THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Pnbllahtd Etery Frldtr At 117 Went nurllngton Street, St. Johns. fiV MAttKMt & Hvkumw. Tint Kkvikw is entered nt post office In Saint Johns, Orj;on, ns mull matter of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1S79. Adrertltlng rstet, S1.00 per Inch per month. Job, Printing eieeuted In flrnt-elaii iyl. tllll (or Job Printing mih on delivery. All communications ehonld bo addreucd to The Itetlew, Ht, John, Orcion, OfflcUl Ntwipspsr or the City of St. Johns. ADDITIONAL LOCALS John Kcllhcr has been ndded to Honhntn & Currier's forco as driver elder for for their delivery wagon. Sunday, Jnn. 31, the United Evan- COMMUNICATED. gcllcnl church will start revival sor vices to continue at least two weeks. Mr. Editor: How Is It that Oregon 0 City haB a brldgo across tho Wlllam Itov. M, .1. Iiallantync, presiding ette, ami ltna had it for years? It Is Portland district, will also "freo." Thoy hnd It when their H. SCoelt purchoBod n lot on Kellogg street and will begin the construction of ti flnu residence thereon at once. RESOLUTION. IT IS RP.S0LVKD I1V TIIK CITY OP ST. JOHNS: That it deems It expedient and ncc cssary to iuiptove Allegheny Street from the North line of Willis lloulcvurd to the South line of Fessendcn Street in the city of St. Johns in the following manner, to wit: Said street to be brought to a uniform grade by cut and fill ns shown on profile thereof, the subgradc to be cut in such a manner as to make the proper surface of a course of crushed rock (rolled ami completed) a incites Subscription prlco $1.00 por year. A. W. MARKLK, Kdllor W. K. 1IVK1U.KI5, Associate DID YOU? f FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1909. Bo n IIOOSTEil for St. Johns. - Miss Tnrbull Is tolling tho secrets of tho rebates of tho beef trust. It scums nulla natural that they should bo told by 11 woman. A bill Is pending beforo tho houso Inflicting tho death penalty for hold- preach morning and evening nt tho population did not execod two thoui Evangelical church Sunday, Jan. SI. und people. Is It not tltno for tho people of St. Johns and Llnnton to Earl Crouchloy, who was taken get together and seo whnt can bo suddenly 111 a week or so ago, Is dono in this respect? Now Is a good not Improving, and ho will bo taken tlmo to act, whlla tho legislature is Tho government moorings nro filled to a Portland hospital for treatment In session. An appropriation would with all classes of boats which nro this week. bo necessary. Tho wholo west sldo deep at the center, 6 inches deep at the ulintinrnil tlinrn iliirlni? t in H i n of thn r vr on thn hllln w 111 nnmi hn suies, 12 leel wide, coniortil to me water. Arnold Ungor has mado a number densely populated. nt vi, pv tfiiititrlnl nlinfiirna mill Ittl.lnti nyrnltnnt nnr anrvlnn tn Pnrtlntiil. I ........ ..I... .-.I.... .1.- ..... l tl. " o" I w - " Ul nuiWU KIWUIIUII us 111c ivw i me 1 , ... . .. MIsb Stella Campling has resigned provoinonts to his Jersoy street A brldgo across tho river and a curb. The rorlc to be put on in two Mat it was not wnat you ueiiLveti hor position as teacher nt Camas, stand, and ho now has ono of tho street car lino to tho packing plant iai.r,' 'aycr 10 ic roiieu w me ,t to wj,e vou Hlntju tile pUr. Wash., and Is now taking a courso finest stores In tho city. would bo of great valuo to St. Johns. .rcet . be fnriiipr liiim-?.! bv side- chase? In fact, did It not become at college o Such a lino would bo well patronized walking same on cither side with 6-foot, prpnrv tn throw nil or n tiortion 1 ..... - I f ,. I .... . ...t..... , . ..... I cnm1n aid,,...,! I. I ,..4 i,tvli t.flllll ' vessels on ino river nun iruiio u uy oi. .luima iiuuuiu on uucuiiiii 01 i .., .