St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 08, 1909, Image 2

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rnbllnhtit Rrery Trldny
At li; Wert lluttlngtott Street, 81. John.
TitK Rhvikw Is entered nt pot office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns mnll innttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Adrertlilng rntei, $1.00 per Inch per month.
Job Printing eirented In flrat-r1M ille.
Dill for Job I'rlntlm rwih on dtllTcrr.
All communication ihnnld be mldreaned to
Tfte Betiew, m. John., Oregon.
Subscription prlco $1.00 por year.
A. W. MARKLli, IJilltor
W. H. HVHRMil',, Associate
With this Ib8uo TJio Hovlow comes
to Its rendcra undur different man
ugcnioiit. Mr. D. N. Hyerlee, who mm
hoon associated with tlio paper
tho past yoar nnd a half, Iihh
potted of IiIh IntoroHt In tlio popor
nnd rotlrod from thu firm. W. K.
ltyurlco hos secured ids InturuHt, and
tlio firm iiiuiio will conlimiu to bo aH
horotoforo, .Mnrlilo & Hyorloo, Mr.
Marklo will net In tltu eapaelt of
lloost for St, JolitiR, first, Inst nnd
till tho time.
Congress liao appropriated half a
niilllon tlollnrs for tho relief of tho
Italy sufferers, A commondablo net.
With tlio closing of tho pant yonr
tho old mnld's liiHt oPiiortunlty hns
Bono glimmering for anotlior four
Tim roport that four persons had
died of hydrophobia from eating
franker furtcr last week In Chicago
Is Incorrect.
Iot us all get togother and not
lot fractional strife stand In tlio wny
of municipal development. Harmony
nnd public spirit do wonders.
Swoarlng orf day inndo business
rniiior slack for tho tobacco mor-
for chnnts for a couplo of unys, but
dls t ratio Is now looming un again with
lonowed vigor.
You have mora to do with making
It n happy nnd prosperous New Year
than anybody olso. Lot your first ro-
hoIvu bo that during I'JO'J you will add
editor and Air. Hyorloo as associate, at least ono now citizen to tho pop-
It shall over bo tlio aim of tho illation of Ht. Johns.
present publishers to issue n news
paper In the broadest hoiiso of tho
word. Wo want to make It bettor
and brighter with oncii succeeding
Issue, and a welcome weekly visitor
to every homo on tho lower Penin
sula. An earnest endeavor will constant
ly bo niailo to show tip t..u natural
tcHOtirccs and general advantages of
Ht. Johns. No effort wilt bu spared
lu boosting and furthering tho Inter
ils of this, tho fillet;' anil best llitu
city on tho face or tho globe.
Tho Hovlow wilt take no part what
ever lu fractional slilfo. It heliovos
that such matters should not bo
threshed out through tho columns of
tho homo paper. Tho less thu travel
ing public knows about tho dirforoiit
factions warring against each olliei
In a municipality tho better It will bu
for that city. Therefore, Instead of
taking shies In any question that
may couio up upon which tho city Is
('Ivltieil, wo will give both parties a
chiuifo to ulr their views In tho Ilo
view and lot tlio people decldo for
themselves, Hut no mud slinging
nor malicious articles will bo toler
ated, Tho mission of tho Hovlow will
uv.i- t'i to promoto harmony and
good fellowship among our citizens,
If n gootl word cannot bo spoken of
nu Indlvldtiaal none will bo said,
J.lfo Is short at most, and tho time
cannot bu spared for petty bicker
lugs ami constant strllo. Ho much
more gootl can bu accomplished with
all our cllUens working shoulder to
shoulder In a harmonious manner,
mill how pleasant It Is for n stranger
to rind every 0110 speaking well or
tho city and ono another, It makes
him feel that ho would Hko to llio
lu such 11 locality.
While It Is easy to promlso much
and perform little, an undeinor will
always bo made to assist any outer
pilso lending to tho iiou'lopmeni
Tho Orogonlnn's statement that tho
population of Portland s In the
neighborhood of 100,000 has aroused
tho Ire of a number of prominent
business men In that city. This es
timates certainly Is too conservative.
Now Is tlio time when every citi
zen lu this city should put his shoul
der to the wheel and push nnd boost
for St. Johns. Hvery Indication
points to a most prosperous year and
a little boosting will do wonders to
ward helping tho good thing along.
