ST. JOHNS khv I r IT'S NOW UP TO YOU To (ubtcrllx for Tha Rat lew. AH.tht newt white It U newt U oar motto. Call In and tnroll GET IN THE HABIT Of (vertlilnj In The Review and you'll never reirel It. tie tin at one and keep rlzht at It 4 f Devoted to (he Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOI,. 4 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14. 1908. NO. 40 THE UNITEDCOFFEE CLUB More Information Regarding This Organization Which Proposes Locating a Branch Here A PLEASANT RECEPTION DOINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Tendered Mrs. Howells, Husband at Home of Ono of tlio plooBantest social Imp ponlngo wo hnvo hml tlio ploastiro to onjoy In tlio city wnstho reception tondorod Mr. mid Mrs. Howoll nt tlio homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Clark onNorth Ivnnhoo street Inst Friday evening. Tlio Knights of Pythias cut their work short In order that thoy might attond tha reception and wo went In a body. All tlio pretty sistors who could corno wcro thcro nhond of us nnd wo had n delightful tlmo visiting after wo had paid our rospocts to tho happy young people who nro Just starting out on tha Journey of matri monial llfo. Thoro wob a very pretty foaturo of tho rccoptlon that wo must not fall to montlon, nnd that was Just after wo had arrived nt tho homo of Mr. Clark, tho hostess enmo out to where tho brldo was soatcd nnd snld that wo sistors had loarnod to cstcom her very highly nnd did not wish this op portunity to pnss without somcflt ting token being given that she In after years might look upon nnd ro m 0111 be r tho loving hearts that wlsho her tho best on earth In her now re lations, and handed her n beautiful cut glass fruit dish. Calls for n speech from all sides, nnd tho protty brldo aroso nnd said: "I never mado n speech In my llfo.but I Just must say something now, I cannot find words to express our appreciation of this lovely prcsont; It Is very klnd'occnslon, Thoro 'vns ono broach nnd Just lovely of you nnd wo shall nlwnys think of youwhon wo soo this ronilndar on our board. Wo thank you vory much." Thon thoro woro songs by tho IC, P qunrtotto nnd recitations by different Impersonators. Among them wo ro merabor Dr. Vincent who told about tho dago vondor nf statuettes getting ovon with tho old loggor who bought a bust of Oarahaldl, and to show his contempt for tho goncrnl particu larly and all dagoos In gonoral ho at onco swashed tho bust on tho pnvo niont nnd snld: "that Is what I think of Qarabnldl. Tho Dago wns mor- Buy a Ticket and Join the Procession Tho Knights or Pythias will glvo tholr annual picnic at Estncadn on Wednesday,, August 15th. It will bo remembered that thoro was a K. of P. picnic about a yoar ago at this placo whoro all say thoy . had a very Jolly tlmo In spite of tho rain that tnado tho day rather damp for comfort. This tlmo they do not figure on any rain as tho weather man Is on his good behavior. So If you want to have theflnest tlmo of your llfo, Just hunt up that grub bas Vet and fill It full, seo somo of tho boys who havo thotlckets for sale and got on the car here at St. Johns at 7:30 on the morning of tho 19th and go with tho bunch. If you do not have the tlmo of your llfo we will bo tho worst surprised man In St Johns, 'The faro foradultawill bo 75 cents and for children 35 cents, This will barely cover tho exponse of tho car and Incidentals if full car loads are secured, and that la thealm of the boys, tomakeexpensesand glvo their families and friends a nice outing. Be sure to take advantage of this op portunity to see oneof Portland's fa mous beauty spots. h Blushing Hero Mr. and Mrs. Clark who have been at the beach the past three weeks re port a fine time and Brother L. T., covered himself with glory and salt water saving the life of a fat old lad) who wan Ignorant of the danger of the strong undertow of a receding tide. Old brlney had the