-ito, ...... :,,, t. ,,,! .,,.. Wne M..BH1-8. tlnvln Sr. a a. ties hnvo tiltr- IiIm... Imttlnir nln nneh ntlinr Tuna, oil ckor sorvlco. No h tr li wnter J-'""""""' ? wu.., ...... . - -- i l " " I " I Htnilflnril Ixir t.iittnra. nil Hint prt:l I ntwl I ! . . .) ! 1 1 rliased thn grocery storo of J. w. ilav. Tho foe wbh thick, broad and would over nut tho brldco out of com ....i, . i. " .i. i,..,. 11 "ol bWK uist.iiii iuumiiK hhu Hooves on North Jersey Btrcot, and deep, and several boats were rather mission, and many business ndvon specifications of the City Knglnecr on emitting a bntl ouorf li tills lias lias several Bf Did yon ever go to I'ortlnnd and while there decide to buy a little j meat? And did you open it up when you returned home and found hnvo already taken chnrgo of samo. o During our ton dnys of winter not onlv did wutor nines burst, but n badly used up In tho mlxup. o (Jeo. Mnher was injured at tho Wlllntiinttn Iron works of I'ortlnnd. tips on cars or tho highway. If this Lrollt lnny vogotablcs wero frozen. uy getting suueezed between a cotiplo tages would bo derived brldgo Bhould bo built about between Llnnton and St. Johns A Cltlzon. from It. Tho fi' ' "'; office of the City Uccordcr ot bccn yoUr experience it i,i ...n., relative thereto, which said plans and ' , 1 bout half wny gjKCficalloit(, nIul cstmalC!, nri satlsfnc been that of others. In sc goes through It Is likely that it hold up will beconio n raro offonsu. If tho Kugonu farmer who counted tho "li)2 dead I'liensimts on his way to town" will tomo to St. John and Lm.0,i, a t0 hall can bo leased orgnnlzo an Annnnlns Club, wo will on Momj,iy, Tuesday nnd Saturday not promise him tiny bonus but will ,,,( for nny onlortnnmoiit desl Cliornnleo to elect lilm president of n,,, llu ,lf . Tin, Imll Ono pnrty lost nlnu sacks of "spuds 0f rollers this weok. Ab a conso on account of tho freezing weather. nuenco ho will bo booked for several days lay off, Tho Aurio or Jiagios navo leasou o- tho M. V. A. hall for an extended NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I hnvo disposed of my grocery on North Jersey street to Mossrs. Davis ton and arc hereby approved. Said .., iwti,t l,molwrc lmv 1nin (HhrniiniiiiiHU In 1 mnilii let nHftnril it it I with the charter and ordinances of the hauled up before a magistrute for City of St. Johns and under the super- sc,i11K ttlfuctccl meats. Did ccr. ever know that to be the case in That the cost of said Improvement gl( Jolltl.S ? Hotter be sure the to be assessed as provided by the city " . , charter upon the property especially and ment you Use is GOOD in every tho Club. Wonder If Dr. llroughur will re- I . , . . ...ii.... .i. I.. I p rl .. .1 t ihh,ihhiIi.ii.1u I linn. Kiminn h m iii.Hiiiiivinir 11111 ill' vjuiiil'b. null a 1:1111 lu hbu uuiiuuHir .. 