (he
Installing nf engines mid boilers, has
cuiidemtied tho boiler on account of
ago, It would not require 11 great
Sinn to replace It with a new one.
WcIhIi claims a now ono would cost
$:iSU0 and $.100 to Install It, when
half n dozen different companies
would bo glnd to place n new and
f Irnt class holler of sufficient size
for less than half of that sum. Hut
the Ihruo Is up to tho people. It Is
f(.r them to dechto whether reptidla
tlon of this company will bo 11 good
advertisement for St. Johns, whether
It will bo an Incentive In future for
other companies to seek a franchise
In this city for any public titll
lly, whether It Is a caso of fair play
or foul. Tho Issue Is plain repudla
tlon or acceptance. Take your
choice, gcntlomcn.
Comparatively few pcoplo of tho
"Heaver Sliijto" realize that Forest
drove Is nationally known ns the
source of America's most perfect
nrchory bows, i'aclflc Yew, which
grows to perfection In Oregon, Is the
mntcrlal used, and Captain F. S
IlarncH fashions It with skilled hand
Into bows sought by exports all over
this continent and oven abroad
Though almost seventy yenrs of age,
the Captain Is liluiBelf n splendid tir
cher, anil such an enthusiast In his
chosen craft that ho makes personal
trips to tho mountains each year to
select Yew of Just tho proper grade
and grain the altitude at which the
tree grows Is an Important factor,
Occasionally a bow of raro accuracy
and highest speed Is created, and
these are dignified with names
"Cyclone" and "Whirlwind" tiro fain
ous among archers,
To thu electors of (ho city of IU.
I hereby announce that I shall he
a candidate for re-election to the of
fice of Itecorder nt thu coming city
election. I liavu made this decision
upon thu advlco of Impartial cltlzenii,
and with a full consciousness of tho
compliment paid inu In 11)08; for
which favor I have tried to show
my gratitude by faithful and Impar
tial service to you all, and believing
that (ho result shows fewer mistakes
than during tho previous term. Tho
recorder's office Is now more syn
tematlc than over before, and If re
tained In office I promise to Improve
the work lo tho best of my ability,
Respectfully, A. M. Khsoii.
J, H. McKlnney reports tho follow
lug realty Hales for (ho past week:
Lois 7 mid 8, block 12, south St,
Johns, to Mary Reynolds; consider
ation f.'Ou. Im I, fi, G mid 7,
block -I, Kenton, to Columbia Trust
company i consideration I7U().
Tho V. C. T. U. mothers' meeting
mot at Mrs. Weeks Monday after
noon of last weok. Wo are glad to
nolo tho Increased Interest manifest'
od In these meetings. Wo missed
our dear president who Is 111 but
not too III to send a message of
cheer to the meeting. Mrs. Addlton
gave ono of her excellent talks on
"Moral Education." Shu Is a forclblo
speaker and nlways Interests her
hearers. Tho Instrumental music by
Miss Cotton wns very enjoyablo.
A parlor meeting was held at tho
homo of Mr. Kdmondson Monday
evening. Tho program was short but
very entertaining. The Misses Ed
mondson furnished tho music. Little
Ruth favored tho company with
recitation and Mrs. Addlton was tho
spcukcr. Shu gave a short talk on
her vlow as n delegate from Oregon
to tho World's Temperance Congress
This talk had to bo short, as the
superintendents of Scientific Temper
anco Instruction wanted her to talk
on their department. At tho conclu
slon of tho program light refresh
incuts wero served nnd n delight
ful social hour spent with Mr. and
Mrs. Edmondsou,
Tho next business meeting will bo
held In tho Advcntlst church March
lGth, nt 2:.10 1 M. I'resB Supt.
