THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Fabllihed Err Frldr Al 117 We.t llurllnglon Street, 8t. Juhn, nv MAKKI.K & BVKRMtB. Tint Rkvikw is entered ot post office lit Snlnt Johns, Or;on, ns tnnil matter of the second clans tinder the Act of (.on gress of Mnrch 3, 1879. Ad-trtlilnir rtei, tl.OO pr Inch per month. Job rrlntlnr executed In flrit-elaii nil1 for Job I'rlntln enh on delWery. All communication, ihould b ddrenea to The Iteriew, Ht. Johni. Ori-eon. . . , omclal Ntvipiiptr of the City of Bt, Johns. Subsorlptlon price $1.00 per year. A. W., I'.dltor W. It. llYKRU'.lt, Associate FRIDAY, 1'KHRUARY 12, 1909. Ho a UOOBTKIt for St. Johns. - 1 1 . Tlio ninn who wnn thoughtful nnd wealthy enough to Block' up with enough wood to enrry him through tlio winter Is the fallow who Is In luck Just now. It would bo n gront relief to tlio sporting hlood of the country If JtnTrles would decide to fight John son. Soma of the no-culled sports nro getting hyslorlcnl over thofnet Hint the honvywolght chnmpIoiiHhlp Ih held by n colored gentlemun(7). Cnrrlo Nation, tlio ndvanco ngent of destruction, got herself In troulile In London hint week hy poking her umbrella through 11 window of 11 street cur on which wum depicted 11 clgnrotto ndvertlsomunt. The little iiliuil cost Carrie $7.50, hut iih she apparently him moro money than sense thu fine did not trouhle her very much, - Tlio hill for the operation of 11 free ferry al Ht. JoIiiih paHHed both houses and Iiiim been signed by (lev ernor (.'hniiiborliiln. The bill went through without it hitch from begin ning to end, nnd now It Ih up to the cltlxcus of t It Ih elty In get biiHy mill miike arrangement) to buy the pros out ferry. It Ih quite likely (but sat Isfuctory teruiH may be made with the ferry people to take over their property, nnd Hum no time would be liiMt In building it new boat ami get ting It lu shape for operation. "Hilly" Sunday played lo it crowd ed Iioiihu at the While Temple, Port land, TiifHtlay evening. Tlio Hcene of Illlly dniieliig up and down Hie platform like a man gone mud, hurling luvecllveH, Hlang, vitupera tion and pure rot at the audience will live long In the meiiiurleH of thoHo who were fortunate, or rather unfortunate, enough to gain admit tance. Wo Imvo frequently heard of men going Interne over religion, hut Illlly Ih certainly nil example of one li! H10 hint HtiiM'H of that strangu Buy A FEW Directly across from the left. Prices 50 ST. JOHNS LAND CO. KING & GILMORE, ST. JOHNS malady, and the mvlngH of Joint Mo CuIIoukIi pule lu comparison. Ah a mad house scene HlllyV entertain ment Is ti hugo success, but from 11 religious standpoint we ftitr II Is a sad failure. A PRETTY WEDDING. A very pretty wooding look place ! Hiuo wo realize that we are at the residence of John McNeil on ' liiR V ""'"K 011 North I Inyos street Wednesday even-! Portland advertising, and that the lug at S o'clock. Tho conlniclln 1 Ih'vhw ' ' "l''r In tho vl partloi were It. W. Ansoll and Miss dully f l"t city which does not l.'min.i Mi.N'i. am tlio COrolUOIIV was performed by Rev. K. A. Leon ard, formerly pastor of tht llaptUt church In this city. The weildliiK wits n qulot affair, and only the Im mediate friends and relutlves wen present. A splendid woddliiK supper was served, after which Hie happy youiiK couple departed for tiittos, OroKon, where the moom holds u responsible position with the llluik EiiBle Copper MIiiIiik Co., and where they intend mahliiK their future home. Mr. AtiKcll Is rather a wont ar rival from Ithaca, Mich., and dining his short stay lu St. Johns previous ly to Hotiife" to Gates, made many friends hero. The bride Is well and favorably known in St. Johns. She was formerly clerk lit Hoiihiuu & Currier's dry Koods store, and with hor wlnnliiB wuyB and sunny dis position made n host of admiring frlonds In this city. The young couple start out In life together with thu very best wishes of all who know them, and tho Rovlow Joins In wish lug them a most happ and prosper ous journey throush life's Btormy sea. WEAVING. Cutpot for Bale. Now Is tho time to get your work done as I will not bo horo later, -101 Tiicoma street, o Do u UOOdTER for