St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 08, 1909, Image 1

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To iiiburrltw (or THIS Piper.
All Ik ntwi whBt It It nwt It
oar motlo. Call In and tnroll
01 aitterlUIng In THIS Paper
and you'll never regret It. Uc
gln at one and keep right t It
Devoted to the Interests ol the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
Historical Society
VOL. 5
The Swift Packing Plant
ill Be Big Aid
That tho Swift pocking plnnt will
ovontually bo of Incnlculnblo vnluo to
St. Johns must bo patent to every
ono who has Investigated tho matter
In its different phases. A mnmmoth
plant llko this nttractH tno attention
of pcoplo throughout tho -.tot
States, nnd tho Northwest becomes
moro Important In conBciiuenco. Then
tho fact that tho pcnlnsuln lias been
selected as tho silo of theso largo
operations In prcforonco to nny otlior
location in tho entlro I'nciric const
adds an Importnnco nnd prostlga
that could not bo obtained In any
other wny, It opens tho oyes of
other largo capitalists to tho fact
Hint tho lowor t pcnlnsuln Is tho
promler locution In tho entlro north
west for largo Industrial enterprises.
Whero tho packing Institutions lend
many others Immediately follow, hns
been tho history of nny city wiioro
U10 meat men havo located, 'i.ioro
foro. It Is hut natural that St. Johns
will shuro In n largo mcasuro In tlio
advertising this plant's location 011
the peninsula will Is an un
donlnblo fact that homo bulldorn will
not caro to dwell too closely to tho
packing houses and many will
find their wny to St. Johns. Tho
beautiful location, tho rnllway. and
water facilities nnd tho apparent
fut I that 8t Johns Is over destined
to lend nil other points on tho penln
nuln ennnot help but nttrnct many
mouled men as well as others In mod
urate clrcumstnnces to our city, mnk-Iiijj-
It soon expand and dovolopo In a
jmnnor never dronmed of a fow
years ago.
It is expected that by next I-'ni!
theso hugo operations will bo In full
operation. Tho channel has nlroady
betn dredged to tho property to ac
commodate dcop sen going" vossols,
nnd building construction Is now ac
tively In progress. Every building
I'filng erectod hns provisions mndo
for enlargement.
Tho main building which will com
piUo tho packing Iiouko proper and
tho cooling department will bo 220
by 130 feet, half four stories nnd half
six stories In height. It will bo of
heavy mill construction, with hard
brick floors In tho slaughtering nunr.
tors and asphnlt floors In tho cooling
rooms, Tho rondorlng building will
hi, 45x05 root, four storloB high, nnd
will contain olght hugo tanks, wun
hoavy brick partitions separating com
partments containing edlblo from
those containing nonodlbln products.
In addition to thoso structures thoro
will bo a wool pultory 100x75 foot
and two stories hlgn; a gluo factory
of the same dimensions; an engine
and mochunlcal building, with bollors
nd Ico plant, 100x50 feet; an offlco
building 60x00 feet; a box and stnvo
factory, probably 100x75 feet, and a
dressing room building for "employes,
four stories high and containing
luikern and bMhi.
Tho stockyards will bo ono of the
chief features of tho great estab
lishment. They will cover 15 acres
at first and 35 acres additional havo
been set aside for thorn, The stock
yards will bo conducted as an im
mense open market, where owners
from all parts of tho Northwest can
ship their cattle, hogs and sheep to
be sold at current prices not omy 10
the Swifts, but to all meat dealers of
Portland and other Paclflo Qoast
cities. Besides these fills and tno
construction of stockyards, which is
now under way, the foundation for
the main packing house has been
completed and work Is In progress
on the rendering building.
From the outset the plant will em
ploy 500 or 600 men, and tho aver
age dally capacity will bo 500 cattle
1000 hogs, 1000 to 1200 shcop and
from 200 to 300 calves. With such
n demand It Is evident that a great
market will be created, to which
stockmen of the Paclflo Northwest
will have access., It g wtwiout
saying that opportunities open
for many more people to engage iu
the livestock industry, and that prices
will be greatly stimulated.