1 1 . . ... trtrlnr of Ills rnnfortlnnnrv stnrn on rocommend them to tho nubllo ns which U lirrcbv drdlnrcd to 1 nil of t" L U,L Jersey street by tho application of n good, honest, straightforward gentle- Jots, pnrtsoflots, blocks and parcels of Uclf, better for your family. I hat r- coat or two of paint. Tho predom- men nnd that all patronage tendered f"''V 0')f'''; is the only kind that can ever be Ing tho uho of Btttne. Tho hall will hunting color Is white, and tho effect thorn will bo carefully taken enro of I proximate to said Allegheny Street, found nt lm In rlmrirn of J. It. wolmcr. trtistuo Ik niilln nltriirtho. In a courteous and obllclnif mnnticr. from the marulnnl 1 tics of sa d street o All claims against mo If presented loincccutcr o tine ; uiock or diocks Klllillllll iV I III r tt a fl A Ht..,.t,nr Ima l.urehnsnd t. - t If I l,M.t nf u'llhln tlu. nn Km ,lnv u-lll l,n ur "nc" m"" "'"".li ur fuse to accept his snlory, as Christ 10 lorL.Bt 0f A. C. Cosier In thu Hood Illver woro pleasant St. Johns settled by calling nt tho Btoro. Thank. That all the protierty Included in said Wfitllit iln wlillf. 1t lu Irvlit.r llw. ll.,..l.. ...... . . .t.l . .. ... 1. .. m , . . . . . .. It . V(. ,.i i i i... vogtio .Millinery, aim nonccioriii mu visitors this week. It Is tnelr intoit. ing sii my inonuB tor moir patronage uiiprovcmciu imnci niurcsam "ercuy , . . , ,. , .,. as unnsi would nvo" oxporimont? )mnwH wm jJ0 conducted In hor tlon to mnko St. JohnB their future In tho pnst and trusting tho snmu will ftnTiV0.!" iniprovemeni Not n very pleasing prnpnsltlon to lmmo Mrs, Stucker hn qulto n homo, nnd thoy spent n dny or two bo continued with tho now firm, I That tlClty litigluccr,s assessment pronch tho gospel without "purHO or reptitnllon ns n milliner nnd Tho looking up n sultnblo location. am, of the probable total cost of said lm- scrip" theso ilays, so It suems. Vo(;l0 Hlt!My Klnlng In popular 0 Vory truly yours, provemcutof said Allegheny Street is -t HPrMnDiriC' iiLiiiimvua Host quality possible, and only favor. , . ..... January was named for .latum, wiioui mo Konmns cituod -ino porter oomo wretch or set of if llwtvni." Ilu opunod and closed iniini,l.iv mi ,tUn n iinmiir of ,i..n , . . . IIH,IIVMM,n,, I UIIMtft. Krod Snyder has purchased three lots In tho Hill addition and will at wrotches onca begin tho erection of n now iVdolph Posposkay has at J. W. Hooves. A CHALLENQE. 648o,.W, That the cost of said Alleulicny Street (o be aucsscd against the pro- crty ill said local asscssmciil district as provided uy tnc city dinner oi uic city Henyon, kept It nicely listed, mndu f10 lrooH H0Vurnl rvlllo lotK mm purchased n couple of lots In this Mr. Kdltor: Kor tho good of tho ?,V0S the j6th dav of lanunrv III' Hid hortliM mill wluitinvnr lm I .. ...... i.-i.. .1.1.. I . ... . . ... ... . . Atiopicti iiic aoui iioj oi jnniinrj up tlio berths and wheuuver caught a initii In thuro who was '"' South Jersey street ono night this I addition and will erect n dwelling order nnd to rolluvo society of tho not week. If tho ownors get hold of tho thoreon within tho next fow weeks. l:ecplng his newspaper subscription u.r,uiratrH 0f this dastnrdly doed pniu up, nu ciinncti nun into ino smoker-Kx, - - A fioulc bill Iiiih boon Introdttced In tb Wnshlngtton statu loglhlaturo, It glMM any woman who Is butweuu the ngt of -'1 und TU years tho right to 'cite nt nit elections provided sho Is thu mother of u child. . Sho Is also ttliwed n vote for ouch additional child. This would bo placing n prum I ii in on chlldroii with it vuiigo:iuci, "I simply had to stop telling my friends wliuto I was gulag", said n man from Kansas City rocontly, "foi when I spoku of thu Pnclflu North west overybody was so Interested am wniitud so much Inforinatloii that I cold or hot air which It may possess In superabundance, 1 hereby chal Ihuro promises to bo work for tho Mito iiruninito who has been ,0MK "" I'rohlbltlonlst In St. Johns coroner. u,,, vrv ..ffii-i.