St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 13, 1908, Image 2

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rnbllnhfd r.iftr Friday
Al 117 Wet Burlington Strt HI Jul""
1W MAHKI.K it llVHttM'.K.
Tint RHVIKW It entered nt xst office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns mail matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
Kress of March 3, 1S79.
AihrrtlnInK rain, tl.00 per Inch per month.
All commiinlctlon ihootd be nblreiieil to
Tho IUtIsw, IU. Johni, Oron.
Job rrlntlns M.rutwl In (Imt etats il.
IIIII. for Job Printing on arnittr.
Official Ncwipapor of lh Oltr of St. Johns.
Subscription prlco $l.GO per yoar.
A. W. Markle, Manager.
D, N Bycrlee, Editor.
I'ltlDAY, NOVKMMHR 13. 98.
'ri, flri AURltn oxhllilt for thu
AlnsUn-Yiilton-I'nculc exposition nr
rlvud from tho North October 2fi. 1 Ik
..vt.ll.ll niiiaLtu of n number Of
curios nml fnrn.
Hawaii will havo a novel oxhllilt
tit. tho Alaaha-Yukon-l'nelflc oxpoal
Inn. tt 1. illinium! In show tlio l&-
lauds lii their relative slzo ami dl
IP' lion from onoh other.
Aim llBiif. I lite Toddy ltoowtvolt
ihwe not like tho third torm, hut
"force of elreinimUineea over which
ho Iihh no control" woiiih to hnvo put
him 1111 tho third time. Hun; Ih hop
Inic Iih limy t what Ih comlti to
him IIiIh II 1110.
Tho Chlennn Rot-lnllut Htiya tlio ho
.-lwlll voto roiiihd (MiO.OOO tin in
iiiu. J '.trflt if ! little moto
th. n f.'t nertrut f'l.M Hlil. Tlio In
inM . 1.1m ii-i itt lb-' inrt.1 lt-
IrlrlH thu inniitifuctiiilnK districts
having fallen off.
Dining tho IiihI fovv diiyM Hint tin
tnloulalM tutea wore effective limit1
tlmii tnlvtt hundred oplo enmo to
OnMini on one-way tliKeta to mnm
thin totn their imtiiihiuhiI IioiiH'. VY
should Im doliiR wmifihliiK to m-curo
Ihww pwiplw for SI. .lohim.
iw,. ,.r Him rlcBt dlmilnvK ol
niiHlna awir inntlt In tin 1'iulMt
NnriliWMl art miiHitloim for onrl
In DovomlMT. Om will fomiiii-iiii' at
I'orllHwl DacoM.ber 1st ml conllnm
r iluwu ,mvm whtli Htmkllhe tslll
tnli tlii .HitiiiT of tin- stane In thl
hhih olmtnctr of nUTlnlnim-nt f
l)tHHinlHr Till to lli.
Oohtendulo, Washington, hna h'vi
ill Ilia roitiroiinltlea of Ho I'mlfh
Point h menrd In raising money foi
HdVMitlnliiM purpoB. by mIIiik -"
fin. iivme mun. WOIIIHII. 11 Hit t'ltllli
within tho oily HliiiiH. or H total ol
fUBtiO.lMi. mid Hi Id ohiiio In lit HioihIi
nt siift 11 inluulo. and St. .Inliiit
should m tbvm ono bHtlor.
The wnr not! of tho flerman em
pile In mixed up In 11 veritable hoi
net's nest over some of his hnsty
utterances. Tho position of "Uannd
pod" which Iho emporor ho often as
sumes is hotomliiB IrkHomo to oven
tho Hteady, Htnlil, slow moving Ger
man and If the Kontloinnii does not
hnvo a caro ho will sot their "Dutch
10 to a point thnl will malto uer-
many a repuldle.
Tim Hwlftrt have decided lo oroct
a rendering plant r.Oxiio ronr stories,
brick with concrete fouiidatlons, to
contain tanhH Hoven feet In dlametor
with a roiiilorhiB eunadiy of 00,000
pouiidH of tallow pur day. Tho foun
dations aro nearly In and will ho
ready for tho superstructure by tho
Ut of Decutnber. Kour other Diuiti
inuH will bi orected as rapidly an
r.miHllile. I'litliliiutoM 11 Is rapidly ns
suniltiK Hit proportlotiB of n young
city and will bo a Mr nildltlon to
tho l'unltiHUln.
