St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 24, 1908, Image 4

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Mrs. l'lidfor nml children Imvo re
turnutl from Hood lllvor, where tlicy
spont ubout a month nicking Btrnw
burrloB nnd eliorrloB.
Two hrolhors of Mrs. O. Strntm
han, ono from Colormlo, nnd ono
from Modforil, Oio., hnvo boon Jioro
visiting her.
Mr. Stnnloy Arnold had tho inlfl
fortnno to got ono of his teeth
knocked out utiil his Jnw badly
brnlKfd, whllo nt work with n how ut
tho Aclitno lumber mill.
Mr.nnd Mrs. llnrvoy V. Hand nml
dfiughtur hnvo returned from Hood
Itlver whom thoy njiont tho Fourth
wlih frlands nnd ri'lnllvua.
MrH. Harriet lleuaoniiit Mrs. JMIth
llrlggB of Sterling, Illsnro vlaltlng
relatives In California. Mrs. l'lionos
of St. JolniB Is a Hlster-ln-law ot.Mra
Harriot IIohho.
A young Ufa wiih orutihed out nt
l'orlHmoiith htntlon Sundny nflornoon
whon l'rlnco DoUon, tho Hinntt dog
buloimliiK to Mio Doluoii fnmlly, wns
run our by the street cnr.
Minn Siuda (Jolomore had tho hiIh
fortune to burn her arm Hoveroly
last week, while Hcnlillng Bomo gltiHB
Alarxa I'otirth of July celebration
wm onjoywl by our people In the
Columbln 1'nrk. Aflor a picnic din
nor, which overyono enjoyed, an In
loreHtlnu nrounim wnH given. Tho
program coimlstml of: 'Indepond
once," byh. JJovIno of Vancouver,
Wash.! declamation. 'Ting of tho
l'ren," by three nlrln; Htory by Mr,
Halm of Halemidoclnniatlon, "'Where
ItollH thu Oregon," by two Indies;
"I'oiim of Washington," by Mr. Van
H.Moii; tlurlamiitloii, "J.lhorty Hell,"
by Mrs. Ilelclilu; Kiiiiiiy Htory of tho
Tourth, by Mr. llnlMo; declamntloii,
'To annul I To nmiHl" by Mrs
Thlormnii: ring drill by ten glriit
whluh waH followed by tho rnces.
Tho flrMt was tho potato race fol
lowed by tho hurdle, ham and
hoiiuilN.plu raeo.cup race, ahoo race,
Uireo-lugged race, html wnlkliiK race,
nil of which created a i;reut deal of
Kvoryono reported a flnu time.
Mn DoImiii and family, with Mrs
Dulaimy and boyH, Mpenl WeduoKday
at the Lihautnuipin.
Iluv. dray upoko laHt Hunday eve
nini; at tho UoiiKroKntliiiial church on
"City MlMdoiiH."
Mm. Colamoru, will alien repetlulou
of her IhhI wouk'ri rocllal at tho Moth
Tho Odd reUown' Imlgo No. 128,
with Iho Kebeliah loduu No. 72 had
Joint IiinImIIiiIIiiii In Ihelr hall Tihh,
day moiling, nfler which Ico cream
nnd caku wiih hoi veil
TIiomo very Intoimilliig news noUm
were received loo liilo for IiihI Ihhiio
but tlioy aro nooil for IIiIh. 1M.
Thu odd I'uIIowh of UulvorHlty
l'irli will lo Ihelr annual pleutc In
Colun Ida park tomorrow afternoon
Kvoryouii Ih luvltuil (o como ami to
In ln,t tlielr own luiiidi, Ico ireniii
will l.o nerved
Tho Wnlvainity Park ('nngrowitlon
il Sunday mihool will glvn u plciili
r.l Columbia I'nrk July SK.froin It p
in. 1-1 V p. m. Itvery mm In lo brliiK
tlx Ir own lunch, Tho Hunday schno
will lurnUli leu ('loam and coffeo free
and thoy (wpeolally hope to havo Iho
nufiMiU of Iho children with them
en In In oucnuIoii.
