St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 19, 1909, Image 1

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    . 1
HfinmnT-ri.-ri.-fltnf1.nii.-ti.-riim-t , . . " - - - &Kniti ait
Devoted to the Interesti of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
' mim-ifM Society '
good headway st. JOHNS MECCA FOR GAS MEN pleasant time
So Proclaims the Portland
Board of Trade -
Will be the Location, Says Cleneth
Goodrich, the Architect
Plana for tho erection of nn lin
monso grain waro house and elovn
tor on tho waterfront huvo matured
and Fred Mullcr, Decretory of tho
board of trade, yesterday announced
that tho building would be complete
by next July, or In tlmo to Iiouru
the Incoming crop, Mr. Mullcr rep
resents In Portland tho eastern cap!
tallsts who will put up tho funds for
tho building of tho now clovator.
Tho location of tho now warehouse
has not yet been definitely decided
on, but an option has been secured
on a good piece of property. Tho site
will not bo made public for some
Moro than 1 100,000 has already
boon secured from eastern capitalists
and tho remaining $150,000 necessary
will be made up within a short time,
It Is oxpectcd. Minneapolis, Chicago,
Kansas City and Now Oreans cap
Ital will bo Invested. Local people
may bo nuked to take blocks of tho
stock, but such action Is Improbable
For four months Mr. Muller lias
boon quietly working, In the hope
that such an elevator and warehouse
could be erected In Portland, and
tho smaller shipments of both bulk
and sacked grain housed cheaply.
Onco tho scheme- was well under
wny ho had no trouble securing as
surancos that there would bo plenty
of money forthcoming,
Tho now elevator will havo a ca
paclty of 600,000 bushols of wheat,
and will havo tho advantage over
many other local warehouses In' that
It will bo fully equipped with all the
modem devices for handling and
sorting grain, Hulk wheat can bo
handled as easily and as economi
cally at tho sacked stock, a condi
tion which Mr. Mullor bolluves will
bo the means of bringing about tho
shipping of moro wheat In bulk to
California and nearby points, thus
saving the growers much oxtra ex
pense and troublo.
With the construction hero of tho
now warehouse Mr, Muller Is certuln
that far moro of tho 20,000,000 bush
els of wheat grown yeurly In tho In
land emplro will bo shipped through
Portland. Sunday's Journal,
The firm of Goodrich A Goodrich
wero tho architects chosen to pre
paro plans for tho building, a de
scription of which follows:
The elevator as at present de
signed Is to be constructed of re
enforced concrete, absolutely fire
proof, and Is to be built to conform
with tho latest Improved method
used and practiced today. It has
been the aim in designing this ele
ctor, "to utilise all space poasslble,
and economize to the fullest extent
the labor necessary for handling and
storing grain In quantities such as
this elevator Is capable of hand
ling. It is designed for handling
three or moro kinds of grain and
storing same, with tho Intention of
delivering from elevator to boat or
back to cars.
The elevator will have an approxi
mate capacity of 000.000 bushels
of grain, part of this storing capac
ity being Intended for sacked grain
and part for bulk grain.
It will bo so arranged that six
cars can bo unloaded at one time,
of different grain, and these can be
properly bandied, cleaned and stored
without one grain Interfering with
the other. It is intended to use the
most improved method of unloading
cars, using two power grain scoops
In each car, when loaded in bulk,
which reduces the unloading to the
lowest possible cost, at the same,
time being very rapid and efficient.
The interior of the elevator in re
gard to bins la to be arranged so
that the grain may be delivered to
any bin in the elevator by a wheel,
operated by one man, placed on the
first floor. 1 To this wheel there will
be an Indicator attached, tthe Indi
cator showing the exact bin in
which the grain is being delivered,
this delivery being effected from
the top of the elevator and dls
charglug through grain spouts to
the cleaning machlues or direct to
the storage bins.
For spotting cars at the wheat
bins, there wlU be used a' car puller
United Railways Pushing
Work on West Side
Trolley Line Important Factor in
Connection with Free Ferry
Whether or not tho United Hall
ways will oporato passenger trains
between Portlnnd and llolbrook early
next month, as planned, depends up
on tho Portland council, According
to Its franchise, tho United Is not
privileged to run passenger trains
on any portion of tho city system uu
til It has completed Its Interurban
Una to llltlsboro. This action was
taken to mako certain of tho trolley
company's good faith In carrying out
Its projects. Representatives of tho
company will, undoubtedly, nppoar
beforo tho city officials of thai city
during tho next two weeks and seek
to hnvo tho bars let down so passen
ger trains may bo operated to llol
brook, tho lino to that point from
Portland being almost completed.
