i A LITTLE OFF. OUR NEIQHBOR'8 VIEW OF IT. Tlie Peoples Press, a publication A movement nns boon started on lo,i nn tlm Rnn ni,i In Pnrtin.,,1. ths I'onlnBula, orlRlnatlng In North ..... ,. . i . . Alblnn , to nrrntigo matters so that w'",uul . ' uio peninsula section will hnvo n Itod and brightest local nowspnpor ,mper nll llB owlli Tho BUgges nbout Portland tries to rub It Into Hon has been made to tho St. Johns tho ltovlew Just a little In regard ' to view, that ns It Is established In to annexation. ""t section It chnngo Ho tltlo to Of course wo do not blamo thoPrcss the Peninsula ltovlew, and take up for wlshlnn to get St. Johns Into tho work of boosting tho Peninsula Portland, for ltko all other citizens At present writing tho editor of tho of tho big corporation It recognizes Hovlow seems to think well of tho In St. Johns tho most profltablo of fchomo, and If ho Is plodged tho nll tho subuibs of Portland, and ono support of tho communities wherein beforo which thcro Is tho brightest "Is lnpor Is supposed to clrculato futuro and tho greatest possibilities, ho will adopt tho suggcslon lint II wnn rntlmr lilitrrnr nfnt for II Thoro Is HOWS OllOUgh In tho to accuso the Hovlcw by Implication Peninsula for n llvo paper, and thcro that our opposition to annexation was will bo moro nows In tho futuro from mercenary motives only nnd "a No ''utter field for n papor could nowspapcr has to do wrong to pro ho fotnnl nnd financial success Is toct Itself." That is not within n Practically surotonttend tho scheme mllo of tho fnct. When wo hnvo to U is put Into effect. Pcoploon do wrong tc protect our interests In tho Pcnlnsuln nro most liberal In thn ltnvliHv. nn win n.ti.l.i. Ir tlm tholr support of any schenio to money wo rccclvo from tho city is th ''oust tho district ub was shown by only bono of contention, wo will clvo tho excellent showing that section that work to tho Peoples Press, If it """1 1rlng tho Itoso Carnival and will keop BUohnsout of Portland for & PPor ilovoted to tho Interests of until tho conditions nro moro favorn this community would doubtless bo bio, It would bo suicidal to tho best liberally supportod. Interests of St. Johns to go Into tho Incldontally it would bo tho best big city. It Is not tlio policy of klnil of advertising for tho dlstric Portland or nny other big city to for It would glvo It n medium through dovelop Its suburbs to tho dotrlmon which Its ndvnntngcs could bo con. of its own advancement. Portland Is stnutly kept beforo tho people, not Just now debating and without doubt only locally, but throughout tho on sill develop a grcnt basin bolow tho tiro stato and country . Ho succuss. bridges and west of Bwnn Islniul, ""ly has thin schomo been received SOCIALIST COLUMNS These two columns have been leased by the Socialists of St. Johns. They will furnish and edit their own matter, and the editor of the Review will in nowise be responsible for anything that may appear cncli week under this heading. Hi nt which children nro pormltted to work In tho mines nnd mills of Ala bntnn, South Carolina and Gcorgla7 Will ho Illustrate IiIb talk with pic tures of tho chain gangs of Florida and tho CmollnnsTWHS ho clnlm crcd It for tho poonago system In tho tur penttno nnd lumber camps of those states? Kvery voto cast for Bryan Is n voto for tho exploitation of babies In tho cotton mills and coal mines, In voto to strengthen tho class that Socialist meetings every Wednesday evening at 7S30, at 424 Brunswick rob?, nnU WrCBSe8 throughout tho Everybody welcome. I .. , , , , . - I RiVprv mntrrnqflmfin tltnl la nlnnfn.l by tho votes of laborers upon tho TUB .MOST IMPORTANT PilOULEM Ho has not scon tho phenomena whic democratic ticket will bo bound by n ha Is attncklnghns progressed along caucus, a majority of which comes uy Ilouort Hunter. tho samo lines in autocratic Ilussin, from states where unionism Is Thoro nro somo things Hint th burocrntlo Prussia, republican Franco crime nnd whoro legislation is moro wonting man can tfcchlo Dy voting roi nna plutocratic Amcrlcn. Tho trust bnckwnrd thnn In nny pretonded civ tho republlcnn or domocrnt pnrty. 