St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 05, 1909, Image 2

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rnbllnhfd F.Try Friday
At 117 Wtft Dutllnglon Slrftl, St. Jolim.
nv Makklk &
TitH Ritvntw Is entered nt post office
In Snlnt Johns, Oroti, ns mnll tnnttcr
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Adrertlilng ritoi, 11.00 per Inch per month.
Job Printing cieented In flntclaM
tltll. tnw .Tt. f'.lnllnir ..h nn itflllVArV.
Alt fommunltstloni nhnuld be ddreied to
Tit nerlew, Hi. John. ureinn.
Offlclsl Itewiptper of the City of St Johns,
Subscription prlc $1.00 per year,
aTw7 MARtfl.K, Udltor
W. 15. 1IYHKMUS, Associate
FlttDAY, OTRUARY 5. 1909-
15o a 1IOOSTEU for St. Johns.
Tom Itlclinrdson, OrcRon'fl great
est booster, ntid without whom no
fcoi'vltcH In connection with n public
oiiturnrlso Ih comttlote, pnld St. Julius
u nont compliment last Saturday af
ternoon nt tho InunchliiK of tho
ferry bont, City of Vnncouvor. Ho
stntod Hint whllo Vancouver nnd
Portland woro both Brent, In com
parison to Its population St. .lolnm
was far ahead of them In tho way
of activity and puhllu oiiternrlno.
At ltichmond, lud., ltohcrt Cam
her wan fined $7fi for throHhlnu Will
lam It. llaldwln. When 11 pupil of
llaldwlu '.'ft years iiko (lumliur was
whipped by tho teacher. Ilo vowed
votiKonncu, and tho other day, meet
ing tho aged teacher on tho Htreet,
aatnbcr mado good Ills threat. Many
boyH havo inndo (tlmllar threats
when thoy received a good tlroim
ItiK down at tho hauilH or t ho tuncher
but this In tho first ItiHlntico wo
havo noticed wheruln tho throat was
put Into execution. Most youngsters
realize they deserved tho punish
ment long before ITi years have
Ah an ovldenco Hint Portland
people am more and inoro Interested
In tho advancement of Oregon, (he
First National llnnlt and l.add &
Tllton havo each notified Hut Oregon
Development Mmguo that their sub'
serlptlous for tho year 1U0U would
bo $200 per mouth Instead of f 100 nv
III former yenrH, This snmo sum Is
subscribed by tho Portland Hallway,
Light & Power company, whllo the
United States National Hank him
ndveuced from f.lOtoflOO per month.
'J Lose nro larger subscriptions than
nro mado by tho financial and
bi.r.'pess Interests of any other city
In tho United States.
Isn't It getting tlmo now to agitato
tho securing of a public park for St.
Johns? T110 city or Portland Is
spreading herself along this Hue, and
ll h fiiiH that this city should iniiko
boiihi provision for such an outer-
thai was not placed there, according
tc ono of our responsible nnd rellablo
Luslness men, nnd then tho material
used did not como up to tho standard
called for In tho specifications In
different parts of tho building. This
In something that should bo fore
stalled and eliminated In regard to
these now structures. It Is very
enby for outsldo parties to bid lower
than tho local contractors can do
when they havo an architect In co-
hoots with them and who is willing
to O. K. anything tho contractor
dueti. An r.rchlteot who Is proud of
hla irp.itnllon and who 1b anxious to
mnltn good ut nil times Is tho only
kind that should bo secured. Wo
trust that local enlorprlso will so
euro tht! contract, and tho money
paid for samo remain In St. Johns.
Kor tho sake of deflnltcncBB
will still call it winter.
Too bad Toddy will not get nny of
Hint 1100,000 snlnry. Still Toddy, Jr.
may grow up to bo a groat man llko
his pa.
Kggs nro cheaper In London than
tl.oy ate here. A ruffian over there
threw a perfectly good 0110 ut Aunt
Carrlo Nation tho other day.
Who can nny China Is not rapidly
becoming educated when she will din
mlflH the commander In chief of tho
nrmy limtend of having him be
President-elect Tnft Is to be
feasted on alligator steuk In Florida.
