A Mattress Built from carefully selected SILK FLOSS, kid in layers of Uniform Thickness and per fectly HAND TIED, makes the most Durable, Sanitary and Satisfactory Mattress that can be obtained An Occasional SUN BATH keeps it in perfect order for a life time No Dirt or Dust Easy to Handle, and in every way satisfactory. We Guarantee Them Mattresses from $3 to $20 A LARGE ASSORTMENT ' Remember the place Main store 364-370 K. Morrison Portland mm Opposite Postoffice Wc can afford to sell at Reasonable Prices mm cO o53 e4D i3 f0 eJO rO oO fO cO cO c0 0 I First National Bank I 2 3 2 3 3 3 J L St. Johns, Oregon Paid in Capital - - - $25,000.00 OI'I'ICKKS Henry W. Coe, President A. R. Jobcs, Vice Pres. V. P. Drinker, Cashier Drafts issued on nil Foreign Countries. SAPB DEPOSIT BOXKS TOR RUNT. (O f!3 r3 rSD e40 tO tO r8 tO o o53 1 I EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing and Tinning 203 S. Jersey Street Phone Jersey 91 St. Johns, Oregon -------- I THE BEST OF EVERYTHING j Is what we offer to our patrons at reasonable prices. We are waiting to please you. J A happy and prosperous New Year to you all. I COUCH & CO. I i General Merchandise Jl Phone Jersey 972. 206-208 Philadelphia street. 9 St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise. Also stab wood. Timbers of all sizes cut to order. I Get year winter's wood now and save trouble. f GET YOUR COAL 1 From R. WILCOX I Price S7.00 per ton. More HEAT, less SOOT and SMOKE for your money than any coal on the Coast. J ST. JOHNS BRICK CO. Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited. tlllWMtrHt"tMiU H. HENDERSON 205 iy st Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. WE BUY K'SgsgJtt Local News. 1 He who by his blr would rise . Must cither bust or advertise. Miss Oraco Stuckcr, who has been quite 111 tho past wcok or bo, Is rap idly Improving. J. Martin of Manitoba Is a guost of his sister-in-law, Mrs. T. It. An derson, this week, John McDndo left yostcrday morn Ing for nn extended visit at His old homo In Ithaca, Mich. W. W. Mosaman socurcd tho five dollnr prize at Uanham & Currier's store Saturday afternoon last. 0 Nlw subscribers nro. becoming a dally occiirronco with tho Hovlow, a fact that Is very gratifying to tho publishers, 0 Qua Solmoud has been having qulto n tlmo of It with ti bad attack of neuralgia, but tho twinges nro bo' coming a Uttlo Icbs fierce now. 0 8. Ktuge, an old resident of St, Johns, leaves this week for Madl son, Minn., where ho will visit with relatives and frlonds for Bomo tlmo, Bco tho First National Hai ik state mcnt on tho fourth page o'; this Is sue. , Tho Claromont tavern U ngaln doing business under nu'iv manage ment. I II. K. Colllor spont scleral days at The Dalles this wcok oiu legal bus Incss. A now counter has been added to Unger's cigar store tho past wcok Tills will mako qulto a convonlenco to Mr. Ungcr as well as to his pat rono. o J, n. Scars and J. It. McLean, two old cronies of Geo. M. Hall, were hero from tho Dakatas last week, and tho visit was greatly en- Joyed by tho threo parties; 0 Many calls wore made tho past cok for extra copies of tho Ito view, many St. Johns people desiring to let their Eastern friends know about this city's prospects for tho 1:0; 1 Ing year. 0 A Isonhnth is now mill foreman at tho St. Johns Lumber company. I to Is well versed In everything pertain Ing to tho lumber business and will bo a valuablo addition to this pros porous concern. Mrs. Lolnli Thompson of Hood lllvcr Is a KticHt at tho homo of D N. IJycrlee. Sho will spend somo tlmo In Portland learning tho new millinery styles to bo In vogue this jprlng before returning homo. 01 1 11 8hepardson, wife, two chil dren ami mother, of Catllu, Wash wore guests at tho homo' of 13. B. Wright for several days the past week. They were en route for nn extended sojourn In Southern Cal ifornia, o Tho label on your paper tells you when your subscription expires. Therefore, wo do not deem It nee- oitsary to send out statements of a subscriber's standing. Tako a look at tho label, and If you are In ar rears wo would bo glad to see you. Tho Y. I 8. C. i:. of tho Congre gational church held Its monthly busl lies meeting and social at tho Manse Wodnosday evening. A goodly num bor wore present ami all enjoyed tho occasion very much. A "taffy pull" was tho final