St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 29, 1909, Image 3

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    us m
decidedly different from
other low priced machines
It is made to SCW Well
It is well built of good Material and
by skilled Workmen and is WAR
. It has all modern improvements and labor-saving
devices. It will pay yon to examine this machine be
fore yon buy.
Remember the place--
Main store
rMWJ Postoffice
We can afford to sell at Reasonable Prices
mm ci3 c43 evO cO 0 cO oO Mt cO t0 cD cSD 13 rO c0 mm
a m t . a d rt
First National Bank
St. Johns, Oregon
Paid In Capital ' - - - 25,000.00
Henry W. Coe, President
A. R. Jobes, Vice Pres. T. P. Drinker, Cashier I
Drafts issued on all Foreign Countries.
SAPE IJlu'Usn ijuauo ruu j
Plumbing and Tinning
203 S. Jersey Street Phone Jersey 91 St. Johns, Oregon
Is what we offer to our patrons at reasonable prices.
We are waiting to please you. wd
. . 1 .... Vox. Vmr In vntt nil. .V
jl a nappy uhu i'iusj'ci"" -w-"
I COUCH &, CO. i
General Merchandise
Phone Jersey 973. 206-508 Philadelphia street
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise.
Also slab wood. Timbers of all sizes cut to order.
Get year winter's wood now and save trouble.
rn r tn. More HEAT, less SOOT nnd SMOKE
for your money than auy coal oU the Coast. J
Local News.
He who by Ills bti would rise
Must either bust or advertise.
D. S. Hoover mado n business trip
to Ranlcr tho first part of this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Qalo of Monta-
villa visited friends In St. Johns Sun-day.
Mrs. Bert Btranahan of Hood Hlvcr
was a pleasant vlBltor to St. Johns
last week.
Mrs. II. S. Hewitt has been quite
111 tho past week with an affection
of tho throat.
Mosea Tufts was circulating among
his many friends In this city several
days last wook,
A. S. Stono has been on tho sick
list for tho past fow weeks, but Is
now Improving.
S. V. Rogers haB opened up a
jowclry repair shop in tho concrete
building on Jersey street.
Mrs, Lola llcrford and daughter of
Seattle, Wash., aro visiting at tho
homo of their aunt, Mrs, 11. S. Hoov
er, this week.
J. E. McFalt and family havo re
moved from this city to Spokano,
whoro thoy will mako their futuro
Itond our bargain list In
column. ,
Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering 1
Sand on hands at all times, urucrs wtium.
i Real Estate, Loans, Insurance j
u...of Titt Preoared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. I
Sn.Lrauav.iJ w
aieun Taylor wautholucy winner
of tho reclining chnlr given nway at
Mooro's Toggery recently, and as a
result Glenn was tho happiest boy In
tho city.
John I'cttcrson, tho Mc.MlntivllIc
merchant, was a wolcomo visitor to
this city of destiny Inst week. John
has a host of warm friends hero who
nro always glad to seo him.
Another Indication that St. Jolint
holding up her end an a thriving
community In evidenced by tho fact
that Luuthers Feed store received
100 tons of freight on .Monday.
W. A. Olln hns purchased tho real
csfnto and Insurance business of I.o
roy 11. Smith & Co., nnd will con.
tlnuo to do business nt tho old stand
In tho concrete building on North
Tho momburs of tho United Hvnn
gollcnl church aro seeking n moro do
slrnblo location for tho oroctlon of
a church edifice, and several Hultablo
locations aro now under cousldorntloi
by tho committee In charge.
An egg with a head on roHombllug
that of a snapping turtlo was pic
tured in Sunday'u journal. It In the
property of Mrs. Allco l'lcklo of N.
KellogK street, and cortalnly la an
oddity In tho wny of hen fruit,
Mr. C. N. Dransch was tho lucky
winner of tho flvo dollars at llonhnm
& Curriers store last Saturday after
noon. Tho time printed on her card
was only ono second from what tho
clock Indicated when tho curtain
wont up,
C. C. Currln. who rocontly pup
chased the North Hank pharmacy,
on Jorsoy street, was united In mar-
rlngo Sunday. Jan. 17th, with Miss
Zula Fowler of Hood lUvor. Tho
young couplo havo gono to houso
keeping in this city.
