St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 12, 1909, Image 4

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Hunting Incldont In the Jungle of
Now mid then n noldler hns been
found kinollng on the bnttlelli'ld mm If
n bo ut to take aim at thu enemy, hilt
Htono (lend. A bullet In the bruin hail
converted him Into a stntuo of hlm
self. Captain Korsytb In hi "IIIkIi
ItintlH of Central India" tellH of a sim
ilar (.'ffect produced by nn explosive
hhell ou n User.
'J'ho captain while In the howdnli of
his trained clcphnnt hutilliir; n tlRcr
enw the beast crouchlnp. under a btiHli
on thu bank of n ravine. Ho took aim
nnd fired n three ounce shell nt thu
User's broad forcliend, To IiIh hut
prise, for the distance was but thirty
yards, there was no result. Not n mo
tloii of the tlcer acknowledged the
shot. Ho rode round a quarter of a
circle, but still the tlcr remained mo
llonless, but InokliiK Intently In the
sumo direction. (IrowliiK more and
more unitized, the captain rode up near
or with his title at full cock, but the
tlRcr did not move. Then be caused
the clcphnnt to kick thu beast. The
tlcor fell over. Ho was stone dead,
The shell hnd si ruck him full In (he
center of the forehend, burst In his
brain and kilted him Instantly. Kx
China's Floating Homei and
Low Cnito Population.
Stand beside the Imperial custom
house nt Canton and let the eye raiine
down thu river toward Ilfltigktuiir. As
far M the sight can reach He bonis,
boats, and again bonis. These are no
ordinary craft, inero vessels of trans
port plying hither nnd thllher, but Hie
countless homes of myriad Chinese, In
which millions have been born, lived
and died. They aru the dwellings of
the very poor, who live In them practi
cally freu from rent, taxes and other
burdens of the ordinary citizen,
ThoTiinkla (which menus boat dwell
ers), lis the ilelil.eliH of thesu Hunting
houses nro called, form a sort of caste
apart from thu rest of the ('initnticFo.
The shore dwellers regard them nn be
longing lo a lower social order, and In
deed they have many customs peculiar
lo themselves which murk them ns n
neparatu community. Mow thu swarm
ing masses of thorn contrive to support
existence Is a mystery, but their chief
inodo of employment Is In carrying
merchandise and passengers from place
to place. London Lady's Itealm.
A Great Man.
A llreslnu paper publishes this
"child's composition" as an extract
from Hubert (loupp's "Psychology of
thu Child:" "Charles the (I rent was a
good, bravo man. lie had a horseshou
which ho broke. Whenever ho met a
Turk ho drew his sword and cut the
Turk In two, so that the halves Hew lo
nil ends of the world, lie wore the
clothes only which his daughter sewi d
for htm. lie was very pious. Whin
lio could not sleep hu prayed. Once
upon a llmu'hu was kneeling at thu
foot of thu altar. The pope saw hint
there and anointed htm, and so hu be
came (lerman emperor. Then lie gavu
tliu peoplu Cermiiu names, lie found
ed schools and churches, Thcsu learn
ed lo read and to write. When hu died
hu sat down In a golden chair and was
put In a vault, lie In Hitting llieru
The Human Heart.
Thu heart of man Is a book-nay, It
lit mi encyclopedia of everything lliut
lias ever come within thu range of Its
personal experience. It preserves an
eternal record of all the stories In
which It bus played a part. It Is
Ntniugu what nail things may bo hid
den In Its depth without giving any
token of their existence. Thu heart
limy bo gay and may bend thu Hindu
mantling to tho face, but all thu while
you hid only tho topmost stratum. If
thu graves beneath were to glvu up
their deail thu smiles would hcciii
strangely out of place. It Is Just lll.u
this great earth of ours that renews It
fcclf year after year and has not on Its
Hiirfnco any token to tell what Is thu
simple truth that It Iiiih given grave
to '.'(H) generations of human beings, -Farrell.
Glacial Wonderi.
