St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 06, 1908, Image 3

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l ! - !a r
in ouyiiig yuur runmure. oottie people arc prone to o
"look around," WHICH IS ALL RIGHT. But many
times they become con
fused and in despera
tion buy at the last
place they look rather
than go back.
Every Emmerich Feather Pillow
lias ntlnclicd the
Guarantee Certificate
Ait Insurance policy guaranteeing tho
pillow to bo lilloil with fe.ithors
nro thoroughly cured, cleansed, odorless,
nnd purified, fnsurcs the purchaser
entire pillow satisfaction, or money re
Isn't it Wise
to give your trade to
your home merchant,
when he is willing to
refer to every one of
his customers? When
he guarantees every
thing he sells, and
when you know lie will
meet competition in
Remember the place
K. Morrison
jf is J r in i m in
Wc enn afford to sell at Reasonable Prices
pa eO eO p fO r3 e53 Mt p3 CO e0 e43 c-Oc0
i First National Bank I
St. Johns, Oregon
Stockholders' Liability,
Three per cent paid on savings deposits.
Safe deposit boxes for rent.
Plumbing and Tinning
203 S. Jersey Street Phone Jersey 91 St. Johns, Oregon
If so, buy u pair of SHU ROYAL IU.UH or OOODSMAN liROS.' 2
& ROYAL CHINOOK SMOHS for men. We have n complete line of
School Shoe for boys nn.l girl nt modest prices. Wc also have n
complete line cf Amiable Waterproof Clothing. A trial ol any of
the above goods will be ample proof of our assertion in this ad.
Phone Union 4066.
06-208 Philadelphia street.
PrlrP S7.QO ter ton. More IIUAT, less SOOT nnd SMOKK
.1 1 .. , m.
for your money man any tuai uu v-ua,
Geo. f . A. Walker, O. D.
Optician and Optometrist
North Dank Pharmacy Wednetday Forenoon. Qlassas Properly Fitted
m m
Mnmtfnrtiirers of Clav Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering 1
SanU on lianas at all times, wrucia wmuku.
- - &
- 2
H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St.
! Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
J Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Woric uuarameeu.
HUNTEn TRArrn wasra
Utltor haul. MM lJM oo io V ""7rir. to kip. "1 to Uko
Local News.
He who by liln ,h would rise
Must either tmstorntlvcrtfoc.
Wntcli the label on your paper.
The K. of IN l'alr win bo boiucIIiIiik
Cent Nov. 23, 21, 25.
George- W. Ilrndly hns bought thu
moving picture show on Jersey
1'. J. Peterson was homo from Mc
Mliuivlllo to voto and Bhako hands
with his old friends this week.
Loyal Tomim.-uMv.) U-glon u'limeo'.
ut lie Ohilstluii Tahoin.n ie Rtintluv
evening at four o'tlo-k. Everybody
Tho Pacific monthly crows rontln.
iiOuHly better nnd larger. Tho Nov-
tul...r number Is n snlcndld nrodnc-
Hon of llteraturo nnd tho printers'
Tho Ilnntlst.Olory clnss will give
tnffy pull on Wednesday evening,
Oct. 11. A pleasant time Is nntlcl
linted. Ethel li. Crosby, clnss ro-
1 ortor.
The street cleaning crow Is doing
i fine Job In cleaning up thu streets,
iia Ing thum look i.cnt. Just tho
tlilne for tho beginning of tho win
ter Benson.
Two applications for franchise for
streot railway before tho city coun
cil of Hood River Indlcntcs tlint that
Ity will be using tho trololley enrs
In the nenr future,
Noto tho Uuckbeo ndvcrtlBcmcnt In
nnother column mid If you need gar
den seeds, bulus or plnnts wo know
Hint you will find Mr. lluckbeu n ro
uble seedsman to deal with,
I-cnvo your renewals nnd subscrip
tions for thu I-iullort Homo Journal
with me. Hcnutlful gift announce
ment with tho Christians number.
