St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 17, 1908, Image 2

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Vnt'lVd Ercry FrMsy
At II? Wtt lltitlltljttnii Htrwt. St. John.
11V Ma UK I, It & HVHHUM.
Tint Rtivntw Is entered nt )iost office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns timil matter
of Hie second class under the Act of Con
Kress of Mnrclt 3, 1879.
Xil7ftUIis rli, fl.OO ptr Inch pr month.
All remratmlcntloni ulioutil hit mldroMul to
Tho Kerlew, Bt. John, Oreon.
Job Printing expruted In first-clan slyle.
Subscription qrloo $1.B0 per yonr.
FRIDAY, JUIyV 17. '90S.
When Dill inwU Hill , then comos
th tug of war.
It oot Abo Rout f 1,600,000 ball to
onl dinner nt homo, but monoy la
cheap to Aim.
Tho Kororninont of the otnlo of
Mnlno has stolno soma of tho hoelnl-
1st thtmtlar and nre proimrlngto 1b-
llltile the control of the timber land
out of the hnnila of tho ownura.
With tho No.v Yorltem renudlutlnt;
tho l'otrlens Ono nnd tho Jofforaon-
lim (knnocruls In back motion. It
IooUs to little Willie HUo ho would
hnvo ft pretty Httunuoim cnmpnlKn
thin lime ns usual nnil with tho Haino
Cmrle Nation daclnren hurintentlon
tj piimuo thu republican party to
the hitter end. If hIio (1oh tho dear
Kill will ho Rettlu prt'tty old by tho
tluiu Hlw reKL'liffl bur tltMtliiatloii, for
tho k. 0. I. Ik it himky organization
nnd will InHt Hovernl Kunurntlonu bo
fbpo the end l oiueH.
Over tit houmh, thorn
nro Homo patriotic! oitlzoiiH who will
not Mtitnd for any anarchistic foolish
Utm. On the Fourth of July 1111 nnareli
IM. thiMiMht to hIiow IiIh tonlonipt for
Old (llm-y by puttliiK up hie toil flan,
and uuitio nonr Hotting IiIh own inurio
(ilnu ndmlnlHtM-ud to hlniHulf.only tho
hotter Judgment of lint inoro nobur
minded prevented 11 lynuhliiK.
No tnte in the Union is spread
Inn, more liili elans ndvurlisiiiK
tiuittur tliun Dickon. The splen
did booklets trailed to present the
claims of Viunliill comity, Albany,
and I, Inn comity, Grunts Pass,
KosuhtirKi Medfoid, Asliiund,
Hood River, Si. Johns nre .superior
to tlioM failed hy (lie commercial
and nd vui lifting bodies ol other
status. Knstern Oregon, too is
doliiK Iier share to assist in putting
the stutu proiiiiiientlv to the fore
in the coiihiileration of the home
Miukur and iuvufttor, mid this char
acter of advertising cuiinot fail to
hnvo nn advantageous effect. We
will see the rwnilu in the increased
number of home builders who will
come to Oickoii and make llieir
home witli uk.
Wu wltth to cull uttuutloii to tho
('Oiuinuulimtlnu of (Jovornor Klolchur
011 tho ueiaetery ipiontloii. A number
of our cltlnMiM Imwi nimiIivii to u on
this Hiibjmil nnd the main objection
wfiuetl to lw tliMt ell the land In the
ntmr proximity of HI. .IoIiiih Im too
ikxpeimtve. It di( look to iid, how
over. Hint wiuie of tho many Inula of
Iniid mOjIit Ite be plaltwl by tho own
era ami uinilo usu of for a comutory
foi our people. More monoy could bo
ititllMHl out of It Intul way than In
almost any other way for a number
of ywoH Ht hwMt. Auothtir way wotiK
be for a uiimlter of our elllsoim to
form a stoolc coinpNiiy and (hue lUlil
oil the burden of tho purchnso and at
Iku wtHie time luwiru Imttur iwrvlru
to tho publlu than would llkuly bo
tJrwi by n ulngle IiuJIvMiihI. Wo
would Imvury glad to le publlcl
y to way proiHMiltloii lookliiK to tide
Till lit tlit find Hue of typo wo
nut on our new machine. Wu foul a
little proud of the fmt wo have huon
ablu to Hccouiplleh our deelro In this
mutter. And now, lowt we forKot, wo
wlnli to tlmiilc our Kood frluudu who
buvu mailu thin piHMilhlo by lliulr loy
alty to tho Hovlew.uud for Iholr Kood
lHitroiwe width toippllinl w with the
eluuwe of war.