8 nt homo nllko In Japan, Just out lllzod country on earth. They can docldo for lnstnnco.whlch 0f foudnllsm nnd In Europo nnd Amcr- In vlow of theso fncts, what do you of certain gient Interests shall dom- cn whoro cnpltnllsm has reigned for think of n Inhering mnn who votes Innto this country. moro than a contury. for Urynn and n domocrntlo congress Tlicy enn decldo whother tho mon- Agnlnst this on-sweeping tidal wnvi for tho sake of labor. 0. L. P. opoiics of tlio fxortli snail control 0f concentration llrran Is nlaylng tho congress or whether n discontented rolo of Mother Pnrtlngton, nnd with HENRY E.COLLIER portion or uio mnnurnciuring inior- hB puny broom of state licenses wouli Lnwjcr. CBts of tho north nnd tho south swoop bnck tho encroaching billows Rooms in the Hnlhmnk l.ult.ltmr. .i . .. i. .. i .....i .. . I.. . ... .. ..... ... i ..... viii uuiiiuuiuib biiiiii tuiurui KuiiBiuoD inai aro onguinng tho littio capuni- at. jonns, urcgon. Tins nnd similar '(lticBtlons concern isls. PHYSICIAN AND SURdBON Day and Nliht Office In McChosnoy Illock I'hone Woodtawn 47J ST. JOHNS, OREQON Physician and Surgeon. Offlcc in Holbrook's Illock. Residence, 31 J Hayes street. Phone Scott 6995. Ing who shall domlnato tho country h0 S0Cb that hlsroal oimonont Is JSCpll AkCIlCSIlCV, Al. D. can bo decided by n voto for ono or tho soclnllBt , nlthough his nttompt tho other of tho old pnrtics. to show thnt thoro Is nn nffllllntlon Uut thoro nro mnny questions thnt botwocn tho tlckotof "injunction Hill' ennnot bo decided by voting for and that of tho party of tho working the democratic or republican party, class Is n bit of cheap domngoguery. Tlio moro imporlnnt of theso, is, Tho fact Is that tho republican and n- uAnv 11. .1 m whether or not labor shall havo what domocratle nnrtlr-n nro both stntidlnc ut' mnKl fna.UUlUn It produces or oven moro of w' nt It for cnpltnllsm. Ilrynn Is with the In whnt is called Qullds lake. It Is ""it thero will bo culled In tho Inline produces. llttlo labor skinner the falluro In tin tho only salvation for Portland com- dlato futuro n mooting of nll citizens Tho question will bo decided ngaliiBl fight for profltB whethor that falluro morclnllv nml will bo ilnno.iiow iiinch Interested In tho Peninsula nffnlrn, tho working mnn whlchover wny ho bo becauso of unwIlllngncBB or Inn. development will Portland permit on "t only to mout with tho Ht. Johns votes domocrntlo or republican. blllty to uso tho methods that "E nQPAD n A III ui r tho water front of 8t. Johns until I Uovlow pcoplo and talk tho mattor Lnbor produces today 0110 hundred sucess or becauso ho was born Into uai;WM U6VAUL, lYl. U this croni basin becomes too smiill ovur.but nlso to form n pormnnont roia what it produced naif n century Inn Industrlnl world whoro tho opnor- omce hours. 11 ton.. m.. i .,... to accommodate tho commerco of thli "rgnnlzntlon nlong tho lines formed ngo. in n nnir century moor nns in- 1 (unities for oxploltatlon woro nlrondy office l-iione, woattawn jui. port? You can put It In your eye. during tho Iloso Carnival for boostlni crensed tho total wealth of tho coun- taken bytho groat trusts. Kt.ldtnct phone, Union 390 1. Tho water front Is ono of Ht. Johns' lo uistnci. 1110 0111 iiuuuy iiouruiw uum iuuhhuuh 10 nu uuiiuuu. wnaiovor niny do 1110 outcome 01 iirontnsi nHsots. Without tlm rollout Mil probnbly bo tho foutiilntlon on ut undor both democrat and re- tho present election, nnd so far ns . . ... I 11. 1. I.ll.... ...Ill I tinlillnnn ruin ItliniMiinliiiilfn.llanni w.ii n . ... -.1 If) tllllt SIPIl tiavciopmoiii. or nor possibilities inero I n,l";" " u--i uihuiiuuii wm . ...u .......... ..w.. . 1U4l uim uryun nru concurneu mo so-i o, i, uijiiutv, r) jf St. Johns will never bo what sho Is formed, nnd Its success will moan tlon of this enormous wealth llttlo dnllsts i.ro Indifferent to that out. TfancfAf nnH Qnfnrra 6 Styles. WIlV CO (0 Portland Of elsewhere when VOU ft capablu of being. much to tho Ponlnsuln. Peoples Prei moro man n suiiHistcnco wngo. come.tho trusts are hor to stny nnd mum uivi uv n ..