St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 04, 1908, Image 3

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Every woninn wants a Sewing Machine a GOOD
ONE. You can buy one of an agent. Pay him from
$40 to fyo. Half of it represents the value of the ma
chine, the other half pays him for canvassing.
You can conic to CALEK BROS.' FURNITURE
STORE and buy one equally as good, fully guaran
teed, all attachments. A modern machine for
$5.00 down and $5.00 a month
A beautiful East
ern quarter saw
polished and hand
rubbed, is worth
$30 for $21.
Local News.
He who by his lilz would rise
Must cither Imsl or advertise.
Mlas Clara Uollor loft last week (or
Dunsmuir, California; whero eho will
remain far an Indefinite period.
Chnrloy Moorf, formerly of the St.
Johtm ball team, Is now tlio lending
second bafloman In thu Northwest
M, J. Halley has recently moved to ,ca8U0
CIO Wlllamctto botilevnrd until hi
Watch the lnbcl on yotir paper.
resldonce Is completed nt Whltwood
Professor Mctzger of Dallas collcgo
stepfather of Itov. Chester P. tlatoi
was In tho city Sunday tlio guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Dates
Miss Emma McNeil Is assisting the
force of clerical help nt tho ltonham
& Currier emporium during the vaca
tlon dnys.
Remember the place
Mniu ntorc
K. Morrison
Eycrything for the Home at "Square Deal" Prices.
It .sometimes pays to look around a little
and get prices and sec qualities before
you buy. Wc have both.
Phone Union jof6. 206-208 Philadelphia street. 9jl
3o62oS Philadelphia street.
Wood For Sale
Four Foot Cord Wood
First Growth, - $5.00
Second Growth, 4.50
Phone Richmond 1021. 1 10 N. Jersey St.. St. Johns.
ESTATE will find it to their interest to call on
BUREAU, 312 Board Trade Blilg., 4th & Oak
! Sts Portland. J. E. Colvin
Plumbing and Tinning
Call and see our new Garden Hose.
293 S. Jersey Street Phone jersey 9 1 St. Johns, Oregon
One of our good citizens wnB In St.
Johns when hIio was In Portland bo
foro nnd paid $7G on a block taxes
Thn omntv hfitisn nroiiml tho rltv I""" 'cn" nnd has novcr paid thnt
nro rnpldly filllnc ud. Threo vacant mucn 8lnco 1,0 aon 1 wnnt "ny ,nor
Iioubcb In ono block on Mohawk ntrcot Portland In hla.
havo been taken within tho tiast six
weeks. Tho ladles of tho CotiRregntlonal
church will servo cako nnd cream
Mlas Cnrrln Ilverlcn went to Car. " "' "oiurook DI0CK Hniurilny Sep.
nllls Tucsdav mornlne to nttonri tho tomber 12, from 2 p. m. to 9 p. m,
school functions In that cltv this week IIomo baking nlsofor sale.
and to visit friends for two or threo J,r8' Nelson, secretary.
weeks. "
Itcforcuco to tho financial ahtc
"A rock of offonso" will bo tho sub mo"i 01 l cuy in mis issuo win
Joct next Sunday Morning at the roVo 10 1110 ln0Bt mcroiiiiloUB that
Evntntellcnl church. Evonlmr tonic: city of Sl.JohnB Is far from be
Whv Christ cnmo.' All nrn Invltml lnB DnilKrupt. UUtsklo Of tho dock
to nttend, tunuB, unoro is n nico lima nest egg
reposing In tho treasury.
James Mnnlcthorne. head Biilnncr "
at tho Bt. Johna woolen mills hns "cv- A. B. .eonaru urougnt ono of
accepted n Blmllar position In tho 1,10 flnc8t Poaches to town yester
Solom mill nt n lnrgcly Increased sal- tm ll,ni ""b bw "P y"r. It
ary. wo nro Informed. monsurca I. inciics in circumrorenco
n aim wns certainly n ocnuty. It was
All youiiK iieonlo not IntorcBted In Brown nt tho minister's homo In Unl
any other Sunday school aro Invited vorsiiy Park
to attend tho younir noonlo's class I o
of tho llnptlst Sunday school. John s- J "onnlilson rotunied this week
Kceler, tcacheri Eva Clark .secretary rrm a month's trip throtiBhout tho
stnto in llio iniorost of tlio collnpst
Tho proposition of Bocurlnir his ul " company or mis city. Hp re
winter's sunnlv of wood Is now nultnl I'orl8 vorY Buccossful trip nnd
lug tho mind of tho man who has not Prosperous condlttlon over n great
nrovidod for thla tonllnconcv. Heor W '0 territory ou r which ho
talnly takes money to buy wood in iratciioti.
tills nart of tho world.
