O .A. C. NOTES. mon useful purpose. Hut, bo long na such organizations remain private am limited tho benefit of some Is derived at tho oxponso of other groupH of tho population, Socialism proposes to go ono step further, to comblno nil tho existing useful organization' and to manago them for tho welfaro of al the wholo people Ibcllove that a chango from private to public ownership will bring tc tho masBQB tho following beneficial results. Shorter hours of labor and steady employment. Less worry and less struggle for existence. Purer morals. Tliu union meeting of tlio clitirclion I'rof JnmcH Dry.lun, h?nd of tha NORTH SOCIALIST COLUMNS mot In the llttlo church homo uf thu poultry department of O, A. 0. him Christian congregation on Now Yotk boon olected vlco praulJont of the rlrcet Sunday ovonlng and filled the ItiUrnntlonnl AssoclcVon of 1'Hiltiv llttlo building to tho utmo8t cap.tclly Iiutructora nnd Investigators,, nt n and was n very Interesting session, recent mooting hold nt Cornell Unt- These two columns have been leased by the Socialists of St. Johns. They will furnish and edit their own matter, and the editor of the Review will in nowise be responsible for anything that may appear each week under this heading. BEACH Tho services were ojioncd by tlio veitlty. congrcBntlon bIiirIii? n mimui-r or . u..,,p,in nn .incubation Kxneri flovotlonnl songs followed by ll-o . ,. .....p.. ,. v 0. A. c. rending of tho scripture by Itov. Nel- w, 1)rovo ono of Ul() nont intor&atliif Bon of tho UongroRtilionni ciitircn,, ,, vrillni,1n niibllcntlotiROvoribBU.nl Human life depends upon food and rmall farmer, who is today exploited Ho read tlio .inn paaun. iiov. u .rora tll0 co0go. It ombodlon re clothing and shelter. Only when bylarge capital moro directly but not uniCS uicil ouoruu a ramui iiu,i ,.Hvn ,,xnor montfl on these nro assured nro freedom, cul- lias effectively thon Is tho wage In' for tho prosperity or mo ciiurcncE nt.thodB of incubation. r.r II, n nllv. tin win fnllnucil nv III t.tro and higher human development Loror: tho small lUnufacturcr nnd Happier family life and bettor homes t-OBslblc. To produce food, clothing trndor, who Is ongngid In a desper m i... ivt, itnltu... 'nn., bpoIU' H is not generally i.co.vr. urn um Hotter opportunities for higher though "i .I! " ... Tl3 nnounror,ont ont'lncerlng department of thu O. A. " "..ciier, na anu macn.nery nro t.,c , i, , u ,i Btud study and development of lndlvldu- UNION MKBTINOS. in ,ntini. ..niii i.n if.tr i .1... At m ,,ii..rni. ..( Him.inv nnd iu ...-...n ..- - III I'll A v" vai vnw '' that Unnnl .,. .nun mi .". . ti,.,.i, it,,,.. t.,tr,..i.i.,i ihn " - Minokor of tho ovonitM, llov. Voung of the .Methodlflt church, who took 01 mo .MouiouiHi 1:11111. -ii, .. vu-x fdr hlB text tho wordtt or thot l'fliilm. lrt: 'Oh! como lot tii. magnify tin- imme of tho Lord." Ho put twpuclal ntrt'Sa - - llov. Nelson of tho Cong.n- rtmont go into rea,rnm,u , g ex n. UKttrNt church would l.reach tho Ber. i'",w " "8 BO"'' i,0",u,u r.. V .. .,.. Aitorney-flt-Law. . . .11. .1.11 mi. nu . ... wn.iw.o " - . u . . ... - - - upon tho worJ magnify In ,, m, ono hontlng nt n high I or.'. oy cnn llomnnto tMo sources of tho cIobb rule Ib built; political gov imirao, giving many humorouB tr mporaturo nnd nt l ho snmo tlm ,f(; of olhorB 1Jllt whon ,nnchory tmmcnt la Its IndlsponBiiblo Instru- his discourse illUBtrnllonB na well na aonio thntwer pulhutlo nnd oven tragic In their iv. biiIU from inngniryliis Homo elomonl .... I,.. ...l.....