St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 05, 1909, Image 4

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How Sardou Cams to Write "Let
Pattet da Mouehe."
Snrdou not working at n scenic mlnp
tntlon of Voltnlru's "Cniidlde," nnd It
hung 11 ru not bocuusc thero vtn no
prospect of u dinner, but beeauso IiIh
plpo wns empty mul lie hml not n
penny wherewith to buy tobacco. Hud
denly on opening n drawer of bin tnblo
liu uttered a cry of Joy at the sight of
live or six tickets of n wlno company
which gave Its customers a voucher
for 20 centimes for every boltlu pur
chnacd. A quarter of nu hour nfter
ward he was the happy possessor of
h silver franc piece nnd souio sous be
Picking up n scrap of paper off the
winded lloor of the tobacco shop, ho
wns about to light his weed when tlio
words "ilnrlo Iiurent" enught his
oye. Tho "unconsidered trlllo" turned
out to be the fragment of n letter front
the well known actress to her son
Charles. Snrdou put his lliul In his
pocket, but on his way homo his
plot weaving faculties, stimulated by
tho fumes of the tobacco, at once re
asserted themselves.
"This is the Innocent letter of a
mother to her boy," ho said to himself.
"Supposing, however, It had been the
letter of a woman to her lover nnd,
falling by n similar accident Into the
hands of the woman's husband, wish
ing to light his cigar"
Tho suggestion led to his play "
l'attcs do Moticlie." I.omlon Chron
The Story Thit li Told of the English
Colonel Ournaby.
In tho biography of Colonel Fred
Iturnaby there Is u characteristic
story, told by his friend Lord lllnnlng,
of that soldier of herculean frame nnd
reckless courage:
We were engaged In n football
match on tho green Inside Windsor
cavalry barracks, and the verandas
were crowded with onlookers as the
colonel, dressed for London In frock
coat nnd tall hat, with n clgnr In his
mouth, came out of tho olllccrs' quar
ters nnd proceeded slowly across a
corner of the ground, apparently ob
livious of tho fact that a mulch was In
progress at the time. At this moment
our fullback, n gigantic Yorkshlreinaii
named Hales, who must have weighed
nearer llfteen than fourteen stone,
charging Impi'liioiiily for tho ball,
dashed full Into lluruaby. Tho Impact
wns terrlllc, but while the Yorkshlre
inaii, hurled backward by the shock ni
though he had collided with n moun
tain, lay gasping on tlio ground, neither
Iturnaby's hat nor tint nnglo of his
clgnr was In the smallest degree dis
turbed. In fuel, he scarcely seemed
to ronllxc that n collision had taken
place. When ho did so ho removed his
cigar from his mouth anil, with his
pleasant smile, said, "Dear me, I do
hope I nui not Interfering with the
game." The shout of delight which
went up from the verandas was n
thing to remember.
Studying, the Crowd.
"Thero doesn't seem to be nny dif
ferent between n crowded Inilti In
tlio morning nnd n crowded train nt
night, does Micro)" ipierleil a subway
traveler of hi companion. "Hut I
could distinguish one from the other
even If I had no Idea of tho hours."
"Ask tho guard)"
"No. All you need to do Is to mens
tiro tho Iiiij.t. of conversation. In tho
morning, when the crowd Is fresh mid
nu tho wny to business, the conversn- j
tlon Is nt least ten times In volume ,
whnt It Is nt night, when Iho crowd U
tired nnd on tho way home. Often
times nt night I'vo been In n crowded
car for ten minutes without hearing a
sound savo the rnttlo of newspapers
nnd nn oeciixlonal cough, That same
crowd In tho morning would ho full
of dialogue, punctuated litre nnd thero
with laughter,
"It's Just n wen study In human na
ture, that's nil," New York (Hobo.
An Unsocial Pedant,
"At Trinity, Cambridge, tho great
Dr. 'Whowell wns the Incarnation of
masterful unsociability," says Mr.
Tollemacho In Ids reminiscences. "A
Trinity friend told mo In tho llftloi
that WhoweH'w nvenlng parlies went
by the iiiiino of 'perpendiculars' be
cnuso the undergraduates were expect
ed to remain standing nil tho time,
though ho himself sat down whenever
ho chose. It Is also related that, being
shortsighted, bo Inspected each man
In turn nt unpleasantly closo quarters,
mid It was a high crime for any one
to tipcak until ho was spoken to. On
ono occasion under the trying scrutiny
nn unwary freshman remarked that
Iho went her was line. 'Sir,' replied tho
pedant, 'an you not iiwaro that If you
hnvo any communication to make to
the master of your college you should
innkolt through your tulorV"
The Way Ho Felt About It.
