St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 28, 1908, Image 3

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    If a merchant expects to stay
where he is located and wants to hold
his trade, he can't afford to sell LOW
The goods we sell are guaranteed
g first class. - We have a large list of
satisfied .customers who are glad to
recommend us.
Our line of stands
is complete. WILL
OAK, $4.50. Others
Ash from $5.50 to
Wc have on a new
line of hall trees and
hall mirrors.
J p
Always glad to show our goods.
Remember the place-
Main store
K. Morrison
Everything for the Home at "Square Deal" Prices.
It sometimes pays to look nrotiud n little
and get prices nntl see qualities before
you buy. Wc have both.
Local News.
He who by Ills hit would rise
Must cither bust or advertise,
Wntch the label on your paper.
Thoro Is no worse thing on onrth
than n liar except two liars.
Croppy season Is now on In full
blest. Lnrgo BtrlriRs of this delicious
fish are being extracted from tho
rivet dally.
Miss Stella Campling Is oxpectod
homo tho first ot next week as she
left Philadelphia on tho return trip
Tho tea storo
low prices.
Giant Hunt pigeons for solo nt D0f
North Kdlson street. 4 IP
John Edlefson, tho populnr.Ronlnl
teller at tho Peninsula bank Is shuf.
fling tho yellow boys over tho countor
ugaln nftur n few "days nt Collins hot
Mrs. Leroy II. Smith, who under
went a critical surgical operation In
tho hoapltnl Sunday,, Is getting nlons
fine. This will bo'glml news to her
many frlouds. '
William Watson Is fitting up tho
north room of the Jowcr building
and will enrry i- stock of bakery
goods, candles and clgnrs. This Is a exchange property
good location and he should do well. K f He Kent Mntl.)
Ho will hnndlo the fauuiua Log Cab
In bread.
for good goods nt
You get full weight nucl
quality nt the Central market,
try it nwhile.
Proposals for Street Work
If you want to buy, rent, sell or
sec Wolcott
We Believe
in Newspaper
But its value to us f !
is not compared with the
Miss Isnbel Montgomery ot Seattle
spent a week ns tho guest of her
friend, Miss Eminn McNoil return
leg Saturday las:.
They aro doing things right on tho
Mount Scott line. Nino Hoodlums
bringing that Una Into bad roputo arc
on tho city boarding list In Portland.
Tho man with tho woodsaw Is now
busy raking In tho Bhockols. The
amount of this work to bo dono In
St. Johns Is almist rnoro than one
saw can tnko caro of.
Tho people of lheChrletlnn ehureli
will begin a scries of meetings nt
their ltttlo tabernacle Sunday, Sep
tember 13th. . Uvangclliit Olson will
nssist in tho meetings and some See Ed Stockton
good singers will no with him. All
aro invited to attend the meetings.
0. W. Curtlb, who has been In
Alberta, Canniln, during tho Bummer
roturncd Thursdny -of Inst week
Edison's phonographs nnil records
mnko pleasant overlings. Full stock
nt Tea Storo.
Subscribe for the Telegram
nest evening paper on the coast.
C.. t..1 l$
unve your property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They arc the
best. S. I,. Dobie, ngent.
and roports n fine crop In that coun
try, cattlo fat ami lots of thorn. All
In a prosperous condition. He sold
his bualncsn, however, and como to
mnko his homo In St. Johns.
Try tho 20-cont coffeo nt tho Ton
storo. You'vo tried tho rest, now
get tho best.
C. P. Dellcu left Sunday for Sump
tcr Oregon, whero ho goes to look
after Bomo property ho has there
Ho has not boon feeling well and Is
In hopes the trip will do him good
D. S. Southmnyd, tho decorator,
has moved to C17 North Jersey with
over 10,000 rolls ot wall paper, lat
est designs and patterns, Thono
desiring firsts class Aork give liliu n
Mr. and Mrs. Henry McQuIro and
llttlo sou mndo a brief cnll on Ills
nibs, tho editor Wednesday.
wore cimrmcd with tho appearance
of our llttlo city. In the old Hood
Tho benefit for tho hand boys nt
tho skating rlnkwns a grand success
and was a credit to the management.