-.. nry ui. uu if of tho Individual. He declared It wns tho couimnn fnl Ing of hiiinnnlly to seo tho wornt ldt of overythlng. I lu snld there wcro i fuw oxcoplloiiB to tho gonornl rub nnd It was very refreshing to ntmu l:i contact with thiso cinirnctern who nlwnyn looked on the 'irlght slilo nnd Instanced tho good old gramlmotncr !!I I, t! I vr I L !2 .o u.S.1 rLL d ' ,, ,. uln, , lndy rocognlze.1 nn t motit ii.linlrii. Indy rucogu nblo trait of chnrnttor. M,,ni, r t,,,,kii..T .... ti. ..unit ' - " " ClUf Of IIIIIIKM tllO BIKUKOr COIH.UlHOil .1.. , i.i.l wt ill tiu kiii atfsiiiii i i of this fulling. Ilo recounted nu lustnnco of coming out from tho city got on tho ear. Ilo declared thn.it tho ono ho worn. Alt of thoso M"d funturoH had been 't tlpH.-d by thu " " - - - . r...ii. i ... . . ini.il li .in. hi. I ' . " I nu: of tno iiodio trim or eiinruut-r which never found a kick coming, hn Bald ho heard of n woman unco who never mmplnlmi'l nut hnd i.eter tec n one. TIiIh woiiimi'h Iiub'i.iimI on ono occnslon thought to liy her piitluuco nu. I brought hur n Iom.I of tho crookedoHt wood (it must hnvo Ih'cii Mnuxnultii wooJ, which Ii so crooked It will not Ilo Jtlll in the crooked that It will not Ilo atUI In 1.10 woo.i ,ox, no com . ..... ...... reeled to hour nn o.xploslon of romo ti 1 1 Afn.r ..nil the wood box) ho could find and ex kind nbout tho wood. After wnll lug nbout a week nnd hearlnu 110 complaint nbout tho wood ho Imcm-i ) curloiiH to know what I.Ik good wl.'o HMM.hi.i uiu i'.M.w. hr-w Hho liked tho w.mi.I ho had got for her tho week bo.'oro. Hho nil I It iiiotiKUi or 1110 woo.i nuu mmou uur 1 v. in tho bust that he had .'vol' I . .1...... .. . I .iroi.Kii. i.wr, mo m.rnn wu.o j.'ni Iho right Hhapo to fll. nbout tha not- ioiiih of the potH mid kittleH. I liu mtunkor ioiitliiv.liK auiltl lt.nl It did uh good to magnify the good ihlum vy huw lu our f.dlowp, mid uven I'll tlo ettbo of groat inuii while could in no wny pernnpH ni-neiii uium iy iimgnlfyliig their reputnthni mi--' run- t'ict with them mid emulutliig their cxcmplo nnd doing homnuo to th'.lr KantnoHH. wo may at KUiofllloJ lie declared that ho had bm bentrl (M I iy i.eaitng nooaoveii, 'iryan nuu on;- or ureal inuii. That while his im.iiiil fylng their uniiieH ninong IiIh ftdhntu would not bo nny tilto-t benoflt to them perhaps, his lnt liije eoi.u in contact with thorn and having hea.d thum gavo him moro oxnlled t en- ,.,.i,i !,.. ,,f nr.. .,...1 i,.i...i Li.,, i, .i w,..v'ii ui .iiw ...... .. .. iiiuat iiinny wu)H. So ho would iiiukt (ho npplleatlou of liln (uM (Hal i.i nnr luiiiiirliiL' I!nil. lii nini!iiirvli.ii lus iininii u.i. unnlil unt ml., in tli imoiiI """v. " ......... ..ui ...w n-i reH or glory or find, perl i'ps, but hy so doing wo would bo boneflttnil. m ,.treMt...mm. bu.lt up nnd dnwi. lla.nr.ir If, llllll I ..... , Tho mooting was elore.l by prayer by Itov. Young. The Christian Coimreg.itlou wlrfi to thank tlio liotmlo nf Iho Hantisl - ' , church for tholr kindness In grnnMng IS "S 0' e!w.E! v "v " "' nudluiuo, It was very kind of them Mid manifests the bplrlt of tho Mas- tt r. Thoso union uuH.lli.Ba nro nccr... I ,........ .. ....... h.M,.i Id hoped that thoy mat become mor. frequent nnd that lu time there ) l.o na tho Master prayed tho Father when about to ho offenulup, ihut ..11 1.. ,11. ... ...... ,.. 111... ...i..l., 1 I 111 nviii.i.io ,u nuu miiim uu uiu-, 11 I UV UUU UIO rumor wun OHO. CAHO UF THANKS, 1 uesiro to express my sincere mid hoartfult thauka to the Modern Wood mon ror tuoir many Ktiuitiit. during I m . . ... I st the Illness and death of my bus band, und nov ut this tlmo for tho very prompt payment In full of his bcuoftcinry otllatecife . It Is this kind and honest treatment of tho mem Imra nn.lM.nu .1.,.. I I vw m4 muou uvj'ViiilVtH vlll I to not only tho members on the or der but thosu outside, who come In , . ... , 1 1 i .1 contact with hem t shall never for got their kin Jness. .r .Mjruo wtUKH.. I at tho Ton rest, now Try tho 25-cent coffco Btore. You've tried tho try tho best. 1 lit overlooked tho f.ut thnt tho mini loinliloj, nnd Ww,.r.atlo.,B Renera ! " " J ' ,0 X.Jo4 ll7t Identical. The MruBslo Is not tyrtUn.1 Suburlii HxpnM Co.; lm was poKsehMed of sound wollfnrim-d '"ll provo n great ..mvoiiloiiio. Tlio )' tho Mlioiildors or lio ciasitoJ Hint .,.., .., itarnntinnni it '' dock n1"1 0,1 H)lnU nclu'c ' llmhB that hlH nnim wero w.. urn. tlnl floor will bo devoted to read- either Imvo no other productive prop- m nnooi nut iniornniioi ni n Plnno stnd furnltur. movlno li2Z Z to reom, Indoor gnmo, nnd social erty but their manna, nnd mon.,1 la- ffia,.'09 ,,Ur"",0"! "hc .i i.. .... ...n.inru a i,it.,i ..I..I .,.vinif J'Of ifowor tho wiuto workors-or r" ". 