St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 15, 1909, Image 1

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To lubtcrlb for THIS Paper.
AU the ntwi whlk It li new U
onr motto. Call In and enroll
Of advertising In THIS Taper
and you'll never regret It. lie
gin t once and keep right at It
Devoted (o (he Interest! of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 5
'IINtoricnl Society
NO. 10
Shingle Mill and Box Fac
tory on the Slough
An enterprise that promlsob to be
of itnmonso vnluo to St. Johns nnil
the tower peninsula In gonernl Is the
proposed Installation of n monster
saw mill Just south of the Swift pack
Ing plnttt on tha Columbia slough
This Is tlio first largo Indtutiy to
follow on tha heels of the Swifl
people, and that thoro will Boon bo
others to follow goes without snylngi
Tho following from Friday's Journal
gives tho facts In connection with
this now onterprlBo;
Nearly $500,000 will bo In tested
In a. lumber and shlnglo mill, dry
kilns and box factory to bo built on
tho peninsula by tho Monarch Lum
company of Portland, which riled
artlclou of Incorporation for $70,0oU
with tho secretary of state today
Tho Incorporators nro named ns S
H. Somorvllle, who Is n lumberman
of Napavlne, Wash.: Oconto !.
llousner, of .ortlnnd; J. A. MncUou
gal, a capitalist of Krlo, I'a.. nntl
Uster W. lavltl of tho ijstcr W.
Uavld Lumber company, with offices
In Portland, Heattlo uud Vancouver.
U. C.
Tho lumber mill, dry kilns and
box factory for which ground Is be
lug cleared on the peninsula Just
south of the North Hunk railroad
brldgo on Oregon slough, ndJolulii(t
tho now packing house Hlto, will rep
resent an Investment or about $;uo,'
000 and will bo equipped to cut abou
175,000 feet of lumber In 10 hours.
It will bo thoroughly modern
throughout, being fitted with an 11
foot vlngle cutting band saw, an S
foot double cutting band saw. one
roll food band saw and n gang saw.
Corliss engines and water tubo hon
ors will bo Installed. It Is tho Inten
tion of the company to nlo erect n
plunlng mill.
Kor temporary purposes and for
tho cutting of tho lumber to- bit used
In tho construction of tho larger
plant, a small mill will be built at
onco at a cost of about J.'O.ono, WI101
tho entire plant Is comploted It
will bo converted Into a mill for i--
cutting of cedar lumber, 'mo
shlnglo mill which will form a part
of tho smaller plant, will tiavo a ca
pacity of about -100,000 shlmtlcs for
each day of 10 hours.
It Is also plannod too Install mod
em power plant for tho operation of
tho planing mill and box factory.
This will outall an oxtra oxpendituro
of about 130,000.
Tho ontiro plant, for the complo.
tlon of which tho ontiro year will
probably bo coneumod, will furnish
employment for about 400 men. Tho
company will also employ a largo
number of men In Its logging camps.
"We will have one of mo best
equipped and most thoroughly mod
ern lumber and shlnglo mill, planing
plant, box factory and dry kilns In
the country," said Mr. David today.
"Wo will bo In a position to turnout
almost any kind of lumber, from the
common to the finest grades.
"Wo have one of the best sltos of
which I know, Besides being on
deep wator wo will have track facil
ities connecting us directly with the
O. It. & N., Southern Pacific, Union
Pacific, North Hank, Burlington,
Northern Pacific, and If the Mllwau
kee road goes through we will be
directly connected with It.
"We expect to be cutting with tho
smallor mill within CO days."
Building Permits
104: to A. M. Stearns to
a dwelling on lots 6 and 6,
block 30, A. L. Miners' addition, front
Ing on Decatur street, between Polk
and Buchanan, for H. A. BicKnase;
valuation $1500.
No. 105: to Couch & Company to
erect, alter and complete a waro
houso on Jot -I, block 38. Jamesjohn
addition, fronting on Philadelphia
street, between Hayes and Ivanuoo;
valuation $300.
No. 100: to Albert Olln to erect
dwelling on lot 6, block 9. Oak Park
No. 2 addition, fronting on Nlcklln
street, between Cruikshauk and My
ers; valuation $i50.
