St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 24, 1908, Image 2

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I'nt tl.hul Ererj Friday
At 11? Wrrl llutlliifdon Street, HI. Jolin.
Ilv Maiiki.ic & llVltltl.ltlt.
Till'. HnviRW Is entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns mall matter
of the second clnss uinlcr the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Arfrrrtlilng ratd, $1.00 per Inch per month.
All i-ommanlcstloni utimilil he kditrcsard to
Tho ItCTlew, Hi. Juhnt, Off con.
fob Printing eircntcd In firM-elan ntjle.
IllUnfor Job rrlntlne cnh on ilellrcrr.
Subscription qrlco $1.50 nor yoar.
FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1908.
,'ohn Hull nfter our meat trusts
by fidmltllnR Caimdlim cattle free to
Kilglnnfl. Don't euro a cont. Not on bull ImhiC anyway.
When you walto up with n nnd,
brown Usle In your mouth, und you
(had filing iiIoiib your miliinl col
umn, don't not Hcaicxl mid Imiigliiu
tint jou are oxnlurhitod. It l JiiMt
tint Mime old ImIiicmi Hint lmn boen
limiting llfo u burden to you.
limliop Potior tliu Krenl K)I"copnl
dlvln.n (II(mI on tho uvoiiIiik or tho
11. Ho wun ti leader In tho work
or lilo ohiirch for iiiiiny yunrs, mid
ww witiultlored authority on nil mut
ter twrtnlnliiK thereto. Ho wiih 71
yum old nt tho time or IiIh duiith.
Tlir Sultmi of Turkuy him itruiituil
11 coiiHtltiitlou to tho iiuopto ; hut In
iiumvcrlnjf tho ohJcetloiiH of hoiiio or
IiIn ndvlmirH ho dorluri'd It would ho
cany to uiiiiiil tho coiiHtltiitlou whon
oitloi wiih flunlly roHtorod. TIiIh iIooh
1.01. Kiiund much butter thnu tunny or
Hid Siiltnn'H iu'oimIkoh.
The court of mipuiilH not mddu tho
rino of f!!!f,OO0,OOO mid ruiiiiiiulud tho
dido for n now limtrliig, It Ih much
ih u ttxiiunlml. Two or throo ml.
II11IW mich to tho threo Judgim Ih
uhiMper Until ill mlllloiiH to tho gov-
oriiiiit'lit. Tliun It wives tho ills,
riiflkio or tho fine, whluh Ih worth 11
Guiiurnl llliiinti, tho grent (liirinmi
mllllnry oxport soys I hut iiuMiiiopoiin
u'tir would nucotMiirlly Involvo fo Hi
nt leant or tho wont power, und tho
uxpeiue touiich of thoiu wouldho no
Imh thiin l,floo,000,ooo por your In
nit lay, to Hay nothing or doiiblo thiil
iiniuiiiii of low from tho (InniNge
(ominifriw, Ho huiIihI further Hint
llai lemilt would ho Hint tho Milted
flu In would Imi Hiipruinu mining Iho
KHtloiu, or tho onrth, Thuro will bo it
llvoly tluio for Undo Hum whtni tho
'liltniiM Ih 011 Iho hoiithor." Wo tlilnl
the liood Dutch geuuriil Ih hollering
t)"(.ro ho In hurl.
Hoinotliliig Hliuuld ho douo
tho freo furry proposition. It docH
iiotHuiim lllto 11 uipiuro dmil for it
hundred or iirno or our loprnuvuln
tlvo ultUoiiH mid froo linhlerH to sign
it potllloii mtUIng tho council lo titho
ntupH towurd culling it Hpovliil oluctloi
for tho purpouo of iMtubllidiliig 11 fr;o
furry mid thuu hnvo tho petition piit
on fllo mid 110 nctloii tnlioii 011 tho
Hitmii. If tho council Iihm 110 convic
tion In th nmller. 01 llli-llflltlil to ex
promt tliuin, what Ih tho iiho or Imvlni
11 councllT ir 11 potlllon hIkiumI by
ovor a hundred cIMxoiih Ih not worth
imtliijc upon, 1I01.I1I0 tho iituubur or
11111110M (miii Just hh oimlly bo fuieiired.
