THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW PntilLhM F.Terr Frldsr At 117 Vcl Ilutlliigloii Street, St. Jolnn. iiv M.vuKt.K & nvimt,K. srkf T A Mr C MA 1 fl7 tom c dntc of the ,ast publication 01 UIlSIllllVL MV. I 7 1 tue notice ror proposal lor saiu wortt which pro po talt must be filed with tin recorder of said tht the Tint Hhvikw Is entered at post office in Snint Johns, Oregon, ns limil mutter of the second clas9 under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Advertising ratet, (1.00 per Inch per month. All commtinltstlont ilinuld be sddreMtd to I The nenew. Ft. Jolitu, Oregon. Job Printing Aieeuteil In IUiI-cUm ttle. I niiin for Job rrlnlinc enn on oiiery. Offlciil Ilewcpiper of the City of St, Johni. Subscription prloo $t.GO por year. A. W. Mnrkle, Manager. D." N Byerlce, EZdltor. An Ordinance Assessing the Cost of Improving East Burlington Street from the East Line of Jersey Street to the East Line of r 1 i. na.. or such sum as shall be filially fixed an IVCIIOgg Sircei in UlC Vliy determined hv said city cnKlnccr, not he cltv on or before 6th day of October, 1908, at 4 o'clock P. M. of said dav. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered that said Crawford street be Imptoved ac cordingly and the city recorder shall give notice by publication for not less man insertions in the St. lohns Review, weekly ncwsnaDcr of L'cneral circulation and published in the city of St. Johns Ore. invitiiiL' Drotxisals for making said improvcuicuts.nntl said sum as estimated by the city engineer U9 costs thereof. or such sum as shall lie finally fixed of St. Johns and Direct' ing the Entry of Such As sessment in the Docket of City Liens. cxccL-dliiL' said sum. is hereby assessed to the lots. Darts of tots and tracts of laud in their several proportion in tin said assessment district of said Craw ford street from the east line of Pittsburg street to the west line of Salem street in the city of St, Johns in the respective amounts to be hereafter determined and assessed against said lots, parts o lots and tracts of land abutting upon proximate and ndincent thereto, and as being especially and particularly benefit ted by said street improvements of said Crawford street heretofore declared and now designated as all lots, parts c lots and tracts of land from the march al lines of wild street back to the center of the blocks or parts of blocks or tracts 01 laud amuttng or adjacent or proximate thereto 011 each side of said Crawford street between the points abovi named, That all the tironcrtv so included said Improvement district as aforesaid is hereby declared to be local improve incut district No. 9, The city recorder is hereby directed to enter at tlic proper time tltc said assess tnctit hereby made, in the lien docket of tlvr city of St. Johns, and cause notice to ue puuiisiicd as provided uy law ami the city charter of said city, and that said assessment lc apportioned as in tli charter of said citv directed. Passed by thccommoii council the 16th day of September, 1908. Approved by the Mayor the 16th day 01 beptcmuer, 1908. it, w. JiKiun, Attest: .Mayor. A. M. HSSON, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review Sept. 18, 1908. FRIDAY, SUL'TIvMIJUR 25, 1908. Two "dovllH"nt onto In Portland. It's lucky the prcaclioru tiro back from their vacations. Orogon Journal Only two, llrothor Jnckoii7 One would think from tho ctiHsodriosn Hint is tihrotilolod Initio big dallies that thoro wore nboul 10,000 thoro. Tho different clubs of tlio ponlnmili nit' getting In line for another vigor otiM otttnpnlRn of wlvi'i lining. The lido I'nrnlval coiiiinltteu mot nt No. Albliiu I nut night to.miitnro