Tho editor, his wife, W. L. Marklo
and P. S. llannan mado up a ituir
tot that upon special Invitation on
Joyed a delightful dinner nt Dan's
drill Inst Sunday. Thu menu wus a
splendid one and served as only
Dan knows how. Wo found every
thing In perfect order, tho dining
room finely arranged, tables neatly
arrayed, tho service first tlnsa nnd
good taste prevailing In every par
ticular. Hint Dan knows how to get
up n meal that "goes right to tho
spot" wo are now fully convinced,
and wo have til in to thank for at
least 0110 good meal that wo lmvo
got next to In St. Johns. Tho menu
(hat wo helped to get under our vest
follows: Knsteru oysters on half
shell, young celery, dill pickles,
chicken broth with rice, baked young
chicken stuffed, French peas, ninslied
potatoes, rulslit pie, pumpkin pie, Im
ported Swiss cheeso, demmltussl cof
fee. If you want n good mual, well
cooked and well served, Dans Grill Is
tho place to get It.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p, m. Please
remember thlsi and save the printer
And thu council of said city hero
by orders that an election bo held
In accordanco with tho requirements
of the Charter of said city In said
city of SI. Johns. Oregon, on tho
first Mondny, tho fifth duy of April,
11)09, for tho purposo of electing
city officers for suld city to-wlt; A
Mayor: A City Recorder: A City At
tomoy; A City Treasurer: Three
Councllmon at Lurgo; Two Council'
men from tho First Ward; Two Coun-
cllmen from tho Second Ward; In
I ho manner provided by tho Charter
and Laws of said city.
And it Ib further ordered and re
solved that nt Bald election, thero
shall bo submitted to thu qualified
electors of said city, tho following
proposition, viz: Shall tho City of
bt. Johns Incur a Municipal Hondod
Indebtedness In tho sum of $10,000.00,
Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13,000)
for the purposo of purchasing from
the St. Johns Transportation Com
pany Ub Kerry Hunt "Jumes John,"
and $3,000.00 for tho purpose or mak
lug any alteration or repairs that
thu sniuo may need and for tho pur
poso of buying cables, tanking ferry
slips and landing; said Ilonds to run I
lor n period or iwoiuy live years
optional after 10 years from their dato
and bearing Interest not to exceed
Five per centum per annum, Interest
payable semi-annually, nnd Interest
coupons to bear Interest nt tho rate
of TIvo per centum per annum after
their maturity
And It Is further ordered and re-
i-ohod, thnt there shnll bo submitted
to the electors of said city at said
election a proposition to amend Sec
lions 30, 31, -I:', GC, and 7D of tho
Municipal Chnrtcr of tho city of
St. Johns ns proposed by tho com
mon council of said city.
And It Is further ordered and ro
solved, that tho city recorder bo, and
ho Is hereby authorized and directed
and required to nt onco post and
publish, ns required by Law nnd the
Chnrtcr of hold city of St. Johns
notices of said election, nnd have
printed tho necessary and proper
tickets for said election, nnd (lint ho
procure thu necessary poll books nnd
tally shoots for Bald election, and
make nil nocessnry nnd proper nr
rangementn to enable the qualified
electors In said city of St. Johns to
hold such eloctlon
And It Is further ordered nnd re
solved and tho council does here
by appoint ns Judges nnd Clerks of
said election:
Judges of tho Mrst Wnrd: John
I'off, I. T, Hanson and Marlon John
Judges of tho Second Wnrd: L. a
Chlpmnn, Puscnl 1 1 111 and S. W. Rog
Clerks of tho First Wnrd:
Learned nnd Roy Ingledue,
101 Jersey
Of Spring Goods will open
Saturday, March 13, 1909, Continuing Seven Days
Calico, Ginghams, Percales, India Linen. I.nwns,
Muslins, Shirt Waists, Skirts nnd other Ready-to-Wear
goods. Also Ribbons, Inces, Ktnbroidery,
Handkerchiefs, Silks, Veiling and everything in this
line will be sold nt Prices, lower than Portland or
any other city
Our Rent and other Expenses are leas. Wc sell for cash. A
Visit the store nnd sec for yourself.