old lady headed off shore and the only part of her anatomy that was In sight when Brother Clark arrive on the scene was a big striped stocking with her foot init. Covering his face with blushes the hero tackle the hos iery and pulled for dear life and he landed his catch. It is as good as a Joke to hearblm scold about double dod-rotted idiots going In swimming In the big pond before they learn bow. Nee Hendricks, and Her Mr. and Mrs. Clark tally offended, but tho logger was tooblg n man for him to attempt to punish nnd tho only thing that was left to do was to show his con tompt for the big Irishman's honored men, ho gathered up his wares and as ho dashed each stntuelto to tho pavomont ho exclaimed In his wrath; "You smasha da Oarahaldl, I smnsha da Georgo Wash, I smasha da Abo Link I smasha da I'opo da Home, smasha da wholo darn biz." Ho then wnlkcd off with his head In tho air a vindicated man. Mrs. Georgo Mall, who Is n whole show by hor loncsomo told tho story of Undo Skinflint's generosity, Ills nlcco had got married and It was up to him to do tho hnndsomo as ho was very wealthy and his nlcco was In rather strnlghtonod clrcum cos, no first inougiit to give nor a $1000 plnno, then ho had n second thought nnd declared that the sec oiid thoughts wcro nlwnys the best, nnd ho kept having second thoughts until his present was reduced to just soven cents. Tho thrifty old gontlo man had saved $900.03 In Just n few minutes. Ilo wns generous, though, nnd throw In n nutmog with tho sov en-cont nutmeg grntcr. Then Just hh wo woro recovering from tho story of Undo Skinflint tho hostess hustled us out under the big cherry trees to tables whoro there was some of tho most delicious Ico cronm wo hnvo oaten In mnnyn day nnd wo Just bellovo It wns bettor ho causo our slstorn provided It for tho of equity, howover, and that was whon wo got Into our host's chorry troo. Our vnlllant chief of pollco wat thoro.too, hut ho looked tho other way. Wo might nil hnvo disturbing conscloncos If It woro not that tha Jolly host himself assisted In tho depredations. Wo enjoyed n most delightful ovon lug until near midnight whon with a hoartfolt wish for tho futuro happl noss of tho young coupln nnd good wishes to our gonial host nnd his fall holpmoot, wo all wont homo happy In tho thought of having enjoyed tho fruits of true, genuine friendship. St. Johns Should Do More Advertising Our father back In old Iowa had oc caslou to send us a lot of maplo su gar recently and upon going to the depot to ship it tho agont told him ho had no knowledge of such a placo as St. Johns. That thoro was no such a placo on thoinnp. When we woro back homo last fall, being an ol railroader, wo could not roslat tho temptation to call on tho agent, anlco looking young man andtell him that about tho tlmo ho was wearing dress es wo learned tho lightning Jorkors' trade and that our first work was at his station. Learning that wo had boon living at IIoodRlvor, said: 'So you aro from Hood Rlvor, That Is a great country. Wo havo advertising matter from there all the time, It is tho biggest advertlsor on toll lino," The reason that St, Johns Is not known In tho East like Hood River Is becauso she 'does not advertise what she has for tho homeseeker ant the manufacturer, Hood River has apples but when it comes to a place for factories and for lovely homes in a cllmato that is faultless, wo have her skinned mile. Go Hand in Hand. A disease similar to leproBj bas been found among tho rats of San Francisco, and tho exports are try ing to learn If the rodents can com municate the disease to human being 80 long na rats an Cblnka are bar bored In the same den, the people of the big financed metropolis of tremblors may expect any freak of nature. The best thing thoy can do Is to put the rats and the Chinks In the same sack and sink them in the bay. D. W. Bath of the HUlsboro Inde pendent with Irving 8. Bath