Tlio individual who took tho ship
Tho W. C. T. U. mothers' meeting M""K UO0K belonging to mo Oregon
will bo hold nt tho homo of Mrs ako i-ood company from tho Hupp
Hollcnbeck on Illchmond Btrect Mon- "or mtion pmirorm will bring tho
day nfternooii, Soptombor 7. Wo hopt 1CftVC8 back, nt loost, ho will con
nil ladles will cotno. ns a cordial ' a favor upon tho company. Tho
Invitation Is extended to all. leave can do tho Individual no possl
bio good and nro valuable to tho torn
Our friend J. C. Ilrooks, an old Pnn
print, returned from n sojourn of
sovornl months In Alaska, yesterday. A. linger has leased tho property fo
Ho says that business In tho land ' occupiod by sain cochinn's an
of the midnight sun Is n llttlo bit 100,1 nna wl" UB0 11 111 "'HPenslng
slow, but Improving n kinds of soft drinks, tobacco and
cigars and soino other lines wiiirh ho
Mlsn l'aiulo Martin, head trlmmor "!! m tlmo to time. This Is
with Dnlghlsh & Co.,ot Albino, Is ' "t location In tneclty and Mr,
ciiondlm: part of her vncatlon nt tho uKor deserves to succeed well In hi
homo of K. C. Couch. Miss Martin WW undertaking.
wns formorly with Mrs. Anderson In I y
her millinery store here. 11 now 1,00111 certain, that tho rnllro
lo Tillamook bay will bo completed
Ono real ostnto mnn mndo tho ro. wmiout runner Interruption. This
mark this week that ho had sold more w'11 ,l,0" K0ftt thlngH to that rich
St. Johns proporty In tho past two blt Uolatod soctlon of tho Btnto.Tho
months than ho has dono In tho railroad buslnesa htroughout tho state
samo longth of tlmo during tho throo ' looming up In a pleasing manner
years of roal estate buslnoss In the n,ll fro Presont outlook It will not
city. " "K boforo Orogon Is as well mip
piled with railway service as most
Thoro Is a vory Interesting Sunday y wostorn Btato.
. . ... .....i
iscnooi uointr conuucica at mo iittm I o-
tabornaclo of tho Christian church Homo of our frlondu hnvo. boon
near tho Jlaptlst church building. AH M"K us to ndvocoto dividing the
nro Invited to attend both tho Bundaj PWI monoy botwoon tho two banks
school nnd tho othor church aorvl ",l0 kooplng It In one bank
cos. Is ni present, wo no not ininK wo
should bo called upon to either ad
Tho Knlahts of Pythias aroarrang. vocato or to opposo such u measure,
Une for a grand harvest ball for tho Mr t,1( ronson that It Is a private
bonoflt of their building fund. It will "Mtor ootwoon tho two bnnks nnd
bo a delightful occasion for thoso to custodluns of tho public funds
who trip tho light fnntnstlc, and all Wo havo troubles onoush of our own
will want to go. Watch for tho on- without butting Into tho affairs of
nouncomont. other men. Wo consider both tho
-o I banks good depositories nnd wish wo
Tho housowlfo Is having a busy had a fow thousands Inolthor or both
tmo of it this season of tho you t mo hanks, It would bo a nleo
Botwoon canning fruit and koeplng thing to do to glvo tho now bank
tho files out of tho Jam sho has a Prt of tho public thoy
hands full. Perhaps that accountr hvo brought an omial amount of tnx
for tho fly In Iho ointment that Producing bnnk stock and aro do
wo havo heard about, serving of tho coufldunco and pat
ronago of tho people: but as wo
A ball toam roprosentlng St. Johns havo statod that Is a mattor on
played a gamo on the 30th with tht Ih-oly 'nt hands of thoso who havo
8herwood at tho grounds of tho Initer tho earo of tho public funds. Wo
and won tho contest by a score of hope that tho matter may bo adjustot
18 to -6. Tho Apostles will play Cho- satisfactorily to both tho bankB,
halls Sept. 12 and 13 and expect
to land both games. - A FINE SHOWING.
