IT -ilk.. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF ST. JOHNS, OREGON 1'3 ... ft 1 ? ' WlJ ' GEO. W. SIMMONS 114 Jersey Street Confectionery, Ice Cream, Milk Shakes and Tobacco, ice uwm - - I I,..'. ' Eat American Beauty Ice Cream I5 , n,v OHP JW . ru. juiiiii"'""---- vJHrVXnl Wf, Ills !.. ST. JOHNS CREAMERY gk Phone jersey mi -TTTZlZ a V" iTri '-r Qr0CQItsV'",SW,,SS Dry Goods 6- . VI" lcc Ml IRPHY Genera. Maoists ou-- M,...nd Cnmp Work. B P m ;mi'r-r"r v.....;..y...V'''iM'iMVi''i;MiMyili a. n 4rx Whu - u trirn o ... Ctc" 7 you can . Vt .. ft.,., " - wiiJJ. w. ' Alain sm-iM . I r I,: 7 I H- F. CLARK oj Jersey Street . SecoM Kan. Iwalte life '"uiiiotoir The New Re.ble thi the D . "d p-to.datc. ' 1 sa,c ns in PortInd ... .MKjr, HONEST GRADES Deliveries Made as Wanted ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. lvstimnU'S I''iirni.slic(l. Kiln dried Lumber properly and tliorotmlily kiln dried. All si(.s of diineiislon. KlooiiiiK, Ceiling, Rustic, Kiiiish, Mouldings, l.ath, Shingles (ireeu Wood Dry Wood Kiln Dried Kindling I'lionc KlihuiDiid 131, Mill mid Yard Foot of IliirluiKton .Street. far ft' WW 4 Don't Go to Portland to BuyYour Meat We carry a full line of fresh ieat, nso ult ami imok til meats. A rctIttctit of St. John wc twlicve In pat ronliliij; home Industry ami want you to get the habit. Why yft to Portlnml when you enn jjet your meat rlj;ht nt home nt Portlnml prices? Come ami give lit n trial, Wc will urely treat you rlfjht. BITG00D & COLE 205 South Jersey Horse11"- - mm mm A . . rrt 7 r. 'A i3-0 aJS5f PtofJ r"' fy CO mamamsfo JTSTW'iHW if ft i At 9 Ah' v. -S ..11