Tho New Year's ovo rovcls In
Portland wore certainly something
strenuous, If tho reports published In
tho dallies wcro correct, A snap
shot of somo of tho antics would Hko
ly havo mado somo of tho participants
shudder wero thoy to sco It next
A llttlo hent in tlio street cars
would bo moro than wclcomo theso
days, it Is not very pleasant to Bit
In ono of thoso refrigerator cars nnd
shiver all tho way to Portland. The
powers that bo should bo jogged up 0
llttlo by thu Commercial club or some
other body or representative citizens.
Note the label on your paper.
You get full weight nnd first
quality nt the Central market. Just
try it awhile,
Honnvlllo's Monthly for snlo
this offlco.
A now jail nnd court house Is now
agitating tho property holders In
Portland. There seems to bo no
doubt but that both aro badly needed
lu a criminal way l'ortlnnd cer
tainly keeps up with tho procession.
A business mon's through car to
Portland once or twlco dally would
bo a great convenience, and It can
110 doubt ho had It our business men
would stand together on thu proposi
tion and request It as a body . Why
not tackle u?
' Always speak n go"od word ror your
city . ir you do not like It or tlio
Peonlo In It. It would bu bettor to
Meek a moro congonlnl location year. Hach and ovory newcomer will
Have your property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They are the
best. S. L. Dobic, agent.
TOn SALE lot G0x200, eight room
hotiBo and .barn. 1'rlco $2500 halt
can balanco tltno 7 por cotit. Call
nt this offlco. 4tf-o
K'i'XiOO corner, St. Johns Heights
S"d0 ir takon at onco. This Is a No
1 Investment. McKlnnoy, St. jonns
If you want to buy.ront, soli or
oxchango property soo Wolcott, (Tho
Hent Man.) 401 South Jersey. Sldo
DKY COItt) WOOD and good coal
at Wolmor's transfer and Storage,
1UQ Enst Burlington. Oct in your
amount Is limited.
"Tho Alaska
Irascible Von Bulow,
During Hans von Hulow's lender
hip of the orchestra at Itnnovcr a
tenor of fame was engnged to play n
star role In "Lohengrin," and whlln
the singer was rehearsing his part Hu
low was forced to go over tho same
bars a number of Mines without the
now actor beginning to slug. Tired of
his wnslcd efforts, the lender stopped
the orchestra and angrily turned to
tho singer.
"I know that a tenor Is proverbially
stupid," be said, "but you seem to
make an extensive use of this unwrit
ten law."
At another time, while one of his
grand Intermezzos was being played
with great feeling by tils musicians, a
peculiar noise, hardly perceptible by
untrained ears, annoyed the leader for
some little time. At first ho thought
it resembled the flutter of wings, but
soon he discovered nn elegant Indy
fanning herself In ono of the boxes
closo by. Itulow kept on with his ges
tures, fixing his eyes on the offender
In n mnnncr which meant reproof. The
Indy, not heeding this, was suddenly
surprised by the lender dropping his
stick nnd turning toward her.
"Madam," ho cried, "If fan you mint,
plenso nt least keep time with your In
fernnl nuisance!"
I St. Johns Land Co. I
3J The Largest and Oldest Re'al Estate Firm
in St. Johns. X
East St. Johns
The center of the great development now taking
place on the Peninsula.
We have only a few business lots left on Columbia
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at
present prices.
Some fine residence lots still on sale.
Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O. R. &
N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms.
Holbrook's Addition
Patronizing homo Institutions ns
often as possiblo Is 0110 of tho ways
to help your city, it scarcely ovor order quickly
pays to bo lured by tho special sales
nuvertisea so often in tlio hig tiauicB. Loavo Telegram
While- ono or two articles may bo ro- Tour'' coupon votes for Mrs. Valon
tluced for tho tlmo being, tho deflc t)0 nt tno ioat office, Hovlow offlco
luncy Is always mntio up on nny otner 1 or wlth your carrlor.
articio you may ptircnnso. Help your
homo morchnnl and ho will help you.
Thu Portland Commercial club has
Introduced u novel feature that should
bo adopted by overy community In
Oregon, It Is tho appointment of a
Newcomers' Special Committee, nnd
that committee held Its first meeting
last Kuturday mid outlined n plan to
be carried on throughout tho entire
hotter ror you nnd butter ror tlio
city. A pleasant word nnd n cheer
rul sinllo maku llfo pleasant ror nil,
Jim lllll Is Inaugurating publicity
campaign wherein ho Is booming thu
ivnllahlo points along thu North
Hank road. This should provo a
great factor lu building up tho good
sections through which this lino
traverses, Mr. Hill nns a great oyo
for tho future of his now nnd expen.
hIvu lino.