Whllo Bovernl young ladles were dis
cussing novel plans for a church ba
Kiiur n new member of Iho committee
proposed to hnvo tlio pastor's photo
graph reproduced on pillow tops and
"chance" them off. All tho girls voiced
their upproval nt once, but when tlio
plan was suggested to the parson ho
"I really cannot consent," snld ho.
"I'vo been sat on enough ns It Is."
Ladles' Homo Journal.
"Can't I go out Into tho back yard
and play In the garden, mamma?"
"Cortalnly not, child. You must stay
In nnd study your nature books."
Integrity without knowledge Is weak
nnd useless. Paley,
We wish to secure a good correa
pondent and solicitor In every sec
tion of the Peninsula. Will not the
different push clubs take this matter
up and see that their own particular
locality Is covered each week with
one or more correspondents. If two
correspondent from the same local
ity sends the same Item we will cut
out the duplicated notes. This means
much to the Peninsula and we hope
our friends will take hold of the
matter and give us all the news oi
the entire Peninsula. I
One 8urprlse That Wat the Forerun
ner of Another.
That wns n good old comedy bishop
who one fine day entered n large Jev
elcr's establishment In Hegent street
London, to make nn extensive purchaso
of valuable presents. He selected
thBm with great care ns regards their
nrtlstlc value, but tpilte regardless of
cost. Tho proprietor nnd his assist
nnts buzzed round hls lordship. Tho
selected valuables wcro packed In sep
arato parcels ot his suggestion, neatly
tied nnd sealed, nnd he lind Just taken
n scat In tho private olllco of tlio pro
prletor and was feeling In his pocket
for his check book when two men, who
had been peering In at tho glass door
leading to tlio street, walked up tlio
shop and stood behind tho bishop,
They were plolnly dressed, sharp look
lug men and thus bluntly addressed
tho Jeweler:
"Whnt has this man been ordering?'
The bishop looked up, saw tho men
turned pale, clutched the sides of tho
chair, dropped his glasses and looked
as If ho would bolt. Heforo ho could
stir, however, the handcuffs were on
his wrists,
"Hlshon. Indecdl" said ono of tho
men. "lie wns n colonel yesterday,
Hero, 'bishop,' come nlong to Vino
street. 'Illation.' Indeed! I In, ha!
Well, that's a good 'unt" And, turn
tug to the nstonlshed Jeweler, ho con
tlnucd: "Just copped him In time, sir
lucky for you. Oh, by tho wny, you
might get ono of your nsslstnnts to
bring round theso parcels ho Iibh bo
looted. Wo must outer tlioin nt tho
police station. Wo hnvo n cnb nt the
door. Wo hnvo been trncklng tho
hlshon nil tho morning."
Without n word tho "bishop" fol
lowed the detectives Into a cnb, nnd
nil three got In ns tho nsststnnt enmo
out with the valuables
"Here," said one of tho detectives
through tho window, "ploco thoso In
here- they will bo sofcr-nnd you get
on tho top with the driver."
It was not far to Vine street: but, ns
usual, tho tralllc was congested In Ox
ford circus, nnd tho cnb had to halt
occasionally. It was, however, soon nt
the police station. Tho nsslstant Jump
ed off tho driver's seat and opened the
Tho cab was cmptyl-Strand Maga
neldentt In Which Comlna Cvente
Cast Their Shadows Defore.
Coming events cast their shadows be
fore them. The writer Is led to be
lieve this because several Incidents In
tho lives of his parents corroborate
Iho theory that presentiments of good
nnd evil do conio to persons unawares
I will mention two of them.
in tho summer of 187- my father
lute nt night was returning to his farm
from the little town of Million. Ho
hud si ay ed unusually late. When he
reached the farm nil wns milot. Ite
moving the harness from his horse, ho
proceeded to tho carriage houso and
hung It In Its place,
Ho cnino out mid closed the door. Am
he did so ho heard tho ha mens full, It
was very dark. He went back Into the
Iioiino and found tho harness still hang
tug In Its place. Tho same occurrence
took place again, lie went back ngaln
nnd found It In Its place.
