THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Pnbllnhtd Erurr Frldny At 117 West Ilurllnglon Sttctt. t Jolitu, RESOLUTION I1V it IIVKH'.ltlt. Tint Kitvntw Is entered nt jwst office In Snlnt Toll 11s. OrcL'on. 11s tnnil nintlcr of the second class tinder the Act of Con gress of Mnrch 3, 1879. Ailtrrtlalnc ratca. 11.00 per Inch per month. All conimunleallone alinulil be addreiaed to To norlew, HI. Johna, Orrgon. Job 1'rlnllnc eiPCUtcJ In fltit-clam aijrie. una lor jno rrinunt; caan on uciiTcrr. Offlclal Newipapar of the Olty of St. Johna, Subscription prloo $1.GO poryonr. A. VV. Markle, Manager. D. N Dycrlee, Editor. FRIDAY, OCTODHR9, 1908. Note the label on your paper. TI10 cnrcIosB Hunter Is now busily onungod making victims of tils com millions or liluiBoir, Certainly too mnny nccldcnts nro reported during tlio hunting senson of cnrcless hum! ling of firearms. A wmo of reform (7) Is sweeping our tlio city ori'ortlniiil. You will ln.u to oxciino Unit quuHtloii mark II looltn iilinoHl too fiooil for tlio dovll to become- n Hiilnt. 1 hit If It Ih 11 KCinilni reform, why when they briny fo. tli frtiltH titct't for rupuiituncu we hIiiiII (ilndly ihout 'Clory bo. It is high time our people it) St. Ttilnm wore wiikiiii' ttt) tind InklllL' aggressive action In ad vcrtl.sln otir city. There Is the greatest activity all in otmcl tis and the country Is go intr ahead lv leans and bounds, Only St. Johns seems to have curl ed her feet tin under herself like n kitten for a hud The onlv evi deuce of real life is the lfessenden Street Improvement chili. This hodv is actively ciiinmed oil theii ptoject and have the entire distance from the river to the Notth Hank cut divided anioni; the committee on riirht of wav. each memlier hav ing his particular share of the terri tory to cover. A majority of the ( Stance has a readv nee 11 secured hut the chili wishes to make it iituiiliuouH if txiMiililc. The slice! railway has signified its willingness to do almost iiuylhlug with reason to further the improvement of the street. When this is nccoinnllshed it will lie one of the most attractive fen In ics in St. Johns. It Is resolved by the city of St. Johns: That It deems it expedient and neces sary to improve Kichniond street, from the car line ot I'ortlnnd It. R. Co. to the Richmond street Dock, III the city of St. Johns, In the following manner, to-wit: lly sidcwalkiitK saute on both sides In the following manner, to wit: A 6 foot cement sidewalk, 12 foot curb, on both sides of said street from the west line of Jersey street to the east line of llradford street, in said city; wooden sidewalk on both sides of said Richmond street, from the west line of llrudford street to said dock, said wooden walk to be not less than 6 feet wide and 13 foot curb; and by necessary crosswalks from one end of said Improvement to the other. All of said work to be done under the direction of the city engineer and according to the ordinances relative thereto nnd accord ing to the plans and specifications of the city engineer on file in the office of the city recorder relative thereto, which snld p1mi,niitl specifications and estimates arc satisfactory nnd arc hereby approved. Said improvements to be made In ac cordance with thechartcrand ordinances of the city of St. Johns, nnd under the supervision nnd direction of the city engineer. Hint tue cost 01 sain improvement 10 be assessed 11a provided by the city char ter uoii the property especially and par ticularly benfittcd thereby and which Is herebv declared to be nil the lots, parts of lots, blocks nnd parcels of lain! be tween the termini of such Improvement abutting niton, adjacent or proximate to said Richmond street, from the margi nal lines of said street back to the center of the block or blocks or tracts of laud abutting thereon or proximate thereto. Hint 1111 nie property niciimeii in sain Improvement illstrlct aforesaid Is hereby declared to be "Local Improvement Dis trict Mi. 13." That the city engineer's assessment of the probable total cost of said improve ment of said Richmond street is 6,- Tfml the coil of iiniirovltiu said Rich mond street to le assessed against the property III said local district as provid ed by the city charter of the city of St. Johns, Adopted llic bill nay 01 uciouer, I'jS. A. M. t'.ssou, City