St. Jolies. THINK THIS! OVHIt. We do not wish to bo classed as grumblers or fault finders, but wo do not bcllevo the business men of St. Johns In general patronize their lo cal paper In the manner In which they should. There Is not a business houso hero of nny consequence but which should carry nn ad of somo hIzo In the Itovlow. No paper can hope to long survlvo without adver tising patronage. It Is the main sup port of all nowspapcrs, and without It they coaso to oxlBt. Bomo buslncsi men lmnglno they nro doing their duty toward their local paper when they have their names enrolled as nuUcrlbers. When the fact Is known Hut overy ycnr'B subscription which can now bo obtained for otio dollar per year costs tho Itovlow manage ment u llttlo over two dollars, It can readily bo seen how great a benefit the tfflco receives when n now sub scriber Is added to Its list. We nre, bowover, grateful for ovory now sub scriber wo enroll, bb each now one reduces our loss n Utile, and It Is necessary to Imvo n good list In or der to mitko advertising 11 paying pioposltlon, Thoro nro n number here who have been very faithful In their ad vortlslng patronago, n fact wo deeply appreciate and shall uver remember. Hut thoro are many others who do not aid tho paper In any manner whatever outside of Hiibscrlpllon When upproached on tlio subject they give those old threadbare ex etises, such as "I do not think It would do mo any good," "I have tho only store here of Its kind nnd do not need to advertise," These may seem valid reasons for Hioho people, but they certainly are not to us. Wo nre, of course, aware of the humble way to advance tho Inten'stH or St. Johns, trying to gel more ptrplo here and miiku more business f(.r alt. Therefore, even If u busl news ninn has no competition here, iloeH uol believe lit advertising or doea not think It pays, he Is not do lug his duly to his local paper when tin dees uol advertise. If a man has no opposition lu it business sense It In not it difficult matter for a news miner to send the word broadcast otei Hie country that 11 good oppor tunity awaits an enterprising bust t'Cr's man In it certain locality. Then (hue are usually many Inquiries for good locations Hint come to every uewrpaper office, and It Ih quite ens; to steer them wherever desired. Wo have known this to happen lu several Instances lu the ICtist, but we do not desire to adopt hiicIi a course, however much Hie tempta tion may assail us at different times after it discouraging qucsl for new advertising. Wu nre, of courco, iiwnro of the fact that we could fill up our col iiiiiiih with Portland advertising, iih Before the Raise MAKtlNOU AUDI I IUIN Lots Left new $10,000 School house. On or before Mnrch 15th all prices will be advanced if any lots are tutl up per lot 10 per cent cash, $5 or $10 n mouth. Many houses now built on Addition. STRHHT CAR WATKR AND PHONIi SURVICU TALK WITH THE BELOW AGENTS l -'merchants from that city aro quite! anxious lo secure all the trade they possibly can from Ht. Johns, but we, me 11 home Institution and bellevu al all times lu upholding and assist ing our business men to keep all business hero that Is possible to do so, and only us a last resort would wo adopt such 11 course. At the ,UI.... I. nt .v.. lvr..f.i- t,i f, ill I III- nut "v."' . ..:. - . ..... ,..vv.. , w IOUK IIS WO 1 1111 meei our uuiiKitiiuiin Hut as self preservation is Hie first law of nature, wo may be compelled to depart from this rule later uu. There aro some business men hero wliu prefer advertising in an outside paper rather than lu their home pa rtf, and yet they get warm under tho collar when they boo business going to I'ortlaud from St. Johns, Hut what can they expect? If they set tiie example why should not the la boring mini follow suit? There Is not it business of any na ture in St. Johns that is so small that it cannot afford to advertise, If only in a modest way, and there seems to be no good reason why such Is not the case, It does not follow, however, that the Itovlow Is a charitable Institu tion, for It certainly Is not, but like tiny other Institution which depends entirely upon public support for maintenance, it needs