Nothing better for a Christmas pres
ent. Olonn Taylor, at Tea Store.
Tho U. 8. pure food and drug In
spector on a recent visit gnvo us an
average of 100 per cent for puro
drugs, That's tho secret of our suc
cess In prescription filling, St. Johns
Ci'irnn I,. lVirliii. llio ehnmnlon of
socialism, camo tome Krlday night
iiiul returned tr, IiIl work In Wash-
Ini'ton utute Saturday. Ilo camo home
to figure on thu placing of the new
'joilors In the St. Johns Lumber
cu'iipaiiy'a mill.
Miss Cyiithln Plnsket la n now
employee In tho furniture establish
ment of II. V. Clark. MIsh flasket
lr a very efficient, ploasaiit llttlo
hdy nnd will provo a grool help to
Mr. Clark. Shu camo from Fnrlbuult
.Minn., two yunru uv.o.
Mlsa Perkins goes this week to
Dnlltv Oitro she enters tho college
for a musical course. I lor sinter Is
touching In the collcgo and lives wltl
tho family of Mr. Molxger, step
father of Hov. antes. Miss Perkins
111 llvo with her sister.
J. B. Kirk, tho old rollnblo real-
stato man has returned to hla old
love, St, Johns. You cannot keep n
tood man away. Mr. Kirk wont to
Ilonnn. Mont., about a yoar ago; hut
that country Is not Oregon and Itonai
Is not St. Johns, therefore wo havo
tho ploasuro of welcoming Mr. Kirk
bark homo ugain.
Ed Hurlbort roturnod this week
from his trip to Uio oast nnd ro
rortu having cnutrncted with boiiiq
onBtorn factories for tho manufacture
of his patont double lioaded bait oud
peppor shake. The company expects
to start in tho near futuro a fuctory
here on a modest scalo. Mr. Hurl-
bcrt reports everything flattering In
the futuro prospocts of his company.
lluslness seems to bo booming in
bakery business, tho iioino nuc
rhmiL'o.l bands twice last week.
deal wns when Ray Dullls,
purchased tho bakory from Mrs. So-
roy. Itay kopt tuo place jubi iwu
lays nnd sold to W. W. nasor, tho
r.M rpilntiin Clncknmaa member of our
inte city council. Wo aro glad to
Koine brothor liaser uuck ngani,
. imitovn thnt ho will makomoro
money If ho stops right hero In St.
Ji jus than to do as ho has been
solicited to do, movo elsowhero. Wo
UK- nnt ho will to it mai way
in elf. Mr. Ra:r M-rcntly traueu
farm for a flno prop-
i nt Penlnsulnr rod. will movo
er tnis week ,
Mrs. Marcellus was a very pleas-
caller Wednesday. tsno uuu
ed to tho corner of Montloth
vai Charleston whero sho Is
.nrin with her friend Miss Nelllo
Tt-..ti'n Mm. Marcellus is an old
friend of Mr. Chafln, the candldato
president on the proamnion wen
Mrs. Chafln having been a pupil
her Sunday school class before
. mnrriPi Mr. Chafln. Mrs. Mar-
lino -
n..- ,va wimn Mr. Chafln first en-
tered the Methodist church and
m rannni to a call during tho
e? erclses about all that he could say
Th Tinl la my Hnepueru, i
i,nii nnt want" But wuen sue
. i uim when ha was in Portland
recently sho coutd see a wonderful
.lnt-Alnnment of the man nnu w
. ml 1
Just wnlt for the IC. of I Ciwnn
dnys fnlr, November 23, 21 nnd 2"
Nov. 23-21-25.
An especially Interesting program
la now on tho bonrds nt the electric
theatre. Clo and see It.
The four applicants for liquor
licenses were tnuleaucnuing a
written opinion from tuc city at
torney. Remember the football pnmo this
afternoon. The young lads should
receive your encouragement. It
will tnnke voti ten vcars vouueer to
see the fun.