When the third ttmo ho heurd tho
noiind of falling harucsH. ho did not
go back.
Keveral weeks Inter tils barn burned,
ami It happened that tho sumo liar
uess was In tho barn loft, n valuable
ct. He nttciupttd to save It. Tho
staircase burned behind him, uud ho
wns compelled to Jump fur his Ufa
from a window. His previous expert
eiico en mo to him vividly. Ho saved
tlio harness, but nt the risk of his life,
Another vivid Incident I recall wns
my mother sitting by tho flro with n
sick baby. Tho iiursu was present,
too, and both wore wide nwako. Her
futher appeared to her and udrlsed her
ns to Iho baby's treatment ond other
family matters. Ho vanished ns quick
ly us ho hud cumo. Tho next day she
heard of Ida death. Miudon Tlt-lllts
A Rural Enoch Arden.
"In our little town In n western
state," wild Hrown, "thero was n half
wilted sort of fellow named Hill
Wilkes. One day Hill took to tho rail
road trucks nnd never reappeared for
about sit years. In tho meantime hU
wife. Mottle, took In washing and sup-
I ported the family. One day Hill ciuiio
nacK. no went around to the kitchen
door, softly opened It, stuck In lib
head and said, 'Hoo, llettle.' Mettle
turned around from her wnshtub. Tr,
he,' said Hill; 'I scared yo, didn't I,
HotlloJ' Whenever I neo n stage bus
IkiiuI return to hU family I think of
Hill's greeting nfter six years' nbsence,
Hoo, Hettle: I soared ye, didn't 11"'
New York Times,
Messina furnished early tu tho nine
teenth century n now word for tho
(icrmnti language. It was from there
that oranges wero Hint shipped to
Oermany, nnd tho fruit was known
for n long time after Its advent as
"apfel mis Messliitt" npplo from Mes
sina. After many years "apfel nus
Messina" degenerated Into "apfel Mm
shin," and dually It becaino "apfel
slue," tho iiauiu by which oranges are
still known among German speaking
Quite Sufficient.
Mrs, Jones (Inspecting a milliner's
window) I don't see whnt It Is that
keeps those women's heads turning
round nil tho time. Mr. Jones Why,
niy dear, Just n bonnet Itself Is sufll-
;lent to turn any woman's bend. Up
plncott's Magatlne.
Pointers for our Patrons.
UriiiK in your printing now.
1 lie uwicreiicc between poor
mock aim nrsi class stock ou a job
is u small item when you consider
Hie value of the job. It is the
price of u satisfied customer. It is
better to make 50 cents less on a
job urn! have u customer who will
come back, than to use the flimsy
stock, make the extra 50 cents and
lose your customer. That is the
wny we figure it. 1
He Was Ready For the Emergency and
Conquerod the African.
A show of forco Is often tho best
kind of diplomacy. A writer In the
Pnrls Temps tells n story of tho Frcuch
ndmlrnl Uupetlt-Thounrs. who hnd
been intrusted with the mission of
cxnctltig reparation from nu African
bey who had Insulted a French consul
As Dupetlt-Thouars' demands were
supported by tho forclblo nrgumeiit of
londed cannon, tho boy acknowledged
thnt ho hnd been too hnsty nnd prof
fcred profuse npologlcs. jc even In
vited tho ndmlrnl to his tnblo and hnd
a sumptuous repast prepared for tils
The consul warned tho admiral to bo
on his guard.
"Tho bey Is Inclined to bo malicious,"
said he, "and when ho strokes his
beard nnd smiles you mny bo sure thnt
ho Is concocting somo mischief."
"Wo shall sec," wns Dupetlt-Thouars'
Ho reached tho bey's palace In good
time. Profuso compliments nnd sola
tntlons wero exchnnged. All nt once
tho admlrnl's foot met somo soft,
hnlry substnnco lying on tho carpet un
der the table. Ho bent down nnd saw
a hugo Hon showing his formidable
teeth. Tho bey smiled nnd stroked his
Dupctlt-Thounrs did not wlnco, but
cnllcd bis dragoman.
"My pistols," wns nil he snld
Tho servant saluted, retired nnd
brought back n pair of pistols on a
silver trny. Tho ndmlrnl took thctn
nnd placed them on tho tnblo beforo
li I tu. Hut tho bey, still smiling, contln
lied to stroke his patriarchal beard.