The Iwdlw of (he IhipllHt ehiirch
lirul a mlwliiiimy meeting Monday
uwuilut,. They had a fine prom am
ufK i which lunch whn twrvud India
Mylu .
Tho lluyal Nolihliorti and Wood nun
IwlKMt of Uiilturwty I'Nik (to an
mtimliiliimoiit after which Ico cream
was MirttHl.
Tin ICpworth 1'MUf of tht MhIIioiI
Ih eliuieh mhvu an mitertMlumonl nt
tb MittbtMtlM cliiurli. An old wit
ilir spoku tin lib tixperltmeo an a
tiddler. TlmyiKirvtHl Ico croaiii on
the pNraonaiht hioiiiuIb north of the
MIm (3111. a grndiiiitu doaconemi
HlHlI.e HUd mum Ml the Mtftliodlnt
chin (li hint Sunday availing.
Oroon lVru.
the 0. A. ft. and W. Ft. C. at
Newport, Oregon.
IWItor ltvlowi I will make a full
report from the lliuo wo left Port
Ud mmI 1 hone you will not think
It Is too Iodic. Leaving tho Hoso City
at th usual hour, wo arrived at
CorvtillU at 11: SO. Changing ears
liar fur YmiiuIum, aftvr a wall of two
hour wo left tho College Oily at
H30 p. m. Aa wo were leaving
Portland there was porno excitement
lUttonK thoo most directly Interested
dim. Ketup puieliaued a ticket, but or.
lmuliuf thu KMte she was not able
to flud It. mid Uii'oukIi tho asslstauco
of an old eomradu she procured au
othur, hut before roauhliiK t'orvallls
slio found It put away so carefully
In hor waist.
At Corvallls wo were entertained
In a most hospitable maiiuer at the
homo of Mrs. Kemp's brotlior-lu-liiw,
which wo both appreciated vorymuch.
Tho train was Ioiik ami heavily
loadod and took two canities to take
It to tho summit. ThoMcMlnuvUto
drum corps enlivened the trip with
martial music, going from ono car tc
another ibroiifihout tho train. At
Philomath girls dressed In white dis
tributed flowers to all tho passengers
from near tho summit the track fol
lows a little stream or creek that
winds In and out nearly all tho way
to tho bay. At Vauulna wo look pas
sago on a boat and scow for Newport
and wcro an hour making the trip,
as It was slow work towing the scow
rrlvlnir nt Newport,' words of wel
come rooted us on every hand, tho
mulling faces of comrades Downs and
Miller of our own post being tho first
to greet us. Wo wore escorted by
each othor to tho Abbey hotel and
nsslgnod a room overlooking tho bay
and wo removed tho dust of travel
from our clasile foaturces, refreshed
the Inner woman with a flno supper,
put on our togs and went to tno
reception, which was hold In tho op
ora hoiiso from 8 to 10 o'clock. A
short program of music nnd songs
followed by a march to tho stage,
to Bhako hands with tho high officers
was followed oy a frco lunchof cakes
und lomonado, Then wo were rondy
for our room nnd bod. Owing to tho
strangeness of the place and strnngo
companion, sleep did not como to tho
Just or the unjust as It might un-
dor different conditions.
Wednesday. 24th, a. ra. A long
walk at 0 o'clock gnvo us n flue np
notlto for breakfast. At 10 o'clock
tho first session of tho convention
was held, wi.on all delegates pro
sonted tlielr crodontlnls and were as
sii'.iiuil their tents. Tho business of
tho '.oi.blou wub Interrupted by tho
drtiin (.orps nnd delegates of tho 0.
A. It. Berenadliig Iho W. II. C. .which
wiiu r.toatly appreciated. Tho after
noon session was called to order at
1:30. when reports wero rend from
tho different corps. Mrs.
pnrtmeut chaplain then held a very
Impressive memorial service a short
time. IIur report was declared to bo
tho best over mil In n convention
as to her work. Tho roportB show
tho corps giving a dinner of some
sort to the comrades on each pen
sion day, which was commented on
mi a flnu thing to do.