Thu grandeur of nature's forces may
be understood when ouu of thu gla
ciers of Disco bay, (Ireenlaud, Is ritud
led. 11 el la lid estimated that It bud a
thickness of ICO feel, with a breadth
of 18,100 feet, nnd was found to 1
moving at tho rate of forty-seven feet
per diem. And this DUco bay glacier
was only ouu of thu many. Itluk esti
mates that ou thu west const of Green
hind tliero are l'.'O.OOO square miles of
territory, all contributing their supply
of Icebergs.
A Difficult Position,
A young captain who was drilling
tho awkward kiUiiiI commanded thus;
"Now, my men, listen to me. When I
suy Ilaltl' put the foot (lint's ou thu
ground beside the onu that's In the air
mid remain motionless," Success Mag-
tie Mingled.
"Old you meet nay of tho members
of thu nobility when you were In
KuropeV" asked Mlns fiushlclgh.
"Sure. I nat between an earl and a
viscount at a prlxe light una evening."
Chicago Itecord-llernld.
The Difference.
Marriage Is a good thing for tdugle
men," mild tho bridegroom elect.
"Iluml Ves," remarked Mr. Hen
peck, "for single men only." New
York Times.
Tho disappointment of manhood sue
.eeds tho delusion of youth. Disraeli.
We with to secure a good corres
pondent and solicitor In every sec
tion of the Peninsula. Will not the
different push clubs take this matter
up and see that their own particular
locality Is covered each week wltl
one or more correspondents. If two
correspondents from the same local
ity sends the same Item we will cut
out the duplicated notes. This means
much to the Peninsula and we hope
our friends will take hold of the
matter and give us all the news 01
hV entire Peninsula,
i Varies According to Distance
nifla 8hootlng.
"A bullsoyo Is a bullsoyo" Is nn ex
liresslon frequently used In conucctlot
with rlflo shooting, but thoso unfa'
miliar with military ntlo practice ni
at present conducted have llttlo con
ceptlon of what Is meant by a bullsoyt
on thu regulation targets. The rangci
nt which shooting now takes plnco nre
2W, 300, fKX), COO, 800, 000 and 1.00C
ynrds. For these ranges thrco target!
are employed.
Thu first Is target A, which is used
nt IMJO mid 300 yards, it is six feet
(nil nnd four feet In width, with a
bullscye In thu center eight inches in
diameter. This is surrounded by n
clrclo twenty-six inches lu diameter.
Another clrclo Is forty-six Inches In
diameter. The bullsoyo counts 5, n
shot lu tho Inner clrclo 4, In tho outci
clrclo 3 nnd on tho romnlndcr of tho
tnrget 2.
The It target, which Is used nt COO
and GOO yards, Is six feet square. It
hns a twenty Inch bullscye, and tho
first circle Is thirty-seven Inches and
thu second circle Ilfty-threo Inches In
diameter. Thu value of tho spots is
thu tamu as on tho A target.
Thu O tnrget is used nt 800, 000 and
1,000 yards. This Is rectangular In
shopo, being six feet high nnd twelve
feet long. It Is divided Into thrco sec
Huns by vortical Hues three feet from
each end. In thu center is a thirty-six
Inch bullsoyo surrounded by n fifty
four Inch circle. A shot In tho bulls
eyo counts n, between the bullsoyo and
the rim of thu clrclo I, nnywhero out
shlu of the circle, but within tho six
foot square, .1, nnd at cither end of the
target, but outsldu of tho sipmre, the
Hhol counts 2 points. Philadelphia
Anelent Legal Maxim Says Man Owne
Land "Up to the Sky."
It Is sllll n moot point whether or
not thu flying of airships over private
properly mny be opposed by duo proc
ess of law,
In Knglnnd (hero Is nn nnclrtit max
im embodied lu thu Kngllsli common
law which says, "lio who owns the
land owns It up to skies." This venera
ble rule, a legnl authority points out,
Is ns good today ns ever It was and Is
full of menacing significance to the
airship builder.