Mis. P. O. Belleu, who has been
Milling her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Ilood, at Mt. Hood for the past
three weeks, returned home Monday
evening. She was accompanied by
her brother, Harry, who expects to
attend one of tho business colleges
in Portland.
Be u BOOSTER for St. Johns.
Planing Mill and Quantity
of Lumber Burned
A conflagration that for a tlmo
thrcatoned to wlpo out tho ontiro
town occurred at Llnnton last Satur-
day morning. Tho fire originated in
tho pinning mill of Clark & Wilson's
big plant, and Is supposed to hnvo
been caused by n hot box In tho en
sine roam. Tho planing mill and n
largo quantity of lumber was totally
dostroyed, entailing a loss In tho
neighborhood of $30,000. But for tho
heroic work of tho company's om
ploycs and tho efficient work of tho
flro bont George II. Williams tho en
tiro plnnt nnd portions of tho town
might easily hnvo been destroyed
I'lio loss Is reported to bo covered
uy ItiBurnnco.
Engineer Honry Morgnn discovered
tho flnmos whon ho opened u stnnll
door of tho onglno room to glnnco at
tho machinery. As ho opened It
flames shot out, almost enveloping
him. Ho quickly closed tho door, and,
rushing out of thu building, notified
Foreman Albert Olson. Tho foro-
man hurried to the snwmill nnd by
means of tho whistle sounded tho
alarm of fire. Tho entire force of
about 17G employes and ninny rest
dents of tho town formed n volunteer
brigade nnd began n tlcspernto fight
on tho flames, Half a dozen linos of
Iiobo were attached to tho water
tank on tho hill and n few initiates
after tho dlscovory of tho flames
were sondlng streams of water to
chock them. A strong wind from
tho southeast threatened danger to
cno saw mill nnd other property.
The firo boat made tho run from
Portland In n short tlmo nnd ren
dered vuluablo nsHismnco. ino
flames woro confined to tho sltiglo
building and prevented from reach
ing tho saw mill and other adjacent
buiiuings, It is certainly fortunate
that tho flnmos were chocked ns
soon ns tuoy were. Tho coiu
weather that was provalont when the
firo took placo would navo mado it
torrlblo If tho Inhabitants h,d boon
rondored homeless, Rebuilding of tin
destroyed structure win bogiu nt
A Great Shorer
J, 8. McKlnnoy, II. 8, Ilowltt, and
8. Ogdon, who are on tho jury nt
tho county court, had tho oxtromo
plonsuro of making tho trip run St.
onns to ortlnnd on "shank's mare"
ono day last wook, owing to tho non
running of tho street cars. They
stayed In the city for tho night, and
ono of tho trio claimed that hie bed
fellow was the greatest snorer that
had yet been discovered, Aftor try
ing vainly to got nsloop In splto of
the thunderous uproar of his com
panions nasal organ, ho was forced
to awako the snorer and nsk for a
few minutes rosplte. Tho noisy ono
turned over and asked him how ho
now ho was snoring, and on re-
P'l-lug tho reply that he hoard him,
tho man with tho big noiso sleepily
ansv e red that "a person cannot be
lieve all bo hears" and turnod oyer
aud resuraod his nolsomo occupation.
Uk McKlnnoy about It.
Won the Prize
F. L. Emerson was tho lucky
party who secured the prize 01
$fi.00 given away weekly at Bonham
Currier's storo. Mr. Emerson's
time was only four soconds from
what tho clock Indicated when Its
face was uncovered. This novel tea.
turo introduced by this enterprising
firm is Increasing with Interest every
week, The store was filled almost
to the limit at 3 o'clock last Saturday
afternoon. If you do not havo a
"ticket" you had better secure one
and got in line. One dollar's worth
of goods is all that is required to
get one,
Had a Fine Time
A Jolly party of our young folks to
the number of about eighteen took
advantage of the beautiful snow last
Friday evening and organized t sled
ding party. They drove to Portland
and after traversing several portions
of that city, returned to St. Johns
without a mishap. Tho novel feature
of a sled ride In this section of the
country was thoroughly enjoyed by
all the participants.
