St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 10, 1908, Image 3

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Kitchen Work is Hard
in Summer
There is no let up no matter how hot it
is. Three meals a day just the same.
Do you know you can save half the
work if you have a CHATHAM KITCH
EN CABINET, made in Detroit.
Jewel Refrigerators
Prices Cut to a Whisper
Why not eat a little more cold meats
and drink ice tea and be healthy and
feel cool ? A Jewel Refrigerator will
pay for itself in one season. IT SAVES
Local News.
He who by Ills biz would rise
Must either bust or advertise.
Great ice cream weather this.
Remember the place-
Main store
E. Morrison
Phone Jersey 331
All kinds of Laundry Work done promptly.
New Machinery, New Management.
Call made for laundry at any place. Ring us up.
Churchill & Simpson.
1 otD sn3 rO 43 cO SD e0 mm e eO cO 0 c0
Three things arc essential to success in business
1st. Right Goods
2nd. Right Prices
3rd. Right Treatment
You will find all these if you trade with
207 S. Jersey Street
St. Johns.
Real Estate and Fire Insurance
Good buys in resideuce and business lots.
Factory sites, acreage and water frontage.
CKMRNT BI.OCK BUXJ. Phone Richmond 391.
Chicago aud Jersey Sts. ST. JOH NS, ORE.
Plumbing and Tinning
Call and see our new Garden Hose.
293 S. Jersey Street Phone jersey 91 St. Mm, Oregon
Wood For Sale
Four Foot Cord Wood
First Growth, - $5.00
Second Growth, 4.50
Phone Richmond 102 1.
no N. Jersey St., St. Johns.
Hatters and Gents' furnishers.
Phone East 2j97 122 Russell Street, near Miuiulppi av.
Do you know Bryan will be in
St. Johns? If you do not believe
it co to the National Tea store aud
hear him talk on Saturday evening
from 8 to 10.
Mrs. G. II. Carlson and daugh
ter, who have been living hi Port
laud during the past winter have
come to St. Johns for the summer
nud will be at their home at 313 N
Hayes Street.
A line up-to-date uiluaru ami
pool parlor is being installed at
107 South Jersey. He has two
billiard tables and two pool tables
Will keep a flue line of tobaccos
clears, pipes and .other smokers'
Knight & Glover have decided
to continue the pool room aud bowl
iug business at the same old stand
This will settle the question of at
least one of the store rooms that
was prophesied would become va
cant in the event of the city going
dry at the recent election.
Mrs. Marcellus sold some of her
Hood River property and purchased
a ten acre tract of land up the val
Icy which she will set to English
walnuts. The contract of purchase
stipulated that the seller was to
set aud cultivate the trees for six
years. By that time they should
be self supporting.
The nricc paid for the eclcbra
tiou of the national holiday is about
even with other years. There were
73 deaths aud 3736 injured up to
3 a. in. Monday morning. The
loss by lire was $535,435, which is
more than the average. These
figures will undoubtedly be in
creased before the final report is in
The young people of the Evan
g.lical church surprised Rev. nut
Mrs. C. P. Gates Wedncsduy even
iug of last week with a noiseless
(?) charivari at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. II. Thayer. The
bunch were kindly invited iu aud
a very happy evening was spent iu
games and pleasant conversation.
Light refreshments were served.
Prank Wren of Ccntralia, Wash.,
I. C. Wren of Fishers, Wash.,
wife and three children nud Earl
Wren of Ilillsboro, brothers, met
for a Fourth of July outing at the
home of W. P. Haltous. Neither
of the brothers knew of the coming
of the others until they arrived.
Stephen Mardcu of Ncillsville,
Wis., was also a guest with them.
D. U. Page, the corn flake man
ufucturer, was overcome with heat
while working in his factory last
Friday aud will not be able for
duty for about a week. The fac
tory had been shut down because
of delay in a shipment of corn for
about a week and it will be unable
to operate without Mr. Page. They
regret tlte stoppage as tliey are
behind with their work now.
The premium list for the state
fair, a splendid specimen of the art
preservative, was received Monday
from becretary 1. A. Welch of the
Oregon btate Hoard of Agriculture.