10 mnto victory oy tno iiuniu kicu iioim oi. IllJUUt UIU nillllU lIIUII tiiiin iwv 'J .......v.t ...... ...... - ..... . . ...... . ic.rbnrti f ttw. unrM I I 111 firoat uoni or attention, it .3 ma . . .. ....... .. ...... fiiennon 10 nuu instructors to tins hjlvo tho pcoplo of Oregon lnformu- .. ,, tion Hint wm result gr-mtiy -to uiu 1, . . .. ..... . '"'Provemont or me wkh t haB boon domonstrnt-d by I'mf. u nns noon iiomoiiBinnou uy rim. virnat that freshly canned fruit hnnt- od nt r. low tomporaturo throo days puccesslon will aervo tho snmo ftit )rcfcervo tho color, flavor nnd su-.pc ol tll0 frult, Honsottlvcs Hhould ,.0i0 this fact, and If Information Is . ........ ..... . ... .1 .. o w sonu 10 uio co.-ugo nr ..... bulletin. Bclonco hnll. n building aull oil.itl by tho bonrd of ro.i..j early II. Is am Init la nbout coinp'e'tid nnd will bo rendy for occupancy ut tlio boglu- lug of tho next term of fcchool, Sep. aBriilH Ih n Imndsomo three ntory st.ucturo of red brlrk, costing J 10,. din. Tho first floor will bo given to 11,0 B,,co", '-",''ll B,lc"cu' nmI 1,10 t,,,,', '" U,u com- "",B, dopnrlinoMl. hullTng now In Mil. ft llll' I. . 4. "U...II.H ...IW I.I toursn of construction uroun.l hn- i. , . ., i .. i, i I. Ul.ni.uiy iiiijUiuiMg ...u linn-Hi- i ii.ri.ii.iitniiu 0.r,.ir,i f ,,,.,. 1 1, mi mi,..., a m.i.,1. I 'in.ty nnd conven wll liii a de.luht ,.....,..... 7 mlnit pool thoruln nn.l iilnc or ten rontim for colldgu frn 11 n I'll UUI li'HU i I (I iur.rt.HH may bo provbhd. tt it i ii i nihnn iu hniiri t .in itiiv. j. ii. wju-iwur ruMwim Writes Letter Which A.ny be of (Irent Interest to Skin Sufferers . tt i . ... ...... w.v. lfir nliotit m years I hud been udlictctl with Ivcciuii nnd hnd tried muny remedies to very little pose, and no cure. hotncwlint In dcsiieriltioil, I tried 1). 1). 1). I timm convinced liefore the bottle . ,f ...... 1 i-u, wns 'ml1 V."!1 V1111 1 1,1,(1 nl 1"s, ; " 'V ",;,," , ' " " 1 Vt" ' . . V ...'.1' j" t u' ' ' 11.. ,. 1 . . ,, 1 i.u.i i,1..i . nin ciitircly cured of the ; ..., ,,.. fnP miitli icciurt ntul lor seven iiiotitlis , ' .... ,. J. 8V,n.olns 0f jt8 re- '. mm... ...,....,... ...... nr..nt ..,i . .v ........... ... .U k.V.. ...... 1 . . . I oir.coutilllied 1111(1 tllC Clire SO co,,7,,i,.iL. i.nt I feel it mv dtitv to ,i-,. t-,m,.. ti,,. i. f;,rt n... iiuiiilc Hint otlivrH simllnrlv nfllictetl I .nav make trinl of this remetlv i ji( jnir ft.i, Secretary Northwest Snb- nmth nssociiUlon. 160 C.rnnd Ave. North, Portland. Oregon. What 1). I). I), did In this case lit oiil-IiI to do for von. This won. dcrfttl remedy is now recognized by the lotcmost physicians ami .sclen- tists ns the quickest nnd surest cure for Mezeinn and skill disease of any nature. This remedy is us snfe land pleasant to use ns pure water, ami is nnnlied directly to the nfllict- etl paits, leaving no bad odor or Lit..l - . il.... vnl.cin.irn TI... P.rct .vj ,,,,,.t,,,.v, ,,v lll.il application u,ives INSTANT KH- l,llil", ami us tar US we liuve Dccn nlile to invcstiL'iite onicklv effects Ilit ninsl iislniilsliltiiT mill ivrmniii'iil I, ' r ..... cuies wnerever riiuiy iibeu, it I you area sufferer from uny kind of tel. or sk u '. "" till IlOl Hill lit ITV IlllS reillllr Vlllllt I ..... .... v ' , remedy. Pamphlets on skin dis eases anil their cure, tltet, exercise, wimnK, etc., Iree at our store, M. JOllllS 1 llallllUCy, - To Wnlcr Users. Water used throunh hose for sprikliK yims or shlcwalks or wiihiuiiK poicnes or winnows imw be iiaitl for ill. ndvutice. and used only between the hours of 5 and S a. in. mid 5 and 9 p, in. It must not be used for siirinkliiiK streets, A !. . . miyuui - tthiiij; water couirary to lliese rilies. Or WaSieiUliy. Will DC .sillll oil WltllOUt Itirilier notice, ?i, juihb mui 111111 i.iKiii-1 IHtf CO., P. 11. htllefbCIl, Stiperitl' i ......... .1 ... . ii.. 1 ..... ... 