St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 10, 1908, Image 2

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rnl't Vd Krery FrMay
Al 117 Wert lliifllngtot) Street, St. Jolins.
Tins R.KVIIW li entered nt twit office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, m mail ttinttcr
of the second class muter the Act of Con
gress of Mnrch 3, 1879.
Ailrrrtlnlnif ratri, $1.00 per Inch per month,
All communication nlinutd tig (iJlrcmeJ to
The Keilew, fit. Johns, Oregon.
Jab l'rlntlnit eicrutcd In Arit-clin liyle.
Subscription rirloo $1, GO par year.
FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1908.
Keep smiling.
The pesky fly is again trying the
the patience of the housewife. As
butters-ill they tnke the biscuit.
A Seattle bookkeeper has in
vented a simple contrivance which
ntitomatically opens and closes tel
ephone connections nnd at the
same time holds the receiver in
such n position as to be close to
the ear of a person using a tele
phone transmitter. Now, if he
would ndd some sort of a contriv
ance that would kick the malinger
of a company who buncoes the
people with such a system as we
have in St. Johns into the middle
of the
That is what we would like to
know. Why the city should give
away property that at no distant
day will be worth hundreds of
thousands of dollars? What we
will say now, is brought up by the
application for correction of ordi
nance vacating Charleston street
where it touches the river. We
have no objection to the vacation
of this particular portion of the
street, provided we have been
rightly informed. We understand
that this little spot has been
rounded on all sides by the
tion of the streets until there
Itching, Burning Skin Disease Rout
ed Without Use of Injurious
Great inventors often have been
praised for surrendering the secrets city In the following manner, to-wit
Resolved, thnt the Council of the city
of St. Johns deems It expedient nnd
necessary to Improve Huchnuan Street
in the city of St. Johns from the easterly
line of Willamette Boulevard to the
westerly Hue of Dawson street in said
of their discoveries. Practically ByKrndlng
lm enmo it.!.,,, t.nnnnnn,i I., n. grade nnd si
" , ' "Pi"-"-" ""-foot walk
nieuicui worm 111 111c case 01 ur.
Decatur D. Dennis, the eminent
stir- skin specialist of Chicago.
vaca- Dr. Dennis, in his own office
is no practice, discovered that pure veil-
next century he would be access to the location except on the etable oil of wintergrccn properly
grading the Mine to the established
slilewaikinir H loot euro, 5
loot walk .with such cement walk ns
have been adopted by the council
of the city of St. Johns, together with
regulation cross walks, nnd by graveling
n strip in the center of said street 1J
feet wide. Said work nnd Improvements
10 uc none ncconimg to lite plans, esti
mates nnd specifications on file in the
linllfi.l nt n tutlitli liniifffirlnr. .ninr ...Mi, rn.lnra l nnrilnnlnr luixcd with other kIiiidIc remedies office of tlic City Recorder, relative
1 ......... ......... . y -m . .... , I tlinMttt mill miller
One of our lending business men
informs in that he has done more
bmiiiens the wt three weeks than
nt nny tune in tlic past three years
for a like period. This docs not
Spimk no Imtlly for a dry town.
J. C. Ilayter hns sold the Dallas
Obwrver to Allgood & Collins. It
tnke n good hater sometimes to
make a successful run witii n news
Mrr, but tin Allgood ought to
make good with it also. Here's to
'am jttit the anmc.
If we were the whole council,
thu nmyor mid recorder we would
unanimously repeal, cut out and
conihru to iniiocuoiiH demietude
thnt firework ordinance. As it is,
it i n fir.zle with less hiinp to it
tlintt n wet firecracker.