Knrly in March tho company will
bo ready to oporate trains from tho
Chamber of Commcrco building, Third
and Stark streets, to llolbrook, n
distance of 10 miles, Trolley wires
are now being strung on 8lark
street and cars to equip tho now
lino are on their way hero from tho
East. They will arrive in that city
within tho next few days. Tho Hoi
brook line runs through Llnntou and
along the St. Helens road.
An hourly service Is planned on
tho new lino. 8teol Is being laid on
tho road beyond Llnntou and bnllast
Ing crowd aro keeping woirtip "to
the rail-laying gangs. Included In
the equipment now on tho way to
Portland Is a heavy electrlo lotomo
the fur freight truffle on the road,
but this service will not bo inaugu
rated until nftor the passenger
schedule has been put In effect and
tho service Is In good shape.
Can tho United Hallways' officials
bo Induced to extend their road down
tho Columbia river as far as St.
Helens, Is a question being anxious
ly askod by tho residents of tho low
or river towns. In tho bollcf that It
can bo dono, provided the right of
way is donatod, Interested persons
aro circulating petitions among tho
property holders from Portland to St.
Helens asking that tho right of way
bo given to tho company, and It Is
said that their efforts are mooting
with practically no opposition from
tho property ownors.
operuted by an electrlo motor which
will handle three or four cars at
one tlmo. nnd requiring very lltttle
labor to handlo, same.
Tho grain olevators, thoro being
one for each wheat pit, or six in
nil, will each be controlled by an
electric roolor placed at tho top of
the elevator. Theso motors will each
be controlled by an auto starter
placed on tho first floor of tho
Tho cleaning machines will be
Derated by electrlo motors; theso
cleaning machines being placed on
the third floor of the building, and
this motor started, Btoppod nnd con
trolled by nn auto Btarter, located
on tho first floor of tho building.
For unloading sacked grain from
cars there will be used a aack ele
ctor which will dollver the sacks
from tho second floor In tho center
of tho' building. For delivering tho
sacks from tho second floor to boats
or to the cars there win uo auoiner
elevator which will convey samo out
of the building. These elevators will
be operated by electrlo motors la
dependent of the other machinery,
with auto starter located on me
first floor of the building.
There will be dust collectors for
collecting dust, chaff, etc., from the
cleansing machines, delivered to a
dust bin on the first floor provided
for that purpose.
All of the blus aro so arranged
that they will entirely empty them
selves without any labor and any
fain in the elevator can be used for
any grain, and can be Interchanged
at will to suit the conditions.
The number of cleaning machines
will have to oe aeierminca iruiu wo
amount of grain that necessarily
must be cleaned. If It Is tbe in
tention of cleaning all of tbe bulk
grain, there will necessarily have to
b five cleaning machines, or approx-
Two Companies Knocking at the City Gates for Permission
to Lay Their Mains Through the Highways and
Byways of This Prosperous Community
Tho gas question occupied n
largo portion of tho tlmo at tho reg-
ular meeting of tho city council Tues-
day ovonlng. A representative of
tho Portland Gas company was pres -
cut and presented n proposed frau-
chine for adoption by council, Ho
gave quite n lecture on gas, told or
tho different varieties of gns, whnt
fuol made tho best product, what of-
feet tho heat units nnd cnndlo power
produced with different vnrletlcn of
tho odoriferous substance, and Hint
If council grnnted their franchise ns
requested tho company would begin'
supplying tho peoploof St.Johnu with
gas In from four to eight mouths,
He claimed that tho necessary ma-
terlnl for piping tho gas from their
supply station on tho Hast side was
already on hand, nnd It was only n
question of how long It would tnko price charged tho Inhabitants of Port
tho workmen to lay the uereiisary land two years ngo, and wob 20 cents
mains. Ho made n pleasing talk, per thousand less than stated In
mid those present had u better con- tliu SI, Johns Gas Light and Heat
ceptlon of what constituted good gns compauy'H franchise. Ho said this
when he had concluded. 1 was as low as any company could
An nmonded franchise from tho
St. Johns Gas Light and Heat com-
pany also received first reading, but
It did not seem to meet tho approval
of tho dads in Its present form. It
was almost 1 o'clock A. M. when nd-,
Joummont todk place.
