ST. JOHNS REVIEW j GET IN THE HABIT j J 01 JvertUlnS In The Review jf Jind you'll never resret It. tie- 5 gin .it once tnJ kceprlilittt It J S i IT'S NOW UP TO YOU J Totubtcrlbe tor The Rlow. All.thc niwi whtte II It ncwi U J our motto. Call In and tnroll J Devoted (o (be Inlerett of (he Peninsula, (he Manufacturing Center of the Northwest ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 10. 1908. NO. 35 VOL. 4 ST. JOHNS NEEDS HOSPITAL Such an Institution Would Prove of Great Benefit to this Portion of the Peninsula Why not have a well equipped hospital in St. Johns? Did it ever occur to you that there Is enough sickness in St. Johns, University Park, Portsmouth, Linuton and injuries at the dlfTcrcut mitts in these localities to support n nice little hospital here? If you have never thought of it, just concen trate your mind on this subject for a few minutes, and when you have decided Hint it would he better, if a man was injured, to be able to place hint in a hospital in a few minutes where he would have skillful care than to make the long, nud to the injured one, tiresome trip to Portland, every jar and mo tion occasioned by the transporta tion causing greatest sulTcriug; just interest the next man that you meet in hecuring a hospital here. There ore many enscs of illness in the communities named where a nice, neat, well appointed, room in n hospital would prove a boon to the Mtfferer. There perfect facility for handling the patient would restore health in it fraction of the time required in the home, where nil the cares of the household would con tinue to worrv the patient. Hnd 'Em Again. Ilrothcr Cinder of the White Salmon Enterprise "has 'cm" sometimes, nud the delightfully salubrious climatic conditions of the lovelv White Salmon district seems to have affected his mental vision with iialos nud sun spots and things, and he breaks forth in his usual elegaic verse. The follow ing ure his latest: Who weeps with you when you arc sad nud laughs with you when yon me glad, mid Miiilca with you when you nre mad the editor. Who has to be both kind nud wise and never (hardly ever) lies, nnd when he does creates surprise the editor. Who owns a heart as well as cheek, possessed of spirit proud yet meek, and lives on forty cents a week the editor. The throbbing chant of summer has begun, nud man and beast avoid the midday sun, the cow wades in the pond without a shud der and gets great gobs of mud upon her udder; the calves Iwgin to nibble at the grass nnd soon we'll have them in the weaning class, the old brood mare begins to switch In the upper rooms of the brick building on the corner of Chicago nnd Jersey, recently vacated when the saloons closed is admirably adapted to this purpose. The rooms arc tight and airy, it is a quiet place and if the lower room could be taken by some one who would do nny ordinary business it would not interfere in any way with the hospital. Such arrange ment would save n great deal of suffering to those in need of such service nud could be the means of giving the proper jcrson profitable employment. Talk this over with your neighbor. If you know of nny one who understands the oper ation of a hospital, who is capable nnd has some means with which to furnish the rooms, and they need not be furnished expensively, rnth cr plain and neatly, just sec if you cannot interest them in the propo sition This is n little task all may engage in, nnd in doing ho, have the consciousness thnt what they arc doing nmv be for their own personal comfort, for none of us mnv burnt, lintv- unnw wt! slinll need the services of just such nn institu tion. her tail for flics appear in June nud seldom fail, the maiden dons her lightest, gnur.tcst clothes, and uglv freckles form upon her nose, the blossoms sweet, the roses fair, ex hume their fragrance on the air, the nuts invade the pantry shelves and lovers spoon nil to themselves, the maiden dons the peekaboo, the kind thnt we can see clear through, ' the clover blossoms, insects hum, nud bumble bees arc on the bam. Simpson Copplc, who passed through St. Johns on his way In the Turner convention several days ngo, returned Friday nnd reported a splendid time nt Turner. Great enthusiasm, lots of hard work and n vnst amount of good done. These meetings are grent educators nnd it always pays one to attend if they go with the proper object, that is, to get the most out of it that is available, nnd paradoxical us it may seem, it is usually the one who gives the most thnt gets the most out of it. Frank King, who was so badly injured in the saw mill a few days ngo was uble to get out of the house Monday. 10000000000001 THE TROLLEY WAY Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates. Therefore ring up the PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXPRESS GO, Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns nud Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct to destination. Turn your trunk checks nud shipping receipts over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and Portlaud. Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car load lots. Experienced and courteous employes. Phone Main 358, Portlaud office. Phone Main A 3358. First and Flanders Streets. C. W. STEARNS Phone Woodtawn 818. Agen't at St. Johns. Office 105 E. Burlington street. ooo DOINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL An Interesting Session Tuesday Evening in Which a Large Budget of Municipal Business Was Disposed of At the adjourned meeting of the city council Thursday of last week several very interesting questions were up for debate nnd some prop ositions were initiated which if pushed energetically will result in great good for the city. The opening item on the pro gram was it petition presented ask ing' the mayor to issue n proclama tion directing that the weeds, brush and undergrowth be cut from nil the lots within the city limits. After some discussion the city attorney was directed on mo tion of Davis, to draw ordinance covering the points oi etitlou along the same line as a similar ordinance of the city of Portlaud. Petition of J. II. Crook to im prove his property by laying side walk was referred to engineer on motion of Hunter witli instructions to report at next meeting. Petition of McKinucy ct at to slash and clear Leonard street from Stafford to Willis boulevard on motion of Davis was accepted, placed on Tile and permission granted. Petition of Mrs. Pain and Mrs. Nancy and Miss G. Caples to con struct wooden instead ot cement side walk along Richmond street, and another of Daniel Iirecht to construct his own cement sidewalk in front of his property on Rich mond street was read and on mo tion of Hunter was accepted and filed. Claim of Iv. 0. Magoou and Herman Sperling was presented asking for refund of license money for the unexpired term wns read niuLnii motion of Day's Jl' ctobn was granted and it was made to include all other license holders when they should make a claim for refund. C. 1?. Hoycr addressed a com munication to the council with drawing his objections as to street lines nud walks on Polk street, which was read, ncceptcd nud placed on file. On motion the certified check of N. T. Swan in lieu of bond for the satisfactory construction of the sidewalk on Richmond street wns accepted. T. T. Parker here appeared in behalf of the Marine Iron works for the vacation of n certain part of Charleston street west of the west erly line of Bradford street to the river, lie based tits claim on nu error in the record of the actions Washed Gravel j Beit for Concrete Work g West Side Washed Gravel Co. j Leave orders with g 1 ttCNAKD SKEPAti r WAYNE L MILLS I no N, Jersey Street 510 N.Jersey Street j of n former city council which he claims vacated this portion of Charleston street in connection with some others and that in mak ing the record the city recorder failed to enter this portion of the vacation. In support of his claims he presented affidavits from T. J. Mouahan and other members of that council attesting to the truth of his claims The ordinance he presented passed the first nnd sec ond rendings, but the council for some reason were not satisfied and the ordinance failed to pass third reading, and will he taken up again nt the next meeting. The ordinance establishing n standard for concrete work on streets nud the new sidewalk ordi nance passed their third readings. At this point n most interesting discussion of the city dock question occupied the time for a half hour or more nud resulted in the appoint ment of n committee of three on motion of Davis to take tti the ; matter of securing n track to the new city dock, nud It was pro posed that the entire council go :..!.,. .1... i .... .... .... I Willi nil. ill 11.1 nuuu nn possible autl iusect the ground, make a sketch showing the relation I r( lltn i nrt r tin tl I mil 1 flu Ul III V. kU Kill t IIW general contour of the surface, etc., .with n view to ascertaining the most available route to the dock, and be nbte to present the matter intelligibly to the railroad ollicluls. The committee appointed by the mayor was Davis, Hunter and Doblc. DIES FROM BROKEN HEART Mrs. Robert Hardy, Mother of John Hardy of this City, Passes Away at a Ripe Old Age I The city fathers ijjs in their 13th weekly session Tuesday evening and notwithstanding the warm weather prosecuted their deliber ations with vigor. 1 Petition of McKiuuey ct nl. ask ing for the removal of n cow barn . on Stafford street that touches the 'side walk nud is in too close prox imity to the wooden water pipe and ! has become n nuisance to the com munity it is claimed, was referred to the board of health for action, and to report nt the next meeting. ISnglnecr's rcort in the mntter of the J. II. Crook improvement of Fesscnden street was received, read and placed on file nud the pcrmis sion wns grnuted Mr. Crook to build his sidewalk according to the profile submitted and tinder the direction of the city engineer. Attorney T. T. Parker appeared again in the matter of the closing of thnt portion of Charleston street touching the river and filed a petition praying for the closing of this portion of that street. He . . .1. rt- 1 . ..e .1 l presented me aimnivii 01 niioiner one of the old councilmcu, Mr. I Hamilton, testifying thnt he voted 1 for the closing of this portion of that street nnd thnt the Inilurc to do so wns nn error. An amended 'ordinance closing this portion of j Charleston street was rend the I first time, but Alderman Davis nud others were not fully acquainted with the facts in the case and were unsatisfied to take definite action until they were better informed. They therefore voted no when it came to the second reading. The ordinance wilt be held over until they have inquired more fully into the merits of the case. On motion of Davis nine bills for labor nud material amounting to ?53-75 were allowed nnd paid. On motion of Davis the oidiuauce covering the concrete walk ami street was referred to the city attorney