Gonoral Compson Post No. 22 of-
flclated at tho funeral of Comrado
James Whoatley, of Alblna, who was
burlod at Hlvorrlow cemetery last
Sunday, Mr. Whoatloy was agod
about 73 years and was greatly res
poctod by all who know him.
Guy Downs la a guest at tho homo
of his fatthor, O. II. Downs, our
gonial JubIIco of tho peace, Ho haa
been located In California for some
time. Miss Hazel, of Napnvlne,
Wash-, the youngest daughter of O, It.
Downs, is also visiting her parents
It Is roported that twonty-flvo new
dwellings aro under consideration for
Whltwood Court. If all of theso
projected structures materialize thoy
will make a flno showing on this
blghtly location. Groat things aro
predicted for Whltwood tho coming
J. B. Colvlu, well known real estate
man of this city, will loavo tho first
of next week for Holton, whoro he
will ongage in tho lumbering bust
ness, His family will accompany
him thither. Mr. Colvln has many
friends hero who will be sorry to
',co him leave
Mrs. V. M. Glllmoro has rented tho
rooms in second story of tho building
occupied by Calef Bros.' furniture
store, and already practically all the
rooms have been taken. Tlie loca
tion there is fine for a rooming
house, and the rooms have been
fittted uo in a modern, uptodato man
ner in a furniture way by Calef Bros.
Wesley Barkis of Hamilton, Mont.,
is a guest at the homo of his old
time friend, J. F. Hendricks. Mr.
Barkis and Mr, Hendricks have both
served as county commissioners in
the same county, and his visit
hroueht many pleasing reminiscences
to mind on the part of both, Mr.
Hendricks promises to land him as
a permanent resident of St. Johns.
Bo a BOOSTER for St. Jobci,
Q. C. Hawkins nnd family hnvo
moved to Portland from Point Vlow.
If you want to bo In stylo havo a
monogram for your stationery. St.
Johns Pharmacy.
W. L. Bnllls has lot tho contract
and broken ground for n $3500 resi
dence at Swlnton.
A bnkory has located In tho room
formerly occupied by tho Ituvlow of
fico on Jersey strcot.
Mrs. V.. H. Hamilton has been on
tho bIcIc llfet for uu past Bovcral
wcclif, but la now somewhat Improved.
School books can bo had as usual
at. tho pioneer book dealers stand
Tho St. Johns Pharmacy, All sates
for cash.
o 1
Mrs. M.A.BItgood was called to
Eugene thin week I y tho serious Ill
ness of her daughter who resides at
that place,
Any ono of our fifty varieties of
cough mlxturcB taken with Cyclone
Cold Tablets, will hang tho skldoo
nlpi on the v r.t kind of cough or
Bring In that watch which refuses
to keep time, and havo It mndo use
ful again, Work right, prices right nt
Rogers. "Cement -Block building on
Jorsoy St,
- o
R. K. Bison has disposed of his
drug otoro In Hood River and has
secured a lucrative position In Port
land. Mrs. Kbooii and child aro nt
present guests nt tho residence of A.
M. Ksson, tho genial city recorder.
' ' '0
A. M. Steams has been elected
school director to fill the vnrnncy oc
casioned by tho resignation of F. M.
Phillips. Tho selection Is a fmo cue,
nnd tho public is well satisfied that
.Mr. Steams will attend to tho duties
of thin office In n creditable, manner.
Tho now ferry to ply between Van
couver and tho Oregon shore, nnd
which Is being constructed by tho St.
Johns Ship IlullQIng Compnny,
wan launched Wednesday, nnd Is
now ready for tho finishing touches.
A delegation of cltlzuut from Van
couver witnessed tho operation.
o 1
N. A. Geo wnB busy this week re
moving tho last dwelling from the
right of way of tho 'North Bank road
across the Peninsula. Tho proporty
was purchased by n Mr. Baldwin nnd
was placed la position about eight
blocks from Its fortuor site. II Is
now roposlng serenely on Its now lo
cnttou uonr McKoiinii avenue.
Tho nnnuul olocMoil of offlcora of
the First National bank was held on
tlu 27th Inst., nnd tho following of
ficers olocted: President, Henry W.