Tho band boys arc deserving of the
oncouragomcnt of ovory ono and the
fact that tho proprietor of tho rink
was enterprising enough to donate
Tliov Proceeds of tho ovonhirf to tho boys inspected nnd the best that money
I ...III ..... I.. I.. -1 ... I.,... MM .1 .1
win nui iiijiiiu iiib niiiniiiiiK 111 iiiu i "mi, iiit mi: iiLimy iiiui
community. Tim reputation of the carefully handled. Come in nnd
All our meats arc government
lllvor days Henry was ono of our rlnk for mibl,c BI,lr" nm, for conduct.
ing n sincuy aonn pinco is incom
ing known nnd will Insure n generout
patronago from cur people.
Phone Union 4066. 306-208 Philadelphia street.
Wood For Sale
Four Foot Cord Wood
First Growth, - $5.00
Second Growth, 4.50
Phone Richmond 1021. 1 10 N. Jersey St., St. Johns.
1 mi iinnniiu iu uui uii uill 111.nL
ESTATE will find it to their interest to call on
BUREAU, 312 Board Trade Bldg 4th & Oak
Sts Portland. J. E. Colvin j
Plumbing and Tinning
Call and see our new Garden Hose.
203 S. Jersey Street Phone Jersey 91 St. Jehus, Oregon
Hatters and Gents' Furnishers.
Phone East 3597. 133 Russell Street, near Mississippi ay,
Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick.
Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited.
H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts ot Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Mail Schedule
Mail arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. tn.
and'i:i5 p. in.
. Leaves at 10:20 a. ia., and 4HS P m
Ottcc open week days from 6:45 a. tu,
to 6:10 p.' m. Soadayi Item 9 to 10 a.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember thle and save the printer
best advertisers.
V. M. I'hllllpa has been helping
Uonhnm & Citirler's Krocery store
fot the pint sovoml days. Ilo nnd
his family havo iccontly ruturncd
from n plonsnnt trip to tho sonohoro
nml Mr. Phillips feels greatly bono-
fitted by tho outing,
Our roportor In making his report
of tho birthday party nt tho homo of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Colo last week Intidvert
fitly omitted tho namcu of Mr. Colo'i
father, Mrs.Klyun nnd son.tho .MIbscs
Whitman from nmong tho guests on
that occasion, which wo very much
Thfi St. Johns lodgo of tho 1-Yator
nai iiroinornooa win inittnio n
class of CO cnnilldntes tonight. Hit-
promo TroaHtirei Monde of Los An-
golos will bo prcsont as will n lnrgo
delegation from Portland and Oregon
City lodges. A grand timo la nntlcl-
Tho Itoso City hotel was the fortu-
into purchaser of tho packogo con
taining tho ticket which drew tho
flno Rtcol range that was given ns
a prlr.o by tho manufacturers of a
baking powder. Tho flap-Jacks and
beef steaks will receive tin extra
flno turn nt this popular hostelry nov
tho proprietor Is to ho cougrntutatod.
This Is tho flno rnngo that was on
display In tho window of llnolinm &
Curriers grocer'y and that enterprls.
Ing firm hnndlcs tho gooila direct
from tho mnnufnctiirerH.
Thoro are lots of hills on thu No-
hnlom, but thoro wns only one I'iihciiI
Hill thoro tho pnU two weeks, nnd hi
returned yosterdny. DM you soo him
como with his 'Tike's penk or bunt.'
outfit? It was worth n dollar and wo
would hnvo given 11 month's nay to
Laulhora tho feed man did n good ,mvo boun wltu. .hlll'v
stunt In ronl ostnto Wednesday morn
Ing beforo broakfast. Uo uhowod 11
gontlomnn from Michigan some lots
Tuoidny ovonlng nnd ho said ho would
bo back to boo him tho noxt day.
Ilrlght nnd early ho cntno In nnd
closed tho deal.