m we
for trot etch, .to to 60 n
en mi Dome. mo rnr
more monrr fnrrnu to hlp lViw Fnm mt IIMm to an than to
Price Lint. Market lU-rwrt. HhlPDlni Taim and alxrotoar
IW rt m, iMthu Umm4. IVs thlnf on Ui taoct trr written. Illnttntiaf kit Fur AnimU. Alt
fthnut Tripp"' lUertit. Dw, Trap. Ohm Lawi. Mow tn4 wber lo irtn. and to twconit ane
tKutiftil R.dVi. Our Mctlfliuitin4 Dtrof ttrswu nlmU to lriw. It. 00 wfMiU, .rn'P.vmif
t J'CpW lis, MUIICplltin
11 i1i bJ fun to bi ftoj ii NiliMtpficu. Andcmh lJro.,
Fighting Tuberculosis
iSBBBBBBaBs. ...SBbSB ''fEr p i I llH H
l!BBBBBBBSBVaBraBZL3 ' ' alaBBBBBsMKcklnl BBBBH I i lw9
Proposals For Street Work
Sealed proposals will ho recolved
at tho offlco of tho recorder of tho
city of St. Johns, until March 23rd,
11)0!), at 4:00 o'clock, P. M., for tho
Improvement of Allegheny street
from tho West lino of Willis Uoulo
vard to the South lino of Fessenden
street In tho manner provided hy Or
dlnonce No. 21!) auhject to the pro
visions of the charter nnd ordinances
of tho city of St. Johns, nnd tho es
timate of tho city engineer, on file
Bids must bo strictly In nccordanco
with printed blanks, which will ho
furnished on application at tho office
of thu recorder of tho city of St.
Johns. And Raid Improvement must
ho completed on or heforo CO days
from the dato of tho signing of tho
routraet hy tho parties thcroto.
No proposnls or hlda will ho con
shlerod unh'ss accompanied by a
certified check payable to tho order
of the mnyur of tho city of St. Johns,
certified hy u respoiihlhlu bank for
an amount eiittnl to ten per cent, of
the ugt,rcgnlu proposal.
The rUht to t eject any and nil
bids Is hereby reserved.
Ly order of tho City Council,
A. M. U8SON,
Published In thu St. Johns Review,
March nth, 12th and 10th, 1009.
The Meat
Is one that Ir of special Importance
to every good housowlfoIf the meat
Is tough or has an ancient flavor
thorn Is ulwnyH trouble brewing
when tho head of the house gets his
feet under the table. To keep htm
In good humor It Is necessary that
the meat be selected with care, and
If you nro not getting thu kind of
meat that produces this happy re
sult, It would be wlso to get It whore
you fu absolutely sure that It la
just right. The moat handled nt
nl,l those cheap Saturday sales In Port-
At tho December meetlnir of the Cniutis of Modern Woodmen.
Kxectitlvo Council of the Modern over 1,00,000 members, It Is nntlcl- ,mul nro 1,l0 1,10 alo chonp, very
WnmllllPIl SocletV. held lit tint lienil. tlmt aiu-Prnl mlntilna ulll anmi CIIOOp mill Very poor. COWS tlltlt
0, quarters of tho Society lit Pock bo equipped In this way. nro worn 0,11 wl, ,l10 cnro of
Island. III.. It wns decided to conduct I The members ami locnl Cn.nnH of wor,,, diseased, broken down beasts
Chirks of thu Second Wnrd: W. R. tlmt Society's sanatorium, located at tho Society hnvo volunthrllv eontil-H1'"1 ,mvo "'"noHt served out their nl-
Kellogg nnd Chns. lliilloy. Colorado Murine-. Colo., for tho in ii... r 1 kited years can usually bu found ut
RiTJn!.n mo,lt of "''u'- nfflloteil with t.i- 70.000, and ut the last national con- ,hc" mh"' yiwi'n. ItHllgestlon
Secossari nd prSpS? fl?tS XuB "t.losU, free of nil charge to volition n permanent tax of ten cents ",u ,l'",'or m rt"""'-
under tho law and tho Churter In members. per member wan voted to tho support to uy yo,lr mon,B ,lt
carrying out tho provisions of this Tho Modern Woodmen Society, sov-! of this work.
