St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 24, 1908, Image 3

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    The Most for
Your Money
That's what you arc looking for;
That's what every one is looking for.
Special Low Prices Prevail
At Calef Bros.' Furniture Store during
July and August.
Do you need a Refrigerator?
Buy it Now at 20 per ct. Off
Don't swelter over a hot stove all day.
Try cooking the food in the morning
and keeping it in a Jewel or White
Frost Refrigerator till you wish to
serve. It is healthy. It is cheaper.
Our store is always cool; our Rockers arc easy
and you are always-welcome to come in and rest.
Main store
y00$$ Prwtnffice
It sometimes pays to look around a little
and get prices and see qualities before
you buy. We have botlj.
Phone Union 4066.
3o6-2o3 Philadelphia street.
Wood For Sale
Four Foot Cord Wood
First Growth, - $5.00
Second Growth, 4.50
! ! Phone Richmond 1021. 1 10 N. Jersey St., St. Johns. X
Our low prices, first quality goods, and down weight
has made this store headquarters for economical
buyers. If you haven't tried the Tea Store don't
wait. We sell n better coffee for 25c than you can
get of the peddlers for 35c. Why? Because we
don't have to pay a canvasser 35c to sell a dollar's
worth of cofTee.
The Home of Good Coffee." 103 S. Jersey St.
Plumbing and Tinning t
Call and see our new Garden Hose.
t- - 203 S. Jersey Street Phone jersey 9 1 St. Mm, Oregon
Hatters and Gents' furnishers.
Phone East 3597. m Russell Street, near Mississippi ay,
. Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plasteriag
', ,Saad pa hands at all times. Orders solicited.
H. HENDERSON 205 Wy st I
I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed, j
Local News.
He who by his hli would rise
Must cither bust orndvcrtlsc.
Watch the label on your paper.
Du-t Is flying In good shnpo on tho
trolluy lino ncross tho crook.
Tho dust on tho streets la about
four Inches deep nnd still rlBlng. It
would bo a good Idea to olllgato n
MtHB Beatrice Unch, of Sallda, Col.,
1 letting nt tho homo of her sister
M'o. J. C. Alkon, of this city. MIbs
lluch thinks St. Johns Is just the
Mrs. Stephenson nnd daughter of
C'nllln, WnBh.,nro gucstB at tho rcsl-
deuco of E3. 8. Wright on Southllnyos
riiyy will romnln hero for nn lndefl
nllo period.
Lnvrronco Thorndyko, tho Irre
pressible ono from Astorln, wnt In
this city Wednesday greeting old
fi'Ii-nilH and Incidentally ronowlng ac
quaintanceship with his beloved.
Mr. Goo. F. Stivers of Walnut Park
win In tlio city Wednesday looking
Into St. Johns property" with a vlow
tn Investing. Ho gained a very fa
vorablo Impression from his visit.
Minn Stella Bennett, slstor of Chns.
Ikiuiot the butcher, died In St. Vin
cent hospital Monday and was burled
In Lcno Fir comotcry yesterday after.
noon. She was 10 years of age.
Eoputy Assessor North called onour
new typesetter last week nnd made
tiio sttitomcnt that thero would not
llriely bo any change In tho valua
tion of St. Johns property this year.
Contractor Jackson Is finishing tho
work on Philadelphia strcot between
hnnhoo and Hayes. Tho ground Is
M'ry dry and htird, plowing up In big
chunks, and would have worked mucl
easier a few days ago.
Miss Maud Tyncr won the first
prlie i't tho Orocers'plcnlc at Bonnoy
villn this week In tho girls rnco for
hiHttlcc under in. Thoy say Maud ran
like a scared rabbit. Tho prize was
a envo of canned plno apples.
Mrt. Wright, mother of Mrs. Judgo
Cnciie, who has bcon visiting her
I'uuiihtor during tho past fow days
rotiirned to their ranch homo ontho
Cowlitz near Castle Hock, tho first
of (ho wcok.MIss Jennie Greene uc-
roiiip.-nylng her.
Mr. E. Angel and son, Crnost, of
Ilhhii. Mich., arrived In St JohiiB Wed
ti'Koay, Krnost was horo Inst fall
inid iow brings his father with him
and wo bono they will bo so charmed
wltli our llttlo city that thoy will so.
cim permanent homes hero.