With an electric lino this
riant and comlnK direct to St. Johns,
as, will eventually occur, the Swift
packing pUnU w- Po or immense
value to this city.
An apparent attempt was made to
unt'ar the Miller tobacco store on
l'hU4eijaa street oh evening last.
week, The door was bruised wnere
an attempt bad been uiado to Insert
some instrument and spring mo ocic,
Mr. Miller found a pick lying near
the back door Ue next morning,
which fc now baa on exhibition as a
Through Wide Street Will
Be Very Attractive
Tho Peninsula Development lengno
nt a meeting held In St. Johns Inst
week took up tno movement for n
through wide street, with hard sur
rnco, running from Kllllngsworth av
enuo to tho 8t. Johns lino. A com
mltteo of flvo was appointed with
Mr. Carter as chairman, to tuako
Initial proceedings, Tho value of such
a highway to ndjacont proporty
would bo groat, nnd In order to
mnko tho cost compnrtlvcly light for
owners of nujnccnt property It In
proposed to tnko in and assess n
considerate district on either aide
of tno proposed wldo Btroot, ns It
Is to bo tin Important street, nnd not
ono In which only n limited number
of peoplo nro Interested. It would
certainly mnko n splendid drlvewny,
nnd should meet wun success nil
along tho line.
New Year's Party
A very enjoyable party was given
at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas
Cochran on North llnyes Street Now
Yonrs night. About twontyflvo young
peoplo gnthorod thoro nnd spent tho
evening In n most pleasing manner.
Social discourse, Raines and music
mndo tho time speed by In n jolly
manner. Tho pnrly adjourned to tin
skating rlnlc shortly before midnight
nnd several hours were spent In
trlpnltur tho light fnntnstlo too." Hlo-
Kant refreshments woro served nt
tho Cochran homo during tho course
of tno ovonlng, a feature that was
well taken caro of by all present.
Tno merry party departed for tholr
respective homes nt nn "early' hour
feeling very grateful to Mr. and Mrs.
Cochran for tho pleasant occasion
- All-Trains Will Stop
Urdora havo been Issued by tho
passenger traffic ofllclols of both
tho Northern Pacific and tho Hpo
knno, Portland & Sonttlo railroads
for nil trnlnn tn StOI) nt St. JOllDB
station at Maegloy Junction, a for
mnl rnimnat linil been ninilo for this
concession, nnd nfter tho mutter had
boon tnkon up by tno propor offic
ials, tho roquost was granted. This
arrangement will prove n great con
vonlonco ot tho pcoplo In this cy.
as thoy will not bo roqulred to go to
I'ortlnmi tn tnko trains nn either of
these linos. While tho order has
only boon In effoct but a fow days,
tho now station Is doing n good
Only Four Clubs
Prnm nresont Indications there will
be only four toama In tho Trt-City
longuo tho coming summer, as fol
lows: Vancouvor, East Portland,
West Portland and St. Jonns. this
will insure good base ball, as It will
b easier to secure good material
than if thero wero six or moro teams
ronresented. Manotor Valentine
claims It would bo much wiser to
have only one Portland team in the
leaguo, and have Astoria substituted
for tho other. This would make a
eoo.1 circuit and paylug base ball at
each place would no doubt result.
Win the Prize
Mrs. O. W. Nelson. wfe of tao
genial Congregational minister, was
the fortunate one In securing tne
flvo dollars given away weekly by
Uonbam & Currier In their novel
clock scheme last Saturday, lor the
two weeks prior to that Mrs, York
waa lucky onough to secure both
prizes. This attraction furnished oy
tlilt. enteroriHlnu businejs firm ifa at.
trading qui to a good deal of Inter
est and many anxious oyes are glued
on the big clock every Saturuay af
ternoon. Keep Money Here
A good Plan for our citizens to
adopt the beginning of the new year
to resolve to do no trading out or
town unless absolutely necessary. Our
home institutlona would flourish and
the city In general would wear a
more prosperous appearance if more
of the money that goes to, Portland
was spont hero.