1 V 1, 'n,,inn,,i nn.t r. oml months since, acquired 1.3S0 Tho hiHt official Woodmen reports
solved thnt tho polling place for tho n"es of land within seven miles of show that during tho years IS01-1POT. I WIi .,.. lmf , )liu,
votors of tho Klrst Ward shnll bo nt Colorado Springs, and has establish- Inclusive l l.Q per cent of tho,.total , V . 1
... . ........ .1.... . . . - I milllil TIi.iii tlinr.i lu tittffii'
uj west liuningion nircei una mm ml thereon 11 ti uti-to-ilatu sanatorium, ninrtnl it- hp iloniliy
mojioii.ngpmco tor uiu u, ,0i,t coldny plan wns ready forlchnrged to tuberculosis, nnd that
tho reception of patlontH on Jan. 1.1 1:1.0 per cent of tho total Insurance
1000, and Is equipped to caro for tO Iohhos In those years, or $0,0cr.,0o0.
Is over
found. Then thero la always peace
at home.
Is the recognized center of industrial activity In the eastern part of St. Johns. This valuable property adjoins the only depot
011 the entire Peninsula, thus affording local and through passenger, freight and express service.
Is already the situ of several small factories, others in course of construction. Present growth indicates thnt In only n few
mouths the pay-rolls of these plants will be sufficient to support the entire district.
I2AST ST. JOHNS is not only a Manufacturing District but has a fine Residence Section that is high and
sightly. The Huilding Restrictions of $1,500, ? 1 ,000 and fSOO, provides suitable home sites for the lab
orer and the business num. The Water, Lights, Phones, Graded Streets and new Schools arc not
TALK it over with any KHAI, ItSTATK AGI5NT in St. Johns. Agents on the tract. Phone Richmond 601
city officials a better tdiow to do
mo ruin worn ut mo i-ny witiiouii
Doing uotitereii ami tinmirramil by
tho question, and the illy will ho
benefited by getting bolter hurt Ice
and It can sidout Its bowl timber
without any ingaid to whether thu
candidates ate wet ur dry. It will
mako no dlffurunru whntoutr, as thuy
will bo guldud entirely by thu amend
ed uhartor. This Is nut a platform
of any tluKol, but will m on the i un
til ur ticket, and thero shuuld not bo
tho slightest uppuiiltlou to It,
Thu forry question Is one that do
survus eariiost couBldtiratlou on tin
part of tho voters. Whtdhur It Is
butter tu purchase tho prMut Ixvit
for thu sum of $18,000 and the fran
ehlso oovorlng Pittsburg street nnd
fivo blocks on either tddo of (he
ktrtut now held by thu St. Johns
Transportation Co. and Issue bunds
for several thousand dollars more to
InMall new machinery and mako
othur repnlrs so that It will bo ac
cvplubl) to tho county coinmlHsloneiH,
or to reject tho hunt Is a question
thnt mukt be decided by tho voters.
Whether It Is bettor for tho honor
and the fair namo of thu city of St
Johns to give a company a franchise,
encourage It In spending till thu
money at their command In Install
ing a ferry system, nut aiding It In
tho leant by Improving streets lead
lug to tho approach, and then, after
a trying and expensive experience,
when the company bus finally got the
system oil u paying basis, to install
u free ferry in opposition and drive
it out of btisluo8s mul practically
bankrupt thum, or tu buy tho boat
itud make necessary alterations, must
bo decided on thu Otli of uext month.
Tho council has abbolutely nothing to
do In tho mutter outside of calling
tho election. It Is up to tho people.