of the Bandon Recorder have purchased the Western Oregon at Cottage Orovo Two Baths a week should give Cot tage Grove a fine, clean paper and here Is hoping that It will, An Interesting Session Tuesday Evening in Which a Large Budget of Municipal Business Was Disposed of Tho patriarchs of tho city met in their council chamber Monday ovji Ing as usual all being present except Alderman Doblo, who is nbscnt nt Undo Sam's annual picnic with his boys nt AmorlcnnLnko, After tho usunl preliminary sklr mtsh n petition wns readnsklng tho Improvement of Hayes street fr,om tho south lino ofCntlln to tho south lino of tho Woyorhnucssor trnc On motion of Bonhnm petition wan rend and referred to tho city nttorne) Ml voting In tho nfflrmatlvo. Petition to amend tho bicycle ov.1l nnnco wns rend nnd laid over until ordinances woro reached when It wns brought up. Proposal of tho water company In writing to lay tho six Inch plpo on South Jersey .nnd placo six hy drants was road and n petition from tho property owners along Bradford street that n hydrant bo placed nt tho Intersection of Pittssburg nnd Bradford streets coming In at this tlmo tha former matter wns conoid erod nt tho nnmo tlmo. It was tlo elded on motion of Davis that be- causo of tho restricting clnuso In tho charter tho council could not con tract for flvo yoars, nnd tho proposal wns icturnod with nqueat that tho flvo yonr clnuso bo stricken out. and that tho location of tho hydrant nt I-'lltmoro slrcot bo made to read Intersection of Pittsburg nnd Crnwfort Instead. All voting In tho nfflrma tlvo Tho report of tho St. Johns Kerry for July showed their receipts for that month to havo boon $128.10 and a chock for tho amount duo tho city on their franchise wus recolvod with roport $0.08. On motion tlio'ulatlon that would make It snfo for Bryan Officially Noti- fied of Nomination Thnt tho peoplo of Nebraska take tho nomination of tho Peerless ono as a cnndldato for tlu offlco of pros Idont of tho U, 8., seriously wns ovl doncod by tho Immonso nudlonco thnt nttondod tho official notification of tho groat Commoner nt Lincoln, Nob, Wednesday that ho was tho cholco of tho domocrntlo party for that po- Itlon, Tho despatches say that thoro wns novor boforo much crowds gathered on any occasion In tho history of tho city as gathered there on Hint day to seo tholr clthon given tho greatest honor within tho power of tho groat party to bastow. That tho pooplo of Nobraska aro In oarnost In tholr alleglanco to Mr, Bryan was demonstrated In tho cheers from tho thousands of throats which swelled to a deafening roar as tho formal notlco was given by Hoary D. Clay ton of Alabama. Thero Is a wondorful dlfforeneo this ear In tho reception of Mr. Bryan by the peoplo of his own state from from that of the two other occasions whon hecamo boforo thorn for tho same honors. At those times It was barely possible to get out a corpor al's guard to do him honor in a half hearted manner. This difference is significant, and moans that tho re publican party has ;i much harder battlo before It than evor before when Mr Bryan was up for tho of flco of preside nt. Mr. Bryan declared that his prin ciples bad gained for him whatever of prominence In tho political world ha may bo possessed of at this time and that the action of tho conven tion that bad again placed him at the head of the Jemocratlo tlcL-et but confirmed him In thoso princi ples and made hfra adhere themnra firmly to them. We would be glad to glvo his ad dress of acceptance If wo bad I he space, but not having rooom for It in full, it might not be amiss to glvo some of the salient points contalnod therein. Ho avows fidelity to all the dec larations of tho democratic platform. He accepts Mr, Taft's cballengo and puts all the responsibility for tho abuses In federal government upon the republican party. He makes his his war cry for tho campalgn:"ShaIl the people rule?" declaring that to be the paramount issue of tho pres ent campaign, condemns the repub lican party for Its bondage to tho report was nccoptod nnd placed on filo nil voting yes, Tho following bills wcro allowed nnd wnrrnnts ordered drawn to pay tho snmo: St. Johns Lbr Co lumber.. .. $12.55 St. Johns Hdwr Co hdwr 8.75 Hondr'lcks Hdwr Co hdvr XU0 D. J. Horsmnn, Janitor 18.22 Eric Anderson, witness fees..., 1.00 R. E. Collins lnbor 7.00 Wm. Cnplcs lnbor 7.12 St. Johns W Co hydrants.... 