Wo aro Indebted to Dr. Wlthycomb'
of O. A, O. for n number ot valunblo
and Interesting bulletins, nmong then
aro: Hints for Eastorn Oregon farm-
cts, Farm Practice In tho Columbia
Dastn Uplands, Commonts upon tho
Stale Fertilizer Law, Preserving wild
Mushrooms, nnd Orchard Survey of
Wabco county.
D. L. Pago was on tho sick list
two or threo days this week. Tho
heat la so Intense during a portion
of tho process ot the manufacture of
his dollclons corn flakes that ho If
not ablo to do tho work and thoro Is
Ho brought In tho last hour'c
cntch of trout, a gallon Jar of the
speckled bonutlor that Just made a
follow'8 mouth water.
Ho tells u Htoiy of 11 four pronged
1 . . .
icnve your order lor iree delivery.
wnrtrs Leutrnl Alnrkct.
All kinds of laundry work done
promptly. Rouh dry washing 6
cents per pound. Calls made for
laundry nt any place. Hint; us up.
Phone Jersey 331. St. Johns
Laundry. W. I,. Churchill, I,. II.
blmpsou, proprietors.
A music Htudlo will bo opened Hat-
urdny.Heptomber 1st, Inroom l.'I.Me
Chesney block. Miss I.nuni .1, del-
and, vocal teacher, Ih n pupil of Herr
Leo Charles Sparks, Dresden, (lor-
many. Hours ltoCTuesdny Wedncs
day, Thursday. Miss ltachel I'uiiliionl
leneuer or piano aim unrmony is 11 1
grnduato of Chicago Musical college
Hours 1 to S Moudii, Friday nnd Sat
urday. Call and nee them,
Tho creamery Is now opened nnd
has on hands fresh dairy buttermilk
butter, eggs, cream, milk sehmlor-ciiHu
cheese, potatoes oiiIoiih, etc., etc.
It needu tho hearty support of thu
citizens ot St. Johns and It Is uu
Industry tho town iioimIh badly. In
his ondonvor tu mako these needs
in cot each other thu proprietor earn
estly asks tho Hupport and good will
of the community Thanking those!
who have given us their mipport In
ing us. When a shoe
"just like this last pair"
is called for because it
was "so comfortable" and
had worn n "solid year,"
wc feel that we sell the
right sort of shoes. This
remark has been made by
several ladies who have
tried our $3.50 line of
John Strootman's Welts.
Then wc feel that our
Grocery department is
making friends because
within a week three par
ties have brought in new
neighbors for introduc
tion with the remark "I
have brought you a new
customer." This nil means
that our prices must be
nbout right nnd that wc
are making friends of our
trade. If you have not
bought a pair of shoes
from us we suggest that
you try us for that pair
you must have in Sep
tember or October.
Sealed proposals will ho received st
theoflicu of the City Rucorder of thoCity
of St. Johns, Oregon, until 4 o'clock 1.
M. on the 15th of September, 1908, for
the linpiovciiicnt ot lluuhuunti street
from the easterly Hue of Willamette
Houlevnrd to thu westerly line of Daw son
stiect by grHiling, graveling and side
walking imiiie in the manner Jirovldod
by ordinance No. lyo and the ciiurter of
wild city and in accordance to the plans,
profiles and sjccifications of the city en
gineer, now 011 file iu the office 01 the
city recorder.
.Separate projiowds may be made for
nllllar llii. ,.r.,,li.,.. .1.1..
ill I P i i f" "'"""I "
mitiii; iiuumuu 111 snui improvement,
T t?..i. 1.1.1 ....... i. i "i i...
... .i . . m a 1 tuns! m.wiiiinmuu ur n nr-
advertising that Satisfied f tilled cheek payable to the mayor for a
customers nre daily giv
sum not less than to tier cent of tin
tract price, and tm bid will be eoiuldered
unless accompanied !v such chek. ntul
upon blanks furnished by the city re
corder for Mich puroes.
Said improvement must lie cotnplsted
on orbeforc the tfth of November, 1038,
The right to leject nny nil bldsis here
by reserved.
The estimated cost of wild imiitove
nieiit is5 jyj;.4j.
Crushed rock f..i this work will bo
furnished nt thu rate of 45 cents per yard
at thu crusher.