witli instructions to strike out superfluous words and sentences ami present in n more condensed form so as to beat the printers out of as much of their job as possible. It is hard 011 the printers, but we are glad to .see the boys saving all ; they can for the city. j Ordinance governing the con-, strttctlon of wood sidewalks was, put to final passage on motion of Hunter nud passed without 11 dis-i senting voice. Ordinance declaring weeds, 1 brush, etc., a nuisance when on Jots within tlte city limits passed the council nud up to the mayor, who took it under advisement and if not vetoed will become n law 1 when lie signs it. Ordinance declaring liquor sell ing ami drinking within the limits of the city of St. Johns n nuisance and prescribing the punishment for the same passed the third leading autl will be put upon its final pas sage at the next meeting. Plat of Park addition presented by Hartinou & Powers wasrelerred to the committee 011 streets nud public property. Appointment was made fo visit some of the docks in Portland Fri day to make n study of their con struction in order to be able to decide upon just what wilt be for the best in the construction of our city dock. Mrs. Robert Hardy, aged 95, passed away Thursday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. U. L. Turuey, following the death of her husband, by less than 30 days. Mrs. Hardy's death is srtid to be due to n broken heart for the loss of her husband, Robert Hardy, aged 07, who died June 4. The pair hnd tasted the bliss of married life perhaps longer than any other couple in the United States. They were married 75 years ago in New Jersey. I.oug before the Civil war they hnd been joined in wedlock autl had begun their journey to the Grent West, then a vast wilderness, uninhabited except for the savage Indian tribes thnt roamed nt large. When they innrricd, Mr. Hardy wns 23 nud his wife wns 20. They were wedded after the fashion of the time, following n courtship which tasted many months and nn acquaintance that dated from child hood. He was born in 181 1 and she in 1813. They played around the only store that grncetl the little village of their childhood, and Moonlight Ride. The members of Wilder's Male chorus of Portland spent a most enjoyable evening Wednesday, the arrangements having been made by our excellent committee, J. N. Albert, H. G. Wilson, M. 1J. Hehrcus. Kvcrything w cut smoothly, including the car. All gathering at Second autl Washing ton, we proceeded to enjoy the scenery by moonlight, crossing the steel bridge to Piedmont, thence to Union nveinie autl Vancouver Per ry, where n short stop wns made to see the mighty Columbia by night, back to the car barns, nud Lower Albion to Alder and from there to Council Crest, where a delightful lunch was prepared by the wives nud best girls, including ice cream. Leaving there lit 1 1 p. 111. where 11 most magnificent view of Portland, Vancouver nud Oregon City by electric light wns had, we startetl for our different homes nfter having had one of the times of our lives. Iv. I.. Perkins. heard the tales of the travelers who toltl in language vivid nud stirring of the wonderful feats of Paul Jones upon the seas in behalf of their country. In 1858 they startetl westward. They had nlrcndy been married a quarter-century, but were in the prime of life. They came to Port land t.5 years ngo and settled with their dntightcr, Mrs. Turuey, who resides on McKcunn avenue, two blocks below Poitsmotith, and it was here that both died. Thirteen children were born to them during their lifetime, five of whom arc now residing in Oregon and Washington. They are Mrs. 1J. I,. Turuey, Portland: Mrs. Martha Hart, formerly of Seattle; Albert Hardy, Arbor Lodge: John Hardy, St. Johns, nud A. Hardy, of Vancouver. The itinera! will take place from the home of Mrs. Turuey, nt to o'clock this morning. The inter ment will take place in the Colum bia cemetery. Saturday Oregon iau. Not Al licit of n Success. Owing to the fact that there wns no celebration in St. Johns on the Fourth a large number of our peo ple took in tlie doings nt Vancou ver. Rut there was little pleasure in the excursion. The car service was entirely inadequate to trans port the passengers on the Vnucou-. ver line and many had to wait for three hours to get it car on Union avenue. 1 lie fetry was crowded autl the miserable streets of that city were in tiie same condition. It seemed that the age limit wns entirely eliminated nt the saloons, ns many boys in their early teens, were .swaggering undisturbedly on the main thoroughfares. Outside of the ball games there was little to interest the pleasure seekers. Tnk- ling it altogether the occasion was not much of a success us fur us en joyment was concerned. The Fourth was scut in a safe and sane manner in St. Johns, autl with the exception of 11 few slight burns no cnMialities were reported. Miss I Initio Wolf of Salem, is visiting witli her sister, Mrs. J, H. Campbell nud also attending the United brethren conference livid in Portland. Miss Wolf is quite nu earnest worker in the young peo ple's society of the United brethren church nt Hazel Green. Dry and Happy. The St. Johns Review, while sympathizing with the men who have been thrown out ot uusitiess nnd suffered disappointment and loss, is pleased at the result. "Are ! we glad the town went dry?" it asks, and answers, "well,' we, should smile." And it is not to ! be doubted that the Review ex-' presses the sentiments of a large majority of the