St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 04, 1908, Image 2

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rultl.hod Ettry Friday
At 117 Vet tlutlington Street. St. Jotin.
Tint Rkvihw Is cnlcrcil nt txist office
In Snlut Joints, Oregon, ns mail matter
of llic second class utiticr tne Act 01 .on
Kress ot Miircli J, 1S79.
Adrerlliinc rittri. $1.00 ptr Inch per month,
All commnnlfitloni 11100111 bo ddrifd to
Too BotIow, Ht. Jolinn, Ornon,
Job Printing oitetited In flrileliui .yt.
Illlli for Job Printing cub on delivery. .
oncltl Kewiptper o( tb City ef flt. Johni.
Subfcrlptlon prloe $1.50 peryonr.
J.ct us nil go into Portland tind lid
them build tholr big bridges nnd sub
ways. Wo linvo the money,
Whoro would you hnvo tho Mad
ison brldgo moved 7 Peoples' Press
How would tho rlvor Styx suit you,
Shades of llnccbus, wbnt Is tho old
world coming to whon thestato (air
nssoclntlon outs out tho saloon ele
ment nt tho grounds?
Tho city engineer has Raved his
salnry for this year In making tho
elty dock (dans. Ho hits somo loft
ovor too.lo upiily on somu other sal
ary. Tho city attorney Is In a fair
way to do an well. All of which
sounds Will to u loynl St. .lohnslto.
, An exchnngo says that "ono-thlrd
of tho fools In tho country think they
can heat n lawyer expounding Un
law. Ono hnlf think they can bout
n doctor healing tho nick. Two.thlrdi
of tliom think they can put tho inln
Inter In tho hole In prcnchlng tho gov
pel, and thu rent of them Just know
they can skin thu editor a 111II0 In
mniilng n nuwspopor.
Portland, Oregon, Aug. 29-08
St. Johns llovlow, St. Johns, Oro.,
(luntlonion: At n special mcotlng
called by J. II. Nolta, president of tin
I'eulnsuln ltoalty Hoard, among other
mntters acted upon, was to got a
newspaper on tho PcnliiRUln, whercup
on n motion wnH mndo by II. A. Kit
bio nnd tho (UOHtlon thoroughly ills
but not less than par and nccrued
Tho property owner who takei the
benefit of this provision of the char
ter for paying his Improvement as
sossmeul may pay oiicteuth part thort
of with tlio nccrued Interest uaeh
year, but If lie should deslro tit any
time after making snld application
to pay thu vhoIc of his nssensment
ho mny do so by paying tho princi
pal sum with Interest thereon at the
rato of C per cunt per milium fron
cussed nnd thu Hoard unanimously, tho time of making such nppllcnUou
passed n resolution nsklng you to up to tho tlmo of payment. To lllus-
, , . . ,,, trato: If A's street assessment was
chango tho nnino of your paper, the . , , . ., , .
, 1100 bo may moko application to tho
St. Johns llovlow so as to rend rcconIcr tQ ,, llml ., togolhor
Peninsular Hovlew, or such other I wttlt C per cont Interest thereon In
ten minimi Installments,, paying $10 1
and tho accrued Interest each J oar
Should A dcslro to pay tho wholo of
his assessment on tho following day
or nuy other duy after making his
application during tho ten yoars, ho
could do so by paying tho orlglnnl
nsscssmont with C per cont Interest
nnmo ns you sou fit to call your pa
per Just bo that It bns tho namu
Identifying your paper with thu on
tllro Peninsula, nnd that you cover
whole Peninsula In your work.
Our Interests 11a very closo to St.
Johns, nnd by making your paper n
.. . . .... , .... ..., to tho ditto of payment. When this
I'cniiiBiiia paper 11 wuuiu uu bh-ui, . , , ,. , , , , .,
payment Is mndo It Is entered In tho
benefit to tho wholo Peninsula Incltid J(m duckot nm, mnnlB Ul0 nn
lug St.JohiiB. Wo know nnd you know ngnlnst tho property.
that St. Johns Is a portof tho ponlnsu Applications to pay any such nsscs
. . l. - I , -i-,l 1 m I.. I ll
In and ns wo see tho proposition, mcnis uy iiiBiniimeniB nro iiiriiimieu
wo could work together much better 11,0 recorder.
nnd moro offocttlvely thnn wo possl-
f ruis
llicsu agitators uvi to convlnru thotn-
iioIvuh that 11 will he easier to got
wbnt they wnnt from tho city council
of Portland represented ns they
nerbniiH will ho by n councilman In
nomo ono of thu other numerous sec
tions of thu Peninsula than It Is to
got It from a council they can elect
tit homo.
Did Adam drink thin near-beer?
Thoro Is no record that bu did or
didn't. Probably hu 'sinieuehed" his
thirst with tho Julco of thu apple.
