."i'li.rcni s. "flllv ST. JOHNS REVIEW J o j IT'S NOW UP TO YOU J f Toiubicrlbc for TIm d.u. V GET IN THE HABIT Ot adrcrthlnK In The Reltw and you'll never regret It. lie tin at once and keep right at It All th ne ,kiu t i V "Pin it is ncwi 19 if ourntollo. Call In and rnroll J Devoted (o (he Interests ot the Penlniula, tlio Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 5 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY,' NOVUM BUR 13. 1908. NO. 1 locals ma foot ball DOINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL High School Lads Defeat Portsmouth in a Well , ri., n a r Vt tl .. . n a, . Played Game Here Friday Afternoon TllC Clty Dads Co"Vene and Tfa"SaCt Their Usual Budet of Municipal Business in a satisfactory Manner Coudltloim woro fhio for n game of footbnll l-'rlilny afternoon of Inst week .when Hit) Portsmouth. aggregation canio up to show thu 8t. Johns high school boya how to play. As nuar as wo could loiirn from t,.u hoys tho llnoiip wiih ns follows; St. -lolins Portsmouth Arthur Chirk c HnrncBi Htnufot-it noiiru Anderson rg Fred Cnrlcton lg rt It ro Kmory Gllmoro Joromo Whistler Archlo Smock Drlck Doylo I lurry .Mount Will Mngono Alex Kerr Clyde Teollng Fny Durlny Frank Tiirland Fred Orlsuold win. McCnrty lo Homer Ferguson rh Forest Martin Hi Waller Perry qb (too. VohiI hnrnest Crouohley fb Hun Cntlandor ! rank Crowoll, Umpire; Tom t nrroll Hanii'st Crouchloy mailo n nplcndld kick off. Tho Portsmouth (mix rmiimi tlto hall and voro penalized IT, yards, T'10 nu"J0ri,t'(l session of the city tho city attorney for a written opln hnt plncklly Btnrtcd In to win them c0,mc" "-'t Thursday ovoiiIiib all ho- Ion all voIIiib yes wick, tvj "sointB"woro loo many for K ,,UBU"lu-i;i,i numei-suu uusont. ueca or m. jj. nowrooK for cor thorn, however, and it was n sore from t,, clt' tain lots was noted and held for fur tils .ppolntmeiit to tho homo team Aflor aiding tho minutes tho ro- ther Investigation. .viion limo was called, for thov were tur"ur ru"u n communicaiioii rroin water ortiinaneo passed tho conn Just reaching out for another touch. 11,0 ,,ni'lf,l! States teluphonu company oil alt voting yes. down. With true American snlrlt tho B'llf)''"B their willingness to co-op- Garbage proposition was still held homo team choore.i their ,i,f,.....,i ''" to with tlio city In their Polite opponentu after tho ennm signal as Indicated In Inst week's Tho team shows tint i.rfi.rt nfmr... 'tevlow. ful coaching by Tom t'nrrnii nmi limn Keport of IV.-ry company was ro will bo a number or excellent Barnes C0,mI for October with n check for durliii? Dim uTiunn I $7.25. The report showed thnt the Tho boys feel Brnteful to tho ulrls rorry "n" "ntiilloil Slim foot pnsnen over for further luforniatlon Half of tho money on tho openliiB of Willis botilovnrd Is puhl In and tho council expects thnt nil property owners will make good without the necessity of local proceedings, On motion f Doblo the water and referee; "Torilblo Ted" Crouchloy, i grnr.d stnud and bleaeherH bel.iK full for their loyally In bIvIiiji t'lieourni:- KorM' 1110 H,MR'L' r'R8 '! doublo light commltteo was given authority Iiib high school yolis and "raotlim" 1 KH ",,rl,, the month. On motion to Install tho now ckclrle police for their homo team. ,)av'B "'Pert nnd Jock were no- slgiinlH, Thero wns n flint ntiiwiil'imn Hi,, ct'ptod. , On motion of Davis the recorder timekeeper; Cecil Mngono. head linesman, Hilly Woods, nrslstniit linesman. H was n spirited unino throuBhout. In tho first half Teellns with tho its ilstanco of Crouchloy covered n punt and made a touchdown, lirlck Doylo caimht tho flint for. wnrd pans and inndo L'O yards before ho was broimht to