Hatters and Gents' Furnishers.
rhone Kast 3597.
132 Russell Street, near Mississippi av.
McCroodlo's bunch of ball tosserB rumors- Transfer aim rceu compa
have boon on tha toboccan fnr 'somo "X handlod during tho past forty.flvt
days, ending September Ist.TOS.SOS
pects will bo dolug as well as ox. Pund8 of cemont.plaster, cool, flour
Dectod If thov hol.l thlnl nlan vhon ny nl" Bin. "unng tuo same po
the season closes. Ona of tho cltv " lu,s co'P"y "au(uu
I i tin r r f . . m t . a
nanera blamea their Door showlmr to W pounus oi tuo saxao muiermiu
too much booze.
John Castner, one of Hood River's
expert apple packora made us a pleat
ant visit Friday last . Ho says there
Is n ImmriAn aaii In tlio unllno ISIo
.. " .:.H."ATl Jersoy. and their warehouse Is at
our. lucio win uu ivv or uiuro tur-i.. .
This Is a showing that any business
man might well feel proud of, and It
also proves that there is still somo
business to bo dono In a prohlbl
tlon city. Tho Lauthors Transfer &
Feed company Is located at 202 So
' Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering
! I Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited.
H.HENDERSON 205 Jersey St.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Mail Schedule
Mall arrives at St. Johns at 7J10 a. m.
and 1:15 p. hi.
leaves at Jo:jo a. m and 445 p. m.
Ottce open wetk days from 6:45 m.
to t;io p. ta. Suadays from 9 to 10 a, hi
I loads, and that while they will not
likely secure such prices as they did
last year, thero will be no cause for
complaint as to prices.
Joe Tooley, an old time Union Pa.
clflo conductor, a fellowworkman of
our callow youth was a visitor In tho
city one day last week. Joe Is look
ing for a farm In the valley. He is
tired of tho everlasting blizzards of
the east and tho terrible beat and
sand of tho great American desert
across which he Is now running.
Irwan Smith of Washington state
on last Saturday purchased the ban 1-
some bungalo owned by Governor '.
II. Fletcher on Willamette boulevarJ.
Mr, Smith, we have been informed will
move hla fnmllv hera and hnrnmo .1
. . . , . - . 1 - - 1
in oraer 10 insure a cnanao 01 mm-1 ,.i, 4i, , .
nnKimoiiniwr; ir "' ih mi,-, a., - .,
ktu d raach this offiea not lattr than I " miu
W4neday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pltss through the agency of SX.Doblo and
rmwAir this awl mv um thw lUie consideration was f 1900 cash,
the foot of Durllngton street.
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
watch your business
Tho tea store for good goods nt Prof. Harrison gave nil cxhibi-
low prices. tlon at the skating rink Wednesday
evening that was ccrtaiulv worth
Olant Hunt pigeons for snlo at 205 witnessing, and his work on roller
North Kdlsoii streot. 41P skates was something wonderful.
une ot the features of his perform
lloots nnd shoo renalrod nt comir n,icc was rolling a barrel while he
of Ivnnhoo nnd 1'hllndolDhln strnoi. was upon tiie same with skates on.
43-tf-o k. h. llrunson. nui1 performed this act with
o great skill. Another feature of
I r. .-.'-t . - t. !- !.(... !
. f..n .. , , a Ktiui uui'icsi was 111s 1I1KU JUI11D,
u Kti inn weiiiiu niici iirst t i.t... n." -
,(;, r 1 1 . .Mire uioicssur ciauus me worms
fry "It Awhile J championship on this jump nnd his
Iiwuw ui j ices 1 1 iui.iic9 ucars tins
claim out. The broad iumn over
. ... 1 .