-. Tho trouble with Ht .Johns Is Just A wo" known cnttio breoilor, Mr. tho bnttlo of tho futuro must decide Wc deliver your eoods to and from nil 1 6 Can ECl It rigllt HCfC. tho snmo as will bo mot with In any tmib YEAH'B omain. .ionn npior, nns wmun nis iiieumu in wnciiior that trust will bo used ror j, "'". w, i.iuhiom, i town of the snmo size In tho state A postni card camo to our offlco crossed tho yield of milk por cow tho bonct of tho few or tho many. cl?" , mV '"XJ', LiMn u'Z CCCCCCCwmCCCCCCCtmt tt OREGON BUILDERS Arc you doing what you can to populate your State? OREGON NKEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. AND Southern Pacfic Co. "Lines in Oregon" ore sending out tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and adrcsscs of your friends who are likely to be interested in this state? Wc will be glad to bear the ex pense of sending them complete information about OREGON and its opportunities. Colonist Tickets will be on sale during SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER from the East to all points in Oregon. The fares from n few principal cities are From Denver $30.00 From Louisville 4 1 .70 M It Cincinnati 42.20 Cleveland 45 75 New York 55.00 Omaha 30.00 " Kansas Clly... 30.00 " St. Louis.... .35.50 " Chicago 38 00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, de posit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then be furnished by telegraph. WAl. AlcAlURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. 1 "I Office In rorlimoutli mkk. Succcmom (o I'ctcrncn & Nocc 2 For latest styles in Suitings, Pants, Overcoats at vcrv 7t reasonable prices. Best workmanship and up-to date J A. B. HEA1STOCK creaso of 12t.000.000 bushels over laB tuo laborora. as possible In that policy of postpont ''"" 'M'nut. year. Oats, 011,317,000 bushels, In- Now, of nll problems beforo us at mont, tho sham political rights of Ilr: storeL0 Vln''fiVi 1,nfk I)f"K crease, 1 117,000,000; Wheat, C7G.CG1,. tho presont momont ono only la of nu and Taft play tho principal part. Mnfn office, ltthiiid, Orccoir phone 000 busholH liirronso 40,000,000 bush' stirpassliiK Importance. Unless thnt InkoopInK up that sham flulit Dry- Scllwooil 71, ' used for P"'1? o' 1'ortlnnd, Vnncoiucr, I.Iunton, 1.- 1! r Portland and Kuburlwn I xprcm Co.) ! ho many, rii., ,in.i. . ti .t,,.. .,..!. .. ' I. . ...... , .1 ft.M hi . I ... ...1-" in.in iiwvvn.n;iv 11 y 1 or for that mnltor tlio nation thorn UI"""'K omo inioresiinic riKures nnu irom u.u 10 ou KnuoiiB n yenr. in thnt haltlo tho socialists will woou. Piano and furniture moving I rtlftillfltr Ihnm will rnilHii t lift ihlinirlit I Ho llAH ncllloVCtl ttllfl rCRUlL wllhotlt I stntnl nn tint aldn ixt Itut wnrtrnruln flDcClnllV. IW) li. llurlliiKloii? ulinim 1 u ww iiiitn iiivnutini iiu n i ni 1 n - 1 - 1 w nu - n""f ' feature of tl.u case is that tho pooplo "ll n" to tI nml cogltnto for n RIviiir hlH cattlo nny moro grass and and somo other party will defend u"0" " know this nn well us nny ono hut mlnutu to say nothing more. Tho M no uomocrnt nna repumicnn parties tlio powers that possens and plunder. Illliv iltt lint umiitt ftlilit ti dttlmltitilii fliturcH rend llko this: hnvo nchloved their results without Tlm onlv harm of trmt inirnnlin ttiiim titui ttni impf.Muii .nt ntiv uiiiidinil Corn. 2.710.000.000 IiiihIicIh: an lii npproclnbly IncronsltiK tho wniten of 111 In imtilni? thnt utrniiri.. ntr im fnr Funeral Director and rjmbalnicr of Diilill.i liiinri.Hi. Tlm imir., Hiov creitsu of 121.000.000 busliols over Ins tho laborers. ns nosslblo. In thnt nollcv of nostnoni I.mly Assistant. listen to such JoIi'h comforters ns tho Peoples Press who Iiiih nn ax to i:rlnd.thu harder will lio tho task to liarmoiilza their Interests . I oIh; Hurley, 173,C21,000 bushels, In. problem Is solved wo shall ko down nn Is doliiff tho greatest posslblo Wo nro freo tondmlt thnt tho throw eronso, 20,000,000 bushelsi llyo, 32,41! to ruin. sorvlco to tho trust owners. Ho Is Iiik off of sumo of tho