Dulles Optimist No, brother, wo bu-
llnvo from tho record that Adam
drunk tile, plain Adam's nlu, pure
water. Just think what bo missed!
If hu bad Imbibed Diiffy'stnalt whir.
nnd it number of theso other Invlg-
bly can apart ns our Interests
llo very closo nnd yet wo nro seem
ingly fnr npnrt. Tako tho Hobo Cm
nlvnl, Ifyouplenso whorowo did more
for tho Hosu City than all tho bal-
nnco of tho city put together, In the
wny of ndvortlslng by giving nwny
to visitors -thousands of roses that
were grown on thu Peninsula which
Includes St
St. Johns nnd tho upper puulnstiln
were working together oven If they
woro not together.
Therefore tho Hoard has concluded
that wo need n tlo to bring us closer
together mid wo think n good news
paper would tlo this kind net for us.
Thu board expects to gel nil tho
push clubs nnd tho Hosu Carnival
association Interested. Thu Hoard
has asked .1.1 1. Nolta, secretary or thu
Hosu Carnival association to call 11
mooting on thu 17th dny of Septem
ber to tnko this matter up. at tho
president C. V, Patton, has got-o to
Suattln to llvu mid thu secretary was
asked to call it mooting to effort it
permanent organisation. At this meet
lug tho ltenlty Hoard expects to have
Its harness nil on mid tho push clubs
Yours truly
13. Collier, City
Receipts nnd disbursements from Au
gust 1 to September 1, 1908;
C0O1 011 hand August 1 f 7i t'4-3i
Special lax, 1907 .. .f 72.39
Cltv dock bonds. .
Cltv dock tircmlum.
Johns, and In this case City dock Interest ..
St, bond sink, fund,
" int. "
building iKTinlts....
ltuiKuniflug fees...
Street impiovcinents
City engineer, 5 p.c.
60,000 (XI
1 ,jo.uo
41. i3
Total , , f 66,370. J J 6670.31
Utniul total f73."B.jt I
Street Improvement 15.I..H
Salaries, July 551.00
omul n, j lay ....
Street light. July.
Water hydrants
l'lrc ilciMtrtmeiit....
City printing.
onitlng dotoctlonii bu might not linvo all lined up ready for work.
bad to dlu at tho youthful agu t
MO yours porliups would havu been
living yut.
Thu unwritten law will no doubt be
brought Into play Inlliu Haines miir
dor trial. This law together with
tho rich maiiH' HiiccusHful plea of In
sanity Is robbing thu ropo of 1st Ic
gltlmiito vliillm with dlHgrncufiil itig
iilarlty. In I ho good old days ihat
nro gone, murder was murder and
thu one who took 11 life wiu pretty
curtain to glvo ono In return. Hut
now, It seems If a mini Is weal
thy unoiigh or his lufluoneo Is wide
t-noiiKh hu van commit this heinous
crluiu with Impunity .
Atlantic City .Now Jersey lias on
forced thu Sunday closing law for ono
Sunday and tho liquor dealers s.i) It
caused tboni it loss of 1(10,000. On
week duyu thorn would only bo about
half us much spent for booo as on
Sunday, when nil could fill up, theio
would bu 11 profit In tho business eiiual
to t20,000. A tonservnllvo estimate
of tho profits would bo one third 11I
tho wiles. TJils would mako tho 011
tiro sales JI.SGO.Ooo por week foi
drink, Jtibt think what this means
for It Is a totol loss to thu wealth
of thu they nro out thu
money mid hnvo nothing but evil to
uhuw for It. If thu uovoinor would tin
forcu his closing act buvon duyHlntlu
wetilc hu woul do moro toullniliiato
poverty and liieronso tho prosporlty
of his
Now, Mr. Uuvluw, our hand Is extui
i-d to you. Will you shako? Thu
golden gatu Is open, thu upprotunlty
groat. Wo stand rondy. Now Is
tho accepted time. Will you comu?
What say you brothers? If you an
not doslroiu of entering tho fluid
pli-nsu Inform us as wu are very de
sirous of hating a paper 011 tho I'o
iiliisiilu. Thanking you for past fa
vors mid expecting many more, 1 am
Yours truly,
J. II. Noltn, pres.
Roek miurrv cxp ...
" tools, etc.
Itugtnccr's help . . . .
Cltv dock (old
City dock site 33,500.00
muling hock iMiuiis 40.(10
Janitor 35.72
Ollico supplies 1 1.0 (
Meals ol prisoners..