number In tho way of amusomont. o Ollbort Overstreot entertained tho Peninsula Hand boys In a very ploas- Ing manner at his homo In this place Friday evening of last week. A num ber of St. Johns young people wore present and tho evening was greatly enjoyed with music and ganios to fjced tho tlmo away. o Tho chemical onglno has boon placed on four whools undr the skillful manipulation of Fire Chief Clins. Ilrodeson. Tho Job Is a first class one, and henceforth thoro will be no danger of It falling to ploces at a critical moment, as had been tho case several times In tho past. 0 An oloctlon of officers of tho Pen insula bank was hold Monday after nm i ut 3 o'clock, and tho following clflurs olocted: President, It. T. I'Jutt; vice president, P. C. Knapp; ci-Bhler, C. A. Wood. Directors It. T. Piatt, P. C. Knapp. M. It, Hoi brook, Peter Autzon, H. L, Powors, Thos. Cochran and C. A. Wood. 0 Many Improvements are planned for Whltwood Court In the next few months. A number of residences will go up, streets will bo graded and every thing will hum in good shape, It will not bo long until tho hillside on the west side will resem ble Portland Heights as a residence section. o J. T, Uolden had a Uttlo scrap with a hen the other day that might have been quite amusing for an onlooker, but it certainly was not the case with Mr. Iiolden. During the melee the critter made a stren uous effort, to put one of bis eyes out of commission. The first pass It made caused a beautiful carmlno crease to develop Just overMr.Bol den's eye, and the second made a lightning shaped streak Just un der the peeper. There Is still plenty of room to see the beauties of St. Johns between the two creases, but as an Improvement to Mr, Dolden's good natured countenance it Is an utter failure. Lester Itoso, clork nt llonham & Currier's store, Is on tho sick Hat this week. Spraguo Marsh of Skamnwnka Is visiting his Bister, Mrs. O. E. Loomed, this wcok. o Miss Pansy Hncoy of Jefferson, Is visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. 13. A. Mnrkwoll in this city. Thomas Nelson Is now watchman on the Chinook, Mr. Donnelly having resigned that position. o Chief of Police Mock hod been under tho weather tho post day or so but Is now around again as usual. 0 Mrs. C. N. Draasch has been very 111 tho past week and at one tlmo her llfo was despaired of, but now sho Is on the road to recovery. o Joseph' aoldstelu has purchased the hnudsomo rcRldonco of 13. ( Hurlbert on Chicago street, and will hereafter bo numbered among St Johns' citizens. The consideration was $1,000. Mr. Goldstein was a cap tain In tho UusBlnu army during the Uussla-Jnpan war. 0 Itev. J. H. Knudolt, superintend out of tho Antl-Snloon Icoruc, ad dressed a largo audience nt the Evangelical church Monday evening Itev, KnodoH's mission hero wan to secure funds for the employment of an attorney In tho cause of tho so loon question. Wo understand that about $100 was rnlscd. o draco, tho only daughter of Mr and Mrs. II. II. Darling, died nt her home In this city Thursday ovenlng of last week, aged nearly 10 years Sho had been 111 for about two weeki with an abscess that formed on her brain. Deceased was a bright, pious nnt nml well liked young lady and her death Is a great blow to her par outs and numerous friends. Funeral services took placo at Seller, Hyrnes & Co.' undertaking parlors on huh sell struct Sunday, Intermunt taking placo In tho Columbia cemetery. 0 A cash prlzo of five dollars will bo given each Saturday afternoon to somo 0110 attending tho matinee nt four o'clock on that day, and will be continued for a Period of thirty days. At each mttlliioe tickets will be given at tho outrnnco entitling tho holder to a clinncu.on the prlzo offored. Theso coupons are good for thirty day, but the holder must bo present nt four o'clock Saturday aftornoon In order to1 oecuro tho prlzo. Coupons will 'be given nt matinees only, and Sunday aftornoon, next, will begin tho prize winning period, Kloctrlo Theatre. 0 Tho Poclflo Coast Illscult Co. team, which makes wookly trips to St. Johns, mot with qulto an nccl- (lout at Portsmouth last week. Tho wagon bed was submcrgod into one of tho numerous chuck holos on that thoroughfare causing tho wugon to turn over and destroying a groat many eatables. Tho driver landed In a soft bed of mud with no bones broken, but he swears that It Is tho worst street In the city. Ports, mouth Is In tho city of Portland, too. If St. Johns was annexed to Port land wonder If our streets would get In tho sumo condition. 