St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 30, 1908, Image 2

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PiiMUhtil Kry Friday
At 117 Wot IlurlltiRlon Sltcct. St John,
Tin: Ui'.vntw is entered nt txst office
!n Snlnt Johns, Oregon, n9 tnnil innltcr
of Hie scconil clnss under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
AJvrrtlnInc rt?i, $1.00 tier Inch por month,
All communication! ihould be addreued to
The Berlcw, Ht. Johns, Orfgnn.
tob Prlntlne executed In Brit'doM tyr,
lllltii for Job Trlntlng cnh on delivery,
omclnl Newipper of the City of St. Jehni,
Subscription price $1,50 por yenr.
A. W. Markle, Manager.
D, N Dyerlec, Editor.
The pay-as-you-Go-go-rza street
enr 1ms reached Portland ntid an
exhibition car has been put on
near the neneral offices so that the
people may become acquainted
with animal before it is turned
loose on the line. It is expected to
be a ereat timesaver and will en
able the conductors to handle the
people more expeditiously. He sure
to have a nickel handy when you
Ret on and help to make the pro
iect a success. Hv so doitm you
nre adding to yourown convenience
and comfort.
V nre Klittl to note that our butt
I1108U wen uro very Konornlly tnkhiK
In-Ill of tliu boustor edition, still wo
liuvo not yot rucolvud oiioiikIi support
tO llll'i't tllU I'XPUIIBU Of KCttlllK out
tn, publication. Wo tniHl our frlontli
v ill strain 11 point ninl liulp uh niako
llilc u Hploiidld hiiccubh. Tlio beauty
of it In tluit tlio roturna from till
effort will koop fomliiK In foryenrH
If wu Hot tlio Hiipporl wo neuil tlio
uk t 111 bo huoIi 11 0110 Hint every
t:io who rocolvuH n topy will pro
ncrvo It for yearn, mid It will Hut
continue to hoar fruit for Ht. John
and tin- poulnHiilii in illreutliiK pooplo
to come bore for a homo and In
voHtinuiit. I.iiHt yonr KtiRuno Hpont
nhoiil fSUUO or $lo.(mU for ndvertiHlni
mid thin your tltoy will ullll.o llfi.OUO
lor t:iwt purpoHo. Tlio renult Ih that
Kiikoiio li udVMUcInx fouler thtiii 11I
nioHi any other wclliin of tlio mate
Wo liuiu Kroalor HttrtiilloiiH for (ho
homo hulldor mid tlio iiiiiuufnrturt
here In Sl..loliim than KiutMiv Iiiih
Lot tin tdl tlio world nhoiil It.
Something (o Think About
Put the lid on that peck of trouble
Whiskey straight makes tt man
As the mind is bent so the tongue
is inclined.
Home people never run into debt
they jump into it.
Many a man's dog can give him
cards and spades and beat him out
mi integrity and lulclity.
Some women never put checks
on their purchases. 1 hey leave
that for their husbands.
WlirMM, our lutw hrothur and frloiu
Hurry T. itiitlerworlh, Iiiih Ihwii cull
I'd to tilittti' tint Huprtfiuo Lotln
nlmvo, iind
Wlittrtma, Tliu iinllniwly pawtlni; of
our brother Iihh profoundly Impiotimul
and tttilrlU'ii llio iiiomliorK of the Or
dor Hoiiurnlly, and thlx loiIko In par
tlcuUr, bu It thurtiforo
KomiIvimI: Tluit by the Iticoni
prohoimlblo mid iippnioiitly uiitiuiol
departure of our bolovod brotlim
Dorlo l.od no Iihh Hiutiilnod an Irro
pulrablu hmii, uiid 0110 which ItHiuom
beiN Klucoridy and dooply ntmloru,
To tlio boroHVod rolutlvvH of him
whom wu mourn, who now Mtaud
lifHrl klrlilitiii by Hi o hoavy liaiiil
which Iihm tliim hetm IhIiI upon thorn,
w haw but llltlo of HiIh mii Id's
t-oiiwilutioii to protwut,
' iltwply, uliuort'ly, mid most nf-
foclloiiHtoly H'inpHthlio with tlioiu In
thin affiH'tliiK dlHpoiiwitlou, mid wo
of fur up our imwt runout prayer
Hint Ho who both iiuth and taketh
liro will 1'ik down with coiapattatnii
upon Hi. v.liliin mid fiiihorliti In
thl, their hour of dttKohitlou, and
fold tlio boiitMiliit anna of Hi
lnvo iiml protoctlou iirouud (11081'
wlio r Hum horeft of their earthly
ntny. lio It thoroforo further
Iti'Milviiil: That a copy of these
lesolutliniH bo Kproiul upon tlio
rocorda of HiIh 1.01)110,111111 that other
coplvh bu pivpuroil for publication
ami for proHoiiluiloit to tlio family of
our dopartod brother.