5!).10 K.T.Trumbull, tonm work..., 2,75 J. M.'Wnlkor, 10 lira work on walks 2.G0 C. Brunson, lo hrn work city.... dock 10.00 AI Olln, city dock 1.1.00 MoHsmnn blnclcHinlthlng.. .17.70 Totnl $21J. 19 On motion of Davis tho wntr and light commlttuu wcro Instructed to sco tho wntcr company nnd mnlio somo nrrnugomonta about tho city hall and fountain, nil voting yes, Standard street ordlinince passed tho council with nn iinnulmnus vote oil motion of Wlndle. Resolution to Improvo Hnyes street from tho south lino of Cntlluto tho south lino of tho Woyerhnueser tract with a standard board walk on both sides of tho street resolution to Improvo Pittsburg street with crusho rock nnd walks, nnd Crawford and Snlom with crushed rock; also to put crushed rock on Kant Burlington nnd Tacomn ntroots wero hold up for somo necessary changes nnd will bo reported to tho council nttho next meeting Hero tho Bonhnm-Kssoii blko ordl nnnco clnlmod tho attention nf tho ' lawmakers. The need of notno reg- tyrrnny of tho trusts, railway nnd I other corporations nnd tho rouul-ll- cans for obstructing null- trust! 1 SSco Is,: scores Tuft's letter of 11c public confession of tho 'weakness of tho republican party and Its Innblllty to control thu stock Jobbing nnd stock-wantcrlug of Mo rallroadB. Ilo applauds tho domocrat lo party for Its bold stand on pub-! llclty nnd praises democratic loid-, ors for tholr unmistakable Intorprotn-1 Hon of tho monnlng of tho publldty , plank. Ho plodges hlmsiif if oloctod lo convono congress In oxtrnorllnury session Immodlntoly to sk, nmoni; othor things, for tho Immodlnto flllment of tho domocrtnlc pledge n direct election of senators. Peoplo cannot rulo unless thoy con trol tho house of roporiontatlvos.aiid tho republican party Is committed to gag rulo, whllo tho Jemocratlo party Is pledgod to reform In rules, Tho democratic narty has risked and sufforod defoat to bring about tho remarkable nwultonlug of public consclonco which Tftft refers to In his lottor of acceptanco Tho dem ocratic party bas takeu a stand on tho sldo of equal rights and Invites tho opposition of thoso who uso poll, tics to socure spochl privileges nnd governmental favoritism. The democratic party seeks not revolution, but reformation ; cures art mildest when applied at onco, nnd ity as their application ispostponcd. Such are somo of tho declaratloiib of tho fcstlvo William, All mo 11 know how to put tho value upon thu declarations. The fact remains ohut tho republicans will not havo the walk away thoy had at tho Inst oloc tlon. Mr, Taft Is not tho canlldnto that Roosovolt was, and Bryan has a hold upon tho pooplo ns ho paver lias had before, Itwill bo well then for tho republicans to foster harmony In all sections of tho country among their voters, for If they donot, thoy will not only havo totako a democrat senator from Oregon, but tho nntlon , will havo tho nleasure. doubtful as, It may bo, of honoring a democratic president In tho person of W. J, Bry an, tho Commoner, The sale of special one-way tickets from all points in tho United States to nil points In Oregon begins ternher 1 and contiuues until octouer 31, tnd St, Johns snould got busy In order to get her sharo of the em igrants that arccomlng. Wo need at least 2000 more people in 8t. Johns , the coming year. It remains to seo j wtietner wo ten tne worm wnat wo have hero and secure tho peoplo who are looking for our attractions. Old