Wo wlnh alto to Hay to tlmuo uood
fiiemlH tlmt we Hlmll nmlio It our am
bltlon to oadeuvor to nivo thuin eiudi
Mr vie with the paper that they will
fuel fully repaid for their Keuoroiiti
wi'PPort. Wo will onlarno tho pa
Pqi In a few wotUn ami thus will
hnvo room to y,so more of tho nun
oral news of tliu Htute and nation
With our new machine, too, wo will
h) able to give you a clean new face
wun each iMue. Tnoro will no no
JBMheil or broken type and tho (nwea
of the Itovluw will wlilno like moth
Qi'a new tin pan. In our effort to
improve the Jtevlew wo auk your co-
opcrntiuu. A little from oni-n oao
of pommel Heme and ninttura of lo
cal latereNt will bo a moat lmlp and
will add Ht'ontly to tho iutoroat of tho
papor. (live ue any uews of tho do
Iuku of your frleude uud yourself all
will be IntereaUd la them.
Mrs. Wright, mother of Mrs. S. II
( down from the Castle Itock
homo for a visit with hor daughter
Kobert A. Lausdou, secretary of
elate for Idaho, was down from lloUo
taut weok, for a short visit with his
f 1 lends, Mr. and -Mrs. II. tj. Horn or
and family.
Daggett, California, had alltlto bus
iness houses burned Monday, with a
loss of $60,000. Tun per cent of tho
loss would hnvo put In a fire pro
tcctlon that would have saved
most ull this "loss, will St. Johns
fool along until half tho busluess
UouBoa go tho"awo way. ,
This lime tho Joko Ib on ono of our
good cltlzons. It Is tho old story of
tin cat, her kittens and a nulgh
bor's chickens, and tho UBtml result
Tubby nnd her family of thrco wore
doomed to tho executioner nnd when
It enmo to tho mode of death It was
decided that drowning was tho moBt
convenient ns well as tho most hu
mane So pussy was londed into tho
Kiinny sack with her kittens nnd n
younger momber of tho family took
tho outfit ovor to the Columbia
slough and dumped them In. This
vat. In tho afternoon. Tho next day
when paterfamilias came out on tho
wood pile for ho. mornlns constitu
tional, ho picked up a flno cropplo.
hr wondered and took the fish Into tin
house. lie then returned to his wood
pile and discovered thrco nlco cnt
fUdioa flopping around. Ho lmnglnod
thu it was raining fishes until look
Iiik further ho found Tabby and her
kittens Hiinggly cuddled In their nost
taking a rest after their morning's
work. Now nil this good man has to
do when ho wants somo fish for uIh
Trlday dinner Is to sond tho cnt
and her kittens to tho river In a gun
11 sack Thursday aftoraoou. Just
U3K Urother Flneh If ho likes to oat
croppies for breakfast.
Collector of Customs Report.
Tho following extracts from tho ro
port of Collector of CustoniB nindo by
tho Oregon Journnl, mnko Intorost
hot rending. Tho figures nro cx
Ircincly good when wo tnko Into con
ulderntlon tho statu of finances of the
other sections of tho country:
Records of tho collector of cus
toms show that during tho fiscal
j tar ondlng Juno 30, Tortlnnd's do
incstlu uxportB amounted to an ng
gtegato valuoof $17,058,810, whllo tho
valuo of foreign oxportB aggregated
only 11,021.
This goes to llltiBtrnlo that prno
li.cally all of tho goods sold tbrougli
I his port to foreign buyers nro pro
diiied or manufactured here, so Hint
Ihu money flows Into thu country
In a steady stream. And furthermore
the figures show Hint tho port did a
gi eater buHluuss than over since
bueuino open to commerce. Tho nr
tides of exports were mostly bread
stuffs uud lumber.
An Idea of tho amount of shipping
during thu year might be gained from
the fact that 701 vesnels entered nnd
US! rloared. Of these G3 entered fron
foreign ports, while 038 entered from
dnmestlo ports. One hundred and
sixty one cleared for foreign ports
and fH3 cleared for domestic ports.
Collections of duties were not na
laigc as during tho preceding fiscal
yonr but nevertheless reuched tho to
tnl of $1,030,171. Including other foot
tl.o collector of customs' receipts for
the year wuro $1,035,008.28.