A delegation of O. A. Us. camo and
a recess was declared, while colors
wero waved and cheers given to a fi
nish nfler which an adjournment wns
taken to tho Casino, whoro nt i
o'clock, a beautiful flag was present
ed to the U. A. Its, nml a sum of
money amounting to107 from the W.
It. Cs. Tho presentation speech was
made by Cora M. Davis department
president. Thursday morning unfln
Ishud business from thu Inst session
was taken up and finished, Homo at
tended tho surf drill; but thoso who
had business to look after did not nt-
tend. Tho evening session wns post
poned until 2:30 to attend In a body
a parade lo thu school building nnd
whoro a flag carried by six girls was
presented, Department President Con
M. Davis making thu presentation
speech. Tho whole affair pnssud off
In u most agreeable iiinuiier and
many nice things were said, A big
shower of little flags camo floating
down us Iho fliig unfurled, causing
thu visitors to scramble to gut ono
and as I was ono of tho fortunate
ones 1 feel very proud of my llttlo
ring. Tho election of officers wns on
for tho rest of thu afternoon, ami a
busy time It was, Mrs. Illgglus be
lug - elected cilpnrtuicnt president.
Should I attempt to iiinko a report or
tho whole proceedings It would bo
tiM long.
Thu oveulni; was devoted to a reg
ular corps m-Jotlng work dune by tho
Abo Lincoln corps and It was nearly
perfect, eliciting many comments from
loth new unit old department pros!
dents and others for tho good work.
On leaving tho hall a rain was com
lug down lo beat nil Oregon, as It
came from Iho sea whero they have
plenty of waMr and novor Imvo to
give us a dry rain. Wo wore nil glad
to turn In
IViday iiioriiliik, nil unfinished bus
luesa being ovur a Joint Installation
was the order of tho day. TJio badg
es wero presented to tho post com
ma mln r and department chaplain
with a delegation of th Indies of
tho (1. A. Its. who were assigned tho
placo of honor as visiting association.
Then dinner. A delegation of two
was sent to the (I. A. It. Mrs. Kemp
and your humble dulegnto to get
their endorsement of Corn M, Davis
for national president to tho Na
tional convention. This they unan
imously endorsed.
At I p. m. a reception wns tendered
Iho W. It. C. by tho ladles ot tho 0.
A. It. after which tho last business
of Iho convention wns finished nml
hungry and tired wo returned to our
hotel At S p. in. a grand camp
flro was held at tho Casino, whero
speeches, songs, and imislo. of nil
kinds was given, making It ono of
tho best oiiturtalnmeiits I over nt-
tended, If not the best. Thoso who
did not go do rot know what thoy
missed. An early rising taps was
given us on Saturday morning and
at 0 o'clok wo wero on tho boat
headed for homo Tho trip back
was unoventful and wo wero as glad
to see St. JolniB as over wo were,
Resolutions were passed endorsing
Cora M. Davis, past department pres
ident na a candidate for national pros
Ideiit at tho coming convention at
Toledo, Ohio. Thoso resolutions were
most heartily endorsed by tho on
rampment of tho (1. A. It..
ltcspectfulty submitted,
Mrs. Adelo J, Hanson
There Is a peculiar condition of
things ou tho railroads as a result
of tho lato election. As one ot
our old tlmo railroad friends says:
'It Is a loud tlmo boetweeu drinks."
After you leave Portland tho only
place you can tickle your palate with
a schooner of Uudwolsor before you
.vnch linker City, Is at Tho Dalles!
You will have to travel over tho long
stretch through Sherman, Gilliam,
Morrow, Umntllls and Union coun
ties without being ablo to arrange
with tho conductor to hold tho train
while you step tuto a booze Joint and
wot your whlstlo. It Is something
For 233 miles In ono strotch, from
Deschutes to North Powder, tho O.
It. & N. traverses dry territory.
In Hint 233 miles of tcrrltory49 Ba-
loonB In railroad towns havo been
voted out of oxlstcnco, ns follows:
Arlington, 3; Umatllln, 3; Hermla
ton, 1; Echo, 4; Pondloton, 25; La
Grnndo, 11; Hllgnrd, 1; North Pow
der, 1.