Oregon Flake Eood Com
pany is Active
Tho Oregon 1'lnko Food compnny
Is gaining In ovory wny. Tho newest
iddltlon to tho compnny Is tho per
son of Mr. v. C. Stancn.icld recent
ly from Washington, whero ho sola
n shliiglo mill. Mr. Stnnchtlcld was
for 26 years employed with ono
elevator firm In tho purchnso nnd
handling of cereals nnd hns n wldo
ncqualntnnco with grain men. llo
takes tho plnso of Mr. Owens In
tho company nnd has been elected
secretary and director of tho com
pany. Tho compnny hns enlarged its
building nnd has Its machinery nice
ly nnd conveniently nrrnnged. Tho
Oregon Flnko Food compnny turns
o'.t tho crlspost nnd bin foods oh
the ti.mkot nnd our pcoplo should try
thorn. I'atronlzo homo Industry and
build up your own country.
Charles A. Hoxls or Orants Pnss Is
tno newest nrrlvnl In St. Johns,
Last wcok he Invested In Bomo stock
In tho Oregon I'lnko Food Compnny
nnd will move hlu family hero nnd
help boost St. Johns. Mr. Iloxlo was
r r il) years connected with tho
Sniflter Trust of Omnhn as cashier
for thi company. Ho then hnd to
nccount for 1,000.000 ounces of sil
ver, 100,000 ounces of gold nnd 1200
tons or tend a moutii for tnoso big
smelters, llo tired or that country
though and enmo west to grow up
with thu country and landed nt
Grants Pnss. Ono season thero when
his early crops wore nil killed by
rrost and the lato ones by drouth con
vincod him that It was no belter
than Neurnskn nnd wuely camo
hero whero neither frost nor drouth
cuts short tho crop of tho husbnnd-
man. Thoro is no plnco In tho world
equal to Noruwost Oregon, people
aro beginning to find i-nt out and
thoro will bo moro settlers como to
this section tho coming year than
thoro hns for many years horotoforo.
Mr. lioxlo Is greatly ploasod with St.
Regret Their Departure
II. Q, Ogdon, our genial nnd ac
commodating real estate man, Is
erecting a handsome rosldenco on
his ranch at Dayton. Ho will remove
with his family thlthor when tho
rosldenco Is complotod. Tho pcoplo
of St. Johns will regret very much
that theso ostlmublo folks Intend
leaving our city. Wo bollovo no
ono over made moro or warmor
honrtod friends In tho name length or
time than havo Mr. and Mrs, Ogdon.
May prosperity and happlnenu vor
cttend thorn in tholr now homo.
Now Looming Up
Hoal estate Is looming up a little
tho past few days. Ono real ostnto
man reports six sales for tho past
week and some of thorn woro good
cnes. With the ndtent of spring
there is but little doubt that St.
Johns will experience one of tho
lurgest booms In its hUtory. Evory
day strangers looking for good Invest
ineitts and homo sites drop off tno
street cars and dlstrlbuto themselves
throughout the city looking for some,
thing suitable.
Good Business
The St. Johns butchors" report a
flourishing holiday business. Tho
habit sorao of our citizens had of
going to Portland to buy their meats
has been pretty well abandoned, It
hitu been found that our meat men
iurulsh bettor meats, glvo hotter ser
vice and their prices coumnre favor
ally with Portland prl;"s when tho
ciuullty of meat Is takon into con-
bideratlon. Quality always wins in
II e end.
Go to California
P. J. Peterson left this week for
California. He was accompanied by
Ids daughter, Miss Maud, who is In
delicate health, and It is hoped that
the change of climate will be highly
beneficial for her. They will stop
for several days with friends at Med
foid and Ashland on their way to
tte land of orange blossoms.
The Occasion Was Pleas
ing For All
A (Inn tiiiio wns enjoyed by tho
Artisans last Monday ovonlng In
Ulckncr'a hall. Tho ocenslou vr.s the
Installation of officers for tho ensu
liirr term. Mrs. Mao U. llullla was
Installing officer nnd tho following
olflcers woro placed!
