St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 04, 1908, Image 4

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This Is tlllo of n pnper to bo pub
Hahed In tlio October number or tho
l'uolfio Monthly from thu pen of our
townsman, .Ininen Ithodorlek Kemliilt
Tho Pacific Monthlv In making Its ni;
nounccmont of Mio coming article hat
this tc say:
"'This romnrknblp papor Is result
of n llfotlmo of study and thought
by n philosopher whom It will moko
famous far beyond tho circle thai
knowu him. Whllo It hi quite possible
that many, If not most of his scion
title brethren will dlsputo the theory
with moro or less violence, no one
can rotid this paper without reaching
the conviction that 1'rofosor Kendall
theory has at least thlB mlvantnge
It offars the only explanation wo hav
vr teen to the pioblnm: "What h
man's placo lu nature?' that seems
to lotivu nothing unanswered, nud
yet Is so surprisingly simple that It
Is fully explained In the space of
one short mugnzlno article. To quote
n paragraph:
'"Jt la said that no puiu Id so
groat an that of n new Idea, This Is
probably duo to inertia, which In a
tury prominent chnraclerlstlu of the
lltaral-mludod or mciitally-flxod. I-'roi
Uiuho, much determined opposition to
anything new Is to bo expected. All
1 aide Is u willing mind. This thesis
Is written for the purpose of giving
n now conception to waking nnJ
and sleeping and nocossnrlly, of tin
mnlo and female principles In nature
nud planotnry .novmout, hIiico nntur.i
truth or prlnulplu cannot bo isolated,
but is ever repealed throughout the
intlnlto opernlloim of nature In mill
tlfarloiis mid perplexing guises.'
Illustrated with n iiumbur of unique
'J'IiIh paper will be looked for wit!
n great deal of Interest by our peo
plo not only beenusi It is n predic
tion of oiio of our ownpeoplo, but to
study the contents of t paper.
Wo have heard otherwise bright
until argue that the election of Tafl
Will liiHiiro good times, and tlioelei'
tlou of Ilrynu the opposite. Ofcoiirs
oury thinking man knows that the
eleullou of uny patrlcului man to the
presidential elialr, unless he Is an ex
tremlst or Idiotic, will not In any wa.
tend to or against hard lliueH, That
has been sufficiently demonstrated
during tho last year to forever sollb
tho question Panics urnl cause
quout hard times inn to a great ex
tuul bo controlled by the gamblers of
our nation, nud tun, Hie people them
iiolvori may he held largely respou
idhle for such. Individual oxtrava
gunco Is ii great factor lu ciiiikIiiv
hard lliuiHi. While wo are having
prosperous tlineii too many of us an
prone lollwi up oin Iiii-oiiioh taking ..
heed of the morrow, or our needs In
tho future. We pi null oursolveH to
Indulge In .-xtmrmineoii for whirl
Ihmo Ih no uotid, and spend thouinii
tty s sliould have for the Inevitable
periods of IiiihI liens Htiiguallon, f.)i
prosperity and ndi'inlty Inlhese Wiwt
will undoubtedly, mi long iih thin
world remains Intact, follow them
solve lu rugulsr concurrent wnven
Tli prudHiit iiihu lookH ahead and
makiw provision for these period
but ti great majorlly of the Amur
lean puoplo tku no heed of the
turo, being HHtUfleil to let eaeh dny
tuk care of Itself. Our unlvorsil
ermllt HyslMiu aids In bringing th
ouUiMroplm about, liven lu goal
tliuoti.whoii wo could all Junt as well
pay for what we hii),wo usooiircred
it almost to the limit, .and wheult
hsppou that some eggs lu our bask
ill) not lialuli nut, wu find oiirHolvH
ashing for extension! of this foe)
iihly neiulrd credit, bumpering thus
who have favored iih with it, ami the,
hi turn ot hers, until tho world awalc
una to the fact that hard tlniesat
iumIn upon iih. If every Amerlo.iu
would Ihe well within what ho earns
ami wncIi inunth put by even a llttl
HitrpliM, It wuold ho found that stoeli
Humbling would not have the lu
flHue of ludity on tho M
nation, nor would it make any
dlffurniifio whlur Ilrynu or Taft wen
elvttl tu tin head of the nation
l'olk Oounly ItHiulier.
Editor itovlew; Sometime ago In
naming tho various candidates for
president you mentioned tho name of
Homo fellow wo never heard of beforf
as tho socialist cnndldatc,
1 meant to drop Into your office nn
put you next beforo you made ntiotlnt
brenk llko that, but neglected It and
hero you havo cone and done t
In your front page article on 'So
cialism In Practice' you sneak of
the Hoclnilst candidate In tho peni
tentiary whero Fomo of tho rcBt of
us ought to be. Now. this Inst Is
no doubt truo enough but Boclallsis
who deserve that fate nro all potty
These two columns have been leased by the Socialists of St.
