St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 02, 1908, Image 1

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ToiubKflbo (or The Review. $
All the ncwi while It line il J
our motto. Call In ind enroll
Of idvertblnt In The Review
end you'll never retret It De
tln t once end keep right it It
Devoted to (he Interests of the PcnlniuU, the Manufacturing Center ot the Northwest
VOL, 4
NO. 47
Meetings at the Rink Attended With Splendid Suc
cess and Attendance Steadily Increasing
The ovnngolUU !mvo been meeting
with very good nucccKH In their muet
lug In Bt. Johnn. They found the
littlu ttiborn.iclo very much too hiiiiiII
at tho atitrt nnd Imvo hociiixjc! thu
skntlnp rink, tho largest nudlonco
room In tho city In which to hold
thtilr mcctliikts. Tho nudluiices havo
boon rapidly inci easing In size nntl
Interest ilurlni; tho week until Sun
dny tho hull wna filled to tho limit.
Thero havo boon -II nihlltloiiH to
rYm&t tr ws
Rev, David Eugene) Olson, Standing
C, C. Curtis nnd Mrs. N. C, Cnlllson, Seated
tho church.olght by Jotternnd 15 from t-) study thtso things nnd then decide
tho world, Mr, Olson Is nn cam- for himself, then ho will huvo some
est, nblo spoakcr, full or mother wit, chnnce to do tnnt which U right. If
and thoroughly conversant with tho ho refrses o oven study, make an
scriptures, which ho seems to havo examination of tho claims of tho ucrl)
almost comrai'tod to memory. Ho turo he dopn.ea himself of the op
holds his audiences from start to portunlty to tako ndvantago of tho
finish giving them no tlmo to get only escape ihat Is offered to man.
rf fitlvti under hla address, 'f ho Imporanco of acting at onco can-
His methods aro very commondable not Ln too urgenly Insisted upon, for
In that he docs not do as Is too com- there Is not ono of us who can toll
mou with evangelists attack other what a day may bring to us. Wo aro and dltparage thorn In the well nnd sttrongo today, expecting
sight his hearers.but he commends , many years of usefulness and plenty
thorn lit all their good work. Tho 01 opportunity to listen to tho teach
other churches '.n St. Johns, too, de-'lugs of tho Itedeemer, wo may even
serve commendation, for they havo tL'nk that at some time wo may em
shown tho genulno Christian bpirlt braco tho promises hold out to us by
In thai they havo come with their H m, but beforo night wo may bo
singers to assist In the meeting and ' summoned before Jllm, unprepared,
In man ways have aided In tho good ' unwilling, with our sins upon our
work. I heads and our souls condemned,
In his sincers Mr. Olson has been .
nrtunato no thev are successful nc-i workers cS well as singers. Mr.
curtU.who Is a successful pastor and
evangelist Is directing tho music and
with his strong , melodious voice fliU
thehouse either s'nglng or speaking
Mrs, N.C.Calllson does splendid work
loth as a soloist and In the duets
und trios where the voices of Mr.
tOlson and his singers blend together
lu wondrous harmony.
All are Invited to theso meetings
ens, Orea!
of whriteor faith, but tho uncoil vert
oil, thoHo who huvo nuvor mtitlo any
profession nro ii.irtlculnrly anil ospcel
ally urKQil to couio and Htmly tho
srrlpturcH toguthur nml got tho truth
tl oru In In thorn. If tlioy nro trim
then their Htmly ih tho most Import
ant thing thut innii can do In thin life
lur If they trno.ln thorn In otornnl
I If 1), nnd tho neglect to know tliolr
tinthlliKH mid to obHorvo thorn means
oturunl donh. It Ih up to ovory 0110
who liau rurrliod tho ngo of maturity
Nelthei can wo blarao God for our
p:edlcnraent in such a caso.for all
hrve ample opportunity to be saved,
nor do the scriptures hold out any
hope for such '13 meet this fate if
they neglect o great a salvation.
A.l will admit that this is tho con
dition of every unsaved person, yet,
becauso with th'c moral sight Is it
no atpparent, men and women go on
indifferently to their eternal destine
tlcn. Come and hear, then decide
for yourself.