M. A. Lowls K. Simmons,
Superintendent Mlunlo M. Wnck
Inspoctor E. Huston,
Secrotnry W. It. Hall,
Treasurer K. M. Edmondson,
Senior Conductor Amanda Fowle,
M. C. Wm. Edmondson,
Junior conductor (loo, F. Went,
Musician EUn Edmondson,
Field Commander D. Edmondson,
Field Commnndor Corn J. Ander
After tho Instnllalton coremonles
thero wns nit Intermission for n few
momenta nnd tho Master Artlsnh
called tho assembly to order for the
romnlnder of tho work. At tho "good
of tho order" period, onu of tho
members mndo formal charges
ngnlnst Dr. A. W. Vincent to tho ef
fect Hint ho hnd been guilty of long
nnd continued, flagrant, hard sorvlco
for tho good or thu order In gcnernl
nnd this nssembly In particular nnd
na n filling punishment It was do
creed that ho should wour n benutl
ful llttlt) emblem of the order In the
shapa or n gold unnmvl button, i'r.
Vincent thou gavo tho assembly somi
most helpful hints thnl havo been
ground Into his soul during tho two
years of faithful service ho lias given
tho ussembly In tho capacity of sec
Then Just nt tho closing, when nil
thoughts hud boon diverted from
such things ns mnklng presents, tho
sumo Individual wJio presented the
good doctor with his button, sprung
u surprise upon tho retiring Mnstor
iUtlsnn, W. It. Colo, by presenting
him n porfect duplicate or tho other
button. Mr. Colo blushed llko n
young girl with her first beau, could
hardly find words to oxprosH his
pleasure, nnd solemnly promlsod his
host ondonvors In his now position.
Aftor the closing of tho assembly
was n light luncheon or coffeo, enkes,
sandwiches and pickles nnd an Inter
esting piny of games. Not until after
12 o'clock did tho Jolly bunch of ar
tisans think of going homo. Thero
nro no moro konlal or dollghtrul com
panions (or nn ovonliiR than those
who gather In Artisan hall, nnd thoso
who do not como ennnot Imagine
whnt thoy miss. Tho dnto o( moot-
Ing Is clmngod (rom Monday to Tuus
dny night and ovory nrtlsnn Is ur
gently requested to bo present nt tho
next meeting In particular.
Elect Officers
laurel lidco No. 180, I. O. O. F-,
had n full turn out at tholr mooting
Monday ovonlng. Installation was In
order nnd tho following offlcora wero
duly installod;
Noblo Ornnd Wesley Ovorstrooi,
Vice Grand P. Hill,
Secretary E. II. Holcomb,
Treasurer W. Scott Kellogg,
Warden Ed Goodmnuson,
Conductor N, J. Ilalloy,
It. S. N. G. II. 8. Hewitt,
U, 8. N. O. A. Scales,
Outside Guard Geo. Goodmanson,
Insldo Guard G. A. Shaw,
It. 8, V. G. 0. Ward,
h. 8. V. G. E. W. Itoblson,
H..8. 8. Mr. Morton,
1. 8. S. Hudolph Wondel.
Hurry Circle wns tho Installing
offlcler, and oyorythlng moved along
llko clock work. Tno meeting was
greatly enjoyed.
Fooled Her Husband
A woman living noar The Dalles
played a rather shabby trick on her
husband tho day before Christmas,
She was seriously ill and was not
expected to survive many hours, and
hor husband, who waa compelled to
make a trip to Tho Dalles that day,
decided to purchase tho casket and
got tho materials (or a shroud for
her body rather than make another
trip over tho miserable roads. Ho
was greatly surprised (tho report
does not state wnether agreeably or
not) when bo arrived, homo to find
his wlfo much Unproved, and now
she is a well woman.
President Josselyn or tho Portland
Hallway, Light & Power company,
claims that it costs the company up
proximately 300 per night for light
ing tho city o( Portland. Hanlshlng
darkness Is an expensive proposition
in a largo city,
Business Transacted in a
Careful Manner
Council met In regular session ns
usunl Tuesday night, but owing to the
Inclunient wcnthcV tho members wero
a Itltlo lato In Retting the meeting
started. Tile business bcroro tho
house wns mostly of nu unimportant
nature, and tho session wns ono or
tho shortest for somo time.