Don't undorrnto tho nlllgntor. Some
epicures prefer Its flesh to that of
tho rhinoceros,
livery merchant reports business
in a more prosperous condition than
for sovernl months, their Jnnunry
sales and collections being tho best
over mado since starting In business.
President Hoosovelt expects to
gain sonio distinction by getting n
white rhinoceros In Africa. On tho
other hand Just think how distill
gulshed a white rhino would feel If
ho got tho president.
With tho length or women's hat
pins limited In Oregon It will bo mif
)v for undersized men to rldo In
crowded elevators. Hut let tho legls
littuto try to regulate tho height of
(lie heels or women's shoes, If It
A movement Is on foot to enlarge
tho boundaries or St. Johns. Tho
territory at tho north end not now
within tho city lines Is proposed to
bo taken In. This proposition was
turned down ut u'u election last year,
but It seeuiH that n number of tho
outsiders who voted against tho prop
osltlon aro now In favor of It. If It
Under this bonding wo would he
glad to publish contributions, rrom
our renders relating to tho household.
Any good recipes thnt havo been
tried nnd round to bo useful would
no doubt be appreciated by tho
hoiiBowlfo. Kindly Bend them In. No
nnmo published unless dcHlrcd.
Apple nnd llannnn Snlnd.
Tnko ono nnd ono-hnlf cups each
of sliced apples and bnnonns, servo
with a cream Balad drosBlng.
Orange and Apple Salad.
Lettuce, ono apple, two oranges,
ground nuts. Cut oranges and npplo
Into sma1' pieces. Servo on n lettuce
leaf with a dash of ground nuts and
oil or salad dressing.
Lettuee and Cheese Sandwiches
Spread entlro wheat bread thickly
with fresh chceso and lay on this a
crisp lettuce lear dipped In salad
dresBlng. Keep In leo box till ready
to serve.
Olive Sandwiches
Makn theso or brown broad chop
ping tho olives and adding thick
mnyonualso to form tho rilling.
Olive and Cheese Sandwiches.
Mix Cream cheoso with chopped
olives nnd spread on buttered graham
Cheese and Nut 8andwlches.
Make a filling of chopped Kngllsh
walnut meats and Swiss or Cream
cheese, nnd sprend on ryo or grnhnm
Ham and Olive Sandwiches.
Make of whlto bread using rlncly
chopped or grated ham, olives, and
parsley for tho filling.
White 8andwlches.
Uso ror rilling, finely cut colory
mixed with mnyonnnlHo and use
white bread.
Tho snow lay heavy and tho roof
did leak; at times It looked us ir we
iilitht bo swept to tho raging Will
amelto. Destruction In prices of hats
slightly damaged comos with this
Issue. No reserves, all go at less
than wholesale cost.
Your opportunity to get u lint of
value. Mako your choice early for
they wont Inst long. Kvoryono knows
tho quality of those goods. Voguo
Ilonnvlllo's Monthly for alo nt
this offlco.
Handy Information
Following aro n few pointers on
the postal porvlco that should be
rend by all. Tho Information may
becomo valuable at ono tlmo or
other. Thoy havo been prepared by
President McKlnley of tho Ohio
Stato Leaguo of Postmasters for
goneral Information:
When you "address your lotters or
cards with a load pencil see that tho
nddrctiB Is plainly written. Most lot
tors lost nro Improperly addressed ;
you had better ubo a pen and Ink.
When you address a letter seo that
you spell tho namo of tho town cor
rectly. Many post offices havo slmi
lar names. Don't write Cln. for Cln
clnnatl. or Col. ror Columbus.
When you address a letter or card
leavo room for tho stamp and post
nark In tho uppor right hand cor
tier. Postmarks often blur your ad
Do not put writing In nowspapors
or packngesj If you do tho mattor
becomes first-class mall and you
must pay letter postage two coats
nn (.iiMfo. nr von nra liable to a flno
of ill).
Wrltton or typewritten letters
plnccd In unsealed envelopes are sub
inti tn tlm mmo trie or nostago us
when sealed-t we cnls nn ounco.