It s'jcuiB 'hat one n.llliotinlro Is
ve'.t'iK Id I !'- (URi.oilcniy
Mortw. tho liluh llnaiHier, who np
.i.nlcil nealiist tho dedlioll of tllU
trial Jiidiui In roftiHlnu him ball, he
catiHo ho could easily pay any ball
tho court could iiiiuio and Ko free
Tim court of anneals, Juiles ha
combo, Ward and Cox says JuiIko
HoiiuIi'h Krotinds wero well taken
and refused to rovorBo tho iIccIhIoii
This leaves Morso In Jail where ho
nimbi lo bo until December :i, when
his case comes up on a writ of error
li Ih honed that tho Hcutcnco of
.linluu llotiuh lo in years Imprison
tnont nt hard labor may bo enforced
as there Is no doubt of IiIh unlit.
It ilow not rNpiln h mWt mind In
I h Miuinhlr. h knwKor. Any 0I1
flht(v, Mpuihhlln; or 1 1 biolit'l
IIUI4 the H'lik) l-"l. IU lHlil '
,itti will or Minn and dWdli'Velei'
hair lii m fair tvprvm-nliillw of th
1. 1 11x11 knM'kr'a iw-hihI tuimbll
lilw. tiut It UliOM a man. h
ii.ttu, lo tw rtfat h'Tfnlly. T.
fj ikmit lu h truiuih for piirin,
mih) liti rW hi mmifully and i-hwr
r II) m on In lb. flithl for tin aaim
r u brlbtr ttirpoa. Whbh i ht"
ru you IhT Which ki 'i pr'f'i"'
11 ! mi In all uT ua lo kH-h a allff
iiowrllu ami tmr iwdr dry. Tlur
. urauoaliluiia lKfor ua that will
mad all lkt manllrn wi trf our ua
liiva to tiHt and mwh-i aiM-waafully.
If wo hmh1 lUfiu lu Ihla nay wowlll
voi (Hit MMitnra ovor owry Ulf
fU-Mlty, b If ho whim- aud dinar
mwI ait Ibv Uuok.r-a pail, alw
1 vor) itrotMMutkta tin black aldo lo
imilvta awl uur follow, t will u
ouly watu ouratlva cooi'iiitlbf In
tu alcht of othera hut HI !'
ual IW MMtaa that ia within tht
rb of all ftr ih lakliiK ThtMiuly
IIiIh firr ua to 'hi la to atitml to
KoUter, abouldor 10 ab4iuldt-r lu exery
fiiutritrbw fw tUw dvauiut of th
illj- ami our inral gtMal.
Tlina and lii omi atlcullon Ima
hcn oallwl lo Hm i'.4Uii : Port
land hand bill and ioaU'ra Iwlti
diatrlbtitwl all oor 81. .lohna. It l
no inoro than fair llmt two wwhauu
of I'oitlatid ahonhl bo madv lo la)'
for putlluK tlwlr Hdvwrtlaiw matu-r
in Ml. Johns If thoy tako Iho bmdmn.
uway from our nwrvlmula. our ui-r-chanta
pay taxw to help carry on
tho ooiimut of Iho illy, thoy nav
a parawMul lulorat lu tho s-tfr-
of tho city, thoy hvo their hoiuea
how. thoy Ml In Uulldluji up to
city, (ha luturoata of Iho city
thlr Intoroala; whllo lh morcUanu
of I'ortland ivay not a vont luto our
city trraaury. tlwy ih not put a cent
luto tin Improvoiuout of our Uy.
twry 4o uot euro for tho baUoruwut
of St. Johna. Uhvo uo InloroaU hero
oxirpi to gel oit-ry dollar tt or
Jolnu thty cau.
nam tnm Kt- JoUu. to I'ortlund atay
thoi. wldlo wotiey atwut vuiu in
homo maivhauu la lu turn i'itt w,t'
wiim otuor nircbau la St l)n 1 r
put Into toiui luiprox fn ' i ir 1 i
orty that wilt Uo a Im-itih i- ' 1
XItd olU'. W bolloie it ib ' i
dty ruLuara U wako b n
HoiU upon fOlwlaU adv. n. 1- '
llttw our atreota with t' .1 1
aud lillla. W Uaw in. t:o, . t
huroro, lint for aoino iv..v.n
maltar wna hiouuhl up in u.. 1 I
It was porinlttwl to IU U l "t
it will bo hnndlaU lKr'i .i) u.
noar fuliiro aud tbl uuU-uu''
or tha morvHtiiU of I'mii-n'd
madtf to pay Uiolr rootliiK
Qroun will l tb 'l,b! - '
Ill8tn.ll Its exUIWw at the l k '
kou-l'ncKIc oxiwau.on.