papers for sale at this office, . pedestrians and nt tho snmo tlmo jglvo tho blko pushers n chnnco for n solid rondlu tha winter tlmo wns so nppnrcnt Hint tho bill passed with out n strugglo nnd bocomcs n snurco of revenue to tho city. A llttlo merriment wna brought out by somo of tho fncetlous membert Jollying tho members from tho North end making such timely provisions 1 for tholr comfort In thu dark days of winter. All conceded It n good provision Just tho same. On motion of Hunter It wnB ordorod that tho recorder havo tho necessary blnnks provided for tho operation of tho bllco ordlnnnco, 1 Thu application of Manager Brink of tho skating rink for thu nppolnt mout of Georgo Kthcrldgo 11 h special pollco nt tho rink wns favorably con sldured by tho council, Mr. Brink to remunerate him forhls services. Tho matter of preparing 1111 ordl nnnco regulating tho posting of hills In tho city wns referred to thu II coimo committee. Just right here, lest wo forrtot It, wu wish to cnll tho attention of tho wise men In tho city hull to tho fact that If ono of our luminous men should go to Portland to post bills, ho would bo obliged to pay Into tha coffers of tho big city $10 for thu privilege, wlillo any old thing can coino over hero nnd pasta tho bills nil over town frea of chnrno. It Is not fnlr to our merchants to allow thu cheapskates to como hero and work tho town for suckers by posting tholr misleading bills, such as 90 porcont of them nro nnd tha city get no rovonuo out of It, Make tho posting foes good nnd strong nnd lot I bono who must dance pay tho fid dler. 5f JOIinS DllSlnCSS C.nnA 5ai;c Tolorfrnm uuuu, jujj 1v.15.u111 Under tho nbovo caption tho Tolo- Krnm correspondent makes n very plonslng nnd fnlr statement of tho business situation In HI. Johns, Ho snys: Reports of tho Incronred business dono by tho morchnnts nnd nnd tho phonomliinl Increase In tho amount of inoiioy spent In now buildings hnvo struck tho calamity howlern dumb. In July this yonr tho building penults nggregalo $8700 ns against $1000 for tho samo tlmo iri year, whllo lu tho seven months from January 1 to August 1, $01,000 has boon oxpomlcdfor this purpose, as ugulnst $07,000 for tho samo tlmo of last year. This explains why thoro nro empty housos In town, as many who have heretofore lived lu rented houses havo built themselves homos nnd aro saving tho rent money Thlrty-throo thousand dollars, or 30 por cont Incronso In building permits In seven mouths for a town of 4000 peoplo Is considered u good rocord In a so-called hard times yoar. St. Johns horself Is In goood finan cial circumstances nnd will end tho year with monoy in tho bank. Tuxes next year will bo vory llttlo If any higher than they woro this, as tho Increased valuation will afford tho Increased rovenuoto bo raised by tax ation becauso of tho saloon II conso money, Tho morchnnts roport Inrroaycd salesand collections easy, while Idle men who roully waut work nro vory scarce and do not have to remain Idlo long unlosa from cholco, Struots aro being graded nil over tho city and will bo covered with crushed rock from tho city's rock crusher Just In stalled. This llttlo squib is particularly ploaslng becauso wo aro usually glvei t' worst of It by tho dalllos In tho big city. Tho fucta havo horo boon fairly put and wo consequently feel a sort of a warm spot growing In our heart for thoTelogram. We hopo tho big paper may continue tho good work and not spoil tho fine boglnnlnf Jn tne noxt g8Ue tolling what a set ' ot raBcals wo aro out here. Wo aro Sep-Luro at wo aio not as bad as we 00 to Borno people Mr. Wm. Henderson of Oreon Bay Wis.. Is in tho city looking uu thu progp0ct8 of 0cntliiK hero. Wo trust uo mny rllll, Bomothlng thnt will suit j,lm, for If ho will but stay In St. Johns a year, wo do not think you could drlvo lilm out. Briuu lu your printiug uow. As Indicated In our mention o, tho coffoo club InBt