Johns. They will furnish nnd edit thcirown matter, and the
editor of the Review will in nowise be responsible for anything
that may appear each week under this heading.
Socialist meetings every Wednesday evening at 7:30, at 424 Brunswick
Everybody welcome.
or bolow tho level of bare subsistence
In other words, tho wngo system con
ceals tho class struggle. Robert
Hives LnMonte.
rtnr... t ...... i.... n..n.i
wu.v-w. nuuiu y, Ulivilt:!, 1IU1I1I
lug, corner Third and Washington
streets, roriianii.BiKl kooiii 35,1101.
brook rtlock, St. Johns.
Phone: Pacific 2098. Residence: St. Johns
Rooms in the Holbrook building.
tt. joints, urcgon.
Tlio "Hod Special" carrying Eugene
V. Debs, candidnto for president, nnd
llonjamln Hnnford,candldato for vice
thlovcs and law violators, while that president on tho socialist party ticket
that class who steal to the tunc of will arrlvo In Portland Monday, Sep
millions nnd use their 111 gotten gnuii tembcr II, nnd as wo wero refused
to corrupt the legislature, tho exec- tho armory, the comrades will speak
titlvu nnd tlio Judlclnry aro reptibll- In tho exposition building on Wnshlnj
cans nnd democrats and bitter oppo- ton street fit tho evening. In order
nenta of socialism, every last vllllnn to help pny expenses, part of tho
of tliom. scats havo been reserved at 2G cents
Hut wo stnrtcd to inform you that Admission to tho hnll nnd balanco of
Etigona V. Debs Is the candidate of tho scats free
tlioSoclallBt party for president, .h
not and has not been In the ponl-l As tho matter for thoso columns hn
tentlnry, but Is to begin a lecture to bo In tho Hovlow office by Motidnj
tour of tho country lu 11 special car night, wo will havo to defer answer-
Just llko plutocrats I bcllavc, howling tho communication ontltled:"So
over, ho did servo n term In Jail fsr clnllsm In Prnctlce.untll noxt week,
violation of some labor injunction, when It will bo properly taken care
which sort of Injunction both old par. of.
ty platforms hasten to ndmlt wero
unjust. Itut anyhow it was .Hippo
ed to do him good, nnd wo presumn
It did: and some old pnrtyltes wo I
For tho reason that economics Is
tho busts of all forms of society,
wo start at the bottom by calling
know would bo more worthy of votes your nttontlon to tho following lucid I dally
after than bofor j serving a term In article by Hubert HIvcb Ln Monte Now tho labor time socially necoBsa
ry placo In which to work to mnko JOSCph McChCSIlcy, M. D.
these things. Theso all belong to PHYSICIAN AND
another class.who by owning thorn, In SURQEON
fact, own him. Ho cannot offer Day and Night Office In McChonney Block
lnlmr tnr antn borniun lil lalinr does lhon WoodUwn 478
not exist. Ho cannot sell a thing
that has no existence. When his
labor comes Into real objective ex
istenco, it is Incorporated with ma
terlals that aro tho property of tho
class that rules him. Ho cannot sell
what ho don't possess. Thcro Is on
ly ono thing ho can sell, namely, his
mental nnd physical or muscular pow
or to do things, to make things. Ho
can sell this for n definite tlmo to
Physician and Surgeon.
Office lu Holbrook's lllock.
Residence, 315 Hayes street.
Phone Scott 0995.
Office houri, it to it a. m t to) p. m.
Office Phone, Wooiltnwn 1141.
an employer Just exactly as n livery Refldence rhone, Unloii 3901.
stablo keeper sells n (torso's power
to trot, to his customers for so much
per hour. Now.thls power of his to do
things Is his cnparlty to perform wor
Now, Its value Is determined exactly
llko tho valuo of ovory other commod
Ity, that la, by the labor time, so-
necessary for Its production
Office In t'orltmonlli lltlclt.
Transfer and Storage
Wc deliver your Roods to ond from all
parts of Portland, Vancouver, Liniilou,
Portlnml and Suburban Kxprcss Co.,
city hock iiiki an points accessible liy
wagon. Piano and furnltura moving
Arc you doing what you can to populate your State?
ORKGON NKKDS PUOPLK Settlers, honest farmers,
mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong
hands nnd a willing heart capital or no capital.
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.
