St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 09, 1908, Image 4

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'Iho people of tho skating rink have
born vory goneroiiB In their treatment
ot tho pooplo of tho Christian church
nntl It Is vory highly appreciated hy
tliuBo people. Their contract with
tho proprietor of tho rink reserved
Saturday ntid Saturday night for the
u-'u of tho skating rink people, hut
last Saturday they vory generously
waived their rights ond gnvo to tho
These two columns have been leased by the Socialists of St.
Johns. They will furnish and edit their own matter, and the
editor of the Review will in nowise be responsible for anything
that may appear each week under this heading.
Church pooplo tho frCO UBO Of tho Hnk fl . .. , ..--. Wn.,!:. .-vi-nlnn M 7!30. ai 424 Hrun.wlck
for Saturday and Saturday night. Our " ' '
people should remember thls.andglvo Everybody welcome.
tho rink a hearty support when It la - - - - -
In oporatlon.Thls generous act has week wo glvo tho renders of
won n vory kindly fooling from theso Hovlow tho basis or tho socialist
people, and If tho rink pooplo will con. llHosophy, tho materialistic coiicen-
lion or History, in Die words or
Frederick Kngels, who was ror 40
duct nil ordcrly.clenn plnce.llko their
picdcccBBor.wo nro sure thoy will bo
heartily supported by church pooplo a co-worker of Karl Marx, tho
ol tho city. TIiIb, wo underBtnnd
thoy monn to do. Mr. Urlnk kept
oilhor ol 'Capital". Of Mnrx it can
he truthlully Bald, ho possessed olio
the most orderly, best behaved lot of f lIl? Biant Intellects of tho nine
nrnnlo fthnut him whlln hn oHorntod tenth century, t-s In 1813 ho foro-
tho rink thnt wo over saw nt n place tbo trust rulo or tho prt-Bont, al
of that kind. There was no loud, though at that tlmo thero was to all
bolBterotis talking, no Improper Inn- appearances, no Hlgu of a trust,
gungo.nothlng that would bo offensive Allowing Is from Kngol's ' Social
to tho moit -oflned permitted Inn, Utopian nnd Scientific:'
In or about tho rink Wo havo novor "Tho mntcrlnllu conception of his
bcoii n rink conducted In such n iter- loiyslnrls from tho proposition that
feet manner any whero beforo. If production of tho moans to hup
all rinks had boon oporoted In this fort human life, and tioxt to pro
way, wo do not bollevo thoro would dnctlon, tho exchange or things pro
way. wo do not hellevo thoro would luced Ib tho basis of all Boclnl atruc-
or could bo nny objections to tho rlnV Into: that In ov,ry society that has
appeared in History, trio milliner in
upholder., the bourgeolse." in the
fourth section of "Capital" Marx has
explained Indetall, how since tho lutl
century this has been historically
worked out through tho thrco phases
of simple co-operation, maiiufacturo
and modern industry. Hut the hour-
geolBe, as Is also shown there, could
not transform theso puny means of
production Into mighty productive
forces, without transforming them, at
ii .1..... t ...... ... ...... i.
v.'U HUU1U viiuu liuill lill'illlH ui
uctlun of tho Individual Into social
menus of production only workablu
by a collectivity of men, The spin
ning wheel, tho hand loom, tho black)
Binlth's hammer wero replaced by the
spltiiilng-mnchlnc, tho power loom.tho
utoam hammer; tho ludlvldunl work
shop by tho factory omployliig bund
redsaud thousands of workmen. In
In like manner production Itseli
changed from n series of Individual
Into n surlcs of social nets and tho
products, tliu yarn. ' tho cloth the
last master of his own form of social No. 9047.
organization, becomes nt uio same Report of the condition of the
time tho lord over nature.hla own , . M .. , . . nl . .
master-freo. First National Bank ol St, Johns
"To accomplish this act of unlver- nt St Joh(19) , tle stnle of 0tCK0U ,
sal omanclpatlon Is tho historical mis the close of business September i$, 1908:
fllon of tho modom thor Kusoukchs.
oughly comprehend tho historical Loans and discounts $.14,996.72
conditions and thus tho vory nature Overdrafts, secured & unscc'tl 5.J4
of this act, to impart to tho now op- J;
prosscd prolotarlaon class n full knov DankttiK house, furniture and
lcdgo of tho conditions nnd of tho fixtures 3i55.os
moaning of tho momentous net It Is Exjwnvs 1,631,81
called upon to accomplish, this Is the Znt..t 1,591.77
msK 01 MO uiuiinjucni uaiii i-obiuu i jjhl. nonl approved re
of tlio proletarian movement, scion- serve agents
tlflc soclnllsm.