It contains a number of fine half
tones of animals, fruits and birds
that have been exhibited iu other
shows and full instructions as to
rules and regulations regarding the
state fair opening bepteinber 14
and closing September loth. If
you expect to attend the fair as an
exhibiter be sure to send to Mr.
Welch, Salem for a copy and post
yourself upon the requirements.
The newest addition to the build
ing fraternity is the firm of Hewitt
be Wright, These gentlemen are
wen Known iu tue city, isre'r
Hewitt is the old political war horse
who makes things lively in the
north end, while E. S. Wright helps
tola tue other end 01 tue town level,
iving at 504 S. Hayes. They have
just received the contract for a f 2,-
600 resideuce at 44th and Hancock
street, Portland, aud will soon make
tilings hum up that way. We wish
them all kinds of good luck aud
anything else good that may come
their way.
There are a good many people iu
St. Johns who are interested in the
keeping of bees. There is hardly
anything mat is so tasciuatlug or
more profitable than the operation
and care of an pairy. It will as
sist one greatly, and many times
tneaus the difference between suc
cess and failure, to have a good bee
paper. We have on our desk at
all times sample copies of the
Gleamiugs in Bee culture by A. I.
Root Co,, Medina, Ohio, And one
interested in the care of bees should
see it, and to see is to subscribe. It
is the best bee paper in America.
The July number of the Modern
Woodman the official paper of the
M. W. A. for July has a full ac-
couut of the proceedings of the
great annual bead camp of that or
der held in Peoria, Ills, opening at
0:15 a. ni. June 16th. It is full
of interesting Woodmen information
and what is of particular interest to
y one who contemplates loining
any fraternal beneficiary society, is
the laws ot the order which is
printed in full. Another thing
that looked good to the members
was the headline on assessment
page, "No assessment for July,
1008. 1 he head camp held a very
enthusiastic session aud the Wood
men have reason to be proud of
their showing at the annual
Bring in your printing now.
Mrs. Rcvis of The Dalles is visit
ing Mrs. Sargent Wilson, an old
time friend.
ttnlnh Wolf of Lindsev. Culifor
nia is visiting with his cousins Mr.
and Mrs. J. U. Canibcll.
E. P. Monson, wife aud two chil
drcn of Dee, Oregon, were guests
at the home of A. W. Marklc the
first of'thc week.
An ice cream social will be given
on the lawn at the Home of Mrs,
Bullis 61 1 South Jersey street tin
the auspices of the Stewards of the
M.h. Church, Wednesday evening
July 15, 1908.
Mrs. Leland has entered the Tel
egram's subscription contest for a
trip to the seaside and is doing nice
ly. If you wish to subscribe for
the Telegram be sure to see her
before doing so.
Over 30,000 personal tax state
incuts will be collected and return
cd by the county assessor this year,
which will be a gain of more than
3,000 over last year. Not n bad
showing lor the county.
Mrs. Esther Prichette of I.os
Angeles is visiting her sister, Miss
Bessie Goodrich in I'ortland and her
nephew, J. H. Crook and family in
this city. She will be here some
six weeks or two months.
The Review ofTiicc is indebted to
Mrs. D. Perkins for a splendid treat
of fat. Johns famous cherries.
There were two varieties, Royal
Anus and Black Republicans, big
juicy fellows nud they were deli
cious. Mrs. Perkins has our most
hearty thanks.
M. G. Bnilcy recently traded his
rooming house iu Portland for an
8o-acre ranch on the west side of
the Willamette. Mr. Bailey will be
raising pigs, chickens, fruit nud
thunder on his ranch some of these
days and if he is as good n farmer
as the writer will perhaps raise the
largest crop of the latter commodity.
Mrs. W. D. Rogers, wife of
Hood River's nlonecr nhotonrnnher
r 1
end of the Bycrlee
tribe visited fat. Johns last week
and was the honored guest of the
tribe at their wickiup on North
rilimorc. Mrs Kogers was very
favorably impressed with the ap
warance, of our little city, but
thinks Hood River cannot be beat.
Kerr cc Sou, one of our newest
firms of coutrnctois aud builders
arc old timers iu St. Johns nud the
uiilding fraternity of our city.
