St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 29, 1909, Image 1

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To ubtcrlb lor TttIS Paper.
All th ntwf white It U nwi U
oar motto. Call In and enroll
Ot nlvcrttilng In THIS Taper
and you'll ntrer rttrtt It. Be
tin at onca and keep rltht at It
Historical -Society
Devoted (o the Interest of the Peninsula, the Munufkcturlng Center of the Northwest
VOL. 5
NO. 12
Recently Organized by St.
Johns Parties
Saturday afternoon, tho Eastern
Oregon Oil & Gnu Company was or
gnnlzed In St. Johns with tho follow
Ing officers: Honoratlo K. C. Couch
President; T. W. Davidson, Vice
prcsldont; John A. Colllor, Sec
rotary and Treasurer; and M. V,
Loy, Manager. Tho directors elected
by tho Company wcro K. C. Couch of
St. Johns; F. J. Cattcrlln, T. V.
Davidson, J, P. Wilbur, Portland; Kd
ward Wilson, W. II. Kink, J. S. Mc
Kinnoy and M. r. Loy, St. Johns.
Tho company 1ms Us discovery
work all dono nnd recorded nnd Is
making nrranguiuents for the lumber
mtcssnry for derricks and building
to bo erected within a few weeks.
Tho Company starts out with con
sldcrablo money In tho trcnBury,
and In addition to this lias approxi
mately 25,000 shares subscribed for.
It Is tho purpose of this company to
liavo a standard deep drilling outfit
on tho ground so that boring can be
gin nt an early dnto.
Tito ISastorn Oregon Oil ft Uas
company will ho n very strong or
sanitation and will push tho work
at 11 fast pace As nearly all of tho
btrckholdurs are Multnomah county
people, tho operations will bo fol
lowed closely.
From extenslvo operations 011 the
Columbia Oil & Gas company and
tho Malheur Oil ft Gas company, oil
In largo producing quantities Is
bound to come from tho ground at
Valo, and as tho now company, Tho
ISastorn Oregon Oil ft Ons company,
liavo largo holdings (Six Sections),
tho company will bo one of tho
largest producers In tho country. It
Is understood that tho Stuudard Oil
Mimpany has mado strenuous effort!
to got a footing In Malheur county
In tho vicinity of Valo, thus showing
tliolr faith In theso oil fields, nnd
aftor going over tho torrltory and
thoroughly exporting tho ground, they
gave aiHuranco of tho producing
From reports coming continually
from tho Valo Oil Flolds It would
scorn that they will In a short tlmu
rlvbl tho big oil fields of California.
The stock ot tho nowly organized
coupnny s 111 bo placed on tho mar
ld'l this week and wo predict that It
will bo readily taken up, as some of
our boil cltlions aro financially In'
ttiostod In tho now company.
Ontario, Or., Jan.27, Tho well bo
Ing drlllod horo by tho Ontario Co.
oporatlvo Oai & Oil company Is now
at ft depth of 2200 foot and Is pro
greasing steadily with no Interrup
tions In the drilling at any time,
either day or night. For tho past
two weeks oil has been continually
vlslblo on tho surface of tho water
coming from tho well, and this show.
In wuk steadily Increasing at last
repntb. Tho shalo which has been
the principal formation In ovldence
tor ivvrM week! has all carried
small quantities of oil, but this dls
Unci showing of it on the water and
tho drilling toots Is a lato manifesta
tion, and at first caused a groat deal
of cxcieuiert. This week a different
formation Is ncountered, a hanjsaud
rock, through which, tho drill belli
(orctM by Imq work. An under,
reamer Is being used to force the
shaft through this hard rock. It la
considered the best Indication so far
found, as It may foretell tho near np
pioach ot the sand which will hold
the, dally expected oil. Interest Is at
wuitf heat here, as It Is believed
this Is the cap rock w,hlch covers lm
nifiisj deposits "q( petroleum, Tele-
RibMts Galore
During the tB days cqJ4
period., .January 6 tQ January 15, the,
ranfbm fllne U? et of
f rlueyHle, Oregon, organized; ft BJat
rabbit hunt, In one week tbey hot
tq dgath 4371 rbits, the Ujbeat
llnfle days' score being 1004, , with
r efn, 1QQQ the concluding day. The
anew was. 10 deep, ti inches on the
teve), aad the cold so severe, that the
rabbit, loalBff H their animal sajj
city and fleetness ot foot, roamed
ftbout la droves like bands of sheep,
seeking for tbe food that was .not.