Southern Pacfic Co. "Lines in Oregon"
nrc sending out tons of Oregon literature to the East for
distribution through every available agency. Will you not
help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the
names and ad r esses of your friends who arc likely to be
interested in this state? Wc will be glad to bear the ex
pense of sending them complete information about
OKKGON and its opportunities.
Colonist Tickets will be onsnlcduringSKPTEMUHR
nnd OCTOBER from the East to till points in Oregon.
The fares from a few principal cities arc
From Denver $30.00 From Louisville $41.70
Omnlm. 30.00 Cincinnati 42.20
" Kansas Clly... 30. 00 " Cleveland 45 75
" St. Louis..,. 35.50 New York 55.00
" Chicago .....38 00
If you want to bring n friend or relative to Oregon, de
posit the proper1 amount with any of our agents. The
ticket will then be furnished by telegraph.
VVA1. McAWRRAY, Qcncral Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
tho punltenllnry. No matter where yon, my working ry for tho productlonof labor power I , 1CC"U1; 109 isuriiiiKion, pn
. .... ...!... 1 .!... ...... I -I. .1 . I l I.I .lll.. ......... I
imiw, .Mr. r.oiior, wo know wish ju'iiintwi ruiiiiur,iuiiy wum, uiu puinui in mu iuuur uiuu nuuuiijr imumu;
aro not lu any conspiracy of old par-lor corporation or trust for whom or to produco tne food clothing and siicl- jj HEMSTOCK
ty papers 10 ueuueiaiiey ueccivu voi- wnicn you worK gets dock nioro oui ter iiecuasnry 10 uuuuiu mu muurer
ors concerning the great socialist of your labor tlinn ho or It pays to coino on tho Intor market day af'
I... H.l. ..... .. lit, I...... I .. .......... tt .1.1. I. ... un vitil. li '.In., nlilo ..1. lnl I t twn.iV II tl (1
liiuiuinuiik iijf llinui iKi.iiiiiiiHU ui i juii ill mivn. 11 una in uui ou,uu. i hi u imiv i.. ivn; u nu.n. ....... Hrnnpli nfflfn n tnt II...
t.. ..I...... tl'...ll u.. "
Funeral Director and Embalmcr
I.ndy Assistant.
i rO e0 e0 10 cO eO tm 43 cD p- rD cO eSD
Successors to Petersen & Noce
fact that somo dinky romnnnt of a employer In olther running n clinr- also to onnblo him to beget and rear jlori. jdtonc Woodlawn 1874.
labor party has nominated for
dent a man who if lu thu
tin ry probably for violating some lu
Junction bought by ropuhllcnn Influ
onco ami Infamy
You hnvo been yourself declovo.l
5 For latest styles in Suitings, Pants, Overcoats at very 2
. . ... n .. ... - aiorc, pitoitc woooiawit 1074. in
ir prosl- Itnblo Institution, or ho Is In busl. chlldron who will take his placo as Main ofRcc, Portlnnd, Orcgonj phone y reasonable prlcCS. Best Workmanship and UP-to date ff
pi'iiltcn. iicsu for his health, It la Impossible wngo slnvos when ho shall havo been Scllwood 71, j ?
C styles. Why go to Portland or elsewhere when you (j
jWfc LAUREL LODGE k sl-y,La' ,r,,jr 8" lu '
No. 186 I. O. O. F. 4 can get it right here.
Meets each Monday evening in Odd
to concolvo of n mnn going on from burled by tho county or soma sick or
day to day, week nfter week, year death bcnoflt fund.
after year, paying you wnges, unless In tho oxniuplo wo used nbovo we
ho receives moro from tho product assumed that tho laborer worked
11'.. ff.i.fltrt viu lint itntinnl nlil.titt I ..f vim. li.lntH Itm.i In. tinva vmi Itlllhritn lirmptt n ilnv In nrnillli.n n vfll
If wo mnko thu point which In so wages. Now, this dlfforonco between uo equal to tho valuo of his labor I'c,,ow ,ml1. nl : V,"li0xrv0rC'1
..I. ..I ...... .1,... ...... .1.. ... ...). I & ...I... t 1. I ft.. ...I... - .1.1. .mill. .1.1.1 . ..... . .. I " '
oiivious mill HKO iiiiMiniiiiun ui uim:in 1 willll you K-1 llllll mil nu K-" loiinmur, tnu (iiilu ui hub iuuu 11m 1 J, II, llolCOIIII), OCCrctnry.