Tlio verdict of murder lu tho first
tlegreo rendered by tho jury lu tho
Finch murder trial nt Portland last
week apparently met with popular
favor. TJio murder was a particular,
ly atrocious ono and thero seems to
hu llttlo doubt hut that I'lncli will
got what hu deserves when tho son
touco Is executed.
! '
According to a recent Supremo
Court decision John D- Rockefeller
will bo enabled to keep his twenty
ultio millions of oily dollars. No In
telligent man really bulloved any
other conclusion would bo arrived nt.
bo given tho 'glad hand" as a ro-
suit. Thu local Commercial body
might do well to appoint such a com
mittee. Now arrivals cannot help
reel chuorcd nnd encouraged when th
hand of wclcomo Is extended to
Thoso beautiful roses.
Thu children enjoy It.
Tho schools took n vacation.
Tough on tho street car service.
Tho webfools aro nearly "killed".
It certainly mndo a harvest ror tho
Hnow shovels do not seem to bo I
Oh, ror a warm, gentle chluook
What Hlinll wo tell our friends In
tho KiistT
Will wo ovor regain our roputa
tlou for truth and voracity?
Most people nro willing to lot the
party who placed It on tho sidewalks
take It uway.
Parents should not overlook tho
tact that Frank Clark Is prepared to
furnish alt hinds of school books at
very roasonnblo prices. If your chil
dren need nny now ones, glvu him n
Two corner lots South St. Johns
WW oach If tnkon within fow dnysv
Don't fall to soo those If on the buy.
Mcklnnoy, St. Johns Heights.
Ail our meats arc government
inspected and the best that money
cuu buy. They arc neatly and
carefully handled. Come in and
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
All kinds of laundry work done
promptly. Hough dry washing C
cents por pound. Calls mndo for
laundry at nny plnco. Hlng us up
Phono Jorsoy 331. St. Johns Lnuu
di. Churchill Hros.,proprlotors.
and advancement or Ht. Johns. Johnny him thu nation by tho throat,
Viuwed from almost any standpoint
fit. Johns hmi no superiors, with u
llttlo push and public spirit back d
It nothing yet discovered can equal
No iiuwspnpcr can hupo to long
survive unless It baa tho coopera
tion and hearty support of tho people
Thoreroru any support given tho pa.
poi will bt vtiry woliomo. Very
few newspapers nro afflicted with
too much Hows, nnd lu order to g't
cut tho best paper possible till tho
nows that can bo gotten will bo
While tho first fow Ihsiioh may not
bo us good as you think (hoy should
ho, with a llttlo moro oxpeilenco and
11 bolter acquaintance with our citi
zens it butter result will , no doubt
bo obtained.
Thanking nil old patrons for tholi
support lu tho past, and solicit lug IH
much uuw business as possible, Tho
Hevluw wishes a prosperous and
happy Now Your to all.
What lies ahead no human mind
can kuowj
Tomorrow may bring happiness or
Wo cannot carry charts,
riavo tho hope that's In our
As along thu unknown trail wo
blindly go.
Tho appalling disaster caused by
tho earthquake mid tidal wuvo in
Sicily Is moro awful 11s tho details
or tho scones connected with It aro
Up to tho first or tho your there
was u deficiency in tho annual ruin
rail or about bovon Inches for thin
section of tlio country. Now If tho
rain man will make this up after
dark thero will bo llttlo objection
and there sooms to
breaking his grasp.
bo no way of I
Hilly Sunday, formerly baso ball
player, but now turned Uvnngollst,
has been holding forth lu Spokane
with enough singers ami musical in
struments to run an opera. Thoy
will havo to go somo to keep up with
Hilly, however. Ilo can mako ns
much uolsu as thoy can and do it
with a good grace and 11 clear con-sclenctt.