While It Is a fact that Matt Welch,
a part of whoso business, wo are
reliably Informed, is thu soiling and
Mr. "Pair Play." I Wish to
thank you for your article lit thu
ItoWow of thu rth,lubt.on tho salary
question, and whllo I do nut recog
nize you by your name, would like
to, However permit me to correct
you on one point, viz., the salary of
lecordur fur this city, Is not now
and never has been llOu.OO pur
mouth, It Is !;!. 113 per mouth and
an allowance of fl'U.OO per mouth to
pay oUlcu help, out of thu latter I
hiixe at times saved t$.00 peri
month, making high water mark
(01.33. The offlco this year handles
uour $HO,000.00 on a salary of an
clkiit hour Portland policeman. Tho
city of lloqulam, Wn., pays her re
corder 1100.00 per month and a po
llco Judge S7&.00 for u population
about like our own; this city unites
tho two and pays fSU.00, This Is
not whine, but a suggestion that
matters could bo worse,
A. M. Ksson
Many pcoplo are availing them
solves of tho opportunity of securing
Kroeorles and dry goods at cost at
tho Muck & Dorrlo store, They wero
agreeably surprised at the ory low
price asked fur standard goods and
they iuv now busily engaged lit toll
lug their friends of thu great bar
gains that can bu secured for little
money, Thero Is still a good stock
of goods on baud, and any one will
bo well repaid by calling ut this
store and getting prices. Kverythlug
must go, and they are going nt ac
tual cost. u not wait until thu best
Is taken. Tills Is an opportunity that
should not be cast lightly aside. You
may us well save money on our
groceries us your neighbor. Kvery
llttlo helps, and this Is whore you
save it little on every purchase,
Friday uvenlng, March 19, a grand
concert will bo given by tho (J race
Church Male Chorus and Quartet un
der tho direction of Prof. W. M. Wil
der In (iracu church auditorium,
Portland. The program will bu as fol
lows; Remember Now Thy Creator
Rhodes,.,..,.. O, O. M, Chorus
Tenor Solo, "Israfel" Olive
King F. 8. Pierce
Organ Solo, I.arghetto Allegro
Rossini .... Wllllum M. Wilder
On tho Sea Dudley Hack , J
(1. C. M, Chorus
Contralto Solo, Perslsches Lelbo-
slled-U. llurmuUter,. Alice Justin
Thu Old llrlgade Parks ,
O. C. M. Chorus
Soprano Solo, "Tho Waking of
Spring" T, Rolgo...........
draco U. Campbull
Annie Laurie Parks ,
O, C, M, Chorus
llarltono Solo, "A Man's Song"
Goo. 11, Street
Price of admission 25 cents. Tick
ets on salo at lletulrlckb hardware
pattonts, to which number udmlslsotis
mint bo limited for tho present.
Tho touts nro octagonul structures,
with shlnglo roofs, cnuvns sides, hard
wood floors on solid cement founda
tions, heated by a central plant
equipped with all modern conven
iences, such ns telephones, etc., and
each tent will nccommodalo ono pa
tient. An administration building fur
physicians, nurses, dining hall, baths
of all kinds, etc., stands In tho cen
ter of tho colony.
Dr. J. K. White, formerly of tho
Nordrach ranch sanatorium, tho mod
leal director lit charge, states that
only thoso consumptive mombors who
are curable, or whoso lives may bo
prolonged for a consldorablo length
of time, will bo admitted us patients.
the Tho wisdom of this rulo Is apparent
Rigid medical examination as a con
University Park, March -1, '09.
St. Johns Review Gentlemen;
Please discontinue my ad. for sale
of 8. C. White Leghorn eggs for
hatching four lines ono time and
send mo bill for samo, Huvo sold
all the eggs we can get. Your ads
pay. Very truly yours,
J. F. Haworth.
tho Second Ward shall bo nt
City Hall.