you wero onslly drcclvcd nccnusu you what wo call tlio surplus value. ivaiuo produced by nis pain inuor wo
havmrt road anything about real so- Thin surnlus valuo Is tho key to tin lcn" wages. This prlco Is often re
clallsm, from an uuthnntle iiourco and I wholo present economic orgnnUatlon M'lcod by tho competition of "scabs"
11 fact, ilno'l know anything about of .oc0ty. Tho end nnd tho obiect nn" oll,or victims of capitalist ex
socialism beg pardon, but really.woll ()f tl0 bourgeois society Is thu forma I,,0,lntlo hlw the real valuo of
for Instancu.liero'e President Ilooso t0 n1(j nccumuliUloii of surplus value ,nur power, but wo havo not tlmo to
veil In bin speeches referring to t"u or, lu other words, tho systematic Ko 11110 l"nt Hero, so wo will nssunio
fund out of which any 0110 may hulp mi,llirv ,,t n,,, r,..iiu.imr Ihnh. n'ow I tlint tho laborer gets In wages tho
tm Csa Oj cso cso Go Cta mm Cts Cs C5j Cjs CJ3 cj i
full vnluo of his labor power.
Well, then, If ho produces In throo
or four houisa valuo equal to 1110
vnluo of Ills labor power or wages,
whv doesn't he ston work then, nnd
- i. .
tnko his coat and lint and go homo B- v-"n' "v.
and dovoto titu rest of tho day to
HyMUti-nltou opens September 'iC.
Qlmm for olurtlon October "0,
Prwlilwitial glaclluu Nooinbur :i,
Hepubllcan National Ticket.
of Ohio.
of .Vow York.
lor Prosidsntlnl I-Ucctors
.1. U. UUK, of Miiltuomali county
I' J. AUM.UIt, of J.lnu uauiity
A. C. MAIttTI'KltiS liouglaiis comity
H. It, IIUTl.KU of tillllam county
we wish to secure one or more
canvassers in St. Johns, one In Linn
ton, one or more In University Park
o work for the Review, Wu will
Olve a liberal commission and besides
to the oie securing the most votes
by their subvcrlptlons and soliciting,
we will give a paid up scholarship
to the amount of $30 In some busi
ness College We hove on schol
arship paid up and some one will
Cet to use It this winter, Will It be
you? Come in and let us tell you all
obout it.
Tho Indies or thu M. 10. church will
hold u bazar thu first Wednesday In
himself nd lit), istw ovon a uieiion. wion wo say robbery, wo do not
ary definition would teach htm butter monIl lo m.CUHo employers of con
Hum unit. Primer class stand up. H,.(lllll dishonesty. Thev nro tlio
Define nnd differentiate. Socialism, cruniuruH f n nyHtom Junt as tho
wrong with Teddy nt the fool of 1110 t, wor,,rH r0i )Ul jt n KyN
class. Not mm In fifty opponents of lum Wslcti mnkes their intorests ill
socialism can gIVo nn intoiligoni an- umuirleiilly onnosed to thu Interesti
swor. Corlnlnly the writer whoso of ,i.ui. omi,iy,.g. t10 only way the study .roadlng, games, nmusomonU
screed you ipioto on your front page capitalists can Increuso tholr rolntlvr nlll recrentlon? Ilo don't bocnuso ho
enn't do It. Why say, tho socialist Hnro f tl0 product of their omcm,'t- " to Kroo (voluntarily
platform Is on tlio back pago of mil ployes'labor Is by decreasing tho rob courso) tonnyconiiuionB inni moy
sumo number of tho Itovlow. it h I hVo Hmru 0f tho latter. In,ul 1,10 hisli oftho competition of thu
not perfect, but do you road anything Nmw i( otlt of tno tot product of unemployed, Capital s llosorvo Army
11 It about distributing tho wealth of i,Ih lnlmr. tlm worklnuman milv ro.l"s Marx called It, Is ovor ready to
tho rich mining tho poor Tor that. ,.,,ives 11 nnrt.then It Ih truo to Bny
tho man who does twice tho work tmt i10 workH part of tho day for
of bis neighbor should, get no mow ,maolf and part of tho day gratult
wngesr or niiyiiiuip to inai purposoi 0usiy for tho capitalist. Uit us suy
Destroy 1110 socialist siruciuro to fo. .,r.)0IH.H of lllustratlon.that he
works three hours foi himself and
seven hours for hie employer foi
nothing, This three hours wu call
his necessary labor time, or his paid
labor; and tho seven hours wo call
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Meets every Prldny night
Il.iiitlnt church 15. A. Leonard, Kistor.
Htimlay sclimil at 10 a. m, Preaching at
1 1 n. m. II. V. P. U. 7 p. m. Preaching
at 8 p. m.