Thu effect of lids rule Is (o glvu (hu
owner of laud thu exclusive right to
the freu enjoyment of the air over and
alsivo tho four comers of his holding,
nnd any Interference with that enjoy'
ment, however apparently slight and
harmless, constitutes a trespass, for
which nn action mny bo brought.
Applications for Injunctions against
airship owners and actions for trespass
by aggrieved landowners are not un
likely proceedings In tho near future.
Now York Hun.
How Oho Solved It.
There wns something about tho face
of thu stranger who sat opposite to
her In thu tram car that wns familiar
to tho stern Indy. "Pardon me," she
snld. "If I am not mistaken, you aru
ono of thu poor, underpaid working
girls whom our Emancipation society
tried to bcnellt, or, at least, you were
a year ago."
"That Is ho," snld tho stranger.
"Then our society bus evidently not
been without Inlluence, for you look
prosperous now."
"I hnvu everything 1 want and nuver
was ho happy lu my life."
That's splendid. ou must hove
solved tho woman problem."
"I have."
"(Ilorlousl Do tull mu nhout Itl"
"I'vo marrlcdl"
A Caia of Auto Suggestion.
A baker ou thu upper west sldo who
purchased an audi delivery wagon wns
surprised (o receive (ho following me'
sage from ouu of his most particular
customers: "Pieasu send no moru or
ders to mo by your now wngon. Tho
smell of gasoline lu tho rolls inadu al
most thu eutlru family Hick."
Thu baker sent word to thu customer
that, as thu auto was driven by elec'
trlclty ami no gasoline wns used at nil,
sho must havo been mistaken and add'
od, "Perhnps thu cook had Just cleaned
her gloves tlmt day," Now York Press.
Not Too Late.
Not long after thu great Chelsea flro
some children In Newton, Mass., held
a eharlly fair by which f!8 was real-
tail, This they forwarded to the rec
tor of a certain Huston church who
hnd taken a prominent part lu thu re
lief work, with a letter which read
somewhat ns follows;
Wo Imvo had a fair and made 118. We
aru numllnu It to you, 1'leaio give It to
tlm Cutanea sufitreii. Yours truly, etc.
1. 8. We 110(H) Ilia nurtorlnn la nut all
I'M) Is not nn end, but a means of
attaining tho highest degree of culture
by perfect peaco of mind, llenco it U
to bo observed that thoso who make
piety an end and aim in Itself for thu
most part become hypocrites. Goethe.
The Dlrd In Hand.
Louuy Say, let's promise to innrry
ouch other when wo grow up. Oracle
Oh, 110, I might like somebody else
Itetter then. Louuy Me too. flraclo
(Imstlly)-Oh, yes; let's do promise,
Kansas City Times.
A Succsss.
Mrs. Heupeck I marrleil you to re
form you. Mr, Henpeek ou miccced-
ihI. I'll never marry again If 1 live to
bo a thousand years old. Illustrated
Nothing Is moru easy than to deceive
ourselves. Detnostbtfuos.
Pointers for our Patrons.
HrhiK in your printing; nowv
sl rr
i tie itiiicrcticc between poor
stock ami first class stock on n job
is u small item when yon consider
the value of the job. It is the
price of u satisfied customer. It is
better to make 50 cents less on n
job nuil have n customer who will
come back, than to use the flimsy
stock, make the extra 50 cents nuil
lose your customer. That is the
way we figure it.
He Finally Came to Dilleve Hit Own
Yarn Was True.
The usual party of evening town
gossips hnd gathered lu front of the
postoltlco when ltastiis, a good heart
ed old dark', said:
"Kolkses, 1 know a man who tells
lies so offen that he sometimes actual
ly believes he's tellln' tho truf. You've
heard of them people, hnven't you?
Listen. One day ho was pnssln' by n
rcstrunt, nnd ns he was very hungry
ho went lu to get somcthln' to cat.
Hut when he got Inside ho saw tlmt
every neat was occupied. Tiicn no
thought n minute nnd suddenly said,
Just so loud so that every one could
hear him:
" 'Hnvo you heard?