'I'lu, tun 11 III tlio I n 1 1 tmi'pr it villi
jcctitiK iiiiiisuif tu 11 Mtinn of.sp.isins
fi.t(,t Ift illkllft. (Ill, ffll(ffl,l,t N?fl
t ti.iiiililli-ini i-nini-.i'ii t n ! ri-i'i'iitlv
i.lci'li il tu ili'liliiTiilrlv lie. M'llilt Is.
it) k) nacK on tneir picticti worn
iiikI not MiiDimrt the imjodIu'.s choice
for United Stales .senator. The
poor imliccilc emlenvor.s to make
lliem lietievi ttiiit liecntiso 'I'll ft re
ceived 2,', 000 majority in Oregon
.1 . .,. . , I I .. . I... . !...
inni iiii luwiiiu iiiii in 11 uiifiiv wniii
tlu-v unii led when tliev voted for
' . . . .....
liturne Lliailiiiciiaiii. Jvitlier die
ftlilor of that paper is nppioncliiiiK
that .statu of senility when lie. should
Iiiivi- 11 eiiiirdinii iintvninted. or lie
tiriu It, 1.11 iM.i-iiiittlniv .i.tiii ntii veliti
should heeitlier In the asylum or
. . . ... I,, ,.i. ,.f
Hit te 111 irv to meiKiie wit 11 111s
woik. It kocs without .saying that
the Statement No, 1 mini who docs
mil Miinwirt Cliiiinlieilaiii for tile
senate, thus advertising himself ns
11 liar, dishonest, corrupt and not
fit to tcpicscnt the intelligent voters
who elected him, should he ejveii
. 1 i . r .a a.
tne iieneni ui too lecnn. 111 any
event Midi nil net Ion on his part
means nolitical .suicide and he will
Income u marked man, In whom no
one will nave commence. 1 lieie Is
nodeiiith of i;o(xl men in the lepul)-
ncati patty, we ennui name a 1111111
lier uo would rather see in the sell-
,,.! I.ito than Mr. ciiamlierlain; hut the
K'opie 01 tne state lias declared nun
their choice and their representa
tives have heen elected on the Se
ville pledge thnl they would carry
out this expressed wish, and lo not
do so would foifeit the iutcttrity of
the leptililiciin paity in Hie eyes of
honest men.
A Little Ginger Snap.
The bitf policeman stopjcd
nt Deacon MoneyhaRs' place
mi Williams Avenue the oth
er evening to chin the pretty
cook. As usual sue nve
liim n nice little lunch, I c
nrnlwtl the fine, iuicv roast
and asked her what market she pat
ronized. "The Ucst liver," repueo
the iiittid, "HitKood Cole's mar
ket nt St. Jolins." "wny 11 s
hit nearer over town to the
big markets, why don't yotino
there?" nsked tlie liy cop. rue
maid replied: "I can Ret just as
Hood meat, fresher mid nicer nt
Ditnood & Cole's niui 11 nns noi
been mnulcd nround over a dirty
pminlnr fnr n ilnv or tWO before I
J f f . .
m.t t. T hev nlwavs mvc 11111
weight and measure and keep the
best meats. Tliey nave wie iowesi
prices obtninnDIe, niui men,
it is a nice ride out to St.
tnlms." "Sure, ye arc a little nimicrsiiap,"
said the big fellow. "Aw,
go on, John, wlmt 110 you
mil nie a t'imrcr Sliat) for?"
' ' Hecattse ye' re tne sweetest
III lli (uiL-.rt ml the Peninsula.
'. J " . ..!.
"Aw, John, go on nnti ( 1111 your
1 ' t t. it lit lil.
palavering, you are insu. n'
ye haven't been over so long ycr
silf," said John, "but you take to
the American ways like a duck,
,,lnl,.' n vt tu the lies it tmicc 10
thrade. I'll just keep that name
make nrratigetnenl's for them to
deliver our meat to us, ana ui
;,i,r im hk inni' of cider John said
"." " . 0 ; 1-..