kmsh. llihl; did oxcellent work tluouBhoui (ho entire Biiine, nnd tho hl.'i vrlw;ol hoys were iinkliiB It warm ti" t'.p vlsltlns eleven when "Terrlllo Toddy" :alled time. Tho Inst half of tho itamo was n moro oven striiBKle, somu times tho visitors woro near their bdiiI and nKiitn tho St. Johns lads would crowd . new suits and them back almost to a touchdown. I worth slmIiib. in tho limit. Nearly If not nil tho faculty of uoth schools woro pro sent which added not n luilo to tho vim with which tho boys played. I hero wns a good attendance from Mr. Illtkner presented bid for $KI0C was roipiested to take tho matter worth of Improvement bonds which ol excess charges up with tho Pa cific States company and ascertain was accepted on motion of Davis, Petition for Improvement of Mon-, why they nro clinrgliig higher rates lleth street was rend and nccepled on than their franchise warrants. The motion of Jonhsoii and the engineer vote of tho council was unanimous 01 tho citizens outside tho schools ami l"Hlr'lcll!'l to furnish a profile of the all of these propositions. tho footbnll boys wish us to thank tripoHod Improvement. J tho business men nnd others mmit Tll "'otter of tho South .Jersey, Tho .list session of tho city conn- heartily for tho lueiest manifested Mlrt'01 ''"Provemeijt was tabled for ell convened about n half hour lalo In In this team and their uamo and wwK " ""'lunvor will Do mad promise to spare no imlus or laLor ,0 ll,,rill0lllz tho Interests on thnt to kIvo thorn tho hesi irmtw, ilw.i-nmhtrcet and lirtvo the Improvement able overv tlmo IL ioimkh ilmlp wuv. """I'' Inlcr. . .... . 'I 'ri... r..tl, int.. it. .......i ... TIIO UV OW Will e vn noli c t- In nt" uu .munvu . all the gnmes tho boys engngo In and hope they may bo as fortunate In all of them as they were In this game, Thu lads look tino In thero bright tho game was well ii'.otli.n of Houhnm: Portland den, ICIcc Columbia Klec Co. St. Johns lluvlow John Murdoch work on street Co nnu.uu K. of P. Will Erect a Building of Their Own Homes Iodgo 101 Knights of Py thins tins tho reputation all over the state of being one of tho most pro dolly ono of tho strongest If not in. Jurisdiction; having jnado tho most rapid growth, manifested tho strongest fraternal spirit, and Is fiunu annnlly ono of tho strongest If not Hi. strongest lodges In tho city. Their latest movo It o t.eoulro a lot and erect u UiiinCrg with n hall on tho second floor and business rooms on tho first. A building as u elation has been Incorporated un der tho laws of tlio state for this purposo and tho stock Is being rapid y taken by tho members and others. Ivoposnls for bids on n lot COxtOO or larger Is bolng advertised for In an other column and tho tlmo sot for oponlug tho bids Is sot for Friday night, Novombor 27. Tho building whon orccted will bo n credit Jo St. Johns and a splendid homo for tho lodgo. A Trying Experience J..a. Holms who had tho misfor tune to got his arm broken some Umo nr,o, nudivvMi another surgi cal operation a week ago last Satur day. Sovoral weeks ago tho surgeon cut his arm open and placed tho liwi together nnd wired 'hem up, thinking they would knit togothor, but tho bones would not grow togothor nnd after some tlmo tho arm was again opened Inst Saturday, a week, and tho bones cut back to the good, sound, greon bono and again wired up and put in tho pins ter cast. -Mr. Helms says tho Indi cations so far aro that tho nones will knit together and mako a sound arm. It is sincerely hoped that thoy will for ho has had a very trying, serious tlmo with his arm. A Big Help if Money Was Kept in St. Johns Several of our business men hnvo spoken lo us In regard to thu fact tli'it. about 7. tent of cur teachers In our two fine si-I.ooIp Hvo outside of St. Joins Ohi-i la omothlngthat we do tint l.no.v any thing about. Tlicy mnko Hie eluln that wo are paying out about 20UO a month to our teachers, nnd about $1."