"Of courso every ono said 'What?'
" 'Why,' said he, 'there's a whale
down in tho dock that they Just cap
tured lashln' Ids (nil nround nnd up-
scttlu' thu tugboats and steamers. lie's
only goln to bo tliero ten minutes.'
"Of courso every ono Jumped up and
run down to sec tho whale. That wns-
Just what he wanted, so. slttln' down,
hu ordered his dinner and begun to
cat. .Suddenly ho looked out tho win
dow, and tliero wns everybody runnln'
to the docks-pollccmcn, Chinamen,
coons and nil and ho said:
"'Iy Rollyl I fjuess It's sol'
"And ho ran down thero himself."
Apology Made by an Uncon
sciously Profane Man.
Tho proprietor of a certain hotel In
Maine Is not only ono of tho kindest
nnd best hearted of men, but also one
of tho most profane. Ho awenrs with
out knowing It nnd means no offense.
Ho spends but little time In tho ofllco
and Is practically unknown to many
of (ho guests. One day, however, ho
was In conversation with the manager
when a Indy Interrupted them.
"I want my room chnnged," sho
snld. "It Is on tho sldo overlooking
tho kitchen, and I am annoyed by the
swenrliig of some mnn down there cv
cry morning. I nm n church woman
and will not stand It another day."
Tho remarks were addressed to the
manager, fur sho did not know tho
proprietor or tlmt tho ono who did tho
swearing wns he.
"Do you happen to know who that
mnn Is?" he asked before tho mali
nger could reply.
"No, I do not," sho answered.
"Well, 1 do," tho proprietor contin
ued, "and ho doesn't menu any moru
when ho swenrs than you do when
you gut down on your knees to prny."
-I.lpplncott s.
They Were Dlicreot.
Ill tho course of an Interview Cnrdl-
tint Manning, a short time before his
death, referred to his boyhood days ns
follows: "Well, If you wnnt mu to talk
uonseiisu I will say (tint It Is a lung
way back to remember, for I am
eighty-three, but I spent my childhood
nt Totterldge. A lMy nt Cooinhe Hank,
Christopher Wndsworth, Into bishop
of Lincoln, mid Charles Wndsworth,
bishop of St. Andrews, wcro my play
fellows, I frankly admit I was very
Thu two Wadsworths and I con
ceived tho wicked Intention of robbing
thu vinery. Thu door was always kept
locked, nud tliero wns nothing for it
hut to enter through thu roof. There
was a dinner party Hint day, but there
were no grapes. This Is probably tho
only caso ou record where three ru-
lure bishops were guilty of larceny
Weru .wu punished? No. Wo were ill-
erect. Wo gave ourselves up and wcro
Not Drened Fit For the Party.
A proud young housekeeper who hnd
been presented with a piece of statu
ary wns giving a party, wioruy do-
foru thu guests arrived wiu looked
through thu rooms to hcu Hint every
thing was lu order. Missing the Venus
from Its plncu ou the hull pedestal.
she nsked thu old butler what had
been done with It.
"MUs Weeny, you mean, iim'nm?"
hu replied.
"Yes, thu Venus. Where Is It?"
'Well, now, MUs Margrlt, nm'nm,
excuse me, mn'nm, but 1 Jes' thought
as gemmeiis was expected ills ovcnln'
I'd better set Miss Weeny under the
stalhs." Indies' Home Journal.
An Omelet With Dacon and Potatoes.
An omelet with bacon and potatoes
suggested a dish that d lifers from
those ouu meets every day. Fry half
a cup of bacon cut In tiny dice until
crisp and browu. Cut raw potatoes
Into dlcu nnd fry n cupful or them In
deep fat until dellchuuly browned.
Then intiko tho omelet, folding oue
half the fried bacon and potatoes with
thu omelet, and turn ou ton hot platter
Surround with tho remainder of thu
bacon and potatoes. lloston Tran
Two of a Kind.