all It cau get. Wo bellve, however, that full value will In each Instance be secured as a result of tho ad, and It will neither make us rich nor the business man poor to give it n trial. It Is very distasteful to us to dwell upon these matters, und It is only through n desire to permit tho bust ness men to look at It from our side of tho fonce that wo havo gono to such longth, and we do not expect to I refer to tlio mntter through tlio col umns of tlio Itovlow again. RESOLUTIONS OF 8YMPATHY. WhereaB, It Iibb pleased tlio Dl vino Huler of nil things to cnll un to himself, tho beloved daughter of our esteemed neighbor II. II. Darl ing, be it Hcsolved, that In the denth of this young girl Just budding Into woman hood this community hns been de prived a kind, true hearted girl, nnd a father and mother of a loving, du tiful daughter, nnd bo It further Resolved, that wo tho members of St. Johns Camp 773 Woodmen of the World, extend to her family our heart felt sympathy In thin their hour of bereavement and be It further Resolved, that thcBo resolutions bo spread on the records of this camp and n copy bo sent to tho family and nlso one to tho St. Johns Rovlow for publication. W. L. l'liimmer, W. K. Swongel, J. II. Anson, Committee. MEETINGS AT DAPTI3T CHURCH The meetings at tho Uaptlst church nro progressing with good In terost. Thirteen wore baptized Sun day night and others aro nwnltliig bantlsni. Tho revival will continue until Sunday night. Bnturday evening at 8 o'clock the evangelist will give n free lecture. The Biibject lo be, "Tho 1'lghllng Preacher.' Kvorybody Is Invited to attend. THE KIND WE LIKE. Ktlltor Review: Kudosed find 11.00 for which plenso renew my subscrlp tlon for The Review for .mother year as It Is always a welcome visitor al our home. Wishing biiccosh for your paper and prosperity for Bt. Johns, I remain, yours respectfully, J. It. Kl gor. DESTRUCTION DY SNOW t RAIN. The snow lay heavy and the roof did leak; at times It looked as If we might be swept to the raging Will nuiette. Destruction lu prices of lints slightly damaged comes with this Issue. No reserves, nil go nt less .than wholesale cost. Your opportunity to get n lint of value. Mnko your choice early for they wont last long. Uveryono knows the quality of these goods. Vogue Millinery. llouuvlllu'tt Monthly for this office. snlo nt Ho n llOOBTHIl for St. Johns. R. G. BRAND, S. C. COOK, Treasurer's Sale of Delinquent Assessments Notice is hereby given that I will, 011 the 3rd day of March, 1909, ut the hour of 10 o'clock a. in,, sell at the front door of the city hull for the City of St. Johns, 1 Oregon, at public auction, to the best bidder, In hand, the following real Cktate: nereiiy reserveit. Hill's Addition to the City of St. ! The estimated cost of said Improve Johns Lot 1, block I, amount sc.ed meiit is 1 6,513,97, in Same Addition I.ot a, block 1, UUIOIlIlt HkSCSMMl. f 13. I I, I Same Addition - I.ot 3, block uuiouutiOMOsed, fu. Same Addition I.ot block block amount iu.M.-scd, f 12. Same Addition I.ot amount assessed, til. Same Addition I.ot 6, block 1, amount assessed, f 13, Same Addition I.ot 7, block umoiint assessed, f 13, Same Addition I.ot 8, block amount assessed, f 13, Same Addition I.ot 9, block amount assessed, f 13, Same Addition I.ot 10, block amount assessed, f 13. Oak Park Addition to the City of St. Johns IH 3, block 1, amount assessed, f1.46. Said sums against each piece of prop erty Is due oy reason 01 assessment placed upon the city lien docket of the City of St. Johns 011 the 39th day of bcptciuucr, lo"- I. K. TANCH, City Tr Treasurer of St. Joluu, Published in the St. Johns Review l'ebmury 13, 19, 36, 1909. Proposals for Streit Work. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder of the city of St. Joints, Oregon, until 4 o'clock P. M, 011 tue 3d ttuy 01 .Murcn. 