()0 per month of that goes outside of St. Johns direct, to say nothing of n healthy portion of tho other $500 that keeps It company. Kveu If It t i (leo. Warner labor U. Klugo It. Hell W. O. McKann street clouding J, linker do P, Simmons do !C. Smith do J. II. lllack, supplies ". Sagert, wood for hull 1G.00 C. Sngert wood for street roller 12.00 P. Lovlns Inbor 4.i0 Chas. Toss S.U St. Johns Hardware Co 2,i0 Howes & Co C00.00 Marshall Wells KI.I0 J. Lnugnii, rodmnn 10.00 II. Tolllver a.00 tho cjiiutil clmiiiboi li.osdny oven lr., w'tii Hunter and Johnson absent and l'nvln lardy, but wcio soon lined up and at work with n vim. Petition of the cltUeus on Stnfford street to improve thnt street from lA'onnrd street to tho city limits, was 0. 00 rend and on motion of llouliam was Itl.rui accepted ami placed on file. j At this tlmo, a representative of 13-71 Kerr, Olfford &Co., of Portland, ad. 2I.M) ' dressed tho council In behalf of his 10.00 firm and asked that an appointment IG.7) bo made, or a commltteo appointed i to meet with the firm looking tu tho G-l' leasing or tho dock. He made somu 1. U objection to tho dock as not bolng "7fargo enough to meet their demands, -I.S0 but as the city has moro ground Im mediately adjoining tho dock tho same may bo extended. The mnyor then assured the gentleman that a commltteo would bo appointed to meet with his firm ns requested. Profile of grade on Hnrtmnti street nq presented by tho city engineer last week wns ndoptci' on motion of IViihnm. On motion of DavU city engineer was liihlnklcd to tMlnhllsh grade on Ilium an street In compliance 'th profile adopted, ltesotutlou to Improve South Jersey street was adopted on motion of Miller. On motion of Davis preliminary resolution wns adopted Instructing city engineer to prepare estimate for Improvement of Thompson street from Myers street to t tills Itoule vurd with n-foot cement wnlks. On motion of uolilo Hunter was, granted 15 days nddltloinl leave of nli Hence. Itesolutlou for the Improvement of Thompson street war adopted on mo tion of llonhnut, Itesolutlou to open Kant Richmond street Instructing thu engineer to furnish profile showing location, etc., from Jersey street to Willis Iloule- vard was passed on motion of lion ham. On motion of llonham the city at torney was Instructed to prepare waiver of the remonstrance against the Improvement of Pittsburg street and an agreement for the city to keep the Improvement of this street In good repair for the space of five years. All voted yes nut uouie, wno voted, No. On motion of Doblo it wan deter mined to rendvertlso Kust Uurlluglmi street. Tho following bills were allowed on motion of llonham: Kluue. labor $ l'J SHOULD AID OUR INDUSTRIES All the Encouragement Possible Should Be Used in Keeping Enterprises in Our City Total 950.8', Profile for tho Improvement of Itesolutlou to Improve Stafford street as petitioned by grading tho j (leo. Warnor, labor street and constructing a d-foot co uiout sidewalk wns rend and on mo ttou of Davis wns adopted. Petition for tho Improvement of South Jorsoy street was also road nnd on motion of Dohio petition was Is true wo don't see anything that can 1 1 art man streot will bo held for tho accepted and placed on file. bo done nbout It nt this tlmo. Whon Inspection of tlio property owners. 