Llttlo Johnnie, who U considered the
Imago of his father, was oue day lu
his mother's way, when sho told I1I111.
You aro always In tho way,"
Ho replied, "I am Just llko papa."
Pre.ty Loud.
Noll He's a collego boy. HelleI
thought so. Nell From hU couversa
tlonT Hello No, I was too busy listen
ing to his clothes to hear what ho bad
to say. Exchauge.
A Lsadlng Part.
"My brother has a leading part In
tlmt drama."
"What parti"
"He leads n horso across tbo stage
to the last act."
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
watch your business
"Dr. Mllti' Aiirt-
of the Little p"
wd tj at (of rbca
Tnklota mirkflnt,hidicfH
lUUieu indpalnlntacsssd
1 L ildct, ind In mry
ana me tnihympertci
O : MtlifiCilon."
rain u ite(iry aUmr,
Gone Uoonion. N. Y.
ami nit fains or
25 Doses 25 Cents
Your DniHlii Kill Dr. Milts' AnH-Ptln.PMi
fid fx It itiiketutd 10 rttum the pn of ibt tint
ptckitt (only) If M full w UntfH yon.
No. 0047.
Report of the condition of the
First National Bank
nt St. Johns, In the stotc of Oregon, nt
uic close oi business l'corunry 5, 1909:
Loans nud discounts 58,303.41
U, 8. bonds tosccurccirculntloii 35,000.00
Premiums on U. 8. bond 1 .0-13.75
Hanking House, liirulturc unit
fixtures J.6.M.M
Expenses paid ., 6o.p6
Due irom hinic 0.111 leu
nud bankers .'.f..6i..6l
Due from approved re
serve agents 11 jqi.qi
Checks nud other cash
Itcun 319.6s
Notes of other Nation
al Hanks qvoo
I'ractloiml nper cur
rency, nlckcls.ccuts 3-1 ,oj
Lawful money reserve
in bank, viz:
Specie j.586.80
U. ti. Treasurer U
per ct. of circulation 1,350.00 30,493.03
Total f 109,115.71
Cnpltnl stock paid lu f 35,000.00
National bank notes outJtaud'g 35,000.00
iniiiviiiuni ticpoMis
subject to check. ..f-U.i.M.Bi
Demand certificates of
ofdciMilt 8.014.00
Time certificates of
dciKislt C.
havings dcpolt .... 1,557.47 59,115.71
Total f 109,115.71
State of Oregon, I .
County of Multnomah '
I, V. P. Drinker, cashier of the nlsjve
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
ouove statement la true 10 tltc best 01 my
Kiiowiouge nun ucnei.
i'. r. Drinker. L'liniicr.
.Subscribed and sworn to before 111 e
this 10th day of February, 1009.
W. It. Hall, Notary Public,
Multnomah county. Ore.
Correct Attest: tt. M. Tultlc,
A. K. Jobcs,
II, H. Collier,
That it deems it expedient and nec
cs&iry to improve South Hayes street from
tho South lint- of lturllngton street to
the North Hue of Mohawk street in
the city of St. Johns in the following
manner, to wit: Kv sldewalking same
011 cltlicr side with six loot cement side
walks, 13 foot curb, from south line
of llurliiigtoii street to north Hue of Mo
hawk street, witli uices&ury wood cross
walks and box gutters, and grading same
from houth Hue of Richmond street to
thu north Hue of Mohawk street, oc
cording to tho plans nud specifica
lions of the City Jtngtneer now on
tile In the office of the City Recorder
relative thereto, which said tilaus and
sixcificatious and estimates arc satltfac
tory and are hereby approved, Said
improvements to be made in accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the
City of St. Julius ami under the super
vision and direction of tue City Uiiglu
That the cost of said Improvement
to be assessed as nrovided by the city
charter ujmu the property especially and
particularly uvneiuieii increoy, aim
which is hereby declared to be all of
lots, iarts of lots, blocks and parcels of
laud between the termini of such im
pruvemeuts abutting upon, adjacent or
proximate to said boutn Hayes htrvet,
from the margtuat Hues of said street
back to the center of the block or blocks
or tracts of laud abutting thereon or
proximate thereto.