1.11 rtfAnt nm tnnfth nxftf nnii imintf 11 noir.wnn in inn mnvn or iiir wcami i r mm im-i.tr I I ,n I , I 1" " iMnilUOIIIl Mill Utlltar LCSSOnS, t a a . I I hnvo ort'.tiili.l a elnL nf iiinn. dolin and iiuitar pupils in St. Johns ntul ean titko n f- nmri. oi.ninr .... ...,1. '.,...... .........i.i.. o... I Ullll. 411111.1 IIUOUHUUIC. V3UI- frt' (11(n iii, . C - C erences. Uale 1. ravlon at Calef Uros., Ilouseuuriiishers, opp. P. O. lT - It'll r , t -m rw. St. Johns Ferry lime Card. , i.,.vl. l?.ist Ship f A. M. n.tn. vin. I 8:00, 9:00, ioxj, 1 1:00, i7vm M. l M, 1 cavWcst' Shlc 1 A'm!? eisVS 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30', 1', M. taijo) 1:30, 3:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:10, o:oo, 6:30, 1 or ... nn. ii.nlirlnlii mill fnml nilf nf It. P ROM - - 01 lnnu nnu """w - , . n,i iiimrtv " Tn,nv it,., mripii nnrv nnil lnn,I iisot - ' " ,. . ..., min,i,. Rn R rnnlIly ,iccrca8ng minority, nh ranc,inory 9 ,mpi0 ong, hnn(jlc(j ny ono lnnn( t ' , milUn nwnnril M, noworflIi - -, w " ' nnd does not mnko Its owners bo powonuiinni ..... b(comc8 ,noro nnd moro compiox and OM,011Blvo nnd rollr(!8 for ta effect, ,., , M, nruml ntfnt, nf " muny workor8 tg jpfiuonccB roach, tH ovor wljcr nnj wdor circles of llfo. Tho ownora of such machinery becomo n domlnnnt classs. "in tirnnortlnn nn the number nf sjcI trtttjliltiu ownoiB.cotnpa'.ed to all olh- classes decreases, their power In tho iin n,i i thn wnri.i IncmaBCH Tuoy ornB 0VCr lnrgor masses of P,onlo under their control, roduMng them to tho point whoro rnusc'o nnd l.nl nro their only productive prop, erty. Million, of formerly solf-emplo, . ' . .. . ' . . ... workers thus hclpto.. -.. - v,ngo slaves or mo inuusirini nns- 1 turf " .. . . ... .. I Tlio moro tno economic pow.r tho rulltiK cIbbb growa. tho Iobsiiio. '1CB It becomeln tho llfo of tno i.allon. Tho ovofwhol.nlni.' bulk of I ' ---- - hnvo but llttlo land itndllttlu effect- Ivn mnchliiorv tiutsldo of their In. . nawtim tho Mtiinll Irnilorii nnd "Jr powurn ino miiim inuiuru ...in .... .,.,. Ti.n riinif ,.,nrltv - -; ; v " ir Bienuiiy oecomuii; tiseiess nuu par ' ll0 (11b. is wnKod nsltlc. 'A bitter strugglo over th I Irn nt llm frmllirtu nf Ifllwtt III . u..iiii between thu exploiting fl llIUrilVll classes on tho one hind nnd id tho rx- nlolted nronertyleBs class on the other. In this Hlrugglu, thu wage pur-Uoiklng class cannot expect n.loqunt. n.ir from nnv reform of tho nwront onlur or from tha docilnnnt clnn of L()Coty. ' "The waco workors aro . thoreforo T"o wngo workurs aro , thoreforo 11,0 m0Ht "etorinlm.I and Irrecoiull tho most detormlniil nnd Irrecnudt "bl nntngonlsta of 1I10 ruling clusa. T1'y nr ",H0 Ul C,n" Wh,Ch t,n,tnn UBl ,ur tu,nu V"",B " fnct thnl n B,nnU H,",bor of r"nl Mim 8 ,,ormlttod to use nil llm c'.untry'a rosourcea nnd aoclnl toola . ... ... ..... f.i. Hint. Iirfl, n 1I1.I In ..lilt.. III.. i-". Pri,llucll( "f 11,0 nocoHsarlea of llfo M"0 "J0Ci of tl10"' cotiiptttltlv.) prL v"to ol,turlrloa nnd speculation, la I"1 tI0 uottom ll ,,,u "odnl evils of our time. "In splto of tho organisation of tho trusta, pools and combliintlonn, Mto ci.pltnllstB nro poworlosa to regulattt production for social on.ls. IndiiH. tr,e8 nro largely conducted In 1 plan- l'Ba "lnnner. Througli periods of ft). P'erlsh activity, tho itrongtli and tho ' 1U w"r.o ru umn ,y undermined nnd during poilodc t enforced Idlonesa 'ho workors. ro ire'iuemiy reuueeu 10 iiarvauon. "rno cUmnxoa of this chaotic ryH- tern of production aro tho regularly recurring Industrial depressions nnd cHsoa which tiiirulvza thn iifttlon - ovory 15 or 20 years. 