Tho Orcgonlau did Itself proud In
Its Now Year number. Tho paper
fairly teemed with good things con
cern v tho Northwest, with Portland
as U10 keynote. Tlio Illua'.riUn.r
were fine ami tho dlscriptivo mutter
Kl'iwlng, Tlio publication was highly
appreciated by thoso who had friends
lu tho KhhI, us It told mom about
this suction than hundreds of letters
cou'd havo done. May each Now Year
Ud iiloi of tlio Oregoulun bo greater
than Its pici'.ccet.sor,
Klnco Johnson has won - u heavy
weight championship it number l
papers throughout uiu country aro
bemoaning mo fact that a colon
niiiu now boms tho bolt, Jciirios,
tho only available man ror tho Job,
has drawn tho color lino close and
will not tight tlio chocolate race to
regain tho trophy, A man who waind
so far degrade Himself ns to ougago
i u prize fight shuuld t-nvo no
reason for drawing tho color line,
according to tho way a good many
looplo think.
The rtovlow has severed Its con
nections with the mAoazlne. edition
which Is being gotten up to boost the
lower poninouia. This course was
decided upon for the reaton that the
new management will be unable to
devote the time necessary to make
this magazine the success It de
serves. Mr. Merrltt will, therefore,
continue tno work on mi own re
sponilblllty, and we trust he will sue
ceed in making It a grand success.
We thank the business men for their
support while The Review was Identi
fled with the enterprise.
I havo several homos that can bo
(old on tho onsy payment plan. Mc
K'nnoy, St. Johns Heights.
I havo a -iU-acro farm with nouso,
bam, good well, IS acres clonrod -I
uitcs orchard, prlco f.'&UO, Will
Initio for St. Johns property. McKln
noy, St. Johns Heights,
Two ncrcs Insldo city limits of
Yamhill, Yamhill county, Oregon.
Will soil or oxchango for St. Johns
proporty. D. O, Tullman, Jobcs Mill.
We wish to secure a good corres
pondent and solicitor In every sec
tion or the Peninsula. Will not the
different push clubs take this matter
up and see that their own particular
locality Is covered each week with
one or more correspondents. If two
correspondents from the same local
ity sends the same Item we will cut
out the duplicated notes. This means
much to the Peninsula and we hope
our friends will take hold of the
matter and give us all tr.e news on
the entire Peninsula.
An Exception to the Rule.
"It Is an Invariable fact," snld the
professor nt the club, "that tho sense
of sight travels more rapidly thnn the
sense of sound. You will observe, sir,
that when n bit of ordnance Is 11 red
from n fortress or n tnnti-of-war you
seo the puff of smoke that comes coin
cident))' with tho explosion several
moments before you hear the report
thereof. Thus It Is always"
"Not always." said little Todgers
from the comer. "I know of n case
where hearing nntedntcs seeing by
rontly considerable lapses of tlmo."
"I know of no such thing In tho
whole broad rnngo of science." retort
ed tho professor pompously. "Perhaps
you can enlighten us, sir."
"Well," said Todgers. "It's tho case
or an ICngllshman and n joke. In nt-
most every case tho Englishman hears
n Joko about n week before ho sees It,
Hut the professor had gone, nnd they
say that nowadays when ho sres Tod
gers he shies off Hko n frisky horse In
the presence of n motor car. Harpers
Waterproofing Matches.
Pcrhnps somo of your readers would
he Interested to know that I havo
found n simple. Inexpensive way to
waterproof matches. Into some melted
parnltlu. care being taken that It was
ns cool ns possible, I dipped n fow or
dinary parlor matches. After with
drawing them nnd nllnwlng the 111 to
cool It was found that they scratched
nlmost ns, easily ns before being con ted
with the wax. Several wcro bold un
der water for six or seven hours, nnd
nil of them lighted ns easily as be
fore Immersion. When the match I
scratched the parnfiln Is first rubbed off
nnd the match lights In the usunl wny.
Matches treated ns above would bo
rery useful on camping or canoeing
trips, ns they do not nbsorb moisture.
Since moro nibbing Is required to light
tliem than the ordinary match, It
would bo practically Impossible to set
thorn on tiro by accidental dropplng.
Sclcntlflc American.
I St. Johns Pi'onc Jersey 93i Oregon I
of the
We have some choice lots in the vicinity
new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy
Call at our office for prices and terms for either of
these desirable tracts.
Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your
Koods at tlie most reasonable of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and
Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks and .shipping receipts
over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car
lond lots. Kxperienccd and courteous employes,
l'hone Main 35S, Portland office.
Phone Main A 335S.
First nnd Plunders Streets.
Tom, Dick and Harry.
"Somo folks havo a hard time to And
odd enough names for their children,"
snld n man lu nn uptown club tho
other evenlug. "They will search
through nil kinds or books on the sub
ject, consult nil their friends and rein
Uves and finally burden the youngster
with somothlng never heard of beroro.