Tho following from tho Portland Specie.
Checks ami other cash
Prncllonnl paper cur
rency, itickels,cents
Lawful money reserve
HI D.1IIK, viz:
Legal-tender notes. . .
Redemption fund with
U. b. Treasurer (5
per ct. of circulation 1,350.00 11,937.89
Total 88,17047
Capitnl stock pnld In Jas.two.oo
isnuonai ikiiik uoicsouisinmrg' 25,000.00
for It In tho most healthful. Invlgor
nllng oxorelHo in tho world and Just which wonlth Is distributed and so
what thoBo of n sedi'iilnry occupation :'i'y illvldetl In.o cltissoa or orders,
need to keep them In health. W'o do ' dependent upon what Is produced, metal articles that now coino out of
most ylncorely hopo that theso gen- aw It Is produced, and how tho prod tho factory ro tho Joint product of
iinmnii ..1,.. iitit'ii fir.itmi in tin un L'nti lists are exchanged. Prom this point mutiv nirti.rM iiir-nin.ii wlimm Imiiiis
uroim In tholr trontmont of our poo- ot vlow tho final causes of nil chiing- t,uy ,mVo ucceBBlvoly passed beforo ovr tho snmu month n year ngo.
pie will nlso tako this high position nnd political revolutions nro to bo t,oy ro rull,y, No I)urHon C0U,i y Tho flour shlpmonts aggregated it to
In lognrd to (ho rink and mnko It 11 Rougni, not 111 mens nrnins, not in of tlum. ..1 mtlti0 tml( UlH B m u i
pli.eo whero tho b'jst people of tho elly iuuiib better iiiBigm into oiurnni irum 1 product."
may coino for rocroiitlon nnd enjoy and justice, but In eimuges In thu i t,0 modluvnl Btago of oyolu
Dally Abstract.wlll give n llttlo Idea ol
what kind or backing Portland has
lu tho matter ot exports and or com
tncrco In general. It nlso shows our
people, tho great mass or oxports or
which n largo sllco rightfully belongs
to St. John8 and could bo Bocurod
by a llttlo systematic effort on tho individual detxislls
part of our people If headed by a subject to cheek... fj4.34t.54
l.vo organization of our business men IJ.ujlri
'September proved n record break- Time certificates of
tr with n vengeance, Thoro was ex- tletxisit 75943
ported from Portland douplo tho qual Certified checks 1,
tlty ot wheat thn has ever before 'vlnj-s deposits . ... 1,5650047
boon shipped In September In tho on- Total , fS8.170.47
tiro history of tho Pacific coast ex- State of Oregon, I
portii. In Soptombor, IDOO.thero went County of Multnomah SS!
out over tho ocean from this city, I, P. P. Drinker, cashier of the nliove
72l,Sr.O buBhclB, and last September nnmed bank, 1I0 solemnly swear that the
but CU'J.GSG bushels. During Septem
ber 11)08, freighters carried out 1,712,
915 bushels, n gain of 1,07:1,120 bush-
bushclB of barley wero exported, Luti
her Hhlpments(forelgn) reached n to-
uionon aim oxenangf, 'rney nro to Hon or tho production or commodities ".""."-'
bo Bought, not lu tho philosophy ,. nB , owllBP ()t tll0 tho Kovernl exports were'. Whont.
but lu tho economies or each par mnlm ,.,,, 10l urHOi t,0 ,m,vi,- "; flour, $218,215- barley.$-02,.
t.tulur .pod.. Tho growing pertep. ! lroi1It;ori n rut., hnd from ra 073 ' J !"lf11't'ou!L1f,0,",U' , ' !'!, '
ho 11011 Hint 1110 oxiBiing social in- m!,.ri.ii iioinnulii,. 1,. hlmsoir am . v.w.
above statement Is true to the best of my
1. . I. , . ... , . . ,
Kiiuwieiige nun dciici.
1'. P. Drinker. Cn1iW.
Subscribed anil sworn to before me
tills 30H1 day of Seplcmbcr, J908.
V. U. Itnll, Notnty Public,
Muttuoumli county, Ore.
Correct Attest! Henry V. Coe,
H. M. Tuttle,
C. W. Shirmiiu,
Are yon doing what you can to populate your State?
ORHGON NKKDS PEOPL-K Settlers, honest farmers,
mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong
hands and a willing heart capital or no capital,
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.