'In Its mad nnd rock esa raro for Urnrn ii,.. ..nnltnilui ri.iua u i.nnn.i v.,i.,i, , ,i, ...... ii..,. v.i'ivh i,,v "wmvm in ,v,j inn- It of their enduranco nnd to sacrifice their physical, moral and montnl wel- o Its own Innat.ablo g.oe.l. f'..(llnlla... rr.na ...nDaA(. nf ....k. , ,,.,.,,, nvvi'R iimsfii'. ml iii-ipv- ng men In povorty, destitution, phya t,Xhnustlon nnd Ignoranco. it drags their wlvea fron their homes In llm mllla .ml fiinhrl.ia II Hnitrli. - ....... ...... ...... 0.1 their children from the plnygroumlt ..".ii-oiiuu uiiiwiiiic-u ii.iiiua ii.tii lum dollars. It wantlngly dlsflgures.malm ' k"Is hundroda of thousands of vorklngmen annually In mlnes.on tho ..u ...mo innonen. u drive millions of workers In the rnuks of tho unemployed and rorcos Urge numbers of them Into beggary, vugrancy and all forms of crime net irrv ntimnn tinnt n. iiiimnn n nr ihl nnvn init liriin iniisi ( ri tii i nt lirrnri. ih.i..vih wa, vico "Tn mnlnlnln tl.lr ruin nvnr H.nlr follow men. tho capitalists must koon in their pay nil organs of public nawors. tmlillo mln.l nn.l mililln " science, Tltey canwi tlio domtnnt. jnj. pnfdpg nmjt through them, the elected public officials. They .soloct - ' - o r executives, brlbo ..ur legislatures, . . ... ....... BUU -u,,u,k our vouri- 01 just., r pomiemiy ami ieuu.iy, just aa tni-y own n in. uustriaiiy. mu DiruKNiu uemi-va wuga wont v" u"11 -ni'.i ever uerc- aim naa now ""' ry vt- lamin tiofnm Ihn A.iinrlrnn n.Minln . - - - -- - -. - -1 - - Tho wngo-worklng class, thonlotv, tan the most vital direct Interest tn ntiollshltlir tho cnnltallst ai.ti.m. nut in abolishing the capitalist uys. lom Ul worklnK n,on vUl not onl' tro their own class, but also all oth- ciaesea or modern society; Tuo ' .. Cnnitni! ntWl OVntl tMO CaniiailBL tllTl - 7.:.' . .. . .... ..1 ' . .." """" "V. ' lrniiat. rinaii wmin it m n ciqbb HiruK'i . " . .. . ric. IB tlitlB nt tno Bimo limo a utrug . ,np thn nhnllnn . P,nBnPB nn,i rin nriviiPTPB. - .... 'Tho private ownership of tho md ana means or production uscu tor .... ...ll.L cvjmmaiion ib uio rocn upon wusn mtnt. Tho wngo-workora cannot be freed from exploitation without .tm- r.n.irlnr th nniltlcni nownr and nub. ---" r . slltutlng collective ownership of t''" land and meanB of production used for exploitation. ' Tills basis for transformation is rapidly developing within tho very "osom present uapiirwsi sociuiy. lno mctory ayatem wit'i us immeno mnciiiuory and miniito division or u nr. rapidly destroying nil vettljjo inuiviuuai prouueuon inmanuinc. f "tiro. Modern protlu ready very largely a noli. clnl process, while ti.o n,,,. mnnnnnii.. udi.ti m pru'jucuon . it I.UIIUVll.U uiiii mi . . groat iniFIO f"-" Z'H . .., ,, .,, ..,., . - . orBiiniiing worn ui.u nuiiin(;umrin nf om f ln.lii.trlp. nn n ci"" - "'""". - " ..................... national scalo and fitting thorn for nn " oporntion. ' t" truRKlo fo.- freedom tho In- . i "To unlto the workers of tho world l"oir nines nuu rrapniniior8 oi nu clnssoB to this ond Is Uio tuioaMn nt n,n .nrinii.ini.ntf In tho battle - - " f-.r froomod tlio soclnllnt party docH not .trlvo to Bl,b.t.t,,o working ,,. for capitalist class relo, but to f.eo nil hutnnnltv frntn rlrMi ruin ntul to ' " "" " miornauonni iirotnoinoou of "" I'uiiuut.'riiiaT i tiwur ul tuiitunuuvvui m xt ii iitritHii nr inn u'rimnrn nr nil nniinni i nnrii ni i 'i rr n in i . v n iir-riii 'tw i.itiiimii mi vHAT SOCIALISM MENN8 TO ME. Tho presont form of society tu not thn first nnd not tho list ono, Muny .vtlss of formar daya hav0 boon tlln. nrtti. Many nro still with us, Tho r.utest problom of today la to do rur trovi tho humlUuilnR ami iiniiniiiing Birurff.iJ tor exmMiice .....m.i....