-m n.,i npronmuidnt. to discuss tho following nuestlon: Ing assistant of T. P. Ward lu tho Kowlvwl, That Socialism Is Super- Mr. Itntubo who lives on tho west central Meal Market for somii lime. lor to Prohibition, ns n solution or sldu of tho river had tho misfortune , resigned his position, and w tbo social and economic ovlls. i,. imuii Mu limit liniiHii diirlnir i ,e n a u,,,,.,,! A falltiro of tho Prohlbltlotilst to high wnter. Driftwood floatod tin- M thu conducting of a ment market nccol,t u,u challenge, nnd that tho der It breaking his cables, and It nt Hauler. .Milt." as ho was fa- opubllcnn and Democrats may hnvt drifted ilown tho river some distance; mlllnrly known by tho St. Johns 1,0 room t0 bottl,, 1 w'" ,,I"CUII 11,0 beforo ho recovered it. Tho wood pwjplo, was well liked by nil, nnd m"" 'H'e'llon with thorn, substltut shed containing his brother's tools thu best wishes of all go with him to K 1110 wora Proi"tio r sunk, tintallliig a loss of nbout r.. I ,H new location, lloth nro oxpor- o lonced lu tho btislneis and should Tho Dlxlu Qulntetto which held make u good team. forth at Dreamland rink Tuesday o ovonlng was largely nttunded and tho Hvery nowspupor wants to publish sulefllniiH greatly unjoyod by thu tho news. Tho better tho paper the muslo lovers present. Thu milntutlo more prosporoim It will bo. Local 1909. A. M. I'.SSON, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review January 29, 1909. ORDINANCE N0T2II. HARDWARE CO. I Builders' Hardware ? CtPPrjAI M'liU innnlli until PUUKUAKY 1st: Wall Paper, per Double Roll - - 10c HENDRICKS' HARDWARE CO. NOTICE TO AOVEnTISERS. order to Insura a chango of d publican or Democrat. Lawyer, doc The city of St. Johns does ordain as I vcrtlicmcnt tho copy for such change $100 ft FOR VOUR BRAINS Do you want to sell your time for n few minutes? The Combination Salt & Pepper Shaker company, 20t Gerliuger Mdg., Port land, Oregon, will give to the lady or gentleman giv ing a suitable name for its patent salt and pepper shak er securities to the value of $100. Therefore if you can think of nu appropriate name for the invention and send it to the above ad dress it may be well worth your while. This will be a good opportunity to use your wits to good advan tage. Try it. Opportunity closes March 15th. aJLI I What Do You Know ABOUT THAT? THE TAILORS Hagensen & Smith I Arc breaking the record. Suits to Order. Pit and Workmanship Guaranteed for llicstnrtllngsumof $28, 26, 25, 24 and $22 Oct jour order In llcfore it is toojatc. AN OUDINANCIS TO P.STAIII.IS1I T1I15 OKA DP. OP AI.I.l'.OIlHNY STKHP.T IN T1IH CITY OP ST. JOHNS PROM TUP. HAST SIDP. MNP. OP WILLIS IIOULP.VARD TO Till! WP.ST SIDP. LINK OP PP.SSHNDHN STRHItT. i '9 LSEEDS Friis. Rillibl, run (ttirsniMaioriMi KrfrrOrdor in! rUMfrihoulillfitlh. upftMif in.tiuoroar NoithtrnUrownSttdi, FOR 10 CENTS will I'nd pn.tiHilit nur FAMOUS COLLECTION I lfAQlf I ,k, rrl.KH H.l.k .in. I rii, st(4, to. I,lrr"-l,.MrU,. . . .It. I ttf . lX iu iuj, , . in 1.00 Writ. W7l S.r4 It fr.U l Mr rr HiM. ui4 rwklltf .r,4 I...I. Ik.l-n. r.MM. CIU.I," to. I.lbr with Ml S. ..4 lR.trM.1U. IN. 11.14 OHKAT NOKTIIKUN KKKII CO. . I7M Ito.n XI. Itorhfonl. Illlnnl tor, merchant, preacher or mugwump