1909, tor tne imnrovemeut of Richmond street from the car line of the Portland Ruilway Co. to the Richmond street dock, by laying a 6-foot cement walk, 13-foot curb, be tween the west Hue of Jersey street and the east line of Hradford street, except such iKutiotis as may be laid by owners. The remslnlug portion of said street to be wooden sidewalk and necessary cross DID YOU? Did you ever go to Portland and while there decide to buy a little nicnt? And did you open it up when you returned home and found that it was not what you believed it to be when you made the pur chase? In fact, did it not become necessary to throw all or a portion of it out before it was eaten ? Was it not stale, diseased looking and emitting a bad odor.? If this has not been your experience it has been that of others. In several cases Portland butchers have been hauled up before a magistrate for selling infected meats. Did you ever know that to be the case in St. Tohns? Better be sure the meat you use is GOOD in every sense of the word. Better for your self, better for your family. That is the only kind that can ever be found at BITGOOD & COLE'S Best quality possible, and only the best, is their motto. 1 $100 I FOR YOUR BRAINS Do you want to sell your time for n few minutes? The Combination Salt & Pepper Shaker company, sot Gerliuger Bldg., Port laud, Oregon, will give lo the lady or gentleman giv ing n suitable name for its patent salt and pepper shak er securities to the value of fioo. Therefore if you can think of an appropriate name for the invention nnd send it to the above ad dress it may be well worth your while. This will ben good opportunity to use your witH to good advan I I I I I tage. Try it. opportunity closes March 15x11. Smith's Oswego Crossing Station walks, In accordance with the plans, profile and specifications of the city 1 engineer, now on file in the office of the city recorder, Hach bid must be accouuxiiik-d by a certified check juyiiblc to the mayor for u nun not it-si man 10 per cent 01 tue contract orice, and 110 bid will be con sldered tinle accompanied by such check, and upon blanks furnUhsd by the city recorder for such purposes, Niid Improvement must be completed on or before September 1 , 1909. The right to reject any and all bids Is ny onler 01 tlio city council, A. M. KSSON, City Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review I'eliruary 13, 19, 3b, 191)9. ORDINANCE NO. 215. ORDINANCR KSTAIH.ISHINO TIII5 OR A I) It OR TIIR WKST SIDI5 Olf WILLAMUTTR DOULRVARD, l'OR TIIR PURPOSR OR CON STRUCTING A SID K WALK TIIliRHON. FROM RICHMOND STRRHT TO I'IKRCR STRRKT IN SAID CITV, The City of St. Johns does ordaiu as toiiows: That the grade of Willamette lloule vurd from the West Side thereof for the purixise of constructing sidewalk there on, be anil the same is hereby estab lished according to the profile of the City Rngiueer thereof on file in the office ot the Recorder of the City of St. Johns, which said profile is hereby adopted and approved and said grade established ac cording to and in conformity therewith. Pussed by the Council Feb. 9, 1909. Approved by the Mayor Feb. 9. 1909. H. W. BRICK Mayor. Attest! A, M, Rssoii, v Rccorder. Published in the St. Johns Review Feb., u, 1909. Wanted. To exchange Hood River laud for St. Johns property. Iuqutre at tilts oflice, i 34" If closes March 15th. i BfcJB ORDINANCE NO. 214. AN OUD1NAIJCK T(? PROVIDE FOR CARRYING INTO EFFECT IN HIM CITY OF ST. JOHNS TJIE INITIATIVE AND REFEREN DUM POWER!" RESERVED TO T1II3 LEOAT. V01 ERS OF MU NICIPALITIES DY SECTION 1 OF ARTICLE IV, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF OREGON, AND TO ENACT AND AMEND THEIR MUNICIPAL CHARTERS RE SERVED TO THE LEOAL VO TERS' OF CITIES AND TOWNS HY SECTION 2 OF ARTICLE XI, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF OREGON, AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS OF THIS ACT. The city of St. Johns docs ordain ns follows: Section 1: The following shnll bo subjtnntlnlly tho form of n petition for an ordinance or amendment to the cliurtu' proposed by tlio Inltln tlvo: Initiative Petltltlon. To 1 Recorder of tho City of St. JolniB. Oregon. Wo, tho undersigned legal voters of tho city or St. Joiins 111 mo county of Multnomah. Stnto ot Ore gon, respectfully demand Hint thu following proposed ordinance (or amendment to tho city charter) shall bo submitted to the legal vot era of tho city of St. Johns for their (ipprovnl or rejection nt tho regular city election to uo held on tne.... c'nv of