Southern Pacfic Co. "Lines in Oregon"
are sending out tons of Oregon literature to the Uast for
distribution through every uvnilable agency. Will you not
help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the
names and adresses of your friends who are likely to be
interested in this slate? We will be glad to bear the ex
pense of sending them complete information about
OKUGON and its opportunities.
Colonist Tickets willbe onsnledtiringSEI'TKMBHR
and OCTOHIiR from the Hast to all points in Oregon.
The fares from a few principal cities ure
Prom Denver .... $30.00 Prom Louisville $41.70
" Omnhn .30.00 Cincinnati 42.20
" KnnsasClly... 30.00 Cleveland 45 75
St. Louis... . 35.50 New York 55.00
" Chicago 38 00
If you want to bring n friend or relative to Oregon, de
posit the proper amount with any of our agents. The
ticket will then be furnished by telegraph.
WAl. McAlURRAY, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Succour to Petersen & Nocc
Por Latest Styln In Suitings, Pants nnd Ovcico.its at very reasonable
prices, llrsl workmanship and up-to-date styles, You can save money
by buying your elothe.t right heie at home.
stltutloiiH nro unreasonable nnd unjna morally of IiIh own handiwork, pro- ,ul",,or woro '"'J
Is Hint rensoii has become uiiroaHoii.nnd llllt.t.(1 ,t wjlh ,B ow l00H( hy u,o and tho total lumber output 8,r..7,..u
Tho tihlfthXH iioiiltryinan will
oiiught utipplng.
'I'llMlllllllllltl'll lllllltlU U'llltlll
..1 hum Imili. 1 lull I wioiik. Ih only proof thnt In ii , ....... .. t iuh fot. I-nrgo its these flguroB are,
...I.... tho modeu or nrodiicllon and oxchniig lr u. wi...... .. ,,..,. fll- i,i, ir thoro aro enough big ocean freight.
KnoniH too bad Hint tho poor hoim chanitea havo silently taken placo with L,,,,roprliito H'o now product, it bo- r now lodnlng or to bo loaded duH
l.iivo no dry loafing placo on rainy Ueh tho social order adapted to th ,Mlwua ,, tM ,,,, UM MmMoP of ng uciowr.umi win nniuuuijr .
.... ... . ... I ..Ull..U J.........!.. I.. ..J.llllll .. 1.. lift
days. WllllU limlUUg, pouiiry III' iiuht i'iihuhiiu- iimuiu.nm in iiu
vary Henslllvo to ntinoBpliorlochnuKoii 'ongcr Inkeoplng. I'lom this It nlso
ThH nro busy times, I know, but rouowH Hint tlio iiiouiih or geiiiug no
It will pay you lo throw up 11 few of the IncoiigrultloB thnt hnvo boon
hI.ovuIIiiIh of Hilb, now nnd Ihcn, .rouglit lo light, mum nlso bo proiv
for tin. ohleiniiH to work In. Kii-ps nl lu 11 inoro or Iohh duvelopedeon.
t:.m i y; lltfy nro the ouch thai dlllon within tho ehnnged inoden ol
ii ihn Ivmi production thuuiMi'ivoH, Tlu'iio uientiH
course. ... property In tho Product t Uj.-l .
vn'iih therefore biueil upon Ids own la- "r "
bor. Kwn where external help was or uvr 0,.
I u l f llllt.l llll.l """TO IB IIO rUIIIHJII WO 'HI
!... .....H.miiv.iim. hnvo 11 Imnvy shipment over our now
ponsated' by something other than Immediately It Is completed, but
v,,..,u. Tl..; ,.,! lourna- wo will not get If wo sit still with
m-yinen of tho gullda worked less for our thumbs lu our moutlm and do noi
iiiviu in ii iihim'i 11.