-idoptcd by Dorlo I.oiIko No, Ui'i,
A I . & A. II.
1.U.U VA'dnt'Biliiy toniiiK was a red
letter day for tho ltobokaliH of l.mi
rolwood loilgo. Thoro wo 10 about 7.'
lnltoiH from Columbia, Omocii, ltoso
City mid University IoiIhoh proBoiit,
who eiiuio up to oo l.uurelwood do
Breo tomn put on tho work, Tho vis'
Itoru woio delighted and mil-prised at
iho character of Hi" work dono by
tin Laurolwood toam. Tho Univer
sity loam lioldu tho chaiiiploiiiiliii of
tlio btato, and a member of that toati
who was present declared that our
ten-, put tho iik 011 tho bebtof any
bho hud been mid Hint alio was tniro
that our toam would tuko tho pen
nant al ll.o neM coittvbt.
Wo always did think our Itobokuha
woro "'sumo punklns" and now wo can
prove it. Wo aro.Khul to hoar Hila
jjood report from l.auroiwood lodge
mid hopo our outorprlnliitf workora
may coino out victorious whoa tho
contest la mado,
One of Lincoln's Tales.
(Concluded from front page.)
foot, poHtu, not to exceed $100 cobI
on the lot of Mr. M. 1 1-oy, pro-
vldod It wuh .Mr. Loy'a unilorHtnnd
Inj? that tho city would bo porinlttod
to roinovii tlio bulldlnc at any (lino
that'll might bo considered desirable.
All yes.
Our gonial friend .1. 8. Downey,
tho democratic wat horso and llryan
booster, presented to tlio council at
this Juncture what niny prove tho
best thlni; for tho city that has been
on tho tnpls for a long time. It is a
systematic, sanitary garbnge nystcm,
in which tho utmost cleanliness Is
proposed In tho handling of nil kinds
of garbage.
Accord nit to the brief and tiioorui'
nances presented by Mr. Downey It is
proposed to put Into effect within six
months a cremntory and a system
of wagons and cars for gathering
garbngo and transporting It to the
crematory which will bo bltuated
otitsldo the city. The plan Is a most
conimendablo one. if put Into prac
lice will rellove tho city of this only
drawback to tho making n model city.
Tho only ipiobtloii that Is now pond
ing Is the matter of cost. Tho popors
do not mnko tills mntter specific ntid
the mntter is being held for a further
report from Mr. Downey which will
cnnblo the council to determine Jt
what It will cost each property hold
er. Tho tlmo asked for Is 1!5 years
franchise and tho price should ht
iniido so Hint It would not bo prohib
itory. Nothing would add so much to
the city as cleanliness and It Ib hoped
that hero Is the proposition wo have
boon looking for during tho past
three or four years.
National Rink Open All Day.
Special Alntinec.
Holler skating is very fascinating
and at the same time one of the
most innocent nmusemeiis if prop
erly conducted. The National
Uiul: will be open nil day Sunday
that all may enjoy the exercise
Sunday afternoon there will be n
special musical program. Now
is the time to learn to skate.
A professional race will be put on
two weeks hence, which promises
to be n big event nnd much interest
is being manifested in the go.
The prizes will be: first, $35; R'C
ond ifi5; third, $5. The race will
stnrt Thursday, Nov ta, and end
Saturday, November 14. This will
be one of the most exciting contests
ever held in St. Johns. There will
be five professionals in the contest,
Jess Little will defend St. Johns.
He is now employed to assist the
management. His picture will np
pear in next week's issue. The
Rink is being run under the man
agement of Mr. K. Myers, who has
had many years' experience in this
business and is a manager who
caters to ladies and gentlemen only.
Mothers are cordially invited to the
rink at anv time to see how their
children are taken care of.
$500 REWARD.
l-'ive hundred dollars reward will
be paid by the undersigned for the
arrest and conviction of the mur
derer or murderers of thclate Harry
l- Ili.tkr..r.rll, Ilm fllllllf fi I l(f
t. 4MIIIVI Ul III Wll lilt. IHf) ... w
so, 190H,
Doric Lodge No. 135 A. A.M.
Joseph McChesney V. M.
S. Chas. Davis, secretary
The following story was one told
by Abraham Lincoln, and is furth
er proof of his ability as a story
"The only schooling I ever had
was in a log schoolhotise when read
ing books and grammars wire un
known. All our leading was done
from the Scriptures and we stood
up in a long line and read in turn
from the Hible. Our lesson one nay
was the storv of the faithful Israel
ites who were thrown into the fiery
furnace nnd delivered by the Hand
of the Lord without so much as the
smell of fire upon their garments.