former leaders 000 bushels, Incrensu 1,000,000 bushol It Is tho problem or tho dlHtrlbu- standing lutwecn them nnd tho only who hnvo become persona non grntn Ttni estimated vnluo, 3,000,000,000 tlon of wealth. body that Is really dotormlnod to with thu majority or tho voters, Is Increase 1000,000,000. Tho card then It will not destroy tho cattlo Indus deprlvo thorn of tho powor to plundei tho prime factor In thu nuiioxtntoii reiterates u big crow coming from try to Increase thu yield or milk, but tho socialist pnrty. ngltntlon, ror tho rotiHon thnt becauso tho Oregonlnn becnusoor tho tremend. It will destroy tho cnpltnllst Indus. Ilrynn appeals to tho Boclnllsts they cannot rule thoy would ruin by " production ot tho country. Now try to Increase Inderinltely tho ylold to support him In hit orfort to pro forcing Ht. Johns Into Portland, wo nro not a calamity howler, and of Inbor without solving In somo man toct Tuft nnd tho jtrout capitalists In Wo emphatically deny that St. Join '"vo unbounded faith In our country cr tho problom of tho distribution tholr presont position, Ho nskn that 1ms been an ontlty long enough .No lt wo would llko to call nttontlno or woalth. thoy shall glvo up tholr dlroct nttuck tlmo In hor history wero tho pros- to tho tact that tho great groin ills- Tho cow does not hnvo to buy back upon tho onomy and Join him In try- lHtlH brlghtor thnn thoy aro now or trlcls or fiO yearn ago now cnnnol Uio wenllli which sho produces. Tho Ing to produco thocondltlons or tho thu posslbllltleu gntuter than today Krow profitable grain crops. This Is laborer does . tlmo or Jefferson Jr thu londurs would but unit their partlctilalry trim us to wlioat nnd When tho working peoplo or this This harking back to Jerrorson Is Hcrnpplng like n bunch or rool kids, pooplo nro burning tlio eandlu nt botl country produco brond meat and do- not n rhetorical trick nlthough mid laying nsldo all malice, pull to- u"d nnd tho tlmo will como un thlug.nnd othor necessaries or Hfo, Urynn Is frequently guilty or such gethor ror the common good. Unless loss this fuult Is romedlcd, thnt tho they produco thorn for snlo. Whllo nt things. It Is nll n part of tho roac- this is dono nnd soon, tho mass of showing will bo tho roverso of that work thoy recelvo wngos for produc- tlonary character of tho domocrntlo voters will become so illsgiisted Hint Klvon iiii this card nnd no amount of lK theso neeossnrles of life And party. Ills doctrines nro nil or tho thoy will vote Ht. Johns Into Portluni ""tuteness on tho part or tho pro- out or theso wages thoy must buy day of Jefferson. Ho still thinks n 8. CIim. Davis, nnd retard tho development of our feHloiml politician will bo able to hack for their own uso tho bread, tho terms or n civilization thnt tra- llttlo city 25 yours. overcome tho disastrous results. Tin meat nnd clothing nnd othor necessn- veiled by stngo.dld Its mnnufnetur Ht Johns In nwnko nllrlght brother "Krlcultural colleges understand this rles or life which thoy hnvo pro- lug In tho household, nnd whoso ns has boon demonstrated by thu win mid nro laboring hard to remedy the duced. Inrgest Industrlnl establishment was derful development that has been In vital defect In our agricultural sys- They ennnot do It; tholr wngos n master workor nnd a half dozon up progress the past three or four yours, torn, but there aro not enough who nro Inadequate, and that Is the prentices. Tho Peninsula watermalii would do Ht ' tho warning of theso educat- cnuso of our Industrial punlcs. And Ho does not boo tho combination ORDINANCE NO. 199 au uruiuaucc Assessing tnc Cost of Improving Salem Street, From the South Line of Crawford Street to the South Line of Edison Street in the charter of s.ild city directed. Passed by thccommoii council the 16th dny of September, 100S. Approved by the Mayor the l6th ilsy of September, 190S. H. W. IIKICK, Attest: Mayor. A. M. HSSON, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review, Sept. 18, 190a. RESOLUTION It Is resolved bv the cltv of St. Tnlim- City of St. Johns, and T,mt. ''i ,lcc," 