Methodist church P. I,. Young, pas
tor. Sunday school io a. m.; preaching
at 1 1 a. ui, ami 8 p. ui. Itimorth League
at 7 p. in.
I loly Crm.i Catholic church. Portsmouth
Hons on first nnd third macadamllng same without Kind binder, ', hlntloii: H:is m., low nuun; 10:15 a.m.,
Wednesdays of each K"" iiincauaui 10 110 12 incites ntep 111 . iiniini ivim wkhc
mouth lu Odd l'cllows' center of street nnd tnKTing tonileptli I ,"?.VP , , , ...
hall. Visitors welcome. 6 '"chw deep at either curl), to ,e yirltlniichMreli-MccUevciySiiilY
loHctili McClicincv none in 111c milliner iiruvtiicii uy urui- 8'i; mjhuwi
jvin.),,! .ui.wiiv.iivj , I ,. ..f ..1.1 ' 1 if... nt Kin. III.! tiriMlP 1 III. nt II n. tu. unit K
111111"; ,.i. ii 111 mini ii), mill uy linn- ...
DlethiL' the sidewalk on both kides of p. m., and Y. P. b. C, 15.1
said street, to lj rcgurntloii wooden side- J Johnson, jmstor.
rant 7:10 o'clock nt I.O.O.I'.
W ball. Visitors always wel- It is resolved bv the Cltv of St. lohns
come. J. II. lllack, C C. That it deems It cxK.-dlcut and neccsKnry
I!. It. Ilolcomb, K. K. S. to improve Hat llurllngtun street, from
" . : . . the east line of Jersey street to the cast
wuiii. luu(v mu. 10-I line 01 Kellogg strict in tne city 01 M.
V. ntld A. At. Johns, lu the following ituitiuyr, to wit:
Hcguliir coiiimuulcn. " ng s.ime K; sniigriule nun liy
Secretary. W. M.
Mrs. Floranc Ruckvr t
.meeting at 7 1. in,
walks; and by two cross walks, one across St. Andrew's HuIscoimI Chapel, Unl-
Mde ol Kellogg vemlly Park Kev. Win. It. Powell,
begin over again?" Koclnllsm lum
fnlled wheroer tried', yes, domne
racy baa fulled too In Ituxsla wluu
tried by it few peasants who failed
to reckon with their Cxnr. It Is JiMt
fall upon his nuked bark.
Why is lio so helpless? Ilecauso ho
and his classshnvo boon robbed of
the land nnd the tools nnd all the
moans of sustonnuco and production,
and havo nothing left but that ompty
I bauble, legal liberty, liberty to ao
Icept wages sa small that thoy barely
leimblo them to ltvo llko beasts, or I
lor liberty to stnrvo to death and
Puamc Stknorkai'iikk
Lcuvc order or call at City Hall,
Kegtilar services 7:30 p,
Die cltss 7 p
111. -
Central Market!
Iltirlingt'Hi street nu wet
street, nud one Acmss Kellouu street on chanlalii.
the east side of Ilurllngtoii street, and .Sunday mIiooI at .t p. 111.: Illb
according to tile plans and stec-, ill.', I.cutoii services every 1'riday at 10
mention oftiie city engineer 011 file in a, 111.
the olTicc of the cltv recorder relative , Kvanecllciil church Humbiv school at
1. ...I.. ...I.I.I. ..I..... ......! ...... ..." Ii .1.1
f iiivimii niuvii p.1111 iimiip, jn-wilivilliuu in 111. I IVUI.I11IIX I I H. III. junior IV.
ami estimates are satisfactory nnd are I.. C. H. 3:30 p. 111,; Senior K. I.. C. It. 7
ncrcoy approved, nam improvements to p. m. rrcaciiing at n 11. ill, 'v.licstcr I',
11 me ciiaricr.ii
be made in accordance with the charter,
and ordinances of the city, of St. Johns, I
atcs, pastor.
Pirst Congregational Church O. W.
Holbrook Dlock. I f Ii ii . . I ' ' nun inreciioii Telsou, pastor. Sunday Khool 10 a.
II a. m. an 1 7:45 p. m.
ttiMlIiti nt m IIhih
lc aseised as provided bv the cltv char- .,...,.11.,,, ti...V..i V..,. ' .?..