"Tell tho commander," ho snld to
tho drngomnn, "thnt If thoso pistols are
for tho purpose of blowing out my
lion's brains they nro qulto Insufficient
nnd perfectly useless."
Then, llko n skilled fencer counter
ing his opponent's thrust, nfter tho
boy's Ironical advlco had boon trans
lated Dupotlt-TlioitarM replied:
"Tell hid highness thnt my pistols nro
tint tluirn In 1(111 Ilia Hull, lllll In lllmtM
Ills own brains out at tho Ilrst move-
auk .... " ..v.., -
moiit of this objectionable carpet."
Gravely, but n llttlo pale, tho man
Tho smile died nwny on tho bey's
lips, nnd ho no longer stroked his
"My lion," said ho, "Is too well train
ed even to scratch one of mr uucsts.
but slnco ho Is not wanted ho shall bo
sent away."
At n word from tho bey the lion
slowly and heavily left tho room, like
nn obedient dog.
No Mora CradUs.
"A crndlol" snld tho snlesmnn.
not You don't want a cradle."
He smiled.
"First kid, nln't It 7"
"Yes," admitted tho young father,
"I knew you weren't experienced, or
you wouldn't nsk for n crndle." snld
the salesman. "Yon see, they've gone
altogether out. Wo don't sell two a
"Why did they go out)"
"Ilccnuso they're unhealthy, bad for
tho kid. They lower the temperature,
hurt the heart nud bring on nniison,
colic, regular seasickness. It stnnds to
reason (Hat the violent rocking or n
crndlo can't bo good for frail llttlo
baby nny mom limn tho violent rock
ing of a ship In n storm Is good for the
pnssengers. Moreover, they keep some
body busy nicking tho baby to sleep.
Now tho bnby goes to sleep of Its own
nccord."-I'lillailelphla Ilulletln.
Won With Whips.
According (o Herodotus, whllo tho
Scythians were, nwny on n long cam
paign their slaves took tho opportunity
to rebel nnd seize nil their masters' I
property. The latter on their return
promptly nltnckcd them, but were con
tinually defeated until nt last one of
them hit on the brilliant Idea of at
tacking the slaves with whips only,
That, he said, would remind them of
their origin nud so cow them thnt
they would never dnro to stand. Tho
Scythians followed his counsel, nnd It
fell out ns he had predicted, When
tho slaves beheld their nmsters riding
down upon theui nourishing the terri
ble knotted thongs they knew so well
they throw down their arms and lied,
Routed His Suspicions.
V naval oillcer wns speaking of tho
extortions of innkeepers In out of tho
wny parts of tho globe.
In Montenegro once," ho said, "I
lukinl for my bill after having slept
overnight nt n certain Inn, nnd ns
soon ns the document was handed to
me I look out 1111- niirs.i In mllln ir. I I
did not iMither to verify the various
Items. Whnt would have been tho
Hut my readiness to pay iimaxed
the landlord. Ho thought a moment,
and then ho said uneasily;
" ' 111 you let me have nnother look
nt that bill, sir? I think I have omlb
ted something,"'
Her Mouth Was Cloud,
jnck Miss I'enchy started to say
something uUuit tho Impropriety of
kissing the other evening, but she
didn't tlnlsu. Tom-Why not! Jack-
Hcviuise I took the words right out of
her mouth. Chicago News.
The Forecast.
Husband Well, whnt did the phre
nologlst say about Willie's bead?
Wife Nothing. He simply sighed nnd
handed 1110 mv money back. Husband
Just ns I expected. He's going to be
n poet. Exchnnge.
A man thnt hath not vlrtuo In hlnv
reir oTer enviein vinme in otners. iva-
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
watch your business
"Df. Mllei' AH
Pila Pill tin bm
of the Little
and the
Pain U
ted tr im for fiu-
midc paint, budicbc
tnd pain In tack tad
tldtt, tnd la wy
ctw ity tv pcrfw
Henry Courier,
Doonum. N. Y.
and nit pains or
25 Doses 25 Cents
Voir DrvifiM Mill Dr. Milet' Anrl Ptlo.Plllt
tnd hi It laihorutd to rttum ini ptlct of ill flru
twclirt (onlfl If n full w benehi you.