up nil old nocoiinU mid to nrrnngo things for tho coming Hemon. Our St, .!otin IiiogresflVe btiMliunn men should got g.mlzed mid gut In touch with thorn Tho wonderful mirr-cM of tho I'eiilii- hiiIu orxnnlr.alloim In thoir work nt tlio oninlvnl Inst your wns duo to the fut I of their hitrinoiiloiiH work togutli ur wllli tho cnrnlviil neoiilo. St. John Hltmild not lin IgnorcMl In this mutter Wo itro iirrniiRlng to Imvo 11 Harlan of oi.mmiinloiitlotiH giving InstriictloiiH itMw cult 1110 mid Heiuciioii of ronos which wo wilt jiiiIiIIkIi to bo of ns ftlstnuco In tho eiilluri) of ronoH for tlio I'OlllllIK IHIHBtih. l.'l tlH HllOW the biitmiceof tlio I'oiiIiihuIii whut beiiull fill roHus HI. JohiiM can grow. Wo hnvi ncvur mon tnoro boniitlful iokch than noma Hint wsro grown liore, not ovon In Implant CHllforiilii.Wu nro nrrmig lint for correttpniidetH In tho illfforonl inollont of tlio penlriHiiln ho that u may liu itble to linen III touch with tltam. OnCATER NEW YORK Portland mid vlulnlty ban hwu Ilk- email to Now York mid her Hiirroiind- UigH, uml the topogniihy of Hit' two (llltm mo nerliHiin moro Hourly nil lie Uimii Hint of any otlwr that could be riiiiiisril with tho grtmt inclmpollH, tllO folloWlHg SlHtlNllCM WOlllll III (cnlu tliHt I'orllaml will Imvo to go Homo bifmo slio eiiii hope to rival inn litis tilt v In nnythliiu oxtont an a wheat uxporlor, Kvurr sewuid four visitors arrive In Now Voik. Hvtiry 112 seconds mi Immigrant nr liven. 1 Ivory H'i ikcoiiiIr 11 pasHOiigor train nrrlvuM. Kvary throe inliiulus hoiiiu 0110 In m niHtud, I ivory six niliiiitoH 11 uhlld U born. Ilvury sttvou niliiuteii thoro is a fun ural. Itvarv 18 mluuleo thoro Is u wed dliiK. Kvurv few inlnuttfM a now IiiimIiiohh Marts up. lively IB minute 11 ship loaves tlio Imrhor. llvory 61 mlniilw a iumv hiilldlug U erected. Ilverv one mid thrtw-iiiiHrler hours uMiio uno Is ldllttl by nuulduut. Kvorv SV hours mime pair Is ill voiflod. Ilvury tan liouin eonio 0110 romniUs Milulde livery nlihl tl.X&O.OOO is spout for .ll.niaii lit I Muul M I Iff 111 I U Mvoiy hx thre hiindn.d mid fifty ORDINANCE NO. 198 now (HllteNN so tiwre 10 nvo. The City of St. Johns docs ordain ts follows: The city councllof the city of St Johns Having ascertained tlic cost 01 improv Iiil' Kast Iturlimttou street from the cast line of Jersey street to the cast line of KcIIol'l' street In said cltv as shown by the resolution of the common council of the city of St. Johns, dated the ajlh day of August, 1908, and of record and on file in the olfice of the city recorder of the city of St. Johns and notice thereof having been published in the St. Johns Review, a weekly newspacr of general circulation in said city, 011 thcsistday of August and the 38th day of August, as shown by the amdavit of the foreman of said piper, which said aindavit Is on file with the city recorder; ami the legal lasting of notice of such street Improve ment as by law in such cases directed ami as shown by the affidavit of the city engineer on file with the city recorder and no remonstrances Having occn nicii; and as provided by said resolution the sum 01 fot..i7 nc nt said cuuiuccr s cs tlm.itc of the cost of said Improvement, but which said cost may be more accur ately determined by the said engineer. The time in which said street Improve ment is to be completed is hereby fixed nt 60 days from the last publication for proposals of street work, which protiosals must lie 1 led wmi me city recorder 01 sal'l city 011 or before the 39th day of .September, 100S, at .1 o'clock P, M. of said day. .now tnerciorc 11 is ncituy orucrco that I'.ast Iliirliiigtoii street be Improved accordingly mid the city recorder shall