LEST YOU FORGET THAT You can buy your FLOOR COVERINGS right here in St. Johns, have them laid by an expert carpet man, properly looked after afterwards aud at the same time save money. We ask you to look over our stock. We buy in connection with the Portland store. Our expense is light. We can afford to sell right. 1 Ear! vVfiS&w & LINOLEUM MATTINGS RUGS ART SQUARES CARPETS DON'T FORGET ABOUT OUR $j down HEATERS $1 pcr week Remember the place Mnin store IS. Morrison Portland (MM, Opposite Postoffice x Wc can afford to sell at Reasonable Prices f First National Bank I 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 L St. Johns, Oregon Capital Stockholders' liability, $25,000.00 50,000.00 Three per cent paid on savings deposits. Safe deposit boxes for rent. tO eSO cO cO f0 c-O ei3 0 44 0 eO c3 EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing and Tinning Call and see our new Garden Hose. 203 S. Jersey Street Phone Jersey 91 St. Johns, Oregon DID YOU EVER REALIZE It sometimes pays to look around a little and get prices and see qualities before you buy. We have both. COUCH & CO. Phone Union 4066. 206-208 Philadelphia street. FIDELITY AND CASUALTY CO. '1 OF NEW YORK Accident and Health Insurance. Druggists' Liability. Employers' Liability. Store Burglary. Residence Burglary aud Theft. For rates call ou Physicians' Liability. Teams' Liability. Steam Boiler. Plate Glass. JOHN N. EDLEfSEIN, Agent At the Peninsula Bank, St. Johns. Local News. He who by his h would rise Must cither bust or advertise, 1ST. JOHNS BRICK CO. j Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering X Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited. X A ft t-i ku-iuiii-mvi iru zud jcrsev oc Real Estate, Loans, Insurance AKct,oMc of Title Prenared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. wc FURS-HIDES H. mii-SJ (SluSl to.ul.tmk U.. k Wntch the label on your paper. A man enn run n atoro without ml trtlBliiR nntl ho can wink nt a pretty girl In tho dark Ilut what's tho usi Miss Lily Ollinoro la spending a month with friends nt Mcdford and consequently her friends hero arc dls consolato, My roforonco to tho First National bank statement on tho fourth pago It wilt bo soon Hint this Institution Is steadily growing. 0 Mrs. Holland, who hns heretofore operated tho Dolmonlco rooming house has sold to Mrs. II. L, Gllmoro, who will conduct tho placo Intho future Tho l-'rntornal llrothorhood Degree team and as many members as can will go to 8ellwood tomorrow night to Install a largo class of candidates. Mrs. It. W. Olllam and her brother, Hon Uhrlgh havo gono for n three weeks visit with their brother, It. V. Uhrlgh nt Hnlloy, Idaho. Mrs. alllair has not seen this brother for -0 yenrs. Conslnblo Walter S. Ilasoy has re- tlgncd mul recommends W. I'. Athby vn hlo successor. Mr. Ashby would ho n good tniin for tho placu nad It Is hopoi' thnt It may "please the tourt" to udopt tho recommendation. That tlmo honored prescription for n cold qtilnlno and whisky hns re ceived n set bnck, A mnu In 1'ort land went blind after taking n liberal potion of this mlxluro during tho past week. An editor of a rural paper was asked tho question: ' Do hogs pay?'' Tho answer ho gavo In his puhllca. tlon was: "Unruly. As n rulo they tnku tho pnper two or three yenrs aud then havo tho postmaster mnrk It refused." Moore's toggery ou South Jerrey street In uo-v open to tho public and Is welt sto:ked with clothing, gents' furnishing goods.etc.Whon In need of anything In his lino. It would bo wise to glvo him n call. Ills prices nro right and so nro his goods. Tho nnnouncement that tho Good rich cro vs. tho city of St. Johns hns been dismissed and thrown out of court will bo welcome news to tho majority of our cltlzons. Tho amount Involved wns nioro than 11.000. aHiini thnt could not bo very well spnrod from tho city trenaury. nt thlH writing, The I'orllnnd