Tli fit Ir flfttit tt nviwf1!fMt ntul lire
cllRnrv to i,t,rove Altcuhcnv Street from
.I.- V....I. II.... ..I Willi. It.,i1n.r.t lit
i,, i, nutlll IIMW Ul 11...-, ,,,,
the South line of 1'cmciiiIcii Street
the city of St. Johns In the following
manner, to wit: hnltl street to bcurougu
to n uniform trade bv cut nnd fill r
shown on profile thereof, the subgrad
to be cut In such a manner ns to mnkc
the tironcr surface of n course of crushc
rock (rolled nud completed) 8 Inches
deep nt the center. 6 Inches ijecp nt the
tides, 13 feet wide, conform to the
grade of the street; that is the top oi me
rock at the center of the stivct shall I
the same elevation a the tot) of th
curb. The rock to be put on In tu
lavers. each lavcr to 1c rolled to the
saiwacuoii oi me uiiy l'.nginccr: sain
itrcct to be further Improved by side
walking same on either side with 6-foot
wooden niiicwaik, ia-loot curu, wttu
Mi-ci-tAnn c.fruir Imiirit rmt U'rlllftt. mill
standnri r box gutters, nil material nud
work to be according to the plant nud
upcclficitlout of the City Hnglncer on
file hi the office of the City Recorder
relative thereto, which snld plant nud
cclficntlons nud estimates are tatUfac
lory ami nrc iicuny approved. &m
Improvements to be made in accordance
Willi tlic charter nwl ordinance oi the
City of St. John and under the taper
vision and direction oi tuc my Kiiglu
Thnt the cost of said improvement
to ic nstcsuMi at provided ity uic city
charter upon the procrty especially uud
particularly benefitted thereby, and
which l hereby declared to be all of
... . i. i ,,. I.!..... .i-
IWIH, 111 IRUi lUtl., IJIUIKI llllll IHIVll III
land between the termini of such im
provemcutt abutting upon, udjncciit or
proximate to Mid Allegheny Street,
from the marginal lines of said ttrect
Pack to the center ot the block orolock
or tracts of land abutting thereon or
proximate thereto.
That all the nroocrtv Included In salt
Improvement dUtrlct iifnrctaid Is hereby
declared to be "Local Improvement
imiria .o. io."
That the City Hngliieer's aciiiciit
oi tue prolvililc total cost oi sain im
proveiiicut of naid Allegheny Street I
That the cost of said Allegheny
Street to be lustincil onanist the proiw
erty in said local nwcusniciit district ns
provided uy llie city dinner oi tue viiy
01 ill. JOIIIIS.
Adopted the aotii nay oi January. 1909
a. .11. v.aavn,
Published In the St. Johns Kevlew
Jau, 39 and I'cb, 5, 1909,
ltaptlst church C. h. Owen.
hiug al
Sunday school at 10 a, 111. Preaching at
II a, 111,
II. Y. P. U. 7 p. in.
at 8 n. tu
.iietuoii ti cnurcn . 11. uewnri, pas
tor. buuday school 10 a. tu.; preaching
at 1 1 n, 111. and 8 p. tu. Hpworth League
nt 7 p. til,
Jloiy iroksiuiuonc cnurcn, i-orisuiouiu
htutlon: 0:15 a. in., low mass; io;ij a.m.
high mass; 7:30 p, 111,, vespers and bene
. Christian churchMeets every huiuloy
H Tabernacle us follows; bumiay wnooi
at 10 a. in.; preaching at li a. m. and 8
p. m una v, i'. s, .. u. meeting, ai 7 p. 111
It. J. Johnson, lustor.
St. Andrew's Hplscoiwl Chapel, Uni
versity Park Rev. Win. R. Powell
chaplain. Regular services 7:30 p. 111
Sunday school at t P. ui.: llible class 7 P
in. J I.eutou services every I'riday at 10
a. m.
Itvangclical church Sunday school nt
10 p. m. Preaching it a. in, junior K.
L, C. li. 3:30 p. in.; Senior K. h. C. K. 7
P. 111. I'reaciilug at a p. m. inesier r.
Gates, pastor.
I'lrst Congregational Cliurch-O. W.
Nelson, pastor. Sunday school 10 a
ui,; preaching i! a. in. and 7:45 p. 111
Y, P. S. C. J. meeting at 7 p. 111. Prayer
meeting Thursday at p. 111. A seat
and welcome to all.
llaotUt Church. Uu versity Park. Rev,
A. 11. WalU, iwstor. Regular services
everv Sunday monilui! and evening.
