St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 08, 1909, Image 3

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    My! What weather!
We have a few Heating
Stoves to close out at cost.
Everything in the store 10
per cent off on installment sales
and 20 per cent for cash 30
days during January Clearance
Remember the place
Main store
Wc can afford to sell at Reasonable Prices
00CM0000000C003400 ,0000aaO-00
mm cO e43 oio e0 5o eO eO ft cO x3 e e0 mm
First National Bank I
St. Johns, Oregon
Stockholders' Liability,
Three per cent paid on savings deposits.
Plumbing and Tinning
203 S. Jersey Street Phone Jersey 9 1 St. Johns, Oregon
2 Is what we offer to our patrons at reasonable prices.
We are waiting to please you.
j A happy at:d prosperous New Year to you all.
I couch & co.
Ji General Merchandise
Ji Phone Jersey 973. 206-208 Philadelphia street.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise.
Also slab wood. Timliers of all sizes cut to order.
Get your winter's wood now and save trouble.
Price S7.00 per ton. More HEAT, less SOOT nnd SMOKE
for your money than any coal on the Coast. J
Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering
Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited.
H.HENDERSON 205 Jersey St
Real Estate, Loans. Insurance
! Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
l FT2lu2 e.!' "jg Jy
Local News.
He who by Ills bit would rise
Must cither Imstorndvcrtlse.
Whnt do you know about that tall
of snow 7
Tlio National Tea storo announces
a closing out sale.
Tied Fano, formerly of Qrconpolnt,
Paid our city a visit Monday.
Miss Amy Sovens of this city
spent sovcrnl days very pleasantly at
Ciiscndo Locks last week.
C. Coshow, recently a business
mnn In Hood ltlver, was among the
throne of visitors In St. Johns last
J. T. Klnsor was called to his form
or homo at 8llvorton last week on
account of tlio sorlous Illness of
his brother,
A good way to Btnrt tlio now year
right Is to subscribe for the Koylow
It would bo n dollar Invested to good
W. L. Marklo has roturnod to his
ranch at White- Salmon after a sov
oral weeks' sojourn with his brotnor
In this city.
Mrs. M. II. Osgood haB reopened
tlio Homo llnkcry on I'hlladolphla
street, nnd la now prepared to hnndlo
tlio trado In this lino.
Dr. Holland, formerly located In
tit. Johns, Is now In a Portland hos
pltal, whero ho Is undergoing treat.
mont for appendicitis,
Marvin Johns, who has been om
ployed In a tonsorlal shop nt Ha
nlcr, has resigned his position thcro
and roturncd to Bt. Johns,
Thomns Cochran, who had tuo
misfortune to break his collar bono
several weeks ago, is otico moro nblu
to get his arm out of the sling.
John McNeil mid Carl BchurU
havo boon spunuing several days in
Yamhill county In tlio pursuit of
soma attractive farming property.
Miss Sarah McKlniioy, who holds
n clerlcnl position In tno city recor
der office. Ik nblo to bo around
again after u sovero slcgo of lllnoss.
Mr. nnd Mrs, K. 8. Wrlgnt and
family returned Sunday evening from
u visit of n week or ten days with
Mrs. Wright's relatives at catlln,
Wnsh. y
Mr. nnd Mrs, J. I). Cnmbell outer.
tallied a party of their I'ortland
frluudi on now Year's day. Tlio ar.
fair wns a pleasing 0110 for all con
Tho days aro beginning to visibly
lengthen, and It will not bo long un
til 0110 can oat his dinner (or supper
a an Easterner would call It) by
Tho Klectrlc Thoatro has had some
changos nnd Improvements 111 ml 0 to
tho exterior of their amusement hall,
This resort Is getting to bo tjullo
n popular 0110 with our people.
About ono thousand Hod Cross
stamps woro disposed of In this city
during tho holidays. Credit for this
sntUfastory showing Is duo Mrs, V.
W, Valentino for hor zeal In dispos
ing of them.
J. V. Lawornco of Ltvlngstono,
Mont., Is visiting at tho home of his
nephow, K. C. Hurlbert, In this city.
Mr. Lawrence, Ilko all strangers who
visit here, Is vory favorably Im
pressed with St. Johtw.