'i, cMiet i j uuiiiio) ",,u . ary to Improve Tucoma street, from the nirot-tlno- llm Prv f west inc of Jersey Street to the r " ' w. cum 111; Such Assessment the Docket of Liens. Inc of Hnvct klrcfl. Ill tlm rltv I of St. Johns, lii the following manner, in , to-wit: ' lly plncini; same to subgrsdc as shown LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. F. ST. JOHNS, OkP.OON Meets each Moudnv cvcnliu- In Oibl Pel lows hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed. C. P. Outcs, N. C. ... ... ..uiiumu, vjvwjcmry. Holmes Lodge No. 101 ivnifiiiis ui' i'viiiiah Meets tvrrv I'rlilnv nli.lil I jn 7!JOOCIOCK ai I. U.U.I'. w hall. Visitors nlwavs wel come. J. II, lllnck, C. C. i. 11. llolcomlt, K. U.S. Doric Lodge No. 132 l: and A. Al. tlous 011 first nnd third The Cltv of St. !oh ns iloe nnlnlti n 'vnuhoc street to Hayes street, by m- Wednesdays of each I follows: cadnuiUitign strip In the center of said mouth in Odd Fellows' The city council of St. Johns hnvlmr !re" '? ,cci .w,,lc' '". u,e ce"ier ot m1'I Ii.ii -ri.i. - . . 1 1 . ..1...... . - . . mi rrfi will mil .i.ttn.in... .a i.a u i .. i. . . iiiiii. y miurs welcome. 1 ukcciiuiueii 1 Joseph McChcsuev. I street St'CfL-turv. UV M I klr. t j . 1 . .... . ... ...v ..t. 1 1 1 1 u i ( l-.lllMill 1 1 ' - . I.. . 1.. .1. . -1... ....... . Ill arrnnlftiirn t.i f1r.il.ii-.ij KTn Af M4SSSMSMSSUMUAUA1U, ucci 111 uivciiy ill ni. JOIIIIS, US SIIOWII ,., ,, y" iyj It,.. tl. rfnlnllnt. nt ll.n . ..II Mill City, Otld 1)V lavllUT A 13 foot wnlk a i J. : ,w.. ... . V.U11V11 i . " . : Mrs. Florance Ruelci relative thereto, dated the Ibtli dny L",,,,,c Vrccl lro IV Jcrey lreet 10 iiii a. riunncc rtUCKir .,. ... ii ... ... A center of block acconlliu. in th-..t.... '!"R'i u,'i "i inwii in iiicuuicc ....i ... "i",r": ii: n .-!-.-..- City hy I'fofilc thereof, nml by miicmlauililng . Silltlt-111 fnllfiua frnm Ikn.u mtml Ivnulioe street, full wldtli from curb to curb; said macadam to be 12 inches thick in me center ot said street and tapering to 6 incites thick at cither curb, from :hc city council of St. Johns hnvlnj: . J 1? Icct ,w"lc' '", u,c cc".ler r mM crtalncd the cost of liuproviiiL' Salem f,tr,cf 1 ,,,c, '""win,'", to be 8 inches :et from the south line of Crawford l,ck taper Iiik to 6 Inches at cither ct to the south lino of I W lion f"e ,1,creof; all of said work to be done PUIIMC STltNOOUAl'IIKK ANI COI'VIST. of the rltv rror.l..r nf ni,i uii siK-ciiicatloin of the city cuk neer on .. .: ' ...... niM i.i ik i .1 i..." notice tuercoi linv tic been tmlil sheil In ".iiy .rccurucr rc- the St. Johns Uevlew. a weekly news- m,cr 1 .1 0 iWl"?h M' I'ln. ,nd ;i in snlil cltv cuiiiic arc saiisiac- II III Mllll bll), . . ,. ,. .1 CM I- T i.tn. r m Mn1l . f-l... ...fl I fUllier Ci( t.H(1f.rill ol r.l la 1 1 A.. Johnu no good without n water sup- rs and tho work of robbing tho soil such crises must occur ngnln nnd Is ns much n natural consemionco ' on August Jist and 38th. 1008. as show-i! tory nnd arc hereby approved. Said Im ply and this Portland nninot itlvo. Koes on. It Is 11 shallow thinker who ngulii becauso neither tho democratic of railroads, telegraphs, oloctrlcltv. I zwwwwwwwww y me ninaayii 01 tnc torcmaii of ealil TZ A' " cw"?.cc Thereroro wo would not bo benefitted crows over tho wonderful production or republlcnn party offers or cares and tho great machines as competl- by thu malp.boBldos wu would not gel 'f r glorloua country In tho face to offer nny solution of this prob- tlon was tin, Inovltnblo nccompnulmon an Inch or (ho main unless wo paid of tho destructive methods in uso by loin. of tho ox tonm nnd tho vlllago black- for It us vi- pay for ourstrcet tin- 75 per cent of tho agriculturists. If tho cow owned horsolf nnd pro- smith nnd tho hnnd workor. ir ho proveinents, nnd didni: It that wny vi ducod milk ror horseir sho would pro would bring back competition ho muy put In our own water system AMONQ OUIt EXCHANQE3 duco only enough milk to udoimatuly must destroy tho steam engine, wlpo - - I "J w . ,.v .wivilldll U Willi J i.i . 