A. D. 100. and each for hlnmolf says: I Imvo personally signed this petition; I am a loual voter of the City of St Joiins my residence and street number nre correctly written after my name. Name Residence Street number (Hero follow twenty numbered lines for slgnntures.) Section 2: Tho following shnll bo substantially tho form of petition for referendum to the peopio on nny or- dlnnnco pnssed by tho Council: Petition for Referendum. To Recorder of tho City of 8t Johns. Oregon. We, tho undersigned legal voters of the city of St. Johns respectfully dei.iund that Ordinance number. of tho city of St. Johns entitled of ordinance on which refer oiidiim Is sought) pnssed by tho council of the city of St. Johns nt Its moetlmr on thu day of. IU0 , shall be referred to the loirnl voteni of tue city or hi Johns for their approval or rejection u( the regular city election to be held on the day nf A. I). 100 nnd ench for him self says: I have personally signed this petition; I am n legal voter of the city or St. Johns; my residence nnd street number nro correctly written nfter my name. Name Residence Street number (Hero follow twenty numbered lines for signatures.) Section 3: Knch nnd every sheet of ovory such petition containing slcnntures shall bo verified 'on tho lnvck thereof In substantially tho fol lowing form by the person who cir cuited such s hoot or said petition by his or her affidavit thereon, nnd ns 11 pan tiiercor: Stato ot Oregon I County ot Multnomah 1 SS: Cltv of St. Johns I I being firs, duly sworn say that (hero shnll loalblf bo written or type wrltton the names of tho signers of tho sheet) signed this sheet of thu fore goliu petition and each of them .limed his name- thereto In my pro stince. I bollovo Hint hns stated his ni.nie. residence nnd street uuinbor ctr'octly, and Hint encli signer Is n lornl voter ot tho city ot St. Johns (Signature nnd post-office address or nltlnnt.) Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this day of A. I), 190 (Signature and title of officer and his residence). Section -I: Tho forms herein giv en nro not mandatory, nnd If sub stantlnlly followod lu any potltlon It shall bo sufficient, disregarding cicri cal and technical errors. Not moro than twenty signatures shall bo signed to one sheet of a pe tltlon and a full and correct copy of tlio title and text ot the measures proposed by tho Initiative potltlon, nnd a full nnd correct copy ot tho moasuro on which tho referendum Is demanded, shnll bo attached to ench shoot or aggregate sheets circulated for signatures by each person, nnd such full and cor red cony of tho tltlo and text or tno moasuro shall be shown to tho voter before his signature Is attached. Section 0: Tho recordor or tno city or St. Johns shall nccopt for fll lug any potltlon for tho Initiative or for tho referendum subject to verifi cation or tho number nnd genutneuess or the signatures and voting qualltl cations or tho persons signing the same by referonco to tho registration books In tho offlco or tne county Clerk or Multnomah county, and If sufficient number of qualified voters bo found to havo signed said petition ho shall file the same within ten days after presentation thereof to him. Section C: W hen any measure for Initiative or referendum legislation shall bo filed by tho recorder nfter the number nnd genuineness or sig natures thoroto as provided by Sec tion 5 havo been ascertained, ho shall forthwith transmit to the city attor ney a cony or such measure, who shall within rivo days provide and re turn to tho recorder a ballot title for such measure Tho ballot tltlo shall bo printed with tho numbers of the ineasuro on tho official ballot, in maklne such ballot title tho city at torney shall to tho best or his ability give a true and Impartial statement of tho purpose or tho measure nnd In such lauguago that the ballot tltlo shall not be an argumont tor or It able to create prejudice against such meusuro. Any person who Is dissat isfied with the ballot title provided by tho city attorney ror any such measure, may appeal to the council, asking for a different title and glv Ins tho reasons therefor, and why the tltlo prepared by the city