Ily order of the city council.
".reorder of the City of St. Johns.
Published Iu the .St. Johns Review Aug.
3$, Sept. 4, and it, iyo3,
Proposals For Slreet Work
the office of
proitosals will be received nt
01 the citv reeonler of the ellv
of St. Johns, Oregon, until 4 o'clock V,
M. oil the t jth day of Sept., 1908, for the
improvement 01 uswego street from the
Northerly line of I'oillaud Houlevnrd to
the Northerly line of Kirton's Addition
by grading, graveling ami slduwnlklng
same In the manner Provided bv ordin
ance No, 101 nnd the charter of said citv
ami iu accordance to the plans, profile
nnd siHCefionllons of the city engineer,
now on flic In the ollice of the city re
corder. Separate proMials may be made for
either the grading, graveling or side
walking Included iu until improvement.
Kach bid must be nccomtxinled In-11 rur.
tided cheek tynblc to the mayor for a
turn not less limn 10 per cent of the eon-
Mich cheek,
llio city
tract price, and no bid will be consider.
cl unless accomMUleil by mii
and utMiti blank furnished by
tecotiler for such nuriMMes.
Said Improvement must be completed
011 or befme November 15, i)8.
The rights to reject any ami alt bids Is
hereby reset vol.
The estimate cost of (told improvement
Ctudied reek for this work will be
luruUhed nt the rate of .! cunts iht vnnl
at the crtinher.
Ily order of the city council.
City Recorder,
l'ubliidied III the St. Johns Review
Aug. aS, Sept. 4, and 11, iS.
TIMIJ TAI1I.U (). li. & N.
Union lk-Hit, Portland.
No. 3 Lhlengo SikvIbI leave Hyon. 111,
No. .1 SjKikaue 1'lyer leaves at 7:00 p. m.
No. f Rniiwts City l(xp. knvun 7:40 Ji, 111,
No. H Local lnvnger leavm 8:oi 11, 111.
No. 1 Chicago Seelal artive Hint p. 111.
No. i Suikane Plycr arrives ot Hxx 11, m,
No. 3 Kansas City Itxp. iirrlvm 9,45 11. m.
No. 7 Local Pairtenger arrives 515 p. 111.
buck that eamo right down Into th.'lr tll0 ,)J18l ,, for 1C K()()tl w, hIi0WI1
S 4 Tf IvTsf &4 S ffff &g fj & &4&4&4&4ffo&lt8iy
camp and his little boy had to grab
up Boino gravel and throw at It to
drlvo It uwny nnd keep It from stoo
ping on tho children. When the
bunch got In and heard about the
buck they took n I1II10 after It and
ono lad shot 22 shots at It with a 22
automatic, butdld not got u ball In
sldo or Its ltttlo. It was killed with
in 200yards of camp by n shot from
a 32 through tho neck, nnd Cased
woro tho horns homo on tho front of
his chariot.
tho happiest tlinu of their lives
from tho start to thu finish, They
had fish.gnino and berrlos and Pascal
said It was better than a circus la
soo tho performance nt tho killing
then, wo hope It will bo continued
and trust our friends will brlngthelr
neighbors with them and assure them
wo will glvo them thu best servlco
we possibly can. It. L. Davidson,
.M imager.
To Gxcha'iiKC
When wishing to exchange your
proteriy lor outside nctenec or
farms you should .sec McKinucy fori
.Mrs. inn saiu inoy nnu ,,C re.Sults. Cnll nnd ive me 11 1
trial. J. h. MCKiNNitv,
St. Johns Heights Station.
uo ono hero who uudersands It but of tho door' 1,0 1,10 wo01'8 nr"
for hltn.
which makes It very hard
Miss Carrlo Dycrleo went to Hood
Itlvnr ou (ho Dallov Oatzort last wooK
to sea how tho new county was get
ting along, Sho icportod thorn as bo
glnulng to pick this Bouson'a crop 'of
apples, which Is said to bo a buuipor
but prices aro not expected to bo ns
high as usual, Maybo they'll bo low
enough that a pour devil ot a printer
an get a box forChrlstmas, at least,
St. Johns Is not tho only placo that
the grafters get their work In on
tho beloved people. In our home
paper from old Albla wo notlco an
account ot whero ono of those lads
came Into Fred Bono's store bought
gallon of turpentine and asphaltum
mixed, and went cut and sold It for
store polish at CO conts por pint
Mrs. Fred Done was ono ot tho vic
tims he caught.