W, I), Hust of Arbor Lodgo was In
our cuy Saturday looking for a suit
able InvoBtmont, Ho already owns
some fino real estate. Iioro, and Is
anxious to add to his holdings, Ho
claims that thoro Is no batter place
on tho coast for an Investment tnan
In St. Johns,
. 0
Alodrman Wlndlo had a corps of
workraon at work on liurllngton
street Saturday diverting tho water
that drained off Hayes street and
flowod down Burlington, It now
follows Hayes street to tho north end
thus saving much damago to lower
Uurllngton street.
Tom Glover has moved his furnl.
ture and futures Into tho room on
tho corner of Philadelphia and Ivan
boo streets. The location formerly
pccuplod by Knight & Glover was too
large to conveniently observe tho
regulations and restrictions Imposed
by the council.
Department Commander S. p.
Wythe of Hood IUver, In company
with C. A. Williams, Assistant Adju
tant Ueneral, of Portland, were in
our city last Saturday Installing G. A
It, officers. Commander Blytho Is
ono of Oregon's grand old men, and
Is a general favorite wherever no
Mrs. R. R. Crabb, of Parkvlllo, Mo.,
Is a guest at the homo of her brother
.1. 8. Downey, on North Hayes street.
U has been eighteen years since Mr.
Downey has seen bis Bister, and the
UH-etlng was a very pleasant one
for both, Mrs. Crabb Is highly
pleased with St. Johns and hopes to
make this her future borne, Her hus
band expects to Join her here Saturday.
Harry York Is reported on tho sick
Mrs, C. H. Thnyor Is reported to
be ipilto 111 with. peritonitis,
M, S. Cobb mndo a business trip
to Pendleton tho first of tho week.
It. E. Rsson, of Hood River, made
a pleasant visit with his brother, He
corder Esson, this week.
A. D. McDonnld, tho snsli and door
merchant, hnB roBinued work on
his now structure on Jersey Btroet,
Roy Inglodtio, formerly with tho
Yost Const laundry has accepted n
position In llonhnm & currier's
grocery, vlco W. Scott Kollogg re
W. A. Hufschmldt, who had been
conducting n bnkcry at Llnnton for
Bomo time past, hns purchased tho
Bt. Johns restaurant on Jersey street
and assumed chargo of same.
1 O'" 1
W, V, Adams Is erecting a hand-
801110 rosldenco nenr tho brick yard.
His lenso has run out on tho Ontton
farm nt tho north ond, and ho Intouds
conducting n dairying business for
himself In tho near future.
William Wooton of llonnant Hill
spent tho holidays with his daughter,
Mrs. Crane, and fam,,y In thin city.
It was n complete but vory ngreo
nblo surprlso to Mrs. Crane, as sho
had no expected tho visit nt that
Tlio now German Dnptlst church Is
rapidly Hearing completion nt the
comer of lvnnhoo street and St.
Johns nvonuc. Tho new edifice will
bo a n-mt and substantial 0110 and 11
great convenience for tho many tier
man Unptlsts who reside hero.
Tho rumor Is current on tno
streets that Undo Daniel Calkins tins
passed over tlio Great Divide, Up to
tlio time of going to presB tho re
port could not bo verified, but It Is
tho earnest hope of his uost of
friends hero that ho Is still In the
laud of tho living.
Tho Jourual'H Now Year number
was n thing of beauty and Joy for
over. It wns n stroke of enterprise
that will redound to the benefit or
I'ortland nnd the Peninsula, and was
greatly appreciated by that paper's
renders. Many sent copies of tho
edition to friends In the East.
llnrvoy Smith, who Is associated
with his borther In tho barber
busluoss nt Hauler, spent Sun
dn with his family In St. Johns
Rumor has It tnat Smith Dros, will
open up a shop In this city In no
near future, Harvey Is a first class
workman and Is popular with the St
Johns people.
D. L. I'ngo mndo a business (rip
to Sonttlo this week in tho Intorest or
tho Oregon Flake Food Co, While
thoro ho purchased for tho company
a nut food factory which had been In
operation there for somo tlmo. This
gives the Flake Food Co. a clean
sweep of the entire Northwost, and
they mndo their first shipment or
goods to Seattle Wednesday.
Work on tho concrete stdowalks
which wera proposed to bo laid on
Richmond street has boon postponed
until tho ground Hetties, This street
Is dostlnod to bo ono of tho most
Important In tho city, and tho eltl
wis owning property along It aro wist
In deciding to havo concroto walks
laid Instead of woodon ones, flood
streets and sidewalks aro great ad
vertisements for a city.