week, wo wont to Portland to bco If wu could loam anything In regard to tho working of tho club, tho nature of tho now proposition nnd If tho schomo would bo n good ono for St.Johns, Wo showed tho manager our but Insky enrd nnd wna vory pleasant ly received. Ho wna vory patlont under our cross questioning and gnvo us all tho Information wo desired, Wo found n ncnt room fitted up with tho vory host of furniture kept in tho cleanest nnd finest condition nnd neat tnbles spread with spot less linen, whoro patrons wcro being served on tha fat of tho land all pre pared In tho most approved fashion. Tho prices chnrgod wero vory reason nblo and thoro wns absolutely no con fusion. This coffco house Iden Is nothing now nnd It In not claimed by tho pro moters that It lu original with them. Mora than 200 yenrs ngo there wns Instituted lu England Just such enter prises ns thoso coffeu houses, except- that thoro wns served beer Instead of coffeo In these Kngllsh resorts, Thcro nru In California IS slmllnr cof feo houses that aro proving n grunt success, not only In 11 financial, but In u soclnl way. Tho people of Ht. Johns hnvo voted tho saloons out and hnvo thus deprived u largo number ol inon nnd boys of tholr usunl placo of nmusomuut. Thoy havo n right to nnk that thoy havo something In exchange. Of course thoro nro tho churches and Sunday schools, but they do not hold ovory dny nnd n ....... II. I ,1. ...... t. ...... goodly number of theso boys nnd mei would not purhnps cure to spend nil) of tholr tlmo In thoso places of wor ship. Therefore a placo should bo provided for these rltlxons, mid It Is especially up to tho tompornuco ele ment to make this provision. This roffuo houso is tho bust thing thnt hns presented Itself where tho chnng) Is being Hindu from n whiskey neigh borhood to n temperance community, Thu reason for this Is thnt a number City Fathers Might Get a Tip From This Ballast brought horo by vessels from foreign ports tho forthcoming fall nnd winter will bu discharged without uxpunsu to tho vessel ut Llnuton, tho Columbia Kuglnocrliig company ugreod to take euro of tho material. Tho compnuy hns secured 11 uow location nt Llnuton for Its largo steel works now located at 10th nnd John sou street and will movo thu entire plant as soon as tho ground can ho got in to shape, Included Inthli pro ject Is tho filling luof 002 foot of wnturfroutngo where piling In uow ho Ing driven for a wharf, To maku tho wharf permanent, howover, dirt will bo filled In ns as quickly nu possible. Somo will bo drudged from tho river In addition to that brought hero us as ballust. Last yoar tho ballast wna taken care of by tho Pacific Bridge compiin, and thousands of tons of sand and gravel from fur foreign shores woro used lu making tho L'ast Sldo fills Tho matorlnl was dumped 011 scows and towed from tho vossels anchored In tho stream to tho compunys' largo bunkers nt thu foot of Kast Salmon streot. Whllo thousands of tons of ballast was brought hero last year it Is ex pected that a much greater quantity will bo brought hero this year be causo everything points to Portland bolng vJsltod by a much larger fleet year than evor before, Possibly the fleet will consist of ISO big wind jammers, many of thorn bringing from 1000 to 1200 tons or ballast. Last year a largo percentage of tho Incoming vossels brought gonoral cur go from that tho quantity of ballastwas not us lurgo uu lu some soasons of tho past. Up to a year ago It cost vessols 30 cents a ton to get rid of tho ballast, but under existing arrangements this expeuso lu eliminated. And the ma terial Is worth tho cost of handling it.bocuuso as a rulo It makes good fills, Whon our now dock is complotod wo will need an Immonso amount of 'flllln " botween the dock and tho railroad and It would bo a good plan to muko somo such nrrangomout to get materials for this fill. Thcro aro muny other things that tlilu ballast