J. T, Creamer, with Fred Grimes, the
leader o the bust, shot 30 rabbits
without bqoyIbx from the spot where
be shot the first, aad this man killed
94 that day, Shotguns were mostly
used, tboujgh some ot the men had
Prospects Bright for Se
curing This Project
J. M. Charters, representing
lnrgo tubo works, now doing business
r.t Soattlo, 'was a business visitor
ft. Johns last' Saturday. Tho object
cf Mr. Charters visit was to took up
a sultablo location for tho establish
rcont of.a pfnnt for tho manufacture
of various kinds ot plpo. Ho dis
cussed tho proposition with several
of our business men nnd looked up
stvcrnl available sites that looked
good to him If tho prlco was satis
fuctniy. Ho likes tho situation hero
very much, nnd It Is very probnblo
that tho works wilt bo built. A full
block of ground will bo necessary,
unit on account ot economy In tho
shipping rnto must bo located on tho
Horrlman lines somewhere. Mr.
Chnrtorn says tho plant will employ
nt least twenty men to start with
utd that moro will bo added from
time to time. The Commercial club
will take tho matter up this (Thurs
day) evening nnd lend whatever aid
It can In securing tho plant.
And System of Dry Kilns
Will Locate Here
Tho llre'slln ft llodmond Lumber
Company of Vancouver, hns reincor
porated as tho Pltchless Lumber
Company, for $25,000, fully sub-
scrlbod. Tho Incorporators of tho
now company nro cltlions of Van
couver. Tho co tm nil y will establish
a planing mill nnd system of dry kilns
nt St. Johns, near Mongloy Junction.
Tho mill nnd kilns will bo 170 foot
long by 30 feet wldo and capable of
handling 50,000 feet of lumber a dny.
This rough lumber will bo obtained
from Hell Mountain, 23 miles north
west of Vancouver, Tho lumber Is
dried nnd soasoned by tho dry
steam process, which removes all
pitch and turpentine from tho grain.
Tho contracts for tho concrete foun
dations will bo let next week and
for tho erection of tho plant as soon
us tho foundation dries sufficiently to
receive It. Tho headquarters of
tho company will remain In Vancou-
And Box Factory Begin
ning Construction
Work on tho excavation for the
foundations of tho Monarch Lumber
company's Immense plant on Oregon
slough, near tho Swift packing plant,
began Monday morning. Until tho
mill Is ready for operattou a large
force will bo employed at construc
tion, This company, headed by the
David brothers, will have one of tho
greatest lumber manufacturing plants
the Pacific coast. TJie saw mill
proper will cut 200,00 feet In ton
hours. In connection a box factory
111 bo operated The company will
once erect ft temporary mill with
whjch to cut Umber for tho main
buildings. Logs, from the company's
vast holdings along tho Columbia
and Lewis rivers will bo delivered
Into Oregon slpugh within the next
ten days. St, Johns wW derive great
benefit from the Installation of this
mammoth Plant along its borders,
How About This?
Mrs. N. K. Bolton, writing from
Vancouver. Wash., to the Telegram.
make the following statement: We
had an old well 0 feet deep. We
rilled It with the dirt from our new
well two years ago. It bad not sunk
at all, Grass had grown over tho
top. Tbe horse and cow walked over
It many times. It seemed perfectly
safe up to the snow storm. When
tbe snow left tbe well was perfectly
clean and empty to tbe bottom, 60
feet tbe walls of the well not
In a particle. Where d$ ak iat fHl
tng go? W1J1 so'eme please
plaijt The empty 'well Is here but
uq sJen that It wu ever filled.
St. Johns Offers a Fertile and Profitable Field for Many and
Various Manufacturing Plants Seeking New Ter
ritory and More Suitable Locations
What St. Johns needs and needs
badly In order to oxpund and dovclop
at a moro rnpld rnto Is n largo mini
bor of manufacturing plants. Whllo
tho Immcdlnto water front Is protty
woll taken up already with Indus
trial plants, there nro plenty of good
locations In cIomo proximity peculiar
ly adapted for factories ot nil kinds.
In rc ninny lines ot Industry thoro
ato no representative factories In tho
Xorl Invest. Tho field Is hero but It
has not yet been taken advantage of.