Joe (jiiiir, thu colored pugilist,
fought once too often when he mut
Untiling Nelson in thu ring on the
i-ouriu. 1 urn m tue uiuviiiiDie end jmvu if they have such a law it mat the city will reap the Den
iftfSri'" I'Hmngsto cnfJrct,,, Sticli ohl mm. s iUic her through the advance
it long euouuli. Joe was n uood .,t t.t t... 1... incut of her nroncrtv values alone
should not be permitted to shelter wil" l,,nl , lllc private Individuals
.udi bin,,. i,,i.. r i.n,.c or corporations benefitted by the
surface of no worth to the citv. was practically a sure specific for
and we would be in favor of vacat- eczema, psoriasis, barber's itch,
thereto, nnd under tlic supervision nnd
direction of the cltv engineer. Said
Well. Nelson knocked the n truer and we would be ill favor of vacat- eczema, psoriasis, oaroer s lieu, Improvement to be made iu ncconb
out I We are ulad of it. The only ing it, particularly since it was the sau juicum, ana otner itching SKin mice with the charter nut ordinances
thing that would have made us men 01 tic council mat vacaieu .Vl' 'rT pi-n., snecincnllons nna csiitnaUs
gladder, would Have been to have me outer sirceis 10 vacate uiisuisu. "" the city engineer, filed iu the office of
them both knocked out at the same Hut there will iu the near future It required other mild ingredients thc city recorder of the city of St. Johns,
ilnu. wiu.11 turn Minn ,,,a,,. Kiini, be aim cat ons made lor t he vaca- such as glycerine aim inymoi com- which mm nians spectncniions nnti cs-
l!l timi nf nllii-r slrrfli. 'I'lie nnlv pounded with the wintenrrcen to Umntcs nre satisfactory nnd nrc hereby
" J ' Sit"" rn,li,rn Mm rAi ,.,. ncccptcl anil nnnroved. .
old Dtlll (logs, we WOUKi rejoice 10 ju uim tqimuuic way iimi vc tuH i--""" v.w. Thnt thc cost of snld improvement to
see both of them disabled for life, think of to vacate the streets would 1 his compounueu u. u. u. rre- be assessed ns provided by the city
We believe iu the davs that would he to do so by lease, upon n rental scription positively takes away the charter ttou the property csiccially nnd
dm tc ll at once the instant it i nrt- Iicuinriy ncnentteii luereny, ami
might be able to reflect, see the location increases. This would be IjIieJ to j the skin.
hist in the investor nnd to the cltv. Mould does away
..f it .....t li.Ln...... 1...ll..r ...nil Ur,r. I 'I'll. Vtrtl tlnti nf ttlrrnta ntilrttrht hv tlftlCS SO lOIlC USCCl 111 Qtl attctllDt to the tcrtltltlf of Midi IlllliroVetllUllU abut
ui lb nun ijivuiiiw uwiiwi iiiuii 1 1 if.M 1 -" w ww -ra " ' I : i4 : . - 11... -ll t t . 1
fi., lu intt,l f,.r... nf it,., transferr in? owners i n of t he uocior inc mood, Wllcrcas modem ""K y"- t uVinyiumW
n n J1,1J " ...w - - ....... I enirtiiM tin. .1, !...!. I... IO Mid
'I'IiIh ..noninl.ln which is hereby declared to be nil the
T.V .v.cSclntJlc projicrty, lots, blocks nnd imrts of lots
with deleterious un,i blocks nnd tracts of land between
gladiator's contest of the old Rom
an period and is not one whit lack
ing iu its brutality.
.streets from the city to a private
individual or corporation, to use
good plain Knglish, is almost steal
ing. It is giving away that which
The burning of the Dexter Uvcry ! ocs 10.1 ,)C,0"K 10 ? 01CS WH0 00
uti.t,.u 1.,,i ui,,.i.i 1... I..J. tnc giving. 11 perpetrates a wrong
son to the council of that city. If 'I posterity which follow-sus
that body has not a law in force b'S v,,1B for nothing now, that
that will protect the many horses of which generations from now will
the city from such u fate as those be worth inillions. I he only just
Ca met Mondnv nltMit. ll should way won u uc 10 bo maKC 111c irans-
science has determined that eczema
is first and all the time a skin dis
If you want to know more about
thc merits of D. D. D. Prescription
call at our store. We vouch for
this remedy. St. Johns Pharmacy.