"Here s iiick to our wctumiK "
t nii.mnd Sr. Cole." "Drink it
all, John, and skip, there conies the
Missus." said the maid as she
.thrived the soiled dishes into the
cupbo.iid out ol sight.
tho city of Ht
Mr. I.11011 K. Damn, fruit Inspec
tor for Miiltuoniiih county Iiiih been
WnlliUK our illy In Ids capacity as
InapiHlor and roipieslH us lo say
that there aro a Iiiiko uumior of
triHH lu Iho city that aro Infouted
with Xau .lose scale and that thoy
muat Im Mprayml durliiK tho winter
or cut down aud burned so as to do-
atroy tho sealo.
Tho fruit law provides Unit tho In-
apoetorH may cut dowi mid rouioo
tho truim or tdiruhheiy at Iho ox
iiouiki of tho owner and thero Is
idao a fluo that may bo collected for
ItttrmltliiiK them to remain,
tfocllou of tlio law says: II
ahall bo uiihuvful for any person, firm
or corporation to Import or sou any
lufucti'd or dlaonsod fruit of any kind
Ih Iho ataio of Oroaon.
lirctlou 7 aaya: Any perwon. firm
or corporation vIolatliiK any of the
provUloua of till act ahull bo
dtoiiiud Kiilliy of a iiiUdoimmuor and
upon coinlt'tloi) thereof shall bo pun-
mlu'il by ,t line of i.ot loan than
nor more than J 1 00,
This refeiH to mtlliui; wormy apploi
fruit infested with San Jono sealo
us well as KrowliiK It or shipping' out
of tho state Mr, llaiuu says ho will
ialt Ht. Johns aud limped tho trees
hero and will have to tako action
It Ih resolved by
mm...,' 1, .!.... u ti nxnedlolit nud
11.11. lb wvi inn
niuiitiiiitirv In
IIUV III " --. . t
Mreet, from tho south lino of Ilti
.., tin, Hiiiilhern line
of tho city of Ht. lohns lu the fol
..... .. .. in tL'ir-
1011111K, w ..,,11
11.. ..r,,,ii,,.. ui,i,i in t in ostabllsliod
Brado and by sldewalkhiB hiiiuo on
nl I Iiiii Hhlit Willi I'tMIM'IlL Hlllr. aim im
juiim' ornitii U.llkH. Klllll CrOKA
tftl I f ' r,, ,
u uttru ti 111 I klllll U'lUKH t() 1)0 U
onion lain
...I. I..
All niaferlal UHed as well as all
work performed shall bo approved by
.. ..1 1 , n,l under tho
I liu vi I j v"r v ------ -
supervision of tho city eiiKlueer and
accordliiK "o pians mm ni'-
Holm of tho city etiBlneer on fllo 1
tho office of tho city recorder n ;
...... .1 1,. ui.trti kii bl nlaiiH and
HpuellleatloiiH and ostlniales aro satis
factory ami aro m-ii
:. . . .' u ii. I.., mm to In ae
''''- "f'",.r,;(!;!:!or;!nd
lit roa 01 " - , , " ,i,,
under Iho Htipervlslon nud direction
of tho city oiiBiueer.
. ..... ui.t.i linnrovelile lit
rnai me i" " , 1 , 1 .. 11...
. ,. . ..u..u,....i 11 u nriivhleil hv too
hi " ,1... ,,r,ini,rlv esnecl
? I K v. T,. I. . . ed theVeby
any..... !.. , ,,
!! 'ofloparao aju.
l".rcolK of land bet woe u ter I
f such inipr erne . - ..... - ... -
ailjacoui or i..u- , ,....1
i am. Hti-eni. from tlio niarhiuai
r.' ' . 1. 1 . imik to tho con-
Z ut ' tlm M blnckH or tractH
,if im., 1 nliiittlni: lllireou r i-,
imim iiiv,,,.
.,, II 1 1. 1. irilfliirtl Inclilileil III
HUH 1111 ' i'.i-.-, -.
said luiprovoment district aforesaid
U lutreliv ilecllireil 10 00 iwi
...... 1.1 I i'h( rlt l No. II
That tho illy eiiBlm'er'B naaona
liient of tho probable cost of sahl
Improvement of said Houth Jersey
street Is UiU.:i7.