(i wmdim wa ..v Cooperation must tnl-t, tho place 01 ccmpetltloii In Induitihl nctlvitf. In. Urnnllonal aympnthy nnd confidence ........ .. . I . . ..... .11.. ..... uumi rupiacu Hitiro'i nuu uiBituni THa la tho proBrnm of seclnllsni In a nutshell. guclallsm doea not encroach upon you It.dlvl.luallty mid freedom, nor mou your vlowa of (Jnd.miin nnd tho um verso. It merely strives to Jutab- Hali such social and oconomlo toiidl- tlons na nro best conduclvo tonnha ir.or.loua nnd unhninpercd develop- ,Conl of mnn'a naturi. ,ro you nmong the fortunuti few wi,fc nro provided for to tho on-J of woir cuyB.nnd wno cm plan and do whatever thoy plan? Even ao, the tm .j.Jn Cf th0 nation 11 uron you. Voi.r vmiho of Justice revolts your mule. norved prlvllega; your Joyp not bo. inu shnred loso their savar. and lone iy y0U atrldo from ono ond of the ......i. . ,i ........ i , v',,,,,1 IU IMU UVIIVI IU.IIH in fM... I fmt rt.itIsfactlon in oxtravngunco ucd now utilisations. a r a vnn n.m.nv tha ii-liilnnn nf ml.. I ru -i,. i inn,nt n.M I i uivinuinuu, tt.v. ...i-.w, if y not beeuro of tomorrow? Also higher problems of bolng Nry, tho most io. ultimate pleasures of llfo are not for Iunlnl.,.1 nrnn llA cl.ll,.l.. jwu. ..uihivu juu t,. wi, iihu r.nivi. under tho taskmaster'! lash, Uultn l you show your teeth llko wild beast J acO behave with tho ethka of a pack nf wnluw I - . "-.- p0 you belong to the Industrious M""' "l your pppoiiiled trade tonteuieii wltn th,, fmlt nt vnnr inhnr; enlnvlnirthn mud ni comforts of io-ir homoT 1 do not envy you.for Iaeo two vile worms jinuwlng day and ulght ! your li.-nrt. Then Is th worm nf r.-eii ami nm. bltlon straining your po'wera.deprlvhif you of ,ho hnppy ,l0urj of cnteut. luent nnd rest- tho norm of tha roar 0( poverty Olto you unmerclfully.and 1 unik. vnn rninmll -..-t9 nirnlr.Rt whlol NO' r wholo nnttira m.-ults. fw. n. ...iv .u in whirh ih o. .... . o.ii.iijf, .nn uu VIICUIJT II, nil J f b IVI human belmr. un to tho socialist Joe irii.r which sonka to units tho wholu tlvlllxed world Into ono frlondly co operative organism, thor.. Is but ouo .. r . 1 toiuiuuoua development of sympathy ,uid co oiieratlon. The Idea of lutcr. urilonnl political ayiopathy 1ms at- ready taken a stood hold on the clv in 1 I u. - trr. iiunuim. io tMcv7 nuu u miuu:u ui i-cououua ruipam mm co-operauon novo oocon-e evident oulv rocontlv with thn wcmlarfiil I - 1 growth of Industries and progress in transportation, It la thla economic svmnathv that Knrlallim hat nut nn I Its banner, Oura la the time of aa oclatlona nnd combinations, agieo- menta and union whoreln certain per sous unite tneir efforts for a coin. 1 George L. Pcrrlno. omcc: Room 0, Drectlcn nulld- "n -"' '' ". ".?" i. nn.il i street!. Portland. and Kootn a. Hol- brook lllock. St.Johns. Phone: Pacific 3098. Residence: St. Johns .I" HENRY F. COL! IFR 1 flwvcr Rooms In the Holbrook hulldlntf St. Johns, Oregon. " ' ' " O - Joseph McCllCSHCy, M. D. PiivmctAN and c? onnn5 ouryvjvyi. Day and Nltht Of flee In McCh.sney Block Phom WoodUwit 47S ST. JOHNS. OREQON I Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Physician and Surgeon. Office In HolbrooU's lllock. Residence, aij Hayes street. Phone Scott 6995. oscar d.vaul. m. nn.. t.n . . ... ..... - .......... , v. ... om phon.. WomlUwn lli. "-- Office In Pottimoutli llrlck. J. R. WEIAIER T(,n11,(fl , - C.J& Styles. Why CO to Portland or elsewhere when you 1 1 anoivi uiiu Oiuiugc Wc deliver your kckxIs to and from nil i. t..l t t. . A B HHlM STOCK Puncral Dlreclor and Umbslmer JWldy Assistant. Ilranch office i nt University Park Drujj St?,r".,'l',5W ViW.,Ii,i "A74 . 1 s$ffi' " - " - I itiLLMe. I .AIIII-I. I 1111111- I !KLW WSIrfM MVtVIB4 iiii ryo. 186 I. O. O. F. ST. JOHNS, 0RK00N Meets each Monday evening In Odd , l'cllows hall, nt 8:00. Visitors welcomed, . C. P. Gates, N. O. if n 1 r..i.....i. H. n. Holcomb, Secretary. C(rtra MafVai f VClUldl iYldrKcl I Holbrook lllock. Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of the licit Meats Obtainable. Orders 1'IIIc.l nnd I'amily Trade Solicited T. P. WARD, Proprietor, SUMMONS - ' In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gou, lor the County of Multnomah, Nettle I'alrchild, Plaintiff, vs. 1!H1 C I'alrehllil, Dcfciidcnt, To Kills O. Palrchtlil, the ojvc.iiam. eil iiefeiideut, intlie name of the state of n,..inn mil nM i.mI.u .a. ..... I ,n pear and answer the complaint filed a- gainst you in anove entitled court ami suit within six weeks from date of the first publication of this suuimons, to wit from July 17. 190vi. and ii you tall to so appear or answer or otherwise plead in said suit the plaintiff abovc.uamed will to-SJt MrtK ... ... . .. . inn tfl ii sun in wll! mr a I ei-re, llw.lu. lug the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing letweeu plaintiff and "i.inft i. , rTi, . f- ilVl .-3 i.. f .1. ...I.. -t.ii.i t .., .i IU.IUIIJ Ul ,G 1I41IIUI U JHIlllll and yourself, to wit: Kdith I'alrchild a AWcSS SS'S just and etjuitable. This summons la published nursuant L.,l,e "nlcrof the Honorable Thomas r,HSn eouit July 14, 1908, which order prescribes that this summons shall be tmblishetl in the St. Johns Review once each week for the KublicatioT of this summons made on lulv 17. 1008. ami the last nuiw I...... , f ' ..... ,1CB,,on OI w" summons win oe 011 8 . II. K. Collier .ft.., Attorney for the plaintiff. Pointers for our Patrons. Old papers for sale at this office. Our rule is the best stock ami 1...... 1 . . 1 " ""f iauou3. we uo not allow any pnuter to put out nicer work than we do and we out the best stock Into our lobs. me otncrence between poor stock: anu urst class stock on a job ts a small Item wheu you consider 111 vnlni. nt .Via !nl T. Ic id. ., .uu. . . price of a satisfied customer. It is better to make 50 cents less on a inh ntul lmw n rhclnmur ivlm will comeback, than to use the flimsy stock, make the extra 50 cenU and lose your customer. N That is the way we ngure u. fl. lfnlnA. I ntm n fl I I Sat iii ni7T.ni VvtViV;." cliaplaln. Regular scnlccs 7:30 p. m. XS MK n OP mHIAf. Sunday school at 3 p. 111.; lliblc clas,. 7 p. Jg,, So"lo?k A m.s Untonwrvice.' every Friday at 10 jSri luTuVyl' "'UvaiiKcllcal el.urcl.-Sunday school at 1? 11 1 iiilrmni! k- i'i " L' " Preaching 1 1 a. ni. 'junior K. H.H. Holcomb, Klt. b. , c ,.: Senior K. I.. C. K. 7 Near the mouth of the Columbia River, on the Wash ington Side, reached from the City of Portland on the splendid excursion. STEAMER T. J. POTTER in about six hours. It is upward of twenty miles long, very broad and level and almost as compact as a com position pavement. It is dotted its entire length with towns, cottage settlements, tent cities, villas, fine hotels and all the amusement accessories of a popular summer beach resort. It's the place to go for rest, health and a good time. Thousands go there for their summer outing. Try it. The Potter will sail every day exceptSundays During the Summer Season. Fare from Portland, round trip, - $4.00 Saturday to Alonday tickets, - 3.00 Purchase tickets and make reservations at city ticket office, Third and Washington Streets, Portland, or in quire of any O. R. & N. agent elsewhere for information WM. AlcMURRAY, Gen. Passenger Agt., Portland, Ore. t I ev-j e e43 c43 ci3 e I dw nAOCINm a olVllin I Successors to Petersen & Noce J J For latest styles in Suitings, Pants, Overcoats at very J 2 reasonable prices. Best workmanship and up-to date J n L Call get It right licrc. I. CJoC5Cv9C5oCSOCJCOC50iCSoC5s3C5Cv3C5NSC CHURCH NOTICES. ISumfaysclioolut ion. m. rrcnchliiK nt I . . 1 1 it tt .. ... ti .-i.i . mfUl nlttirrMH. A. l.toiiiinI. h.iImp. ' 2'. 