Crowds, Great Interest, Splendid Music and Singing,
For Sunday and Part of
Next Week
Three Great Sermons.
10 n. 111. Bible School.
11 n. m. "The Great Jew
ish Tabernacle."
3 p. m.
will deliver
"Woman's Work, Place and
6:30 p. 111. Y. P. S. C. E.
7:45 p. m. A Great Ser
mon on "What Does the Bi
ble Say About Baptism?"
This sermon was said to be
the strongest and clearest the
people of Pnyallnp, Wash.,
ever heard.
7:45 p. m. "Three Cer
tainties," (Chart, illustrated)
7:45 p. 111. "Five Universal
Kingdoms," (Illustrated)
7:45 p. 111. "How the Holy
Spirit Bears Witness With
Our Spirit."
Something Special
For each night next week. It
will pay you big to come.
Come one, come all! COMEI!
You can not afford to miss
one of the Great Sermons at
the Rink. Hear all from
now on,
at the St.
Christ Was Baptized but
llolow Ih HIS WAY from HIS
WOIll). Koad It prayerfully, tlo
GOD'3 WAYI Nit mnn'Ml. Tho blhlo
way roqulrcH:-
1. Much wntor John .1:2:1,
2. doing to thu wntor.AcU 8:110
3. doing down Into thu wntor.
Acts S::iS
I. Comlni; up out of thu water.
ArtH 8:.TJ
C. doing up out of tho wntor. Matt.
(!. A hurlnl. ItomniiH G-l.
7. A planting. ItomaiiH Us
8. A rosuractlon. Itomaim 0-15.
0. A birth. John .1-r,
10. llodlos wnshod. Hob. lO-SJ
11. A burlnl. Col. 2:12
12. Under tho cloud nnd through
thu hoii. 1 Cur. 10: 1 1.
1. Cloanso.1 by tho washing of wn
t,r. Kph.G;20
2. Into tho iiiimo of tho Trinity.
Viilthow 28:10.
:t. Into Christ Itoniaim C::i; (lal.
, I 'or remlBw'on of hIii nml nlft
ill lliu 1IUIJ nilliv. iiuin .....j
..r 11... it..,.. all, t..tu la
fi. . Hnved by biiptlHin. I Peter .1:2
loter !I:2I.
7. Go on tho wny rejoicing. Acts
k.wiibii nway c ns. ioib 's:iu
S. Unto thu i.nme of ChrlHt(ltV)
Ads 10: IS; ID: n,
Are You a Christian?
If Not, Why Not?
1. Ih It bo-sau..) you fear ridicule?
Vhoouvur Is ashamed of mo and my
words of him si.-.ll tho sou of limn In
nidinmed ." I.uko 'J -'.
2. Is It bocnuiM you nro waiting for
Bpoclal callT"lo calloth you by my
dospol. II Thoa. 2:11.
3, Is It boeniuj of tho Inconslston-
oleB of soino cl; irch member? "hv
oiy ono of uh uur.t glvo nn account
or himself to God." l'.omuus 11:12.
-I, Is It booniui you think you aio
good enough without Christ? '1
c?pt a man bo torn of tho wntor
and tho spirit ho cannot outer tho
kingdom of heaven.". John 3:5,
5. Ih It becuiujo you fear you aro
too groat a sinner? ' I ho blood of
Jcsub Christ H'h Son cluatiMitli us
fiom ALL SINS," 1 John 1:7.
C. Is la becaudo you fear that you
uumot hold out faitnruw "uou is
faithful who will not suffer you to bo
tempted abovo that you nro nblo." I
Ccr. 10:13.
7. Is It that youwish to contlnuo In
8.11?" 'Tho wws of sin is deain,"
Romans 0:23,
Dear Hoader:
Mako no mom excuses, hoar Christ
bilovo Chrlot, confess Chrlbt, re
pent towards Ciirist, be baptized Into
Christ and Hvo for him fulthful un
to death and yon will bo saved.
Ml excuses will foil In Judgment
D, what you know Is right. Do It
t( day.