Nature More Than Lavish in Her Gifts to This City, and the
Hand of Man Has Taken Up the Good Work
Where Nature Left Off
Nnturo ccrtnlnly linn been mora
than lnvlBh In her gifts to St. Johns.
Travel nn ninny mites na you llko
nnd go whoro you will, It 1 highly
Improbabio tnnt you will find n spot
with so many mngiilflcotit nnturo nd
vantages ns lino St. Johns. Thu flnu
stretch of level land on which tho
city Is located, tho deep water of thu
two rivers, tho navigable sloughs
and tho superb scenery which nnturo
tins painted with n master hand,
makes tho location nn Ideal 0110 In
overy respect either for Industries
or residences.
Then the gifts of nnturo hnvo
been greatly augmented by thu hand
of mnn. Knltroads hnvo been con.
tructed, trolley llnu built, numerous
Industrial plants have been erected
strtrtu hnvo been Ittld out nnd grndet
nnd many other Improvements made,
so that St. Johns stnnds on tho Hires
hold of n mighty and glorious fu
turu. Any ono taking a little Journey
around thu Immediate surroundings
of tills city cannot help but bo great
ly Impressed with thu outlook. We
doubt It thoro Is an Individual with
n our gates who does not firmly bo
lluvo that St. Johns has a future
brighter than Is accorded any other
city In ho ontiro Northwest. When
It begins to further brondun nnd ex
pand and development on n scalo
communsurato with Its ndvantnges
begins, tho faith in Its ultimate
Krontnoss, held by nil Its inhabitants,
v.,1? bo proven to bo well founded.
But an Important duty Is laid nt
tho door of each citizen, nnd that Is
to work together In a harmonious
mnnnor for tno city's good, wniio
It Is conceded that St. Johns will
ovontualiy bo tho uuslcst city on tho
'nclflo coast, yet progrosu cut)
bo greatly enhanced nnd furthered
by nit working togouor. None of us
want to wait until wo nro gray
haired boforo our hopes In this re.
poet aro realized, nnd slnco tho
city lino reached n stago whoro Its
progress may bo helped or Impeded
by tho action of its citlzons, lot us
nil be "up and doing." A good word
for St. Johns, a honrty Interest 11:
nil that tends to Its advancement
and an elimination of all knocking
and dtspnragemont nro groat factors
In making St. Johns tho city of des
tiny that nature Intended It should
Spaco Is given this week to an ex
cellent article from tho pen of Kd L.
Stockton and published In a rccont
Ishuq of the Oregoulau. Tho article
deals directly with tho progress and
future dovolopmont of St, Johns, and
whllo a numbor mny havo road tho
contribution in tho big dally, it Is
well worth a second poruslng. Wo
do not want to overlook anything
good that may havo a tendency to
old our city In any mnnnor, ami whllt
It may bo necessary to repeat articles
from tlmo to tlmo In order to glvo
them tho widest publicity possiblo, It
surely pays In tho end. Thoretoro,
wo believe all our readors may read
this article with profit, and then
send the paper or article to somo
friend In tho East. It follows;
Tile past year in St. Johns has
been ono of progress. Building per
raits aggregating $100,000 havo been
Issued and aro for n better class of
buildings formerly erected.
Over t-5,000 has been spent in
street Improvement work. Parts or
Tacoma, North Hayes, Phlladelpnm
Oswego, Polk, Buchanan, Richmond,
Salem and Crawford streets aro now
in fine condition, and applications for
tho Improvement of Wlllamotto boule
vard, Stafford, South Ivanhoo, Hud
son, Allegheny, Hartman, Lively, Wil
lis boulevard, Pittsburg, East Burling
ton, South Hayes, Montleth, Nortr,
Edison, New York, Philadelphia nnd
Kessenden streets have been filed
with tho Council, or are being pre.
pared, so that work can begin as
soon as possiblo In the Spring. Per
haps the greatest undertaking In tho
line of street work Is the proposed
Improvement of Fcssenden street,
from Smith's crossing to the river, n
distance of over two miles. It Is
proposed to widen this street, on
which the street car lino now
70 feet, and macadamize It tho fuii
length and width.
