St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 16, 1908, Image 3

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Ever written would be poor when com
pared with a reputation for keeping
"honest goods" and telling the exact
truth about them.
Hundreds of users in Portland and
St. Johns tell us our "Ruby Heater" is
the best wood stove on the market for
the money. We sell them $1.00 down
$1.00 a week.
Also the Umpire Estate, Merritt,
Oak Home, Jr., Hot Blast, Janus, Win
ner, Etc., Etc.
Just in, a car of Lentz Tables from
the factory in Michigan. Also a new
line of Lace Curtains at $2 to $3 pair.
Local News.
He who by his biz would rise
Must cither bust or advertise.
Remember the place
Mailt store
K. Morrison
$ Wc can afford to sell at Reasonable Prices
First National Bank I
St. Johns, Oregon j)
Stockholders' Liability,
Three per cent paid on savings deposits.
Safe deposit boxes for rent.
r$D rO c40 r eS3 c50 44 tO cO e5D e53 o43 rO
Plumbing and Tinning
Call nnd .sec our new Garden Hose.
t 203 S. Jersey Street Phone Jersey 91 St. Johns, Oregon
II I..... n tvitr nt RIM V Iin f . Ill II If nr finnllQMAV IIIMltt
If no, buy a pair of SIJI.Z ROV.U, W.UH or OOODSMAN IIROS.1
ROYAL CHINOOK SIIOHS for men. Wc have a complete line of
.School Shoe for boy nml ftUU at modest prices, We also have u
complete Hue cf Apiajellc Waterproof Clothing. A trial ol any of
the above goods will be ample proof of our assertion in this ail.
Plinne TIninn .lofifi. anA.snS Pliilndelnliin street. fcf
Phone Union 4066,
206-208 Philadelphia street.
We Have No Kick Coming
Our business during our opening week lias been far bet
ter than we expected, nud, to siiow that we appreciate your
patronage, we offer o for next week a number of specials
at very low prices:
Men's silk four-in-hand Ties 25c
Men's fancy dress Suspenders , 25c
Men's Umbrellas, regular $1.50 value. ..... .f i.oo
Boys' Golf Coat Sweaters, worth $2 1.25
Boys' grey Telescope Hats, worth $1.50 1 00
Boys' Suits, 7 to 19 years, $3.50 to 12.50
Men's and boys' Overalls from 40c to 1.10
At we sell the best Union Made Boss of the Road
Overall made, a garment that sells for $1.25 to $1.50.
311 South Jersey Street
Cheaper, cleaner, better than wood.
Delivered anywhere in the city.
R. WILCOX, Agent
For neat work, good materia! and reasonable prices The
Review job printing department cannot be beaten.
Watch the label on your paper.
C. A. Wood has recovered entirely
from th lit utiplonBtuit visitor Hint put
hla poopcr out of commission nud cm
now onjoy to tho full tho beauties of
nature. Wo arc glad to bo nblo to
congratulato him on his good for
tune Sir. Guy Tozer of La Jobo, I'cnn.,
la visiting tho family of A. W. Mnrkk
thla week. Mr. Tozer la making
tour of tho const and could not puss
St. Johns nnd his relatives up with
out n good visit, lie likes tho city
very much.
Rev. 13. A. Leonnrd has closed hlo
paatornto ut tho Baptist church to
tnko chargo of n church In Portland
Ho v. John Ucntzlcn la tho now pns
tor. Mr. Ucntzlcn Is not unknown In
St. Jouni.for ho organized tho Uaptlst
church hero thrco years ago.
Our good friend, N.A. dee, Is again
on tho warpath with n full coat of
paint on' moving houses like u chock
cr player moves his men. Brother
Geo has been having a serious tlmo
with stomach trouble for somo tlmo
nud wo nro glad to sco him out. It
Is good for soro eyes to sco hla mull
tug phiz among us ngnln.