Aa n result of tho prohl voto but
llttlo liquor will bo handled on tho
dining cars herenfter and It Is pos
slblo tho company may abolish tho
prnctlco of carrying liquor . on tho
cars altogether. This will bo tho
blotf Hint will kill father llacchus.
B. T. Foils nnd M. I). Jordan, two
of our good old Hood lllvor frlonds
woro In tho city Monday nnd did not
do n thine to us. lloth ot theso
lads hnvo dono well nt Hood River,
hnvo mndo lots of monoy, and ns a
consequence, feel good townrds ovory
body It wns n gront ploaBiiro to moot
tho boys. It br night up fresh In our
mind tho tlmo when UrothcrFolts and
tho writer wont through thu enmp of
tho Odd follows together, nnd tho
boys gnvo us nllthat wo hnd paid for
It was n Jolly occasion and ono that
neither of us will Boon forgot. Wo
hnd 1Mb ot tuch times, but thoro
wero none quite tho samo as this
Tho topic of tho most Intorost to
the average Hood Itlvorlto Just now
Is thocomlng blowout, Hood lllvor
Is thu uaslust placo to ralso money
for any public ontcrprlso wc hnvo
over Been. Tho wny thoy generally
do Is for some ono to stnrt out with
n paper, nnd before ho gets around
If tho proposition has merit, ho will
havo all tho monoy that ho wanted
Just now thoy want n lot of money for
ndvurtlslng purposes, nnd thoy nro
gutting lo like a fair drgrco of fun
so this tlmo thoy hnvo concluded
to hnvo n big time, inuku n holiday o
It and enjoy all tho hltarlousiiess of
a Fourth of July, llrothur Folt says
they will charge a fellow every tlmo
ho turiiH around and If ho don't keep
turning, thoy will flnu him for stand
lug still. Ho urged us to como up
and enjoy thu festivities, and If ho
will glvo us tho combination to hi
slocking lug, so that wo may bo able
(o keep In Iho race, wo should llko
to bo there. It will bo worth tho
tlmo and money to any ono who will
go there and seu how they do things
In Hood Itlver. There will bo more
fun to thu square Inch than In a box
of monkeys. Thu date Is July 29th
There wcro two other of our old
tlmo friends down from Hood Itlver
thu pnsl few days that wo did not
havo tho pleasure to meet. Mr,
0. 1). Woodworth, father of cherry
culture In Hood Itlver, und doorgu
T. Prnthor, tho polneer nows pnpor
man of Hood Itlver. George started
tho Glacier away back when Mount
Hood was yet but a fair sized hill
ami Oeorgo and tho (Under hnvo
grown up together with Mount Hood
nnd Hood Itlver valley. Wo hope thu
boys will not pass us up tho next
Homo of our people nlroady know
how to kill St. Johns, nnd seom to
bo working pretty hard to accomplish
It, 1 u t lest they may not succeed
wo pi hit below a few simple rules
which wo clippod from an exchange
(lo to othor towns and buy your
Denounce your merchants bocnuso
they mnko a profit on their goods.
Make your own town out a very
bad placo, ami stab It ovory chance
you prt.
Helusu to unite In any schomo for
Iho betterment of thu material in
terusts of tho pcoplo,
Tell your morchaiit that you can
buy your goods a great doal choaper
In another town and charge him with
Keep ovory cont you get nnd do
not do anything of a public nature
unless you can make somothlug out
of it directly.
When you say anything of your
lewu say It In such n way that It
will leavo tho Impression that you
havo no faith In it.
Patronlio the outside newspapers to
tbe exclusion of your own, and then
denounce your homo paper for not
being as largo us the city papers.
If there has ever boon any doubt
as to tho good fiith of tho Swift poo
pie Ir establishing their plant on tho
penlntula, that doubt must have been
swept away by tho activity of tho
past few weeks.
Fot sometiuu tnoro lias uecn a
strong forco of iiion at work ou tho
new town site, clearing and leveling
tho Ibiid to uiako desirable homes
for tie operatives who will bo em
ployed In the plant.