attorney Is lmurooer. and the council may ap- provo tho ballot tltlo prepared by tho clt attorney, or may by resolution proscribe another ballot tltlo there ror. and the ballot tltlo no approved 01 so prescribed by tho council shall bo tho title placed upon tne ballot. Such ballot title shall lu no case ex ceed one hundred words, and shall not resemble Insofar as possible any other ballot title riled ror any mea sure 10 00 suemiueq, ui wo same . olectlon. The recorder or tho city or St. Johns shall number sucniln MDOOOCM ATTENTION!! Merchants! Manufacturers! Fanners! Everybody! We arc hunting for your business and have been on your trail for some time. Our aim is to serve you well. The adoption of our service offers a complete solution to the transportation problem. Our rates arc reasonable and our service unsurpassed. Two trains between St. Johns and Portland daily. ' Wc deliver Anything, Any Place, Any Time. Call and get our rates before shipping. PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXPRESS GO. C. W. STEARNS Agent nt St. Johns. 2 Phones: Portland Office, Main 35S St. Johns: Jersey 122 X A 3353 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi measures and ballot titles lu the most convenient and consecutive mnnner. Tho affirmative of the flrsl measure shall bo numbered 100 nnd tho negative 101 In numerals, nnd tho Bucccedlng measures shall bo numbered 102, 10:1. 104, iu nnti on. It sunn 00 1110 muy 01 su corder to print said ballot titles and numbers upon tho official ballot. Measures referred to tho voters by petition shall bo designated "Referen dum ordered by petition of the people." Measures proposed by lliltl ntlvo petition shall bo designated "Proposed by Initiative petition.'' Charter amendments submitted by the council without Initiative peti tions shall bo designated "Chnrter Amendments submitted to tho voters by tho council." Section 7: Tho mnnner of voting ..7..J. t,.,,m.i n Mm i. a. vo, 'shall be " ho snmo ns is now or may be provided by law. No tmtnmm, Hlmll bo adonted unless It shnll receive tho nfflrmntlvo major ity or tho total number or Inwrul votes cast on such mensuro nnd en titled to bo counted thereon. If two or moro laws on tho snmo subject or containing provisions Hint nro con flicting shnll bo approved by tho wiIitb nt tho snmo election, the act receiving tho grentest number of nf fhmntlvo votes shnll bo proclnlmed to be, tho law ndopted. Soctlon 8: Petitions for proposed ordinances or chnrter nmendmonts by tho Inltlntlvo, and petitions for sub mitting ordinances by tho referen dum, shnll bo filed with signatures nnd verifications complete with the recordor of tho city of St. Johns not Inter than tho sixtieth dny beforo the next regular city election nt which such proposed ordlnanco or amend iniint in tn bo submitted or referred to tho voters, nnd tho recordor shall, nftor vorirylng tho number nnd gen--ulnonoss or tho slgnntures forthwith nnd not Inter thnn twonty days bo- t,ra tlin olprtloil. callSO tllO fllll tOXt uml ballot tltlo nnd number ot each I mensuro to uo pruned hi iuuiihiui. form In sufficient number and mnllod to each registered voter n copy thoro or. Section 0: A potltlon for n pro posed ordlnnnco or charter nmend-, mont by tho Initiative, and a petition ; for submitting nn ordlnnnco by tho , referendum, shall bo signed by a number or logol voters equal to twenty por centum or tho votes cast at tho Inst preceding city election; nnd unless nny such petition shall comply herewith tho snmo shall bo nugatory and wituoui oueci. Section 10: An amendment to tho charter of tho city or St. Johns may ho nronosed nnd submitted to tho le gal voters of tho city oy rosoiuiion of tho council without nn Inltlntlvo potltlon, but tho same shall bu riled with tho recorder ror submission not later than sixty days beroro tho oloc tlon nt which It Is to bo voted upon, and no amendment or tho chartor shall bo orrectlvo until It Is approved by a majority or tho votes cast thoro- on by legal voters or tho city. Tho rocordcr shall mall copies or such proposed charter amendments as nrovldod In section 8 or this ordin ance with thu ballot tltlo and number lu Mil not later than