THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Al 117 Vit llmllngton SUeft. St Joint. IlV MAHKMi & llVltUT.UK. TilK ttKVlHW is cnU'ieil nl ist office In Snlnt Joints, Orct'otti lntl of the second clnss under the Act of Con gress of Mnrclt i, 1879. AdrrrtlnliiR rntri, $1.00 ptr Inch per montli. All roinidunlftlom ilioulJ he ililrcccl to Tho BoTlcr, St. Julini, Orecon. t iai l'rlntln? pii-eutrd In flritrh( tyl. HIIU for .lob iTIMIne jiih on ''"'"'v OOcll Newtpw ot th OUT Bt. Johni. Subscription prlco $1.60 poryonr. A. W. Markle, Manaaer. D. N Dyerlee, Editor. FRIDAY, IS'OVKMHUR 6, 1908. AlthoitRli defeated in the presi dential battle, William Jennings Urynn proved himself a full blooded American by sending the following to his victorious opponent '."William II. Toft. Ciucinnatti, Ohio Please nccept my congratulations and best wishes for the success of your ad ministration. William Jennings Bryan." We always did admire n cheerful loser and it is refreshing to note his manly course, and we like him belter for It. The Wild and Woolly West ns exemplified by the condurt of the citizens ol uregon on ciecuoi. iiny , was something remarkable. All the old bullyragging of the ward heeler was conspicuous by its ob- seiice. livery voter went to the polls, deposited his ballot "accord ing to the dictates of his conscience' ' and went on his way rejoicing. No more orderly election could Imaged for ami wc nrc pioutl of Oregon and her citixens, who can g.u many pointer to the cffite on good citizenship and the manii' r of pulling off nu election. Tiler is some product tint Pittsburg street will lc improved before the weather makes it imjxis Mhle. It would be a shame to p r mil this street to go nuolhir winkr as it did hist, pnttirlilHrly -iucv tlu l'ctry company has offered to urri tlu- rock free mid doitu'c fso in cash. The p ople most directly benefitted, the big mantU'iu tilling concerns lying alongside the street should have been glad to hnvc borne the entire expense as the benefits that will accrue to them would more than compensate them, but they were apparently afraid they would do something for some , body else for nothing. Selfishness hinders the progress and develop ment of our city a hundred fold 1 more than poverty. 1 An event that means much to tWtlmifl nml St. Inlnm is Mm form-1 al opening of the North Bank road today. This road taps one of the ! rir.1ii.tit nrr-frn1lltrn1 t-nirimie in tltn world and will bring millions of dollars worth of cereals and live stock to our docks. Iivcrything that can be done should be by our people to induce the North Bank road to put a track into our new dock. Already exporters are mak ing inquiries after our dock with a view to leasing and the track should be in by the time the dock is fin ished. That the Hill road would be the more desirable of the two is conceded from the fact that it bleeds n richer and more extensive territory and would consequently bring a heavier shipment to our dock. Our facilities for handling this export will be of the best and if tin. fn1intii nf lumincss should become too great for the present dockage facilities, there ore miles of St. Johns water front just about as good that can be utilized for that purpose. SEEDS eucKRCB's sieos succeed 1 c r a 1 i 1. nrrER! ripl.n f-olln.flnM tlailak.ttHll.tttltUvl r I 1 im -hYiiTiniYii ta,llrxlil"-S 1! IS flnaat I Tarala. 1 Inland . I I OaUa. (Ml tl. rlioil 10 'it. .). i halt Hi TantllM ID U. XVtito (O'dayt Mention this Ppcr. L SMtmftlt w lltantiriil t4 and l'lt ln L aria llMBt ItftlfV A Oregon's Financial Standing. There are few if any states in the Union with a better state of finan ces than Oregon. She is not only out of debt now, but hai an nbund ancc in the treasury to carry her through to the first of April when the new levy will be realized on. There are no debts hanging over Oregon, bonded or otherwise. According to State Treasurer Steel there is in the treasury a cash balance of .$658,320.15, of which $214,897.98 is in the general fund, an amount sufficient to pay the ctntr pvtwuiu") until next March. 1 His report shows that two years ago tuc balance in me general iiinu applicable to the payment of cur rent expenses of the state govern I input nnd maintenance of state in- .stitutious, was $212,512.03; there was received Muring tuc two years - en5.Roi..iontid disbursed 52,soo- 507.45, leaving the present cash balance in that fund Mr. Steel makes n number of recommendations to the legislature among them tliesc: Tliat tue inner llnnrn tnv lie made nttnlicable to til nvrn nf it? mi nil collateral in lipritmirox nnd nn all benucsts and devises exceeding $sco to persons not related to tne uonor; uiai m i1nnninrv lnw be made antdicttbl in tl.p Kclinnl funds: that counties be made to pay the maintenance charge for tne care ot tne insane, 111 me first instance the counties collecting frnni itti tiorKotts ordered to Day the charge; that such special funds as the pure food fund, tne veieiiua ry fund, the board of examiners' fund, etc., be turned into tue gen rnl fund mid nil claims now out 0 tln.aii. fmwk Im oald out of the uell erai fund, that provision be made ri iiwtu.eiirm of wclelits and measures so that the law regarding the same may be eiitorced. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad vertltemcnt the copy for tuclt change thould reach this office not later than Wcdneday, at 3 o'cloek p. m. Pleaie 'emember thl and tave the prlnte BSGS KATING RACE November 12, 13, 14 s JESS LITTLE Jess Little, who now holds the chain pionship for one mile, when asked by Man ager Myers nbont the race said he felt sure that he wo aid win. Me is St. Johns' chain pioii in the race. Jack Kr.tse of Portland holds the five mile champi.mship of the Pacific coast. When asked what kind of a run be couh give Little said he was sure he could beat him, barring accidents in the race. Eddie Molt of Chicago, who holds the championship for the six day race of the Pacific coast, which he won at the Oaks last summer, is one of the contestants, and when asked about the race said he would give them a run for their money, and if there were only a larger skating surface he was eonfideut he could go around the entire l bunch. Jack Scanlon of Tacoma now holds the three mile amateur championship, says he represents the Emerald Isle with his new green skating suit, and that he docs not mean that any of his compatriots shall blush at his per formance, but if there is any such thing possible he will carry off the first. Will McNiel, the other contestant, has been taken sick and cannot enter the race, which limits the contestants to four instead of five, as at first intended. THE BIG UNION BAND Will furnish music for the occasion and will add much to the evening's entertainment. Manager Myers has talked to a number of the very best people in the city and they have been very complimentary in their re marks regarding the older and the manner in which the skating rink is being managed during the past two weeks nnd say they have never known the rink to have been run in such an orderly manner as now and they think that it will have the very best of results this season. Keep your eye on the Review and note the special events from time to time. There will be a large number of them presented. You cannot afford to miss any of them. There will be skating before and after the races each evening. There will be skating every evening and nil day Sundays. The management has gone to great expense to make this racing event n success and feel sure of good results. Racing begins at 9:15 sharp Thursday evening. General admission 15 cents; skates 25 cents. Remember the dates Novem ber 12, 13 nnd 14. There will be a grand masquerade on skates Thanksgiving which promises to be a very pleasing event. NATIONAL SKATING RINK wwrwooo COURT Get a home where you do not have to spend two or three hours every day on the street cars. You will be able to reach the heart of the city from Whihvood Court within TWELVE MINUTES on the new car line that will soon be completed. Lots 50x100, $200 and up", easy terms. Water piped to ev ery lot. RICHARD SHEPARD & CO. t Phone Richmond 1 021 . 110 N. Jersey, St. Johns. I M. I.. II0I.BR00K C. B. IJAII.P.Y O o o St. Johns im The Largest and Oldest Rca' Estate Pirn, in St. Johns. East St. Johns 3 The center of the great development now taking $ place on the Peuinsula. S We have onlj' a few business lots left on Columbia Boulevard, which for a short tune only will be sold at present prices. Some fine residence lots still on sale. Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the 0. R. &. N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms. Holbrook's Addition GOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH THE TROLLEY WAY We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the , new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install- $ i ments. 1 Call at our office for prices and terms for either of 5 1 these desirable tracts. St. Johns Phone Jersey 931 Oregon 4 St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise. Also slab wood. Timlers of all sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood row and save trouble. Is the onlv wnv to secure immediate delivery of your O Kols at the most reasonable of transportation rates. BTherefoie rinn up the .. 2 run I LAND & SUHUKdAN urnttt uu. Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct to destination. . Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns ana Portland. Get our rates before shipping. Special rates oil car load lots. Kxperienced and courteous employes. Phone Main 358, Portlaud office. Phone Main A 3358. First and Flanders Streets. C. W. STEARNS Phone Woodlawn 818. Agent at St. Johns. - Office 105 E. Burlington street. ooo THE PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Oregon. Capital $2So-0 Surplus ....a....,-....'...,; 5i33-85 Interest paid on savings deposits, J