Aullou In thin iiiuttor Ih whiit In wiint
cil, l.ut tho ipiuntloit bo decided 0110
wny or miother. (.'urtitluly a freo fer
ry y it tlihiK budly iiutided. Let W
hnvo It, Koiitlumon of tho council.
MpfcWH. W. h. Smith mid IMvId Mil
h'.. v.lth tholr fine movliiB picture
lufliliio hnvo nBBoclntud thotntolvos
wit'i the rink iiinuiiRuinunt mid will
'tifltiill their mnchliio which Is fitted
wi'.h tho very lntcst In films mid
t'lewdvliiK vIowh. TI10B0 film nro
Heel ed direct from tho Now York
fu-'lrry mid nro not n lot or bocoihI
hiuul films ns nre often used In Biich
slows. TIiobo films nro chmiBcd
three times ench week nnd tho very
bent, subjects uro Belected.
The Bontlcmen who nro arranging
thin mniiBomuiit hall nro making rad
ical chungos la tho building, remodel
In the front, putting In 200 opera
chilrfi In tho balcony, whoro ono mny
a't Incomrort mid enjoy tho moving
plcturo show. Thero will bo a gon
oral ndmlBHlon chnrgo of 10 ncntB,
ul.icli ndinlts to tho balcony and tho
moving pictures. Skates 1G cents
Pr pnlr. Tho innnagomont proposo
to tlvo a benefit for tho churches,
one afternoon of each week.
Thoro will bo the host of order kept
nt tliu rink ut all times mid tho
pationngo of tho bust people ot tho
eitj Is solicited, Tho rink will bo
.ipi'ii from 2 to fi overy nfternoon and
rioin f, to 11 uvory evening. Kotir
Uti'HV ilectrlo fans hnvo been InBlallei
which will keep tho tompornttiro of
tho rink comfortitblo,
One of the Most Important of Port
land Suburbs
No. 07, to Charles Nichols to orcct
n I' Mldeuco 011 lots 10 and 21, frontln
on Ungn itlrout between HiiiIboI' nnd
Cortland bniilovnrd. $1000,
No. dS, to J. M. Mleklojolm to
end 11 residence for Ij. II. Cmnpboll,
fronting 011 I.envltt between Modoc
mid l rirtlnud bouluvnrd. 11 GOO.
No 09, to Kuiiiia J, Clark to erect
n 1 : Hldenco on lot 17 block 2 I'nrk nil
dltloii., fronting on llnrtmnu butweun
Chnilexlon mid CrulkRhnnk, $800
O.70, to W. A. J111110H to erect a
ichIiIciico on lot I block I Kovoraiicu
uddltlon, fronting on Mohawk, but
wo:i Iviiuhoo mid Hayes, $800
t'o. 71 to Ilort Wright to orect a
ivKlilcnco on lot IK block 10, front
hiK on lluchntinn, between I 'oik mid
Wn'i $.1(10,
No 72, to It. A. Klolfher, to repair
shop for W. H. Hwonglo on lot I
f'liiilliijt on Tiicoiim slrool belueun
.lnmy mid Iviiulioe, $80,
Wrilcs l.cHcr Which fllny lie of
(lnvit Interest to Skin Sufferers
of this City.
"Follow the trail of the trolley"
is n popular slogan adopted by
realty dealers all over the country.
The Willamette heights were con
sidered too far away for residence
sites a few years at;6 simply be
cause there was no car service
there. The best country develop
ers arc the railroads and electric
Hues. When the United Railways
company eot a franchise for an elec
tric line to Cavalry cemetery and to
the north, speculators began to sit
up and think. Many doubted the
Co.'s intention to extend their line
down the west side of the Willam
ettc to Uiinton, and it was not till
they read the announcement in the
Oregon Journal that the United
Railways had broken ground for
their Uiinton line that they were
convinced that at last the hills to
the north would be skirted by the
trolley. It has just dawned on the
skeptical that at last there is a so
Union to the problem of populating
possibly one of the most beautiful
and picturesque stretches of river
frontage to be found between the
two greatest oceans.