Adopted by tho Common Council. I. mi nti irnfAilnn( in ml n I nulnii will liA
MiippIi ft imu I
'. I Inolatnil nnnii In ai'acV nn&i ntnl
Kecorder, I "pecim uiuuk loruia uuvu uecu iro
PublUhiHl !u tho St. Johns Uoviow, larod for this purposo
It la expected tlmt another colony
of CO tents will bo ready hy July,
1909. and that accoptablo patients
will bo ready to occupy It In full by
that time. A movement Is ulroudy
SmIp.I ,.rnn,.t. will h. . "er wuy iu i-pii,. uiu .nuim vu.un,
the office of the citv recorder of the cltv Plt. Each tout, completely oqulppoil
of St. Johus, Oregon, until 4 o'clock P. represents an oxponso of $230, and a
t.:1 6 J' ly"' Al'HI. I5W, for the Ilumber of loea, Cam,)8 or ,otlge8(
Improvement of Richmond street from ... , , , , .,
the car line of the Portland Hallway Co. of 1,10 Society have decided to donate
to the Richmond street dock, bv lavine tents. As thero aro over 13.000 local
o-iooi vcmt'tii wane, ta-iooi euro, ue.
.March Vi nnd 19, 1909.
Proposals fir Striet Work.
resulted from tills cause. As thu
mortality experience of tho Modem
Woodmen Society has been remark
ably favorable, being but 70 per cent
of tho expected at all ages under thu
Nntlonnl Fraternal congress table, a
death rate of but O.L'U per 1,000 or
but M per 1,000, If tho experience
of tho first five membership years bo
Included tho much heavier Insurance
losses Inflicted upon other soclotles
experiencing a hlghor mortality may
bo conservatively approximated.
Which prompts this question: If
tho Woodmen Society, with Its ox
ceptlonully favorable mortality, finds
It to bo "Good business," ns well as
good fra(oruallsm, to fight cousump
tlon In this way, why should not
othor fraternal societies, life Insur
ance companies, labor organizations,
tho national and International church
bodies, etc, find it profitable, front
tho viewpoint of business or bunoyo-
leuce, or both, to take such action?
Each, life saved to the Woodmen
Socloty, by means of this sanatorium,
will. It is stated, represent u saving
of 11,700 tho average amount of
tho Woodmen policies In forco at au
expense for treatment of npprox!
mutely ono-twentleth of that sum. In
ihe broader sense, each life saved
means tho preservation to tho (am- 1 HFIUnDlfllC
bread-winner. -HlniVIUJ
Cash Grocery
Hy runnlnc; our grocery on
it strictly cash basis wc arc
enabled to give our customers
the benefit of what is gener
ally churged by stores doing a
credit business to make up
the loss occasioned by bad
We carry a fine line of X
at all times, and a call at our
store will convince you that
our prices in all cases ure a ;
little lower than the other -fellows'.
Your patronage is)!
earnestly solicited,
M, 0, NEWTON, Prop,
Cor. Jersey and Leavitt Sts. X
lly of Its head and
uiul to tho stuto of a
sustaining citizen.
useful, self-
tween the west line of Jersey street and
the eait line uf llrudford street, excent
ktich iortlou ua may be laid by owners.
The rcmainine uortion of said itreet to
profile and specifications of the city
engineer, now on file in the office of the
city recorder,
That it deems it expedient and nec
essary to improve Wall street from
Haeh bid must be accompanied bv ah1,c..IJaM.llne.,o( W,M'me"e B?n!eT"Tfl
certified chrrl: lui-at.U in li. mmnr fnr ,e esi ttnc oi wawson street in
r.umno ?eK i cent 7 the ,,eci'y' Johns in the following
contract price, and no bll will be con. & JB? ""'l
proximate thereto.
That all the property included in said
improvement insirict atoresata is iiereDy
declared to be "Local Improvement
District No. 18."
That the City Engineer's assessment
01 tne prouatue total cosi ot said im
provement of said Wall Street is I
Tlmt the cost of Imtuovine said Wall
Street to be assessed against the prop
erty iu said local assessment district as I
idered unlos acco
check, and Uon blanks
city recoruer tor sucJt
L-.l l r
provl(Iel hy the city charter of the Citv
ntnanled bv wci :.. ; f"v Afst. tnimi
furnish! by the ltSITllU. V."P " , Adopted the 9th ,tay of March. ,009.
purposes. . . . : r ' " :z a.m. wsenv.