0110 while lie lasted, however.
Pour hundred nnd fourteen lia
ble dietl 011 account of the execs
trive hent iu New Vork city last
week. Many children itud adults
ntao euccumheil to the terrific heat.
If the wople thcie only realized
how fresh nud cool it is iu Oregon
the fllnte would nooii bu literally
.swnmiMNl with immigrautK.
At hut Prince Ilolie and Anna
have tunlly gotten mairleil nud the
country at large can heave 11 great
high of relief. It Is quite likely
thuy will noon bo jitt as iiuxloii's
to aecure a divorce. They have
both made fooln of thumselves, and
do not de.ierve nny particular
nmoiiui 01 iiuppiiicKS.
Harvey Unnd nnd family spent
the Fourth at Hood River with his
parents and sister.
liert Rnud and family went to
Hood River to spend thc Pourth,
cs are kept. , Another thing we would like to returning Sunday evening.
k It is milv k"0 W,,y il t,ocs nl,y B01 ,0 xt ti. 1 1 1 .
.J.i.Li 1 J il .him1 the good city money to cut W ReraW s having n
better exits should be made where
large bodies of horses
Some people may think
., u.e omy consideration is t f weed s Til t lie Vt rce t n ntl pern residence built on Plske street, and
the money value, lint 11 horse can J"" UCU1,S " l,lc Mrcu ', "1 it is expected to be finished sornt
feel us keenly as can a human being, l,,c to grow Kreat big husky 11 "-xpected to be finished soon.
has sometimes 11 greater tleuree of .wcw nntl U,.i8,lc? 0,1 1 ,c. .vncn"1 . 1 1,0 Klorioiis Potirth is over with
intelligence and deserves that lc s 111 generui nuti occupied 101s in its many anxieties and sonic people
to said lluchaunn street, from thc mar
ginal line ol sall street back to thc
center of the block or blocks, tract
or tracts of land abutting, adjacent or
approximate tncrcto.
flint nil of thu property Included lu
the said improvement district nforcsald
is hereby declared to be Local Improve'
ment District No. 6.
Thc snld city engineer's estimate and
assessment of thc probable total cost of
snld Improvement of said lluchauati
street lietwcen thc easterly line of Wil
lnmctte botilcvnrd nud thc westerly Hue
01 ijnwsou street, in tnc city 01 si,
Johns, Is 4Q37.J2.
The cost of said Improvement of Add
lluchanan street to lc nssesied ugnlust
thc procrty lu said Local Improvement
District, above named, nud ns provided
by thc city charter of thc city of St.
Passed by thc common council .June
30, IOOH.
Attest: A. M. I'.SSON'.
Recorder City of St. Johns,
I'ubliihcd lu thc St. Johtib Review July
j nun 10, kjo,
The Sabbath Day
When was thc Law of
the Sabbath Given?
To whom given?
Mow long did it last ?
A reconsideration of the positions
taken by Rev. Jas. S. Johnson at the
Christian Tabernacle, St. Johns.
Place-Adventist Tent
Time-Friday Evening, July 10.
Everybody Welcome
should be made as safe al least us
that of his master.
The council, iu their efforts to be
economical, it seems to us nre
overdoing the matter a little when
they fail to publish such an impor
tant document as the wood side
walk oidiuance passed at the hist
meeting. It is an ordinance that
particular, so that their seeds will
be blown to thc streets to germin
ate nntl foul the streets more and
more every year? The Weed ordi
nance is tip to the mayor, who has
taken it under advisement. The
mayor is n good, level headed fel
low and we believe he will sign the
ordinance, if not iu its present
form, iu a modified form that will
accomplish what is so much to be
can rest
awhile now until next
ft . a . I viii if tin i I itib in nu iiiiivii J its.
affects every procrty owner in the tlcsimJ the compelling of property
city, controls the exjieudiug o n owlcrs cithCr resident or iion-rcsi.