Recorder. Published ill the St Johns Review Oct. 9 and 10, 11 tf. How Is Your Title? Have your (distracts made, con tinued or examined by Peninsula Title, Abstract and Realty Co., II. Henderson, manager. Accurate work. Reasonable fees. Cement Mock building, Jersey street. ORDINANCE NO. 200 An Ordinance Fixing the Bond for Contractor for Building, Erecting and Completing the City Dock of the City of St. Johns, Oregon. FOR SALE BIRTHS. floor- vltiHK condition, with matched lug flnoi nail board wiiIIm. Teat coat floor cohI !10 com plete, will mill for fSB ciihIi, Call at this office. Pick of thu Willamette Valley. Call I and see mo. J. II. I'l.KTCIIICIt 82.1 Willamette Iloulevard. Ht. Johns, Note the label on your paper. Illustrated Lecture! I-olliiwinir is a list of births te ported to Dr. A. V. Vincent, City Physician, for the mouth ending October i, iooK: Sept. x -To Mr. ami Mrs. R. I). Jackson, a daughter. Sept. .1 To Mr. and Mrs. W. lower, a sou. Sept. f To Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis, a son. Supt. y -To Mr. and Mrs. W Scott Kellogg, a on. Sept. 13 To Mr. and Mis. K. epu Vy-roMr.aud Mrs. Cor- HMllv Colored MoVmg PiC" nelliiu lit tuition, ii lion. O O Sept. 20 To Mr. and Mrs. b'red Wheeler, a sou. .Sept. 31 To Mr. and Mis. A. Plattucr, a koii. Sup., a 1 To Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Scurhrotigh, a sou. Sept. a.t To Mr. and Mis. R. I,. D.t vidnou, a son. Sept. 35 lo Mr. and Mrs. II. Guiltier, a sou. Oct. 3 To Mr. and Mrs. V. Davis, a sou. This list is complete so far as re potted to the city physician, but it is known that at least two more births occurred that weie not turn ed in. It is incumbent upon all physicians, nurses or mid wives to at once report such occurrences to the city physician, nccutdiug to an oiiliuauce of the city. Thetefoic, in order not to be open to convic tion for a iiiiMlemeauor, it would be win; to make known the hit tit of a child without delay. Ami tho Vogtio ntlll 1ms IuiIh to please- tlio people. tures, Illustrated Songs AT ST. JOHNS SKATING RINK TONIGHT AT 7:45 O'CLOCK SOMETHING SPECIAL NUllLlv uvaugeiist Uiivm nugetic uison, wuo is conducting the Great Revival at the Skating Rink, will de liver his great and wonderful lecture on The Lives of Joseph and Moses Beautifully illustrated by highly colored moving pictures. This lecture is worth one dollar of any one's money, but he will only charge 35c, and only 10c for all who attend school. READ1 In connection with the lecture his singers will tender SIX FAMOUS SONGS Beautifully Illustrated by magnificently colored pictures. I la a 1 Ins may be your only chance ot a lifetime ot hearing mm COURT The city of St. Johns docs ordnln ns follow: Section t. That the Iwnd of Joseph I'miiict, contractor to build the City Dock of the city of St. Johns, be nnd the wiuie is Hereby lixcu til l'liiccn 1 iranwiiu ilnllnm. Section 3. Tllftt said liond ahull lie given by said Joseph duplet before en tering upon said contract, nnd shall first be ncccpled nnd approved by the mayor. I'nsseit uy llic common cuuiilu uiw lur 1st. ItytS. Approved by the mayor October 1st, ' ' It. W. MUCK Mayor. Attest: A. M. Hsson, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review Oct. 9. I9"- PROPOSALS FOR Improvement Bonds City of St Johns. Caatttaiif tH t tt i till ll'l II 111 f Pf!! VtM 1 1 IV (I !...(.. .....1 rat 1.1m fifr.n. (it lltf f'llv Unll nt St. johns, Oregon, until Tuesday, October 30, 1908, nt .) o'clock p. m. for sale nt not less than par value nnd accru ed interest of Improvement llonds of the fll. ..I C. ft...i. n. by the charter of said city, for the whole or nny iniri 01 iwo iiioiivinn i,ooo.oo; iliilliiin, Said IkiiiiIs will be Issued in iletiomb nations of 500 each, payable ten years from date, nnd subject to nil the condi tions Imposed, directed nnd stipulated by whnl is known as "The llaucroft llonilliiK Act," under which Act, ns 111 .Ii til ,ill luitiilai ili ttiBlltxl I II II II Mi IK rxtlil imniin . ihviii a The rleht Is reserved to reject nny or nil bids. A. M. I'.SSON, Kccorucr lor me 01 at. joniis. I'ubllshed in the St. Johns Review Oct. 1 . i ') nun iu, iM, CHEAP FARMS FOR ALL. I lutvu cheap farniH for Hale from T 10 to r.00 nereH, nt prlceu from ! 