Light nnd Power Co. will nut n double track KUHngHWorth nveuut to Kenton, tho now town of tho Swifts nnd havo It In operation by tho first of tho year. Would not It bu good thing to agitato trolly connection for St, Johns with tho big packing plant? A llttlo ginger thrown Into such n movement might result In groat good to our people Thoro Is being promoted n good roal estate proposition down tho riv er. II. Wagner, h, II. Cnmpboll and Loroy II. Smith havo purchased n trnct of land consisting of 200 acres located ono mllo from the N. I. track at Holbrook nnd tho boat land- Ing, nnd located on tho now oloctrle lino to Tlllamook.Thla trnct of land la situated in n natural pocket In tho hlllB whoro It In protoctod from all uneven changes of tiporaluro to n wonderful dogreo. Thoro hns boon no signs of frost thoro this Bcason.whllo thoro havo bcon frosts all around. This tract will bo dlvldot tnto flve-ncro lota and sold to homo- seekers. Englneora aro now at work staking it out. Tho land Is es pecially adapted to fruit growing nnd its closo proximity to thoso threo methods of transportation will mnko it particularly desirable. Frlonds of tho Incorporators may bo nblo to select tho choicest spots before tho tract Is thrown opon to tho goneral public If thoy get right after thorn, but it will be put on tho market In n week or ton days, FAREWELL RECEPTION. Pythian Sisters En tertain Tuesday Night MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. A fnrewell reception was tendered Rev. F. h. Young and family at tho residence of B. P. Day nt -101 Wost Tacoma street Wednesday evening, by tho members of tho M . E. church. Sixty people wore prosont, not Includ ing children, Tho affair was a very pleasing one, In spite of tho fact that n tinge of sadness was felt by all over tho fact that It was perhaps tho last timo this Jovial nnd entertain ing family would participate with their St. Johns friends in n social gathering. As a tokon of the high regard In which Ilev. Young und his family aro regarded by tho members here they were presented with n beautiful Axmtnster rug. Misses Ha zel and Josephine woro also presen ted each with a handsome fruit tray in recognition of their valuable servi ces In the choli. This family will certainly be greatly missed In tho ma ny social functions heroafter, and it Is with intenso regret that tholr many friends here noto their departure They left for tuelr nownomo touny please tho people. And hto Voguo still bag hats to That most delightful hunch of fem inine grnco nnd bonuty.known ns tho Pythian Sisters warmed tho hearts of tholr brothers, tho knights Tues day evening in n way they will long romomber. Tho boys woro Invited by tho nlsterB to meet them nnd ns slst In celebrating the flint nnnlvor sary of tholr organization in St. Johns, There wero botwecn 40 nnd CO gathered In tho cnstlo hnll of Holmes lodge and enjoyed tho happiest tlmo Imaginable, llrolhor Poddlcord's ab sence was jnlversnlly regretted nnd n few others who wero members of tho orders wero also missed but men tioned . Tho address of wolcomo was given by tho charming worthy chlef.Mrs.Vnl ontlno, ono of tho most faithful nnd earnest workers of tho entire bunch. She hns not been absent from n sin gle meeting of tho lodgo since Us In stltutlon n year ago. This Is n dls Unction claimed by no other member of tho order nnd certainly deserves tho highest commendation. Then fol lowed roll call nnd reading of com munications from tho grand chief nut others who" though nlmcnt expressed keenest Interest In tho phenomenal success of tho lodgo. At tho last annunl mooting, while this lodgo was still a baby, only nine months old, It made tho best showing of any lodgo In tho Jurisdiction having attained -greater growth In numbers nnd having more tuouoy In Its treas ury than any other. Tho mnlo quartet then distinguished themselves by Ringing nnd