follows: may havo n chnnco hero to elthor put up or shut up. Q. L. IVirlno. should reach this office not later than To exchange Hood River laud That the grade of Allegheny Street in Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleati for St. Johns property. ELECT OFFICERS. Tho LntlloH Aid of tho First Con- the City of St. Johns from thu Hast Side line oi wiiiis iiouicvarii to I'csscuiieu Street be. and the same is hereby ctab lltlicd accordiiiu to and lu conformity with the profile thereof on flic with the Uty Kcconicr oi sain city, which sam profile is hereby adopted and approved 'member this and save th prlntar this ollice. Inquire at 34" u'nnl'ilii'l I, tic. lm, I n.. !... I..r, r... Iliril f I 111 I IIIUHll!lailM 1111(1 if It 1 Utllrll I III ill' M lliimu nr.. .mnnrliill v Imp,) In my own IiuhIuohh hud 1 iiudertakui date wiih nocurod It Ih tpilto likely run down. It often happenii that BroRntlonal church elected the fol- and ald grade established lu conformity . .. . .. i.i i i.... .,,1.1 .. . . nnwiiiL' orricorH in ino nt nuni incoi- in urn il rtip iiiiiiii. vim nriv.i mi iiinr iiiiiil mi lit iti i itrn ihk iiwunu n ui.i.i i wiiuii iii'iiiwii urn iiiiiirunciiiHi lur nuwii i " how many people nro InokliiK In thl rt'Hiilt. "Hob" tho formur bootblack, I ItoitiH thoy claim thoy know nothliiK I,K' Jn,"' 20! dlroctluu," who did IiuhIiii'hh near tho PuultiHiilit 0f InturcHt, when nt tho biuiiu time hank thu piiHt year, BtirprlHod thu nu- hoiiio mumbur of their family were Uvea with a flow of melody that I away on a visit, ur Homo rolntlvtm captlvitted thu audience. lor frleudu out of town wero vUttliiK at their homon, und then they won- Within tho pitBt four months dor why their family or friends wero twenty famllli'H have nrrlvnd from not mentioned when tho paper comen SwoukcI, Ml Drown. WlnnlpoK, Manitoba, and located lu out. A Kood way to uvold thin la to Lntertnliiinont Com-Mra St. JoIiiim, ono of tho part leu IiiivIiik kindly Inform im of tho fuel or drop V?r"f. "' Dr. Clam Seoll of Now Yoik ayi that "nobody wltth braliiH will kUi lu tho dii)M to coiiio,' PuhNlbly thli may bo trim lu reKurd to I.IhhIiij Ularn, but lu Homo other ciihoh I 11.1.11 would apparently nut hnvo nnj IimIiis If he did not seize the oppor tiiuliy when It prenuuted Itmdf. It h twulvo ehlldren. Somo of thu now. I a lino In tho postoffko to tho Ho nil u matter of tintc, miyliow, and v Icoiiiom havo uurchuHeil nroiKtrty hero view. If you nro mokliiK uny lm do not wee wheru bruliiH uuterH Intt land tho othem expect- to when they provomunU or koIiik away on a vUlt tlio propoHlllun til all. find BoumthliiK Hiilluble. They nro at don t forset to toll ub, for "every IniliiHlrloiiH i'Iuhh of neoiilo anil the Uttlo bit mlded to what wo have An option him been Heeured on ,n,lH of tho famllli'H nil hnvo tradow. niakoH Just a llttlo bit more." nearly 6000 aereH of eholeo faruiliiK They are of (Ionium extraction, and IiiiiiIh about I'O iiiIIuh uurtliuutu from woro induced to eomu hero by one nneouver, Wasli,, which II Ih pro. ,,f t,r ,-ounlryinon who hnH been a poHe.i to Hiiiuiiviiio into to aero tract ruBldent of St. Johns for omo time. nnd null to HwedlHh AmorlcaiiH fruni Th Is a koo.I examplo for others to Mistern Htales Vtlio MhIi to toum to I r,0w. There am many people llv this part of tho country mid locale In various pnrtH of tho country a Hetiiuinuiii or tneit own country- Wh would eoino hero If tho proper