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of the Ilcst tcr iin the propeity esixrclally nnd par- d welcome to all"
Sleats Obtainable. wuieu s C..... m,,!!,,, VarV ,,v
ucreoy iieciurcii 10 oc n i t c lots, linns . if u,.r," ."',. : 7. ;
of lot block, and. jvircel. of land lie- , " L,?.rvICM
.cmctitt . --v.
iih nbsurd to talk nf soclallsin UfliiKI mirplus Inbor tlmo or his unpaid u unmnrkod graves by tno Orders Pilled and I'nmlly Trade Sollclletl abutting upon, ndlacciit or proximate to I C.erman luiptlst church-Services held
miu j;ui ilurllngtoii street, 1 runt tne piii 111un.11 aiiunows;
marginal Hues of said street back to the . hiindny school a n. m., prcachinu nt J P.
center ol tlte block or blocks or tracts 'CV' -aiwnei, sior.
tried lu the realm of tho financial i,0l. Tho nroduct of his three houri Pub"c authorities.
exnrs who own tlio eurtn. inbor in tlm ..nulv-ilent of bla wmres. '"u wage lyiitoin neeessnriiy im
ICveu supposing It Iioh fulled, hotv nr ,, wu cni t tho value, of bis n,'t" this surplus labor or unpaid la
many (Iiiich hau democracy Miieu ,,0or nower The nroduct of thu oth- "or b0 l0IK as Uloro nro wages work
be(oro It finally succeeded, and It Is or B(m, 10Ura of nH jnl)0r i, 8ur. Ingmon, you will novor get the full
not such n blooming biiccohb yet, sun illH or un,)ftld labor. Is surnlus nrod. Product of your lauor. IM no ro
net or surpliiB value. Stnrtlng from former beguile you Into n strugglo
tho fact that ovory worklngmun know w' "'"'Ply mnis to securo n moui
to bo truo. that ho don't Rot all that ''cation of tlio wage system. Nothing
ho feols ho ought to get, wo have flhort of 11,0 nnnlhllatlon of tho wngo
T. P. WARD. Proprietor.
St. Johns Ferry Time Card.
ply bucnuso It I.iib been only pur
tliilly applied.
There Is 110 puro democracy in ex
Monro, oven political, and 'our Indus
trial life U puro savagery rapidly
evolving into despotism
Wo bellovo tho principle of domoc
racy is uiisoiuieiy correct, wo nu
of land abutting therVou or proximate
That all the nronertv Included In said
Improvement district nforckatd Is hcrehv
declared to be "I,ocal Improvement Dis-
tj. ei.i ix t A., trictNo. ii."
- V Mlllt. IISI I J t VJt I . IU. I ......
8:00, 9o, iox, 11:00, uoM. P. M. mat ue city engineer s assessment of
ICO, 3.-00, 3:00, 4:00, 4:50, SiAO, 6!JO. l""'"'"', "' improve.
Leave West Side (A. M.i-6:o. ,.el,t of "M Uast Ilurllngtoii street is
thus, 1 think, made the definition of ntomwi,, givo you Justlco and R'v0 1 J' a'to't:o!4:3oVsiio. 6o6' to'310' I Tlwt cost of said 15. Iturllugtou street
tho surplus vnluo nnd vnluo of labor " irouuvi ui uur iuur. r z - - " 10 assessed against tlte proiierty in
Burplus vnluo clenr to ovory 0110 of wmio wages necessarily imply
you.but wo hnvo been tnlkliiK of surplus Inbor, tno reverse Is not truo
ugivo that tho power of tlio polltlcil nower nnd wo have not yet defined You cn ,mvo surplus labor without
Cicnnan I.titliernu Services at 10:4s
n. ui. every Sunday morning nt corner of
Peninsula avenue and Kllpatrlck street,
Unlveisity Park. All Gcruiaus of St.
Johns cordially invited to attend. C.
lluecliler, pastor.
Christian Science Society meetings
held at Chicago Rooming house, Sun.
days and Wednesdays at o p. in.
miimigemeiit Hhoiild bo lu thu hands
of all tho people with each nu equal
vote: that (bis Is tho only solution
of tho utilise of and monopoly of p
litleal power In the hands of .111 an
We soeliillsts bellovo that It Is Just
as usseiitlal that tho power of Indus
t-s.. . I Wni'na uiiiiliia lalinv la nnr nn Invnii
Vllllltf. I snvB( Miiwiiua muui sa tsw hm km vm 1
I Hi... I -Ann-n O J"""'"" v-i
When wo spenk of tlio value of an muwurn v.iinnio. ami Notice is hereby given that the under
object wo mean the amount of hu MuaiiKimi emerged from tno state or slgneil was outhc 14th day of August
mnn Intini Hint Ih i. nr niTlltll primitive communism, typified by tho duly and regularly appointed by the
............. .. ..... ... ennlnn nr IMn In Mm llnlirnln mvlh COty Court of MultllOtnall COUIlty, Ore
llllliuillll II llllll lll'H PU'II OlIUIll III - - unii n. m n .Iralnrn l DM..