That all the nronertv included In said
improvement district aforesaid Is hereby
declared to be "Local Improvement
District No. 17."
That the Citv Hneiiieer's assessment
of the probable total cost of said im
provement of said South Hayes Street is
mat the cost of said boutli J laves
street to be assessed against the prop
erty in said local assessment district as
provided Dv the citv charter 01 tlie City
Aiiopted tlie 9U1 day 01 Feu., 1909.
Published ii the St. Johns Review
I'eb. 13, 19, 36, 1909.
St. Johns Ferry Time Card,
Leave Hast Side (A, M. o:jo, 7:10,
7:50. 0:30, 9:10,9:50 10:30,11:10, 11:50. r.
.m uyo, 1:10, 1:50, syo, 3:10, 3:50, ayo
aiio 0:00.
Leave West Side (A, M.l 6:507:30,
0:10, 0:50, 9:50, 10:10, 11:50. r, M.
13:10,13:50,1:30,3:10, 3:50, ysjo.iuo,
4:50, 5:30, 6:30.
Not tha Ubcl on your paor.
Extol the name
Of one whose fame
Tlie tongue of scandal ne'er can mar,
Our country s pride,
For her he died,
Grandest figure of the Civil War,
Born ns lowly
As the holy
Son of God, the Savior of the world
Ambition s zeal
He did not feci
Till slavery's wnr flag wns unfurled
Strong nnd fearless,
Never tearless,
Willie ins tioutlicrit friends toes Ins
will defied;
Unbounded power,
Was his dower
Ne'er abused except on mercy's side
Kind nnd cheerful
Never fcnrftil
Of the finnl triumph of his cnuse;
A nnvy brave,
Crowned cv'ry wnvc
Men in arms who won the world'
Priceless treasure,
Is the measure
Of the nation's estimate of thee;
Great pcace-innkcr;
Shackle breaker
Of the tunny millions who went free
History's pages
Through the ages
With the theme of Lincoln's fame
shall shine,
And the story
01 his glory
Will resound until the end of time
J. II. Fletcher.
St. Johns, Ore., Feb. ;, 1909,
ll.nntlst church C. L. Owen, uantor,
Sunday choot nt 10 n. m. Preaching at
II a.m. II. Y. r. U. 7 P. m. I'rCnclilug
at a p. 111.
aicllioiiiftt ciiurcii n. II. Duwnrt, pn
tor. Sunday school 10 a. in,: Drenching
nt tin. m. and H p. m. Upwurth League
nt 7 p, m.
Holy cross uiiiioiiccuurcii, rortsmouin
Station: b'.m a. 111,, low innis: 10:15 a. in
high mass: 7: w p, in,, vespers and bene
Christian church Meets every Sunday
lu Tabernacle as follows: Sunday school
at ion. m.: nrenciilug nt 11 a. 111. anil
p. in., and V. P. S. C. H. meeting at 7 p. 111
ll. J. ioiiiisoii, pattor.
St. Andrew's Hplscopnl Church Ports
mouth ltvv. Dr. Van Waters, Chap
lain. Miuiiny services 7:30 p. 111, bun
day school 10 n. in. Holy Communion
nrst Sunday 111 uie iiionin 111 11 n. in.
livnugclicni ciiurcii Miiuiay kciiooi nt
10 11. in, rrcnciiiug 1 1 a, m. junior k
L. C. It. 3:30 p. 111,; Senior K, L. C. It. 7
I), in. l'rcnciilug at a p. m, uicntcr I
Gates, puidor.