.i. . nii...i .
VerVTTaycrrirlco, roll call showed
all present with tho exception of
Councilman Hunter, Minutes of tho
previous regular nnd ndjournod meet. !
lugs wero then road and approved.
2" ,J .". " " P
tho Interest of tho extension of Rich
mond street through tho Copies
tract to Fessonden street. Ho urgod
hat cl on be taken nt ic 0 to pi l
this matter through, thnt Is was a
1 a . 1 lt .
ery Important thoroughfare , In t o
Ity, and that It would bo of benefit 1
to nil If tho street was opened up,'.
..,, ,l, ,.r,,nP,v n from JrBnv
..v ..w ,..w,.v. w '
Btreet to tho river wore going to a
great deal of expense In laying a i
flno comont sidewalk and it was only
In Justlco to them that tho st
should bo oxtondod, As fur us
was concorned ho would prefer to
boo tno streei exieimeu m
vlnmliul In tin
btralght a lino ns possible, but lf,of ,ho fU,c8t
council aociueu a curve wuo butjb-
ablo It would bo much hotter than
nn III nil till cltOll WllllUIllS
. ... ...
avenue at unerry Bireei u uu ui-
stanco of whero a sharp curvo was,""" " w
hlKhly detrimental to n city, and bo-'
lloved the council should endeavor; improvement of IJuchanan street
. ....i.i .bi Q,nrn nrvB in RtJfroni St. Johns Heights uddltlou to
Johns U at all possible, and he said
that no matter which way this street
was Improved It would likely bo a
mattor for tho courts to docldo upon
In the way of adJuBtmont. Mr. Hoi-
brook's talk was well received, and
on motion of Alderman Doblo, boc-
Not Much to It
Learning that their youngest child,
which weighs two pounds, Is prob
ably tbe smallest baby In the world,
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Lady of Padu-
cah, Kentucky, have decided to narao
the mito after tho president elect.
At birth "Hill Taft Lady" was 12
Inches long and weighed 20 ounces,
but was perfectly formed. The face
could be covered with a watch crys
tal. The hands wero an Inch long
and the feet an inch and a half. Its
first 'dress was supplied from the
wardrobe of tbe doll of a little girl
Tho child has been thriving and
has grown over an men anu now
weighs two pounds. Ilia face has
grown to tbe dimensions of an av
erage biscuit.
Tbe mother and father aro med
ium sized peoplo and they have two
othor children, 10 and 3 years old,
who are large for tbelr ages.
Imately one for oach elevator.
Should only a part of tho bulk grain
be cleaned, tbe cleaning machines
can be eliminated to three,
Preach tho gospel of St. Johns.
unded by Mr. Wlndle, tho proposition
of proposed extension of Hlchmond
slreot, from Jersey to Fessenden,
as per plat furnished by the city en.
'glnecr, was unanimously adopted,
and tho city, attorney Instructed to
drnw up tho nocesary resolution
autiiorizing tins street to no im
II. M. Pnbst, representing tho
Portlnnd (Ins company, being preH
out, ho was cnlled upon to state his
proposition, nnd this gentleman with
tho strangely familiar name gave n
dissertation upon tho different quail-
ties of gas, told whnt his company was
willing to do, nnd slated that tho
price they proposed to charge tho
people of St. Johns for UiIh much
needed utility would be fl.'Jfi per
thousand feet, this being tho same
furnish good gas for In St. JoIiiib ow
'"B 10 1110 scattered residences tnni
would require a great deal of piping
Mora nny money could bo realized.
o ordinance presented uy mm wan
-hen rend, but It soemed n rntner
ono-sldud document. It gives tho gas
company tho right to lay llioir mains,
' '0-' ' " su Jn, but
"" .- -
In which tho work ahall be com-
',0,,u'' 0,1 l"1''" 'r ' h I
lo uu ''";" ,ur '' """"
mum 01 11111 jiruviBiuiiB ui iuu mm
'compensation to tho city for tho
uso of tho Btroets. W lillo theso
nl In nt .timvltilfitiH tnnv hnva limm
lim(,vorleiUly 0r Innocently omitted.