The car company Is preparing to
dedlcato its right of way to the city
nnd tho propcrty.owiiers nro giving
five feet each. This wilt mnko
.driveway unsurpassed by nny In the
country nnd will connect nt Smith's
crossing with tho already fninoiiH
Columbln bouluvard, Thu cost ot
this Improvement nlouo will bu much
more than tho entire nmount spent
011 street Improvement this year.
Next In linportniicu will bu tho
Improvement of Philadelphia street,
from Hnycs to tlio new city dock.
now boluir built nt Its foot. This
street Is MOO feet wldu mm lends
directly from thu dock to thu henrt
of thu city, nnd will bu thu only
really nccosslblo driveway from the
top of tho hill, itlchmund street,
wlUch Is n county road from Jersoy
street to-iho river, has been grmled
by Supervisor S. W. Simmons and
tho property owners nro preparing to
lay cement sidewalks tho entire din
tnnco nloug both sides to n distance
of 3000 feet.
Steps nro being taken to open up
n drivowny 00 feet wldu from St,
Johns to tho Swift plant uud this
will bu donu shortly. It has been
proposed to bond tno city to raise
part of thu money, but It hns been
found to bo Illegal, nnd thu nocos
sary amount will bu ruined by private
Early In thu year the mntter of
bonding tho city for nionoy with
which to buy n situ and build thercoi
11 city dock was agitated, with thu
result that thu mntter wuh voled on
nt tho city election uud bonds to thu
nmount of $00,000 otod for this pur
pose. wion thu bids weru opened
tho Peiilnsuln Bank or St. Johns was
found to bu thu highest bidder, ofror
Ing n premium or $I2S7, and bid wus
accepted. Tho money wns promptly
forthcoming nnd 200 feel of river
rrout on ouch side or Philadelphia
street purchased from Holbrook &
Bingham for $23,500. This goo 000
feet (including Philadelphia nnd New
York streets) on which to build, and
n contract for n dock 6t0xl20 foet
was let to Joseph Puquet, of Port
land, for $35,000, tho work to bo com
pleted by February 1, 1903. Tho
piling has all been driven nnd work
Is now stnrtlng on tlio waro house,
which will cover 110 feet of tho
Several Portlnnd flrniH nro trying
to lousu this dock, among them be
ing Bulfour, Outhrlo & Company nnt
Kerr, G If ford & Co. It Is bollovod
by tho Council that tho last named
company will roach somo agreement
with tho city and lens0 tho dock nt
a yoarly rental which will pay tho
intnmKt mi thn bonds and lonva n
good bnlanco for u bond-sinking
Acting for what It thought tho
best Interests of taxpayers and
proporty-ownors, tho preceding Coun
cil purchasod u slto for n rock-crusher
across tho rlvor nnd contracted
for a crusher nnd also for n road
roller, which tho prosont Council
Ic.s had installed, and tho city can
now havo good streets at n reason
able cost, tho rock being considered
tho bort in tho state, excelling It Is
said, tho famed St. Helens rock Hi
l.urdness and durability.
Tho schools of this city or lMiu
people nro on a par with thoso of
Portland. Out of llov school chll
dren thero aro only four more girls
than boys. Thoso chlldron uro
taught by 23 teachers, all female ex
cept Professor C. H. Boyd.
In addition to being principal or
tho Central school, Mr. Boyd has
Just boon appointed superintendent
or all the .schools. Tho salary roll
Is $31.50 per day, and this will likely
be Increased to $100 per day shortly
by Increasing the teachers' salaries.
Tho assessed valuation or tho Bf.
Johns district Is $3,6o0,7.6. '
school board probably will ask the
taxpayers to levy a slx-mlll tax on
this amount and with $10,700 to lo
paid by tho state and county, this
levy will glvo tho. board a little over
$31,000 with which to meet current
expenses. Interest on $38,0o0 bonded
Indebtedness und mako a payment
or $3000 on tho block Just purchased
at Smltu's crossing, and on which a
school hfjuso will bo erected beforo
many months to meet tho require
tnents or this section or tho district.
Thero Is also a docided sentiment
In rnvor of erecting n High School
building 011 tho block near tho City
Hall, which wns willed to tho city
for this purpose by James John, thu
rotinucr of thu town.