German baptist church Services held
vach Sunday at llaptlst church asfollows;
.wi p. m., lucanuuji i j v,
Ul. cv. i'liiuucai, ihuiuii
German Lutheran Services at 0X
a, 111, every Sunday morning at corner of
reiiiusuiu avenue ami Ktipamck street,
University Park. All Germans of St.
Johns cordially iuvited to attend, C.
imecii er. nastor.
Christiau Science Society meetings
held at Chicaeo Rooming house, Sun
days, 11 a.m. and WcUnesdays at 5 p. ui
Jjuuxct bptnt
St. Johns Ferry Time Card.
Leave Hast Side (A. M.l 6110, 7:10,
7:50, ayo, 9:10,9:50 io:ao,ii;io, 11:50. r.
M uao, i;io. mo. 3:30. 3:10, 3:50, AIXO
1:10 6xw.
Leave West Side (A. M.) 6:50, 7:30,
8:10, 8:50, 9:30, 10:10, n:jo, P. M,
13:10,13:50,1:30,2:10, 3:50, 30, 4:10
4:50, 5:30, 0:30.
NoU tha labtl m your par
Did You
Kver lose nn account by not
linvhiK the customer's stnte
incnt prepared ?
The Plew & Motter
! Safety, Sub-Series, Self
Indexing Loose Leaf
Overcomes nil possibility of
such loss. It is iiistniitiutcous.
Saves time, saves labor and
saves money. Applicable to
every line of business.
Special ledgers for Doctors,
Lawyers and Dentists. Learn
more of these practical devices.
! E. L, MERRITT, Agt,
Review Office, St. Johns.
City of St. Johns, Oregon
Mayor-It. W. Ilrlce
Hrcuriltr A. M. Hon
TrfiuMircr J. H. Tancli
Altonify-ll. H. Collier
liiiKlncrrC. Atidicvm
I'hiflclnn A. W. Vincent
Clilrlol l'otlcrJ. II. Illnck
MkIiI l'ollcc-n. i:tlicrM8e
CouiicIIiiicii nt t.nruc:
A. V, IlavU, C. l, JdIiiimjii, H. I,. DoMe
CouiicIIiiicii I'lml Wnnb
I', J. Miller W. W. Whittle
Connclttiicii Hccumt Wanb
II. C. Hunter II. W. Iloiilmm
Htrrcln nn.l llockt-W. W. Wlmltc, I', J.
Miller, C I,. Jolinwai
I.lctme II. W, lionlmm, II. C. Ilunltr,
w. w. w imiie
Water nml f.lalit C. I.. JoIiiimiii, A. W.
I)nl, II. W. nonlmm
I'liisnct A. W. Davit. II. C, Hunter, H.
llullilltiK snil (UoiiiiiI II. C. Hunter. I'.
ItrnUll nml I'otlcr-rl. I,. l)olil, II. W.
Ilonhntn, W. W. Whittle
Liquor I.Uen ! J. Milter. A. W tUvln,
n. i iioine
Central Market!
Holbrook Illock.
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the llcst
Meat Obtainable.
Orders l'lllcd and 1'iiiiilly Trade Sollqltid
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach thla office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
'emember thla and save the printer
SmUh Piemler
nas widened its market un-
.il it includes the whole civil
ized world; has become the
ypewriter of over 300,000
perators and has, during
306, broken every previous
2cord of sales, because it
as from the beginning best
net cwry typewriter need, j
"TTHE tri-color feature of
I the Smith Premier
Typewriter Is recog
nized as the greatest Im
provement in modern type
writer construction yet in
providing it, none of the
strong fundamental fea
tures, for which the Smith
Premier has always been
noted, havebeen sacrificed.
Complete literature on re
Wc have n number of articles on hand which we arc
desirous of disposing of. They were purchased by the
former management to be given out as premiums on
subscriptions, but as the solicitors invariably prefer
cash commission instead of premiums, they arc now
placed oisalc at a bargain.
Wc have a limited number of shears that retail
in any store at not less than $1.00 per pair. They arc
guaranteed for five years, and have a thumb screw on
the back which prevents them from becoming loose.
Drop in and examine a pair. Bargain price,
Per pair - 50c
A small number of nickel silver spoons, guaran
teed to be composed of the same metal throughout,
easily worth $1.25 anywhere. Bargain price,
Per set .... 75c
Two gold jewel cases, $3.50 value, bargain sale
Each - - - - $2.00
A handsome set of silver knives and forks, value
$3-75 bargain price, - - - $2.50
A $2.00 carving set goes nt this sale for $1.25
A beautiful gilt alarm clock worth $2.00, bargain
price - - - - - $1.25
Gilt ninntel clock worth $3.25, can be had for $3.