One of the things most badly
nuedud iu St. Johns is n cemuteiy.
While the death rate in this city is
extremely low, it is inconvenient
and QOhtly to bo compelled to take
thu reiniiiti of a decuased person (
Portland for interment. A com
jHiny ahoiild be organized nt once
nnd .steps taken towaid securing n
dttnimbltf locution for this ptirose.
It would not only prove n paying
nrojKwitlou, but be u grout conven
ience for the people of St. Johns.
Work for St. Johns, talk for St.
Johtih nud push for St. Joints. Do
all you can to help it along. A
cheerful word sometimes does much
for ii locality. A stranger likes to
be among cheerful, progressive m-o-
pie. iiiiitn nun inspirited citizens
do more to tear down n city than
most any other cause. Tell the
visitor nil the good points about St.
Johns, and let the knocker grumble
about the unfavorable ones, if there
nre any. Kvery one can help it lit
tie, and there is work for all to do.
Let us gut at it.
One of the most delightful writ
ers of the present day, Joel Chand
ler Harris, better known ns Uncle
ReiuiiK, has passed to his reward.
I'nele Remus was nu educator, nud
bin letwoiiK were nil the more foice
hilly impicsscd by the (jtiuint .set
ting given by the writer. Hre'r
lUl.bit. llte'r liar 'n llre'r Pox
will never be forgotten by those
who have been entertained by their
vKUoiophy, religion and politics.
JtU.s ltyp, d that some one will, nnd
'hey stirelv will, make us complete
n collection ns possible of .Mr. Har
ris writings for the past quarter
f n century. They will live long
after Hie humorous writings of
Jimny other impular authors will
have been fin gotten.
vast amount of money, and the
property owners have a right to
know what the law is so that if it
is objectionable the objections may
be presented to the council and
acted uiion. Neither have the
people time to chase around town
nud hunt up nil the fence posts nud
telephone xles to see ii they inny
near t lie latest ordinance. If it
was some little insignificant ordi
nance that would perhaps not affect
more than a dozen of our jieoplc as
some of them do, we would not
have a word to say. lint this is
diffeieut. The same thing maybe
s.iiii 01 inc ordinance uovcruiui!
the concrete work on the .street.
This ordinance should be placed
iu the hands of every citizen own
ing proerty iu the city, because it
is important that they know what
the law is under which this work
must be done.
Pourlli of July Picnic.
The birthday of American inde
pendence was celebrated in n very
appropriate maimer by a jolly
crowd composed principally of the
inemoers of the Uudeavor of the
Christian church. The young
people bo.inled the car nt St.
Johns for Portland, transferring to
the Mt. Scott line, thence across
the country "hobo" fashion five
miles, finally reaching their desti
nation, the home of Miss Kllen
Vierhtis, n very tired, sunburned,
hungry but nevertheless happy
bunch. They received n royal
welcome, however, and their
troubles melted uway like dew
before the sun when the table was
spread for the dinner, which was
provided by the ladles of the com
pany nud which the masculine ele
ment pronounced the "nest ever."
The most exciting feature of the
day nud the one thnt created the
most interest was thc baseball
game iu the afternoon the White
dent to cut all their weeds. If he
does not, we would like to take
him across our knee and be a father
to him. There nrc n number of
vncant lots, nnd some that nre oc
cupied, with weeds nud particularly
Canada thistles, ns high ns our
head. If people who own these
lots have no more civic pride than
to see them iu this condition the
city sjiotild take steps to nbate the
nuisance at least.
Resolution of Respect.
Whereas: The Great Ruler of the has, in his infinite wis
dom removed from our midst our
worthy nud esteemed fellow laborer.
William I). Weeks and whereas:
The intimate relation and deep
interest shown by him in the W.