Tho resources and natural ndvnnt
ages of St. Johns nnd tho Pnclflo
coast have not been properly present
cd to tho capitalists who aro most
vitally Interested In expanding their
prosont business and opening up new
territory In 1111 Industrial manner. ICn
tlrely too many different articles nro
shipped from tho Hast that could Just
as easily nnd moro profitably bo mado
horo. There nro many such con.
corns seeking new fields where their
products may bo manufactured nnd
disposed of at n profit. Keen com
petition In tho Host Is causing many
to look nrouud for new torrltory,
whllo many young men nro succeed
ing to their father's business nnd na
turally want to expand and enlarge
nnd cover all tho country possible
with tliolr manufactured articles. ICx-
cosslvo freight ra'.es Is n serious ob
stacle In shipping manufactured
goods to tho coast, and this Is one
reason why tho Peninsula will event
ually become 0110 of tho greatest
manufacturing centers, In tho United
Statos, Whom theso pnrtles aro and
best method to adopt In reaching
thoui with dlscrlptlve matter concern'
ng this part ot tho continent from n
manufacturing standpoint Is tho
groat problem that Is up to our citi
zens to solve. It Is very apparent to
all that new Industries nro a nocos
Ity and should bo secured ns soon
as possible. Thoro nro plenty of la
boring inon residing In St. Johns to
run all the works now locntod here,
and before moro sottlo It Is ndvls
ablo that more labor-omploylng insti
tutions locato In St. Johns. Whllo
now resldonts aro at all times hearti
ly welcomed to this community, tho
fact remains that It moro Industrial
plants were to locato here first tho
bettor bopo thoy would havo In so.
curing employment and moro chances
there would be to ontor different
lines ot business. Ono largo plant
employing 800 to 1000 men would
inako a vast diffcrenco In thla city.
With all theso men living and doing
their buying horo overythlng would
bo much moro lively. Tho strcots
This Thoroughfare WiU
Soon Be Improved
The Feiseudtn Street Improvo-
ment club Is not dead or in a dying
cqnditlon as several of our citizens
have Intimated recently. Erstwhile
much stir and bustle was In tbe air
concerning tho club and treat things
wero predicted when the organiza
tion got Ui good running trim. Then,
somehow, energy seemed to depart,
ardor cooled oft and tho stir settled,
that once more Feaaunden atreot
assumed It a former tranquil and
tdaeid appearance. Thla was only a
surface Indication, however, for work
baa quietly continued and everything
now In about the ahape tue club de
sired it to attain. The right of way
has been practically secured for a
seventy foot thoroughfare from the
packing plant to Newport station.
street car company bas agreed
Klve ground along their property
and tbe matter will koqu, be present-
to council fop vonuemnauon pro
ceedings or any property along tho
D5VjjrtHd right 'of way not already,
secured. Ve understand the. street
company' wU change iyi tratjlc
that ft will run direct south from
Smith's Crossing, that a fine steel
brldgo wU) ho- erected to span tho
cuts aad. that Holbrook Interests will
macadamize tne street iron uio cut
would show moro life nstlr, tho
stores would bo busy constantly nnd
overythlng look prosperous, If such
a plant could bo secured It ! but
natural that othura would follow, For
several years It was hoped nnd ex
pected that Woyerhneuser would
erect nn Immunso snw mill nt the
north end, and every ono was Jubl
lnnt over tho prospect. Hut this pro
ject seoms to have become a myth
and so far tho Weyerhaeuser people
havo been moro of n detriment than
anything else to St. Johns. Thoy
havo tho north end coopered up so
t lint It Is said no ono can purchase a
foot of their ground for love or
money, nnd they wilt do nothing
themselves In (ho way of opening up
this section ot tho lower peninsula.
There nro many different iniiiui
fncturlng plnnts that would find It to
ndviiutngo to locato In 81. Johns.
Many articles mado ot wood, for In.
stance, nro shipped from tho Kast,
tin freight on which Is as much or
moro than tho cost of manufacture.
Clothes pins nro all mndo In the
Kbst nnd the freight Is moro than It
costs to mnko thoui. An enormous
iiuautlty' of wood that could bo turner
Into many UHcful household articles
goes to waste each year around tho
saw mills. A factory for tho inauii
fosturo of toys could find 11 very fop
tllo field for operation In St. Johns,
a factory recently constructed by
.Mi. Ilnlluy south of Collapsible box
.'1 ctory, wo understand, will bo util
ized In making various ar
ticles, and eventually will become one
ol the busiest Institutions of our city.
As u locution for u paper mill St.