Juno, tho Inst month of tho flscnl
year, was aliovo the average in point
of exports, for whllo ordinarily It
Is tho dull and unlet mouth, Inst
Juki rolled along with exports val
ued at $C:'(I,0G8, and imports on du
ties uggroKutlng $I0:,033.93.
The young people of tho Kvangol
leal church gave a most delightful
social Tuesday evening on the lawn
1.' Mr. I 'off 203 Kasl llurllugtoii
slieet. Thu spacious lawn was very
beautiful with Us scores of Japanese
lanlems and the playground wns a
lillllaut sight, lighted with many
electric lights, making tho lovely play
grounds as light as day,
There were games and games, all
Muds of games, until 10 o'clock, when
a conundrum biipper was enjoyed
by the happy young people
A flue program was prepured, but
because of thu lateness of thu hour
only a few numbers wcro glvop
Although thu social had not been ad
vertised, there was a fine attendance
sad all were most happily outer
tallied, and all think Mr. i'off's home
a splendid place to go for an evening
Mrs. J. II. Iiudrum met with a most
painful and what it is feared may
pi ove a very serious accident on last
.Monday morning whllo canning pons.
She had boiled thu peas three hours
aa usual and had Just begun to romov
thu cans from tliu syrup can In which
she had placed them whllo under
Lo!ng thu process of cooking and
Just us she took hold of the can and
with her faco directly over tho vessel
tho can oxplodod throwing tho boiling
contents Into her faco and nock scald
I114 her severely.
Wonderful is It seems tho scald
lug lbpild did not touch her eyeballs
aim her sight will not bo lmiinlred,,
but It frightfully burned her faco and
neck. Mrs. I.nadrum's three children
.ere standing about her and were
spilukled with thu hot fluid, but wcro
nut seriously burnod
Our city marshal deserves great
credit fur ridding that beautiful ro
Bort llartman & Towers Turk addi
tion, overlooking tho dry-dock ol
a very objectionable class of young
boys and girls who have boon la tho
habit of congregating around tho
luce on Qvculags, mul tliun behav-
ng themselves unseemly, much to
tho annoyance of rcspoctnblo people
who go there for a breath of fresh
air. Tho marshal has a list of those
"undesirables" who may find their
mimes in tho records of tho police
ourt or tho newspapers If they per
it In frcijuontlng this resort. A
v-ord to tho wlso should bo suffi
cient. A. Cltlxon.
following tho old rnllrond rule of 3
or three nccldjnts nlwnya coming In
a buneh, tho fires of tho neighbor
hood set n now record Inst week
Tho first ono was at tho resldenco
or tho Stelchens nt C19 South Jer
sey, caught tiro from an oxplodod
flro cracker In the house. Tho tlmo
ly arrival of tho flro department put
out tho flro before nny sorlous dnm
ngo wns done. Tho next flro, whllo
ml in St. Johns, wna so nenr Hint
the nlnrm wns given hero nnd our
boys responded. In this enso, how
ever, tho dlstinco wna so grent nnd
tho flro had gained such headway
that tho boyB were unablo to Bavo
the property Mid the residences of
of Messrs. Maxflcld nnd Yates wcro
Tho InBt fire occurred Inst Frldny
a: tho corner of Stafford and Tyler
sti cots, nnd would not hnvo boon so
arv serious had It not boon for
tho breaking down of our chomlcal on
glno whllo on tho wny to tho
flro. This onglno Is not fit for serv
ice on tho rough strcots whero high
unoi'il In ono of tho re'tulsltes of
successful flro fighting. It Is Im
potnlblo to run to a flro further than
a block or two at most and carry tho
tonguo of tho cart becauso of tho
weight of tho water In tho cart
pirJ when tho enrt 1b bolng pulled by
tonm ns It was when tho brenk down
occurred, tho machine cannot bo prop
erly controlled, but will swing from
side to side, and this was tho main
cause and porhnps tho solo cnuso of
tho brenk down. Mr. Hendricks,
the god father of tho depnrtmont.nnd
who Is nn old nnd oxporlonced flro-
ntbti Bnys tho weight Is too great for
the wheels, and Hint such a break
down Is llnblo to occur at nny tlmo a
quick run Is made to n fire. There
foro ho thinks that It would bo wlso
to uxchnnuo thin cart for ono that
has four wheals, and as this cart Is
a good ono In every respect for serv
Ice ubout a mill or whero there Is a
bontd floor, and whero the speed will
nie cut any figure, It ought not bo a
difficult matter to got a reasonably
fair exchange.