I'irst Congregational Churcli-O. W
.Nclkou, junior. Miuiiny kciiooi 10 a
in.; preaching 11 n. in, and 7:45 p. 111
V, P. S. C. It. meeting at 7 p. m. Praye
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. 111. A seat
and welcome to nil.
linntitt Church. Uu vers tv Purk. Rev
A. II. Wnltz, pattor. Regular services
every hutiilay morning and evening.
licriimii iiautisi ciiurcii hvrv ices iiviu
encu suniiny ni lupusi rniircu asiouows
hiintuty scuooi 3 p, m., preacuiiig ni j p
m. Key. l'uiimcni, tuisiur.
German Lutheran Services at 10:4.1
n. in. every Sunday morning nt comer of
rciiiutuia avenue nun KiiuiricK ureei
University Purk. All Ocrmans of St
Johns cordially invited to attend. C
Iliicchler. tustor.
uiritiiau hcicuce Nicictv meetings
Held nt Ullcngo Koomiug lioiike. hun
days, 11 a.m. nud WcducMlays at ti p. 111
ftiiDject bow.
City of St. Johns, Oregon
M)or-H. W. Ilrlce ,
Hcconltr A. M. IUmii
Trurer J. K. Tnnch
Altorn-- II. li. Collier
llniiliircr C. Anilrcwe
rh)lclan A. W, Vincent
Chltl ot 1-ollcc-j. II. llUck
Nlchl rollcc-O. Whcrldse
Counclliiieii al Larer:
A. W I)vl, C. I,, johnwti, li, I, IKihle
Councilincn first Ward.
I. J. Sillier W. W. Wlndte
CouticUmen txoml Ward.
II. C. Iluutet II. W. Iiouham
Street and I)aA-W. W. Windle, V, J.
Miller, C. I IoIiiimui
License II. W. Ilonham. II. C. Hunter,
w. . 111, lie
Water and MslU-C. L. Johnion. A. W.
luvn, 11. v. itonnaiu
I'iuaucc A. W. I)ai. II. C. Hunter, 8.
J,. Itoule
Ilulldiniit and Ground H. C. Hunter. I.
j. iiurr, v. 1,. jomikon
Health and I'oltce 8. I,. Hobl, II. W
iionnaiu, w . Hiuaie
Liquor Llceusc I". J. Miller. A. W l)ji,
n. i,. iiouie
Central Market!
Holbrook block.
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the llest
Meats Obtainable,
Orders rilled and l'amiiy Trade Solicited
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
CopvRiGirrm 4c
Abtob. smtlim a (ktrh nj dccrlptlon my
Cuit m uulc-
tut rrM. UUI uancr tat tocuniii; P ilnu.
i41auM tkn ibruih Slunu A Co. rlT
Mtui tuttet. nimoui com, in ma
Scientific JiMerkaii.
A hwdsoiatlr lUestrtltd WMklr.
Taraul rir.
cuUlloa of .ot.ctlSo toarad. Term., IS ft
iwi fuur month, U Sou t fall nwJa)r.
Subscribe for the Telegram
best evening paper ou the coast.
See Ed Stockton.
Not th labl on your papor.
We have rt muiibcr of articles on hand which we arc
desirous of disposing of. They were purchased by the
former management to be given out as premiums on
subscriptions, but as the solicitors invariably prefer
cash commission instead of premiums, they arc now
placed on sale at a bargain.
We have a limited number of shears that retail
in any store at not less than $1.00 per pair. They are
guaranteed for five years, and have a thumb screw on
the back which prevents them from becoming loose.
Drop in and examine a pair. Bargain price,
Per pair .... 50c
A sinAll number of nickel silver spoons, guaran
teed to be composed of the same metal throughout,
easily worth $1.25 anywhere. Bargain price,
Per set 75c
Two gold jewel cases, $3.50 value, bargain sale
Each .... $2.00
A handsome set of silver knives and forks, value
?37S bargain price, - - - $2.50
A $2.00 carving set goes at this sale for $1.25
A beautiful gilt alarm clock worth 2.00, bargain
price ..... $1.25
Gilt mantel clock worth $3.25, can be had for $3.