Miss 12va Droits, who recolvcd tho
and Intelllgenco of tho nccldontnl
death of her father which occurred
last week tins gono for n visit to
friends nt Taconin.loavliiB Wednesday
evening. MIhs Droits Ih n moot ca
tlmablo loutii; lndy nnd she tins tho
aliicurual Hympnthy of her many
friends hero In her borunvemont. She
Is now nlono In tho world, her father
being tho last of her family besides
A. i:. Smith, brother of Harvey 8.,
tho tonrorlal artist, Is making his
homo In tho Jowor block for tho
preieut, while ho keeps nn oyo out
for somullilng good. Ho enmo hero
from Wyoming, whoro tho blizzards
frisk nround too lively In tho winter
to suit him. This week ho Is out on
. .1... HI. ttnu
n muiiaiiu wriiummu mo
hindered him so far. but that ho IK
.iiiiiir in imvii Momo meal before no
r" - '
comes homo.
Mr. ll 11. Hose, representing tho
Coal Creek Coal company was hi tho
city yesterday looking tiftor in in
terests. This Coal CrooK com in mm.
td bo a sptended article, making mori
hunt, loss smoko .uul loss soot than
eonl In oxlstonco. It Is said
to mnko a llttlo moro nsheH.butnsheH
. nwirr on V IIMUIOU Ulllll
dirty soot which usually accompanies Ti.i.m win moro Ol "
old Inst year to tho gonornl public
than wan sold by any two dealer..
I othoi kinds of coal In 1 ort-
land and St. Jonns
ono of tholr now -
Is tho local asont hero. Sco his ad ll
nnothor column and try his coal.
K.Orodon and J.M.Kuchor, nro two
now arrivals In St. Jouiw aim m
erecting n roildonco on Dawson streol
and will brliiB 'lr Ue'
Wo tako a delight In w"J,n , "
arrival of now comors to St. Johns
...... i,on our roadors boo
nuu iriim , ,,
tho notlco of -ueh arrivri.. m
make It a Po nt o me i
!hatX cuVa bolter reputation
S ad than tho fact that hor poop
aro gonial, neighborly and kl nd to
tho stranger coming into tholr midst.
8t! Johns lias this reputation on the
outsldo U b larger degree tlmn n y
placo wrt havo over lived and It will
moan much to us It this characterise
lo Is omphaclscd and oxtondod.
And If you want becoming nats uo
coming to tho Voguo.
Mrs. J. n. Crook roturned last Fri
day from a Beven weokB" trip up In
tho north country. Sho visited frlonds
snnuin. Victoria and Vancouver,
H. C, Moscow nnd Couor D'olono, Ida
Raymond d uw
reports, too, a most delightful nud
wonderfully Interesting, visit partic
ularly In British Columbia, where
tho old English peculiarities of arch
Itecturo and Jundscapo gardonlng and
homo adornment prevails to a vary
groat extent, alio onjoyeu a rum
Tally-ho trip In Victoria seeing many
things which would Interest all who
go there from our part of tho country
nut there was noiniug tuoro to tempi
her to leavo St. Johns. Mrs. O. J.
Loverlng of Raymond, Washington,
came homo with her and will mako
an extended visit in St. Johns, Mrs.
Crook says sho was glad to got back
to hor old friends nnd to St. Johus
oven If sho did havo a royal tlmo while
away, aii(J then, thoro was John, ho
neeaea looking alter, wo aro suro of
that. Wo aro very glad our good
friend reachod homo In such good
health and so happy a framo of mind
A vlsltt away from homo serves Iho
best of all to show us tho "beauties
of our own locality, and to mako us
realize that there Is no placo quite
llko It.
Note th label on your paper.
I have cheap farms for sale from
10 to 500 acres, at prices from 1G
an aero to $100 an aero In Marlon,
Linn and Polk counties. Tho very
pick of the Willamette Valley. Call
and seo me. J. II. FLETCHER
823 Willamette Boulevard, St. Johns.
Tho great Christian revival con
ducted by the Trio Uvnngclists nt
tho skntlng rink la drawing to n
close. Only four moro sermons.
During tho past 21 days tho Trio
Kvnngciisis nnvo "uon conducting n
very successful mooting In St. Johns,
about CO Bonis liavo been milled to
thu church u Christ, tlm membership
Is nbout doubled. All nro hnppy over
tho results nnd tho church Is taking
on now lite nun pinnning greater
things. .