Thu Legislature will bo asked nt
Its next session to authorize thu
county of Multnomah to innlntntn
ami operate 11 freu furry tit St. Johns
nnd thu voters will, nt n spuclnl clue.
tlon to bu called Immediately alter
thu passage of thu bill, vote yes or
noon thu Issunncu of bonds for thu
nmount necessary to either buy thu
rerry-boot now In service or build n
now onu. Thero Is u great domain!
for freu transportation ncrons tno
river, und many farmers living
over tho hills west of -o town
would bo enabled to Initio t hot 0 nnd
also to sell thulr produce, who nro
now obliged to go to Portland, six
miles further on. Thoro will nlso bu
nn effort madu to get thu United
Knllwny Company to build n carlluu
from thu foot or IVssundon Htiool to
tho Swift townslto. With thu ferry
Inudliig changed to this company's
West Sldu line, n competing llnu will
bu estnbllshed which would do much
fin- tlio city and mnku thu tlmo to
l ot timid much shorter than nt pros-
Whlln thu city has been making
Improvements rapidly, prlvnto enter
prlso hns not been lacking. Thu St.
Johns Lumber company hns doubled
Its dock space und now run load
two Hhlps nt onco having u dock 700
feet long und about tho snmo depth.
TJiIh company Is also Initialling more
boilers uud engines und In other
ways preparing for n greatly In
creased business mo coming yonr.
Thesu improvements will cost $1U0,
000 when completed nnd mnko tno
mill onu of thu most
plants on tlio Coast. At present 300
men nro employed.
Thu Portland Woolen Mills Is onco
more working 120 hands full tlmo,
nnd reports that orders uro coining li
more rapidly than over boforo. Tho
St. Johns Shipbuilding Company
keeps from 20 to 30 men nt work
all tho tlmo, nnd Ih now doing tho
work on tho vnncouver rerry, which
It will havo ready for business in
nboiit 30 days. N. J. Bailey will
havo tho machlnory for his furniture
factory horo soon, and will bo rendy
to manufacture by tho middle of Feb
Tho St. Johns Gns Light ft Heat
company promises to have Ita plant
ready to supply gas within four
m6nths. W. II. King Ih coutomplat
Ing tho erection of n threo-story
brick on his lot on tho comer or
rucoina and Jersey streets, uud tho
Knights of Pythias havo bought a lot
or M. L. Holbrook, locatod opposite
tho Contral School, and will Immed
iately erect tlieroon a Cnstlo Hull to
con 510,000 to $12,000. Tj Homo
Telvphono company will also build In
tho 61 ring.
Heal ibtato oealors nro confident
Hint Spring will show u repetition or
tho busy tlmo of 1305, when much
iropeity chnuged bunds In nn uver-
cue or onco a month, with a gooo
profit to show for each transfer. Tho
business men aro snowing an Inclina
tion to got together and drop all per
sonal feelings and potty Joulousles,
work together for tho bettor, cleaner
and greater St. Johns, Efforts to
secure tho locution of now Industries
will bo made, and Inducements that
con not bo Ignored will bu offered to
any enterprlsu that Is legitimate aud
w,.i benefit tho town.
Not least of the utilities which
muke St. Johns a desirablo place In
which to llvo Is Its water supply,
furnished by the St. Johns Wuter &
Light company. This company has
now 28 miles of mains, three big
tanks, which hold 250,000 gallons,
and a reservoir holding 350,000 gal.
Ions", which Is connected with the
mains under tho hill and used in
caso of a breakdown of tho pumps
or whon there Is a flro. Tho city has
Installed 20 flro hydrants, and thoro
aro about 25 that belong to private
parties. Most of these aro along tho
waterfront among tho mills and
I'.e water supply Is taken from nj
wpII 75 feet deep, and the well sup
ply comos from tho Columbia Illvor,
li.wtoad of tho Wlllamotto. Although
Business Transacted in a
Careful Manner
Council met in Its regular weekly
conclave 'lUesday evening nnd trans
acted thu rather small budget.
t'u. 11088 beforo tho meeting, Mayor
Hrn-c was not feeling well, niitl
tin rehire did not attend. As v. con
suiiuenco President of tho Council S
L. Dotilo acted us presiding officer In
n (,'inceful und dignified manner.