Heretofore people could go to su
mirbau additions to the cast, north
cast and southeast for upwards of
seven miles mid have nice homes
away from the busy center. Hut
the north part of West Portland
never offered inducements to the
home site seeker, coiiscmieutly not
to the speculator or investor and up
till now people could not be induced
to invest on the west side of the
city outside the northern boundary
of the city. The solution of the
problem being now solved by the
new electric line down the I.iiintoti
roitd skirting the verdant, rolling
Hills seven miles nlong the Willam
ettc to Miiutou nnd even beyond it,
there is great activity in that dircc
tiou and options on property along
tile whole course nre said to be sc
I.iuutoii, that picturesque nud
thriving little town seven miles be
low Portland and nearly opposite
at. joints, is liiDllatlng over the as
suniticc that it will be closely con
nected with Portland by n rapid
trolley line.
Said n resident of Uiinton to a
Journal representative: "Why just
imagine wlint Hie new I.iuntonclcc
trie line will mean even for the neo
pie living across the river nt St,
Goldficld Man Shows Up An
Eastern Magazine.
Following is a letter sent to Ev
erybody's Magazine by W. H. Paul
of Gold field, showing the unfair
ness with which mining is treated
by this one eastern magazine in par
ticular, although its methods arc
characteristic of the entire class of
publications to which it belongs.
It should be stated, too, that Ev
erybody's has neither printed Mr.
Paul's letter nor acknowledged its
Goldficld, Nov., Mar. 2, 1908.
Everybody's Magazine,
New York, N. Y.s
Gentlemen: At the risk of being
an unwelcome inquirer, I want to
ask that you advise your readers
through your "Straight Talk" col
umns the cause of the prejudice
you in common with other maga
zines manifest toward the mining
industry. One would think you
class all mining with Louisiana lot
tery schemes, and fail to realize
that the security back of the paper
currency of our government is the
gold and silver in the vaults at
Washington, and that this gold and
silver was mined, and did not grow
on bushes, nor was it made in one
of the "System's dollar mills," as
Lawson calls it. In the January
number of Munscy's, on page 473,
in n hysterical article evidently in
tended to bolster up the Wall street
chromo market, the editor says
"Hundreds of millions of dollars of
the coplc's money is wasted an
nually in mining and other worth
less stocks, etc." That sounds
much like the clntisc in our Const!
ttitiou which classes women with
patiiKTS and insane persons as hnv
iiig no vote in these United States.
Is it fair to condemn an industry
that annually adds untold millions
of new wealth to the nation because
owing to human cupidity and de
sire to "get rich quick many peo
ple listen to the siren song of some
glib promoter without exercising
the precaution that they would if
they were buying a peck of apples?
I have made several efforts to net
your advertising department to in
sert an advertisement of treasury
stock in an undeveloped mine re
quiring funds for the construction
of n mill in order to treat its ores
more economically on the ground,
and while you refuse to accept the
advertisement, I can point out many
schemes to defraud the unwary, ad
vertised in your classified columns,
nnd which on their face look suspi
cious. The mill hns been com
pleted; is now turning out gold, and
the stockholders will soon receive
they would in buying anything else, flDM 1M A NCR NO 185 S H GREENE
there would lo less nrpimlippntrnhist V'vl'1 v-' lyju Altorneyt-l
. , , -; I J n
the mining industry. The National
Danker is authority for the state
incut that the dividends paid by
gold and silver mines arc greater
than the dividends paid by all the
banks in the United States, and that
the dividends paid by our copper
mines alone are greater than the
dividends paid by all the railroads
of the country. Statistics show
that 53 per cent of all the tonnage
handled by the railroads of the
country is the product of the mines.
1 rue, mucli money is lost by tin
wise investors who blindly put
their money into any inhibit: prono
sitiou because of the desire to spec
ulate, but how will these losses
compare with those in industrial
and railroad stocks, insurance com
panics and banks in late years?
Dun's and Bradstreet's commer
cial agencies arc authority for the
statement that 35 per cent of all le
gitimate miniutr investments fail.
while a much greater percentage of
all commercial investments fail.
Fortunes arc made and lost in
speculation on Wall street without
the addition to or loss of a dollar of
this world's wealth, nnd then I
wonder how the losses sustained by
unwise investors in "fake" mining
stocks compare with the ruin an mi
ally' brought to thousands of homes
An Ordinance Fixing the Form of
Bond of the City of St. Johns,
to be Issued for Dock Purposes
as Authorized by Ordinance No.