1 , , ., T . - ,Mne, Whlch mid nffi.lnvii u n.. fii with the charter still ordinances of the atlfn W m4- I " omce ot ttty Recorder, and the egalr,"' ',J""i " nucr me supervi LCal iral iYiarKet I luting of notice of such 'street Improve. Io . wctlon of the city engineer. Hoi brook Illock. provement us by law directed and as shown by affidavit of the city engineer un me wiiii me recorder 01 said city, and that the remonstrance that was filed n r.il.l ......... "I. "Ill Ullll nuiui njinuilll w.. . , HMv.mvi mu -- U IUUUI UIIKUIV, WIJIU I Cee . fnr pi,nl. n I I .1 nil IIIIJ'IUVVIIICIII, WHICH rCIIIOII- nnd not have to tuko our ehantos t. D, N'Ukelsett has deserted the supply her wnnts nnd then she would nil knowledge or modernsclenco from 0:c '", ,or "ce " 'e "est strancc is ou file with the city recorder on getting n drink nftor nil Portland tripod of the Hood Itlvor News Lot- rest. tho human bruin ns woll no from tho has had her fill. Wo hao n fire- tor to uiikiiko lit tho moving pic- ir tho workers owned thomsolvos rnctory, nnd bring tho world bnck to Meats Obtainable, of said city, docs not contain the slena natures of the owners ownlm? two. thirds or more 01 tne area 01 the property In - "v ...- - - i - i j , u...ib iw nu.iK uv m i ur mure oi ne area ot tne property In depiirtmont tmiul to nny on tho pu- tttru business. Chris should muko n "id capital nnd land nocessnry to tho tlmo whentho workor producod Orders Pilled aiidl'nmily Trade Solicited mW 8&se&smc"t district, ebtablisheif by lilnsulii, nud when our eltUens whi Kood speller ror tho show, production, they would produco only with tho hand tools which ho made ' resolution, mid no further rcmon- the ueed of It nu thny will soon, onough of tho necessaries or life to and owned. till other !iilpmont will bo ndded us A. (.'. Lender, formerly ruremuti In I supply their needs nnd then they Socialists know this Is Impossible. roipilri'd. tlio Hood IlUer Nows Letter office would rest. They bellovo that it la undesirable. Ah to t.ixofi,tho clly taxes this your M how deltor ot Hint publlcntlon. There would bo lelsuro when their Thoy nro certnln that thero Is a bet- nro M0 or a mill lower thuit Is Hint Deri slings n "nnsty milll" In politics work wns dono. An Industrlnl break tor way and that Is, do whnt Urynn or Portland and tho prospects today una ir lie proves as good on 'sacle- uown Willi widespread poverty, con- says Is tho Intention or tho socialists nru that the city taxes or Portland ty" Items, ho will make n hummer or trusting Itsoir with Incredible woalth to lot "tho public havo the benefit or will bo much higher than this nox' tho News tatter, would bo Inconcelvnblo. Their Umes tho monopoly," year nnd moro thnn likely tho dlM luluro would nlso bo times of feieuru will bo much moro In favor I No, 3, Vol. 1, of the Kstncnda plenty, T. P. WARD, Proprietor. Administrator's Notice to Creditors. strance having been filed, and as pro. vldcd by said resolution the sum of jo.jo.oo is lixcd ns tlie eiiL-ineer's csiimaie oi me cost, ot said Improve ment, but which may be more accurately iicicruiiiicuuyiiicciiy engineer, nie time within which said Improvement is to be completed is hereby fued at to days In tlie County Court of the State of f.r0"' the date of the last publication of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah, "i0, n,oUce lot Proposals for said work, In tho days of Jefrerson tho work- Io "Tt 1?" i e8Wtto' "M reefer oHaid ' citV on 'or Wore" e erB owneu tno tools wiu winch tney Not ice U herehv pU-pii itini Hi- .Ur. tu uay oi uctoucr, 190a. at 4 o'c ock of St. Johns. Wi) ullt iinviir L-nlii nn Prouress successor to tho Nows. hits I Hut today tho workers nroilucn thu I nrmlurml wnnlth ini ,.r,n nwnn,i I slint-il wna null.- nil. .In,. f a ,,,,., I P. M. ol said day. thing In the mutter ot cur service bv reached our table. H Is n nontly wonlth ror the capitalist, who soIIb tho simple. Instrument ho nsa.t. To. "ly regularly appointed by the ...M0.. J1.'