rcspondlnf to n henrty encoro with another song ouunlly an good, nnd ns well renderec This Pythlnn qunrtet In something 8crumptlous"nnd wo havo been prom lsed an entertainment In the near fu ture, wherein this bunch of harmony will tnko n prominent part. Then Mrs, Hnll, thnt Inlmlrnblu Im personator and character dellnentor gavo "Calling tho boys," nnd to the encore responded wlht n dlssertn- tlon on llrynn thnt would stop n clock nnd cause It to hide Its face behind Us hnnds Wo would like to glvo It hero, but It would lose J 10 per cent of Its mirth provoking powoi by not hnvlng tho expression of Mrs. Hnll In tho telling. Mrs. Hnll wns followed In n moHt, nrtlslc innuuer by Mrs. llorsman wltl nn Instrumental on the plntio that elicited hearty encore. Thon Chnn collor Commander Illack of Holmes lodgo was crlled for nnd responded with one of his characteristic talks Mr. Illack praised tho ladles for their encrgotle work for tho good of tho order during tho past year nnd the grent success thnt had attended their efforts nnd apologized for his Inabili ty to nttoud tho mootlngH, declaring that since ho had hecomo n married man thnt ho had troubles of his own. After letting this soak In a mo ment, bo explained that thoy woro such troubles ns nro Incident to tho life of tho nverngo pollcomnn, and thnt when ho returned to tho bosom of his family nt nu early hour In tho morning ho was ofton constrnlnod to offor tho prnyor tho llttlo girl do clnrcd her li religious father usually mado when ho camo homo about that hour: "OhJ Lord, how tired 1 am," and thnt wns hl only excuse for. nonnttondnuco nt lodgo, Tho cnstlo hnll wns most beautifully docorntod with Qrogon grnpe, uutumr lonvos. nnd overgreons nnd nfler tin progrnm tho good slstors sprend the tnblea with dollclous refroshmonts; but tho noatest thing wns tho tons! tho worthy chief gavo tho knlghtH. Aftor recounting In verso all tho mean things tho men aro guilty of, their moan trait of blaming ovorythlng from tho bad weather to tho lout collar button to tho womon, nnd when nil. tho hoys woro feollng lko crawl ing undor tho tables, closed I ho toast with tho words: ' Hero's to the men, wo lovo thorn Just tho aamo." This won coryone of tho boys und tho sighs of relief thut cBcnpod th m nlmost rnlsod tho roof. Nelson, tuo spring poet uroso nnd romarked that ho had hoari and ofton wondered nt tho expro3alon: "them blamed wo men'but tho mystery wns now ex. plained and nil was as clear ns mud, So, tho fenst wont on until tho knights and ladles had to hurry to get homo tho sumo day. It was a most delightful celobratlon of tho birthday anniversary of tho lodgo and It Is hoped tho good sisters will mnko it n custom to observe tho day ovory year. And tho Vogue still hns hats to ploaso tho people. The revival meeting is still in progress and confessions are being made almost every iiijjht. Forty additions have been made to the church and many more nre deeply intercslel. It is now expected that the meetings will close about a week or ten days hence. To night Rev. Olson will deliver a lecture on the lives of Joseph and Moses illustrated with moving pictures and accompanied by illus trated song?. Our people should by all means see these pictures, as they bring the scenes out as the lecturer describes them in a way that makes it very realistic. The song service is excellent and the sermons are thought-inspiring even though you may not at all times agree with the preacher. All peo ple of whatever faith are invited to come and hear. 0 Note the label on your paper, Dressmaking, McChestiey block. You get full weight and first quality nt the Central market. Just try it nwhile. Subscribe for the TelcKrntn nest evening pnper ou the coast. Sec Htl Stockton. WANT 13 1) To borrow $SU0. Will give good security. Mrs. D. O. llusby 207 Stnnton street. 