"The Great Election," .will be
Pastor llenteiii's topic nt the Bap
tist church Sunday night. His
morning subject will be "The
Grace ol Keeping Sweet."
Half of the money has been paid
in on the Willis boulevard exten
sion and the council is in hopes it
will all be paid in before it becomes
necessary to use coercive measures.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bolton go
todny to Tignrdville, where Mr.
Bolton has a ranch. Mrs. b. B.
Sprngue, Mrs. Bolton's mother, ac
companies them. Wc are indeed
sorry to sec these good people leave
St. Johns and hope they may find it
profitable to return in the near fu
ture. They are relatives of our
good friend, Mrs. Marcellus.
The Odd Fellows made Harry
York nud his young bride happy
Tuesday by sending to his home on
North lCdisou street n fine couch,
nud 18 or 20 of the boys went down
to his residence nftcr lodge that
night to wish him nud his inntc a
prosperous, happy lire nud to make
n formal presentation of the couch
in the name of the members of Lau
rel Lodge 1. 0.0.1f.
W. C, North of the assessor's
office was in the city yesterday
shaking hands with his friends
here mid jollying up those who
lost on Bryan. lie thinks Sam
Downey's hat rack looks like n
busied community nud the most
lonesome place in town. You see
Sam bet about a dozen Stetsons on
Brynu and ordered a fine hat rack
to hang them 011 after election; but
BB. wasn't of heavy enough caliber
and the pegs of Snmmic's hat rack
stand out as solitarily as the old
barklcss stumps in n forest burn.
Tho latest publication to reach our
dusk is the National Apple Show,
published In Spokane. It Is devoted
to boosting the National Apple Show,
Incorporated of Spokano. 35,00i)
In cash prizes nro offered to npplu
growers, and tho fnlr will bo held
December 7 to 12 Incliislvu. All un
tiles must Lc la phteo on or before
December 7th There nro ninny vsr
valuable special prizes, Tho bulletin
will ho sunt to nay one frco on
rodent of application, Address all
communications to the National
Apple Show, 223-221 Mutton Block,
Spoknuo, Wash.
Wo will mnko tho first showing
next week of chlnawaro, etc., for
Christmas gifts. In this line wo havo
bought very largely and will havo
tho largest lino of choice chiunwaro
over displayed here. Come early,
soloct what you wish and by paying
n small uinount of tho purchase wo
will lay asldo your purchases until
tho wcok before Christmas. This
will aid you greatly In selecting your
Holiday Gifts, seo our display win
dow noxt wook. National Tea Store
103 S. Jorsoy St.
$500 REWARD.
Kivo hundred dollars reward will
be paid by the undersigned for the
arrest and conviction of the mur
derer or murderers of the late Harry
T. Htttterwortii on tue nigm 01 uci.
30, 1908.
Doric Lodge No. 13J A. I'.tt A.M.
Joseph McChesney W. M.
S. Chas. Davis, secretary
T wish to announce to inv natrons
and the general public that my
1 J.I T A rAlll... T.-no'il l.oc
urotiieii j. . v-uiiiKi, ui i-uiiiiiim
moved to St. Johns, and entered in
to a copartnership with me in the
law business, under the firm name
of Collier & Collier, and that our
offices will be found in the Holbrook
block at the corner of Burlington
and Jersey streets.
H. IS. C01.UHK.
Tho Electric Theatre, 108 North
Jersey Street, announces tho follow
ing program now on the boards;
Tho Attack on tho Mall, Mosmor
rahlzlng Ills Mother-lnlaw- Song
Arrah Wonna, Forman Aeroplane,
Tho Incendiary Foreman.
Tho ladles of tho M. E. church will
hold a bazar tho first WoJnesday In
Bt. Johns Restnurnnt, best menls.