Johns has no equal. Tho shipping
facilities nro Incomparable, nnd the
1 nno In which the logs can bo towed
hero makes It n valuable point for
that purpose. The Oregon City pa
pet mill In nt 11 great expense to so-
tliolr raw material, which they
havo towed to this point mid then
dragged out of tho river and placed
on cars, making their extra expense
on this account In tho neighborhood
of $176 per day, While the company
obtains cheap power, this aavlng Is
ut thing compared to what It would
bo wero the plant located nt this
Thoro nro bo many different lines ol
Industry that would bo greatly bono.
filed by locating hero that It Is ut
most Impossible to enumerate them
all. Ono obstacle said to be much In
cvldouco Is tho high prlco asked for
water frontage by tho present holders,
but compared fo prices asked In tho
vicinity ot Portland tho prices seem
to Bmlth's Crossing, Tho opening
up of this thoroughfare with a 70
foot stroet from the 8wlft packing
plant to the river at tho foot of
Fossondon streot would certainly bo
a wonderful Improvement. That this
street is badly In need of Improve
ment Is readily dlscorulblo to
tbe naked oye, and It would
bo a long step In tbe onward
progress of St. Johus to have thla
thoroughfaro go through with the
least possible delay.
Streak of Hard Luck
Tbe ferry company had another
streak ot bad luck last week, A
largo root drifted down tho river
and dodged under tho ferry flip on
the west sldo und tilted It up to that
It almost stood on ond. Thla company
deserves much credit for their pluck
and perseverance In surmounting all
obstacles, as their expenses havo
beon extremoly heavy nt different
times owing to damage done to their
approaches by the swelling ot tho
water. They took charge ot tho ferry
business In the first place when It
was in a much run down condition,
and It was only after the expenditure
ot a lare, amount of money that any
deg(ejj vt service coul-' bo obtained,
niid tbe traveling public between th)
east and west sides have reason to
feet grateful, for tho troubto nnd ex
pense put forth by tho present
Bo a BOOSTER for St. Johns.
comparatively low yet. It Is a matter,
lii.wover, that la difficult to adjust,
but wo bcllovo Industries that woult'
bo n great help to St. Johns will re
(five fair treatment nt tho hnuds of
the present owners of this property.
TJiore Is no question but that tho
city Is In it. c it of more nnd various
liitiuitrko In order to obtain that
rnpld and substantial growth that wo
all I'cmre, nnd If wo get tho Indus
tries tin- building up of the city will
t.'iii inru ot Itself. It Is wUI known
Hint Portland water front Is almost
Imrosslblo to secure, and any new
Industries seeking water front In
this section nro of necessity coin
lulled to come out on tho Peninsula.
Vhereforo no Htono should bo left
unturned In nil attempt to Interest
manufacturing plnnts In coming to
Ft. Johns.
Tho best plan for getting capital
Ists Interested In this part of tho
vorld would bo to gut out literature
describing St. JoIiiih ns tho most
feasible manufacturing point and get
every citizen In this community to
send some to their moneyed friends
In the Kast. Nearly every ono knows
some capitalist In tho Hast who
might bo Induced to come to this
city It the proper liiducomuntH wero
presented to I1I111, nnd wo belluvo all
,would bo willing to help In this dis
tribution, The printed mntter need
not bo of an expensive or exhaustive
nature, but rather n plain, neatly
printed pamphlet Just largo enough
to fit nicely In n medium sized en
velope. Tho matter contained there
in should deal strictly with tho ex
cellence of this section ns a locution
for manufacturing purposes, what
natural resources tho city possesses,
what tho shipping facilities aro nnd
the nature of tho plants- already lo
cated here. Plain tacts rather than
flowery languagu and beauty of dic
tion should prevail.
Another good plan would bo to
huvo u largo quantity of this or sim
ilar llteraturo, placed In tho Oregon
building nt tho Alaskn-Yukou oxposl.
(Ion, when the fulr opons, for free
distribution. Muny moneyed men
will visit Uils attraction nnd It Is do
plrnblo that thoy visit St. Johns bo-
f .10 thoy leave tho Coast, Any effort
mudo along thla lino would prove to
be money well Invested, nnd would
bear much fruit In years to come.
A couple of boat houses along tho
river frout wero wnshod away In tho
raging current last week, and tho
loss Is qulto a severe 0110 to tho
This Fact Apparent to All
Our Neighbors
It Is generally admitted that St,
Johns, tho growing suburban city at
tho lower end of tho Peninsula, Is
0110 of tho most progressive cities
In tho vicinity ot Portland, and that
it Is fur from being an undesirable
place In which to llvo. Its main
drawback for the man having busi
ness lu Portland is the distance to
tho larger city, but It has many of
U10 comforts which tho metropolitan
burg possesses, nnd some day, along
certain lines, will rival Portland.