Hull call showed all members pres
ent with tho exception or Council
men Davis and Wludle, tho former
arriving a tow minutes inter. Min
utes or previous rcgulnr and ndjourii
od meeting wero rend nnd duly im
proved. Petition for n couplo of nro llghlB
wns rend and on motion of Aldormnn
Doblo wiib accepted and placed on
A communication from Hon, K.
C. Couch wns then rend. Mr. Couch
iiBkcd that tho city attorney bo In
structed to frame n bill to bo pre
sented nt tho next Legislature cover
ing tho (reo ferry proposition. On
motion or Mr. Doblo this wns unuii-
ImoiiHly done.
llllls to tho amount or 23l.ufi
wero allowed on motion or Aldurmuti
Hock work 011 Salem nnd Crawford
btreots, approved by tho street com
mittee and city engineer, woro ac
cepted by tho council.
Tho question or ncceptlng . n chock
rir f'J&O received from tho St. Johns
(Ins Light & Hunt Co, afforded some
discussion, Tho council was oven
1 divided on tho proposition nnd It
required thu deciding vote of Mayor
llrlco before It wns nccoptod. Conn-
cllmon Johnson, Miller nnd Doblo
voted ngnlnst ncceptlng tho check.
and Davis, llouhnm and Hunter In
favor of It.
On motion of Mr. Donhnm tho Gas
compnny wns requested to furnish a
ensh bond tn tho sum of 2M)0 within
thirty dnys, to bo forfeited If u
plant wnH not put In operation within
four mouths from tho dnto or the
filing of tho bond.
J. II. Wolmur wns prosont nnd r-
quested that something bu done to
Improve tho mlsorablo condition of
East llurllngtou street, between Jer
sey and Kellogg. Tho coiincllmeii
were nil familiar with tho condition
of this part of tho street, and thu
mutter wns referred to tho street
commltteo with authority to make tho
uocossnry temporary repairs. This
street hns boon rather n hoodoo for
tho council, as bldB havo boon udver
Used for n couplo of times to Im
prove It with crushed rock, but no'
hldb camo within tho engineer's esti
mate. llalanco shoot or tho treasurer
showed n ratlior doplotod condition
or tho treasury us regards tho gener
al fund.
Tho recordor announced tho fact
that tho Homo Telephone Co. had
turned In nnothor $200, which was
quite acceptable.
Appreciated Abroad
Tho Portland Commercial club sent
a quantity of Oregon grape, gathored
by tho Women's club of that city, to
a IJrooklyn church for christmaB
decoration, tho pastor on a visit horo
sovoral months ago expressing a do
slro for boiuo of tho grapo for tnat
purpose. A portion of tho letter re
celved In thanking tho club for their
kindness reads; "I think wo havo
never had a moro beautiful Christmni
display. Tho glorious follago In its
wonderful greens mndo a bonutirul
sight. Wo congratulate you that you
can llvo among suchglorious beauty
In tho groat west." It surely Is diffi
cult to find moro beautiful follago
than tho Oregon grapo anywhere, but
It growB In such proruslon in this
part or tho state that it is not gener
ally really appreciated.
Let Us Know
iryou know or any nows Hem It
would bo much appreciated by us ir
you would turn it Into our office, if
a visitor from a distance is n guest
at your homo, It Is only a matter or
courtesy that you should mako tho
ract known to tho newspaper man.
your guest would appreciate It and
tho public genorally Is IntorcBtod In
knowing whom tho strangers within
our gates are, Don't let a falso
jwnso of modesty keep you (rom do
lug this.
Not th label on your paper.
Seeking a Suitable Loca
tion in St. Johns
D. II. Woynnt, president ot tho
Union Pulut Company, with head
quarters In Portland, wns In St.
JomiH tho first ot the woolc looking
up n suitnblo location of 11 lurgo
pnlut mnnurncturlng cstnblishmcht
This compnny Is now inuuurnclurlng
pnlut In Salem, but tills location ap
peals moro strongly to thorn nnd
they nro desirous of rumovlnu; their
plnnt heru It n suitnblo situ can bo
secured, Mr. i,oynnt snys tho fac
tory they wish to bring horo will em
ploy twenty hands or moro with n
monthly pay roll of f 2,000, nnd tnu
plant will represent nn Investment ot
tso.OvJ. Tho paints thoy mnnurnc
irj aro mineral paints nnd especial
ly adapted for Insldo i.utshlhg work.