Tho association of theso workers
among our people una been elevat
ing, Inspiring, nnd crcntlvo of much
enthusiasm among Christians nil ovci
the city nnd thla ts not confined to
tho llttlo congregation with nud for
which they woro laboring. Wo hnvo
found them faithful, honest, earnest
workers, conscientious, cffectlvo nnd
hopeful at nil times and under all
circumstances. Wo hope our renders
wll. give them n careful hearing dun
lug thu remainder of their stay with
us, The following la tho program
of tho rcmnlndcr of tholr work hero:
Four Great Closing Sermons
Frldny night, 7:45:' 'What Clonnsei
Nan man tho Lopcr." lie sure to come
nnd heal' this ably hnudlcd,
Snturday,7:45 p.m.:"A Prayer meet
ing In Hades." Do not fall to hear
this Interesting sermon, which will
bo prenched In tho Evangelical churcl
Sunday 10 n. in. blblo school! 11
o.clock, "(Irontor works than Miracles
Whatever you do, do not miss this
Thrco p. in. n groat eervlco for nil:
tho men on ono side of tho houso nnC
tho women on tho other. The Kvan
gollBt will then deliver his great aor
Jion on. ' How to bo Happy Though
.Married." Sunday night 7:415. "Tho
Greatest Question Ever Asked by Man
mated and answered.
Monday night, Oct. llUh, thero will
uo n reception for nil tho now mem
Tuesday night tho great lecturo nnd
elocutionary program will bo rondure
Tha Evnngellst will lecturo on: "Men
tnl telepathy, suggestive tliornpout
Ich, tho power of thu mibjcctlvo mind
how to live a hundred years without
mcdeclno nnd sickness. A hundred
exercises which you enn tako Inyour
home. Rending nnd special music by
tho singers. Do suro to come and
hear those closing sermons and the
lecturo and elocutionary program
You cannot afford to miss, Coino nud
It will do you good.
Tho lecturo slated for Tuesdnyulgh
Is ono of especial Interest, At Puy
nlluti. tho lecturu was given to a
crowded houso nnd within 21 hours a
request signed by 200 citizens nud
business men of Hint city was pro
sontcd requesting ihat It bo ropontcd
week latcr.when an uudlouco almost
or quite as largo ns tho first hoard
It. It will pay anyone to honr It on
Tuesday evening.
And If you want becoming hats bo
coming to tho Voguo. .
Dressmnklng, McChcsncy block.
Dollclotia Murtcntclles and Concord
grapes at Frank Clark's.
FOR SALE -Huff Orpington cocker
ola. C. H. Dorrlo, French Ulock. 49t
Tho best yet. Thoso C-ncro tracts
h. 11. Smith ACo, hnvo for sale,
FIno lot of King apples nt Frank
Clark's. TI13 best eating apples on
Yott get full weight nnd
quality nt the Central mnrkct.
try it nwliilc.
Wo aro arranging to Issuo u spocla
Illustrated Peninsula edition, put. up
In magazine form, comprising nbout
100 pages of matter describing tho
different soctlons of tho I'oniusuin,
advertisements showing tho linos or
trndo nnd manufactures represented
hero. Illustratji with halftone cuts
of old plonoors.flnor residences, bus-
Inoss housos. manufactures,, in iuci,
anything that will give n clear con
ceplton to tho hoinosoeker and tho In
vestor of what wo hnvo hero to offer
him. ,
This will cont us a largo sum of
nn.i unless wo can get u U'-
oral amount of advertising wo could
not afford to do tho
will call on you and explain moro fill
ly tho plan wo wun to uo u "
under, and to tako your orders for
what you doslro In mo m..
Every business In St. Johns Bhould
i. rnnroannted 111 tills UsUO that HI.
Johns may mako as good a allow hiK
as possible. Thero Is not tho slight
est doubt but If wo wish to benefit
by tho groat rush to tho coast tho
coming year wo must got In lino to
lot tho pooplo know what wo havo
to offer to thorn horo. lti Baio o
say that 75 per cent of tho" pooplo at
tending tho Bonttlo fair will visit
Portland and St. Johns. If wo wish
tr, mako a good Impression upon
theso visitors and enpturo our Bharo
of thorn It Is tlmo wo wero beginning
now to got ready. It will bo too Into
six months from now. l'leaso givo
our man a careful hoarlng thoroforo
and strain n point to help In this
onterprlso nnd wo will romombor to
roclprocato hi every way that wo poa
slbly can.
And If you want becoming hats no-
coming to tho Voguo.