'i'i.. ,.v,irv iiNintiiiilnii nuiiliiHt 1I1111111 nro not ti) bo Invented by deduction I ,.,.., ...... ,i,11M 1,,ii,.mii,,ii. Bo after It
iiisn. Mnny of tho ropoili'd 'myslor .'mm principles, hut nr.- ()r)i,r umt thoy might becoino iuuh lrlly well rounded loo hint there
loini" dlHOHHUM owo their origin to 10 bo discovered In the stubborn fact ,or ,.rf,Mim,M thumselvoH. w'll ,lt',Hl U"IU 1,1 Hl; J,
.i ... ( in- 11010 f tho ox Hllnu fystoin or proiiueiiou. ,. ,, ..! rni ion f n.i I mis is a niau-r our u-
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
h.nd, distemper and roup nro the Wlmt Ih tlifii II10 poHttloii r , I ,.. ,)f protluc-ttoii f proihirvni In '"" lot I"0; It Ih "bsoluto- cyatcll VOIIT hllinPQC
nnull or ...gllgeneo In this matter. Hoelallsm lu this connection? , W0,Ub0 IIIU, manuractorles, !' necessary that our business meiiget ttuiii umi UUSIIItsas
"I'll 11 present structure or society
largo woiknhops
I'll I h transrormatloii
Into actual noJw'r and present this matter to
-this Is now pr-tty generally conced cll(1Uc monll8 of production and ' rllron,l In a forcible iimnnei - If
.I-Ih tho crou 1 of the ruling ilas; clailxed producers, but tho soclalUed wo expect to receive nny coiitcss ioiih
Tho pullotH should bo plated lu
their winter iUiu tors before thoy Btari
in. In.. T.iniiti iliiim iii ln lii the
......,, ........ ...w... - , n, in inn i,i.,...f.. ... .. ... I i;itllll.,ll M lllliu ill n, "lib "w I . u I 11 dike
lUhlM, by keeping a I'lilnn nost egg )f (,ay,or the bourgeolHe. The producerB and meaiiH of production from Ihoui. Ho long ns wo iki
In each mml. My the way, that In f nroducllon peculiar to the ..,, .lu i,rductB were still treated Jt 't t,,(,' nro. ."",p(."",l.ll? K...
the only good 11 ueMt oHK Ih, unywny. hourgoolse, known hIiico Marx iih the I ltftor this chiiugn, JuhI iih they had
Tho old Hum thorny that It IiiIiuh1 I -.pitullHt mode of production, wan lH.(l. imfore. that l, as the means
Incompatible with the feudal B)stein, production and thu productH of I'M
Iioiih to lay h.w Ioiik hIiico been t x
ploded. Tho lieul-egg Ih tho hIkii whero to lay, but It
can not mnko r. hen lay.
us. we will gel nothing, but UiIh dl-
crimination In fovor or the big ciiy
will continue.
Yon will spoil your nice ehlim
waHhlug It In water Unit Ih too hot.
Have iho water fairly warm. I'se h
Lit or soap and you are nil tUhl. No .Won, or personal
iith the privileges It courerred upoi
iiidivldiiAlH, entire social in 11 Its und
torporutloiiH iih we.) iih with the he
ivdltary ties or subordination which
.MiiiHlltutod the framework of Its so
1 1 ti I orgnuUatloii, Tho hourgtolsi
I roko up the feudal system and built
'Upon Its ruliiB Iho capitalist order
if society, the kingdom of free compi
Iberty. of the
Ilvlduals, hitherto, tlio owner of the
lustriimeiitH of labor had liluiHcir ap-
nronrlated thu nioduct. because. n
a rulo, It was IiIh own product nnd Iteg.strnt.oii open September 20.
id.. MHHiminini of ot hers was mo c Iohoh for ciecuon uciouor -u.
jxceiitlon, Now tho owner or the Presidential eloctlon November a.
iiiBtrumentB or labor alwayn nppro.
prlatetl to hlmseir the product, nl
though It was no longer his product
out exclusively tho product of llu
labor or otherH. Thus, tho pioductt
now iiroduced socially were not ap
Koums lu the Ilolbrook building.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Joseph iMcCltcsncy, Al. I).
Day and Nlplit Office In McChaMicy lllock
rui n nooui.inii is
PhttUInn an J Surccon.
Office lu Molbrook's lllock.
Uvuidcncc, 315 Haves street.
Phone Scott 6995.
Offlc hour, 11 to 11 a, 111., no J . 111
OITIit t'liune, WikmIUiiii )i.
McuMcnrr I'lioiir, Union oi.
OITlcc In rorlnuoulli I'lUk.
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your ecxsU to nnd from all
hiiirt of Portland, Vancouver, I.funtoii,
l'ortbind ami .Suburb.iu HxiirvMt Co..
city dock and all imlu's acccxniblc by
wnuou. Piano nnd furniture movlna
In siKclalty. ico K. Ilurliiigtou; phone
Kiclimoud bi.