4Sctf. Plnln Scwing.hemilltchlng nnd fan cy work dono by the plcco or day. I. M. Hunter, 202 K. folk St. John.? Ills Have your property insured in the St. Paul or Northern fire insur ance companies. They nre the best. S. L. Dobie, ngent. If you want to buy.rent, sell or exchange property see Wolcott, (The Rent Man.) 401 South Jersey, Sldo entrance. W. T. Johnson, expert boot ami shoemaker. All kinds of ropalr work iwatly and prompt') done. Call at corner of Philadelphia nnd Ivnnhoe To meet any persons employed during tho day who may wish music lessons, Miss Cleland, vocal toucher, will bo In her' studio Tuesday oven hips during October from C to 8 p. 111. nnd Mlim Paulson, piano teacher, Filday evening ftoiu fi to 8 p. in. OOp All our meats nre government inspected mid the best that money can buy. They nre neatly and carefully handled. Come in und leave your order for free delivery. Ward's Central Market. All kinds of laundry work done promptly. Uough dry washing 6 cents per pound. Calls made for laundry at any place. King us up. Phone Jersey 331. St. Johns Lnundry. W. L. Churchill, L. II. Simp.soii, proprietors. WANTKD Parly lo help fliinnco and develop now machine In shnpo of a wheel scraper, which promises to become ono of the lending Inven tions of the ago for road und heavy cut work. This Is welt morth In vestigating, if Interested call at or address CI I North Ivanhoe street, St. Johns. Muxle Studio Room lit, McCIichiio) Mock, Miss Cleland, vocal teacher, wns for two years, a pupil of Hen U-o ChnrlcH Sparks of Dresden, Or many. Hours Ho 5 p. in,, Tuesday, Wednesday nnd Thursday. MIki Pmilnun teacher of piano and bar mony Is a graduate of Chicago Muni ci:l College. Hours from 1 to d p. in. .Monday, Friday aud Saturday. f.O p Mrs. Knmbo left Sunday for Spo kane, where she will visit relatives und friends. She expects to be ab sent about a week. Thomns Whitney, of Ornnd RnphlH, Mich., vlsltid N. J. Itulley, Sunday. Mr. Whitney wan friend of Mr. llalley when thoy both lived In Michigan. "Illlnd as a bnt,"wlll buthusupject next Sunday evening at tho Hvau- gellcal church, nt 7:-10. Morning top lo 'World wide work." All nro In vltod. ChoBotr P. OntcH, pastor . Preliminary work has commenc ed ou the public dock, nnd it will not be long until this valuable nc luisition to ht. Johns will be nn ac complished fact, and then the cit izeus will wonder how they ever got along without it so long. Workmen nro busy this weok In stalling u fine heating plant In thu First National hunk. It la a hot wu tor system.nnd will bo as eomplelo ns money nnd nklll can mnko it. This bank haU been very frotuuuto in get ting Into a fine homo whoro comfort. and couvonlenco of appurtenances nro not excelled nnywhoro, Note the label on your paper. After one of the ureatest strut;- gles in the history of base ball, Chi cago won the pennant in the Na tional league yesterday by a score of 4 to 2 over New York, these two clubs being tied for first position. The Detroit team wliicli won tne pennant in the American league and Chicago Nationals will now play a series of six eramcs for the cham pionship of the world beginning to morrow. The result will be watch ed with intense interest by the base ball fans. Note the label on your paper. The city council announces its intention by a resolution published elsewhere in this isstie to improve Richmond street by the laying ol concrete sidewalk from the car line to Hradford street, and from thence to the dock with board walk. '1 his is an improvement that should be hailed with delight by all residents living in that section of St. Johns, and it is hoped that the enterprise will go through without a hitch. It would be well if all sidewalks laid front this time ou would be cement. While it is more costly in the beginning it pays in the end. Note the label on your paper. -ft : 5 1 Wolcotl's Millinery Specials ! For Saturday and Monday 3 dozen Caps, regular 75c value for 23c each. I 