Hie senior member of the firm, J.
R. Kerr takes the place of J. II.
Black in the firm of Black & Kerr,
white the junior member of the firm
Andy Kerr retains his old position
and like the young married mnii
s "holding his own."
Remember the price of
the Review will be ad
vanced to $1.50 a year
after July 15. The pa
per will be enlargedand
otherwise improved. If
you want to save a half
dollar call in before that
Mr. L. M. Mills of Grand Rapids
Mich., father of Wyaue h. Mills
and father-in-law of Richard Shep
ard, arrived in St. Johns on the
Fourth. He will spend a couple of
weeks here clearing a block of laud
n Whitwood Court and setting it
to trees. Mr. Mills thinks St.
ohns has wonderful prospects
ahead of her and is glad he invested
n little suiplus cash here. We will
00k for him to become a permanent
resident here by the time his trees
come into bearing.
A syndicate of wealthy Texas
aud Portland capitalists last week
lurchosed a 76-acre tract of laud
back of the City Park. The price
paid was $388,000, or nearly $4,-
000 per acre. This tract is not as
sightly, the view is no better and
it will take 110 longer to reach the
heart of the city from Whitwood
Court when the trolley line is iu
operation, Iu fact the latter lo
cality is by far the most desirable,
because an outlet is aitorded by wa
ter, railroad and by trolley iu a very
short time. The view is magnifi
cent, the water unsurpassed and
the price of the land is still within
the reach of all, .Some day when
the price of this land soars to four
or five thousand dollars an acre our
people will wake up and find they
have left a fortune slip by.
Succeeds Prall Mercantile Co.
Mr. M, S. Cobb of Portland has
purchased the remaining stock of
the Prall Mercantile company and
the stock of the Bazar near the cor
ner of Philadephia and Hayes street
and has combined the stock. This
stock combined with others he is
coustantaly buying be will install
in the corner store building of the
Holbrook block formerly occupied
by the Prall Mercantile company.
Mr. Cobb, with the ready money,
watches for bankrupt stocks and
buys them at such figures that he
is enabled to give our people prices
they have never seen in St. Johns
before. He has been too busy this
week to prepare his announcement
nd advertisement, but will have
something to say to the people next
week. We trust our people will
give Mr. Cobb a hearty welcome
by a liberal pa'tronage.
Watch the label on your paper.
Ior full weight, fresh meat
prompt attention, go to Bitgood &
You get full weight and first
quality at the Central market. Just
try it awhile.
h. D. Walker, 110 N. Jersey
ill A N. Jersey, cigars, tobacco,
conlectionery and ice cream.
You get more meat and less bone
for your money at Bitgood &
Cole's than anywhere iu the city.
L.ogan berries hue for pics aud
jell at J. W. Reeves the North Jer
sey Grocer, or photic Richniom:
472. 34 P
All our meats arc government
inspected and the best that money
can buy. nicy are neatly and
carefully handled. Come in nud
lenvc your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
For Sale House of eight large
rooms with bath room, pantry ami
two closets. Good woodshed. I.ot
50x100. Two blocks from cars
Price si 200. Half cash, balance to
suit. S C. Cook, Cor. Oswego
and I'csscudcu, fat. Johns,
Corned beef for your cabbage at
llitgood & Cole's.
For first-class screens for doors
and windows sec G. W. Dunbar.
If you want to buy, rent, sell or
exchange property see Wolcott
(The Rent Man.)
Housekeeping rooms for rent,
furnished or unfurnished. Ask at
104 Modoc street. .jtf
Subscribe for the Telegram
best evening paper 011 the coast.
face Iwl fatockton.
Warned Girl to innke tin top
baskets, rortlnud Mnuuiticturitig
Co., loot ot Richmond street.
Have your property insured iu
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
atice companies. They are the
best. S. 1,. Dobie, agent.
If you wish clean, fresh, nicely
cut meats go to Bitgood & Cole's.
11 you nave any old thing on
this green earth to sell or trade see
J. S. McKinuey. He will fit you
out. What have you got? Come
nud see me. Office St. Johns
leights fatatiou.