Last Friday night contracts wcro
signed by tho Union Meat company
and tho Portland llrldgo and Dulld-
Ing company for the driving of about
1500 (lies and 'ho laying of the con
crete foundations for tho Swift plaut
on the slough. Tho terms of tho con
tract are that tbe foundations are
to be comploteJ In 90 days and there
Is nothing In tho way ot tho car
iiug out terms of tho coatract. It Is
said tho price of tho work of tho con
tract Is $75,0)0 In round numbers,
and tho work will begin at once.
Judge Greene has been suffering
for tho past week from a severe at
tack of lumbago, but is recovering. '
Something Different Anyhow at the
Ball Grounds Saturday
The great Indies' Base Ball club
of Chicago made its initial appear
ance on the local grounds Saturday.
The came was sunposcd to be call
ed at 3 p. m., but when that hour
finally arrived it found onlyn good
ly crowd of enthusiasts and not a
bloomer mrl in stent. Alter an
hour or so of further waiting the
bunch finally hove in sight. The
company was composed of three
men to play the most important po
sitions and seven of what was sup
posed to be females. The girls ap
parently had seen other days, and
many, many of them. They were
attired in short skirts of a reddish
hue, and they stepped around os
Krnccftillv as a lot of kangaroos,
The Wabash club enjoyed the
d st nction of bcimr the opposing
team, but wore their eyesight out
watching for the bewitching creat
tires to make their appearance. In
the preliminary practice only one
girl participated, but she was a
dandy, and was ns nearly perfect in
the art of ball playing ai the fcinl
nine cender ever becomes.
After the game started it was cv
ident the three male players were
above the average. 1 he Wabasli
team could do nothing. They were
completely charmed, bewitched or
mesmerized. Crosby, the boy won
dcr, who was in the box for the
Wabash team, was the worst stnek
en one of the lot. His knees knock
cd toirctlicr and his lips trembled
whenever he delivered the ball for
fear it would strike otic of the fair
ones and break a slut. As a result
eighteen of the graceful ones were
passed freely to first.
The Cliicatro nconlc presented
titiitc an iinposimr (?) appearance
when they took their places in the
field. The mule battery looked ns
f they micht have seen belter days,
The old girl on first looked ns if she
hnd faced the storms of many ham
hastcru winters, and may have had
n iK-rsoiial acquaintance with the
originator of uuse ball, l lie sec
ond bascgirl was Tint player of the
team, ami while she Is not so young
ns she once was, is good for sevcru
years more oi base ball life. Third
base was covered by n willing but
rather erratic d.imsel who seemed
to constantly amuse the ire of the
hatchet-fneed pitcher, bliort stop
was presided over by one of those
hateful men, but he was there wltn
the goods. Right field was grncei
with a female who was more noted
for her running ability thnii lor her
ball playing. A huntv little tiling
that looked like n long limbed grass
hopper ran after the balls that were
knocked to center field. A massive
creature of the elephantine In Taft
style of figure posed in left field for
the admiring throng.
The gnnic was great nnd wns a
success so fur as attendance was
concerned. As no self respecting
club would win from the Indies the
Wnbasli boys gallantly gave the
game away by a score of 8 to 4.
No ice cream was permitted be
tweeu innings,
Good thing there is no age limit
in ball playing.
The sun apparently had no effect
upon their ivory complexions,
The modest ones in the audience
were shocked when the calves got
In a beauty show the competition
for first prize would be something
Kven Rankin, the umpire, hod a
case of stage fright In several In
stances mid became rather erratic in
his rulings.
Lester ISritik coached the ladies
from the grand stand, and his gal
lant attempts were sweetly acknowl
edged by the fair ones.
The lassies served the elderly
gentlemen who waited an hour or so
outside the hotel for them to make
their appearance in their uniforms
n rather scurvy trick by slipping
out the back way.
Our Charges
As is customary, we will charge
for card of thunks. 50c: for resolu
tions of respect, $1.00; for notices
of church or lodge entertainments,
suppers, sociables, etc, where there
are charges tor admission, 5c per
line, but where there are no charges
for these events, we will break the
rule and insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
our good friends may uuderstaud
our rule in this respect.