11 you wont to buy, rent, sell or time or ten urchins who knelt down
exclmngc property see Wolcott shoulder to shoulder and permitted
t ne Kent iian.; mm to leap over tlicm was a sensa
o tional feature. But the chief at
Edison's phonographs and records traction of all was the slide for life
mnko pleasant ovenlngg. Full stock on an incline. This is an act that
nt Tea Store. must be seen to be appreciated, and
the professor made the daring slide
..i.crii. .t. ii.. insaiciy wnuc mc auaicnce ncia
wuujviiuw iVl tilt. X KlUUlillll I t .4 m . . ...
imct n,., tcir oreaui. Mr. uarrisou win
n Tf.i fiin.ui, repeat 111s penormauce nnu ring in
mumiuiii I - - Za c. t-.. ..t...
some new stunts oatumny uigiit, so
nil who fnllcd to witness his ski II
Have your property insured in Wedticsday night will have an op
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur- nortunitv to do so then. His dial.
ance companies. They arc tltc leugc as champion high jumper will
ucst. o. iy. uouic, nccilt. 1 cnntestetl tlien hv wo m v 1
tials from different parts of the
try tlio S6-cont coffee nt tho Tea country, which will make the per
store. You'vo tried tho rest, now formnticc of special interest Satttr-
get tho best. tiny uiuht.
The moving picture entertain
Household Goods For Sale incut will be continued indefinitely.
Cheaply, consisting of tables, chairs, Manager Brink deserves much
and nil kinds of hoiiBohold goods, credit for his efforts to please and
Will bo sold cheap. Cnll afternoons entertain the people of bt. Johns
at COO Hayes Btrect, north.
I llsrtftr m Mttmmu Diutn
1' OUMJ. A nmnll tinpulnnn liv Mm I
I'oturHnn of r.2 nnwnirn nlrnnl Tint
ownor enn havo samo by pnylnit for . y. u. uniion nouccu a airaiigc
this notice mid calling upon Mrs. Pet looking bug or insect on the Btrect
I H(k (?aklk aaKa laanlaail h il M . ft . 1
disguised specimen, which nrc more
deadly than rattlesnakes, the won
der is how it came to be paddling
along Hayes, unless it escaped from
a bunch of bauanns nt otic of the
stores and wns on its way south.
The real solution of the matter is
that the thing is nrobablv what is
called a fool or mummy centipede
that infest the foothills of the Cas
cades in great numbers. Thev re
semble greatly n southern centipede
in appearance, but nature failed to
provide them each with a sack of
poison, so in reality they are harm
less but fierce looking fellows. Mr.
Gattou has the thing preserved in
alcohol, mid any one who knows
the real thing from the nrticinl can
have a peep nt it any time nt his
home on West Mohawk street.
I). 8. Soiithmnyd, tho docorator,
has moved to 017 North Jersey with
over 10,000 rolls ot wall pnper, lat
on South Hayes yesterday, and af
tcr killing it he brought it down
town to discover what sort of beast
it was. When shown to Jeweler
Buttcrworth he at once pronounced
"" I I. . .1 I
est designs nnd patterns. Thoso " lo uc a "hiwic, wiu as i . c jew
desiring firsts class work glvo him n
clrymau has spent n number of
years in the south where all these
strange critters have their origin,
liw iiiilif itifitt nhnlilil lw wnrth koiiip
All our incuts nrc government thine, lint If thin was n real. tin.
. ..- i r.- '
uspccicu nmi tiie tiiut money
can buy. They arc neatly and
carefully handled. Come In and
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by Peninsula
Title, Abstract and Realty Co., II.
Henderson, manngcr. Accurate
work. Reasonable fees. Cement
Block building, Jersey street.
All kinds of lnundry work done
promptly. Rough dry washing 6
cents per pound. Calls made for
laundry nt any place. Ring us up.
Phone Jersey 331. St. Johns
Laundry. W. I,. Churchill, I,. H.
Simpson, proprietors.
Tho music studio of .Miss Paulson
and Miss Clclnnd, room 13, McCIioh-
ney block is now open. Miss Pnutsoi
teacher of plnno and harmony, will
bo In tho studio Monday, Krldny and
Saturday, l to C p. 111,, and Miss Clo
land, vocal tonchor, 1 to C p. in.