Tomorrow may never come:
wIbo to bo Is snfo to
Christ." Homans 8:1 Kuter
it Is
be In
If you hear Christ, bellovo Christ,
repent toward Christ, confess Christ,
and nro baptised Into Christ and llvo
us he toaches In the blblo, you will bo 1
made better and happlor for this llfo 1
and run no riska as to the futuro.
If you do not, you will tako all 1
chances of being lost nnd have noth- Christianity ovor produced, nnd that
li.g to tain here or horoaftor. All t fceeniB to uo inspired by a power
t.-i loso. Do wise. Matt. 7:21-27. Not higher than man. The text Is a
fcollsh. TAKK TUB SAFE WAY. sliong uppoal to all men, and corn
Do It today. Say I will. jng fr0m a high powor, let ua heed It.
Johns Skating Rink
Once, Hence but One Way,
10. Wnlk In nownt'HH of life
Komnim C-l.
11. 1)0 III lllCvlIK'nS of lis rOHUIOC-
tlnn. Itomaim Crfi.
12. Becking tloso thlngH which nro
alovo.Col. .1: 1.
1.1. Snvod. Mnrk 10:10
Crood wny requires:
SPltlNKMNCl -n llttlo wntor.
1. HubruwH 9: lit blood.
2. I loin own DPJ blood.
llubrowM 0; 12 blood.
llolirowH 10;22 HenrtH,
I lohruwH 1 1 . 28 blood
llubruwn 12:21 blood.
1 Peter 1:2 blond.
Mntthow 20: 12 Ointment
John 2:15 Money.
John i:i:r Wntur.
Luko 10:J I. Oil nml wlno
AcIh 2:17. Spirit.
Uov. lC.I.-Wrnth.
Tho Greek fur xprlnldo nml
Ih ho Inundated In tho uhovo
Abovo nro tho piiHHnKnu In tho Now
TcHtnment In whleii tho net ami pur
pitHO of IlnptlHiu nro described. Tho
word hnptlro tr biiptlHin, occiirM In
Kovorsl otlior piiKHiiKOH, but tho act Ih
....... , - - .
not described, lu tho "Illlilo Way"
ino doHvripuonH nil point to immertuon
but not lu n single Instnuco to sprlnk-
I ling or pouring, mo utuok worus
ir iihiu imu iiuur i" ""
Muled In tho six phbhk'h oiuh, given
In tho illagraiu uhovu.
Ingersoi's Dying Con
fession I do hereby d'vluro that ltobert
ItigorKol coufK8Jl to my father, Joe
lnul 8. l.'erry on his dying bed, thut
he did not bellovo tho doctrine that
ho prenehed.
Ho Mild thes7 worda; "Juulilol, I
vish I had my life to live over again.
When nskud why, ho soldi 'ileenufce
I do not bullevd In tho doctrluo thut
I huvo preached and. never havo. 1
only did so fur thu money that wan
In It."
Ills daughter tliun asked: Tether,
whoso llfo ohall I 11 vo niter, yours or
n.other's?' and ho snid: ' Llvo tho life
of your mother," Mrs lngorsol wuh u
strict llnptlst mid a slstor to my fa
ther Signed Ai"!hlo II. Horry,
St, Johns, Oru,
We, the OUclples of Christ,
Wear no name hut Christ.
Havo no priest Imt Christ,
Accept no crood but Christ,
Submit to no authority hut ChrUt's
Ask you to bellevo on Christ,
Ask you to repent towurd Christ
;Bk yuo to confess Christ,
Aik you to bo baptized Into Christ,
Atk you to walk with Christ,
Ask you to llvo for Christ,
Plead for unity In Christ,
Christ Ih our all In ull.
Como with us and wo will do you good.
Tho evangelist JubI closed a meeting
In I'uyallup, Wash., rosultlng In 230
additions to tho Christian church.
Hear him.