Mandolin and Oukar Lessons.
I have organized a class of man
doliu and guitar pupils in St. Johns
and can take a few more scholars
ou each. Terms reasonable. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. Best of ref
erences. Dale v. Taylor, at ualet
Bros., House burnishers, opp. P. O.
St. Johns Ferry Time Card.
Leave Hast Side (A. M. 6ao, 7:10.
8:00, gxa, lo.-oo, 11:00, 11:00 M, P, M.
1:00, 3j, 3:00, 4:00, 4:50, 5:30, o:jo.
Leave West Side (A. M.) 6:50. y.s.
8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30. P. M, 11:30,
1:30, jyo, 3:30, 4:30, 5:10, 6:00, byo.
Mail Schedule
Mall arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. m.
anil 1:15 p. m.
Leaves at 10:10 a. tu., ana A'-AS p. ta.
Office otwu week days from 6:45 a. ui.
to 6:10 p, ui, Sundays from 9 to 10 a. m
Richard Shcpard, Sr., is contem
plating the erection of a modern res
idence here in the very near future.
Knight & Glover arc making ar
rangements to erect a building near
the ferry slip which they will use
for saloon purposes.
Richard Shcpard hns begun the
erection of a handsome five room
residence, which will be a welcome
addition to Whitwood.
A free ferry betweeu Whitwood
and St. Johns would help some.
Better service nnd more of it would
help both sides of the river.
The cool, refreshing water sup
ply of Whitwood is worth coming
many miles to sample. No ice is
needed to keep our water cool.
lid h. Stockton, the Telegram
booster and pioneer home builder at
Whitwood, has been making n nice
thing out of selling lots here as a
fide issue.
Our young ladies have not as yet
adopted the dircctoirc gown, but as
the craze has struck San Francisco
we fear it will not be long in mak'
ing its way up the coast to Whit
The West Side Gravel company
has n large bed of the finest gravel
in the country, und they arc now
prepared to furnish this product in
almost any quantity. Their pit is
located on the heights.
The store building and residence
of Mr. Warner arc getting nicely
under way. Mr. Warner expects
to conduct a first class, tiptodate
general store, and will try and sup
ply the wants of the public in a sat
isfactory manner.
The turpentine plant !s placing a
substantial dock in front of the)
large works here. This togcthc
witli otiicr extensive improvements
they arc making will enable this cu
tcrprislug company to greatly in
crease their output.
Many visitors traversed the line
of the new trolley biinday, and n
number of lots were sold by the
West St. Johns Laud company at
Whitwood. The lady visitors cs
pecially were more than delighted
with the magnificent view nllordcti
ft 0111 this point.
J. II. Kissel and family arc now
nicely domiciled in their snug and
picturesque bungalow, which is
supplied with all modem couveii
icuces. Mr. Kissel is a Portlam
business man und he certainly en
joys the peaceful and restful repose
of his suburban home.
Many sales of lots are reportei
daily since so much activity is in
the air. One lot was bought lust
week for 335 ond five hours later
was resold for $500. Values are
uolnu UP by leaps and bounds, and
the laud company has increased the
price ou their holdings.
L. M. Mills, the heaviest laud
owner in Whitwood, is hnviug a
couple of acres cleared off ready to
plant in fruit. Mr. Mills is now a
resident of Michigan, but it is his
intention to remove his family here
nnd probably erect one of the finest
residences in this vlqiuity.
The steamer Columbia has sigui
fied a willingness to make daily
stops at this point provided a suita
ble float is erected for convenience
in embarking and disembarking,
This will be quite n boon for our
people wh n they dt sire to take n
trip to Portland by water.
The harbor line fronting the laud
of the Columbia Steel plant was cs
tablished this week preparatory to
erecting large docks for this com
pany. We understand work will
begin at once op the immense st rue
ture they contemplate erecting ad
jacent to Whitwood. This will
mean much for our village.