The railway facilities to bo found
hero nro strong factors for almont
nny Industry, nnd enn not help but
nttrnct many others In thu very nenr
ruturo. Tins paint factory would bo
a most welcome addition to St. Johns
list or labor employing. Industries,
nnd tho company ennnot surely go
wrong by locntlng horo. It Is to bo
hoped that tho now enterprise will do.
cldu to Join forces with our city.
A Pretty Wedding
A very pretty wedding took pined
at the Evangellcnl church Thursday
evening, Deo. Ill, nt 7:30 o'clock
when Miss Anna K. Foster, duughtur
of Mr. nnu Mrs. William Foster ot
this city, wns led to tho altar by
ChUH. W. Hoot, or California. Hov.
C. P. Gates tied thu knot which made
them man nnd wire In his usunl good
Tho church wns tastefully decorat
ed In Oregon grapo and evergreen,
tho wedding bell being suspended
from a double arch of cedar, which
formed a cmlnty bower. Tho bridal
party consisted or Verno Hall nnd
(leorgo Foster ns ribbon nearer,
little Miss Edmondson us ring boar-
or, Mr. W. It. Hall us best man nnd
Miss hula Foster, sister or tho brine,
ns bridesmaid. MIsh EUn Edmond
son plnyod the weiiuiiig march in n
very pleasing manner, preceding
which Mrs. (, M. Hull and Mrs. C, P.
Gates rendered u beautiful vocal
duot, untitled, "Oh, Porroct I.vo.''
Tho church wns comfortably seated
with Invited guests. Tho happy
couplo wero tho recipients of u benutl
ful bllver set prosouted by tho mem-
bora of tho K. L. O. E. un friends.
A reception wuh given nt tno homu
of tho hrldo'H parents and Included
only thu Immediate relatives or tho
contracting pnrtlon mid tho offlclnt
Ing clergyman, Thero nil vied In In
iiplrlng thoso young peoplo with
many Now Years hopes and departed
leaving many tokoiiH of their respect
and lovo.
New Organization
A San HouhIo skntlng club has
been orgtinlzod nt tho Dreamland
rink with about fifty members nnd
somo interesting ovunta may bu
looked for when this now orguhlzn
Hon gets to going In good shupo. A
glrl'a buskut ball teum bus been nlso
orgaulzed nt thu rink, nnd this gamo
interesting ut all times, will ho es
pecially so on rollur HkuUu Every
Friday night hua been sot nsldo hy
tho mau'jgoinent for I ha Juniors,
lllbbou nnd ornngo races for tho
girls and barrel, potuto, obstuclo
rucos, etc., for tho boyn will muko
tho occasions Interesting for ull.
Parents and friends of tho young
folks aro espociully luvltou to go to
Dreamland nnd wutch (ho young
sters enjoy themselves,
Deserves Credit
In Iho finance coinmlttoo'H report
on tho matter of tho tax lovy tor tho
coming year, published In last week's
Itevlow, there appearod ono item
that tho city should congratulate It
self upon. It roads; "Architect twu
o(l $35,00 saved, 1 1,700." In probing
Into tho mutter wo Icarn that Coun
cilman A. W. Davis Is responsible
for this saving to tho city on tho
dock construction. Through courtesy
to Mr, Davis for his long and rulth
ful sorvlco with them, tho railroad
company loaned him tho planu with
out any compensation whatever, This
Item ulono much moro than pays the
salaries of tho whole council tor ono
Note the label on your paper.
Commercial Club Getting
Down to Business
Tho St. Johns Commercial dub
took on now life nnd vigor nt their
meeting Wednesday evening In tho
Hclbrook block. The board of dlor
tors ul 11 former meeting hud de
cided that It would bo ndvlsnble to
practically start tho membership
anow, nnd therefore mimes of thu
old members nnd nny arrears In duoH
that may huvu been charged
ntmtust them wero wiped off tho
thu slate, nnd n now dual called for.