"Prepare to meet Thy God" is tho
titlo of a sermon written by a minis
ter In tho eut, but ho was not per
mitted to dollvor It. Tho mlnUtor
8:t up lato lu tho night writing his
Sunday morning sormon. Tho follow-
B morning his wifo found him dead
i UC(i. on tho tablo Iny his sermon
roparo to raeot Thy God." Friends
wj,0 .attended the funeral service and
wuo rcad tho sermon doclured it Is
tno 0j tho strongest appoalH for
Solos, Duets and Trios
The 2ith rogulnr iiohhIoii of thu clt)
cunoll convened tit tho uhuiiI
hour Tut'Hilay and tho first thing nf
tor rending of tho minutes wits tho
opening of tho bids for thu coiiHlruc
Uonnf tho city dock
Thuro wore three IiIiIm for tho oil'
tiro structure nnd three bids for tho
substructure only im follows:
Itobert Vnkufluld,pllliiK,l2o pur fool
brnccH, ote,, for HiiliHtructuru 2r, per
1000 fi'ot;otlior lumber for Hiiperstruc
tuiu oto, $20 per 1000; roorlng $:i.r.()
per miunro, drnluplpuH, Itr, ocnU per
foot: painting nnd whlluvnHliliig,$l.rc
per H(iiarc
JncobKou & ICIIIott: hiiIi iitructuru
only, piling II lontH per foot; hrncoH
ole. 22.JS per 1000 foot.
I!. T. JoliiiHon H Co, fur hiiIi Htruo
turo only: piling in coiiIh pur fool;
luuci'H nml other lumber per
1000 feet
Ilurt'hnm & llyrues, of Kelxo, WiihIi
NubHtruituio only: piling 12 ceutH pel
foot; other lumbur.lliuberH ute.,tl7.20
per 1000 feet.
Joseph I'aiiunt, entlro strurtur, for
piling 1 1.0 cciiiIh per foot. Tlmbert
ilnmlior, etc., for nub ntructuro I IS.Tn,
' flooring nnd other lumber for sub-
Htrm ture ,2!l.ri0; other lumber for hii
, pcrHtructuro ?:i2.2.ri per luuu feet;
roofing 2.00 per siiuaro; ddraln pipe
"0 eentH per fool; pmuliug fi.uu per
1 snuaro; wimowiminug
Ifi reiitH pur
Pacific KngluiterlnK Co. entlro Hlru
turo Hilling 10 cents per foot; ull
thulium brnceH etc., for nub ntruct
uro f23 per 1000 feet; lumber etc.,
for Hiimo 12.30 and other lumber
III pur 100 J feet; roofing fl.OO per
tiiunro;drnlu pipes 25 cuutH per foot
piilutliig DO cenlH per siuure,
On niatloii uf llonhnm the letting
of thu (outrnct wiiH poHlpoued un
til Thursduy night lu order to give
tho city eimlneer nn opportunity to
prepare statement sliowlng tho cost
of thu construction under tho nvornl
A putltlou from Mr. Morgunsou nsk
l"g that thu restrlctloiiH uh regards
housing thu co'.vh lu IiIh baru pro
vided Im iiiiiUo u cesspool nml drain
fioiu the burn to It to protect tho
water pipe, bu reminded.
Aldtfrmnii DuvIh objected to grant
ing tho request bocnuso of tho bum
being a nuisance and mouueo to tho
public health during tho winter nnd
,ih the mattur had been previously
handled by the board of health, tho
petition waH referred to thai body.
A petition from Mrs M. Crook
urging tho council to push ordlnunco
piohlblllni' tho staking out of cowh
or other uulmalH so thut they can
injure the fruit trees and other shrub
bury on tho propurty of cUUuiib.
Thoro Is already uu ordinance cover
ing thih mutter and the attention
of tho chief of police was called to
thu case lu point,
Mr. M. L. Ilolbrook called atten
tion to tho fact thut thero wiih somo
taxes against cortuln lota which ho
hud dedicated to the city on condi
tion that they would assume theso
taxes. The old council uccopted the
lots for street purposes on that con
dition but the payment of the tax
011 liaa been overlooked. Tho matter
was referred to Aldurman Doble, to
look up and report.