174 of Said City.
Kor about 15 years I had been
nfllictcd with Eczema nud hud tried
iiiiom many remedies to very little pur- n,.r , . ,irI(, " ..
nrwit mul iifi riirn Quitwiiiiliiit lit I .... . 'n'
, 'n,,i S, " come ncrM by nlimin1 j UlvilIcntls thc nmount
? i& ro"ey car nnd.get up 0f their investment. Sttcli oppor
i the city t quarter of an hour tlinitic3 nre 10t illfrcqucllt Vnm
Yluriti Ih 110 01m (IiIiik itbou the
r.'0i4v elt- hoiuv Uimi will le u
(walr ruturu of uujoyiuoiit or (Imt
wilt so conduce to tho Hood health
of th UuuM iHildvr n it fruit kiihIoii.
TIk Iwiwftt will com In two wny
lr 'by Burden In properly ennui for
liurlnjr the eutlro ymr. Kwill) one
inn find few kind of oxm ! Unit
will ! mum iHUieflclMl to tin. health
(bail k few iiiuuienlM tiptmt every
munitnt. In tho rriilUmdHii ukIuuiik
lit M)i Kbout tho pluuu Mini bUHlum
U It luvlBiiratliiK mid exhllHititliiK.
Utt guU to look fornnid with ploiiti
uro to tiw liiuir In tint kuhIoii. it
iIokh not follow Hint b(KnuK It U it
fCtftt vnrdaii, duo may not mow Home
MftnbliNi themln xlw. Many fruit
v til wluilt ot tUtt growing of eiuly
HUII ctnblt)H botwwu tho roun
Hihl lm alltha bailor for It. When
tJti It (Uum, bowtr, thoro would
b hu uUuudNure or plmit rood In the
8nt lh fiMitiirw (hut iipiuxiIh to
UiilMrdir Ike Htrouitost Is tho do
IndoiK fivh frulta nud MolnliHa.
'Vtteiv & tuMM au gootl ut ihmv taken
ftftli froui th ao. Thoro nro no
wilt, BbrtvelM, stalo frultu. Uvory
hliTy. etiry vttguUble l crlep and
eqrr!; an imiwa aud riavur nut proa
mil with tb ktuff pmcliMMJil In tho
slfcll of tho iiiarkvU.
"T-ry It nxt )w. It Is not too
l.-! lo do Houethlng thlu yoar ovon.
Vtofr you havo wntw for tho
II tint IriKl Qf eriap radUhuu 01 lot-
I II co may lw grown ovon duilnj; thlu
warm wonthar and grown wi qulekly
itH to sunirlae you. Now U
11 torn! tlmu to chuir tho Ktrawborry
hod of all wood and by IrrlgatliiK
Kiotv nu oxtra liu-go crown for uuxt
Bvasni, Ono can ouHlly doublo tltulr
crrip by a little Judicious iiiltlvntlou
nud euro from now 011 until winter.
In tho fall, too, la a good tlmo to
put out a bod of onluus for oarly
Krecu piiloua. l'una iduntod lato In
tun winior win up wcokb oariior than gitliuate
you; mUBhboret that tlioy plant in were in
tho print'.
(lespiTiition, I tried I), D. I). I
wns soon convinced before the bottle
was half empty that I had tit last
found medicine that was not a de
ception. I jiersevered. Now 1
have a little left of a third bottle
nud 11m entirely cured of the
Keema, nud for seven mouths
have hnd 110 symptoms of its re
The annoyance was so great nud
loiig.coiitiuiied, and the cure so
complete that I feel it my duty to
make known the above facts to the
public that others similarly afllicted
may make trial of this remedy.
J. II. I.eiper,
Field Secietnry Northwest Sab
bath association.