Cily ol St, Johns, Oregon
Mnjor-ll. W. lirlrr
lUvonK r A. M, lm)ii
Trrnrtr J l. Tnnrli
.Mloini-y-ll. K.CollIrr
Hnulnrcr C. AiuUi-m
l'll k'lllll A. W. VIlUTIlt
Clilrl ill l'illiT-J, II. Illnck
Nltfht Pullcc-O. HtlHTl.Uc
CmiiH'lliiirn nt l.nrgi-:
A. V. Dnvla, C. I,. JoIiiimjii, ri, l Dulile
Coiiiiclliiicn I'lmt Ward:
I'. J. .Mllkr W. W. Wlmllr
eiiiiiicllnicti tvrun.l Ward:
II. C. Hunter II. W. HoiiIihiii
Klfittn nml DiK-ktwW. W, WlniUe, p. J.
Mlllrr.O. I.. JuIiiimiii
l.lccimrll. V, lliiiiliain. II, C. Hunter,
W. W. Wlu.lle
W'Alcr aniM.Iilit-C. I,. JuIiiimiii, A. W,
lUvU, II. W. Iliiuliaiii
I'lnuticc-A. W. H.1 l, 11. c. Hunter, H.
I.. I Mile
IIiiIIiIIiik nml Oroiiinl II. C. Hunter. 1'.
. Miller, C. I..
llmttli ami I'iiIUt-H. I.. I Mil-, II. W.
Iliiiilitiui, W. W. W'lmlle
l.liuor I.U'enne I'. J. Mlll.r. A. W. Davit,
n. 1.. iiome
church Noricns.
HaiilUt church 15. A., puior.
Siiinlny ktliool nt 10 a. in. Preaching at
Puncral Director and Umbalmcr
l.ady AUtiuit.
Republican National Ticket.
of Ohio.
of Now York.
eiiuiked cdiliia then. equality ln-foro tho law.or all coininoii
Don't try to do your diiMlng with Ity ownerH, or all the rest or the cap
11 dry cloth. That only sets the italUt blessings. Thenceforward the Lroprlatod by those who had actually
partluloH or dum flying everywhere capltnllHt mode of production conn H(!l mton the inoaiiH of produc
Dninpeu your cloth und i Iiimi It out I develop freeilom. Hlnco steam ma L0, IIul nctually produced the com
In clear water, mice lu a while. chlnery nml the making of macnin ,,teM. but by tho capltallHtH.
nil.. uNiiallv imikH eiutiii uheu ii lory by innehliioB. transformed tho old .T,.,B ..0irmlcton. which kUcb to
coiuoH rroni tho store; bill wnsli It "r manufacture Into uiodern Industry 1 m,w 1(u, ( production It capl- J. I. I.KB, of Multnomah county
lu cIomii wntor und vou will sen Ii In 'ho productive foicoH evolved uinn'i .t., ..hiiracter. coiitalim tho germ m l'. J. .mii.i.i-.h, or 1.11111 coum
far from being bo. Keep 011 wnshliiK ' Ktibllng hand of the bourgeolse l0 w,u)lu ()f , B0(.,(1 ntaKoulsui6 A. C, MAHSTKItS Douglusa county
Tor Presidential KloctorH
of today."
In a summary Kngels says In part:
"On the one hand, perfecting or ma
chinery made by competition compul
sory ror each Individual uianuractuiei
and complemented by a constantly
It. It. llUTI.Klt of ailllum county
till the water Is clear, then cook. d.'udopod with a rnpiimy ami a
To gut rid of nuts In tho pantry "ee ""heard of berore, nut just to
la Homo ham rinds 011 the the older manufacture In Its lime,
hi.uIvob, or sinoar a saucer with lard "d haudlciaft, becoming more do
nml But it thoro over ulht. lu the veloped wider Its Influence "nil
l.iornliiK thotw will be found covered vonm Into collision with tli feudal
with tho unta which may be scalded trammels of the gulIdH, so now mod ,mwK dlsiilaceinent of laborers In
wlih boiling walur, und tho tram wul dovolopiuent rumen Into tolllMlii I (luatrlui reserve army on tho other best work for our patrons
iignln. In 11 few days ovury nut will willitlto hounds within which iho cap )iam unUmUcj nxlenslou of produc
Pointers for our Patrons.
Old papers for sale nt this office.
Our rule is the best stock niul
rMJl bulM Kaw IIk.Iiul A1
V OUI vol mftttt rou a perniannt tu. 1
' tamrr. ciluur '
Souvenir CelUcllonrjJlIfe.'
I 9fi4 k. Ii MUk UU, UUu, IImimIi,
I Mtj M4 T wlir . .