Even today It has flno docks and
shipbuilding yards which aro superior
to any further up tho Willamette,
and being closo to the mouth of tho
Columbia, offers opportunities us u
sea port which oven tho older city
cannot boast of. Peoples Press.
Twenty acres ot ground on the
Peninsula owned by W. K. Smith may
be purchased by tho city council of
Portland us a park at a prlco of
about 93100 an acre, it having been
offered tho city at that price. It Is
located at Alblna avenuo and Port;
land boulevard and Is so situated
that it will tone as a park for a
very large district, Including Upper
Alblna, Woodlawn, Piedmont nnd
Interesting Session Held
Tuesday Evening
Council met In regular session
Tuosdny ovonlng with nil mombors
pruHcnt, and It was rather a lato
hour when tho motion for adjourn
ment was made.
After tho minutes of tho previous
mooting were rend nnd approved, a
petition from Contractor Paquot nnk
Ing for an cxtonslon of forty days
time on tho construction ot the
dock wns taken up. Mr. Paquet
claimed thnt It wns practically ImpoH
Bible to sccuro mnterlnt from tho
milts when ho desired It, ns many of
them wero compelled to closo down
for a brief period. Council favored
granting nu extension of time, but
forty days looked n llttlo too big,
and on motion ot Councilman Davis
tho matter was laid on tho table for
further consideration.
A petition for an arc light at tho
corner of Hayes nnd Mohnwk streets
was accepted and placed on file. As
only ten now nro lights wero provid
ed for when council mndo up Its ns-
Hossiiieiit list and there nro moro
than thirty applications, some disap
pointment along this lino will no
doubt ensue. Knch nro light costs
tho city $r..:i0 per mouth, nnd with
tlio ten additional lights tho total
cost to the city for this purpose this
year will bo about $2500.
A communication from 13. 1 1 lit pro
testing ngalnst tho street assess
ment 011 several lots on Willis boule
vard In Hill's addition wan rend. Mr.
Hill claimed tho assessment was un
just and says that ho wilt resist pay
ment of same. Matter was tabled.
Petition was then taken up to Im
prove South Hayes streut by side
walking same from lliirlliigton to
Itlehmond, and by both sidewalk and
grading from Itlehmond to Mohawk.
Petition was nccepted nnd placed
on tllo. Messrs. llellluger, llalley,
Schurtx nnd Learned asked for per
mission to lay their own walka along
this street which was granted 011
condition that the work Is dono by
tho tlmu tho other Improvements nro
A petition to Improvo Portland
llouluvnrd from lluchniinn to Fessen-
dun street was referred back to peti
tioners to penult thorn to statu what
kind of pnvomuiit was desired, this
point having been 0111"
A petition to Improve I.onrued
streot and Hamilton nvonue, Jersey
street to WIIIIh boulevard, was laid
on tnblo until nu ordinance had boon
prepared changing tho numo of this
thoroughfaro. Several other changes
lu names of streets will lm embodied
In this ordinance, which will bo
presontod to tho council next meet
ing. A communication from tho Chief
of Police wnH roud In which he re
quested that soma action bo takuu
toward maintaining destitute families
whllo under quarantine. Mntter was
referred to board of health with
authority to use tliolr Judgment In
taking euro of any case where as
sistance was absolutely necessary.
Thomas Ilucklo asked permission
to anchor his bout at tho foot of ono
of tho streets along tho water frout,
offering to imy $1.00 per month for
tho privilege. Heferrcd to tho city
and dock committee,
The following bills wore allowed:
For sprocket wlicol, 72c j board of
prisoner!) $1.30; Georgo Uthorldo for
fumigating $10.00,
Tho city engineer by resolution
was directed to proparo profile and
estimates for tho Improvement of
Portland boulevard,
Ilesolutlonu wore passed to Improvo
Mohawk street, Willamette boulo
vurd (from Itlehmond to Piorco
streots), and Allegheny street, (from
Willis boulevard to FoBsundeu streot;
and tho grade was ordered to bo es
tablished on tho luttor street.
An ordinance establishing tho
grado of Itlehmond streot between
Jersey street and the river passod
tho council.