II, E. Knight surprised many of his
friends by taking unto himself a wlfo
during tho holidays, Tho brldo was
Miss Ada Loonoy an estimable young
lady who has many friends In St,
Johns, Tho happy young couplo have
Bono to lioiuo keeping at UlU
Uresham street, A largo circle or
firends join In wishing thorn a long,
prosperous nnd happy Journey over
life's stormy sea.
If you havo a chunco of winning
tho five slmojeons when tho big clock
stops nt Iionham & Currier's you
should not fall to be on hand prompt
ly nt three o'clock Saturday after
noons, because If you are not there
you aro not lu It. The clock Is so
arranged that there aro (Jb.uuo dis
tinct periods of time on Its faco,
which reduces tho chance of two or
moro having oxactly tho samo tlmo
to a minimum.
Tho. work of opening up tho now
tract between St. Johns and Maogley
Junction la going on rapidly. Charles
Foss hag boon cloanng a large tract
of land thoro and N. A. Geo has
been opening up a number of streets,
and thlngB look like tho beginning of
now city in that neighborhood.
Three or four bouses have already
been built and occupied, Tho region
In and about Maogley will grow rapid
ly from now on.
The citizens of St, Johns retired In
Oregon Monday night and awoke In
Nebraska next inorniug, If appear
ances counted for anything. The
beautiful snow, over which so many
poets rave, dropped down In copious
quantities Tuesday and Wednesday,
and gave our peoplo a taste of win
ter life in the far East. Many old
relira of a coldor illmate wcro in ovJ on our streets n tno unu;e
of ear lugs, bear skin coats and fur
caps. A little bit of tho whiteness Is
all right occasionally,
Miss Alma Moo Is seriously lit nt
hor homo on Richmond street with
Mrs. Florenco Ruckcr now pro
sides behind the counter nt Iionham &
Currier's dry goods department.
Mrs. W. L. Mills departed Sunday
ovenliig for n six weeks' sojourn
with her parents nnd friends in Mich
igan, Otis E. Learned, wlfo und young
son arc on a visit with tho parents of
Mrs. Learned nt Skamnkawan this
Mr. nnd Mrs, 'Shepnrd entertained
a Jolly party of thirteen nt a New
Year's dinner. Nothing superstitious
nbout Richard.
The union services announced to
tnko plnco at tho Evangelical church
Sunday afternoon havo been post,
poncd Indefinitely.
Normnn Scales has loft for Los
Angeles, Cnl for tho benefit of his
health. It Is hoped that hu win re
turn vastly Improved by tho chntigo
of climate,
A bear Is reported to havo fright
ened somo of tho children on U10
hills across tho river recently, nn
Item that boiiio of our iilmrods
should make a note of.
Mrs, II. S. Mngono entertained the
Ladles' Aid of the Methodist church
Wednesday afternoon In her usual
pleasing manner. Light refreshments
wcro served nnd n gonernl good tlmo
was enjoyed by nil.
J. Noco, formerly morchnnt tailor
In this city, circulated among his old
frletiils nnd acquaintances hero tho
first of tho wcok. Mr. Noco was
bom In the vicinity of tho great earth
quake In ltnly and Is familiar with
tho scones nnd surroundings where
tho awful disaster took placo, Tho
calamity, therefore, has moro slgiiir
lennco to him than to most people 011
the const.
Last wcok Mrs. Mao Perkins
Wright of Dallas came homo to visit
pnrents mid brother. Sho reports on
Joyablo and busy times. Shu tencher
vocal, dramatic art nnd physical cul
turo In the college there, drills mid
slims with quartet choir In fhiircli
and contemplates organizing it malu
chorus for ovenlng service, Bhe
strongly ndvlses any one with small
means but desiring nn education tc
go to Dalian College.
F. E. Phillips, of lluffnlo, N. Y.,
brother of our uonlnl F. M. Phillips,
arrived lu St. Johns tho day before
tho blizzard. Ho came with his fain
llv to mnko tholr homo In tlila land
of suushliio nnd winter roses. Ho
snys ho has corresponded with his
brother for four years nbout this
laud of promise nnd unsurpassed
climate. Ho Is here, sitting by the
lire, looks out of tho window ocean-
sloually, shakes his head as If wonder
nig If all Oregonlans uro prevaricators,
UcKliiiiliik' Sunday night. Jaiiuur)
10. thoro will be a sorhm of special
services nt tho llaptlst church. Ilov.