good people of that growing industrial city. ; St. Johns will always be a. city om posed largely of workiugtncu, most of them men ot latutltcs. There, or in that vicinity they will live, and a large proportion of I them will or should have homes of their own. lu a majority of cases j these homes will have to be paid for out of carefully saved surplus : 'ri. 1,0 i....., ' cmiiiiir. iikic win uv iiwtm.bwa, i after awhile even thousands, of children, growing up to clothe and feed and educate and train to be come good, intelligent citizens. What does a community like that want of a lot of saloons close to the scene of these men's work? It does not waut them, has no proper use for them, If none is there, many of these men will save many dollars in the course of a year for their homes and families that otherwise they would squan der, and will be better off morally, mentally and physically besides. If a man must drink the stuff that "steals away his brains" and keeps him impoverished and unrespected, he can still obtain abundance to easily gratify his desire. But we ma expect that most of these men, the temptation not being right be fore their eyes, will get in the habit of going without the stuff, to their advantage. As to revenue, St. Johns will manage without much difficulty, as other cities have done. Some ad ditional taxes may be necessary, but most people will have .more money to pay taxes with. The city will eventually find itself rich er by a large margin, nnd better, in other ways. So let St. Johns smile with its editor. Oregon Journal. We nre glad our little squib served for a text for the above trite homiletic. For some years these words will be true in their entirety, but very soon the man sions of the millionaires will be mingled with the less pretentious, but not less happy cottages of the! laborer. And for all of these, St. I Johns will be brighter, better and I happier without the saloon autl all its evils than with them. St. Johns Loses to Vancouver. , Chautauqua, Gladstone Park. One of the most delightful ways of spending n week for recreation is to attend the Chautauqua at Gladstone Park. This year the management lias made elaborate preparations for one continuous program from July 7 to and includ ing the 19th. Some of the most noted speakers and other specialists have been employed to meet the people. Among the most noted speakers we note the name of John Sharp Williams, the democratic leader oi the house of representatives, one of the most fascinating speakers in the nation. Dr. Ira Landreth, Robert Mclutyre, Kdwiu Southers, Alfred Montgomery, Mrs. Leonora M. Lake, Dr. I). L. Whitman, Mrs. Anna Lewis Clark, Walter Thomas Mills and many other celebrated men and women will entertain the people and instruct them at the same time. If by any means one could spare the time and money, both would be well spent if one attended the entire chautauqua. The national conventions of the two old parties afford pleuty of fill ing for the city dailies, The St. Johns ball team has proved quite a stepping stone for the Vancouver club in the Tri-Clly League. The two teams have played five straight games together and the Washington bunch has captured them all. On July .)th the local players went to Vancouv er grounds, (which by the way are about two miles from the business section of that city) and pulled off a double header. The first game resulted in 0 score of 8 to a in Van couver's favor. With the excep tion of one inning when our boys rather went up in the air and five runs were scored against them, the game was a highly interesting one, Fleming made another sensational catch of a high line drive nnd Drown also made a phenomenal stop of a hard grounder. Kelt, the catcher for St. Johns, made a poor showing both at the bat and be hind it. The team work of the locals was poor at times, and when hits meant runs they were not forthcoming. The second game which was commenced after ten minutes inter mission was won by Vancouver 4 to o. As the St. Johns lads only made one hit it is not hard to tell the reason they lost the game. On July 5 the same clubs had another matinee at the new Albina grounds, which also went the way of the others by a score of 6 to 5. This game should have been St. Johns' but was lost on account of the poor playing of a new first baseman the club picked up to fill the vacancy caused by the non appearance of one of the players, lie should by all means have been placed at a less responsible position. As it was the game was well worth the money. Watch the label on your paper. Old papers for sale at this office. I Al. L. IIOLHKOOK C B. IiAII.UV I St. Johns Land Co. The Largest and Oldest Real Gstatc Firm in St. Johns. East St. Johns The center of the great development now taking $ place on the Peninsula. 3 We have only a few business lots left on Columbia & Houlevanl, which for a short time only will be sold at $ present prices. Some fine residence lots still on sale. Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O. R. & N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms. We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install- . v . 1 l l , t t . it Holbrookes Addition meuts. t Call at our office for prices and terms for either of S these desirable tracts. i Phone Jersey 931 Oregon J St. Johns 4 St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln drietl and otherwise. Also slab wood. Timbers of ull sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood now and save trouble. k