twenty days bo fore the election at which such an amondmont is to bo voted upon. Tho ballot tltlo of such amondmont shall bo oronared by tho city attorney nnd shall contain not moro than ono hun dred words. Section 11: Legal voters or tho city of St. Johns aro qualltled to sign a potltlon ror tho rerorendum ot ror tho Inltlntlvo for any measure which ho Is entitled to voto upon. Any person signing any uamo other than his own to a potltlon or know. ItiRly sign tils name mora than onco for tho samo measure at ono election who Is not nt tho time or signing tho samo a legal voter of tho city, or any offlcor or othor person violating any of tho provisions or this ordln anco Biinll upon conviction tueroor bo miulshed by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by Imprison ment In tho city or county Jail not exceeding six months, or by both such rino and imprisonment, tn tho discretion ot the municipal court. Section 12: The votes on meas ures and charter amendments shall be counted, canvassed and returned by tho regular board ot judges, clerks and officers as votes ror can didates aro counted, canvassed and returned; and It shall bo the duty or tho mayor or the city ot St. Johns to appoint two disinterested free hold ers to act with tho recorder to pro ceed within tour days after election to canvass tho votes given for each measure or amendment, ine Mayor shall within thirty days from ho time of such election proclaim tho '?r cara 01 tlianlcs, 50c; for resolu adoptlon or each measure or amend-' tions of respect, $1.00; for notices mont which shall havo received tho affirmative majority of tho total number votes cast thereon, and upon such proclamation such measure or amendment shall become and bo In full force and erfect. except in such cases1 as provided tor In sectlou seven, with reference to two or more mss uu iuu suuiu uuujeci or contain- Ing .provisions which, are comTIcUns. i case or ordinances which have been passed by tho council and voted upon by referendum proclamation of tho result of such voto shall nlso bo made, and such ordinance shnll con tinue In effect or ceaso to be In of- 'feet according to Htich result from tho oiimo ui autu ihuuuiuuuuu Section 1.1: That lu as much ns the city of Ht. Johns has no ordinance regulntlng Inltlntlvo petitions or peti tions for tho referendum or amend ments to tlio chnrter, and Whereas, certain charter amend nieiits aro deemed necessary nnd ex pedient, ami that they bo submitted to the electors nt the coming city election, which Is to bo held on tho first Momlny In April, nnd the time required ' In which such amendments must be filed would have expired be fore the publication of this ordinance nu emergency Is declared tocxlBt nnd mat tins oruinanco tor inai reason ?." take effect nnd bo h, fu, force from nnd nfter the approval of thu mayor. I'tisfed the council 1'eburnry 2, 11)0!). Approved by tho Mnyor, Feburnry 2nd, l'JOH. Attest: II. W. IIItlCB, A. M. KSSON, Mnyor. llecorder. Published lu the Ht. Johns Review, Feb. 12, 11)0!). i ARCADE THEATER Opening Tonight February 12 Splendid Program has been arranged. "In (he Days of OLD VIRGINIA" Showing Gen. I.ce'adurrender ami President Lincoln. FIVE OTHER FINE PICTURES AND TWO ILLUSTRATED S0N6S Old Veterans nnd W. R. C. may .secure complimentary tickets to this entertainment at the office of O. R. DOWNS i IF-THE PEOPLE OF ST. JOHNS Need any Clothes why not get them at the St. Johns tailors Hagensen & Smith 4 You get your money's worth in ! Quality, Workmanship and Style there. 1 It is becoming to wear becoming T Clothes It is becoming to you T !io uc coming 10 us. See our New Spring and Summer Samples Now in -- I HENDRICKS ; HARDWARE CO. All Cutlery during Month of February reduced 25 PER CENT HENDRICKS' HARDWARE CO. Our Charges. As is custoniarv we will charae L AS . . .. nla.' we VU CDarRe of church or lodge entertainments, (suppers, sociables, etc., where there 1 '1, ' K tnr n jm;t:c:r , 1 ?.re c,.,arKes. f or admission, 5c per ,lue tt where there are no charges ' for eveuts, we will break the rule and insert them free. We n,nlri thic . , frlvnj- mnv i,.wl.rctQ.wl our S00. eas mQy understand ui m iuu iwjxxt, 1