Post enrds In transparent envelope?
will ko nt tho rato or ono cent ir un
Benled, provided thoro Is nothing
moro than tho address of tho ono
tn rccclva It and tho nnmo of tho
sender. Stnmp must bo placed on
cnvelopo nnd not on enrd when on
rlciRmt In transparent envelope
Post cards containing writing nnd
whotlior sonlcd or unsonlod, must
boar a two-cont Btnmp und tho stamp
must bo placed on tho onvolopo I of tho card.
knid monoy by poBt orrlco monoy
aider, ror If It Is sent In this man
nor. If lost In tho mull tho Po
Offlco Department will Issuo you
unolhcr order.
Hmil vacuole lapors or merchnn
dl-t.i by firn-el(H registered mill,
for iho Post OMlcc Dopnrtmont will
umku good nr. lest In tho mnll not
nvivmlltu; S2fi.
Patrons of Dost offices enn got bet
tor service by renting n box which
costs only IS cents for throo mouths
If you hnvo n box tho Postmaster'
work Is lightened, nnd your mnll Is
not handled or looked over llko
Is In tho gonornl dollvory. Tho Post
Offlco Dopartmcnt makes groat con
vonlonces for you, so do not hesitate
to help In return.
Postmasters nro not allowed
nil tmitnuo itamns to bo sont
through tho mall In oxclinugo for
merchnndlso or for payment or othor
When you mall n lottor or pnekago
seo that It Is substantially dono up
Buy Before the Raise
Directly across front tlic new $10,000 School house. On or before March 15th nil prices will be advanced If any lots ore
left. Trices 350 ami up per Jot 10 per cent cash, $5 or f 10 a month. Many houses now built on Addition.
R. G. BRAND, Smith's Crossing
S. C. COOK, Oswego Station
pi two, StrnugorH coming hero In
tho summer tlmo reel rather lost If
thoro Is no puhllu placo In which to
sit and rest, uml such n resort
would bo ot much huuefll to our own
cltUeiis. Tho plot of ground over
looking the dry dock, which was vot
od upon last spring, wo learn could
now bo secured for about 15,000 lest,
than what It could thou. This Is 011
account or tho water front and a
couple of lots having been disposed
ot wluio tho project was Nrtl
lauiichod. Tho balance or tho laud
Is still Intact and could bo secured
ror park purposes If tho puoplo so
Since tho now high school hiisnow
been decided upon, would It not bo
n wbo plan to hnvo both tho high
school ami graded school construct
od entirely by St. Johns labor?
There Is a good arc hi Una reading
hire, Wayno 1,. Mills, who Is an ex
pert In his lino, whoso strnlco might
bo seuured to draw tho plans, or
there may bo othois living In this
city who would do tho work well.
Thero nro plenty or good, honest
routiuctors who would bo glad to
hi euro tho contract who aro now
residents or St. Johns, and the
Plumbing could bo dono by local
men, There Is no tiuostlou but that
nil '-t.n money spent ror construction
of theso schools should bo loft hero
If poislblo, Wo bellovo eury tax
payer would bo satisfied to pay a
lltilti moro for tho building If ueces
sury rather thun hnvo tho work dono
by outsldo parties, ll Is too often
tho case that tho architect and con
tractor work together for their mu
tual benefit and to tho detriment of
tho utructuro when outsldo parties
perform tho work. St. Johus has ex
perienced a little of this hand and
jjlovo business between tho architect
ami contractor. In ono or our public
buildings thero Is about six hundred
dollars wortli or material that tho
pluus and spociricntlou culled ror
Is curried through tho valuation or
St. Johns assessment list will bo
largely Increased.