C. It. Thompson, who has boor Mr.
Jachcon's right hand man In tho
St Johns pharmacy has rocontly ac
quired au Interest tn tho samo. Mr.
Thompson Is a pleasant gentleman,
a : ilal companion, and has mado a
wldn circle of friends sluco coming to
St. -dims.
Tln St. Johns Clothing House has
goiiu into oblivion Tho attempt
to Miiko a success of tho clothing
bi.fdueea In St. Johns with a small
stock Is a doubtful proposition. It
taki; a largo assortment to keop tho
people from going to Portland to buy
thlr clothing.
F, M. Phillips haa roslgnod hln po
f!tUn ns clerk at Bonhum & Cur
riers' grocery storo. Ho Is a No.l
man rnd his smiling countenance will
bo g'Vntly mlssod by tho many pn
t'oiib cf that popular store. W. Scott
IiollogK will fill tho vacancy caused
by ibu resignation of Mr. Phillips,
Robert Fields, an old neighbor of
J U. Welmer, of Douglas, Kausas,
arrived In St. Johns Sunday morning
and has beon taking in tho city aud
ootnlry since as Mr. Welmer has had
opportunity to show him. Ho Is very
much ploased with tho country 'and
wll" most likely make his home hero
and grow up with the country. Wo
W'U certainly be glad to welcomo
hint from the land of blizzards and
Mlrs Anna Geraldlne Regester cairn
to (ho homo of her parents, Mr. and
Mr-. E. B. Regester, of University
Park. Although she did not bring
her clothes with her, wo understand
tho young lady haa como to stay.
Wo vlsh the young lady might bo
induced to come to St. Johns to
maku ber homo Ob, by the way,
we failed to mention that she carao
via Uiu stork route, Thursday, May
h-r shadow never grow less,
Mrs. Byerleo has gone and left us,
tnd we aro a poor, lone, straw-widow
for, the time bela. We have this
consolation, that what is our gain la
tomeone else'a loss,-and we will en
deavor to bear the affliction with
calm fortitude when sho returns. We
trust our friends in St Johns will re
member the widow and the orphan
tavo is the orphan ia their ad
vcrsity. Mrs. Byerlee will visit la
Corvallla and vicinity for a few days
and tben bring our black eyed daugh
ter home with her when she returns,
New Idea Woman's Magazine cau
hereafter be had at the St. Johns
Whito flhoo drccssliig for canvass
short, nt tho St. Johns Pharmacy.
If jou want a. refrigerator now
tho llmo to buy It. See Calef s' no
ad nnd you will knowwhy.
CluiB Metzlcr, of Clearfield Penn.,
enmu to St. Johns last week and
will lorato horo permanently,
Eu-n tho North End In Portland
Is tired of their dives and nre making
strenuous efforts to get rid of them.
Rend Bonhnm & Currier's now ad
In thin Issue, It contains some food
for thought on tho wot nnd dry ipies-Hon
Alter a vacation of a few days,
Arnold linger has resumed business
at ni'i old cigar stand on Jersey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hossman re
turned Wednesday from a visit of
two wcoks with their daughter, Mrs.
1.. II, Nutting of Columbia City, Ore.
Mi. Snlamond nnd wife of Sock Con
tro, Minn. .arrived In St. Johns InHt
ovcnlng nnd will, make an extended
vh'lt with tho former's brother, Guh
fculamond on South Ivnnhoo.
Chcilcs aud Roy Garllck left this
week for tho harvest fields of Shor
man county, whore- Hatfield has beon
grafting tho farmors. They will bo
gone during I ho romntnder of tho
Wo aro glad to call attention to
tho record of building permits Issued
by tho recorder as shown clsowhero
In this Ibbuo of tho Rovlow, it Is
not a bad showing for tho dullest
mouth In tho year. '
Attnr corralling all thu nlcklcs pos
sible, tho morry-go-round tins silent
ly fol ilod their tent and departed for
pifttires more verdant. The Ice
clean and confectionery people will
now do an Increased business,
(!, I., (drydock) Johnson wont to
Co mods hot springs yesterday ovcn
lng In sonk for n fow days. Ho has
Keelhauled so many old barnacle cov-
orod boats lately that he thinks It
tlnu- to go on tho dock himself.