Wrh tQ'dMY AUatioa thl$ Ptr
I UMli4U4i l4 .kUj li Ml UU11UU4 fr'Vrflft
l ll( VIM rw i (ft!, HIHH1H
1 1 a. in. II. V. P. V. 7 j Preaching
at 8 p. Hi. h
i MctlioilUt church P. I.. Vouue. ihii.
( tor. Suiubiy chool to a. m.; preaching
i "t 1 1 a. ui. and 8 p. m. l!p orlli League
at 7 p. ui.
I Holy CriKC.ithiillciliurcli, Portsmouth
j Station: H:is a. m low um; 10:15 u.iu.,
llfi.1l inaM! ?.tri ii 111 i.iiiiiiipd Iim..
Ilrancli ofllce at Pnlvcrhltv Pari: l)rmr ill?! ,, ,; ' ' " ' '
Store, phono Wooillawii 1871. i ChrMlau cljurch-MccU every Sunday
Ma 11 olhce. Portlau.l. Oregon: nr.oae : In TnU rn.ui n r.iiiu. ..i.nn'i
I ..... , ... '-- '" """I'IMI PVIIVUI
bcllwtwd 71. ,nt 1011, in.: preaching at 11 u. m. nml 8
. ....... ,,
-Uv I.AI HPI. l OHfiR K. I. lohuttiu. luitor. 1
St. "And
lU. IOO I. U. VJ. P.'vmltv Park-Ke . R. Powell.
8T. JOHNS, OKUQON chaplain. Regular icrvlce t.w 11. m.
Mcctn each Monday evening lu Odd Sunday school at 3 p. 111.; lllblc class 7 p,
Pellow hall, at 8:00, Vioitum welcomed, m.; l.euton services every Priday at 10
v.. r. linns, .. u, in.
H. II, Ilolcomh, Secretary. I I'.vaugcllcul church Sunday cliool ut
10 a. 111. Preach! m; 11 a. in. Junior K.
Holmes Lodge No. 101 , J t-'. It. ay p. in.; Senior K. h. C. H. 7
WBurlku I7U) tOOnil IT.
. WKIBH mocirow. lit.
Meets every Piiday ulght
at o'clock at I.O.O.P. j
dlHippoar. tallsi mode of production noma h(m u() n)mi,im,r). under competl
Our old HiibBcrlbeiH must know confined, mo new prouuciive ur" tou ror every inauurncturer on both
our pet dried beef recolpt by heart "i'Vo already outgrown the capitalist alill8 U,lei,ri of dove0imeiit ot
but wo wain tho new ones also to mode or using them, and the couuiii productive rorces, excess or supply
learn It: Kor mery twenty pounds between productive forces ami um'M over production, glutting ot tho mar.
tif beuf, tako one pint of Halt,
tibspoeuful of saltpeter, a quarter
n pound of brown sugar. Divide th
it'Krudiuutu into tureo oipial par
and rub llmiu wwll Into the beef
eaithou or porcelain vessel, nud turn will und actions oven or 1110 men in lWw 0Vl,ra or production and or so
We do not allow any printer to
. -
put out nicer work than we do nml
we put the best stock into our jobs.
The difference between
S. Cha. Dav
in. Preaching at 8 p, m, Chester P.
ate, uitor.
Pirkt ConLTceatlonal Church O. V.
nan, visitor always wei- .e sou, jmstor. hunday school 10 a.
come, J. II. Hlack, C, C. ni.; prc.ichiui; 1 1 n. 111. an I 7:45 p. hi.
J. 11. lloicomli, IC. k. h. i v. r. h. e. l. meeting nt 7 p. hi. Prayer
n , , , .-.Iiuecting Thursday at 7:30 11. m. A beat
Doric Lodge No. 132 and welcome to all.
i:. and A. Al. I IlaptUt Church, University Park. Rev.
Rcgnbu comuiunica- A. II. Walt, juiktor. Regular services
lions on first and third every Sunday morning and evening.
v. cm esiiay 01 e u c u i r.ernmn IlaptUt church Services held
church nsfollows;
preaching at 3 P.
..- , 1 ' 4 '"
I'WWI I ... TllllfiltifiMiv iiaiiuw ....i ..m . M.
mill 9 ciuu alUCK Ull u juui imr.iin.i.Hmtui .M 111' )ll l.T.MIJI.MI.
lie n -....,11 ...I..... .. I Marv H. Bcoll. l'lulnllff 1
one of prouueuo,, is not a cumim en M crh,l(1 0Vl. u, yillriIi lho y, ... v. - - summons.
r gendered lu t"e mind or man. 1 k- doU8 drclo 1(XI1S1, ho of menlw 0r ' ,a f : "'",i:
ese that between original sin nud "'vine ,la.(( product, excess there, " " " lllnu,M; r' 11 13 i the .. 01 Vht"te'ui "o,' ,SU"C
... 1... .. ... ..1. 1... ,n... I ' . I Metier tn miiLri cn eiil le nn n' mm m in .mir.ii .11.1 n...uT.. (......