.. ,,,....,, in. ,iu,r urtl
" " ......
wU,0lU ,,
chnncoB will bo token. However,
tlw. nrilliiniint u'nu nrilnritil iilncod oil 1
' V 7.7 7 ' .
f l , ni-llnll Wl l 110 lilKKll 1111-
, ...... '
til a moro deflnlto Instrument
dwn lp MrI,nblt Btntl,a
i on Inquiry of Councilman unvis, innii Au oraiimnco authorizing tho sale
hlB company hod no objection toof mprovoment bonds was read by
I council granting a franchise to nn-,10 rocorijr nmi wn(t ,Uy nassod
, ,. , ,,,,.,,. .. i..
. .
,., ,,.., auPVivni
A petition iur iuu ibiuhuiiuh
bf au arc light on tho corner of Haiti
moro nnd Jersey streets was ac
- ,.,,,,, M
A petition for tho oponing up anu
FosBondeu street, with five foot ce
ment sidewalk and crushed rock for
tho surface of the street was accept
ed nnd a resolution ordorod direct
ing tho onglneer to prepare neces
sary plans for tho Improvement of
sold thoroughfare,
Give a Surprise Shower
On I'oburary 11th, In honor of tho
adoption of Miss Bessie Ireno Colo
Into, tho family of Elder C. J. Colo
und wlfo of 024 North Flllmoro
street, St. Johns, olghteon ladles
gavo n much appreciated surprUo
bhower on tho head of the four year
old. Tho now pupa und mama wero
apparently as much taken by surprlst
as the little tot.
Tho busy cures of life wero forgot
ten for a couplo of hours, nnd all
played tho role of youthful mirth.
Tho ladles made a flno finish of It
by serving refreshments that only
tho skilled cooks daro Imitate. Tho
following ladles participated: Mrs.
J. C. Scott, Miss Klfza Colo, Mrs. Joo
Fletchor, Mrs. D, J, Sellard, Mrs. S.
Saterlee, Mrs. Mary Baylor, MrB. II.
P. IJelleu, Mrs. Perry Uolleu, Mrs. J.
,1). Oofftr, Mrs. IC. C. Couch, Mrs.
Frank Haldwln, Mrs. John Thornton,
Miss Lucrolla Cummlngs, Mrs.
Eugeno O'Hara, Mrs. L. A. Smith,
Mrs. Otto D, ThoJJ, Mrs. John Nel
son, Mrs. N. C. Johnston.
Frank Clark baa moved bis family
from Lents to this place, which looks
very good to him.
A petition to Improve Ilnrtman
street, Willis boulevard to Oswego
street, with cement sldownlks was
ulso accepted and tho engineer In
Btructed to propnro profile and plans
for Improvement of same,
Petition to Improve Charleston
street, IIikIboii to FoBsondpn, was ac
cepted and engineer Instructed to do
tho necosHnry preliminary work In
connection therewith.
Dills Including electricity for tho
month of January, Janitor service
and street work, amounting In all to
$220.07, wns ordered pnld.
A communication from Chlel of
Police Illnck waB then taken up In
which ho asked that council prepare
an ordlnnuco or devise some othor
moans compelling pool room proprlo
tors to mnlntnlu good order In their
places of business. One case In
particular Is In n fair wny to havo
Kb license revoked If better decorum
Is not maintained In tho future. The
nttoruey wan Instructed to tuvestlgati
what bearing any ordinance now In
force had upon casos of this nature.
Tho matter of tho Improvement of
Philadelphia Btreet was discussed
Engineer Andrew stated that It
would require an Inimenio amount of
filling 10 properly grudo this wldo
thoroughfare, nnd ho desired to
know where thlH could bo secured
beforo ho would bo ablo to muko n
Hafo OHtlmnlu of tho probable cost
of this Improvement. Charles Andor
son wns prcHent nnd ho stated Hint
ho would tako It upon himself to
secure this earth without cost to tho
'lclty. pb ho had several promises of
sufficient dirt for tho purpose, but
H council desired that signed papers
1.1.. i.,. . i...
purpoi0f ,10 Br0ul, t0 wcliro ,,
' ' . " , . ,
Ullll' d I VOUl II lull WHO WiMUU'll
niU tlu 8amu wm ,0 presented to
...... ..n .. . ...... .......u.... u. i.. ......
'"' i.ivu.ii.r,. .. ii"i"
.... .1 ,1.... lli.l.. .... ..I.,..
diuiuii limi ll lliiiu u.ui iiiiiu
cent grade could bo obtained
. this street.