160 Grand Ave. North,
Portland, Oregon,
What 1), I). I), did in this case
it ought to do for you. This won.
deiful remedy is now recognized by
the foremost physicians and scien
tists as the quickest and surest cure
for Kc.eniu und skin disease of any
nature. This remedy is as safe
and pleasant to use as pure water,
and is applied directly to the afllict
ed parts, leaviuu no bad odor or
sticky salvy substance. The first
application gives INSTANT RE
1,1 EK, ami as far us we have been
able to investigate quickly effects
the most astonishing and permanent
cutes wheiever rightly used. If
you are a sufferer from any kind of
itch or skin disease of any nature
do not fail to try this remarkable
remedy, Pamphlets 011 skin dis
eases nud their cure, diet, exercise,
bathing, etc., free tit our More.
St. Johns Pharmacy.
1 n
tu nit wny 11 uuiirier 01 an noun 1.1... . j. ...
....!!...- .!... 1... ..I . .1 IIIUUIV.-J UIK 1IUI lllll VIIUl'lll
"X Z ' ; constantly traveling through the
' '" hu uuu vnr nu 111 in iicr.ranirw nf HiU clnln.
nud tell you that if eople will only
T 1 1 .1
, r ''""X ' ".',M?xrclsc tin, ordinary horsc.seuse
Whereas, heretofore, on thc aist day
of April, 1908, thc Council of thc City of
St. Jolins duly, passed nn ordlunucc rso.
174 nutuonzinK tup issuance 01 001111 01
said City to the nmount of SIXTY
prescribing thc dctnilsot the execution
thereof! nnd.
Whcrens. the Council of the City of
St. Johns docs now desire to fix thc form
ot bond to be issued under said ortllu-
ance No. 174;
Thc City of St. Johns docs ordniu ns
Section 1. The form of thc bond
authorized heretofore by Ordinance No.
174 of snld City shall be (except ns to
numbers) in substantially mc lorm ioi-
lowing, namely:
NO , fsoo.
U.itiu Statics Oi' Amiirica
Statu oi Omucon
Know nil men by these presents,
mat tnc city ot St. Johns, Muituoiiuiii
..J .-.uu6i iu iimu.iiiu3ui ""in" county, UrcL'on. ncknowicdKcs itsclt to
tliroumi Plavimr with loaded dice owe, nud for vn uc received herebv nro
In tlint dnllnr mill vnn VnrUnra tnlscs to pay to bearer on thc 2 1st dnvof
J -""-.-'I ....J. .1. f ... . ,. I 1
ni'itiiiy.a. iiiu biiiu Ul 1'ivc
Dollars (foo.oo) toKclhcr with Interest
tiicrcou from tuc date Iicrcol at the rate
of six pcrcciitum tier nninini, payable
scitu-nnnuaiiy on llic list day of October
aud of April lit each year 011 presentation
nnd surrender of the Interest couons
Hereunto nttaciicii ns tiicy severally be
come due. Iloth priucixtl nud Interest
of this bond arc hereby made' pay
able In Kohl coin of the United States nt
the Peninsula Hank In the City of St.
jonns, urcKon, or nt linuovcr National
Ilank, New York City, at thc option of
thc holder.
This bond Is one of a series of bonds of
like denomination nnd tenor Issued bv
thc City of St. Johns for the purxc of
Office: Uoom 9. llrcedcn Ilulld
lug, corner Third nnd Washington
streets, Portland, and Uoom 25, IIol
brook lllock, St. Jolins.
Phone: Pacific 3098. Residence: St. Johns
Rooms In the Ilolbrook building.
St. Johns, Oregon,
Joseph McChcsncy, M. D.
Day nnd Nlelit Office In McChesnoy Block
1'hane WoodUwn 475
Physician and Suricon.
Office In Holbrook's lllock.
Residence, 215 Hayes street,
l'hoiic Scott 6995.
onlce hours, 11 to us, m., to j p. m.
Office rhone, Wootltswu 1141.
Hcnlilencc riiouc, Union 3901.
Office In I'orlimotitli Prick.
call Wall street? That you arc not
fuir minded enough to open your
advertising columns to miuitig,cvcn
if it necessitates some expense and
labor to investigate and eliminate
the propositions not backed or en
dorsed by reputable people, is to be
wondered at. bit down and do 11
little thinking.