4 dozen Wings, assorted colors, 75c val., 19c each. 3 dozen Shapes, assorted colors, $2.50 val., 98c each, t These are prices for cleaning up. I Phone Jersey 211 O. P. WOLCOTT 401 S. Jersey St. 4-'-0 These Frosty Foggy Mornings are suggesting warmer Shoes, warmer Stockings and warmer Underwear. We can sup ply you with all for men, women and children. We have the nicest line of Out ings we have ever carried for 10c per yard. These sold at 12 i-2c last Fall. Double width Percales at I5c, which have been 17 and 18c, and Apron Ging hams at 7c, formerly 8c per yard. We have added to ourstocka substantial lineof men'sTrou scrs and now havo the agency for Hea d light BONHAM & CURRIER 1 c:o.'cx Keep Bright and You WILL KEEP BUSY Klcclric Light is the magnet that draws trade. The bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can no more resist the attraction ol a brilliant, Klectrieully lighted store than they can resist the elat ion call of u brass Imnd. Is your competitor with the l'.leetrically illuminated show windows, bright interior and sparkling Klcclric Sign getting nn advantage over you? The moth never Mutters around thu uulighted candle! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider shop-window lighting it necessity, whether they remain open nfter dark or not. Competition forces modern method. A show window brilliantly illuminated with Klectrie light will make many a sale "the night before." Hlcctric light compels attention, makes easy the examination of your display, shows goods in detail aud fabrics in their tiiiecolom. Aud don't neglect the Klectrie Sign. It is soliciting " tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning your name in (lie public mind. It is u solicitor that never becomes weary never stops work - costs little. Cull Telephones: Alain 6688, A 1675 for Information. Portland Railway Light and Power Co, FIRST AND ALDER STREETS PORTLAND OREGON J ?4 TI ?4 7 ? ttfs &I t?4 1?4 ? B?l tft ftft 1 3 Without Legs 2 With Legs LORAIN 2 O IL RANGES This is the range you hear thc-iu talk about. It will nay you to come in and see this one !e- & fore you buy. Heaters, Heaters! We cany the largest and most complete line of heaters in the city. Our prices are right. A discount for cash. i ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. I Successor to 1). R. Norton A NARROW ESCAPE. 8 8 Cooper, who Uvea at 200 Tyloi street had a narrow escapo from death or at Ham 11 serloim Injury whllo working at the county gravol pit a few ilnya ago, . Tho gravel bank at tho placo of ac cident Is about -IS or CO feet high and tho workmen must talco earo that It iloou not cavo ou them. It became ncccBBary to romovo some boulders that wero hanging out in the bank over head so that thoy would not fall on tho workmen. Air, Cooper took a IC-foot pleco of gasplpo.kopt for the purposo aud wont up from tho pit to dlslodgo tho buolderu. In strikiug at the rock ho mhjaod hla aha and tho weight of tho plpo caused him to lose hla balance and fall among tho bouldoru CO foot bolow. Fortunately ho alighted on tho looao sand ho had displaced In trying to got tho rock looeo und turning tm-r a or I times ho dtood up llttlo tho wurw fur tho drop. Had ho utruuU u f?w feet elthor way from wher h did ho must huvo boon killed by striking thu buuldrs. Kvuu If ho hU not first havo loonuued tho plto of Mini that broko his full the roault would doubtloHs havo been vory sorloui. Mr. Cooper was driving a tui aud lot uoly ono trip by roueon of th nocl dent, resumed hla work th mm h if ho hud not made an aeroplano fllKht. Aud tho Voguo still Iihu huts to ploaso tho pooplo, I W'a made a inilUlw in raitQHIilff the rira oHOMpaa last wk. ' afctMlH hnvo said th oosap eret! by Ut Murphy ou tho Hobo City hotel wttltil Is a pleeo of work thnt gnnot ho ex celled auywhoro.lt la a thing of beau ty uud a Joy forovor. Note the lbel on your paper.