1111 aero to $100 an acre la Marlon, IVnt IfixllO lined II inoiitliH; flntt counllen. Tho very I ... ' I ..r 11... l'lll , .. Vll.. '..Ill 4- Get a home where you do not have to spend two or three hours every day on the street cars. You will be able to reach the heart of the city from Whitwood Court within TWELVE MINUTES on the new car line that will soon be completed Lots 50x100, $200 and up easy terms. Water piped to ev ery lot. RICHARD SHEPARD & CO. Phone Richmond 1021. 1 1 0 N. Jersey, St. Johns. Al. I. H0LBR00K C. 0. BAILEY J St. Johns Land Co. ! Tlic Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm J in St. Johns. A Well (Mated Pair. V. J. Chauey ami .Mrs. Maiy Cioaai, twt) well known jieople of our city, spiitm; (Utile a Mil prise on thuir mnny fricntU hete when they quietly clipped over to Vancouver on WediieMlay, Sept. ux and came imek as Mr. ami Mrs. Lnuticy. It I such a lecture so well put on canvas before your eyes. East St. Johns taking was strictly a family affair, only the children ul both parties beitie; pies ettt. wiuie ail their menus join in wishing them a lone; ami happy Die, tliey think a Unit should have been dropped so an ample supply of rice ami old Mipcis could been Hatheted lo speed them on their way. .Mr. ami .Mrs. iiiaucy ate mem bers of the Uebekahs, ami stand very hih iu the cbtiimitiou of the members of this order. The Krootit is .Muck & Heme's confidential ami reliable solicitor, while the bride is much respected well liked for her many admirable qualities. The pair is well mated ami bhottld make the trip across lite s stormy sea together without a tar to mar their happiness. And tho Yoipiu still Iihh hats to please the people. Hlsewhere in this paper will be found an advertisement calluie for proposals for the sale of if 2,000 worth of Mrcet bonds which will give the man who is afraid to trust the banks and is too timid to invest iu real estate a safe place to put his surplus weaitn. Note trio label on your paper. You cannot afford to miss it. Leave all and come. Come one, come all! COME! COMEII COME!!! Is now open with au up-to-date line of Gents' l'tiruisliiiiKS, Hats, Hoys' Clothing, Workingmen's Wear, Waterproof Goods ami Rubber Footwear; and iu order that the public may become acquainted with the quality of goods we carry, we are offering hiiib grade merchandise at lower prices than are usually asked for the shoddy article. We have the latest in young men's wear the greenish and brownish Hats, Kancy Vests iu nifty shades and pat terns, Neckwear iu the new cross stripe effects, Sweaters iu red, blue and grey. Iu Hoys' Clothing we have blue serges and cheviots which we are selling at 25 per cent less than Portland prices. We pay no rent, discount our bills and have no bad debts. That's why we sell for less, 311 South Jersey Street The center of the great development now place on the Tennisum. We have only a few business lots left 011 Columbia Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at present prices. Some fine residence lots still on sale. Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O. R. & N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms. Holbrookes Addition We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install ments. Call at our office for prices and terms for either of these desirable tracts. St. Johns Phone Jersey 931 Oregon JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI THE TROLLEY WAY Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates. Therefore ring up the PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXPRESS GO. Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and Portland. We call for ami check your trunks direct to destination. Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention e have teams connecting with cars at St. Joluis and Portland. Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car load lots. Kxperieuced and courteous employes. Phone Main 35S, Portland office.. Phone Main A 335S. First and Flanders Streets. C. W. Phone Woodlawn SiS. Ageut at St. Johns. Office 105 It. Burlington street. oooooooooo STEARNS THE S St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise. Also slab wood. Timbers of all sizes cut to order. Get yr winter's weel new and save trwMe. PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Oregon. Capital . Surplus . , $25,000.00. 5.I33-8.1) Interest paid on savings deposits.