Tho saloon niou of Portland are
digging tholr grnves wide and deep
In ucfentlng tho exclusion ordlnnnct
for If thoy will not exclude the women
from tho salooiiB, tho people will ex
clude tho snloous from tho city.
A warning against -wearing abnor
mal!) largo neck ties in tho unvy Is
t'i death of Joseph J. Henry. Ills
tli caught In thotralnlng gear of his
gun and ho was drawn Into tho ma
chinery nnd his nock was broken.
Tho cnrmoiis's day at tho Oaka wat
all that tho most exacting could ask.
Tho woathor was fine, nnd tho nt-
ttndanco was something enormous.
Wo are glad tho boysvoro so succes
ful, Thoy aro a hard working lot
nnd deservo a good ,'tlmo ouro Inn
Owing to tho poor attendance at
the Salom ball grounds, tho gamo
scheduled to tako place there Sunday
bitwicn tho St. Johns and tho Snlom
traniN.hns beon called off. It was
feared by tho Salem management
that not enough mono iwould bo tak
en In to pay tho expoousos of tho
vMliing club.
Thu young people of tho Baptist
Sunday school Invito all young people
not interested In any other close to
meet with thorn next Sunday at
PI o'clock, as thoy hdvo something
nt. a nnd Interesting to proposo to
John Kculer, toachor,
Eva Clark; socretary.
II will ho romomborod that wo mention samo tlmo ago ot tho
shouting or J. S. Wright, chief of po
lice (4 Colvlllo, Wash,, by a mnu ho
wuh about to arrost. Mr. Wright died
Wednesday July 22. Ho waB a brother-in-law
of Rov. F, h. Young, if wo
rinirmbor aright, and loaves sovora.
llttlu children.
Tho so who havo boon attending
tho mootlngs of tho city council will
understand that they appreciate tho
Importanco of getting prompt action
on tho dock proposition. It will not
bo long now until those bonds will
bo drawing their six por cent, and
evory day after that until there la
a rovenuo coming In it will bo a
losing proposition. Somo of our peo
ple think tho council is slow. If
thoy woro placed In tho samo po
sition aa tho council, thoy might not
be so awlft themselves.
It is with sincere regret that wo
noiu tho departure of C. T. Prall for
the Fort Belknap Indian agoncy
where ho has secured employment In
tliv government servlco as engineer
In chargo, Mr, Prall ia a most
genial, quiet, pleasant gentleman and
has mado a host of friends In tho city
who will sincerely regret his leaving
St. Johns, and will wish him all the
good that can como to a man. who
spends his tlmo with the Slwashea,
Mr. Frail deserves something bottor
than to havo to bury himself with
the greasy redskins of tho resorva
Cnly stock of magazines and reading
material In town, at the St, Johns
A.o D. S. Peroxide cream for sum
mer tan at the A. D, S. store St
T ..II 1.1 t I. 1
i-ur inn wuigiu, mush mum,
prompt attention, go to Uitgood &
You get full weight and first
quality at the Central market. Just
try it nwhilc.
Ii, D. Walker, 119 N. Jersey,
in A N. Jersey, cigars, tobacco,
confectionery and ice crenm.
You get more meat and less bone
for your money nt Hitgood &
Cole's than anywhere in the city.
All our meats nre government
inspected and the best that money
can buy. They arc neatly nnd
carefully bandied. Come in nnd
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
Corned beef for your cabbage at
Ditgood & Cole's.
Ifor first-class screens for doors
and windows see G. W. Dunbar.
If you want to buy, rent, sell or
exchange property see Wolcott
(The Kent Man.)
Subscribe for the Telegram
best evening paper on the coast.
Sec lid Stockton.
Wanted Girls to make tin top
baskets. Portland Manufacturing
Co., loot of Richmond street.
Have your property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They are the
best. S. I.. Dobic, ngcut.
If you wish clean, fresh, nicely
cut meats go to llitgood & Cole's.
All kinds of laundry work done
promptly. Rough dry washing 6
cents per pound. Calls made for
laundry nt tiny place. Ring us up.
Phone Jersey 331. bt. Julius
Laundry. W. h. Churchill, I,. II.