,B ii ..,,, ..ui. f lrti)ri,r8 W,uut employment. 11ml V " . .,";.: Zi" pN fihtwU,.? o iVVhe aw'tuit
011 ly. outside ns, liuiepenuenuy or '"' without means of existence: but theso I ' " .i rom aiia.uii Hh a ,ix irom iheUateoi
1 - 1 ffiiiif nrfL iii'in tn iic tiir 1 iittiu 1 w nv m i'uuiivhiiuii ui 1111s tuiiimnui. in un
inoiilh in Odd fellows' each Sunday at Uaptist
hall. VWtors welcome. Sunday sc1hm1 3 p, m
.is, Joseph McChesney, , m, Kcv. Paltmcat, pa.
nerman Lutheran-Services at ioms
HMHmi4t44i cvt'r" -wiilay morning at comer of
Peninsula avenue dud KlljiStrick street,
t Mrs. Florence Rucker t I'nlversity Park. All Germans of St.
. rruiay, 111c jihuu, ol tKiolxr, ewi. uiul il ou
end, day In tuo brlno It will make. Imv0 brought It on. -Modern social cul well bolng nro unable to work to l' ",pac ,xtra 1. !'"
v.. .v.. ...... w ...v 1 cnuiiru court lorine irilcl iracxl lor In plain-
way we iijjnre it.
At tho end of lho week hang It lo Um l nothing but tho reflex action K1uri i,Ucuuso the capitalist form
dry, In thought of this conflict In fact; IU of production prevents the produc-
Ideal reflection in h0 niiuus, nrm. for..,,H fmi WOrklii- ami the
Wo wish to secure- one or more era Industry, In Its more comnlolo I ,,r0(tlu.(8 from circulatlng.unless they
canvasssrs in St. Johns, ono In Linn- of tho class uirecuy Buueiiug "'i ro flm turll0ll ,,t0 capital which
ton, ono or more in University Park It, the working class. Itheli very Buperabundnnco prevents.
to work for tho Review, Wo will Now, In what does thU conflict Tho contradiction has grown Into an for St. Johns property. Iuquireatl
Cive a liberal commission and besides consist T 'lleforo capitalist produc- absurdity. Tho mode ot production this office. -utf
to the one fecurino tho most votes turn, that Is, In tho middle agcs.tlie rises in rebellion against the form of
fcy their suuKrlptlons and soliciting system or petty Industry obtained gei exchange. The bourgeolse are con
we will give a paid up scholarship orally, bused upon tho private prop vlcted of Incapacity further to manage
to tho amount of 50 In some bust- orty of the laborers.ln tholr moans ot their own social productive forces.
ness ooueQe we nove on scnoi- production; in the country, tho agrl 'Solution of the contradictions. Tlu
arshlp paid up and samo one will culture or the small peasant, freeman proletariat sieves tho public power,
tei io use 11 iius winier. win 11 ue or serr; In the towns, tho handicraft!? and by means of this transforms the
your tome in and let us tell you all organized In gulldB. Tho Instru- socialized means or production slip
about It. IlieutB of labor land, iiurlclilturiil Im-1 lillltt from tli.i limnla ..f Mm ).mii-i..nli
ploiuenls, the workshop, the toots Into public property by this act, tho1
To exchange Hood River laud
Leave order or call at City Hall, i
Central Market!
Ilolbrook lllock.
lin'acuiiilalnt likil in the aliovr uaiiml nut. to
11; ror a owrre uiooiviiiK llic noiuu ol mattl
inony now ami lirrttolore rxi.liiiE Ixrtuccn the
lilaiutlH uu4 jourwrll.ana ati.olultly UlvorcliiB
1'i.iiiini limn jim unu tur inc rerc aim cutiouy
HI the minor chllil ol ulaintiff nml .mir-if ..
yriVeiyio'lliii!.' lhe Choicest Cuts of the .lest
Till (uiuniona 1 iiubllilird uruaut to an or
ilrrol the Hon. C. V Canltubcin, Juiluf ol the
alune tiamnl court maile in oikii court in llili
cauac on the jotli day of September. 1908. uliicli
Meats Obtainable.
otuer erewriora mat una auuuuona Ue ul heil nr.l..rc If;il.l ,....1 11.. t i o 11 1
in theSt Johiu Review once each week lor a Ur,Iers Pilled and family Trade Solicited
eerini 01 1101 leu man tu conecutlve weeka.
t ue nr.i 1
7inl ilav 01
thereof will be on the nth ilay ol NoNembcr
he tirat nubllcattoii ol thU mnimaiu u.. mi n. I
inn nay 01 iKicinr ami the la.t imblicatlon I
Attorney lor I'laiutlff.