C. T. U. work, nud his firm stand
on the side of temperance, make it
fitting that we record our nppreci-
niton oi it 1 tit ;
Therefore resolved, that the
wisdom and ability which he has
exercised iu the furtherance of the
teuiemuce work, by counsel, serv
ice and funds will be held iu grate-
nil remembrance.
Resolved, that the sudden remov
al of such a man from St. Johns
Oregon Mnlu 547
Home A 2147
Safes, Plnuonmul I'urultttrc
Moved, I'nckcd mut Shlpcd
Office nml (tore room:
309 Oak Street,
Mrs. Colamore cave n recital of
both vocal nud instrumental music
at her home at 1759 Haven street
Mrs. Iv. Perry of Iloulton, is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
J. V.. Urotis, after a two weeks'
visit with hrr son at Molalla,
Miss Prances Fully who has
spent some time in Carlton, came
down on Friday nud is sta)ing
with her brother, John Fully.
Mrs. J. h. Briggs ami children
of Carlton came, down Friday to
spend the Fourth nud visit n few
days with relative!!. Mr. Brlggs
came down Saturday morning re
turning Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. N. Perry, also of Iloulton,
made a flying trip to the Park
Monday afternoon, bringing her
little daughter Gladys to visit with
her aunt, Mrs. J. Ikons, for two
weeks ns they are going to Alaskn.
Albert Yonsky, while working
nt Council Crest, was hurt quite
badly Tuesday afternoon by n
boulder rolling out of place and
bruising his back. He was brought
to his home 011 Haven street in an
ambulance, but is able to be around
a little nt present.
Dr. Webster and wife nud J. D.
Webster nud family spent the
Fourth with their parents ou Druid
street, and it seemed as though
they had nlmost forgotten their
cares nnd imagined they were boys
nud girls nt home together for they
enjoyed themselves immensely.
Some of the people of University J "fiSS 00
rarc, anout seventy In number, No, 1 Chicago special wives 8: p. m.
went on nil excursion to Miller's No. 3 Sjioknuel'lyer arrives at 8,-co a.m.
Landing to spend the Fourth, go. 5 Kunsas City Hxp. arrives 9,450. ui.
ltnnllit church It. A. Leonard, imtor.
Sunday Khool nt 10 n. in. l'rcachlnn at
11 n. m. II. V, 1'. U. 7 11. in. rrenchhte
nt 8 p, in.
MctliodNt church P. I., Vomit:,
tor. Sunday ncliool 10 n. in.; tireiichiui;
nt II n. m. nml H p. m. Itpivortli I.cnguc
nt 7 p. in,
Holy Cros Catholic church. Portsmouth
Station: 8:15 n. in,, low nm; 10:15 '"
llluh umm: 7M0 11. ill., venucrs nml bene-
Chriikl mil church Meets everv Sutulnv
ItiTultcriincIc m follows: Sunday nchool
nt ion. in.: iirc.iclihii! nt 11 11. m. nud 8
in., nml V. I'.S.C ).
J. johuton, iKtiitor,
St. Andrew's Kplrvcopal Chanel, I'nl
vcrlty Park Itcv. Win. II. Powell.
cuapiatu. Kegtiinr fcnices 7:30 p. in.
.meeting nt7p.u1.
Suiitlay mIiooI nt 3 p. in.; llllite cliist 7 p
3" P
I'rlilay nt 10
Union Depot, Portland.
No. a Chicago Special leaves 8:30 a. in.
sp. 4 oponaiie 1'iycr leaves at 7:00 p, in
.so. o Kansas tity Kxn. leaves 7:40 n. 111.
leaves 0:00 a. 111. 1
111.; I.eutoii services every
11. in.
Kvnugcllcnl church Sunday school nt
10 n. 111. rrcnchiiu! 1 1 n. m. Inn or K.
I. C. I. 2:30 p. 111.; Senior K. K, C. It. 7
n. m. Trenching at H p. in. Chotcr l
Gates, imktor.
l'lrst Conureuntlonnl Church-O. V.