moii. nio promoter or tlio enter prlnu claims to lutvu about I lift Swed ish famllloH, IIvIiik lu thu mlddlo west who aro anxious to locate on farms near Portland, and It wiih for tho pur poso of brlniiliiK those peoplo here that thu laud was secured. President Mrs. Prank Iforsman, Vlco Pres. Mrs. M. K. I.oy, Socrotary Mr. 0. W. Nelson, Treasurer Mrs. Kd Currier, I'ustcd by the Council Tan, 36, 1000. Approved by the Mayor Jan. 36, 1909, II. W. IIRICH Mayor, Attest: A. M. Pstou, Recorder Al. L. HOLIJROOK C. E. UAILEV St. Johns Land Co. ! Kxocutlvo Hoard-Mrs. nouBltu), j,,,,,,, , the St. Johns Review Jan. J Mrs. LcKgett, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs 39, 1909. Mrs Hartol, Mrs. Wo I m or Clark. Cham Incont, and Mrs. ORDINANCE 212. REALTY 8ALE8, High School Goes AN ORDINANCE TO P.STAIILISII Tlllt RKADIt OP RICHMOND STRKUT POR TIIK PURPOSP. OP PLACINO CHMHNT WALKS 1IP.TWHIJN PORTLAND L10IIT AND POWHR COMPANY'S RIGHT OP WAY AND THIS RICHMOND STRP.1JT DOCi:. W. A. Olcn roports tho following sales the past wook: House and four lots on Gilbert streot, to Spoucor Tumor of Chicago. Mr. Turner will remove his family Tho city of St. Johns does ordain I rYnm Phlnnirr. nn,l tlinv will tnVn till I SB fOllOWB! :v : ZuZ , JnhnB. . ?' Kici.u,od street f0r ...w., ,v-.. ....v - I tuc purpose oi laying cement wanes on i ui ubo unu iui uu tuu luiiin "'tenner site tiiereoi. ueiwecu t uc I'ori. The Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm in St. Johns. East St. Johns The center of the great development now taking place on the Peninsula. We have onlv a few business lots left on Columbia 2 Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at present, prices, Some fine residence lots still on sale. Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the 0. R. & N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms. At the ClectlOU lield yCStcr- stowart nud I'essonden streets to the land Light and Power Company's right Smlth-Wagnor Co. This proporty was J ' "Y ' the Richmond Street dock . . . . itra- .1 I vtir ww nidi tuw pmiiiv uvivur I formerly owned by Sarah WoUol. c,tablished according to the profile of Ait ttcro or grounu ui uur rnrs i mki street prepared uy tuc Jity Jtngin. One million dollarH lu virgin gold that will liik automatically every utght Into a steel vault to reappear U'ltll llllt fl!llllt ttr.M'llllftll III 111,. Iltltl'll. lug will bo tho central feature of tho of l,0.,l' f,nt.M ,0 'nk V.'" P.r' luducemeut and eacottragemeut was day aftcrtlOOU bonds were extended to them. Try It. voted for the ercction 0 both n. i.m.t.iK.ii,.,ii,n.,t i,,nL.iio l5gl School mid a grade owned by J. I. Darr to Portland par- eer and on file in the office of the City Tho PenliiRiila Development league t Recorder of the City of St. Johns, which dd tt very Interesting and onthusl. SCIIOOl, 1 here were 115 utB said profile Is hereby sdoptcd and an- votes cast in favor of the high school and 37 against; 82 for irnwlpd soltnnl niul rio At a recent meeting of the Pythian I Cl At... 4 AllH..,ln U'AM it. , lOiDlUl U1U (UllUniflii VI til. VIP " V V against, nnu utus tne prog- ,I18,nei, for Uie en8Ulng torni! ress of St. Johns COOS march- P. C Mrs. Nettle Valentine, held nstle meeting at the St. Johns Com merclal club rooms Wednesday even ing. The matter of n brldgo across the Columbia from Vancouver to the I the Oregon shore was tukeu up, and a was decided to petition tho