I would be i:lnd to have you nub'
lish this letter, with your answer,
but If you do, don't butcher it; and
I don't want a year's subscription
tree, ticing nulc to pay for my read
ing matter. The absolutely safe
opportunities for making money in
this state in thc cleanest business
on cartli nre simply marvelous, and
I shall consider myself very well re
paid if you will publish this letter
111 defense of nn industry that is the
backbone of the state of Nevada
aud the nation ns well. Portlier, I
will not hide behind initials or n
lion de plume. Yours truly,
General Agent D. & K. O. R. R.
acquiring n site nnd erecting, building
nnd coustructiiii; thereon n tmbllc dock
for public dock purposes pursuant to the
authorization of more than two-thirds of
thc electors of the C tv of St. tohiis vol.
lug nt nu election duly called nnd held
111 mc sam tiiy on tno otn day 01 April,
looH.niidln ncconlnncc wlthnu ordinance
of said City duly passed by its Council
011 inc jim nay 01 April, 1903.
And it is hereby certified nnd recited
.11 :it.i . 1 .i.f .
mm 1111 iitin, minimum 111111 iimi rc-i j g ma 4 1 g
iiilrcd to be done precedent to nud In t,Pfffil iWflVlCPt I
Transfer and Storage
Wc deliver your goods to and from nil
parts of Portland, Vancouver, Lluntoii,
Portland and Suburban l'.x press Co.,
city dock nnd nil points accessible by
wagon. Piano and furnlturo moving
n specialty. 109 U. Ilurllugtoii; phone
Rlclimoiiil 61.
Tuncral Director and Embalmcr
Lady Assistant.
Itrntich office nt University Park Drug
Store, phone Woodhtwn 1874,
Main office, Portland, Oregon; phone
Scllwood 71.
No. 186 I. O. O. F.
Meets each Monday evening In Odd
Pillows hall, nt 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
C. 1'. Cntcs, N. O.
It. II. Ilolcomb, Sccrctnry.
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Meets every l'riday night
Jnt t:,jo o'clock nt I.O.O.l'.
linn, visitors always wel
come. J. II. Illack, C. C.
It. II. Holeojub, K. R.S.
Notice In huruby alvon that tho firm
hcicioforo known ns Illnck &
l idldliiK contractors, Is thin day ills
Holvcd by mutual consent. Andy
Kerr contlnuliiK tho buslncsH with J.
Issuance of this bond have been done.
have Impelled nnd been performed In
apt time nud season and In due form of
law and that the total Indebtedness of
the City of St. Jolins, this bond Included.
docs not exceed any constitutional or
charter limitations.
In testimony whereof, the City of St.
'I Johns, has caused this bond to be slimed
Kerr, by Its Mayor aud attested by its record
er, nun sen leu wun its LorK)rntc Seal,
aniline interest caution Hereunto at
tached to be executed in Its behalf bv
the engraved signature of Its Mayor us
Ilolbrook lllock.
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of the II est
Meats Obtainable.
Orders I'llled and I'amlly Trade Solicited
It, Korr nn senior pnrtuur, undo, tlio of the aist tiny of April, 1908
firm iinmo of J. It.
Korr & Bon.
J. 11. Illnck
Andy Kurr
The Weber Case.
The courts have found Henry
Weber guilty of embezzlement in
converting to his own use money
paid him supposedly for company
use, and the sentence imposed by
the court was seven years.
The news has gone forth to the
world that Nevada justice is not nu
empty name. The investing pub
lic has in this incident assurance
that its money will be safe in the
care of the companies that are de
veloping tins great mineral domain
In the earlier days of Goldficld,
during the period of mad specula
tion and jieruicious wild catting,
there were many Henry Webers
and worse. Money invested in "se
curities" was frequently diverted
to other uses than sinking shafts and
installing machinery. Too fre
quently "office" nnd "mine" ex-
louses were thc reverse of their
proper ratio.
Happily such n conditiou is be
coiii'ng eliminated now. The har
pks have flown with their ilbgot
ten spoils nnd left the field to the le-
oerutors, who always
the majority. Goldficld
News, June 27th.
ed. A visit to the river town will
convince any one that there is n
grent future for it. Prosperity will
simply force itself on it because it
has natural ndvantnges which nre
bound to be recognized bv ninnii
facttircrs, when it is considered that
I.iiiutou has n deep harbor throtnih
out, the channel being close to thc
west snore. It is reported that tie
goimiious arc 011 tor nu extensive
factory plant just north of the town
me loiumuia bteel company
some time ago purchased n large
tract wun a Dig water I rentage on
the deep channel just south of Linn
ton, uud it is understood that thev
will build u commodious plant 011
me site. 1 ins company is the only
steel casting concern west of Chf.