0 IF EGQ3 SHOULD CO HIGHER. If eggs should continue to advance In price, Items similar to tho follow- In c nro likely to bo of dally occur rence In papers throughout tho coun try: Tho safo In tho offlco of Smith & Jones was broken opon last oven lng and throo eggs woro socurod as booty, two of thorn bolng almost freBh. Tho loss Is a very sovere ono to thlB well known firm. Great oxcltomont prevails In this section over tho discovery by two Uttlo boys of a hen's nes; under an old barn which contalnod two eggs. What mokes tho find of greater Im portance Is tho fact that ufter an ex haustive examination by experts tho eggs were declared to bo not over two weeks old. Last ovenlng a Pittsburg billion aire mado a vulgar display of his wealth by ordering a dozen eggs In fashlonablo New York restaurant, was suggested that he might much hotter built a library with tho money. Aunt Betsy Hopgood, whoso will has just been probated, left nearly threo dozen oggs to a faithful maid servant. Several noblemen have already proposed to tbo heiress. Michael Jackson, tho millionaire egg king, was held up last night and robbed of 200 carets of eggs. Thrones of tourists are dally flock ing to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to witness the egg that Is now exhibition in tho loan exhibit is said to be a genuine egg. School books nt Frank Clark's. a8XiGGOaO0 linker's Cocoa, H5 cents nt tio 01 th Kellogg Cash Grocory, Now Is tho tlmo to order lour school boks nt Frank Clark's. A flno assortment of vnlontlncs on hand at Frank Clark's. Sco them. It Diamond W. CU cent tea for 45 cents at tho North Kcllozir Cash Grocery, TO KENT House, C rooms. 2& Iota, II fruit trees. Inquire at G28 Oswego Btrect. o A good secondhand, upright Hal- let & Davis piano for sale. Phono Woodlawn 011. You cct full weicht ntul first quality nt the Cetitrnl market. Just try it awhile. 0 Kooms to rent, alt modern conveni ence, also free telephone. C19 South Jersey St., St. Johns. A few good bargains In slightly used watches at UogerB'. Cement Mock Uulldlng, Jersey street. I wilt not bo responsible for nny debts my family have made or shall make from now on. Mrs. D. Tlcer. 0 Have your property insured in tiie St. Paul or Northern fire insur ance companies. They ore the best. S. I,. Dobic, ngctit. If you want to buy.ront, sell or oxchnngo property aoo Wolcott, (Tho Kent Mnn.) -101 South Jersey. Side entrance. o Leave Tologram "Tho AlaBka Tour" coupon votes for Mrs. Valen tino at tho Post Office, Hovlow office or with your carrier. Western governmental policies ably discussed. Western llfo vividly pie lured In Ilouvllle's Western Month ly. FOH8AM! by owuor, comer lot CC by 100 with C room house and out buildings Inquire nt 710 N. Ivntihoo street, St. Johns, Oregon. IJUBTKD Must hnvo monoy will sell lots 13 and I I, block 12 on IMI sou St. 100 feet north of Fesseuden $1000.00. Terms. 10. L. Davidson, Oswogo, Oregon. o Ilrlng In Hint watch which refuses to keep tlmo, nml have It mado uso ful again, Work right, prices right nt ltogors'. "Cement Mock Uulldlng, Jersey street." Parents should not overlook the fact that Frank Clark Is prepared to furnish all kinds of school books nt very reasonable prices. If your chil dren need any new ones, glvo him u call. MANUFACTURERS Who have established, well advertised lines of goods to offer always seek for their representative of their goods the best store in the community. When we say best, we mean those firms who endeavor nlwnys to treat their trade right nnd keep up their stocks to the demands. "A Word to the Wise, etc." Just Consider That Statement And remember that wc nrc AGHNTS lfOR The Wonder Hose Headlight Overalls John Strootman Shoes for Ladies Star Brand shoes for every one Butterlck Patterns And In our Grocery Department wc especially represent Durkec's Spices, the Century Patent Plottr, (hard whom) nnd mnny other grocery products which salesmen tell its they offer only nt our store BOIMHAM & CURRIER Will soil cheap for cash my Modem 0 room cattago two lots (luu by 100 foot) flno river vluw, C blocks to car and Post Office for ti bargain. Phono