As has been generally known tho
club had In somo manner fallen Into
n luthnrglo statu and ns n menus ot
Infusing new llfo Into this Important
adjunct to tho city It wun thought
wiser to have nil who wished to bo
long to thin body enroll over again.
And tho spirit or good fellowship and
unthuslnsm displayed by thoso In at
lendonco Wednesday ovonlng cer
tainly demonstrated tho fact Hint thu
course wns nn net of wisdom. Tho
turnout wns much turgor tlinii iinllcl
patod, owing to tho state of tho
weather, and tho renewed club stnrt
ed off with nu linpelim thai bids fair
to muko It of vnst Importance to tho
city or St. Johns,
Thu board or directors thought It
I'dvlsublu to diminish tho duos for tin
members, nnd therefore thu reus
wero placed nt (.U0 pur annum,
with nu Initiation fee of f-M. tho
first six months dues or tho members
to bo payable In advance In order to
create n little working capital. Tho
commercial club unuiiliuoiisly ratified
this action of tho board, nnd with
ono exception every person signed
tho now membership roll. Ah thu
lorm or tho old officers would soon
terminate, It was decided best to
permit them to finish their term of
Ah holding thu ineetlngH nu Wed
i.oMluy evenings Interfered with other
atlalrs that many of tho members
were particularly Interested wiis
unanimously decided lo iiinliu thu
meeting night Thursdny heroaftur, 11
fact that should bo homo In mind by
Tho proposition of Interesting tho
United Itnllwayti In tho mutter of
constructing a street cur lino from
tho Swirt packing plnnt to tho furry
slip was discussed ut length. Suuro
tary Porklim hud nlroady tukun up
tho Issuu with thu luuuugfliuoiil nnd
thoy now hnvu II iimlur ailvlwuumt.
Such a llnu could not help but proyu
of Immousu vnluo to tho city, nnd It
Is thu earnest hopo or nil that suuh
u lino will bu built with us little do-
lay 11H possible. Acommlltoo or thruo,
consisting or P. II. Edlursuu, (I, J.
Perkins nnd J, A. Collier, wui up.
pointed to nld in tho imtttor.
F. W. Vnlentlne, John N. IWrtfson
and Ed I,. Stockton wero nppolutod
by tho prusident us 11 commltteo to
tuko steps toward having St. Johim
mall on tho now railroad tnlteu off
ut St, Johns station and delivered to
thu postofflco from theuco by ourrlr.
O. O. Muck und G. J. Porklns, by
vote of thu club, wuro olectttl uh del
egates to roprubont tho St. Johns
Commercial club at tho Peninsula
Development loaguo,
O. A. Wood und A. W. Murhlwuru
uppolutud us a coiumltttM to lutr'
view the North Hunk officials In ro
gurd to placing u phoim In tin St.
Johim depot. It would bu qMt a
convoiilonco for our cltlzoiw to bu
ublu to get this station by itkuw IMU
learn If thoro was nny freight or
express thero for thoso xpo!ng
Evory citizen In our oily who has
thu good of tho municipality at hoart
should Join this orguulzntlou. Noth
ing can bo dono without harmony,
und nny factional fuollngu tliut my
havo oxlstud between our imoptB
should bo ullowod to pasa uwny
with tho old yonr, und nil unlto now
In making St. Johns lurgur. btWr
und grnndor than over beforo.
Dues or thu club should bo paid t"
tho treasurer without delay.
Quite a Proposition
In ordor to reach Portland from
St. Johus In better tlmo than can
now bo made, Captain Carl Wolr, m
a letter to ono or tho daily papers,
oKers to Btnrt a lino of fust stoum
t'oatB on tho rlvor, guarunteoliig to
laud passengers to aud from St.
Johns lu 30 minutes. Now If bo
coi-ld luud his pusseugurs at tho city
hall without being compullod to
climb tho hill, nnd do It In tho tlmo
spoclftcd, ho might bo able to do u
Ftroke of business with our peoplo.
Net tho label en your paper.