Coo; vlco president, A. R. Jobea;
cashier, F. P. Drinker. Dlroctors
Honry W. Coe, O. W. Shorman, R.
M. Tuttlo, W. K. Hausor, A. R. Jobes,
II. 13. Collier and F. P. Drlnkor.
II. Gaines an old tlmo resident of
tho Peninsula, was a very pleasant
caller at this offlco Tuesday. Mr.
Galuos Is now a rosldout of Cnmns,
Wash., but ho still has a warm spot
In his heart for St. Johns and Its
people. Prior to removing to Camas
ho was a rosldont of this vicinity for
twolvo years, and ho still owns some
flno proporty noar Nowport station,
Tho "Family Jar' club hold Uu rcg-
ular meeting at Willis Moxon'a homo
Friday evening of last week. In the
good old game of 600, Wayno U.
Mills captured first prlzo and Mrs. II.
B. Colllor socond. In splto of Its
deatresslng tltlo a vory onjoynbjo
tlmo was had by all. This club holds
a jar" onco a week, and tonight the
homo of P. II. Edlefson will bo bom
barded by this "warring" elomont.
Aro Konorally sovero dlsoasos. A
bad cold usually receives light consid
eration, but It sometimes becomes a
moro serious ailment than either of
tho first two, and occasionally ter
minates fatally.
The advont of Cyclone Cold Tab.
lets UDon tho market, howover, has
eliminated tho seriousness of a cold,
so a treatment with theso tablots
has but ono resultrecovery. Tho
following Items aro tho Ingredlonts
of Cyclono Cold Tablets, and follow
ing each drug Is given Its medicinal
Acetphonotldln Usod Intornally foi
neuralgia rheumatism, pleurisy
whooping-cough, tonBllitis, scnrletlna.
Aloln Laxatlvo-Cathartlc.
Atropine Sulphate Used In An
gina Pectoris.
Aconite Chiefly for neuralgia.
Bonset Aborting beginning colds,
early bronchitis and sore-throat.
Cascarln Laxative-diuretic.
Capsicum Circulatory stimulant.
Gelsemlum For headacho, asth
Ipecac Expectorant.
Podophyllln Mild Laxatlvo.
Quinine Fever reducer, Tonic.
This combination of drugs with tho
proper dosage Is pronounced by tho
highest authorities tho Grippo euro
Dar excellence.
Guaranteed under tho Puro Food
and Drugs Act of Juno 30, 1006. All
State laws complied with.
Prepared for and marketed exclu
8lvely by tho St. Johns Pharmacy
Reliable Druggists,
School books at Frank Clnrk'tt.
WANTED First class pastry cook
at Frank Clark's storo.
FOR RENT, chonp, 4 room houso.
Inquire nt 510 Oswego St. 10-p.
Baker's t'ocon, 20 cents nt tho
fourth Kollogg Cash Grocery.
Now Is tho tlmo to ordor your
school books at Frank Clark's.
Diamond W. B0 cent tea for 45
conta nt tho North Kellogg Cash
o -
A good secondhand, upright Hnl-
let & Davis piano for snlo. Phono
Woodlnwn all.
If you want to bo In stylo have a
monogram for your stationery. St.
Johns Pharmacy.
FOR SALE A fow cholco Brown
Leghorn cockerels. Geo. Muuson, 838
North Fillmore. pd-2t
You get full weight nnd first
quality ut the Central market. Just
try it nwlille.
P;lvato rooto nnd board for labor-lnh-
ludy and child. Address "II"
Rjvlow Office.
FOUND Ladles belt. Owner may
hnvo samo by paying for this notice.
Review offlco.
Rooiiib to rout, all modorn conveni
ence, also freo tolephone. 510 South
Jersey St., St. Johns.
Have your property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They nrc the
best. S. L,. Dobic, agent.
School books can bo had ao usual
at tho pioneer book dealers stand
Tho St. Johns Pharmacy. All sales
for cash.
FOR SALE lot 50x200, eight room
houso and barn. Prlco 2500 half
i..,ih balance tlmo 7 por cont. Call
at this offlco. -Rf-o
If you want to buy.ront, sell or
exchange property boo Wolcott, (Tho
Rent Man.) 401 South Jorsoy. Sldo
DRV CORD WOOD nnd good coal
at Welmor'a trniisfer mid Storage,
IU0 East Burlington. Get In your
order quickly amount g limited,
Loavo Tologram "Tho Alaska
Tour"' coupon voIob for Mrs. Valon
tmo at tho Post Offlco, Rovlow office
or with your carrier.
llonuvllle'a Monthly for sale nt
this offlco.