Street repairs ,Hj
Janitor stipplles .... 12.04
Iiicldcntnl cxK.'Uses, 31.20
On tho face this proposition
looks good to us. It would ineuii,
however, that wu would havu to doub
tho slio of thu paper nt ouco mid that
Is uxpenslvu. If wu can bu (insured
of sufficient support to warrant thu
change wu will bu glad to taku II
up. As to thu nnmo n rosu would
smell ns sweet under any otuoi
iiauiu and wu bulluvo Peninsular He
Total fi.974.7a 21,974-73
llalaiice Sept. 1 f4H.tk19.81
Proposals for Street Work
Scaled proposals will bo received nt I
tbeolhcc of the City Recorder of tla-City
of St. Johns, Oregon, until 4 o'clock P.
M. on the 13th of September, 1 90S, for
tlie Imtiroveiuent ot Iliicliauau street
from tlic easterly line of Willamette
lloiilevanl to the westerly line of Dawson
streei ny griuiiug, graveling nun snie-i
walking Mine In the manner provided
by ordinance No, 19011111! the charter of I
saiit city ami 111 accordance to tne mans.
profiles und sivcIllcation of the city en
gineer, now on file In the olliee of the
city recorder.
SeiMtnte iiroixisnU may be made for
either the grading, graveling or tide
walking Included in said Improvtiiieut.
Rach bid must be nccoiuiMiiled by a cer-
1 ier
tract price, and 110 bid will tic considered
tlfied cheek uiyahlc to tliu mayor for a I
sum not less than 10 tier cent of the con-
Get a home where you do
not have to spend two or
three hours every day on the
street cars.
You will be able to reach the heart of
the city from Whitwood Court within
MINUTES on the
that will
new car
soon be completed.
easy terms.
eiy lot.
50x100, $200
and up,
piped to ev-
Phone Richmond 1021.
1 1 0 N. Jersey, St. Johns.
uulehs accouiuiiieil by such check, and
Umiii muiiks iiiruuiieii iy tne city re
corder for such tmrixises.
...a. " .. ...I
Mini improvemeui mutt ie compieteii
vlow would bo Just us good nnd more on or before the 15th of November, 1908,
uy reserveii,
approprlatu after uxtuiidlng on,- flobl
to cover all that territory. It iht
The right to reject any all bids is here-
ti... ..iii..,.i...i .-...t .r ...1.1 1
tiilnly would bo n grent booster t" meat Is iM)17 .u IS
tnu iiiiveriising nu'iimes or ki, juiiiis
to tlu up
In this matter wlt'i our
Kdltor Review:
TI1010 seems to bu hoiuo mlsuuder-
('niiimoununlth than all other stnndlng relative to thu provision of
Crushed rock for this work will be
furnished at the rate o( w cents ter yard
ni me criisner.
lly order ol the city council.
a. .m. r.n.Tii.N,
Recorder of the City of tit. Johns.
Published in the St. Johns Review Aug.
3, t-cpt, 4, aim 11, 1909.
Proposals For Street Work
agencies put together.
Homo of our Kood miuuxatloulsts
hope to gut lower taxes In Portland
than thoy cau In Ht. Johns Thu city
fnv tt llnrllnnil I 111 m v.tfit- la -I It Inlliu:
that of St. Johns is 1.5 mills. Thoro l bo 0,,or"1 Ur""lon that tneso
our charter which provides for p.ty
Iiik for street Improvement assess
meats on Installments and Issuing
bonds therefor. From thu
thu liuiulrios mmlu rolutl
provision of our charter there seems
O.. . ...Ill I... ....I I ...I
, .Hrtllil iiiiiin.-Miiai -tin iv lvciwil III m.
ssuliiB clt ,ll0 oir,cc. 0( Ule city teeorder of the city
1 nuturo of of St. Joints, Oregon, until 4 o'clock P. 2
vo to Mils M, on the 15th day of Sept. ,1908, for the
wilt bo a heavy Increase imt eai
for thu reason that there will bo In
terest to pay on $r.&00,0U0 ,m)ro huud
nuxt your than there Is this your.
Those taxes aro kuIiik togrow higher
In tho future, for thu reason that
Installments can only bu paid In ten
improvement of Oswego street from the
Northerly line of Portland Ikuilevard to I
the Northerly line of lMrton's Addition
liyradiiiKi Kriivelin mid sidewalklnj; I
imniini nuviiuiiitu mill Hint tins I same in the maimer provided by ordin
nimiiniiH i-ui li.. mil.! In ni Hi,,r ance No. 191 and the churter ol siild city
amounts ho pnld In no snorter I (, neconJlince t0 llu! .)lull4 ,)rofll
ami siK-ceiieaiiousoi tne cu
tv engineer.
now oil file in the olliee of the city re
Seiwratc promsals may be made for
Thu cbartei provides that when-
ovor thu council shall hnvo prooced-
111 w 1 u uiro, ior niu runvuu nun .... Seiwratc promsais may oe mat e loi
bomli aro eomlm- dm, and tie vA to ,m',roVo ' 6,rot,t or m,rt ' either the urudW. Ktavelim: or side
ouui'i or iu my oui mi)- aunur 111 wulktn; llieiuucii ill s.1111 improvement,
tho corporate limits in St. Johns, Kacb bid must be accompanied by a cer-
and shall have assessed tho cost of V"m . V LKif .. ." I , 'r " .,r ,or a
. .1 SllUI lllli VCNi ItlUII W l Vvili U lilt tuil
Improveiiiont to thu property .r..c. Ilrice.nud no bid will be consider.