Wo hope this may bo accomplished
for It Is tho tlmo of tho yonr now
that wo need tho bout obtainable In
thu rnattur of flro protection. Wo
hi ve a fine, husky lot of young fel
lows In tho department nnd wo
will vouch for thulr record If wo
but glvo thorn the proper equipment.
Tho St. Johns skntlng rink will
open Saturday evening under tho
management of C. M. Thomas, pro
prietor and unnnger of tho Dream
land rlnlt of Tho Dalles Oregoa, Mr.
ThoiuaB has had many years of ex
peileiico In tho operation of skating
rinks and has found that It Is mora
profitable and pleassnut to maintain the very best of order In tho
rink at all times nnd Hint It duos not
pit) to run thu rink on Sunday. It
linu been his rule not to operate the
rluk on Sunday for a long tlmo and
ho finds It butter for all concerned.
In opening this rink, therefore, be
pruposes to keep a place whore all
111.1 go with proprloty and whero ono
amy be euro of courteous treatment
nt all times.
Mr. Thomas takes uulto an Interest
In tho community In which ho lo
cates and therefore works with tho
people for thu bust Interest of all.
Wo understand that I'rofossor Har
rison of Seattle, a noted oxpert, who
recently broke tho world's record will
have charge of the floor. Wo have
always thought skating thu most fas
diluting exercise In tho world nnd
thu most healthful, but generally tho
links hnvo bean conducted In such n
wny that most pooplo did not tike to
attend where a band of rowdies ap
peared to hnvo control. Wo feel
sure that Mr. Thomas will receive a
most liberal patronage If ho carries
out his Intention or making his rink
o place vvhuro tho most reriuod may
omo and enjoy tho oxhlluratlng, ro
Juveiiatlug exercise.
K 0. Ilurlbort, J. J. Hurlbort nnd
John A. I.00 hnvo Incorporated tho
Combination Salt nad Pepper Bhakor
Co..of Portland for $50. 000. Tho
objects are to manufacture and sell
tl.o combination salt and pepper
Bhhkonto deal In novelties of all
kinds mado of metal, wood, glass rub
bor. etc.: to acijulre patent rights
otc Dally Abstract. Now If tho boys
will roinouibor to locatu their fac
tory In St. Johns they will bo nil
right, fur tho Ilurlborts aro gooa
Inudlors and will bo euro to make
success of their enterprise. Wu
wish them abundant success whero-
ever they Bee fit to locate.
Mr. Editor: I am In complete sym
p.ithy with you on the need of a cem
etery for St. Johns. I wish you could
keep at the citizens until they see
the necessity of moving In this Im
portant matter. It would be a pay
Inn proposition besides one that
would greatly relieve the poor.
J. H. Fletcher,
Undo Dan Calkins came In yes
terday morning and asked us to glvo
hhu chango for a quarter. Inuoceutly
wo went dowu Into our calf skin for
the change, when ho flashed up a
10 to 1 Urynn quarter about three
Inches across tho faco, Hut theun
kindest cut of nil was tho fact that
Uncle Dan would not part with tho
quartor. We do not think ho means
to wear It for a badge during tho
Illlllo SplggoH was a visitor in tho
city yesterday and was as Jolly as
Instant relief for that awful itch I
The itch gone the moment the
soothing liquid is applied to the
skin I
That is what oil of wintcrgrcen,
mixed with thymol, glycerine and
other mild ingredients, will do for
any skin sufferer.
Try n free bottle of this oil ns
compounded iu D. D. D. Prescrip
tion. We urge it nnd recommend it,
and .surely would not recommend it
and olTer it to our regular patrons
if we did not know what D. D. D.'
Prescription will do for skin suf
ferers. Call at our store for n pamphlet
or write direct to the D. D. D. Co.,
na Michigan St., Dept. 3. Chica-
iro. for n free sample of the won
dcrful soothing liquid, enclosing
only ioc to pay for postage nnu
packing. Now don't fail to try
this wonderful soothing refreshing
liquid. St. Johns Pharmacy.