That tho cost of said South Jeisey
street to bt assessed analust tho
property In said local assessment
district as provided by tlio city char
ter of the illy of 81. Johns.
Adopted Iho mill day of .November
A. M. U88O.V.
t'lty Hocorder.
Published lu the St. Johns llovlew,
November 13 and '.'0. I'JOS.
Get a home where you do not have to spend two or three
hours every day on the street cars.
You will be able to reach the heart of the city from Whit
wood Court within TWELVE MINUTES on the new car line
that will soon be completed.
Lots 50x100, $200 and up; easy terms,
every lot.
Water piped to
Phone Richmond 1021,
1 1 0 N. Jersey, St. Johns.
An Ordinance RcRtilntinK the
and Laterals In the City
of St. Johns, Oregon, and
Piirnlshliig the Location
Section 0. When Iho city of St.
Johns shall Improvo any atreot In
mild city by radliii: tho same, the
Ht. Johns Wnter Works and UshtHiB
Company shall, upon recelvltiK notice
of such Improvement furnish to tho
. ..i... .. ..I.., mil
- ---r euK.ueer ui sun. tu iii
i r tinA. ile'' " nialns nml laterals that may
Lowering of Water AiainSb0 , 8,rcul , tJ0 0 improved;
...i.i . I... li ,iuliv,ii,l,k it'll, ,rn until
rmii inni. n.i.iii i,vn.r.,i.v ......
mains and laterals aro located In
said street, or In Hon thereof, the
said water company ahull designate
the location of nlh water pipes In
tald street to ho Improved by drlvlni.
iilttl,.u In i In. l. run ii 1 1 ho ns to dCMlK-
fri r Pner'nnto tho loenllon tliereof aud each
Thereof, Assessing Lost of ,lum( u, ir th0 i,i Wuur com-
. . , ipnny shall fall, refuso or iieBleel to
Thereof, and Directing 'furnish said pint or to deslKiinto tho
, 'location of tho said water pipes by
the CitV Recorder to Ell- stakes us aforesaid, then the con
" J jtrnetor shall not bo liable for any
tor Hii Cnr in the Lien dainnKo dono to said water pipes
ICr I I1C COSl III 111- ' .. imnrnvliiir milil street.
..t CM CUv mid Section 7. Tho tost of lowering
Docket Of Said City, ailU 8a lnturnhi niul service pipes shall
I .,v.,,.,i,l li.i. ii.iiiU Hill Itllltlll fllOt.
I IIUL. UAVV'Vtl It'll v:ii l'-a .
i Mtiini Miat if I ft I if tr nml limtnr
lllitl lUllllll v a . i
lal for conuoctliiK and dlsconuoctliiB
the hiiiuo from tho mains.
Suction S. Tho city eimlnwr jf
Iho city or St. Johns shall lirve mil
supervision of layliiR and ro-layltiB
nil wnter pipes whether mains or lat
erals or Borvlco pipes, and sh.ill
hereafter rouulro all said pipes to
bo laid -I Inches bolow tho surface
of tho Bround. All worthleis plpo
rendeied imoloss In tho process of
such Improvements, except throiiBh
tho cnreleJHtiess of tho contractor
or thoso lu his employ, ahnll bo re
nliiceil Uv r.ain water company ua
Repealing Ordinance No,
188 of Said City, Passed
by (he Common Council
and Approved by the
Mayor July 28, 1908.
The city of St. Johns does ordain as
Section I, That herenfter, when
In tin, Imorovoineiit of tiny street lu
St. Johns Land Co,
The Largest and Oldest Rca'. Estate Pirm
in St. Johns.
East St. Johns
The center of the meat development now taking
4 llliieu Ull lliu 1 tlllll.Tu i.i. ;k
5; We have only a lew business lots lelt on Lolumoia
t Itaulcvnrd, which for a short time only will be sold nt J
J present prices. t J
t C.,,n Run rnMnncn ImIu ctill nil C'llr &
UMI.IU IIIIU IVillllvllhV. ...... w..
successors or iissIkiih, othorwiso nt
Tho secretary of tho I'ylhlau Hall
Association will receive bids for nlol
not los than ftoxlUO feet. Kids must
Miecify location. Improvements, ue
price and tonus, aud ho submitted In
wrllliiB over owner's signature. The
Association rosertos tho right to
reject any ami all bids. All Mils
mast bo lu (ho hands of tho secretary
not later than S o'clock l M. Friday.