leglsla- PYTHIAN SISTERS INITIATE Alatika exhibit at tho Alaska-Vtikoa- rati r 10 imposition next mimmw. Piled In glittering heupH of dust, nug gets and bricks, this brilliant du ply will bo one of thu greatest at tractions on thu Kxpositlon grounds. Thu gold pavilion, where thu million dollam will bo 011 display, will be en closed with a hoavy wire cage anil special guards will patrol tho section night und day to protect the trea-ture. Consideration is being given by FRATERNAL VISIT. ject up ami tako ruvorauio action up-hurr on, ,i . ... ... . .. ...I... 1 " 011 same, mu leuguu win meet witu the commercial body of Vancouver lu relation to tho matter, A paved highway from Kllllngsworth avenue to tho control part of St. Johns was Laurelwood Ilebekah Lodge. No. another enterprise that was discussed ICO, entertained on Wedaesdny even- and action with this end In view will lag about 75 inombors of Progress begin at once. Tho members are Lodge, No. 81, of Vancouver, Wush. very earnest lu their desire to aid tn The degreo was conferred upon Mr. tho progress and betterment of condl- and Mrs. J, 11, Illack and Mm. Gates. tlotis 011 thu Peninsula. At tho cluso of lodge the visitors nud 0 I members ndjournod to the Ilolbrook M. 3. C. Mrs. Josle Hendricks, K. 8. Mrs. Alice Welmer, K. J. Mrs. May Hoyt, M. of Ti Mrs, Illrdle Horsman, M. of It. C Mrs. Anna, Clark, M. of P. Mrs, Auna Illack, P. of T. Mrs. Amanda Foul, (1. of 0. T. Mrs. Lillian Miller, proved and said tirade establiihed in conformity therewith. Passed by the Council January 36, 1909 Approvca uy tue Mayor jun. so, 1909. 11. v. uitiut,, Attest: Mayor. A. M. ESSON, Recorder, Publikhed in the St. Johns Review Jan. 39, 1909, Holbrook's Addition We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the new $20,000 school building to be sold 011 easy install ments. Call at our office for prices and terms for either of these desirable tracts. St Johns Phone Jersey 931 Oregon ORDINANCE NO. 213. IOOOOCM AN ORDINANCE TO P.STAIILISII THP. GRADP. OP SOUTH II AY US STRKUT PROM THP. SOUTH SIDP. LINK OP nURLINGTON STRF.RT TO TIIK NORTH SIDU LINK OP MOHAWK STRKP.T IN THK CITY OP ST. JOHNS. NOTICE. Not having reached my COth year, and thinking I might bo of some use The City of St. Johns does ordain as THE TROLLEY WAY Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates. Therefore ring up the spread with a bounteous supply of ,ef! 1 ,n a m wiiungnesB ana bet u t M ,h of j,uriJllK. V . .In n .,,...., 5 ." riZ o,,r.,!opt I; SfK3ftWX PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXPRESS GO. There vnn ono party who was I state officials nnd le:lslatlvt leaders Jured lu tho Btreot car wreck and Jurists to a bill Just Introduced weelc whose namo was not mentioned ""'""" " " , I have opened a shop In the Cemont Mohawk Street in the City of St. Johns In tho Houso lu Washington State In m Dm st or those who were Injured. '"v" Hlock building on North Jersoy street ocnnd jue same ts nereuy estam sued connection with tho death sentence It was Mrs. S. 0. Norton, wife of the "an ts. Rev. Gates acted as toast m , wu bo ,oa8e(, tQ tuVo r0 I according to and iti , con orm ty wUh the ni i, in 1. 1. . ii. ..i ii -1...11 t-.inl nutniA imm iiii.i r.triimf .nniifll. uiuniur mm Biiori suuueiivs woro umu .... ... . . ... .. i. . r.'"- j . r.v 4,1. wit, i'iuiiuvd t.iv Itiuil niiiini.-. .v .i.i... ...... .w..,..'. ..