"I know one mnn. however-he Is a
banker nnd lives on West Und nvcnuo
who, while he did not spend much
tlmo In search of names, adopted a
scliemo which Is very novel. It took
five years to carry out the scheme,
now complete. Tho first boy ho named
Tom. tho second Dick and tho third
Harry. This particular trio Is nbout ns
much talked about In tho neighbor
hood as the noted Tom, Dick and Har
ry of whom nearly every one has
heard." New York Times.
c. w.
Phone Woodinwn 818. Agent at St. Johns.
Office 105 K. Uurlington .street.
Something Good ORDINANCE NO. 208
To Eat
An Ordinance Fixing the Rate
Per Cent of the Tax Levy
of the City of St. Johns J
In Valnl
"In vnlu, In vnlnr' cried the young
mnu distractedly. His hair fell In long
wisps about bis brows, and hU coun
tenance was deathly white.
The crowd pressed closo.
"In vnln. In rain!" he cried ngalu,
with wringing of bands and gnashing
of teeth.
"WbntT" cried the crowd. "What Is
In valnl"
"The letter vl'" cried the youug
man as no escaped.
Dreamland Rink
Roller Skating Dally Except Sunday
Hours 2130 to 5 and 7!30 to 10 P. M.
This Rink caters to the better element only,
C. M. THOMAS, Manager
In the way of choicest meats and
fish can always he found at BIT
GOOD & COUi'S Meat Market.
No stnle or tainted meats are ever
permitted to enter their market and
Tho city of St, Johns does ordain
as follows;
Tlmt the rate per cent of the tax levy,
for the City of St. Johns, Oregon, is
hereby fixed at 1'ive and Hight-tenths
Mllt&ntl III, ,1rllar nf 111 atic.l valuta-
public can ever rely on their tlou of the property of the said City of
ai.jouua, urcgon, as certined oy tue
cuuuiy cicrt ot tue county 01 aiuitno
meats, poultry and fish being abso
littMi frcli ntul fiifl-t WHitl tin
mtnlitv is uiiarantectl the nrices "" te of Orecou, and the recorder
Hiiniiij ib K,uarainecu, uie prices U hereby retpiired to at once notify the
are right. It cannot be expected county clerk, of said county and state,
A bill which will bo pro6ontod to
tho loglsluturo at Its coming sosblon,
calculated to hasten tho IiIiiIh or cu
ll nnd criminal cases In court, has
been prepared bj Clrcnlt Judge I 'in
15. Cloland. Tho moasuro provides
that lu all criminal casus except
whero tho defoudant Is on trial ror
treason or murder 1 tlio first do
groo, tlvo-slxths of tho Jury may re
turn it vodlct. It reduces tho num
ber of tho jury to six In all minor
crlmlnul cases and allows tho court
to try a criminal caso when tho de
fendant consents. Two-thlrds of a
Jury may docldo lu nil civil ulu and
lu thoso civil suits involved not
moro than f 2000 tho enso shall bo
tried by tho court.
Andrew Carnegie, after making
millions and millions uf dollars out
'if tho Bteol Industry nnd now rotlrod
from actlvo business, Is very kind to
testify before tho tariff commission
that tho tariff Is and long has boon
loo oU'osslvo on steel, Wo holloyo
ovory ono familiar with tho steel sit
uation will heartily agivo with him,
but tho public lu general would hayo
appreciated Andy's confession moro
had ho made It beforo ho rotlrod
from business. It Is apparent that
slnco ho has made hit; pile out or the
business ho Is unwilling that others
should climb tho samo ladder ho as
cended. How uuseltlsh this wily
Scotchman really is Is proven by
his strenuous opposition to tho pro
posed Income tux,
that their prices are quite ns low ns l the ubovc levy,
old, diseased and tainted meats can lwtA b? the Council, Dec. 9l 190S.
sometimes he tuirelmse,! for in Pnrt. Approved by the Mayor. Dec. 39, ,1908.
laud, yet for the quality of the
Dignity of the English Walter.
The English hotel waiter belongs to
a raco which Is slowly but surely be
coming extinct and carries about him
the melancholy aura of tho doomed,
Every head waiter at n llrltlsh tun has
In hliu at least the making of a duke's
butler. No glimpse of avarice mars
the perfection of his monumental man
ner, nnd If at the last he condescends
to accept your rail It Is with something
of tho ulr of a discrowned king. Lon
don Sketch.