ltoll cnll wns responded to by nil
the members, nnd tho minutes of thu
l-ruvlous meeting weru rend nnd duly
A petition wns read from 11 mini
bo," of property holders praying Tor
tho Improvement of Allegheny street
from l-'cHHchdou to the north lino ot
Willis boulevard. Thu petition tiHliod
Vor wooden slduwnlks, hut Mr. Davis
thought cement walks should bu
laid Instead. It seems, however, that
thu property owners uro unwilling to
go to that exnuusu nt this time. The
matter wns laid over for ono week
In order to penult tho uuglucer to
mnko thu necessary estimates.
A petition nuking council to Inter
cede with thu I'uclflu Stutuu Tolo
pliuitu Co. nntl hnvu phones placed
wheru they nro desired wus rend.
Tho petition was signed by John N.
Keeler. I). W. Chamberlain, I). A.
Wright. J. J, Edgreu uud Lerny II.
Ainlth. On motion of Count iiuinii
Davis n copy of tho petition wiih or
dered to bo forwai'ded to tho Tele.
phono Company. Thu bust way out
of tlio dilemma seems to bu to get
the Homo Telephone Company to
11111 11 llnu to St. Johns ns boon iih
posslblu, With their high rules und
.i.adoininto scrvlcu thu Puclflu States
company Is rather a failure.
Threu labor LiIIh amounting to
$28.u wore allowed.
huglucor'u cHumuto of work done
on tho city dock to ditto was read,
and showed that satisfactory progresi
Is being miidu by thu contructois.
Attorney Collier guvo u verbal ro
port from thu St. Johns (Ihh Light
and Ileal Co., In which they offered
to give u bond for $2,000 to bo with
drawn If nt tho expiration of eight
mouths thu company had oxpemletl
tho sum or $ti,000 In actual construe
tlon. It was tho suuso or the conn
til, however, that tho proportion bu
not uccupted.
Tho recorder nnd treauurer'H ru
port for tho itmrtor muling Jan. 1,
1303. was road uud turned otor to
tho fluuucu committee,
Alderman Duvlu madu 11 motion
that nu expert bu employed to audit
tho books of tho treasurer, recorder
uud engineer before tho final pay
muni Ih duo 011 tho dock construe
tlon. Carried.
An ordinance establishing tlio grade
or Stafford street wuh unanimously
within COO feet of It, uud many feet
below tho river bed, tho well Is not
affected by the rlso and rail or the
Willamette, but Is immediately af
fected by tho stugo or tho Columbia.
I'lfty-fivo feet down In tho well
uro located two largo pumps, one
throwing IG0 gallons per minute, and
tho other 1000 gallons In the samo
lino. Thu well Ih 20x18 root, veutl
luted by an ulr-shuft 1x5 foot, nntl Is
concreted tho entire depth. Tho
floor on which tho euglues not is
mado or concrete, aud a basin
catches ull oil uud grease, It after
ward being taken to t-o surface, so
that It cannot coiitaiiilnatu lue
lourco of wator supply.
Ingenious Arrangement
Tho now signal lightH Installed by
tho council uro a great success. One
hut, been placed near thu 1'onlnsula
bunk on Jersoy street, and tho other
on tho flagsturr at tho city hull. Now
lr a policeman Is wanted at night
und ho cannot bu round at thu city
hull all that Is necessnry Is to call
up central In this city ami reooust
the "hullo" girl to turn on thu rod
light. Tho blue cont, who Is supposed
to havo his eye open for tho light,
will come on a Jump. It Is certainly
an Ingonlous arrangement.
Havo you noticed tho giacciul
curves many of tho linos in the He
vlow havo taken on lately? This Is
a freak tho typesetting machine has
developed in the past row weeks,
but wo hope to remedy tho mnltor
before all our readers become af
flicted with blind staggers.
Bo a BOOSTER ror St. Johns.