Simpson, proprietors.
To exchange Hood River laud
for St. Johns property. Inmtirc nt
this office. 3 itf
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by II. Hender
son, -abstracter and notary public.
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
205 Jersey street.
To Exchange.
When wishing to exchange your
property for outside acreage or
farms you should sec McKiuuey for
quick results. Call aud give me a
trial. J. b. AICKIKNISV,
St. Johns Heights Station.
Dr.Ii, 8. Keller of Skagway, Alaska
called at thu llovlow office today
an I mado tho nciiualntniico of our
now typesetter, and hu la so pleased
with tho old girl that hu will get
one for Ida newspaper, thu Dally
The brldgo builders constructing the
nrhUu across thu Willamette cut thu
big traveller loose and let It fall Into
the ilvor. This Is their way of tak
ing Oown tho big flsuwnrk lined In
tho construction of thu bridge, This
M)'iil')iiwork wiih us high ns thu Iron
work and miidu great splash when
It Mruck tho water, throwing thu
spray na high us tho top of tho
bridge, Tho brldgo will bu redy for
us In a day or two, when It Is anld
the work of widening tho cut will
bu tuken up again,
Smifli Premier
Typewriter widened its market un
vil it includes the whole civil
ized world; has become the
.ypewriter of over 300,000
operators and has, during
1906, broken every previous
record of sales, because it
has from the beginning best
met every typewriter need.
THE trl-color feature of
the Smith Premier
Typewriter Is recog
nized as the greatest 1m
pro ement in modern type
writer construction yet in
providing it, none of the
strong fundamental fea
tures, for which the Smith
Premier has always been
Complete literature on request.
We arc frequently asked how our present business
compares with the same period of last year when tho
saloons were open.
T ..!. 1 .. t ! -t . 1 ...!.
V rui mucn-i-ii uii.iuii:.i uuy.i cumpurcu wuu inc
ft same period of Inst July our sales have increased
$195.00. Ihc collections have exceeded those of
last year by $295. Hut our outstanding accounts on
July 1st exceeded those of last year on July 1st, so
that the collections have nt this time fallen off three
per cent.
If interest continues to be manifested enough to
justify us in paying for this space for the purpose
we shall continue to publish comparisons from time
to time. Aud in the meantime we arc selling nil thu
seasonable things in our grocery store, such ns the
delicious Sinclair hnms nnd bacon, Dodson-Iirnuti
pickles, Tillamook cheese, Rocky l-'ord cantaloupes,
water melons, lemons, oranges, peaches and berries;
and in our Shoe and Dry Goods store we have can
vnss shoes, khaki clothes, straw hats aud negligee
shirts, aud all our prices arc right.
Keep Bright and You
Ktcclric Light is the magnet that draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can
no more resist the attraction of n brilliant, Klectrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion call of n brass hntid.
Is your competitor with the Klectrically illuminated show
windows, bright interior and sparkling Klcclrlc Sign getting
au ndvnutnge over you? The moth never flutters around the
uulightcd candle! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lighting n necessity, whether they remain open
nfter dark or not. Competition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated witli Klcctrio
light will make many 11 sale "the night before." Klectric
light compels attention, makes easy the examination of your
display, shows goods in detail and fabrics in their true colors.
Aud don't neglect the Ktcclric Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is a solicitor that never
becomes weary never stops work costs little.
Call Telephones: Main 6688, A 1675 for Infortunium.
Portland Railway Light and Power Co.
Yes, Hint sounds nil right, but when you see (he
Without 2s
You won't buy an- jr
other. Just tusk your
neighbor, who is using j
it, what slio thinks of
We have others as X,
low as $30 for an S-i6 R
But that Is not a LORAIN.
Successor to I). R. Norton
. - THE - $
St. Johns, Oregon. H
Capital $25,000,00
Surplus 5i'33-S.'i
Interest paid on savings deposits.
Don't go to Portland
We carry a full Hue of fresh meats, nlso salt and smoked
meats. As residents of St. Johns we believe in patronizing home
industry and want you to get the habit. Why go to Portland
when you can get your meat right at home at Portland prices?
Come and give us n trial. We will surely treat you right.
205 S. Jersey
I MM I - J.
Johns Pharmacy,