Nelson, inuior. Sunday school 10 n.
in.; preaching 11 n. m. mut 7:15 p, in.
Y. P. S. C. It. meellnir nt 7 t. 111. Pmvcr
meeting Thurmlny nt 7:30 p. m. A mH
nnd welcome to nil.
lUptUt Church, Univcnlty Park. Rev.
i. II. Waltz, iwstor. Keeuliir services
every Sunday morning ami evening.
German JlantUt church Services held
each Sunday nt IlaptWt church m follows:
Sunday school 3 p. 111., preaching ut 3 p.
111. Kcv. l'nltmcut, pastor.
German Lutheran Services at io:j
n. 111. every Sunday morning nt corner ol
reiiiusuin avenue and Ktipitrtck street
University l'urk. All Germans of St
Holms cordially invited to attend,
luechlcr, pitor.
Christian Science Society mcctlne
held at V. H. Kinu's residence. Sun
days ami Wednesday at 8 p. 111,
Office: Room 9, Ilrcedeu Ilttlld
lug, corner Third nml Washington
streets, Portland, nnd Room 35,IIol
brook Illock, St. Johns.
Phone: Pacific 3098. Residence: St. Johns
Rooms In the Holbrook building.
St. Johns, Oregon,
Joseph AlcChesney, A. D.
Day nnd Night Offlco In McClictney Block
I'liont WooJUn 475
Physician and Surgeon.
Office In Uolbrook's Illock.
Residence, a 15 Hayes street.
Phone Scott 6yj.
Office hours, 11 to 11 a. in., 1 to j p, iu.
Office riione, W00.II1W11 J141,
KciMf net 1'hoiir, Union J901,
Office In rotUnioutli llrUk.
Transfer and Storage
v! deliver your eoods to and from all
St. Johns Ferry Time Card.
who litis heen n tuilillo lii'iii'faptnr
nil the yenrs helms lived here, They had hcen enjoying themselves 1 1 ?l?L7J'nl t!!5!!" irLiviL3L P-J
leaves a vacancy nntl snniiow mat line ntut were getting ready to
will be deeply realized by nil his come home, when they were some
friends nnd will nrove a creat loss what friuhtened bv what mMit
m Ilnu iMtt nml III,. iinliHr I linvp li n i..u carina. a .a , Lni. Leave I'.asl filiie IA. 31.1 o'to. 7m.
Kesolvetl, that witli deep sym- but was prevented by the presence !S,IS,K,-!,S,.M,
pathy for the afllicted relatives and of mind, and what we should call LeaveWcst' Side AL'i 650
tiiviiuaut me uiavuk'ii, wc expicss iiciuisiii, 01 luiipn wattoti, a yoiiufji".j, y;jo, 10:30, n:jo. i-, 1, 11:30,
an earnest nope mat even so i?reat oy ol the party. While lie and n y -t0. 5:10. 0:00, 0:30.
n bereavement may he overruled young lady were out iu a small
for their highest good. canoe, a sudden movement of one
Resolved, that n copy of these of them overturned the boat throw
resolutions be sent to the bereavtd ing them into the water: but the
young boy who might have swam
Mail Schedule
Kivk.s vs. Ilnslnn Hlnomers. result.
UM you ever atop to think what ing in a score of 7 to 8 in favor of
y I11 1HH you hnve to be thank- the Spotless Hose. It was a
tin fur in lieiihjj a ivbideut of the closely contested and fiercely won
Hitl Kmc ol Oregon? No other victory ns the teams were quite
aie 111 ttuj union i oiiit.. so unod. evenlv matched. A lame number
and tornadoes of the of errors were renistered against I
have no ter- both sides, owing to the primitive
they condition of the diamond. No I
charges were made for sjectator.s
zero tetn- and frequent upplatise from the
grand stand funs encouraged the
players. The line-up was na fol
Huston lllootuers
The bliaard
niltWle wet and houIIi
Wrs for Ougouiuus. U-iuiiso
,. WU,"? fru, .iiies of this
' e way be ow
IMlrnli.r.. ..f .1.