.iiuimhor '.'Tth, 1U0S. reus all communications to too
S. ('has. Davis,
Itox St. Johns, OreBon.
Notlso is hereby j;lven That
load applications In payment
If tho owners do not either spray or 'atreot luiprovoment, 20 days
....... ,i... i.,r..i..,i ti-.iiiu if iiiih iniK urreurs uo n o lb nay 01 .u.,
1,11.11 i,t. i,'. , .. .........
. r ii .1,. iii.iv r.iniii. Hut u III Im mlvortUoil for sale, all pa)
y miliar imi ii i h ' -
Wvory dollsr that mile trouble and expense of keeplnj; ments after that dato will ineiuiii
them clean ami lliriliy auu wo imiu- iubi i mi m r,
our uood friends will Bet busy when
prayhiK time comes and clean up.
fUtU U IM K. IIiiIiih AttUlalU
iii .w a .ui nn v timi jttaf m.r.
Prlic Collection SHMWiSiitl
Write to-day; Mention this Paper.
atnu iu, t.
4 . .,1. ..I .V . Tl.1 k.ll.ll L.t I. . ft 1. .IA. A
II n.i aiimn r i
All such projierty not redeemed.
a .l bo sold December Si, UQS.
A. M. Kason,
t'lty Hocorder.
Notice is hereby Riven to tho
holder of warrant No. 171 for the
Improvement of Leavltt street In tho
City of St. Johns, and that the aanio
Is called lu for payment at tho office
of tho city treasurer of said city,
aud Interest on tho said warrant was
stopped on tho first day of Novem
ber, I'JOS.
J. K. Tauch, t'lty Treasurer,
Tho ladles of tho M. K. church will
hold a bazar tho first Wednesday In
tho city of St. Johns, It become j f , colltrnctors.
necesary to lower tiny water ,al"? Soctlon I). That when aald water
tho city euBlueer of the .city "fS,1,; company Its succo.sors or naylBU
Johns shall notify tho St. John,, ' ,,ci. im,M must hero-
Water Worksiind UBlitlnB S0,,"m"r Her bo 'of IroiT ni d ! .ice, ltU the
that said mains aro to bo owowU ,lt)'low ,0 rado
descrlbliiK tho place or street with " ' "J,trtft whcl, Krdo shall bo
convenient certainty. . ,.... ... ,i,., Bni,i unter company by
Section When sold Wnter worKt p,''",," MlI.,or.
.....l I I..I.H.... I,iiiuiiiiiv nr,i Hi notl.l-"" "r
fled as In Section 1 of this ordin
ance, provided that they shall at
onco and not later than twenty-four
hours from recolvliiK anlil notice
tako chnrBo and control of lowerliiB
said mains, and If said coinpnny
shall fall or refuse or neBlect to low.
er said mulns or any of them or
ahull abandon tho suino, or shall neB
lect said work, and tho contractor
makhiB nld Improvement Is hinder
ed or delayed by reuaon of such
failure to lower sold mains, thou tho
contractor Is heroby nuthorlied to
lower tho same.
Section a. That tho cost and ex
pouso of lowerliiB aald mains shall
Lo borne ami paid ns follows; If
said mains have horoto foro been laid
at n depth of St Inches below tho
turf nr., ,if lint iTnllllcl. I 111) COBt nllll
expense of such lowerliiB ahull bo
paid and ciiargoaoio 10 mo unw
of tho properly abutting on or ndja
... nr.viiiint,i tn said water
mains iu the Improvement district.
.. 1 1. .. . . v.... . Imnrtlt'tl
Onnllnn 111 Tlllll l Til I II II II CD NO.
188 of tho city of St. Johns passed
by tho count II July SS, l'JOS, and np
prouul by tho mayor July SS, I00S,
bo and tho .nine Is hereby roponled.
1'assed by tho common council
this 5th day of November, l'JOS.
Approved by tho Mayor, this nth
day of November, l'JOS.
n. v. imit'K.
Attest: Mayor.
A. M. KS80N,
Published In tho St. Johns rovlow,
November 13, 1908.