1 Petition to Improve South Stafford tho now thoachers are to bo employed, however, there might bo something done to prevent this by making It a part of tho contract that tho Instruc tors must mako their homo In St. Johns during tho term of their Incum honey. This would ho perfectly legltmato, and wo do not think tho teachers would object to such an arrangement. Long Wedded Life Rev. and Mrs. Chester Paul Gates of tho Evangelical church went to Dalles last Tuesday to visit Mr. Gates parents, and returned to McMInn vlllo today, where they will attend the 57th wedding anniversary of Mr. Gates' grandfather and grandmother Hoberg. This is a wonderfully long married life and the many friends of Mr. Gates and his grandparents will Join us In wishing these good people many moro felicitous years hero before thoy go to their reward. Construction Is under way on elev en miles of paved paths and drive ways at the grounds of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition. Getting Along Nicely A lottor recently rocolved by City Attorney Collier from C. W. Potter states that Mr. Potter is In tho finest of hoalth, working hard ovory day and weighing over 200 pounds, all of which would Indicate that tho Med ford country agrees with him nicely. A fow weeks ago Messrs. Potter and Gould sent tho Holmes lodgo K. of a box of tho most dollclous Uuorro d' Aujou pears' which tho boys did full Justice to, at tho same tlmo tho stalling countenances of theso good brothers were visible "by faith" and mjoylng tho feast. Thoro is only ono thing that would have pleased tho boys better than tho box of pears ai d that would have bebn to havo ti.o donors step into tho hall in per son . May their "shaddors" never gtow less. St. Johns Leads All B. D. Putnam of South Dakota, who has been making a tour of the coast stopped a day or two with his old friend, J. P. Hendricks. Mr Putnam Is a wealthy farmer near Artesian, S. D., and state to his friends here that In all his travels ho had seen nothing thnt looked so good to him as St. Johns. Mr. Hendricks took him over the town and showed him tho water front with Its busy Industries and tho many locations for other such Institutions, and the visitor wns deeply impressed with tho prospects for the future greatness of St. Johns. Not tho label on your paper. Petition for llipior license from streot from Polk street to mo souiu Sam Downey and C. J. Anderson, lino of tho city or St. joiiiib was root Samuel Cochrun and two rrom K. O. and on motion of Doblo was accepted Magoon wero read and referred to ard placed on file. 1 Portland Sub. ICx 7 Claud Pofr labor 1.00 It. Dull Inbor 0.00 Sol Cnpplo labor K-00 II. Itnsmussen labor --00 W. O. McKlnnoy labor .... 0.00 W. It. McKlnnou Inbor 1.00 J. Plum, labor 7.25 J. linker, labor "0.00 25.50 i:. L. Nlckol. labor 12.00 J. S. Downey 1.00 C. J, Anderson t0 Jack Lnngan, rod man l-.oo It. McKlnnoy Spl. Servlco I.Su Cnn. Kthriduo. f Ulillnnllllk' .... U.00 O. K. itostaurant, meuls 8.10 St. Johns Planing mill material. .LIS M. Wills & Co,, supplies 11.10 J. i:. Hiulotliie, labor 20.20 Total $H7,30 Save Your Coupons and Vote for Mrs. Valentine "Now Is tho tlmo for ovory good man to come to tho aid of tho party' Is a maxim wo used whon a boy learning to uso tho typewriter. Wo wrote that until wo could seo tho Should Realize Easily 12 Per Cent from Dock Tho Tologram recently remarked that It was expected thnt tho city of St. Johns would roallro $3500 a your rontnl ror tholr now dock. Wo do not know how the brilliant Journal words with our eyes shut, but Just 1st secured his Information or i-r-now It Is ror another purposo. There 'lived at his conclusion U It wns a Is a contest on betwoen St. Johns, ' surmise, but ho certainly is away off. Oregon Uty nnd Vancouver, Wash. Tho city paid out $00,000,or will liavo Tho Tolecram has offorod to sond u done so when tho dock is finished ln.lv frrmi n,yn nt tllOHn rlllnn In AlllK- far tills flllO plCCO Of PrOPOI tl'. It ka to boo everything worth seeing 'Ib paying six ptrcent on tho dock thoro und to tuko In tho Alnskn-Vu-, bonds, rour per cent ror wenr ami kon exposition. tear of tho dock Is llttlo enough, thei Mrs. P. W. Valentino has consent- K the dock is lensed there should ed to enter the contest ns a candl. 