... . I.I..... I..... .1 .... ..... I " -"" -.v nuu-
ritllng It lo satisfy Human needs. Ant "' hi 'lu'"- ertjohnsou, deceased.
wo inoasuro tlio amount of this liumaii I or econoiuio organuationa; 1, aiav. All rsous lmving claims against said
labor by Its duration, bv labor tlmo. ry; 2. Sorfdouv 3. Tho wage yi "iie arc nereoy reijuircu to prescnr ue
Admlnlstrater's Notice lo Creditors. miHoci usse.sment .lutrict at nnvnieii
In the County Court of the State of V'.". "V
Oregon, for the county of Multnomah. Adonted the nth .lav of A 11 mitt, .no
In the matter of the estate of Robert
A.M. l'SSON.
City Recorder.
Published lu the St. Johns Review,
Aug. 38 nud Sept. 4, 1908.
trial management should bo In thol you, If you aro n Bkllled, highly paid toii U Is Interesting to nolo tho
worker, receive, say four dollura a unpaid labor under tnoso tnreo sys
dny. may say that It Is absurd to terns,
sav that nn hour of vour labor nro- U'or the nrst.Biavery, nu moor
ducea no moro vnluo thun un hour of npponrs as unpaid labor. This Is on.
Tom's or Dick's or Polo's who got on ly taao appearance, howovor. Dur
ly SO contB n dny nploco, You nro M"Ka part of the day tho slave only
haiulB of tho people ns tho only enrol
for tho monopoly and abuso of III'
dustrlal and financial power.
Tho principle nnd results nro Idem
(leal. Tho euro Is democracy politi
cal ami Industrial called socialism.
1 proper vouchers attached to
oflice of II. 1, Collier, rooms
Wo know that only nn Intelligent P" miltu right. Your hour does produce reproduced tho valuo of his mulnten-
plo Is capable of self government
They nro eupablo of It only when
(hoy begin to realUo tho need nud do
maiidlt. Wu aro doing our best io
educato tho heathen to the point
where ho will demand and bo enpabb
of Industrial self government.
,. W. V.
same with
uie at the
jo-31. Holbrook bulldiuu. St. lohns. On
egou, within six months from and after
the atst day of August. loos, said date
being the first publication of this notice,
Administrator of above named estate,
II. P.. Collier,
41-45 Attorney for Administrator.
To Water Users.
Pointers for our Patrons.
moro vnluo. Tho labor tlmo Hint do- or "keep." During that part of
determines vnluo Ir. tho labor time of llo day ho works for nimsoif just
tho average untrained workor, Agnlr truly as tho modem slavo works
von mnv wasto vour tlmo. snondlne tor himself n part Of tho day, But
half of It looking out of the window "o proporty relations conconled tin
... ... ....1.... ... . ii.i,, im.i., ...c I nnlil lnlmr.
ui IUIIJIUK Ull 1. nitiuuuiii .ii.o n I lll - J . i
..... .1..... 1 ...i.... Ilmlor thn Rrnn.l Hvatnm serf. I Paid for III advaUCe, aild tlSdl
value. Tho only luboi that counts doni. or feudal system, tho paid i. only betxyeen the hours of 5 aud 8
lo .1... i..i.. ...... 1. n..i. .,.,,.. nor ami unnnlil labor ar absolutely I " O " V ! uiuai
" . r.".. ..:r.''Lrn; .. ..u.. . notbeused for StmnkliuK streets.
iinuur minimi luimniuiiB lur i.o iuu- -- - . - , c!.. ...-., .,7
even tho most gifted orthodox politic b y w
al economist can confuse them. these rules, or wasteful ly. will be
., . .,. smit 011 wiinoui itirtuer notice,
u" ir ",u St. Johus Waterworks and Light
, ...w i" iiirco., i'. H. HUIefsen, superin
lero. There Is none. You volun .".' 1
Water used throuch hose for
sprinkling yards or sidewalks or
washing porches or wludows must
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
watch your business
City of St, Johns, Orijan
M.yor-ll, W. mice
K reorder A. M. Kuoii
Trtmurtr J. H, Tuncli
Alloiui-y-ll. H. Collier
Kiislnetr C. Anitrewt
fhi icln-A. W. Vincent
Chlel ol 1'ollce J. II,
Mght rollce-O. laiierUiiC
Couucltnien t tarce:
A. W . DavU, C, L. Johnion, Ii. J,, Mit
Coundlmeii I'lr.t WrJi
P.J. Miller V. W, Wlndte
. Council men Second Wrdi
II- C. Hunter II, W. Uouham
StrtcU and Dockt W. W. Wiudlc. P. J.