A very fine 26-piece set of Rogers' silverware,
worth from $10 to $12, will be placed on sale at $6.25
All of these are genuine bargains, and outside of
the shears and spoons weNhave only one set of each
variety, so if you arc looking for anything in this line
it would be wise to take advantage of this opportunity.
A careful inspection of each article is invited. When
these arc disposed of no more shall be ordered, as the
jewelry business is not in our line.
St. Johns Review
Now is the time
to visit
When summer has
passed in these north
ern states, the sun is
only mild under the
bright blue skies of
Southern Ciiliforuin.
Tliis is one of na
ture's happy provis
ions eteriiulsummer
for those who cannot
endure a more severe
California lias been
called the "Mecca of
the winter tourist."
Its hotels and stop
pint; places nre as va
ried ns those of all
well regulated cities.
Visitors can ulwuys
find suitable accom
modations, congenial
companions, and 'va
ried, pleasing recrea
Will be glad to supply some
very attractive literature, de
scribing in detail the many de.
lights of winter in California.
Very low round trip excursion
tickets urc 011 sale to California,
Tlie rate from Portland to Los
Angeles and return is 5J..
Limit six months, allowing
stop-overs In either direction.
Similar excursion rates are in
efTect to all California points.
I'or full information, sleeping
car reservations and tickets, call
on, telegraph or write C. W,
Springer, C, T. A., 3d and Wash
ington streets, rortland, or
Wm, AtcMurray, den. Pass. Ajt.
Portland, Oregon
U kU4 M iHhni, JLtrltlvQl
uu Toa oar cauomcr,
BMlWIiHH . ..! U
Writ Mtathtt fMp Pmttr.
I s
H oniyrti .
WW F'M NttlN tut TllUth
1.1. HHN, '""WBJSHK.
Mail arrives at St
and 1:1s p. ui,
Johns at 7:10 a. in.
Leaves at 10:30 a. in., and 4 Ms p. ui.
Office open week days from 6:45 nl
to 6:10 p. m, Sundays from 9 to 10 a, m
Do a booster (or St, Johns.
Kooms In the Holbrook building.
St. Job in, Oregon.
Joseph McClicsncy, Al. D.
Day and Nleht Offlco In McChciney Ulock
1'hont WoodUwn 47$
Physician and Surzeon.
Oflice in Holbrook' Ulock,
Residence, 315 Hayes street,
l'houc Scott 6995,
Office First National Dank Dldg.
Residence 531 South Jersey
Office Phone Richmond 1151
Residence Phone Richmond m
51 J Silas St. 504 S.Hayes
Hewitt & Wright
Estimates and Plans furnished
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your goods to and from all
parts of Portland, Vancouver, Linnton,
Portland ami Suburban Hxpress Co.,
city dock and all points accessible by
wugon. Piano nnd furnltur moving
a specially. 109 I. llurJ!uj;toii; phone
Richmond 61,
Funeral Director and Cmbalmer
Itdy Assistant,
llraiich office ut University Park Drug
Store, phone Woodlawn 1874,
Main oflice, Portland, Oregon; phone
Sellwood 71.
Daniel 0. WebsterTA. B.Al.lX
Residence, 697 Paw&on Street
Office, Pliter Ulock
University Park, Portland, Oregon
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Meets each Mondav evenlni In n.1.1
1'ellows hail, at 8;oo. Visitors welcomed.
.... . C. P. Gates, N. G.
k. u, iioicomu, secretary.
Holmes Lodge No. 101
, Meets every Friday night
at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P.
hall. Visitors always wet
come., 1 W.Urunson, C.C,
W. A, Storr, K. R. S.
Poric Lodge No." 1 32
F, and A, Al,
Regular conimuniea
tions 011 first and thlnl
Wednesdays of each
month in Odd Fellows'
. u. Visitors welcome.
K. S. Harrington, jos. McChesncy.
Secretary. W. M.
CAA1P 773 W. 0. w;
Afeets every
econd and
ucs lay even-
uir iu'llick-
uer's Hall.
J. H. Anson( C. C.
W, K. Swengel, Clerk.