give notice by publication for not less than three Insertions In the St. Johns i....i.... .......1.1 ..r ,..i..i circulation mid published at the city of St. Johns, Inviting protiosals for uiokiug said Improvements ami Mid sum us csti- muled by the city em'incer nscoits there. of, ot such oilier sum as shall be finally fixed and determined by said city engin eer, not cxcecdlnc ald sum, It is hereby assessed to the lots, parts of lots and tracts of laud in their several proportions In the Mid assessment district of said Kast Iliirlluuton street from the east line ol Jersey street to tlic east line 01 Kcl- KiL'L- street in sa d city 01 nt. joiiiis. 111 the respective amounts to be hereafter determined ami nweM.-d to said lots, part of lots mid tracts of laud abut ting upon, adaceiit or proximate mid us Wlm; especially benefitted by said street improvement of m i Hast llur llnuton street heretofore declared mid now designated as nil the lots, arts of lots and tracts of laud I mm tne mar ulntil line of said street back to the center of the blocks or juirts of blocks or tracts 01 mud, niiutting tnercou, or adlaceut or proximate thereto 011 each Hide of said street between the points nlKivc named. That all the piopcrty so Included In said Improvt'ineut district is hereby declined to be "Local Improvement District No. 11." The city recorder Is hereby directed to enter at the proixr time, the said assessment hereby made, In lien docket In said city mid chiivc notice to lie publish eilas provided by law mid the charter of tlic cltv 01 m. lonns. ami mat sum stssment be npixirlloned ns In the char ler 01 said city directed, Passed by the common council the 1 1 tit lay of Sept., I'iS, Approved by the iiiavor the iithduy of 11. W., Attest: Mayor A. M. HSSON, City Recorder. Published III the St. Johns Review Sept. CHEAP FARMS FOR ALL. I lme eheep fsnus for sale from ID lo M0 aore, st prlcee from 16 mi aoio to iteo mii himo In Marion, J.lnu hw Polk niuiilltw. Tho very iiiolv or the WlllMiuutte Valloy. Call and sfo me. J. U. KI.HTOIIKH 8 4ft Wlllnmetle lloiilvNard. 81. Jidiuu. An How is Your Title? lluvu your obstructs made, con tinued or cxninitied liy Pcniiistilu I Title, Alwtrntt mid Ktmlty Co., II. J.Ieiu!croii, nianngur. Accurntu woik. UuiiiK)iint)1e fees. Cement Ulock littildiiiK. Jersey street, TIMIj TAIIl.lI O. K. & N. Uuiiiii iKlsjt, Purtluud. No. 3 Chicago SikvUI leaves a. 111. No, .1 tipokHuy 1'lyer uxtvei) al 7:00 p. 111. No. o Kaiusiu City Hxp. Imveii 7: o p. 111. No. ts l.ocnl I'usniiiger leaves 8;oou. in. No. I Chicago Special urnvcs H:jo p, m. No, 3 ShiUiiuu 1'lycr arrives at 8;tsi 11. m No. $ KausHs City Kxp. univL', 111 No, 7 I.ocl lWvnger arrives 5:45 p. 111 St. Johns Ferry Time Card. I,ivo lbut Side ;A. M.) 6:30, 7:10, HnJ, Q3M), 10:00, 1 1 :ou, 1 j:oo M. p. M. 1:0.1, 3MO, y.uo, ,, 5:,v, 6:io. Leave Wist .side . M 6 jo, 7.35, 8:30, irs: h M v. P. M - U.30, 1:30, 3 ,o. j S" I v- s ! 0 .), 0:30. Ordinnnco Asscssini; the Cost of Improving Craw ford Street, From East Line of Pittsburg Street to the West Line of Salem Street in the City of St. Johns, and DirecthiK the Entry of Such Assessment in the Docket of City Liens. Plant an ad. in The St. Johns Review and watch your business grow. in Get a home where you do not have to spend two or three hours every day on the street cars. You will be able to reach the heart of the city from Whitwood Court within TWELVE MINUTES on the new car line that will soon be completed. Lots easy terms, ery lot. 50x100, $200 Water and up, piped to ev- RICHARD SHEPARD & CO. Phone Richmond 1021. 