Any ono of our fifty vnrlotloa of
cough mixtures taken with Cyclono
Cold Tablets, will hang tho skldoo
lgu on tho worst kind of cough or
Any ono desiring to buy good wood
mid plenty of It, nt a very reason
able prlco should call at tho office or
Chiu. Fosa nt Nowport station. Or
ders should bo left early.
FOUND Two suniB of monoy, ono
on Burlington and tho other on Jer
lev street, Ownur can havo samo
I v calling nt Lauthora feed storo
tail describing proporty,
Will Bell cheap for cash my
Modom G room cottngo two Iota (100
by 100 foot) flno river vlow, 6 blockH
to car and Post Offlco for a bargain.
Phono owner for particulars, Rich-
mond 472, No ugouta.
Paronta should not ovorlook tho
fact that Frank Clark la proparod to
furnish all kinds of school books at
very roasonnblo prices. If your chil
dren need auy now onca, glvo htm n
Alt fnur meats arc tiovernmetlt
inspected and the best that money
can buy. They are neatly nnd
carefully handled. Come in nnd
leave your order lor tree uenvery.
Ward's Central Market.
All kinds of laundry work done
nromntlv. Rough dry washing 8
conta per pound. Calls made for
laundry at any placo. Ring ua up
Phono Jersoy 331. St. Johiia Laun
dry. Churchill Broa.,proprlotora.
Closing Out Sale
National Tea Store
icans Carnation Milk 25c
3 cans corn 25c
3 cans Tomatoes 25c
Best Whole Head Rice per lb. . .8c
3 lbs Italian Prunes, best grade, 25c
Best 2 sc Coffee in town, now.. 22c
3 io-cent cans spices, auy kind, 25c
3 pkgs Com Starch 25c
Save 25 to 50 per cent by buying
at this Closing Out hale.
National Tea Store
How Is Your Title?
Tlnvi- vour abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by Peninsula
Tlile. Abstract and Realty Co., II.
Henderson, manager. Accurate
work. Reasonable fees. Cement
Block building, Jersey street.
Revival noxt week at tho United
Evangelical church.
If you think the St. Johns stores never arc crowd
ed, drop in at
Bonham & Currier's
On Saturday nftcrnoon at 3 o'clock. Every per
son there will have a bunch of red tickets. Each
ticket represents n previous purchase. On it is
stamped the time of day. The person holding
the ticket having 011 it the nearest the time our
clock stops gets $5.00. You will see that some
persons have 50 or 60 tickets; some more. Each
of these means a dollar sale. Count the people,
find out the number of tickets each has nnd you
will find out about what our sales run.
1908 was something of n panic year, but our
sales were $15,000 more than 1907; and the sec
ond week of this month our sales were $377 more
than the second week of 1908.
Keep Bright and You
Electric Light is the magnet that draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can
no more resist the nttrnction of n brilliant, Electrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion call of a brass band.
Is your competitor with the Electrically illuminated show
windows, bright interior and sparkling Electric Sign getting
an advantage over you ? Tha moth never flutters around the
tinlighted candle! Up-to-dntc stores nowadays consider
shop-window lighting a necessity, whether they remain open
after dark or not. Competition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated with Electric
light will make many a sale "the night before." Electric
light compels attention, makes easy the examination of your
display, shows goods in detail and fabrics in their true colors.
And don't neglect the Electric Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is a solicitor that never
becomes weary never b'tops work costs little.
Cnll Telephones: Main 6688, A 1675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light .and Power Go.
J Watch for
I" Announcement
Next week
I Dreamland Rink
1 l
ARK you going to buy a range if so conic in V
and see our LORAIN before you go elsewhere.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Capital $25,000.00
Surplus 5,000.00
Absolute safety is the best thing we .have to offer.
Other inducements are of secondary importance.
Upon this basis only, do we solicit your patronage.
For neat work, good material and reasonable prices The
Review job printing department cannot be beaten.