8n Vnontw ot tho pro Its date and U wo had looked tho cltyf operating the dock accrue to the over we do not know or ono who j city, wo thereto think that $750 or would make a better ono. Mrs. Val- $&00 per month would bo small entlne Is a very popular lady and 'enough rental or a term of to worthily so, for she Is a most excel-ws lease. Docks no larger I an lent lady In every walk In .fe. Shoour now one m iu.u u, ...., Is a model homekceper, Is an oner getlc worker In her lodge and in all tho circles In which she moves. Sho Is tho personification or kindness and geniality and Is always tho same. Sho does not meet and greet you vl'.U smiles ono time and then, when In "big company" Ignore you as tho manner or some Is. She Is known by almost every one In tho city and liked by all who know her, hence wo predict a phenomlnal vote. 1 lease watch your Telegrams, cut out too coupons an'd vote early and often ror Mrs. Valentine. Don't miss a ballot. If you aro in tho habit of subscribing by tho year or month be sure to mako a long distance sub scription ahead so as to capture a larger number of votes. Lot us sond our candidate to tho famous gold ifglons. It will cost us nothing ex tra and will glvo her a vast amount c pleasure. Tho beauty of It Is that In $1000 a month and upwards dock- ugo charges. St. Johns cannot ar ford to glvo a long lease ror nothing. Thoro may not bo so much In It for tho first year or two but It will moro than mako up for It during tho later years of tho lease. sho deserves It, else wo would not ur0e tho votinf. Please remember whon you get tho Telegram to cut out tho ballot. Tho C, B. society of the Christian church will give a box social Friday of next week November 20th. Place will bo stated elsowhero. Tho Pen Insula band will bo down and fur nish tho music for tho occasion. Come out, buy a basket, havo a good tlmo and help a worthy young so ciety to prosperity. It will do you good to get acquainted with theso young people. Matrimonial Catechism And the Trite Answers What Is mnrrlugo? Mnrrlugo Is an Institution for tho blind. Why do some people never marry? Ho cnubo they do not believe In divorce. When a man thinks seriously of uuirriugo what happens? II i H'r.ii Ins Muglo, Shn.ild t man murry a girl for her mom y? No. Hut ho should not let her bo an old maid Just bocuuso she's rich. When a girl refers to a "sad court snip' what does sho mean? Sho moans that tho man got away. In selecting a husband, why does a gli' preror a rat man? Roctuiso a rut iiiun rinds It hard to stoop to uny thing low, When asking papa, how should a young man act? no fchould laco papa manfully and nt A r glvo him a chance at his back. When tho minister says, "Do you take this woman for bettor or ror worse?" what does ho mean? Tho llrldegroom's people construe It ono way, and tho bride's ramlly In terpret It another. It Is very sad. When a man says ho can manage his wife, what does he mean? He means ho can mako her do any thing sho wants to. U an engagement ns good -is a marrlago? It's bettor. Whon a child Is smart and good, to whoso family Is It due To Its mothers, Whon a child Is bad and stupid, to whoso faintly Is It duo? Wo refuse to answer. 