' 1 1
Said improvement must be completed S??,1" , l.l rl.T Zl
1 or before September 1 , 1909. ' OnUnance No. 19 J of said city and bv
The rieht tci ii-li-rt any amlkil 1,1.1 I, sldewalklng same ou either side with
me rij,ui to reject any anu an tints is ti,i,.ii. . P,.
Do a HOOSTEK for St. Johns,
Wo deslro to publicly extend our
heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and
friends who so kindly tendered their
aid and sympathy during thu Illness
nnd death of our husband and
father, nnd assure them that thu
Bamo was deeply appreciated.
Mrs. F, 11. Marcy and Family.
t ; -
iiereuy reservnl.
TI, .. . : i - f , ; .
v vaiuimicu tuai UI Mill IU111IUVC-I i 11
ment ist6.not UP" Ku. utwunuiij; iu uic
i. r ' ? f' .. .. I nlana ami sneciheatians ot the Cltv
Kugineer now on file iu the
office of the City Recorder rela
lly order of the city council,
A. M, liSSON,
City Recorder,
Published in the St, Johns 'Review
March 13, 19, 1909.
T!MU TABLE O. R. & N,"
Union Ik-jxit, Portland.
lli-i tlicfvta. which sa .1 nlan and I a ""ag opeciai leaves 9:15 a, m,
.um.snett in the M. lohns Review .pedfictio, amUstiulatM are satlsfac-! 4 bjknnc .1 Iyer leaves at 5o p. ..
MarcU 9' ,6' tSry and arc hereby approved. Said f Kansas City fcxp. leaves 6:00 p. m.
improvements to b made in accordance 1 8 Local Passenger leaves 75 a. m.
o 11.1 1 . n 1 ,i,i. ,. .i.V ,1 i. ... 1 1: .. .u. No. I Chicneo Sttectal arrives 8: i n. 111.
iruest of hla Klfitor Mra Robert John. City of St. Johns aud under the super- 3 P"kane 'Wf lowoa.m.
hutst of his sister, Mrs. Robert Jonn. direction of the City Kngin- No. 5 Kansas City Rxp. arrives 7:m a. m, '
8on, . ' , No. 7 Iocal Paseuger arrives 5145 p. tu, '
smi.i ir -rut hrn.r.
t nun 13 inc line
T I... l ...
f iu my m your supply 01
We have a fine assortment on
hand. Call iu aud pick
out what you waut.
Krery O wdar tnd
BDfllior mcrlta af Unf
Nanhcra Orowo SMdt.
wilt kbiI iMMtnald our
t ri. UMum ivwi , , , J2
I Ikt.brllimBMjMiu. " 777
1 .k r.iu.. T :r-
That the cost of said improvement
to be assessed as provided by the citv
charter upon the property especially aud
particularly ocncnieu inereuy, anu
which is hereby declared to lie all of
lots, parts of lots, blocks and parcels of
St. Johns Ferry Time Card.
Leave Kast Side (A. M.) 6:40, 7:10,
7:501 8:30, 9:10,9:0 10:30,11:10, 11:50. P,
M 13:30,1:10, 1:50, j:3o, 3:10, 3:50, 4:30
To exchange Hood River land hand between the termini of such iui
for St. Tnhiw nrntv-rtv. Inniilre nt I Movements abutting upon, adiaceut or 5:106:00.
tliU iiffir.. iAlt proximate to said Wall Street, Leave West Side (A, M.) 6:50, 7:30,
from the marginal lines of said street 0:10, 8:50, 9:30, 10:10, 11:50. P. M.
back to the center of the block orblocks .12:10. ia:so. lao. a:io. j:io. v.o. j:io.
Not the lab oh your pff lor trscu 01 una auutttug tuereon or 4:50, 5:30,0:20.
S.jl S4 It Mk to e.r fmtmUi
ITW Kcw BU SocUonbUUxtU
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