A largo and attractive sign now dec
orates the hillside at Whit wood Court
Lots are selling there and new build
ings are being erected right along.
This Is a better tract than any other
thnt has been platted on tho west
side, for tho reason that it Is nearer
Portland and Is directly opposlto St.
Johns. When tho troll) line Is com
pleted to Llnuton.thlnge will certainly
take a boom at Wbltwood.
run of children ondtnero were moro
than 20 kids In at tho donth of tho
doer. They wjro as thick ns fllos
around a molasses barrel.
Whon wo soo a bunch coming In like
this wo undorxtund what Jack Loii'
don's ' Call of the Wild' moans. We
aro Just simply homesick for a gun
a rod and a wook's supply of grub
with an opportunity to go whero all
can bo utlllzod to a good advantage,
Wo do not envy Pascal tho good
tlmo ho had, but wish ho had moro
of tho sadio kind and that wo might
bo thoro to soo.
Mow is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by I'cniiiMiln
Title, Abstract ntul Realty Co., II.
Henderson, manager. Accurate
work. Reasonable fees. Cement
Hlock building, Jersey street.
It will pay you to
look at this Rango
beforo buying else
where. You will
find it on display
In our window. We
have others as low
as $29.50. We
also carry a com
plete line of Build
ers' Hardware.
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
watch your business
Wo doblro to express our slncerol
and heartfelt thanka to all our good
neighbors nnd friends who so kindly I
aided us during tho Illness and death
of our llttlo daughter. Wo sliallnev-
er forget these kind acts.
Mr. and Mrs, Charlos Ilredeson,
Slide and Leap
for Life on Skates
Successor to 1), R. Norton
C. D, Moore, the White Salmon
hamplon boomer and his wife. I
were visitors In tbo city yesterday
and honored this office with a call.
Charlie says White Salmon Is grow
ing right along and that everybody
Is bappy la that country. Now that
tho North Bank road has recbrist-
ened DIngen with the name of White-
Salmon station we suppose tbo
lines of demarkatlon will bo eliminat
ed and tho entire hillside will bo
White Salmon.
U to M n iMlm A tilU 01 1
mMMM you oar MrmAoe&i nuuuf.
Mailt - k.iM-i nmliM la iu.
oiTabanticcb t njcamc.
Writ Ut-Osyi Mcathm tUt Psr.
Mil IU
. ImMrmtU
ul tti l.ul twin UU TklltVU J
til Uo lk fct rtu. a Mi rush, .U. M
By Professor K. G. Harrison at
St. Johns Skating Rink Wednesday
evening, Seplember a, 1908.
This is without doubt the most
daring feat that has ever been at
tempted ou roller skates. He also
perform other thrilling feats that
require great skill. The professor
holds the world's championship rec
ord for high jumping ou skates,
and will defend his title against all
This will be the only opportunity
to witness this wonderful perform
ance in St. Johns, and all who can
do so should be present.
General admission 25 cents; skat
ing same as usual.
Keep Bright and You
Klectric Wght is the magnet that draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business, People can
uo more resist the attraction of a brilliant, Electrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion call of a bra: baud.
Is your competitor with the Electrically illuminated show
windows, bright interior and sparkling Klectric Sign getting
nn advuntage over you? The moth never flutters around the
unlighted candle! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lighting a necessity, whether they remain open
after dark or not. Competition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated with Klectric
light will make many a sale "the night before." Klectric
light coniels attention, makes easy the examination of your
display, shows goods iu detail and fabrics' in their true colors.
And don't neglect the Klectric Sign. It is soliciting
tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is a solicitor that never
becomes weary never stops work costs little.
Call Telephones: Alain 6688, A 1675 for Information,
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.