paid which will take tho "nitin" or
If they nro paid by ro-lssuo tho Inter
est will keep ever cUmnlui; up as
thu pile of bonds i;rovs for thu sub
wny or tho suspension nrlilno, one
of which will comu within the next
flvo years its sure us thedayu come
trottinu nloiit; ono after tho other
Don't ao Into Portland to sitvu money
benefitted thereby, that it shall bu cd unless accompanied by such cheek,
cil uy tue city
nuy property and uiwn blanks furuishctt by
,,f .i0 on hp recorder for such purposes,
or tu,vu or tm,,rovemcul ,Ukt t,c c,
lawful for tho owner of any
D ... w.u o .. u, t-v.vv u. im,,rovemcnl mut t)C completed
iiw.w, in mi nmu Hn.i.ii ivn 1 U or ueiore isoveiuner 15, 1903.
nfter notice of such assessment, tu The riuhts to reject uuy and ull bids is
iuu i ko niiu . 01 ilium u ;iu niuiiiv . .... t, .t... ,;iKr..
l vnn u-lll l.n nmm.ln.. ..fin.. nnl.l UlUkU lippllciltloil tO tllO recorder tO ""?U r"eel.
orou will bu BrubbliiB nftei ,t gold n8b0bSmout ,n lu8tallmonU( u Je of l'nveuient
iiiu owner ot sum property nereouiK Criisheil reck for tills work will be
to d:iv Hald assessment In ten nnminl I furnished at the rate of as cents per yard
UUf UmrgCS. lustalliuents, each liiBtallinent to bo at tlte crusner.
onu-teiith part of the total assessment
St. Johns Land Co.
Tho Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm
in St. Johns.
East St. Johns
The center of the great development now taking
place on the Peninsula.
We have only a few business lots left on Columbia
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at
present prices.
Some fine residence lots still on sale.
Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O. R. &
N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms.
Holbrookes Addition
We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the
new $20,000 school buildiug to be sold on easy install
ments. Call at our office for prices and terms for either of
these desirable tracts.
St. Johns Phone Jersey 931 Oregon
Hy order of the city eouticil.
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review
Auk. 38, bept, 4, und ti, 1908,
T1AE TABLE 0. R. & N.
As is customary, we will chnrue and Interoat, tho puyments nro mado
for card of thanks, 50c; for rcsolti- annually, thu ratu of Interest to bu
tiotis of respect, $1,00; for notices per cont.
of church or lode entertainments, This nssossiuont Is entered In tho
ciinwtrc crt-M'ililt.c ..If tt.lit.r,. t I lltin tlnfuet mill li.u'nmeM n rimt lien
..'1'' uw. ...... V.,, - V . I ,...V. I ------- I --- - -- - - - - " - - - I ... v . . I m
I - - ' . 1 . I.. I IT.lIfM. ll..wil lMrlliitiil
nreclinnies for admission, 5c ner uKit thu property. K. , ,M,Y" " " y., ,
line, but where there me no charges Whuu such btiod lien docket Is K-.,' . Kx)kane Plvcr leaves at 7:00 n! m!
for tliese events, we will break the I mndo up by tho Recorder, thu council No. 6 Kansas City Kxp, leaves 7:40 p. ui.
rule nnd insert them free. We Is nuthorlsod to Usuo bonds In douoir I No. 8 I-ocul Pasiene,er leaves 8;oo, m.
make this announcement so that luntlou not exceeding 500 each. 0' ? 5 ,rriV -tK ,
1 e. . 1 . 1 ... 1 1 I .... ... . . 1. .. 1 J ,
our koou ineuus mny uuucrsiuuu tuoso uoiui uauou uy mo niy nro jno. s Kansas City Kxn, arrives 9,45 a, m
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried aud otherwise.
Also slab wood. Timliers of all sizes cut to order.
Get yw wiftter's m4 mw ad save tretMe.
Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your
goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and
Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct
to destination,
Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts
over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car
load lots. Experienced and courteous employes.
Phone Maiu 358, Portlaud office.
Phone Main A 3358.
First and Flanders Streets.
Phone Woodlawn 818. Ageut at St. Johns,
Office 105 G. Burlington street.
St. Johns, Orf on.
our rule iu this respect.
sold for tho highest price obtainable No, 7 Local Passetiger arrives 5:45 p. ui,
Capital $25,000.00
Surplus 5, 133.85
Interest paid on savings deposits.