1h It posslhlo for a married man to bo a fool without knowing It? Not U his wire Is alive. United. Presbyterian. Wo nro howling, tho most of tis poses to ship In gravel. Install a ror moro factories and business on-Ismail crusher lu his factory nnd tcrprlso ror St. Johns, nnd we crush his own stone, i Ma only ob think It Is right to moke a "holler" , stnclo In tho way of his doing so la In this direction, It is music to our 'rinding a suitable dock. Mr. Mason oars; out there Is another thing says If ho cannot got n Httltnblodook that wo should "watch out" for ami hero he wll1 bo oidiged to move his thnt Is to tnko good enro of the ones factory away from St. Johns to whore wo havo. Of courso tho cuy cannot 'lie cnu get such mi accommodation. do everything nnd ennnot do most It nppenrs to us thnt the city might things Just ns quickly as many would lensu Mr. Mason the Ulchmoml street like. Thero Is somu duuger of losing dock us soon us tho new dock Is fin- tho Hollow Coucretu Illock factory lulled, for undoubtedly almost the tut or W. N. Mason, which Is giving em- tiro business or tho city will bo dono ployment to nbout a uozen men nnd over tho now dock, and thoro will bo Is growing rapidly, blthiing fair to hut llttlo If anything to do on the old become quite a uianurncturlng Instl- dock. If Mr. Mason enn seeuie dock- ttillou. Mr. Mnson tried to buy crushed hbo ho will keep on hands at nil rock from tho city. Tho price nskod times snnd nnd gravel ho that any ror It, however, at tho crusher, $1.25 ' quantity miiy be obtained ul any per ton was prohibitory. As lo that tlmo for the Improvement of our wo hnvo nothing to say. It may be streets and sidewalks. This will too high, tho city may bo able to not only prove a coiinouIoiio to make a profit at hnlf the price, orjMr. Mnson but to tho city also whon It may ho right nnd Just, we do not the people may need snnd for thw know; but It does seem Hint tho ' sldewnlks, or ror Hand binder on tho city could sell to Mr. Mason at the ' mreots. Wo bellove II would b do Hame price as to the contractors, SO hK n K0(lt thing If the city fnthoiit cents per yard. KallliiB to get n price' would strain a point and otm the thai would Justify him In using tho itlclnnnnd street dock to Mr. Miimih crushed rock Mr. Mason now pro- If possible. i Edison is One of the Evangelical Ladies' Few Honest Rich Men ' Aid Entertainment Ami It Is clean greatness IMIsoii's He wenra by rights the look of u contented man, He lias robbed no whlows, crushed no competitions, stolen no franchises, taken no re bates, Ho Is rich not because he gnmbled lu tho stock market; nor employed children and woman at star vutloii wages; nor awaited, doing nothing himself, for tho rise hi tho price of land or corn or cotton. Ho Is famous not because ho manipulat ed an election, or bribed a legisla ture. There Is nowhere lu his career any record or success which came or devious or deceitful ways. Ills Is lu Iced a clean great ness. He has worked ror what lie won, and every thing that ho has done bus been III I )ii dlieellou or making this a better world ror mankind to dwell In, Men will tidl nil their lives rot themseUes alone grow tired; thoy want to stop nnd "get something out or lire." Or course thoy do; hut thoy aro I lied, not or work, but or heir own Inadequate and selfish i lives. Hut a man liku Kdlsou does not ucL tired: you seo that lu tho youthful look lu Ills oyos. Money doesn't pay him. Ills enthusiasms nro far otherwise, and external to hluibcir. He hnu lived with tho ah- stomlousiioss of a monk, hating fow leisoual wants, and the wants ho nnd were gratified with tho simplest ihlnuH. I lu bus never stopped to tujoy lengthy honors, though honors httie been showered upon him from ovory part of tho am Id, bucauso