noil ... U,C ".,rtc,n ' nl-
0t unknown lu-ie. and the case
S JS, !1' ! wouia
' fliut ling lu;w oreuon A
Jn Mroke or ,wW,lllK ,
pi ,, ,,u Iit Of the wori.i
I hen the nicest section of the nic-
obt state h, the uuiot, is st jol . s
Us certainly pi,,lsam i !
ter Mmhou here to see the Vree ,
grass ami the (lowers on everv h
the ouster,: sU "s u5 t
hroasof ieyandbligiai,,
In the summer tin. 1 .1 ,, J'.r:
k ii,n ,r.t r.u".l"-""i
White Socks
O verstreet ... c ...... Hyerlee
MeNiveu. . . . p McNiveti
Johnson.... ib Trout
Vierhtis.... sb Vierhtis
MeNiven... 3b Johnson
MeKintiie. . . . ss Vierhtis
Overstrcet If Failing
Stucker cf Vassar
Vierhtis rf Stucker
mis ex-1
Stucker, j
lamiiy, a copy inserted in the min
utes and also one sent for publica
tion. Presented by the ladies of the
St. Johns Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union.
He is not dead
He's only gone before.
You'll meet ngaiu sometime
U)on that heavenly shore,
Where all is peace.
You feel the blow.
None but God knows your pain.
Dear friends pray oft nnd long.
Then you can sing this sweet re
frain: He's now at peace.
This world's n field
In which we all must fight.
If we but place our hand iu
Our eyes turned heavenward, all
is bright
And we're at peace.
Mail arrives at St. Johns at ? !IO a. 111.
ami ji, in.
weaves at io:jo a. m and 4M5 p. m.
CI. t. .1 r
... ...... , ku iiiuiii, uiutkijr 1 iu q;iu p. m, ouiuiays irom 9 to 10 a.ui
kept the girl's head above water - - -
lor hftcen minutes until they were NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.
nuAtiiul 1l... .1.1 I ....
yuuuK ""y uoiuk m order to Insure a chance of ad
as well as can be expected after vertltement the cony for such chsnoe
receiving such :i shock. We peo- hould reach this office not later than
pie ot me rark tliluk it a very
heioic deed iu one so young.
Oregon Fern.
wcanesaay, at a o'clock p. m.
remember this and aave the
As well as the other
kinds of Hardware is
We nre making the hnrd
ware business our study, and
It's not how cheap we can buy
but how good, and we must
hnve the quality.
Our Universal Stoves and
Ranges arc ns good as thc
BRST made.
Our mixed paints are the
Acme quality kind.
Hendricks Hardware
No. in Burlington street
Pointers for our Patrons.
Alandoliii ami Guitar Lessons.
I have orKaiih'.ed a class of man
dohu and guitar pupils in St. Johns
Our rule is the best stock
best work for our patrons.
We do not allow any priuter
and can take a few more scholars Put out ",cr work tha we do and
on each. Terms reasonable. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. Best of ref
erences. Dale cf. Taylor, at Calef
Bros., House Furalshers, opp. P. O.
I hose participating iu
cursion were: Mrs. C. A.
'"""H" ver the eastern
Mates that one cannot help but feel
glad he lives iu Oregon.
Mandolin and Guitar Lessons.
I have organized a class of man
dolin and guitar pupils iu St. Johns
and can take a few more scholars
Sura MeKintiie, W. A. Trout, on each, Terms reasonable. Sat
Alda Overstreet, Robert Johnson, isfactiou guaranteed. Best of ref-
Oracle Stucker, David Byerlee, erences. Dale F, Taylor, at Calef
Mluuie Vassar, Alex. MeNiveu. I Bros., House Furnishers, opp. V. O.
eueutleand cnn T K"V"1 cursi01 were: Mrs. C. A. Stucker,
s fresh from m rccu that May Johnson, Jack MeNiveu
h.g Thl e ur ''VriU' Um.y 1 lora WcNivcn, Gilbert Over?lreet
in,. 1 in-n. are so iii'ino ...I. o.. ft....! ... . ... '
Card of Thanks.