FOR SALB-Iluff Orpington cockor
els. C. If. Dorrlo, French Block. 49t
Agency for Illlss Nntlvo Herbs nt
nt the St. Johns Pharmacy.
Furnaco heated offlco or living
rooms to runt In First Nntlonnt Bank
You get full weight and first
quality at the Central market. Just
try it awhile.
Subscribe for the Telegram
best evening paper on the coast.
Sec Kd Stockton.
Go to St. Johns Restaurant.
Dcnnturcd Alcohol best for nil
mechanical purposes. Excellent to
burn. St. Johns Pharmacy.
Lace curtains lattitdricd and
starched, 50 cents a pair. 1210
Princeton street. sp
Have your property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. nicy are tuc
best. S. L. Dobic, agent.
No better placo to spend an ovcnlng
can be found than nt tho electric
Cyclono Cold Tablets passes Puro
Food and Drug Law with highest
average. At tho St. Johns iMiormney
If you want to, sell or
exchange property seo Wolcott, (The
Rent Man.) 101 South Jersey. Sldu
St. Johns Resturant 205 N. Jersey.
CELERYTWO buncheH for 10 cent
fresh from the garden; also chick
ens, -u.i iso. unison street, nuuvu
woolen mills . 7e
Ins. W. II. Keid of Devil's Lake.
N. 1). will sell you nt n bargain.
Lots 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 in block 6, or
3i 32t .13 "l 31 i llck ! 1,oillt
View. Write Him. oc
"Greetings from 8t. Johns" Post
Cards, a largo assortment at the St.
Johns Pharmacy.
o -Ior
votir Christmas presents
place your orders with Lash, he
can supply you witlt anything in
the Hue of silverware or Jewelry
that you may need, as low ns the
All our meats are government
inspected nud the best that money
can buy. They nre neatly nnd
carefully handled. Come in nud
leave your order for free delivery.
Wnrd's Centra! Market.
All kinds of laundry work douo
promptly. Rough dry wushlng 0
ventn per pound. Culls innilo fur
laundry at any place. Ring us up
Phone Jersoy 331. HI. Johns I.tiun-
dry. Churchill llros.,proprlotorB.
Mr. Scarbrough of the North
Bank pharmacy invites his friends
to meet Dr. Walker, the optician,
nt his store 011 Wcdnesdy fore
noons. 51c
All those knowing themselves In
debted to llnrry T. lluttorworth, kind
ly call nt thu North Hank Pharmacy
nud pay sumo to Mr. Scnrbrough, or
to Mr. Rogers who hns charge of the
Jewelry store. Mrs. Mablo lluttor
Muslo Studio Room 13, McChes.
i.oy Block. Miss Laura J. Cluluml,
vocal toncher, will bo In tho studio
Tuesday and Thursday from 1 to 5
M., and Miss Rachel Paulson,
tenchor of piano and harmony, 1 to
5 P. M. Monday, Friday and Satur
day. 62o
How Is Your Title?
Hnve voiir abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by Peninsula
Title, Abstract and Realty Co,, 11.
Henderson, manager. Accurate
work. Reasonable fees. Cement
Block building, Jersey street.
60x100 with 7 room and 6 room
houso cornor Hnycs and Fessendou
St. 2000.00. COxlOO and 0 room
houso noxt to this on Hayes street,
$1800.00. Terms or discount for
cash. Address or call at 211 Chicago
stieet. C2c It
In. their boroavomont, tho wife,
mother nud brother of Harry T. Hut-
terworth, sincerely appreciative of th
goodness and sympathy of tno kino
r.eonlo of St. Johns, wish to publicly
thank thorn. No finer trlbuto to tho
respect In which ho was held could
havo been manifested than wae
shown by you, nnd this has been a
gioat consolation to those loft In sor
row, Mrs. H. T. lluttorworth.
A stock of merchandise and build
Ini; for town property, address II. E
Moscrvo, 380 East Washington St.
or E. M. Douglass, Qresham, Oro. lp
At unheard of prices at this time of the jear.