A very fine 26-piccc set of Rogers' silverware,
worth from $10 to $12, will be placed on sale at $6.25
All of these arc genuine bargains, nnd outside of
the shears and spoons wc have only one set of each
variety, so if you are looking for anything in this line
it would be wise to take advantage of this opportunity.
A careful inspection of each article 'is invited. When
these are disposed of 110 more shall be ordered, as the
jewelry business is not in our line.
St. Johns Review
Now is the time
to visit
When Mimmcr lias
passed in these north
ern states, the sun is
only mild under the
bright blue skies of
Southern California.
This is one of na
ture's huppy provis
ions eternalsumiucr
for those who cannot
endure a more severe
California has been
called the "Mecca of
the winter tourist."
Its hotels and stop
pirn; places are as va
ried as those of all
well regulated cities.
Visitors can always
find suitable accom
modations, congenial
.companions, and va
ried, pleasing recrea
. Will be glad to supply some
' very attractive literature, lie
- scrihiiiK in detail the many tie-
lights of winter In California.
' Very low round trip excursion
tickets are on sale to California,
The rate from Portland to Ios
Angeles ami return U fJ5.oo.
I Limit six months, allowing
stopovers in either direction,
Similar excursion rates are in
j effect to all California points.
I'or full information, sleeping
car reservations and tickets, call
on, telegraph or write C. W.
Springer, C. T. A., y and Wash,
itigton streets, Portland, or
Win. McMurray, Qen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Oregon
MocMrs stttt succat i
U to kH4 ulMh A trUI will 1
IUU Toil oar MraiAaant emtaauir.
friMCtistatw ihui
1 uminMiivwaiiDiinBdiiMiM.iDiiiTuuii
Writ -tyi Meathm fftfe Aver.
UMMtMwulriitliiutnnhtUhnlulU 1
Mail Schedule
Mall arrives at St. lohus at 7:10 a. in.
and 1:15 p. m. .
weaves at 10:30 a. in., and 4:4s p. m.
Office open week davs from 611 a. in. '
to 6:10 p. m, Sundays from 9 to 10 a, in I
Bo a booster for St, Johns,
Rooms In the Holhrook bulhlltifr,
St. Johns, Oregon.
I Joseph AlcChcsncy, Al. D.
Day and Night, Office In McChtiney Block
; I'hons WoodUwn 471
Physician and Surgeon.
Ofllce in Holhrook't Illock.
Residence, li j Hnycs street.
I'lione Scott 6995.
$13 Slla St.
304 S. Hayes
Hewitt & Wright
Usliuiaten and Plans Furnished
Transfer and Storage
Wc deliver your goods to and from all
parts of Portland, Vancouver, I.lnnton,
Portland and Suburban Hxprcss Co.,
city dock and all joints accessible by
wagon. Piano and furniture moving
a specialty. 109 I, Hurllngtou; phone.
Richmond 6,
Funeral Director and Embalmer
I.ady Assistant.
Jlranch office at University Park Drug
Store, phone Woodlawn 187.1.
Main office, Portland, Oregon: phone
Sellwood 71.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. A). D.
Residence, 697 Dawson Street
Office, 1'liter Illock '
University Park, Portland, Oregon
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Meets each Monday evening In Oihl
Fellows hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
U. P. Gates, N, G.
K. B. Holcomb, Secretary.
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Meets eveo' PridayniKht
at 7:30 o'clock at l.O.O.F.
hall. Visitors always wel
come. U. W.Ilrurison, C.C.
W.A. Slorr.K. R.S.
Doric Lodge No. 132
F. and A. M,
Regular comuiunica
tlons on first and third
Wednesdays of each
month in Odd Pillows'
hall. Visitors welcome.
R. S. Harrington, Josi' McCbesney,
becretary. W. M.
CAMP 773 W. 0. W.
Meets every
econd ana
ourtb Wed
esday even
ae in Uicki
.itr's Hall.
pil. Auson, C. C.
E. Sweugel, Clerk;
Subscribe for he Teleeram
I best evening paper on tlie coast.
See Ed Stockton. 'sv"' "
Not th lakxl en your papar.