W. D. Weeks.
1 he subject ot this sketch was
born iu Benton, Carlton county,
New Brunswick, January 20, 1864
and was 44 years, 7 months nud 13
days old at the time of his death,
He leaves to mourn his loss a wife
and mother iu St. Johns, and two
brothers: Herbert, living in Win
ueconiiie, Wis,, and Robert, in
Lake City, Michigan.
Mr. Weeks was well known iu
St. Johns aud everyone who knew
1 1 in was his friend. He was hon
est, straightforward, kindly dis
posed to nil, quiet nud unassuming.
Ie was a Initlitul member of the
Methodist church aud was secre
tary of the board of trustees of that
church. He was nlso a member of
the Masonic nud Modern Woodmen
fraternal societies. He was a mem
ber of the school board of this dis
trict and took great interest iu the
welfare of our schools. He was u
good citizen, a kind neighbor, a
oviug husband and dutiful sou,
Mr. Weeks had been suffering,
jut not seriously for some time
witli heart trouble, but was taken
suddenly ill 011 June 5 and contin
ually grew weaker until he passed
away 011 July 3d,
Hie funeral was held at the
Methodist church, Sunday, July 5,
Rev. Young conducting the scr-
ices. Interment was made iu the
Riverside cemetery under the aus
pices of the Modem Woodmen, the
Masonic fraternity through some
misunderstanding taking no part in
the services.
To exchange Hood River laud
for St. Johns property. Inquire nt
this office, 34tf
To Water Users.
Water used through hose for
sprinkling yards or sidewalks or
washing porches or windows must
be paid for in advance, and used
only between the hours of 5 and 8
111. and 5 aud 0 p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets.
Anyone using water contrary to
these rules, or wastefully, will be
shut off without further notice,
St. Johns Waterworks and Light
ing Co., P. H. Edlefsen, superintendent.
How Is Your Title?
- j
cnn. nlislrtirtpr
Accurate worl
205 jersey street.
! your abstracts made, con-
examined y 11. nenuer-
iiticj unit uwiuiy jjiiuiiw.
work. Reasonable fees.
. i 4
To Exchange.
When wishing to exchange your
property for outside acreage or
farms you should see McKinuey for
quick results. Call and give me a
trial. J. S. McKlNNHV,
St. Johus Heights Station.
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
The Place to Go for Perfect Rest nud Every Conceiv
able Form of Healthful nnd Delightful Recreation
and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All mod
ern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly pro
vided every day. Fuel In abundance. Cottages partly furnish
ed or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary
From all Points in the Northwest
NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany
ort Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service
daily and the trip n pleasure throughout. Leave Portland 8:15
A. M.
Rate From Portland $6.00 for the Round Trip
Tickets on sale daily, and good for six months. There is also a
Saturday-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets on sale Sat
urdays, good for return Mondays. Correspondingly low rates
from all other points. Call at the city ticket office of the South
ern Pacific, Third and Washington streets, iu Portland, or at any
S. P. agency elsewhere, for complete information.
General Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Co., Portland, Ore.
Keep Bright and You
Electric Light is the magnet thnt draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can
110 more resist the nttrnctiou of n brilliant, Electrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion call of n brass band.
Is your competitor with the Electrically illuminated show
windows, bright interior and sparkling Electric Sign getting
an advantage over you? The moth never flutters around the
uulighted cnudlel Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lighting n necessity, whether they remain 01011
after dark or not. Competition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated with Electric
light will make many 11 sale "the night before." Electric
light compels attention, makes easy the examination of your
display, shows goods iu detail and fabrics iu their true colors.
Aud don't neglect the Electric Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is n solicitor thnt never
becomes weary never stops work costs little.
Call Telephones: Alain 66H8, A 1675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Capital $25,000.00
Surplus '. 5. 335
Interest paid 011 savings deposits. g
It sometimes pays to look around a little
and get prices and see qualities before
yon buy. We have both.
Phone Union 4066,
306 208 Philadelphia street.
The Edison
The ever ready
Saturday Evening, 8 to 10 William Jennings Bryan's
peeches. Call and hear the late records.
H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey st. I
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. g
Manufacturers of Clay Hrick and Pressed Brick. Plastering I
Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited. I