To he Constructed by the
Knights of Pythias
At n meeting of Holmos Lodgo
No. 101, 1C. of P., held In thulr hnll
luit Friday night, tho lodgo docldod to
subscrlbo for 2000 uttdltlonnl shares
of tho capital stock in tho nHsocln
tlou formed recently to build n Pyth
ian hall here. Thu necessary nmount
of slock has now been subscribed
nnd will bu issued nt onco. Tho
hall will bo located on thtt corner of
Charleston nntl Jersey streets, whoro
thu ground has already been scoured.
Tho structuro which will bo n brick
ono will cost when completed In thu
neighborhood of $10,000, will bo two
Hti.rlus high, nnd modern In all Us
its appolnttnouts. The lower story
will consist of two haiiilnoino storo
rooms nntl tho upper story will bo
un d lor lodgu purposes, one party,
wt untlefstnml, bus nn Option on
one oh tho lowur rooms, nnd Is will
ing tn loiibo same for it period of ten
yuan. It will bu uii easy matter to
hnvo thu hull rented for every
night In tho week, ns several lodges
have signified a willingness tn use
1 ho room If It enu bu secured. Tho
building will bu ono tnt overy
Knight can wull feel pioud of, nntl
will bu n perinaiuiiit homo for tlml
order. It will bo quite nn addition
to tho city, also, and thu loo I Ion Is
tin admirable one. Ah hvoii as the
necessary nrruiiKumuiils enu b per
fected thu structuro will bo pi need
under construction nt onco.
Install Officers
(iomtrnl CoinpHou Post No. 21 nnd
tin. Women's Itultof corps luhtullod
officers on thu 2nd Inst. A. O. Wil
liams, AsHititant Adjutant Oantiml,
Department of Oregon, distillled
thu oltl veterans, mid Mm. Carrie
Courtier or Portland, noted nM in-
sinlllng orricur for the W. It. O. Th
I'lftnllntlou whs it Joint affair nnd
took place nt tha I. O. O. . IimII.
.f ttir the sort Icon wor concluded
t'loludloM entertained the old soldiers
iu n flue lunch. All pr0Ht m,i willy
enjoyed thomstflwM nntl thu oucu
Hlcu wus it pleasing mm In overy
way. Following uro the imiiim of
the Compsou Pout officials for tho
ensuing term:
P. C It. II. Miller.
S. V. C L. II. Chlpmuu,
J, V. C (leorgo Adams.,
AtlJl. W. S. McColluin,
O. M-H. II. Parker,
Surgeon P, T. Iliiuson,
O. of tho Day O. A. Ilurnll,
Chaplain J. P. Brown,
Of. of tho Day W. II. tlullB.
W. It. C. officer;
President Mary Chniiay,
K, V, P. Anna Barnard,
J. V. P. Clarissa litluop,
Secretary Cynthia Ilowltt,
Tiviiftin'i Bono Koblson,
t'hup. Addo Hanson,
Conductor Mury Hlllolt,
AshI. Coiid. Iliuol Koblson,
Insldu tluttrd Hiiitim llollt4r,
Outside O. Cuirl YHHdtNbttrf,
Color II. No. I lto ltriw
Color B. No. 2 MulmllH 'IUr.
Color II. No. 8 ArelllH SwtiH,
Color II. No. I Jamil Ilmii.
Musician Mliinhj Hull,
Pat. nmt. Minnie IIhII,
Press Cor. Lorottu AriuiUtiiif.
Death of James Caples
Jumi-H caples died lit his home in
this placo Thursday evumiig, Jan. 7,
1303, of tuberculosis. About three
years ayo deceased contracted this
ilroad disease, aud In split of all ef-
1 1 1 1 made to resist Its Infliw.ce, it
Inallj lonuuoied. Prior to contract
ing this disease Mr. Capleu waa hp-
lureiitly one of the healthiest, strong
o'ti ami most robust young tuau "
Uo city, uud his sad death onco
i-Hiro proves that tuborculoalb I; no
rcsiootor of pursons, A brutbar of
the deceased died of tho MW dis
ease a short while ugo. Mr. Caul
was uged about 21 yoaru.
X handsome now $40,000 high
vehool building orouted on the block
northwest or the city hull on Phita
tKphlu street would certainly look
woll. It will bo up to t'io property
owners to say whother this shall be
douo or not at tho special suliool
looting on tho 2Sth lust.
Monthly ror snlo at
this office.