1 ue uien nar nor ueaity com
pnny will have 011 the market in a
few days 333 ncrcs with over 1600
feet of deep channel frontage inline'
dlalely adjoining the extensive hold
lugs of the Columbia steel plant
just south of Liiinton and below the
Clnretiiout tavern. That portion
of the tract between the St. Helens
and Gcrmantowu road will be im
proved and the streets graded aud
wuter service put in.
The West St. Johns Land coin-
pany had au eagle eye 011 the west
side of the Willamette. They n ck
ed out u 3oo-acre tract iust below
the site of the Willamette bridge
and platted in April, 1907 Thus
Whitwood Court became n pretty
MinuriNni sue ou uie west side.
This tract is uttractini? considerable
attention by investors, and its fu
urn- iiiiiiiiiuc;v is assured. 1 lie
new electric line down the west
bank runs through this nronertv
also, and the rapid service to and
irom the city will build it up
With such n factor nud the North
Uank road completed, great things
are expected in this district. The
view from Whitwood Court is verv
fine, making n desirable residence
site. btiuday'.s Oregon Journal.
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
The PIncc to do for Perfect Rest nnd Kvery Concilv
nble Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation
nud nu abundance of it. Presh water from springs. All mod
ern necessities, such ns telegraph, telephone, markets freshly pro
vided every day. Fuel in nbundniice. Cottages partly furnish
ed or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary
From all Points In the Northwest
NliWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany
or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Kastern R. K. Train service
daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Leave Portland 8:15
A. M.
Rate From Portland $6.00 for the Round Trip
Tickets on sale daily, and good for six months. There is nlso a
Saturday-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets 011 sale Sat
urdays, good for return Mondays. Correspondingly low rates
from all other points. Call at the city ticket office of the South
ern Pacific, Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at auy
S. P. agency elsewhere, for complete information.
General Passeuger Agent, Southern Pacific Co., Portland, Ore.
To Water Users.
Water used through hose for
spriukliug yards or sidewalks or
washing porches or windows must
lie paid for in advance, aud used
only between the hours of 5 nnd 8
a. ui. nud 5 and 9 p. in. It must
not be used for spriukliug streets.
Anyone using water coutrary to
these rules, or wastcfully, will be
shut off without further notice.
St. Johns Waterworks and Light'
ing Co., P. II. Kdlefseu, superintendent.
For Sale
Singer Sewing machine ngeucy
for sale. Inquire Wolcott, the
Rent Man. 34t.fl
Grand Opening
I Saturday, July 25, at 2 P. M.
Rink will be open every afternoon from 2
to 5, aud every evening from 8 to 11. Four
large electric fans will keep the room com
fortable. Fine new films for moving pictures
changed three times every week.
General Admission 1 0 Cents
Which admits to picture-show
Skates 15 Cents per Pair
W. lliUCIi
. . ....
A. M, J'.NMJ.V,
Attached to mlil bond ami cvlilcnclne
the fcvcrnl itifttalliiicnU of liitcn-st to I
nrcme tlicrcon Kind I !c Intcrvtt note or
coupon numbered coim-ciitivoly from
one to forty, Ixitli nutnlicn Incliulve, mul
excent n to number mul dates of iiinttir-
ity !mll be of iilitntitially the form
(I'orm of Coupon.)
October fn.oo
On the JiH ilnv of Anrll. 10 the
tity oi M. joiuii, Oregon, promise to
pny the lenrcr l'lftccn Dollar In eolil
coin of thc United Mntc at the I'eitiiiiu
lit Ilauk. St. lolnm. Oreeoit. or at Han
over National Hank. New York, at the
option oi tuc noiiicr lor cmiauiiual in.
term due mat duy on it I'tiiiiic Dock
liond, dated April 31, 190s, Numlicr
11. w. lnuci:
Section 3. All ordinance or narts of I
it . . . ... . 1
oriiiiiiiucc 111 couiiici iierewuii arc Here
by repealed.