Proposals For Street Work
Sealed proposal will bo received
nt tho office of tho city recorder of
tho city of St. Johns. OreBon until t
o'clock p. m. December 1, l'JOS for tho
I......... ..... i nt i.'imt llurllncton street
thosame na otherreT 1 o! ho "east l.i7 of Jersey street
It ,i iu 5 St I 1 1 lo tho oast Hue of Kellogg street
moms, ami tlio cosi muiui r"i,. i,i niwii.i- nml li lnwerlnir tho
collected In tho snino mniinor ami uo , ;b Trado niuVinticailaiiilxliig
Included lu the Hon for such Improve- Mreet tok"" iSf.
."a.!,,!!c5.t X8 macadam0 bo So Inches
H Tf "aid nialns are ouud"?o bo" less deep in center of street and taper ng
!!."V.-:.,..!!,,c"t:? Vn'ate0 curb. X manner Kded U ord
.iu niui l .lrlillni? f'nlillianv bllrtll
pay such proportion of tho cost and
expense or lowering emu jnevo ..
mains as aald mains nro found to bo
ro ii...,. tin, '4 inches deen: for
example, If said main Is found to bo
V,. ICl'l nml I III, l-llPl'tlT llf Billll
city and In accordance with tho plans
profile and specifications of tho city
engineer now on file in tho offlco of
tho city rocorder.
bennrato proposals may uo muuu
example, If said main Is fouiut to oa f r uing. niacadamUing or
.S inches below tho surface of t o , WalWnXlilfoA In said Improve-
pround, then aald water compnny
11 tnt I. itf till) fflHL 11 111 VAl'Vi.wv
ef lowering tho same, tho remalnlug
cost to Do tuxea io mo ixueviw
irs as above stated.
Section t. Tho cost and expense
or lowering said mains shall not
exceed ten cents per lineal foot.
Section 5. All latorals or other
nlium nut belonuloi: to said Water
sldowalklng Included In said Improve
........ u-nol, i.i.i imwi lu. nrrnlimnil
... V U ,.UV.t . V .....w. v
led by a certified check payablo to tho
mayor for a sum not less than ten per
cent of the contract prlco and no bid
will bo considered unless accompanlec
by such check and upon blanks fur
nished by tho city recorder for such
SalU improvement must uo cuuuuoi
. a.i n.. ..nfArA i.-iiirtinrv 1. i:iu:t.
. .. .. i , VU Ull u uviuiv .'" v "
roinpany suan oo lowereo mm i . Tll0 r)gnt , .ject any and all Dim
iho expense of tho owner of the. prop- a .y re80rved.
efly connected with said mains by, fho estimated cost of said Ircprovr
aald laterals, and shall bo lowered ' ment ,g imA1
by said owners In such time unit , ,.ri,. nf raci, . Q. i,. n crush-
o i.i i. .it liliulnr nr llolUV I
... ....... . .a u ' -
Hi.. ,itlilrn.-lir lllllkllll- Said ItllPrOVO
mom; notice of tho street Improve-
went shall uo deomen suiucuni u
tlco to tho property owners abutting
on or adjacent to tho street being
Improved to lower their respective
pipes and laterals, and If said owner
or owners fall, refuso or uegloct to
no lower their said laterals or sei
leo pipes, tho contractor making
such Improvement Is hereby uuthor
led to tower or cause tho. samo to
bo lowered and charge tho cost and
expense therefore to said owners.
and such cost smut oo eiuurvu
tin, linn ducket aud collected In tho
Bamo manner as other street Im
provements aro colloctea.
will bo SO cents per yard.
Hy order of tno council.
t'lty lteeorder.
Published In tho St. Johns Kovtew,
November 13, SO and S7, 190S
A n.,M.D.
Rt-iideiice, 697 IXiwion Street
Office, 1'liter IIUkIc
I'nlveriity I'ark, rottland. OrcB"ii
TyjKUvriter desk ami office table.
Call at city recorder's office. 52c
t Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O. R. & s
N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms. !J
Holbrookes Addition
s :
We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the J
new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install- $
ments. Z
i; Call at our office for prices and terms for either of
J these desirable tracts. j
St. Johns pllone Jcrscy 931 Oregon
Is the only way to .secure immediate delivery of your
goods nt the most reasonable of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and
Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks nud .shipping receipts
over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns aud
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates 011 car
load lots. Experienced and courteous employes.
Phone Main 358, Portland office.
Phone Main A 335S.
First and Flanders Streets.
Phone Woodlawu 818. Agent at St. Johns.
Office 105 K. Burlington street.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Capital $25, 000. co
Surplus 5i338o
Interest paid on savings deposits.