Mltler, C. I.. Johunoq
Llccnie II. W. Ilonham, . c. Hunter.
W. W. Wlndte
Water and r,Ilit-C. I,. Johnton, A. W,
Iavl. II. W. noubaiu
l'lnance-A, W.Dai U. II. c. Hunter, 8.
U. Doble
llutldlnsi and Ground It. C. Hunter. P.
). Miller, C I.. Johnson
Health and Police 8. t. noble, II, W.
Donbain, W W. Wiudlc
Miuor I.tceue P. J. Miller, A. W, Davit,
B. t Doble
diictton o! tho given commodity
AbiiIii, labor that Is spent to pro
duco n tuoless article does not pro
duco vnlue. To produco value tho la
bor must servo to satisfy human
Our Charges.
Old papers for snle nt this office
Our rule is the best stock and
best work for our patrons.
e (10 HOt DHOW any printer IO wants. Now. 1 think this Is oulto tnrllv iitfr Inln n harinln neroelmi
put out nicer work than we do nnd cjour o fur. We know what surplus that your day's work is worth so
we puniie uesi mocmiuo our joos. vnluo j8i Wo know wlmt vnluo Is much and you recelvo tho full prlco
The difference between poor und how it Is measured. Let us now agreed noon, llut aealn thU Is ouly
stock ami first class stock on a job seo what Is meant by Valuo of Labor a falso appearanco. As wo saw by As is customary, we will charge
is a small item wnen you consider I'owor. lour analysis a Dart of the waico-siavoi for card of thanks, hoc: for resolu-
the value of the job. It is the To begin with, what Is Itbor IViwo day Is devoted to paid labor and a tions of respect,; for uotices
price of n satisfied customer. It is When u worklngman goes upon the part to unpaid. Hero waxes or tho of church or lodge entertainmeuts,
better to make 50 cents less on a market to sell somethlm; for money money relations conceals the unoald sunners. sociables, etc.. where there
1111 ..v..... ...t. 1 : - -i : 1 . ' .
jou nuu nave u customer who win Wlth which to buy bread and butter labor and disguises undor tho mask I are charges for admission, 5c per
comeback, thou to use the flimsy nnj other necessaries of life, what of a voluntary struggle of tho work- line, but where there are no charges
stock, make the extra 50 cents and h,as ho to offer for salo THo cannot lug class to diminish unpaid labor, for these events, we will break the
lose your customer, tnni is tne offer n flnlahed commodlty.such as n and the class conscious, pitiless strug rule and insert them free. We
I watch, a shoe, a book because ho Iglo of tbo capitalist class to Increase I make this aunouueement so that
owns nothing. Ho line neither the tho unpaid labor and to reduce the I our good friends may understand
nocossury lunchluer), tho uocossary paid labor to the minimum, that Is to our rule in this respect.
WLLW wxtsifs tutu succcem IH
Villi U klU N.w Biil.w. Awl
mmmj UUI will m.a. ou a permanent cu- V VSJ
mmW tom.r. Btiruoa iuiuUm.1 or root U
mmj b.oa.7 rnlundM. WMM
W STlf CycUar.a'J.
Ef Ul Nrt" L Uk. JHiwM Int. U1W. baul..
aw .i...wIm 1 1 1. n, ciM.cii 1. 1 1 1 ... -, j in mj
m M, ai. hMas Urel. tui hiM tallf. TuWMrf
IrnlnMI" V
I WDM tarvra I
llMMMII.WlUHU4 MM,. UI. qklU. l.n,,lM I
auaMrikM4nikZL fcuTtauiMtuiI. M
Et la "- - - - -nn
Eft m imTi ui 1 1. tt u uu cmimiT mm
MiiMMiiiia, nlpMMhuwl al
CopvninuT. Ac
xnron. xnoint a aatirn and dew'UMloo i
Jtuleklf aenaln our oHnkm fr. li.nh as
uivmnii imio.oip pA.lllAJl.
lloiuMrtcllieonSditua. HAW BOM or Patau
ant (ra. Oldeat apene' lor Mnii iiuwiia.
Paunu taken throuih Muua A Co. rvoall
ftUliutUt, without cb.rea, bkth
scieitfinc iiiiKrtcait
A fcandwmelr lllaatral WMklv.
eulatloa ot anr edaMlSa tonua, Taraia. tl Mv.
1 ""ii. tt wuDiuuiiwan.
way we figure it.
Urinj; in your printing liow.
To exchange Hood River land
for St. Johns property. Inquire at
this office. 3jtf