T. P. WARD Proprietor.
Tho punk hard times do not mater- were tho Instruments of labor uf sin- proletariat frees tho menus of pro-
lallzo 'o a vry ularmlng extent in glo Individuals, adapted to tho use ot ducltou from tho character of capital I
Oregon ns Is ovldencod by the stand one worker and therefore of necessl the) have thus rar borne and gives'
lug or tho banks at the clone or bus- ty, small, dwarrish.clrcuiuscrlbedjbut freedom to work Itself out. Social-1
Iness, Soptombor 23 Issued In res- for this very roanm they belonged ub Wed production upon a predetermined
poiibo to a call on tho Portland bank) a rub), to tho producer himself. To plan becomes henceforth possible,
by tho controller: Klrst National us- concentrate these scattered, limited The development or production mako
boIb, U',2yi,3uJ; United States Nn- means or production, to enlarge them the existence of dlrrerent classes of so
tloiinl, f D.loa.OSl.SC; Merchants Nn- to turn them Into tho powerful lovers cloly thenceforth an anachronism In
tlonal,$3,074,fit9.-li Lumberman's Na- of production of tho present day production, us anarchy In social pro.
tloiinl, fl,t 13,1! 17.07. Combined nssuu this was precisely the historic rote I duct Ion vanishes the political uuthor-
wcio $2G.SlG,ll-.;i5, of tho capitalist production and or its Ity or the state dies out., Man nt I
trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
Anion landing akalrh and description may
qulcklr aacartalu our oiuuuwi frv v-iher an
latanuou la probablr rIf"il'l ' muulc
UoaaatrlcllreunildaiitUl. HAN0800X o. I'tltuu
Mnl tr. liltlMl aiiaiier luraet-urmiri aaina.
fataota Ukan tnrouali Muuu A Cc MCtilTO
tMCiil tuttle. without cbaiva. In tha
Scientific flwcricait
raar i four moouia, U
A bandaomalt UluHrataJ cklr. I-arawt dr.
culatloa ot aor aclcmldo Journal. Turiua. U
I rour moouia, b bold vrail newaueaiara.
Our Charges.
As is customary, we will cliaree
for card of thanks, 50c: for resolu
tions of respect, $1. 00: for notices
of church or lodge entertainments,
suppers, sociables, etc., where there
are chaises for admUsion, 5c per
line, tut where there are no charges
for the.e eveuts, we will break the
rule and insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
our good friends may understand
our rule in this respect.
The ladles of the M. E. church will
hold a bazar the first Wednesday In
I December,
John cordially Invited to attend. C.
iiuecnicr, pastor.
Christian Science Society meetings
held at Chicago Rooming house, Sun.
days und Wednesdays at 8 p. m. .
Union Depot, Portland.
No. 2 Chicago Special leaves 8:30 a, in.
No, 4 Spokane Plycr leaves at 7:00 p. m.
No. 6 Kansas City Kxp, leaves 7:40 p. in,
No. 8 Local Passenger leaves 8:00 o. in.
No. 1 Chicago Sjiecial arrives 8:jo p. ui.
No. 3 Spokane Plyer arrives at 8:00 a. m.
No. 5 Kansas City Kxp. arrives 9,45 a. i.
No. 7 Local Passenger arrives 5:45 p. m.
St. Johns Ferry Time Card.
Leave Kast Side (A. M.V 6:v. t.'io.
8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 1 1:00, 13:00 M. P, M.
1:00, j;oo, 3:00, 4:00, 4:50, 5:30, 6:ao.
Leave West Side (A. M.Y 6:o.
8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30. P. M. 13:30,
1:30, :3i 3'3Q. 4:3Q. 5:10. 6:00, 6:30.
Mail Schedule -
Mall arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. in.
and 1:15 p. m.
Leaves at 10:20 a. in., and 445 p. m,
OlVieeojien week days from 6:45 a.m.
to 6:10 p. in, Sundays from 9 to 10 a, m
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleats
remember this and save th printer
FOR "R ENT cards at this office.