An ordinance amondlng tho pros
out frunchlso hold by tho St. Johns
(las Light and Heat Co, wau then
takou up and passed first roadlng,
Thoro wero sovoral points contained
therein that was not agroooblo, and
is wns decided that no action bo
takou until those aro remedied. No
representative of tho company being
prosont, tho matter was laid on the
table for tho present.
Petition for an aro light at tho
cornor of John and Kdlson streots,
was favorablo considered. This Is a
point whero au aro light Is n neces
sity, and will likely bo Installed.
Finds Nothing Better
M. S, Cobb, who recently an
nounced a cloning out sale of his
dry gooda storo on tho corner of Jer
sey and Philadelphia Btroets, has
decided to continue In business at
tho Bume location. Ho says that ho
has visited many locations In various
Mictions of tho Northwest In tho
hope of finding a hotter location for
his business, but nowhoro did ho find
a pluco with brighter prospects
than St. Johns, and not being able
to better himself ho will again cast
his anchor In this city. Ho has or
dered a largo line of now goods, and
Is gotllng In shape to sorve the
peoplo In a hotter manner than over
beforo. In order to fully realize
whut u fine city St. Johns is It Is
necessary to visit othor sections,
and It does not tako ono long to de
cide that St. Johns cannot bo ex
celled. (
According to tho weuther man wo
aro about four inches shy of our
regular donation of rain for this
tlmo of tho year. If this bo true let
uu have tho balance at onco, for wo
hate to bo behind In theso little
Enjoyed at Home of N. J,
Bailey Friday Evening
Honored by Brothers and Sisters of
the Laurelwood Lodge
Ono of tho social features of tho
post week was n very pleasant Bur
prlso party given at tho homo of Mr,
nnd Mrs. N. J. IJolloy nt their now
homo on South Hayes street last
Friday ovonlng.
Tho party wob ntlended by tho
SlBtors and llrothera of l.nurelwood
Lodge, No. 1C0, of which Mrs,
Uoltey Is n faithful nnd onthuslnstl
Tho ovonlng wns spent playing
progressive whist and ghost until
late hour, after which n dainty lunch
wob served by tho ladles, being
thoroughly enjoyed by nil.
Mr. Hendricks wns assigned tho
pleasant duty of presenting to Mrs,
Ilalloy n beautiful gold bracelet to
show tho lodges' appreciation of her
efforts ns cnptaln of their degree
team during tho past year. Although
tho woollier was very disagreeable
tho party wob largely attended
among those present being Mr. and
Mrs. II. 8. Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. J. V
Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hill, Mr,
and Mrs. W, Johnson, Mr. nnd Mrs
J. ft. Akliia and Master Itobert, Mrs
K.Day, Mrs. II. Ilemlngton, A. Hcales,
Mrs, M. Illnck, Mrs. M. Klllot, Mrs
J. 8. Downey, Miss Doyle, Mrs. 11
McKluuey, Miss I. Crab, Mrs. 1C.I,
Cox, Mrs. M. W. (latum, Mr. nnd
Mrs. N, C. llalluy nnd daughter
Helen. .
New Society Organized
Following an nblo address given
by Mr. C. L. Weaver, of Portland,
at tho Methodist church, Sunday
morning February fourteenth, u Wo
mou's Homo Missionary Society was
organized by tho Indies of St. Johns,
Tho following offlccra wero elected:
'reshlont. Mrs. Sarah Kemp; Vice
res., Mrs. A. V. Iinmed; Record
ing Secretary, Mrs. II. V. Hurt; Cor
responding Hoc, Mrs. K. F. Day;
Mlto Ilnx Sec, Mrs. Hope Lourned;
Utoraturo Sec., Mrs, W, K. Popu;
Troasurer, Mrs, loedom; Queen
Esther Supt., Miss Louu Long.
Tho first regular meeting of tho
socloty will bo hold nt the M. IC.
church Tuesday afternoon, March hoc
ond. All ladles Interested aro cor
dially Invited to attend.
Much Interest was manifested, and
as this la n worthy cause, wo trust
It will meet with your attention nnd
co-operation, Signed Mrs, II. V.
Hurt, Sec,
The Village Knocker
(With apologies to Longfellow)
Under u spreading chestnut tree
Tho village knocker stands,
A low-brow'd, worthless cubs Is he,
Foul mouth and feeble hands,
And tho muscles of his wngglng
Proclaim tho liar's brands.