. A1 ,,e,reby ordered going Into Portland, Wo now have Printed ami veil edited paper nnd will back to them tho very articles their day the socialists would havo nll the &tf better cur sonlco thnn nny other devote its energies to exploiting tho Inbor hns produced. workers own nll tho tools, that nil ert Johnson, deceased. notice by publication for not less than 3 uuuuru or t'urtlnmi mid our stand- mnny uttrnciions or tnut uouutirui uuuu intoumi 1110 uoiuocratio nnd ro might bo benefitted by tho victories AU persons Imv Ing Is such with tho company that section of Otegon. publican platforms and sec ir you cun which science and Invention lias wo get anything we ask for within I d nny mention of tho grout prob. mado. reason, Messrs. KhIts & Kelley.who rocontly lent, iou will find tho republicans The only thing that wo would gulu acquired tho ownership of tho White and tho democrnts talking about every that would bo u benefit to us out Salmon Kuterpriso are making n won thing under tho sun except this ono origin contemporary hub overturned, ouriui inipruveiiieiu 111 1110 upponruuee 1 niosi iiiiporiuiii tiling tinuer tne sun. 1 Thoro nro somo places whore unit mm it ireo man delivery. Wo w tnai snoot, iney nuvo iiroppeu democratic party Is supromo.whero ouiu in nu proiuiuiiity got Hint mid our leuuys uuuruviniou speiiiug.iiu iiaiiu i--uu.ii tub ju.Miia. una for venrs na(l Rn opportunity to il Is tho only bU'snetl thing thnt neuter prots work thnn wns dono bo- Ilrynn hus now Indefinitely ullled enrry out Its policy. wo woum get tor our freedom, wo 1 ore mm pui oui n mucn moro roouu- hlmseir with reaction. Ho hus do- In th ann nt n,t,.m. nnri DE.MOCIt.CVsSUPREMB. Q eccascd. nonce uy publication (or not less than 3 liavitic claims airainst said sertIous in the St. Johns Review, a estate are hereby required to present the weeKiy newspaper ot general circulation, same with protJer vouchers attached to ml PWf el n the city of St. Johns, me at the oftice of H. K. Collier, rooms Ylv' vuiug prujiowi. ior maicing said ao-Ji, 1101 brook uulIdltiK, St. lotins, Or- "'"'"," " c;niaic(i eeon, within six months from and alter by th,e ci,y e"r'i,Jfc.r s stl thereof, iiii. -.iSt ni a,,,,.... ...i.i .1.... or such sum as shall be finally fixed ami being the first publication of this notice, ''eterminetl by said city engineer, not the HERT JOHNSON, exceeding said sum, is hereby assessed . 1, Administrator of above uametl estate. J0"'? ,0.u'. P3'1 ' lots am tracts of said assessment dlstrjct of said Salem street from the snuth Uim n( nmufnr.1 In order to Insure a change of ad- street to the south line of T?iHcrwi at would forevtr bo nt tho beck nnd cull M- sheet thnn obtu.ned . thnt of- Cured thnt Mho domocrut.c party Is Mississippi , Texas," tauTsinna, South 1 SlSiS 0' 11' JilX tt Portland nnd worse police ser- rico before their ndvont. the defender of competition nnd the nnd North Carolina and Florida there Wednesday, at S o'clock p. m. Pleat" and assessed against said oniy greai party seoKing to restore I is none to dispute the power of the rmmor nn ana aava tna prtnur 101s ami tracts ot land abutting upon, Pointers for Olir Patrons. competition." democratic nartv. Tho governors. iec sjsjBjBjflsjsjBMBjsjB SEEDS vice than we have. Anyone who Iiiih been reading tho dallies for the past year will laugh when they think of tho Inefficient police service of Port land giving us anything better than wo uow have. Ho ndmlts that corapotltlon Is gone Islatures, courts are alt In the hands Our rule is the Iwst stock nnd Ho ndmlts tthat tor yours Industr) or tho party W. J. Bryan represents, best work for our patrons. luu botm vlng nway from competl- From those states will come a major- tlon. Ho says that not moro than five I It v of thn do No, Urothor Press, you will huvo to ,, ur ,..nrt. .i,n ..... ,i ,i percont of tho corporations of tho who mna i.n .tor.nrtH in COmO agall). n mil tlm IukI tlm-l- Intn nlir inlu I COUntry WOUld COlUO UUdCr hl8 lira-loilt nnv l.o-lnlntlnr. In ov nflal.nr Till? (HflVrviiP. lutuffii ifinr posed law against trusts. Yet tafol In thesu statps Ihon If thn rinmn. The Oregon City pnpors uro boast- stocL- nml firt