Seo Wolcotfs great
ad In another column,
look good to U3.
reduction salo
Thoso prices
Puro Ho)d River Applo elder can
bo had at At. Harris cigar storo whole
salo or rctill,
Subscribe for the Telegram
best evening paper on the const.
See lid Stockton.
FOR SALE Horse, weight 1250
pounds; buggy nud hnrncss; Inquire
of HngeiiBcn and Smith. 40 tfc
Nothing llko tho h. It. Smith & Co
S-ncro tracts. Sco him about them,
LASH Ilia tops for tho school
boys, penclli, tablets, purses, nnd no
thing they ncuJ. 207 South Jersey.
WANTED To borrow $S00. Will
glvo good security. Mrs. D. O. Mushy
207 Slnuton street. ISctf.
l or a good lob of painting, paper
hanging or knlsomtnlng nt reason
nblo price phono Richmond 172. f.Op
Plain Sowlngjiciufctltchlng mid fan
ey work done by th. pleeo or day. I.
M. Hunter, 202 E. Polk St. John: Ittx
Have your property insured in
the St. l'atil or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They tire the
best. S. I.. Dobie, agent.
If you want to btiy.reut, sell or
exehango property seo Wolcott, (The
Rent Man.) 401 South Jersey. Hide
SILVERWARE Seo Lash at 207
South Jersey street. Ho tins tho
finest lint of silverware for thu table
at prices to suit tho times, Just
right for Christmas.
Seo thoso C-ncro tracts that L.I I.
Smith & Co. offer.
To meet any persons employed
during thu dny who may wish music
leusous, MIrs Clelnud, vocal teacher,
will bo In hor studio Tuesday oven
liiKu during October from I! to 8 p.
111. nud Miss Paulson, piano teacher,
Filday evening fiom C to 8 p. in. r.Up
FIVE-ncro tracts near oloctrlo line,
t',i miles from boat Inudlnx.Tlio finest
of land ospo tally adapted lo rruu
n flito placo for n supburbaii homo;
a nlco chlckon ranch. Fivo. aero
tracts-KOO. 1760 oto. For full in
formation no Loroy 11. Smith & Co.
All our meats nre government
nspected and the best that money
. nil
Call Dliy. lliey uie ncuuy mm
carefully handled. Come in nud
leave your onler lor iree tienvery.
Ward's Central mnri:ei.
Improvement Bonds
City of St Johns.
Sealed projiosaU will be received by
the undersigned at his office in the City
Hall at St. Johns, Oregon, until Tuesday,
October 20, 1908, at 4 o'clock p. in, for
sale at not less than par value and accru
ed Interest of Improvement Ponds of the
City of St. Johns, Oregon, as provided
bv the charter of said city, for the whole
or any part of two thousand (f
Said bonds will be issued In denomi
nations of fsoo each, payable ten years
from date, and subject to all the condi
tions imposed, directed anil stipulated
by what is known a "The llaucroft
Ilonding Act," under which Act, as
amended said bonds are issued.
The right Is reserved to' reject any or
all bids. A. M. l'.SSON,
Recorder for the City of St. Johns.
Published in the St. Johns Review Oct.
9 and 16, i'oS,
All kinds of lnundry work done
promptly. Rough dry washing 0
cents per potuul. luhs inane ior
laundry nt tiny place. King us up.
l'houe Jersey 331. m. joins
Laundry. W. h. Churchill, I. II-
Simpson, proprietors.
Music Studio Room Rl, Mct.'hesne)
Ulock, Miss Cloland, vocal loacnor,
waB for two yoars 11 pupil or llerr
Leo Charlea Sparks of Drusden, Uer
many. Hours no a p. m., hu-puhj,
V.ednosday and Thursday. Miss
Paulson teacher of piano nud bar
mony Is a graduate of Chicago Musi
ci.i Collogo. Hours from 1 to 5 P- m
Moutluy, Friday and Saturday. GO p
WANTED Success Magazlno ro-
quires tho services of a man In St.
Johns to look after expiring Bubscrlp
tloiiB nnd to Bocuro now busluoss by
means of speclul methods unusuully
effoctlvo; position permanent; pre
fer ono with experience, but would
consider any applicant with good
natural qualifications; Balary $1 00
per day, with commission option. Ad
dress, with references, R. 0. Peacock,
Room 102, Succoss Mugazluo Dldg.,
Now York.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by Peninsula
Title, Abstract and Realty Co., II.