Frets, Rilleblt , Pure
Krrrr fl.rden.r and
ancrlor merits of Our
Northern (JrownSttili,
pkcUl rrcn
vi win tend poitiuili! our
I t. M P.; T.a.u . ... to.
I t, r.l.MH KUk . , . .10.
I .l, .IHiri.f ftUr ... to.
I ! trl cr-k44 f W. 1 . .It.
I r.lUrUaM.ri.lUll.M ... 10.
ik U 1uUlk4CklM Ik.4. , , It,
tl 0l
Writ. kd.rl Safl4 It cnU t. i.v iwui. .!
pMkiaf at m.4f. tb.U. -T.aMM. rvllMlwA," I.
tk.r with ef N.w ..4 ln,lrerti.. fl.rd.a JaMc
tils.A fluittur.n.1 sr,&u t ir,
ITM Kom St. KockforU.llllnuU
meats they handle their prices can
not be beaten anywhere, If you
are not a patron of their market,
give them a trial order and you
will soon become one.
II. W.
A. M. E3SON.
Published In the St. Johus Review Jan.
8, 1909.
Where Women Are Wanted.
What strikes you about Auckland Is
the dearth of women. It Is said to bo
tho same all over New Zealand. There
are far more men than women, and
lots of men havo to go without wires.
New Zealand Herald.
Notice to Creditors
Strut Assessment Dm
In the County Court of the State of
urcgon, tor aitmuomuit County,
In the matter of the Hstate of Kllta-
belli J. WArd. Deceased.
The undersigned having been appoint- Notice is herein- clven that the Im.
ed by the County Court of the State of tmwement of Hayes street, front the
OrcL'ou. for Multnomah Countv. ailmln
istrutur of the estate of lUiiabeth j.
Ward, deccused, notice Is hereby given
to the creditors of, and all pero'us hav
ing claims, against said deceased, to pre
South line of Catiln street to Maple
Not 8ngulne,
Majestic Terson Do yon know, my
lad. that erery llrltlsh boy has a
chance of becoming prime minister of
England? Youngster (thoughtfully)
Well, I'll Mil my chance for a shulUw.
-Tit -Bits,
Winnintr Coupon No. nit not havlne
been presented, a second drawing will
School District Bond Election
Notice is hereby gjven that at a school '
meeting of school district No, 3, of Mult
nomah county, Oregon, to be held at the
central scnooi uouse, in wui district, on
the sSth day of January, 1909, there will
be submitted to the legal voters of said
district, the question of contracting a
uonueil tleot ot i'lity xnousand dollars,
(5o,ooo) lor tlie purposes as tollows:
1st. forty tuousauu tiouars, 1 40,000)
for erecting a high school building upon
block No. 39, James John Addition,
(sometimes known as James John's first
Addition to tlie town 01 bt. Johns),
3iid, Ten Thousand dollars (fio.oco)
for erecting a grade school building upon
a block of land recently purchased by
the district, and known as Block "B,"
In an Addition to, be dedicated by The
1905 Real I-'state Company to the city of
St. Johns.
liacli of tue above questions will be
scut them, duly verified, as by law re- district. Owners' failure to receive notice
(us offlco.
Monthly for salo at
Note the label on your paper.
tpiimi, wuiiiii six mounts iroui me Han
oi the first publication of this notice, to
the said administrator at the office of
Collier & Collier, Attorneys for adminis
trator, Holbrook Illdg,, St. Johns, Ore,
Gilbert Ward
Administrator of the estate of
Hliiabcth J. Ward, Decease.',
Date of first publication Jan. 8, 1909,
the owners of property In the assessment
cannot alter the time of payment
All property not bonded by January
to, 1969, or paid in full by February 10,
1909. is subject to sale at the option of
tue warrant uoider,
A, M, Rsson,
Published hi the St. Johns Review Jan
uary 8, 1909.
Subscribe for the Telegram
best eveuiug paper on the coast.
See Ed Stocktou.
NoU th label on your paper.
be opened
at 3 o'clock p. in,, and remain open until
5 o'ciocu p. in.
By order of the Board of Directors of
school district No. 3 of Multnomah coun
ty, Oregon.
Dated the 6th day of January, A, D.,
Sigued, J. E.TANCH,
Published in the St Johns Review Jan
uary 8, 15 and 33. 1909.
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