r trv-W nn n Jnl, lette has shown that this rivo tier crutle Dartv l h rrti..i r m.nr Ing becauso sho has doubled her pop- s ft smull jtcn, w1k. u COusitter cunl ot the corporations control moro wo should bo nble to discover the ulntlon during the pust 8 years.Tlmt ti,e vaue 0f tjle It js Ule than 30 billion dollars of the nation's most ravorable legislation, the best Is not bad, but St. Johns has doubled .nicii of n satlsfieil customer. It Is capital. organlied trades, tho greatest favors mo iiui oia yuuru una u mo pvopio ucttcr to make 50 cents less on a "ryaw would hnvo us believe thnt shown to trndo unionists, will but hnvo tho good Judgmont, nnd job and have ti customer who will 1,0 cu roll society back Into the Will W. J. Mryan "point with pride wo think thoy will, to stny out of C0Ille l,ac). Um t0 usu tjle fli,nSy duys of tho llttlo cross roads firm, to tho democratic record In these Portland and boost for tholr own In- stock, make the extra 50 cents untl To him tho ono grout fact of modern statesT Will he tell his audiences terest, thoy will Uoublo It ugntu throe Jose your customer. That is the Industry that competition loads to of favored laws passed in tholr legls- tlmes wlthiu the noxt six yours. wuy we figure It. inovltnblo monopoly Is n closed book laturesT Will ho boast of thn nee SPKOIALOFFKIt: TftTsMiMlI MIITtMl IHlHMi. HM VMHW 1 Jf.S'Sj nfafl HfeSTiffir being especially and particularly benefit- icu oy saui sireei improvements ot said Hayes street heretofore declared and now designated as all lots, oarts of a. . . . . ' a " 131S and tracu Ot laud from the man-in. al lines of said street back to the center of the blocks or parts of blocks or tracts ot land abuttine or adiacent or proximate thereto on each side of Kaifl I Salem street between the noints above I named. That all the property so included in said improvement district as aforesaid is hereby declared to be local improve ment district No. 10. I The city recorder is hereby directed to enter nt the proper time the said assess, meut hereby made, i.i the lien docket of the city of St. Johns, and cause notice to Dc published as provided by law and That the Cost Of said Imnrovement In be assessed m provided by the city char ter upon the property especially ami par tlcularly bciifittcd thereby and which is hereby declared to Iw nil the lots.parts of lots, blocks and parcels of land be tween the termini of such improvement abutting upon, adjacent or proximate to said Tocoma street, from the marginal lines of sah street back to the center of the block or blocks or tracts ot land a butting thereon or proximate thereto. That all the nronertv included In mM improvement district aforesaid Is herehv declared to be "I.ocal Improvement Dis trict No. u." That the city engineer's assessment of the probable total cost of said improve ment of said Tacouia street is I71U.S7, That the cost of imnrovln? said faro. street to be assessed aeainst the nmwrlv in said local district as provided by the city charter of the city of St. Johns. Atiopieu tnc ntli day of September, 1908. A, M. Hsson, City Recorder. Published in the St Johns Review Sept. IO HUM ioo. Clly of SI, Joins, Ortw OPFICHKS Mtyor-H, W. Bricc Recorder A. M. Ktsou Trcamrcr I. K. Tancb Attorney li. K. Collier Knglnrcr C Andrews I'hvtlcUu A. W. Vincent Chlet ol folicc J. H. BUck Night l-ollce G. KtberUge Councilmen atXarge: A. W. UavU, C. I,. Johnaon, S. L. Doble Conucilmcu Pint Ward: P. J. Miller W. W. Wlndle Councitmcn Second Ward: II. C, Hunter II, w. Bonhatn COMMITTKK3 Streets and Docks W. W. Wlndle. P. I. Miller, C U Johnson License It, W. BoohjmII. c. IlanUr, Water snd llaht- C U. Johnson, A. W. Davis, U. W, Bonham Plnance A. W. Davit. II, c. Huntes, 8. L. Doble BuUdingt and Grounds II. C. Hunter. P. J. MUler, C. L. jobnoVt Ileallh and Police S. L. Doble. H. W. Bonham, W, W. Wlndle Liquor License P. J. Miller, A, W. Dais, Wanted. To exchange Hood River lanrl the city charter of said city, aad that'orS,t' Johns property. Inquire at said assessaieat be apportioned at ia the this office.