Week In, week out, from morn to
You hour his drlvol flow,
Knch forward step ho Btrlvcs to
With ghaBtly tulo of woe,
Tho world moves on, but ho Htunds
Until ho sinks below.
Thanks, thanks to thoo, Inchoate usa I
Thin lesson we may learn,
To let each blithering Idiot pass,
Thy frothy fables spurn,
Till Satan pays thy Just reward
And cooks theo to a turn. Kx.
Will Increase Population
R. L. Itoborts and family of Quldo
Kock, Nebraska, expects to arrive
In St. Johns tho first of tho month,
whero they Intend making their fu
turo home, Anothor family will uc
company them hero, making u total
of sixteen persons to bo added to
this city's rapidly Increasing population.
School Children are Doing
Their Full Share
In Such a Thorough Manner That
Good Results Will Surely Follow
Tho business mon, ministers, school
children and citizens of Portland
generally nro busily engaged this
week Bending In pcrsonnl letters to
their friends a lenflet, which In ad
dition to moro effectively advertis
ing tho rncl that "Oregon Is tho place
for you" nnd giving tho low colon
iHt rates to this stale, contains I ho
following condensed facts on Oregon:
Oregon has one-sixth tho standing
timber of tho United states, or
more than any other stale. (lovern-
ment estimate, three hundred billion
vast undeveloped area now
available to tho homeniaker nnd In
vestor will go on tho market In 1 0011.
Thin will be tho most luscious melon
cut In Undo Sam's domain during
tho present year.
Hob arable land enough for twenty
million people. Present population
Does moro than any other state to
advance Irrigation, being tho largest
contributor to tho United Status Re
clamation Fund.
Ih natural dairying stale. Annual
product $17,000,000, nil Increase
from fr.,000,000 five your ngo. West
ern portion has pasture every mouth
In tho year. RaukH second In wool
clip among tho states,
Oregon apples, peam nnd cherries
find their wny ot tho tables of sov
ereigns und inulll-mllllonalrori of
every civilized land they nro tho
best. Returns of from $:i00 lo 11,000
per acre on fruit lands nro not ex
Poultry products J'..000,000 nunual-
ly, Local market demands three
times Hint amount at highest prices.
Has water powortt (being rapidly
developed) sufficient to run all tho
machinery In tho United States,
Livestock In state estimated nt
$7&,000,0U0 packing plaulH now build
ing Insure n trebled market.
Has two prosperous mining hoc-
Hons, located In the eastern ami koii
them portions of tho state gold, sil
ver, Iron, copper nnd oil among tho
Hob diversity of ellmuteu nnd
soils milted to every product of tho
temperate znno not dependent upon
hot nights.
Enjoyable Occasion
Lincoln's birthday was tho occa
Ion of a very pleasant tlmo ut
Homes IJdgo, No. 101, K. of P., last
'rhlay evening. An open meeting
wns held and au interesting pro
gram rendered. Pleuslng speeches
wero mado by Rov. (5, W. Nelson, J,
I. lllurk, Dr, A. W, Vincent. Rov.
C, P. dates and A. M, Ksson; piano
ml ocul solos by Miss Kulollu
Oreeno; selection by tho Knlghtu of
'ythlas Quartet, composed of Mwitsru.
Iliad:, llorsmnn, Storr and Clark;
bone solo by Edward (iaaban; flag
drill by ton llttlo daughters ot
KnlghtH, and u zither tolo by Mlsa
Jonnlu Greene, K, F, Ilorsinan, L. F,
Clark ami W. A. Storr composed tho
committee of urrungoments, Tho ov
onlng wnu greutly enjoyed by all.
Released from Quarantine
K. IJ. Holcomb and two boya woro
released from quarantine this week,
nnd tho llttlo month old baby la tho
only one who Is now afflicted with
that droud disease, smallpox, This
Is tho last enso of smallpox on record
In tills city. Tho soverul casoa hnvo
nil boon of a mild nuturo and hnvo
been uuder perfect control by tho
board of health. Each member ot
Mr. Holcomb's fumlly, twclvo In num
ber, contracted tho disease, und while
It wub u great nffltctlon to thla fam
ily, tho fact that no deaths occurred
Is something to bo very grateful for.
Archie Mahor, who Iiob boon In
Tillamook for tho past several wooku,
hua returned to St. Johns,