Thero Is universal complaint uh to
tho condition or tho various cross
walks Ihroiwhout Iho city, At tho
Intersection or nearly every thorough
faro tho cmsswalks havo been ob
jectionably clogged with mud, ron
derlug locomotion unsutlsractory and
Tho W, C. T. U, Mothers' meeting
met at Mrs. Lours Monday after
noon Mru. Kerr was very much on
(it'll aged as thero wero an unusual
number of tho mothers there, Tho
piogiiim was fine and well carried
out, Ictding to u good discussion of
tho topic. Tho thought thnt Impress
ed i.b most was that mothers often
lebo tho confidence of their children
liy being too busy or too old to en
ter Into tho reelings or their children,
and at last tho children ft ml some
one else, and tho mother sees It
whon It Is too late. I think It Is al
so so with some fathers and their
sons. Puttiers, If your boys want to
do something they ought not to do,
Interest thorn In some c-ther way, It
will take time, but It will pay,
Wo had this interesting account of
tho recent National convention:
Thero uro 10,000 local unions, 1600
organized tho past year, Somo or
tlio t.tntcs hud an Increase or 1000
irii.ilcrs; Oregon's Increase was
2M. Total Increnso was iO,6C3j to
tul membership 300,000, Wo added
ono member at this meeting. Our
next mooting, Peb. 15, will bo held
at the Kvaugellcul church,
Tho first of tho maiiy parlor meet
ings planned for tho coining season,
was held Tuesday evening at Mrs.
Scott's, uud It was n buccoss from
beginning to eud. Mrs. Hoper eamo
down rrom Portlaud, bringing with
her two sailor boys, who sang sev
eral selections. 1-oulso Couch's "By
and l"brought down tho house. Mrs.
Hoper gavo an Interesting and In
structive talk of tho work among
tho sailors just tho kind or talk
rrom ono who has worked so long as
she has among thorn. 8ho promised
to como again and bring moro of her
sailor boys.
Wo regret very much wo could not
hnvo Invited moro of tho St. Johns
peoplo nnd get thorn Interested In
tho work hero and seo tho need of
a uloasnnt plnco for tho sailor boy
who como to our port. They nro
somebodys' boys.
Three moro members wero added
to our union. Light refreshments
weio served und ns wo bade good
ulsht to our hostess wo felt wo had
tpeut u profitable evening.
Press Supt
Wo wish to express our gratitude
to our frlonds and to Mrs. Kdlersen
and Mr, Illack, und especially to
Drs. Mary MacLachlan aud Vincent
ror their kluduess during our lato
Mrs. Lenora Copies,
Harry Caples,
Dottlo Caples,
Agnes A. Caples.
This card wus Inadvertently, omitt
ed from lust week's Issuo,
No. 3 To A. Pachkowasky to
erect a small dwelling on Leonard
street, boiween Cntlln and Pesseu
den streets, Valuation, $100,
To exchange Hood River land
for St. Johus property, Inquire at
this office. 34f
Tho rapid handling of tho malls somo
times destroys a poor envelope or
covering of a package, and your mall
Is thus lost.
You should put your namo nnd post
offlco on tho packago, and If not do
llvered It will return to you, but you
will havo to ropuy the, postage (un
less It Is first-class),
Whon you niovo .to anothor post
offlco notify tho Postmaster from your
Iformor post orrlco to rorward your
,, . ' 1 ' - . 1 . . 1. 1 1 1. -
man uuu uoiuy 1110 jiuunauvia ui
your papers that you have changed
your post orflco.
Letters from pension agency can
bo delivered only to the. person to
whom addressed or to some member
or his or her family especially
authorized to receive the mull,
If you have a frlond visiting you,
havo their moll Bont In your care.
Ubo an ordinary size envelope nnd
have on It your return card; If It is
not delivered It will be returned to
you, and not go to tho Dead Letter
Office, ns thousands of letters do.
If you recelvo a letter by mistake
and It Is not yours, don't open It,
but return It promptly; and it you do
open It, write on envelope "opened
by mistake," aud sign your name.
Did vou ever ko to Portland ntid
while there decide to buy a little
meat? And did you open it up
when you returned home nnd found
that it was not what you believed
it to be when you made the pur
chase? In fact, did it not become
nccessarv to throw nil or a portion
ot it out before it was eaten? Was
it not stnle. diseased lookitiK and
emitting n bad odor? If this has
not been your experience it has
been that of others. In several
cases Portland butchers have been
hauled up before a magistrate for
selling infected meats. Did you
ever know that to be the case in
St. Johns? Better be sure the
meat you use is GOOD in every
sense of the wdrd. Better for your
self, better for your family. That
is the only kind that can ever be
found at
Best quality possible, and only
the best, is their motto.
Do you want to sell your
time for a few minutes?