could very well be utilized for be sides tho street work. It is a mat ter that dosorvos a caroful looking Into at least. of hnrmlctfc games nro permitted to bo played nnd theso games nro nlt froo.thoro nro n goodly number of ningnzlucs nnd papers kept for tho ut of tho pultons nnd tha club room la kept open nil day and until Into bed tlmo nnd It Is frco to nny ono who may wish to como and spend nu hour with n frlond or to rond tho Intist pa purs. It l n cloan place of resort, for thero nro noclgnts.tobncco or In toxicating drinks pormltted to bo kept or sold lu tho plnco. A competent mniiagor In placed In charge af tho placo. Thin manager may bo selected from tmoiig our cit izens hero, or ho may bo furnished from tho head offlco InPortlnud. If ho Is selected from nmong our own peoplo hero ho must hnvo consilium blu ability nnd bu most trustworthy person. Theso nro mutters of de tail thnt may bu nrrnuged after tho stock Is sold nnd tho establishment of tho club Is assured. Thnt thu club will bo n success Is sure, from tho fact thnt In Portland, where club No, 1 has been estab lished but for three weeks, nnrt In Isolated part of tho city so far ns tho transient trndo Is concerned, tho club In now earning about $l,rio pur day nut profits, Tho groat advantage of going lu with tho milted club asso ciation In wu will hnvo tho Instruc tion of the exports belonging to and managing tho hendclub. Another ml vnutngu Is If nt first this dub does not pay, theduba till pool their earn tugs nnd this club will rucluvo its sliaroof tho profits of tho othor dubs and thus bo carried along until It la on n paying basis, Wo feel confident (. II. . .......... . Mini 11 win pay iroiuiuu siuri,iiucuuso of thu many attractive feat num. It Is Just what wu have fell 11 grout need of lu tho city nnd wo trust thnt our pooplo will tnko hold of tho matter with their characteristic uimrgy and hnvo tho club lu operation nt nu enrly dnto. Tliero will bo n represen tative of tho association lu tint city thli week and wo hope i.tir onterprls 'ng and prngrcsilwi cltlxoiu will glvo him Ho glad hand. Fire Boys Will Not Draw the Color Line A groat gaiuu of ball will bo played on thu Jersey street grounds. August It, Thu contest will bo Im twoon tha Kt. Johns flro dupartmoiit and tho Golden Wovt colored IndM. Tho flro department has usoinbltdu good team for tho fray, will do tho twirling nnd llrudloy will do the receiving net behind the Imt. Thu colored ones proinlso to bring 11 dub that will wlpu up tho Mirlh with nny team tho poor white trash umi put up, Por pitcher, n lU-ywir-uld wonder has boon iinotmliud and u Clioumwu Indian will cover id liatm for tho chocolate boys. Thu Gohldii WoBt team has somuhuavy sluiwurH with thorn nnd It Is poslhlo that tlw hulghth of thu fuucu will huvo to I extended to keop tho ball lu tho clo ver patch. Tho gumo la called for U o'clock, and If you are a lover of good baso bull don't fall to bo on hand nt this hour Have Incorporated. J, 13, Kllkonny, Georgo L, lippu and J, P. Hondrlcks.nll of St. John, huvo Incorporated under the nm of tho Columbia Hlecttlcu engineer ing company, Tholr prlnelpul ufflge will bo lu Portland nnd their capital stock $5000, Tholr buslnutw will bu to carry on a general olnutrlonl ongluoorlng work, construction, otm trading, buying nnd selling of elo trlo supplies ut wholesale ami retail to locate nnd deal In power IUmi uud sell oral estate and peiboual property. Now Called Ma. Llttlo Mary started to school.slato and poncll lu hand, By and by sho stoppod tho uso oftho slato and the tablet was substituted. Sho dropped tho "r" and May was her name. High school days increased hor kuowlgdgo and also hor name It appeared as Maymo. Collogo days crowded full and tho notes reached Porno signed, Mae. College days soon pussod and In a llttlo homo of hor own tho llt tlo housohold cures call hor Mn Watch tho labol ou your paper,