U, L. Owon of Astoria, Oregon, will
ho tho preacher.
W 1 lu Ilov. John liontzlon. super
intendent of Missions from Portland,
Is nt present tho acting pastor It is
tho plan as soon as possible to get a
pastor who cun glvo us wolo timo
to tho Interests of tho church, Mr.
Owon Is (iiilto a favorlto with tno
congrcgutlon having preached for
them recently on two occasions.
They havo oxtended n hearty nnd un
niilmous call to him to bocomo their
pastor. He has not accoptod tho cull
but tho mombors hopo that ho may
do so later. In nny caso they uro
lnd to securo his sorvlcea for u
soricb of spoclal meetings.
When the Snow Melts
You will need Rubbers. Wc have them
for all ages and sizes. While the snow
is here overgaitcrs and leggins arc in or
der. To sleep warm you 111113' need more
blankets and comforters, and in addition
to these wc have all the things to eat that
help to keep the bod3' warm. Besides this
wc invite 3fou into our store to wait for
the cars if 3'ou have to go to the cit3'.
'Ilm Qlory class of tho St. JoIiiih
Uuptlst church gave a banquet on
Now years evo, having secured oyer
0 mombors. A musical progrum was
given, consisting of u violin solo by
Karl Crouchley, n cornet solo i,y
Archlo Muhor. u recltutlon by Mrs.
Koolor, and two vocal solos, ono by
Miss Gertrude Iinldwln, tho other by
,esllo Wood. From tho uppluuso that
followed each number It was ovldent
that tho program wns enjoyed by ull
After tho class was seated ut tho
supper tablo Rev, liontzlon guvo un
aduress In which ho complimented
tho class on Us success lu securing
members. After supper toasts wore
given to tho past, present and future
the class, aud also to tho hoys
and tho girls. Ethel Crosby.
Closing Out Sale
National Tea Store
3 cans Carnation Milk 25c
3 cans corn 25c
3 cans Tomatoes 25c
Best Whole Head Rice per lb. . 8c
3 lbs Italian Prunes, best grade, 25c
Best 25c Lollee in town, now. .22c
1 m-cent cans snice.s. auv kind. 2;c
3 pkgs Com Starch. 25c
Save 25 to 50 per cent by buying
at this Closing Out Sale.
National Tea atore
Honnvillo'8 Monthly for
this office.
salo at
Not tha label on your pspsr.
Keep Bright and You
HIcctric Unlit is the ningnet that draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can
no more resist the attraction ot it brilliant, Electrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion call of n brass band.
Is your competitor with the Klectrlcnlly illuminated show
windows, bright interior nnd sparkling HIcctric Sign getting
an advantage over you? The moth never flutters tirouud the
uulightcd candle! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lighting n necessity, whether they remain open
after dark or not. Competition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated with HIcctric
light will make many n sale "the night before." HIcctric
light compels attention, makes easy the examination of your
display, shows goods in detail aud fabrics in their true colors.
Aud don't neglect the HIcctric Sign. It is .soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is n solicitor that never
becomes weary never stops work costs little.
Call Telephones: Alain 6688, A 1675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
lj Wc arc going to close out our complete Hue of jjt
"Reed's" triple coated enamel ware nt reduced prices. J
St. Johns, Oregon.
Capital 25,000.00
Surplus 533-85
Interest paid on savings deposits.
8 $
At 955 North Kellogg Street
Everything fresh and new. Come aud get prices.
For neat work, good material and reasonable prices Tho
Review job printing department cannot be beaten.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by Peninsula
t itle, Abstract and Realty Co., II.
Henderson, manager. Accurate
work, Reasonable fees. Cement
IJlock building, Jersey street.
Last Sabbath ut tho Congrogatlonnl
church we heard a No. l Oospol sor
mou trom llorthcr Nelson. It wua one
that should und did touch every ono
present, At tho close ho read a
beautiful poum on the necessity of
gathering sheaves whllo It wan day
as "tho night comcth wherein no
man can work", It also upoko of tho
danger of upending tho day In dream
ing when tho hoarvost was white for
reaping, lu not thut good ndvlco for
St. Johns? M. E. 1.
Note tha labal on your paper,
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
watch your business