It fell to one little fellow to read the
verse in which occurred, for the
first time in the chapter, the names
of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-
ne-go. Little Hud stumbled on tnaii
rach, floundered on Meshach nnd
went nil to pieces on Abed-nc-go.
tnutntiiU the hand of the master
dealt him n cuff on the side of the
head and left him wailing and blub-
Knrimr nu thn lli-vt bnV ill tllC lillC
took up the reading. But, before
1 1 r irirl n t tin- pud of the line had
iHnir he had subsided into
iiiIfllM nnd finnllv became unlet
His blunder nnd disgrace were for
hv the others of the class tin
til his turn was anroachltm to rcat
again. Then, like a thunder-cliip out
nf n skv. he set tin a wail that
even alarmed the master, who, with
rather unusual gentleness inquired
'What's the matter now?'
"Pointing with n shaking finger
at the verse which n few moments
later would fall to him to rend, Hut
tnniineed to (iimvcr out the answer
'Look there, inarstcr there
comes them same damn three fellers
again.' "
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertliement the copy for eucli change
ihould reach thti office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
'emember this and save tne prime
CopvniQiiTa Ac.
Anton lndtna mkftrh und ilMCflptlnninif
qnlrklr moruiii our nilnlmi fr nif n
fl. IiImODOQK orl'tlcnu
lint tt. iiMmi m7 lurcutiMpnn.
I'nt.nli liltn lliriiiiuh Mumi A Co. roMlTt
nwfMl notltt, willinulch.rno. In Ilm
scientific American
inrohtVm l pmbublf i
A h.ndiomelf I rat1 WMtlr. mwm nr
Did You
St Johns Ferry Time Card.
Lwivo Ittikt Side (A. M.i 6:to. 7110.
Sum, 9:00, 10:00, 1 1:00, 1 jxw M, I'. 51.
:, j;oo, 3m, 4:00, 4:50, 5:30, o;w.
Leave West Side (A. M.)-6:5o, 7:35,
:yt, 9.J0, 10:30, 11:30, 1, M. 11:30,
it a:jOi yi 4W, 5:i 6:(,. 6U'
ICver lose nu account by not
t having the customer's state
ment prepared 1
The Plew & Motter
i Safety, Sub-Series, Self
Indexing Loose Leaf
Overcomes all possibility of
such loss. It is instantaneous.
Saves time, saves labor and
saves money. Applicable to
every line of business.
Sjiecial ledgers for Doctors,
Lawyers and Dentists. Learn
more of these practical devices.
Review Office, St. Johns.
Successors to Petersen & Nocc
I'or Latest Styles In Suitings, Pants and Overcoats at very reasonable
price, llest workmanship and apto-date styles, You can save money
y buying your clonics rignt nere at nonie,
Is drawing; near the vote in St. Johns may be pleasing to some
people and very unsatisfactory to others, but prices of goods at
Lash's Variety store will remain
At this store Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, Prohibi
tions nnd Independents will all receive tnir treatment nnd get
the worth of their money when they make purchases.
Special bargains in Queenswnre, Glassware, Groceries nnd
R. L. LASH, 207 S. Jersey Street.
Optician and Optometrist
Will be nt the NORTH BANK PHARMACY, 306 North Jer
sey street, on
When he will meet his former patients, nnd all whose eyesight
needs nssistnuce. Up-to-date methods. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Get a home where you do
not have to spend two or
three hours every day on the
street cars.
You will be able to reach the heart of
the city from Whitwood Court within
TWELVE MINUTES on the new car line
that will soon be completed.
Lots 50x100, $200 and up;
easy terms,
ery lot.
Water piped to ev-
Phone Richmond 1021.
1 1 0 N. Jersey, St. Johns.
(iii$ Q0000&00000000(
St. Johns Land Co.
The Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm
in St. Johns.
East St. Johns
The center of the crreat develomnent now tiikimr
, - -' l
A place on the Peninsula.
$ We have only a few business lots left on Columbia
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at
present prices.
Some fiue residence lots still on sale.
Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O. R. 6c
N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms.
Holbrook's Addition
We have some choice lots in the vioinitv r( thn
new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install
au at our omce lor prices anct terms lor either of 9 1
uiese uesirauic tracts. f
Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your
Roods nt the most reasonnble of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight enrs between St. Johns and
Portland. We call for nnd check your trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts
over to us ami your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car
load lots. Kxperieuced mid courteous employes.
Phone Main 358, Portland office.
Phone Main A 3358.
First and Flanders Streets.
Phone Woodlawn 818. Ageut at St. Joluis.
Office 105 E. Burlington street.
St. Johns Phone Jersey 931 Oregon
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise.
Also slab wood. Timlers of all sizes cut to order.'
Get your winter's wood now and save trouble.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Capitnl $ 25,000.00
Surplus , SiW-8.1
Interest paid on savings deposits
Note the label on your paper.