The Combination Salt &
Pepper Shaker company,
201 Gcrlinger Uldg., Port
laud, Oregon, will give to
the lady or gentleman giv
ing a suitable name for its
patent salt aud pepper shak
er securities todlie value of
$100. Therefore if you
can think of an appropriate
name for the invention and
scud it to the above ad
dress it may be well worth
your while. This will ben
IJUlll Willi!.-. i 111.1 Will UL-ll
good opportunity to use
your wits to good ndvnu
taire. Try it. Opportunity
closes March 15th. JJ
All Cutlery during Month
of February reduced
What Do You Know
Hagensen & Smith
Are breaking the record, Suits to
4 Order. I'it and Workmmuhip
Guaranteed for thestartllngsumol
28, 26, 25, 24 and $22
Get your order in
Itefore it is too late,
Notice to Creditors
Do a UOOdTER for St. Jones.
Our Charges.
As is customary, we will charge
for card of thanks, soc: for resolu
tions of respect, 3t.oo: for notices
of church or lodge entertaiuments
suppers, sociables, ictc, where there
are charges for admission, 5c per
line, but where there are uo charges
for these events, we will break the
rule and insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
our good friends may understand
our rule in this respect.
Wa fin tint nllsitv nnv nriiitpr tn
put out nicer work than we do and
we put tite oesi stocK imo our joos
110 a booster for St. Joans.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregou, (or .Multnomaii county.
In the matter of the Kstate of Hlita-
beth J. Ward, Deceased.
The undersigned having been appoint
ed by the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Multnomah County, admin
istrator of the estate of BlUabeth J.
Ward, deceased, notice U hereby given
to the creditors of, nnd all pcr&ons hav
imr claims auuiubt said deceased, to pre
sent them, duly verified, as by law re
nuired. within six months from the date
of the first publication of this notice, to
the said administrator at the office of
Collier & Collier, Attorneys for adminis
trator, Ilolbrook Uldg., St. Johus, Ore.
UUDeri want
Administrator of the estate of
Klitabeth J. Ward, Deceased.
Date of first publication Jan. 8, 1909,
mtviU.4 to Plsts
Krtry Oanlenti and
PUntrr thouM ml li.
anntrlor mrrtK of Our
v. will Mail iKMtiwId our
lHUMiaiMru !?
t U(. ttrtf unw MWt . -It.
I Si rlWr Mtst.l ... 10.
UMlSHtMk.CbtMrlrSM4 t . SM
Witt. il u4 IS Wj r mbnu4
Mtllu 4 nm IS- tten 'Tmw.1 CUlMlun," fc
MIS- With M X. Ui BUM UM
MHmM. Eockford. llllool.
What Z Want?
Best Drugs
Best Service
Best Quality
Prescriptions filled by the best Compounders.
Wc give the best treatment to our patrons.
Use our phone. It is free and in a booth.
Buy your stamps of us.
Leave your parcels with us.
Wait for the car with us.
North Bank Pharmacy
C. C. CURRIN, Prop.
it tiMMiettt
urn iiirwM r C IIAII CV S
St. Johns Land Co.
The Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm
in St. Johns.
East St. Johns
I The center of the great development now taking I
t place on the Peninsula. f
3 We have only n few business lots left on Columbia f
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sola at 9
present prices.
Some fine residence lots still on sale.
ri.j .. : : .i::..:.. r t v.
It VwIlUllC miuuiuii.1.111 ui a lit a aujuiiiwi vitu v-. i. u.
N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms.
I Holbrookes Addition
Jj We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the
new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install- 5
t ments.
$ Call at our office for prices aud terms for either of 2
?f llmcn ficimK1f tmntc &
l St. Johns Phone Jersey 93i Oregon
Revival next week at tho (Jutted
Evangelical church. (
Merchantsl Manufacturers! Farmers! Everybody!
We are hunting for your business and have been on
your trail for some time. Our aim is to serve you
The adoption of our service offers a complete
solution to the transportation problem.
Our rates are reasonable and our service
Two traius between St. Johus and Portlaud
We deliver Anything, Any Place, Any Time.
Cajl and get our rates before shipping.
Ageut at St. Johns.
Phones: Portland Office, Matu 358 St. Johns; Jersey 122
A 3358