Henderson, manager. Accurate
work. Reasonable fees. Cement
Ulock building, Jersey street.
No. 80 to Elliot Gordon to erect a
resldenco no lot 7, block 3, South St,
Johns; fronting on Dawson streot bo
tween Buchanan and Wall stroots.
No. 00 to W. L. Plummcr to repair
residence for H. F. Clark on lot 14
block 10, Point View addition; front
lug on Hudson between Ilrunswlck
and Alleghenj streets. S200,
No. 01 to II. F. Reed to erect res
Idenco on lot 27 and 28, block 1
Point View; fronting on Richmond
between Fesseuden and Seneca. $100(
At unhenrd of prices nt this time of the year.
On all our lints tip to $8.00. Thnt means
$8.00 lints for $4.00 jSG.oo hats for fo.oo
4.00 hats for 2.00 2.00 lints for i.oo
$1.00 hats for 50 cents.
Voti pay only half of the reuulnr price. All huts marked in
nlnlti fltTiit-rxi.
Phone Jersey 211 O. P. WOLCOTT 401 S. Jersey St. i
Foggy Mornings
are suggesting warmer
Shoes, warmer Stockings and
warmer Underwear. We can sup
ply you with all for men, women and
children. We have the nicest lino of Out
ings we have ever carried for 10c per yard.
These sold at 12 l-2c last Fall. Double
width Percales at I5c, which have
been 17 and 18c,and Apron Ging
hams at 7c, formerly 8c per
yard. We have added to
our stock a substantial
llneof men's Trou
sers and now have
the agency for
Keep Bright and You
Klcctrlc I.ij'ht is the tttiij;tiet that draws trade. Thu
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of httsiuest. People cuti
uo more resist the attraction ol 11 hrillinul, Klectricnlly lighted
stole than they can resist the clarion call of 11 lira lmud.
Is your couictit(r with the Klectricnlly illuiiiinntcd show
windows, blight interior nud spaikliui; Hlcctric Sinn KeltiiiK
nil ti(lviintii;e over you ? The moth never tlultcnt around thu
uuliy,htcd caudle! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lihtiu 11 necessity, whether they remain open
nfter dark or not. Competition forces modem methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated willi I-'luctriu
liuht will make many 11 sale "the night before." lvleclrie
light coiniKils attention, makes cisy tite exauiiunlioii of your
display, siiows goods in detail and fabric in their true color.
And don't neglect the Klcctilc Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is a solicitor that never
becomes weary never slojw work eoU little.
Call Telephones: .Main fi68H, A 1 675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light and Power Go,
7 ?? T t$) t?4 ? O?0 ?j J ? t? 4 tvT ?4 ?4 c &
With Legs
Without Logs 8
This is the range you
hear them talk about.
It will pay you to come
in ami sec this one lc
fore you buy.
Heaters, Healers!
Make your selection
of your winter heating
stove nov,as our assort
ment is complete ami
the prices are right.
Look our line over be
fore you buy and le
com iucetl.
HucccsMjr to I). R. Norton
a&8ss "tt" 'S? "i8 "SS3 Kt a? SB
Manufacttirirs of Clay Hrkknnd rriscd llrick. I'laitering
Sand on hands at all times. Orders sohtited. J
1 H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St. s
I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work
(or tpot th. lo to CO
Lot rvuh. lu taCOf. moro monr for rnu to ttilp IUw r'"r.ol lliaMilalutbul ta
wll m hoiuu. W rllu lur Prlwi IJ.t. Mrkrt Ili-K'rt. Huli'i'lun TM ol uliut our
uinuvmci v. Tn a nnenOiPllinC ."M1?
nui i tna ex. i nHrruiio ui"-,iu,uji
4V) ,m. lutli.c UjuJ. Iw.l llio, oa tUt .ult .v., mwa I !
ra.lllnM It nr.(UitatikplU. hn. IJ T. ....k Hi tai !
U.atil ll K. H (Ml KU.Uc IU uuul. k "l". W I' 4Ufc l fHU
U.i.i ul I ut w ui tuX l Uttv.1 hum. AuiltrtU lift, in lU T I , ilUui.vvUUIuu,