Thcro Is about to bo consummated
ono or tho moat important manufnet
urlnit propositions that has been
promoted within tho past half con
Somo three or four years ago
fow ruonlod men In Portland con
eolved tho Bchonio or building n tcx'
tllo city nenr Ilrldal Veil rails on
what Ib known nn Gordon crcok, nnd
a tract or aovornl hundred acrca or
land has boon purchased aa well
ns tho woolen mllla at Pendleton nnd
tho latter will bo movod to tho now
location whero it la Intended to put
up houses for tho operatives or tho
mllla nnd each ono will hnvo a lit
tlo gnrdon pint sufficient for family
use. It It also Intended to mnko the
plant a Bort of co-oporntlvo lnstltu that dosorvlng oporntlvcs mny
receive n sharo of tho profits.
nothing Intorvonca tho work of con
ntructlou will bo begun in a very
short tlmo.
This will ino.iu much tc all class
ca In Portland nnd vicinity. There
will bo work for laborers, mnchlnlst
mill oporntlvcs, In fnct a llttlo city
will bu built to add her portion to
ono living In this vicinity will bo
benefitted accordingly.
Thu company has Incorporated for
$225,000 with thu principal stockhold
ers in Portland.
Somo ono, or rather two.not hav
lug tho fear of tho Lord in tholr
henits, nor yot a propor regard for
tho rights of man, attempted a llttlo
high rinnnco along poultry lines
wok In Woodlawn nt tho homo of Mr
IVaiklinrt, who happened to bo away
nt thu tlmo, but his neighbor, Mr.
Denllnger was a very light sleopor
mul was also Johnny on thu spot
when ho hoard tho "chicken squeallu
In do ba'n ya'd," and poked his head
01 1 of his window yelled at thorn to
get out of thoro or ho would shoot
nnd ns thoy started away with tho
chickens, ho called to them again anc
tuld them to drop the birds or he
would fill tholr hides full of lead
They did not stop to argue the
matter, but left the game and took
n hike for more congonlnl quarters
When one has a chicken thief bo
dend to rights, It looks llko tempt
lug providence to not shoot and yell
Mr. Denllnger went out iu his night
clothes nnd gathered up tho fowls
the thieves had killed and when
Mr. llurkhnrt returnod a fow mln
uts Inter, cnllod him iu to tnko care
of his fresh meat.
Resolution of Respect.
Whereas, Tho Supremo Master of
tho universe, In Ills Inflfilto wisdom
tins seen fit to call beforo Him our
frlond nnd brothor, D. W. Weeks
Resolved. Thnt by tho doath of
Urother Weeks, Dorlo Lodge has sus
talnod a loss which Its members
deeply deploro, for by his fidelity to
Masonry and many noplo traits
of character, he had endeared
himself to thu order generally and
tho Individual members of this Lodge
particularly. In a peculiar dogroo. Bo
It thorerore, furthor
Resolved, That tho family of Ilroth
or Weeks has our profound aud sin
cere sympathy In tholr hour of sad
bereavement, and be It further
Resolved, That a copy of those res
olutlons bo presented to tho family
of Urother Weoks, and that other
copies be prepared for publication
and for entry upon tho records or
this Iodgo,
Adopted by Dorlo Lodgo No. 132,
Ancient, Freo and Accepted Masons,
To Water Users.
Water used through hose for
sprinkling yards or sidewalks or
washing porches or windows must
be paid for in advance, and used
only between the hours of 5 aud 8
a. m. aud .s and 0 P. in. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets,
Anyone using water coutrary to
these rule?, or wastelully, wtll be
shut off without further uottce.
St. Johus Waterworks aud Light
ing Co., P. H. Edlefsen, superiu
teudent. The W. It. Cs. wtll please take no
tice that their mooting night has
been changed from Wednesday to
Tuosday in each month. The next
meeting will be the second Tues-
duy lu August.
Office: Room 9, Hrccdcn Iluild
lug, corner Third and Washington
streets, Portland, nnd Room 35, IIol
brook Dlock, St. Johns.
Phone: Pacific 3098. Residence: St. Johns
Rooms In the Holbrook building.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Joseph McClicsncy, M. D.
Day and Night Office In McClicsncy Block
1'lione WoodUwn 475
Physician and Surgeon.
Office lu Holbrook's lllock.
Residence, 315 Hayes street.
Phone Scott 6995.
Office hours, 11 to 11 n. m 1 tos p. m.
Office Phone, WckxIIawii 1141.
Keildence l'hone, Union J901.
Office In 1'orUmoutli rirlck.
Transfer and Storage
Wc deliver your goods to and from nil
parts of Portland, Vnncouvcr, l.lunion
Portland nnd Suburban Kxnrcss Co.
city dock nnd all oluts accessible by
wnuon. Piano and furniture moving
a specialty. 109 15. Uurllugtou; phone
Richmond 01,
Funeral Director and Gmbalmer
Lady Assistant.
llrnnch office at University Pnrk Drug
Store, phone Wooillnwn IH74.