- .... t uy urn .uuio urauu oi i-rogress Lodge, Mrs. Fred Van Attn; .Mrs. Minnie Hull, Chaplain of Laurolwood; Mrs. LUzIo llltuborcourt of Acme Lodge of Portland; tho Noblo Grand real estate man ami former council- bo given Ids cholco of death when man of our city. She was rendered ordered to be put to duath by the uucousclous by tho shock und was court. Thu criminal uiulor this pro- taken out of the cur window uud cou posed law will have his choice of be- veyed to a nearby residence. When Ing Imaged, sent to tho electric chair I she regained consciousness shu was wiiero i win uo ptouiteu io wo '"- profile thereof prepared by the City I pairing af watches, clocks and Jow. Knglnecr and on file in the office of thel elry nt reasonable prices, for good Uty Recorder ot said city, wntcn said work and courteous treatment to 3 voiwtvw oi f.o points aioresaui in coniornmy uierenuu i a v. nnanAnsilr I i r n or dlstiatched with drtiKs. In nddl. asked to kIvo her namo and address of Vancouver I)dge, I. 0. 0. F., and tion It la proposed that no date be by Bovorol parties, but she refused t"H. After supper they ropaired fixed for currying out tho sontence. to do this, fearing that she might bo 10 Kwa nan wnero uancing was used at my shop. Respectfully, S. W. ROGERS Two dates aro to bo named by the taken to a hospital and not bo per rourt nud the sentence curried out mltted to return home. She is still Indulged In until a lato hour. It was voted one of tho most enjoyable I Our Charges. . .. ... . fraternal visits of the season. . n uuwiu.i, v ... selected by tho man tiuder sentence, nud Injuries sho received to her TIAIB TABLE 0. R, & N. tions of respect, fl.oo; for notices vi nun uu juiouiiii Uvviuvo ttiuiuiuniR. ,o buuii us ono id iiimv iu uu i oi clturcli or lodge entertainments Ull ill Ul UUUUI UU JirUIUlB Ullll nVIVVlH I MJ B1IU Will IIUIM) U II III IU UUB ll- ... , .. . I I llliinli IV-ltt. lnrtlntnl. Passed bv the Council Ian. 26. iqoq Approved by the Mayor Jan. 36, 1909, H. W. 11RICK, Mayor. Attest: A. M. ESSON, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review, January 39, 1909. tho date, tho selection Is to boflnul. COUPON NO. 1907 suppers, sociables, etc., where there winning Chair was held by Glenn Tay- geleslntho hope that tho chango will K. c , . are chanres for admission. .SC per lor. jij Greshaut St. See window for bo bonoflclal to her. Mrs. Norton Kl, . sootane l' v leaves at ?iSn!m! Hue. but where there are no charees 7-5o Klgin Watch to be given away . ... . n . . 1 . . . . 1 . . - : ,.r. . v 1 . ' ... . . . . a. .ii . iiwi uuiuuiinu rtnriiii, uus inoiiesiiy uecnuuu to 101 tue tact No. 2. To W. C. Llttlo to erect a become known that sho was a vie- dwelling 0.1 Ivanhoo street between tlm of tho wreck, and her friends J go jJJ"",!;;; make this announcement so that (lLoOTib itiupio aim nt. joiiiis meuue. aiuu-iwiu uu toiry 10 joiirn tuuv sueu was 1 jjo. 5 Kansas City Kxp. arrives 7:30 a. ui. our gcxxl trieuas may Uliaerstauu tlon f 1300. I tho caso, J No, 7 Local Passenger arrives 5:45 p, ui. I our rule in this respect. Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct to destination. Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and Portland. Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car load lots. Experienced and courteous employes. Phone Maiu 358, Portland office. Phone Main A 3358. First and Flanders Streets. C. W. STEARNS Phone Woodlawn 818. Agent at St. Johns. Office 105 E. Burlington street. ooo