Tuesday Wodnosdny ami Thursday
Call and boo them. 4Cp
20 WHEAT $1427 PER ACRE.
In tho Jullnuto country, In North.
ern Idaho, Abraham Adams, former
ly n lumbormnn In Wisconsin, will I
clunn up moro than a million dollars
from 700 acres ot land this season,
In addition to producing a grain which
gives overy promlsoof rovolutlonltlngl
tho wheat production of the world.
Conservative ostlmatos place tho cror
nt from 00,000 to 70,000 bushels of I
grulu, which Adam and his uom-Iii-
law, O. K. Hobo, n wholesale lumber
mnuof Minneapolis havo contracted
to soli to fnrmerH nt $20 n bushel not
moro than on bushel going to each
Adams acquired n tract of land In
tho Com Stnto six years ago and
sowod his land to wheat, harvesting I
from twenty throo to thirty bushels
ot bluo utom, club and other varieties
from overy ncro under cultivation,
Ono day early In 190 1 ho received nl
bIiikIo stalk of whunt picked by a
friend iu ono of tho fertile valleys
In Alaska, and sowod tho kornoU in
his back yard, A crop of seven
pounds rosultod tho following sum
mer. This Adums planted in thu
prlng of 1900, harvesting 1547 pound
ot grain In July.
Kmboldened by his great success
ho sowed tho entlro crop Initio fall
of 1900, and last summer cut enough
grain to sow 700 acres of laud, from
which is now being cut what Is bo-1
llovcd to bo tho world's record yolld
And your boys and girls will need
Shoes and Stockings. Our line of
school shoes is larger than has
ever been carried in St. Johns and
we have those that will wear. Our
customers have repeatedly told us
that our line of Wonder Hose is
the best they ever used. They are
guaranteed and are certainly worth
With each pair of shoes and
and stockings the boy or girl may
have the choice of a large and va
ried line of Tablets free.
H. W, Colllngswood.edltor of the
Rural Now Yorkor, speaking of tho
nowly-dlscoverod AlaBkan whoat.sayi
tho variety has been known for tho
past 50 years as "mummy whoat" am
absolutely worthless for milling
Ho says Adams Is a fako, that ho
has a big flold ot 'mummy wheat"
on his hands and wants to get rM of
It by selling to unsuspecting farmers
at 5 a quart or 1 20 a bushel, He
said tho natural ylled of Alaska wheat
Is but 20 to 25 bushels an aero nnd
not 200 as claimed. Ho said that
within tho past week ho had received I
least 40 lottors asking If It I
would be safo to Bond 5 to Idaho!
for a quart of sccdwheat and hoi
warnod tho framers against doing
, Eastern Exchange,
According to our own papers tho
report ot the Idaho station Is I
worthless and that the valuo of thol
wheat to our growors will havo to I
bo determined by actual test an to I
milling qualities, which should have
been dono in tho first placo; forit
would have avoided all this contro
versy and havo pro vented a fiaudl
it is found that the grain is not
good miller.
Keep Bright and You
Electric Ught is the magnet that draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business, People can
no more resist the attraction of a brilliant, Klectrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion call of n brass baud.
Is your competitor with the Klectrically illuminated show
windows, bright interior and sparkling Klectric Sign getting
an advantage over you? The moth never flutters around the
unlighted candle I Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lighting a necessity, whether they remain ojeii
after dark or not. Competition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly Illuminated with Klcctric
light will make many a sale "the night before." Klcctric
light compels attention, makes easy the examination of your
display, shows goods iu detail and fabrics iu their true colors,
And don't neglect the Klectric Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it Is lighted burning
your name iu the public mind. It is a solicitor that never
becomes weary never stops work - costs little.
Call Telephone: Main 6688, A 1675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
4 WOU will find that our prices are right &
HE T on Bulldars' Hardware, Paints, Oils, I
HE Sash and Doors. Our stock is complete 2
i anduptodata. Wfcj Ml chivs a trial Instead of going lo Portland?
Silver, Italian or Hungarian In any
quality A1. Prices from V2 to 2 1
cants per pound. 619 north Jery.
44o P. Hill
Successor to D, R, Norton