The progress being made on the
new trolley line is very gratifying
to our inhabitants. For many
moons the trials of this company in
securing franchises and rights ot
way have been followed with anx
ious eyes. And now that all diffi
cullies have been surmounted and
work is under way we certainly
have a right to enthuse. The ad
vent of this line- is of inestimable
value to this side of the river. The
chief engineer volunteers the infor
mation that when the trolley is
completed the trip to 1 bird street,
Portland, can readily be made in
twelve minutes. The line to Linn
tou is expected to be finished with
in ninety days.
Speaking of sceuery, can any
thing be more beautiful, sublime
and inspiring than the view from
Whitwood Court on a cloudless
day ? The pearly white summits of
old Hood and Helens where the sun
glistens on their snowy forms, the
majestic Columbia river stretching
out like some monster snake as it
glides by Vancouver, the numerous
sloughs, lakes, islands and uenin
sulas, the packiug house sites, the
Weyerhaeuser tract, the immense
bridges crossing the two rivers, the
cities of St. Johns, Vancouver, East
Portland and smaller towns tu tbe
distance, and then the beautiful
Willamette at our very feet with its
cargo of steam and sailiug vessels,
launches aud row boats completes a
picture that is not readily forgotten.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertltement the copy for uch changt
Mould raach tfcia fKc not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. PIm
rmimr this and aav the printer
Near the liibtith of the Columbia River, on the Wash
ington Side, reached from the City of Portland '
on the splendid excursion.
in about six hours. It is upward of twenty miles long,
very broad and level and almost as compact as .1 com
position pavement. It is dotted its entire length with
towns, cottage settlements, tent cities, villas, fine hotels
and all the amusement accessories of a popular summer
beach resort. It's the place to go for rest, health and
a good time. Thousands go there for their summer
. outing. Try it.
The Potter will sail every day exceptSundays
During the Summer Season.
Fare from Portland, round trip, - $4 00
Saturday to Monday tickets, - 3.00
Purchase tickets and make reservations at city ticket
office, Third and Washington Streets, Portland, or in
quire of any O. R. & N.agcntelscwherc for information
WAt. McMURRAY, Gen. Passenger Agt., Portland, Ore.
inrcc imngs arc essential 10 sutccss in uuMin-sa
1st. Right Goods
2nd. Right Prices
3rd. Right Treatment
You will find all these if you trade with
Real Estate and Fire Insurance
Goml buys In residence mill business lots.
I'nctnrv sites, ncrciic anil water frontage.
CllJllt.VTlll.oCK III.1H1. t'lioiieKlcln.H.,i.l39i.
CIltctiKO ami Jersey Sts. ST. JOHNS, ORE.
IlntilUt church !. A. I.umiinl, jutor.
Sunday kIiooI ul 10 n, 111. 1'reucliiiiK ut
1 1 n. 111. II. V. 1'. U. 7 p. 111. Trenching
nt 8 ). in.
Methodic church 1. I,. Young, jn
tor, Suuiluy ncliool 10 a. in.; prvncliiug
nt II n. 111, anil 8 p. 111. Hpwortli Lcunc
nt 7 p. 111.
Holy Cros Catholic church, I'orUiiioulli
Station: 8:1 j n. 111., low mum; 10:15 ".
1 mm nms; 7:30 p. 111., vepen miu ociic-
diction. .
rM.rl.tlr... nlu.rMi Th..I tvtrv iftnlnv
lnTnlieriiuclcu follow: Sunday whool
nt 10 11. in.; jirenchinij' nt 11 n. 111. nml 8 better to uiiike 50 cents less ou a
i.iii.,nnilY.l'.S.C.H.mectii.Knt7i).iii.lj0Unnd have n customer who will
U. j.jol...w..,,M..or. ! come back, than to use the flimsy
vtn'..r&!W Toii'ftock, make the extra 50 cents ami
chaplain. H-iilar service 7:30 p. 111. , lose your customer. Hint is the
buiulny school at 3 p. 111.; mule claw 7 p.
111. i i.cniuu tvcrvitr every i-ruui) hi iu
n. III.
Hvangelicnl church Sunday Khool at
10 n. 111. l'reachini; 1 1 a. 111. Junior K.
I4, C. K. 3:30 p. 111,; Senior K. C. C. I!. 7
p. in. rreacuiug at a p. 111, v.neiier r.