owuor for particulars, Itlcli inoiul Wl. No agents. Not th lahsl on your piper. FOIl BALK Lots fi, C, 7, S, and 9, In block 3, Marengo addition ad dition to St. Johns, within 700 feet of now school site nt Nowpnrt station. For prlco and terms apply at J. D. Ilelllier, QIC Ollbort street, St. Johns, All our meats arc government inspected and the best that money can buy. They are neatly nnd carefully handled, Come in and leave your order for free delivery. Ward's Central Mnrkct. All kinds of laundry work done promptly, Rough dry washing G touts per pound. Culls mado for laundry at any placo, Itlug us up Phono Jersey 331, St, Johns Laun dry, Churchill Uros.,proprletors. How Is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined by Poiiusuln Title, Abstract and Realty Co., II. Henderson, tnanairer, Accurate work. Reasonable fees. Cement Ulock building, Jersey street. CARQ OF THANK8. Wo desire to thus publicly express nur sincere thanks to tho neighbors and friends who so kindly tendered their help and sympathy during the Illness and (loath of our daughter, and also tho members of Woodcraft and Circle, whoso aid and kindness was greatly aproclatcd. Mr and Mrs, !i, II Darling SEEDS Frith. Rillibti. Pur SmrintMiltoPUilt Ertiy 0rdnfr r4 Planter itiould lot II. UD.rluf merit! r.f Our KortUroUrvwnbicili. special rrcR FOR 10 CENTS we will kq4 poitiitl uur FAMOUS COLLECTION Keep Bright and You WILL KEEP BUSY Klectric Liht is the magnet that draws trade. The bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can no more resist the attraction ol n brilliant, Electrically lighted store than they can resist the clarion call of n brass baud. Is your competitor with the Klcctricnlly illumiimted show windows, bright interior and sparkling lilectric Sign getting an nd vantage over you? The moth never flutters around the ttulightcd cnudlc! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider shop-window lighting n necessity, whether they remain open nfter dark or not. Competition forces modern methods. A show window brilliantly illuminated with lilectric light will make many n sale "the night before." Klectric light compels attention, makes easy the examination of your display, shows goods in detail nnd fabrics in their true colors. And don't neglect the lilectric Sign. It is soliciting "tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning your mime in the public mind. It is n solicitor that never becomes weary never stops work costs little. Call Telephones: Alnlu 6688, A 1675 for Information. Portland Railway Light and Power Co. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS PORTLAND OREGON See Here If von nrc n new comer or want n few pieces of I'uruittirc CIIUAP CAM, AT 440 CHICAGO STUKKT I have sold my home and am leaving the city. WILL SELL Chairs, Dining Table, Carpels, Dook Case, Range, Household goods of nil kinds Piano (or Rent or Sale See Me al Once E. C. Hurlbert 44 0 Chicago Street lOMMO THE PENINSULA BANK! St. Johns, Oregon. X Capital $25,000.00 W Surplus 5,000.00 j Absolute safety Is the best thing we have to offer. Oilier inducements nrc of secondary iinportniice. S Upon this basis only, do we solicit your patronnnu. $ OIMMCKKS S It, T. l'littt, President P. C Knapp, Vice IWdeNt C. A. Wood, Cu.hUr S DIUIiCTOHS ( K. T. Piatt, I', C, Knupl'i M. I. Holbrook, Peter AuUen U II, 1 Powers Thus, Cochran O. A. Woml g THE PIONEER BANK I 8 WILLARD L PLUMMER Slll I wlHiSSSW We do not allow anv nrinter to nut iut nicer work than we do and we put the best stock into our jobs j I ili.UDu T.u t fbf. f"f ! K.4Ufc . I .IM.r.vl.f Wm; . t kit. 91 Jrr.-k.Mf.WU . I ,lf r.lUrua !., iu.l tuuiui rub. ru... m u. 10. tc It. 10. ll.WJ Write Sb4 10 unit la Ul Ut lb (u4 bMhlof M4 lK.lt lb. .but. ' T.uwu. ColUttua, W l.kr with oar N.w .4 L.lrucllf. fl.r4.a Ult4. (IIIKAT KOUTUKKN KKKII (Ml. 17M Koto SU Kockford, Illlnol. 4SHSK TJ tmmmmmmmmmmmBmSmmmmmmmmm't9' REPAIR WORK GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION OflU 1 .nd M.,ie fixture-, Stair r,iH liiitf. Umm CUwetk, fiert-eu 1 u r . aid Windows, Wfcvla Ui Order, (. itl'iiiet Work. Designs And Estimates Made Shop Corner Oswego and Willis Blvd. Res. 229 OSWEGO ST. JOHNS, ORE. St Johns Hardware Co. Dealers In BUILDKRS' ILAUmVARK, IAINTS, OILS, GLASS SASH AND DOORS ItSTIMATItS 1'KIURHD HlUMrTI.V 8