4 ' 1 u' 7 v' ' 'cac,""K M-llmilUl rlinrrlilf. I.. V.mn.r. lull. tor. Sunday hdiool io n. in.; prt-nchiiiK at 11 a. in. and 8 p.m. Hpworth I.ciikuc Sc'L Catholic church Portsmouth XsVA I i,t..i. ........ M..v... .....i !... I II II 1 1 III Ml f 0 0 l "I lV t It llllll lVIIV '"S.1. . .1 . Chrlntiaii church Mccti every Sunday lu Tabernacle n follows: Sundny ncliool nt ion. m.; tircnchlng at 11 n. 111. p. m.,itu! Y. P. S. U. 1, meeting at R. J. Johnson, pastor. ami a 7 p. ni. 1 - . St. Andrew's Kpiscopal Chnpcl, LT1.1 vcrsity Park Kcv. Wm. K. Powell, p Prcucuitu tiatcs, twstor. Plrst Congregi Preaching at 8 p. 111. Chester P. Congregational Church G. W. Xclou, putor. Sundny school 10 a. m.; nrcacliliig 11 a, 111, ami 7:4s t. tu. V. l'. H. C. Ii. mccllmr at 7 it. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at T.io p. 111, A sat and welcome to all. Ilaptist Church, Uulverlty Park. Rev. A. II. Walts, nastor. Rcuular services every Sunday morning and evening. German Dantlst church Services held each Sunday at Ilaptist church as follows: Sunday school 3 p. nt., preaching at 3 p. m. Rev. l'altmeat, pastor. Germun Lutheran Services at iomx a. m. every Sunday morning at comer of Peninsula avenue and Kilitatrick street, university I'aric, All uermuiu 01 m I . n . . . .nr.lli.ll . 111.. ...... . .1 1 . am.. JWI4..P Wll.l.tl IIIIIIV1. IU U..V...I. imccmer, pastor. Christian Science Society meetings held at w. II. King's residence. Sun days anil Wednesdays al p. tn, Plant an ad. in The St. Johns Review and g g 9 WSlCH VOUI4 nllinPS 7 miii grow. BVBJJHkljJjWUJjn NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Inaura a change of ad vertisement the copy for such change should reach thla office not later than WedAeeday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pitas ramamsMtr thla and mv Ui rinter 4D wm cO eO eS3 0 oSD mm 7. fl A City of St. Johns, Oregon OI'I'ICI.KB Mayor-ll. W. Met Mccorilcr Ai M. lo.i Ttfa.i.frI. X. Tunch Altotiiry ll. It. Collier ItiiRli.rcr e. Anilrcw. I'hy.lclan-A. W. Vincent Clifc lot I'ollcc-J. II. liUck Maid I'ollcc-O. Itlhctlilsc Couucllnifti l r.nriiri A.W, DavU, C. I.. Jolniwn, H, I,. Diiblc Councllmcn I'lr.t Wsnli I'.J. Xlllrr W. W. Wlmlle Cou.icllinc.i Htttin.t W.nli II. C. Hunter II. V. Iionhim COMMITTItKA Hlrrtts nmI Docks W, W. Wlmlle, I, I, Mllltr.C I..JoIiiimii Mccnu II, W. lion h 111. II, C Hunter, W, V. WlnJIe Water ami l.lclil-C. I.. Johnun, A. W. lUW., II, W. Ilonlium l'limnce-A. V. Da.lt, II. C. Milliter. 8. I.. Dotile llullillnif ami Orouinlir-ll. C Hunter, I'. J Miller, C l JuIiiimii Health anil IDIIcr-8. I. Dotil, II, W, lionliam, W V Wlmlle I..Uor I.tceiiMl1 J Miller A, W Darlt, H. I., !oilc 0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MASWat OCSIONB Govnio.HTa aVc Aiionaandln ak.lrh and d.rr.Mlnn ui qulcklf ucartalu our m.lnl.iii fr "lielli.r all iiiraimon i.pruDau.r paieniaoia. i-uaupuuaa. Uon..irlc.lrroiiIlJmi(.l. IliNOBOOK oiil'iuta vnt tn. Olita.. arfuncr fur avcuriuf ptaiiu. I'.tauu taSan tfitUl notUt, without luruu.n aivua m 10, rwwr Scientific JlNKricaii h.nil.omelr llla.lralad waaklr. lirrMI dr. lUtlull ut an. aclantlfla touruaL Tarnia. M . cu.rva, in isa art tiMir iuaiitba.S, rJolJ tijall n.wnllar. bb) w oi traaainaiuM, a u The TVpewrter has widened its market un til it includes the whole civil ized world; has become the typewriter of over 300,000 operators and has, during ;qo6, broken every previous vecord of sales, because it .:as from the beginning best ntt every typewriter need. THEtrl-color feature of the Smith Premier Typewriter is recog nized as the greatest Im provement in modern type writer construction yet in providing; it, none of the strong fundamental fea tures, for which the Smith Premier has always been noted, have been sacrificed. Complete literature on re quest. fHE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER COMPANY BaKaatHapWaasw VsBasaasBasaasm SYRACUSE, N. Y.