On nil our lints up to $8. 00. That menus
if 8.00 lints for $4.00 $G.oo lints for $3.00
4.00 hats for 2,00 2,00 hats for t.oo
$1.00 lints for 50 cents.
You pay only half of the regular price. All hats marked in
plain figures.
Phone Jersey 211 O. P. WOLCOTT 401 S. Jersey St.
Arc you tired of punching
your toes through
your stockings?
Are you tired of darning? If you arc, try the
We have sold many kinds of hose, but these give
the best satisfaction of any. When a customer
tells us if we hnve n pair of shoes that will wear
ns well as our Wuuder hose he will take n pair,
we think we have the right thing,
Do you do embroidery work ? We hnve the
Carlson-Currier line of real linen pieces, nud pil
lows and pillow tops, nud the
ing them. Do you wear overalls?
big line of Headlights.' Our store
Johns agency for all of these.
silks for work-
We have n
In the St.
Keep Bright and You
Kleclrie Light is the magnet that draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People am
110 more resist the attraction of n brilliant, Klectrieully lighted
store than they 'can resist the clarion call of 11 brass Imud.
Is your competitor witli the Mleclrlcnlly illuminated show
windows, bright interior and sparkling lvlectric Sign getting
an ndvniitiige over you ? The moth never lltitturs around thu
tinlighted cnndlel Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lighting n necessity, whether they remain open
after dark or not. Competition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated witli Klcctric
light will make ninny it sale "the night before." Hlectric
light coiiicls attention, makes eusy the examination of your
display, shows goods in detail and fabrics in their true color.
And don't neglect the Hlectric Sign. It is eliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your imine in the public mind. It is n solicitor that never
becomes weary never stops work costs little.
Call Telephones: Main 6688, A 1675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
$ Yes, Wc Arc Still Here
d Aren't you ready to htty that Hutting Stovi ?
p. Our line is complete ami the prices are right. Come S
$ in and look our line over.
vSttcccssor to I). K, Norton
vWWKfWW W a&1 & Xs
i ayg. The chef met the second
sp' maid in the wine room and
stopped Her just n uituiiie
while he told her about the
fine roast IUTOOOD &
COLIi sent up this morning
for luncheon. lie said it,
u-ni slmnlv dillcious. the sweetest
and juiciest roast,aud that the meat
II tirood & Cole sends up to me
house is always the best. "Yes,"
replied thu maid, "and tue
irovernor told the 'Misses'
this morning that the prices
were as low or lower titan tue
prices for the same goods in
Portland. Hut I must get
this claret in to the boss or
he will 'roast me. My,
that roast does look fiine.
me a nice, juicy bit of it, Jim, its
hope the governor will get all his
meat there."
Perhans voti may think these
good people were fooled but they
were not, jus; try tins marKei aim
you will find they were right. Re
member the place,
CAMP 773 W. O. W.
Meet every second ami fourth Wednes
day evening in Ilickncr'ii Hall.
VUiting members always welcomu.
J. II. Anson, C. C.
W. H. Swengcl, Clerk.
"FOR RENT cards at this office.
Did You?
IJver lose an account by not
hnviug the customer's MaU- 1
ineut prepared '
The Plew & Moller I
Safety, Sub-Series, Sell!
Indexing Loose Leal :
Overcomes all t)oi.sibiliiy of
such loss, It is instantaneous.
Saves time, saves labor and f
saves money. Applicable to X
every line of business.
Special ledgers for Doctors,
Lawyers and Dentists. Leain
more of these practical devices.
Review Office, St. Johns.
A. II., M. I).
Rekiilenre, 607 lavoii Street
Uffire, filter llloek
University I'ark. I'orthtml. Orogou
Typewriter desk and office table.
Call at city recorder's; office, 52c
proud to own mm as a inenu.
ktifl Hah, (ktr MAikaM