Gates, pastor.
l'lrst CoiiKreKfttlonal Cluirch-G. V.
Nelson, patter. Sunday school 10 a.
m.5 preaching 11 a, m. ana 7:45 i. 111,
Y. l'. S. C. Is. meeting nt 7 p. ra. l'rajcr
meeting inuwnay at 7:30 p. in. a neat
and welcome to all,
Jlaptlst Church, University I'urk, Rev.
A. 11. Waltz, pastor. Regular services
every bumlay morning and evening,
German Haptist church Service held
each Sunday at lUptUt church as follow:
bunuay tcuooi 2 p. in., preacmug at 3 p.
ui, Kcv, f ailment, pastor,
German Lutheran Services at io:4.f
a. ni, every Sunday morning at corner o(
reuinsuia avenue ami Kiipairtci: ttrcet,
University Park. All Germans o( St.
Johns cordially invited to attend, C.
lluechler, pastor.
Christian Science Society meetings
held at W. II. King's residence. Sun
days ami Wednesdays at a p, in,
City of St, Johns, Oregon
Myor-H. W. Ilrlce
Recorder A. M. Kuon
Treurer J. K. Tatich
Atlorury II, V Collier
Knglaetr C. Andrews
I'hyilcUn A. W. Vincent
Chief ol roltce-J. II. black
Night I'd ice G, KtUerldue
Councilnien si Large:
A. W. Davis, C. U. Johutou, S. L. Doblc
Councllmeu Firat Ward:
I. J. Miller W. W. Wlndle
Couuciluien Second Ward:
II. C Hunter II, W, Iiouham
Street nd Docks W. W. Wlndle, V. J.
Miller, C, I Johinon
License II. W. Bonhara'. II, C. lluutcr,
W. W. Wlndle
Water and Light C. I. Johnson, A. W,
Davit, 11, W. ilouhani
FinanceA. W. Davit. 11. C. Hunter, S.
U. Doblc
Buildings and O round it. C Hunter, I.
J. Miller, C. U. Johnson
Health and lollce S. L. Dobl-, II. W,
ilouhani, W. W. Wlndle
liquor License P. J. Miller. A, W. Davis,
S. L. Doblc
Union Depot, Portland.
No. 3 Chicago Special leaves 8:30 a. tn.
No, 4 Spokaue Flyer leaves at 7:00 p. m,
No. 6 Kansas City Exp. leaves 7 mo p. m.
Ho. 8 Local Passenger leaves 8:00 a, tu.
No, 1 Chicago Special arrives 8:10 p. tn.
No. 3 Spokane Flyer arrives at 8:00 a, m.
No. 3 Kansas City Bxp. arrives 9,45 a. ta,
No. 7 Local Passenger arrives 343 p. n.
.! 1 - I. ...-.!..
207 S. Jersey Street
St. Johns.
Pointers for our Patrons.
Our rule is the best .stock and
best work for our patrons.
We do not allow any printer to
put out nicer work than we do and
we put the best stock into our jobs.
The difference between poor
stock and first class stock on 11 lob
is smn jtcn, wllL. y0 cosiucr
f ,i. ii ' 1. : ,i.
I V.IIHW ut ill".' 1UU 11 ,.T HIV.
price of 11 satisfied customer.
It is
way we figure it.
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
watch your business
CofMrmoHTS Ae.
AnroM stndsn( a aksirh and deacrtpcloa mm0
qaicklr acrtjQ our opinion fre wbeuar M
lavaauoo ta probably luaniju Cotr uiuka.
uonaamecwvonaaaiuiat. iwmspotm p. rain.
SMt (tm Oldatt acancy fur wouiiiibiUbu.
aatRMt Uiaatt aMaey fur Meumiapu
Pauou tasaa tbroufh Mima A Co.
SftjUl aaau. Vrltooal coarts. u u.
ScktHific jHtatficiii
A hsBdaomdy C
falallaq ol say
yaart law
IHoattWad WMklr. lirwltt.
mam., Dwa 7 TmS
mmV Jft Jf Rst TtTBms4mWImW mK fc