Application of J. K. Wells for posl
t.on of Inspector of piling used In
tho city dock was read and placed
on file,
Iteport of tho Ferry compnny.whlch
was delayed by tho absonco of Mr
Peterson wus road and accepted on
motion of Davis aud tho check ac
companying tho same turned Into tho
Dlds for work on Hayes street was
read as follows:
William Llnd igradlng, 38 cents,
flll,20 conts;sldowulk 17 contHjcrosB
walks 15 cents, grubbing, 75,
Thos. Cochran igradlng 37 cents,
fill, 20 ceutH jsldowalk 17 cents; croH
wnlk 17 cciiIhs box gutter 2." coiiIh;
grubbing $05,
On motion of llonhum theso IiMm
wore iiIko held until Thurmlny night
Resolution Inregard to thu nldowalli
lug Itliiimond street will bo nrenared
for next mcellug.
Tho following bills wero allowed:
It KlmmotiH Impounding stock..! 2.7
Mr. Ilorsmnu Knlnry 17.50
Hock crunlier
J Lnngnu, labor -1 .01
If. Tollvor, " 0.DO
Wnmer, " IUU
Total $30,75
Tho uiatlor of thu Improvement of
South Jersey wiih brought up by re
quest nml thu occasion of thu de
lay wiih that tho engineer had been
ho busy with thu city duck work
Hint ho had not peon nblo to mako
Iho necosHiiry estimates on tho work.
Thero being considerable city work
in tho hiiiiiu condition It wiih doomed
udvlsnblu lo glvo thu engineer us
Hlstnncu until this work Ih disponed
of. This wiih done on motion of Da
vis, ull voting yes.
Adjourned lo Thursday night.
Tho adjourned meeting of tho city
council met after n lengthy star ehaii
lur hohhIoii discussing Iho merlin of
tho difforiut bldH nml r.n motion of
Johnson, contract wnH awarded to
loHoph Pmiuet of IMrllund, whose bid
wuh $I0,S75.07 for tho sub structure,
and $12,121.25 for Iho super structure
total of $32,21111.32, TIiIh was low
er by nonrly $3000 than tho noxt
Itlgher hid for Iho entire dock. Thu
c oundl thoiiKht nml wisely too, that
it would not be ndvhutlilo to split thu
emtract on such a huh. II margin uh
a combination of thu lowtwtl hid on
Iho substructure with tho lowest on
tho mipor structure, foi tho mason
Hint 11 llttlo iniHumlerstniiillug or lack
o( harmony between the two con
tract oru would lose tho city far mora
than tho two or throe hundred dol
lars saved on thu bldH,
On motion or Johnson, bonds for
the contiactor wero set ut $11,000
Tho matter of the Interest uu th
dock bonds was brounht up aud oil
motion of Dohle, thu leiorder whh In
structed to draw a warrant for thu
necessary amount, 1 1 SO').
In the mutter of Imprnwimontof
Hiiyut. street, 011 motion of Wimllo
Hut coutmct whs given to TIioiiimh
Aldurmun Wlndlo leporlwl 11 side
walk on north Jumey In 11 ilungsr
oiih condition. Tho WMlk dow not
belong to the city, but luasmuuh hm
k exists to thu knowledge or tho ell'
mid within the city limits, tho city Ih
liable for any damages which may 00
cl r to people traveling ovr It thu
pftino as on any or the 1 Sty wnlks.nud
in vlow or this fact 011 motion or lion
bam the street commltUo was au
thorized to make the H pairs iihjm
sary to Insuro the surety or thu pub
lic and tho cosIh or the miniuto Im
made a lieu against the abutting pro)
Daniel llrocht appeared bororQlha
cumcll and asked that ho bu given
pw mission to romovo IiIh rosltluiKM
building from Richmond street ovor
to llurllngtou streot. He um nsks
pcrmisbleu to put down a side walk
n'ong side IiIh property on RIoumoHC
Thero was no objection to his mov.
li.g IiIh house, but the sldowalk mat.
ler was In tho hands ot thu oiigliiMr
nud uo profile or estimates having
aa yet been tuado permission could
not bo granted.
Alderman Doblo reported that ho
was unablo to locate any deed for
Iho lots referredto by Mr. ilolbrook
at tho lint meeting, out thought tho
deed had been sent in rcr record nnd
had not yet been returned.
W. A. Cook nnd family of KnnsnH
City, Mo son-in-law of S. S. Applo
arrived this week for a visit with
their permnnoiit homo hero. Mr,
Cook is In tho omploy of tho San
tu Fee roud aa conductor,