Main office, Portland, Oregon; plion
bcllwooil 71.
No. 186 I. O. O. F
sr. Johns, ottiiooN
Meets -nch Monday evening lu Odd
I'cllows hall, at 8:00. V'Ultors welcomed
II. S. Simmons, N. u,
I. II. Ilolcomb, Sccretnry.
Holmes Lodge No. 10
Meets everv Prldiivnlnlit
KJni 7:30 o'clock ni i.u.u.i'
Jr 1. if ifi.i,..M .1. 1.
T. llltll. T l.liuin iiininn l.ti'
C. J. II. Illnck, K. R.S.
Central Market
Holbrook lllock.
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of the Ilcst
Meats Obtainable.
Orders Pilled and I'mully Trndc Solicits
T.P.WARD Proprietor.
As well as the other
kinds of Hardware is
We nre making the hard
ware business our study, nnd
It's not how cheap we can buy
but how good, and we must
have the quality.
Our Universal Stoves and
Ranges arc as good as (he
BRST made.
Our mixed paints are the
Acme quality kind.
Hendricks Hardware
No. 1 1 1 Burlington street
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County ol Multnomah
Nettle I'alrchild, Plaintiff,
Kills G. Palrchlld, Defeudcut.
To Kills G. Palrchlld, the nhove-oaui
ed defeudent. in the name of the state of
Oregon, you arc hereby required to ap.
pear ana answer ine com) mm men a
gainst you iu a1 ove entitled court and
suit within six weeks from date of the
first tuiblicatiou of this summons, to wit
from July 17, 193. ami if you fail to so
appear or answer or otuerwise pieau in
said suit the plaintiff above-named will
apnly to the above-named court for the
relief demanded lu her complaint filed in
the said suit to wit: for a decree dissolv-
ine the bonds of matrimony now and
heretofore existing between plaintiff and
uud yourself and absolutely divorcing
plaintiff from you, and for the care and
custody of the minor child of plantiff
aud yourself, to wit: IMitli Palrchild a
daughter, aud for other such order aud
further relief as to this court may seem
just ami equltauie.
nits summous is puuusucu pursuant
to the order of the Honorable Thomas
O'Day, Judge of the above-entitled court,
made in open court lu this cause on
July 14, 1908, which order prescribes that
tuts summons suau oc puuusueu in tue
St, Johns Review once each week for the
' 1 f . 1 . 1 -: . rr
first publication of this summons was
made on July 17. 190S, and the last pub
lication 01 tnti summons will oe on
August iS, 190S.
ll. K. coiner
36-43 Attorney for the plalutlff.
Mandolin and Guitar Lessons.
I have organized a class of man
dolin and guitar pupils in St. Johns
and cau take a few more scholars
on each. Terms reasonable. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. Best of ref
erences. Lale v, lay lor, at Unlet
Bros., House Furnishers, opp. P. O.
Saturday Evening, July 1 8
The rink will open under the nmnngetnent of C. M.
Thoinns, formerly nmnnger and proprietor of "The Dream
land Rink" at The Dalles. He will be assisted by E. G.
Harrison as Floor Manager. Both are well known in the
skatorial world, especially throughout the northwest, where
Mr. Thomas has operated several different rinks successfully.
Mr. Harrison recently broke the world's record in high jump
ing. The same policy will be carried out here as iu the other
cities of the Northwest by catering to the better clement only.
The management wishes to state that it never has and docs
not intend to run skating on Sundays.
Strict Order and Decorum will be Main
tained at All Times
Music by the St. Johns Band Sat
urday Evening, July 18th
St. Johns,
$ Interest paid 011
It sometimes pays to look around n little
S and get prices aud
m you buy. We have
is riioue union 4066.
!i Wood For Sale
Four Foot Cord Wood
First Growth, - $5.00
Second Growth, 4.50
Phone Richmond 1021.
Plumbing and Tinning
Call and see our new Garden Hose.
203 S. Jersey Street Phone
Hatters and Gents' Furnishers.
Phone East 3597. m Russell Street, near Mississippi av.
AUDIfiA, Unt,
WW WW WW www
Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering
Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited.
savings dcosits.
see qualities before
206-208 Philadelphia street. i
110N, Jetsey St., St. Johus.
Jersey 91 St. Jshiu, Oregn t