1 1 0 N. Jersey. St. Johns. Al. L. H0LBR00K C. E. BAILEV j St. Johns Land Co. Tho Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm In St. Johns. oooo THE TROLLEY WAY 00 YEARS' expi-niENCR OCSIQNS Copyiiiohts do. An rone lending n tkfl-li nj .!(. . . 1011 mtt qulcklr urerum tur ii' i a frt tii.Mbtr &u lUTVittion lMuhnt iti,.i,,w it luuutr.. Iloiii.irlcilre uirideiitritl. HAN0600K un l'i.ui vnt fro. lilJt k'ciu-r I rievutuitf ialnu. I'lul4 litkcii thrMiiii'i Muiui A ev rcc.lTI IftcUlMUtt, wllbouUlruii, lutlio Scientific Jfincilcati. Alindomclr IlluHratcsl weeklr. Uwm elr. filiation u( .nr .ilrnlldo Journal. 'I onui, I) . ie.ri four moiilln, l. (4ol4 limil ne.dlr. Tlio City of St, Johns klocs onlalu us I 101 io ; Tlu city council of St. Johns havtiiir iiwcituinctl thu cost of impruvliik! Cruv ford tu-ct front the cast line of l'lttsburj; ktrcct to the west line of Salem ttrcct in the city of bt. Johns, us hhowu uy tne lesoiutioii 01 lite coiiimoii council relative thereto, tinted the 18th duvl of Auj;., 1908, and of record in the office ol the city icconler ot Mini city, unit notice thereof hiivlui! been published in the St. Johns Review, n weekly new, viper of eeiirrul circulation in Mid citv. 011 August Jist mid 3Sth, 1 90S, ns shown liy tne atiulavtt ol the loreiuaii ot kaiil iMiier, which Mid affidavit is on file nt office of City Recorder, and the le;al iHisuiii; 01 iiuiuc 01 such t-irvei improve lirovemeui us uy law directed anil us shown by affidavit of the city cneineerl on hie with the recorder ol said city, and that the remonstrance that was filed I to said improvement, which remou. struiice is on tile with the citv recorder 01 S.1111 city, noes not contain uie siiMta natures of the owners of two-thirds or more of the area of the property in I said assessment district, established bv Mid resolution, and no further remon. struiice liavlui; Ineu tiled, ami as Pro vided by said resolution the sum of JiU.7J is fixed as tlte enirlueer's I csttuiate 01 tne cost 01 said improve uieiit, but which tuav lie tuoreaccuiatelv determined Itytliecityeiijjiueer. The time within which Mid Improvement is to be I East St. Johns The ceuter of the great development now taking place on the Peninsula. We have only a few business lots left ou Columbia Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at present prices. Some fine residence lots still ou sale. Choice manufacturing sites adjoiuing the O. R. & N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms. Holbrookes Addition We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the new $20,090 school building to be sold on easy install ments. Call at our office for prices aud terms for either of these desirable tracts. St. Jotas Phong Jerey mi Oregon St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise. Also" slab wood. Timbers of' all sizes cut to order. ill ym wtotor's vmi MWMtsm tiukk. Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates. Therefore ring up the PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXPRESS GO. Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct to destination, Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts over to us aud your goods will receive prompt attention We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and Portland. Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car load lots. Experienced and courteous employes. Phone Maiu 358, Portland office. Phone Main A 3358, First and Flanders Streets. C. W. STEARNS Phoue Woodlawu 818. Agent at St. Johns. Office 105 E. Burlington street. ooo .THE PENINSULA BANK St. Jahna, Orfn. Capital , . $2$ ,000. 00 Surplus.. r 5,133.85 Interest paid oa savisgs deposits. 5f MUNN&C0.30,B'V'NeWTQ completed is hereby fued ut 60 days I lbwcL 5aico. &i V BU Wuttiiillwi. l