Words cannot exoress our heart-
felt thanks for thc kindness and
sympathy and the uiauy floral offer
ings during the illness and death
of onr beloved husband and sou.
Mrs. Wui. D. Weeks,
Mrs. Jaue Weeks.
Old papers for sale at this office.
we put the best stock iuto our jobs.
me uuierence oetweeti poor
siock aim nrst ctass stocK on a job
is a. small itepi wueu you consider
the value of the job. It is the
pnee of a satisfied customer. It is
better to make 50 cents less on a
job and have a customer who will
come back, than to use the flimsy
siock, maice me extra 50 cents nud
lose your customer. That is the
way we figure tt,
For Sale
Siuger Sewiug machine acencv
for sale. Inquire Wolcott. the
'Rent Mau. -viti
Trade maims
AnTon Mndtnr .k.t rh .n,l i1...H nt mb-
aulcklf ctlu our vplukm fm bethar ta
lUTcntloa U Irbtlr nUbU Con.munl.
UoaotrietlrconSdaniuLlilMniuuur m.i...7.
Hx.,tf- V'S' t"cj (ur eeurinir p aent.
swill tutia, without cbr, la lb
AtlOU lit aUlV Ulntldo tnurnart. Twnn A
i Fmrm mr Burnktmrnm
will U Sz
ol putlcolsr sbout location.
10 tr. OIt erics.
"1 SJ..'UU Kiwilas
1 ba had. Aildrua.
LtMT1WM.sW Net
imrts ol
rortlaud, Vancouver. I.hiutdli.
rtlaml nun Suburlwin l'.xtwit Cn..
city dock nml nil jioliits accessible by
v.igon. Piano and furniture moving
n siiccialty. 109 1J, Ilurllugtoii; phone
Richmond 61.
Funeral Director anl Cmbalmer
Lady Assistant,
llranch office at University Park Drug
Store, phone Woodlawn 1874.
Main office, Portland, Oregon; phone
Scllwood 71,
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Meets each Monday evening in Odd
I'ellows hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
II. S. Simmons, N. G,
It. B. Holcouib, Secretary,
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Meets every Priday uicht
at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P.
hall. Visitors always wel
come. Geo. R, Ulack, C.
C. J. II. Black, K. R. S.
Central Market!
Holbrook Block,
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best
Meats Obtainable,
Orders Pilled and Family Trade Solicited
T.P.WARD Proprietor.
City of st; Johns, Orcgoi
Mayor II. W. Rrlcc
K cornier A. M. Kuan
TrtMurcr I, K. Tancb
Attomry 11, K. Collier
Kusiuerr C Andrews
;;hyIcUn-A. W. Vincent
Lhlel ol Police J. II. Ulack
Night 1'ollce C, KthcrUgc
A. W
Councittneu st Large: '
PavU. C, L. Johnson, 8.I.. Dobie
Counciluien first WrJ:
P. J. Miller W. W, Wludle
Coundlmeu Second Ward!
II, C Hunter 11. w. Uoubsm
Streets aud Docks W. W. Wludle. P. I.
Miller. C L. Johuaou '
Llccux H. w. Pouham. II. C. Hunter.
W.W, Wludle '
Water and Llsht-C. I. Johnaou, A. W.
Uavla, II. w. Uouham
Vlnance-A. W I)al. H, c. Hunter, 8.
L. Ooble
Building aud OrouadS-II. C. Iluoter. P.
J Miller. C. I.. Johnwu
Health aud Police S. U. Ooble. II, W.
Uouuam, W, W. WiniUe
I-ljuor License P. J. Mlller.A.W.DaiU.
S. L. Dobie