Passed thc council July 31,190s,
Approved July 31, 1908.
A. M. Hsson.
rublUhed in the St. John Review
July 3, y3.
No. 9047.
Report of thc condition of the
First National Bank ot St. Johns
lot St. John, in the state of Oregon, at
wic ciuse 01 OU5II1CS3 juiy jjin, 190a:
Ioaus and discounts fi6.08j.5j
Overdraft, secured & uiisec'd i,6o
.. . 1 . . . .
u.o. iKJiiinioseturecircuiuiiou 35,000,00
i-.reiuitinis on u. b. oouds 1,043.75
llankiiiL' house, furniture and
fixtures vi3.o
r . 1 1 w wv
lixjieuscs punt 1,553.34
uuc irom oiaic uanKS
and bankers i.q 18.47
Due from approved re
serve agents 6.aii.jS
Checks aud other cash
items 331.1a
Notes of other Nation
al Hanks as .00
fractional pajer cur
rency, nicKeis.ceuts 10.04
Lawful money reserve
in bank, viz:
Specie 3,654.65
Redemption fund with
u. . ireasurer (5
er ct. of circulation 1,350.00 13,145.94
T.P.WARD Proprietor.
As well ns the other
kinds of Hardware is
We nre mnklng the hard
ware business our study, and
it's not how cheap we can buy
but how tiood, and we must
have the quality,
Our Universal Stoves and
Ranges arc as good as thc
HOST made.
Our mixed paints are the
Acme quality Kind.
Hendricks Hardware I
No. 1 1 1 Burlington street
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore-
Kon, lor uie county 01 Jlultnomab.
Nettie I'airchlld, l'laintiff, '
Kills G. I'airchlld, Defenilent.
To I'ills G. l'alrclilld. the above nam.
ed defenilent, In the name of the state of
Oregon, you are hereby required to op
pear and answer the comt-ljint filed -a.
Kainst you in a' ovc entitled court and
suit within six weeks from date of the
first publication of this summons, to wit:
from July 17, 1908. and if you fail to so
appear or answer or otherwise plead In
said suit the plaintiff above-named will
apply to the above-named court for the
relief demanded In her complaint filed In
the said suit to wit: for a decree dissolv
ing uie oonus ot matrimony now and
heretofore existlnn between olaintlff am!
uim yourseu ami aosoiuteiy dlvorcint
plaintiff from vou. and for the rnre ami
custody of the minor child nf nlantlff
and yourself, to wit! l'dith Palrphil.l.o
j79.359.3o I lauchter, and for other such order and
I further relief as to this court may scetu
Individual deposits
subject to check. ..3i.8i7.6i
Demand certificates of
of deposit 1.801.00
Time certificates of
deposit.... 1.3W.J1
savings deposits ... . 371.15 39:359.30
O'Day, Judge of theabove-entitled court,
Ulade ill Otiell court ill lh ranu. nn
July 14, 1908, which order prescribes that
this summons shall be published, in the
St. Johns Review once each week for thi
period of not less than six weeks. The
first publication of this summons was
Stilts of Orei'mi
County of Multnomah Mt
1. 1'. P. Drinker, cashier of the W( 3
named bans:, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true, to the best of ac
knowledge and belief.
1'. P. Drinker, Cashier.
M.,W .7"' ? v" 7i "V"0, " me last puo-
- ''""j- 1 iiwiiuil ut tUIS
summons will h on
August sS, 1908.
H. K. Collier
Attorney for the plaiatlfl..
Mandolin and OuHar ImsooL
I have orgauired a Class of ' man-
Subscribed and sworn to before tue dohn aud guitar pupils in St. Johns
aua can taice a tew more scholars
on each. Terms reasonable. Sat.
isfactiou guaranteed. Best of ref
erences. Dale F. Tavlor. at Calef
Bros., House Furnishers, opp. P. 6.
this 18th day of July, 1908.
W. K. ltall, Notary Public,
Multnomah county, Ore,
Correct Attest; Henry W. Coe.
C. V. Sherman,
R. M. Tuttle,