Ordinance establishing grado on
Soutli lluyes also was passed,
On motion of Aldorman Davis arc
lights wero ordered established at
corners of Fesscndon and Oswego
streets, Iluchanan and Stafford strooti
nnd Crawford aud Piorco streets.
Tho constant drops of wator wear
away tho hardest stono,
Tho constant gnaw of Towsormns
tlcates tho toughest bone,
Tho constant, charming lover carries
off tho blushing maid,
And tho constant advertiser Is tho
man that gets tho trado,
Fathered by K. C. Coucli
Passes House
Roprctontntlvo K. C. Couch was
successful on Wednesday In having
his bill pnsa the llouso providing for
n frco forry to bo operated by Mult
nomah county ncrosB tho rlvor be
tween St. Johns nnd the west side.
It had tho support In the hotiRcot tho
entlro .Multnomah county dulegntlon,
Tho bill does not provide for tho
puichnso of any particular ferry.
The thanks of tho community nro
due Mr. Couch for his efforts In
having this bill pass, nnd Ib tho be
pinning of 11 now eru ot expansion
for tho business men of St. Johns.
With n freo ferry, tho trndo of Tual
atin vnlley Is ours for tho nsklng, und
tho pntroungu of 1800 prospuroim
people Is not to bo despised.
Officers Installed
At n recent meeting of tho Frater
nal Order of KnglcH tho following of
ficers wero Installed for tho ensuing
President II. K. Knight,
Vlco President fleorgo Foss,
Secretary Joseph Crouch,
Conductor Charles Fomm,
Chaplain K. J, Hess,
Inner Uunrd I'rank Jones,
Outer (luurd Kll Tracey,
Installing Officer A, I). McDonald.
Tho members of the M. W. A. on-
Joyed a very pleasing season nt their
mooting 011 Thursday ovonlng of lust
week. An entertaining program was
rendered, which consisted ot music
by the Hand mid Oullowuy'ri Or
chestra, u cornet duet by Messrs,
Churchill nnd Chlpmnu, piano solos
by Misses (Intton nnd (llllmoro, nnd
n recitation by Miss (leorgln Illlyeu.
A dainty Iti'ieh was served, and In
stallation of offlcerH took place. Thou
tho orchestra played 11 walU and
those who enjoyed this form of
an. usemeut danced until Homo, Sweet
Homo was rendered by tho orchestra
nt 11 lato hour. Following nro tho
officers who wero Installed for tho
ensuing term:
Consut Jns. II, (lee,
Advisor I,. II. Uoyd,
Hanker Oeo. I,. Kpps,
Clerk A. F. Knemlelu,
Kscort V. Hnnna,
Watchman 8, I.loyd,
Sentry 8. J. Sholter.
District Deputy Shunrs wits tho
Installing offlcur.
A Good Contract
The Columbia Kloctrlo Knglneer-
Ing Co. has secured tho contract for
wiring tho now Vnncouvor forry boat
which lu now being built by thu St,
Julius Ship llulldlug company for tho
Pcrtlund Railway Co. TIiIh boat will
bo u model one In ovury respect, and
this enterprising electrical firm aro
to bo congratulated upon securing
the contract. It is qulto u compli
ment to St. Johns that a local con-
corn Is constructing tho boat and 11
local company doing tho ulectrlcal
work. When really good, limit and
substantial work Is required St, Johns
Is tho plnco to got It dono, Tho wir
ing contract la good for ubuut u
month's labor,
A Handsome Structure
Oregon was tho first state to com
plete Itu building and thu first to In
stall exhibits ut tho Alnska-Yukoii-
Paclflu exposition. I'lvo months lu
udvunco of tho opening of tho oxposl.
Hon Oregon had two cars of choice
apploB and a cur of forest products
stored In its building and tho outlro
exhibit will bo Installed two months
before tho gates ot the exposition aro
opeuod. Tho Oregon building Is n
handsome structure und occupies 0110
of tho best locutions un tho exposi
tion grounds, It Is Jubt off tho con
tiai court and overlooks Lake Wash
ligtou, Tho building was completed
In Novombor and sluco that tlmo
tho Orogon commission has been en
gaged in tho ussombllng of tho state
Mrs. H. 8. Hoover roturuod from
an oxtonded visit nt Wolsor, Idaho,
tho latter part of last wool;. Sho
was visiting at tho homo ot her
daughtor, Mrs. H. A. Monday, who
hud beeu qulto seriously 111,
bftfr tof St JokM.