lie hs brn so busy nil the Umo with r.oiv concerns, Thoro Is nothing, ! Ltd, In this world keeps a man young, joyous, siiupie, use me unselfish pursuit of truth. Surely there Is no bolter or more h'lerul model ror struggling, limited youth than this ini IMIson. Not that ho has risen from a poor boy In od to a i Ich uud famous Inventor, but botnuso by steady work through many years ho has become n fine, simple-hearted, generous, useful old man. American Mngujslno, Carnivalians, Attention ! W. J. Peddlcord, president of tho Peninsula Itoso Carnival association has called a meeting of tho associ ation to bo held In North Alblua Tuesday evening, Nov. 17. All mem bers aro requested to Ijo present and all persons who wish to take membership with tho association on this date. Tho only thing mat is necessary to become u momber of tho association Is to sign tho roll. Bvory energetic wide awako cltuen on the Peninsula sliould uo on mis roll. It should bo considered u roll of honor and every one who has tho advancement of tho Peninsula at heart should havo his or her name ...I... ,i... ii.. on tlio roil ami worn wm iu nu bunch of peoplo who havo started this movement. It means much moro to tho Peninsula than ono would at first think. Como and seo for yourself. Note the label on your paper. Tho Ladles Aid of tho K angeli cal church gave it very suceessful en tertainment In lllckiiur'H hall I'rlilsy evening of last week. Tlio following program was rendered: Piano duet .Ml wo Hdinoudaou and Plnskutt. N Itocllullou. . . . Itiith hMmomlHon Song Georgia lllljoii Heading Dr. Vluevut I. ailies quar'il . . . .XeWllou Heading "The first mil on the butcher.".... Miss Jcmh ItoMeh. CllltMtllHIllfH ClUb ftwlHfllHff Solo- Myrtle llnrrlngtoii Duett Marie Mftioy mid Otfor sin Hllyeu Dofuniiy Mm, (I. M. swl 'i no Hall llocltntlnu Verim llsll Piuiio solo Miss Ptiiuh Dialogue That Hwrt Nffc0 tlou Heading MIsm Netll Maroy I'lano duett Ml Otmtlw ami Cox Tho program was well iMdwl throughout and was reeelvcd m thushisllcally by the xnillew. Ttw attumhiucu was fairly good I her h. Ing something like U0 In IU htU. Dr. Vincent's rending wh etfpoctaUr good and tho duett by MImmw Mart Ma icy and Georgia llllyeu waa a tplumlhl uunihur; Mrs. Hall's part, too, as always, was ''up to auuff." Tho dialogue, that "heait affection", viih one of tho best ami tM parta wore all well .curried. Tlw Irre pressible Miss Delia McPhluH?, Ow French lady rrom Cork, was t)w whole lire or the play. The raeoJpt wore liicronsed by the sale of a (ink recipe with a samplo of tit oHktt thrown In so the buyer would kww when thoy wont according to iHno tious what thoy would net. The! good people made their entartalu ii i at a HiiocoMH riuuiielHlly and to cl'.lly, nrd reel well repuld fw tlii 1 1 oil Ic sad expense. Hicks' Almanac For 1000, reaily Nov. 15. 1S0S, Iml over sunt out, beautiful covers In colors, fine portrait of Prof. Hicks III colors, all tho old foul ores and aer crul now ones in the bonk. The boat astronomical year book and only oh containing original "Hicks Weather Forecasts." Hy mull 3.",e, on uews hi amis :t0e. One copy free with Wort and Works, tho best $1. Monthly lu America. Discounts on alinaiiaoa in quantities. Agents wanted. Word and Works Pub. Co., mi l4MHtt Street, St. Louis, Mo. Hvery uliteun owes It to himself, to his fellows and tu Prof. Hicks to posaeas the "Hicks' fci coasts, the only relluble, Cameras will bo admitted to tho grounds or tho Alaska-Yukoii.Paglflc exposition. Tho size limit has been fixed at 1x5 or 3,4x5fc. Permits must bo secured from tho manager of con. cessions, but no cost will uo at- CUlr Note the label on your paper. Note the label on your paper.