St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 03, 1908, Image 4

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    New Alining Scheme.
There nrc many ways to adver
tise, but the most unique way wc
have seen to advertise and at the
same time beat the printer is that
put up by the representative of the
Tiger Unite gold mining company
of Nevada.
This gentleman came Into the
office last week and ordered a
bunch of hand bills printed, paid
the price, distributed them about
town. Now, that is all icgular.
But the meat of the cocoanut was
in the bills. They stated that
there would be n meeting held In
Uickiier's hall Thursday evening
and that at tlint meeting there
would be civeu away iaoo shares
of stock in this gold mining com
This looked to us like n new
bunco game and wc went up to
the meeting with all the prejudice
common to dcodjc looking for
Bold brick. There were not half
the number of Mickers wc expected
to see, and there were but two or
three more than enough to carry
off the required number of shares.
We were most agreeably surprised
therefore, to see that the gentleman
carried out to the letter every state
ment he made in the dodgers he
had printed. The people that
wiuio hi to hear him were end
handed a half ticket with a ntiin
her written upon it, the other ha
bearing a like number was depos
tied III a puper Ikjx. WJicii it was
thought the crowd was about all
in the gentleman running the show
exhibited wimples from his mine
gave a history of the development
so far, slated Dial instead of put
tiim live or six thousand dollars
advcitising with liming letters i
the big dailies the attractions of
IiIk pioerty, he takes this method
of petting his shares in the hand
of the people. In each community
hu distributes ti few shares and
then afterwards distributes hi
litcratuic and goes from man
mail MMiing ins mock, nils saves
the uxiiendituru of vast sums
money in advertising which brings
In no rotiiriiK for the reason tlin
hundreds of others are doing the
Hiniu thing.
I lie beauty of this artaiigcmcnl
is that tlie money derived from the
sale of these slimes goes directly
into the development of the mine
Instead of into the coffers of the
big dailies for ndvei Using. The
ptiriXMu of selling this stock is t
ciunte a fund for sinking the mail
shaft to a lower level where th
main lode of the mine will be
touched. The samples of ore al
i uiiily reached range in value fiom
$7 per ton to $130.55 lcr ton
gold, silver mid coiiikt. The mine
is in do pioximity to other ricl
ininu and theie is not the least
doubt but it will, if propel ly mini
aged, soon dccoiiic a dividend pay
nig mine, rue raiuoiid lias come
so near now that the low grad
oies irom the mine may
worked with a profit, which couli
not be done before, and this will of
iUelf be a source of profit. We
may be unity, but this proposition
look good to us ami if we did not
huvo all our loiwe colli tied up in
the gold mines icpu-senle! by the
Review and leal eMnte in dilTeteut
localities we would invent some in
the Tiger Uutte. We believe it
will my. Ihese tteiitlviiien hav
arranged with King K (iillmoie to
iupieciil them when they ate away
irom nere, or anyone may receive
all the information regarding the
uiliiu hu may desiro by addressing
uiu 'tiger initio Alining company
room i, a6.i Stink stieet, Port
iwHi.urttsoii, or netter Mill call in
trm when in the city.
AWule it Record.
J. II. Young made it thoiotigh
Gfliivnie ol the city this week and
made n refold of every vacant ic
itUnct in the coriHratiuii. also
ovury vncaiit utoie building and
nemu oinec tooin, riieie were
05 rauriuiice. 10 atom iooiiin and
.i officu 1 (Minis vacant. This is
cortifMNl to by affidavit.
There U one thing tlint gives St.
Johns a bad look 011 the surface
just now and Hint ia, that the peo
ple who had a little money in the
iMiikK and became seined dining
the flurry, at aoon an they could
get their money put it into Hidden
oe; thus iuMead of renting, they
own their own homes and the loot
ed hoiiMtti nie now empty, in a
muaimre. This U really a benefit
tu the city, for while there is at
preiu moie empty houses than
ever aveu in St. Johns Ixfore, the
new home added by the dozen to
the city during Hie put year are a
periuuneiit udduiou to the properly
value of the city. Hvery induce
meat ahould be made to the home
seeker to come licie and build, not
lent. While this wems like knock
ing to those who have places to
runt, it tunlly is a hoot for them,
iuciooMiig the value of their hold
ings and with it their rental value
aliw; for the moie iKuple who come
to a certain location and are satis
fied home makers the more will be
induced to come by the iiilhieuce
of their letters to the jKrople left
behind. There is no better home
locality in the state of Oregon than
St. Johns and now that local option
hns carried, it is up to the advo
cates of that measure to advertise
it and secure as many as possible
to locate here wheie they may be
assured of n clean city government.
Watch the label on your paper.
All Ilchlng
Skin Diseases Which
Hereditary Instantly
Are Not
Relieved by Oil of
Can Kczcina be cured ?
Some physicians say "Yes."
Some say "No."
The real question is, "What is
meant bv Eczema?" If you mean
those scaly eruptions, those dis
eases which make their first ap
pearance, not at birth, but years
afterward, and perhaps not until
middle age, then there can no
longer be any question but that
these forms of Kczcina ate curable.
Simple vegetable oil of winter
crcen, mixed with other vegetable
ingredients, will kill the germs that
infest the skin.. Apply tins pre
scription to the skin, and instantly
that awful itch is gone. 1 he very
moment the liouid is applied that
ntioiiizintr. tautallzini! itch disap
pears, and continued applications
of this external remedy soon cure
the disease.
We carry in stock this oil of
Winlemreeu tironerlv compounded
into I). I). D. Prescription. While
!( rtrsi mm eitr flint if .t'.ll fMirn nil
those cases of skin trouble which
are inherited, wc positively know
that this I). I). I). Prescription,
whenever riirhtly used, will cure
every last case of genuine Kczcina
or other skin trouble, which did
not exist at birth.
We know this. Anyway you
yourself, will know that I). I). I).
Prescription instantly takes away
the itch the moment it is applied to
the skin. Stop that itch today
instantly. Just call at our store
and try this refreshing and soothing
liouid: also ask about I). I). I).
Soap. St. Johns Pharmacy. 32c
The Size of Babylon
The report of the German Oricn-
tal Society of tlie extensive explor-
atiou carried out 011 the ruins of
ancient Il.ibylon. which has just
been issued under the editorship of
Dr. Preidrlch Delllxsch, is a docu-
incut of more than usual interest.
Perhaps one of the most astonish
ing discoveries in the field of topog
raphical icsearch has been the trac
iug of the walls of the city and the
ascertainment of its true size.
wonderful descriptions of the size
of Ilahylon have been given, based
chiefly on the hearsay evidence of
Herodotus, in ancient times, and
the theories of the late Dr. Oppcrt.
These writers made the city a vast
paralcllogram, surrounded by a
wall 50 miles long and 100 feet
high, with 100 gates, and bisected
by the Euphrates. According to
them, the area was about as large
as London and Paris together, or
some .10 square miles. All this
wild conjecture has been swept
T he exploration of the walls
commenced at the Uabel fort, and
here was found a wall 25 feet
thick, with buttresses every 60 feet.
1 he line of the wall was traced to
1... 1 1
jiiv nun j 11. ui uiiiij uu iiiu
banks 01 the river, this portion
was pierced by only one gate, the
gate 01 isear, llunKed by tall towers
decorated with Inezes of lions and
dragons in eiicatistictile work. On
the north it was traced to the river
tank. The whole iiiclosure cover
ed an aiea of a little over one
square mile, or roughly that of our
City of London.
In the knsr, or "palace mound,
were found the remains of two
giuit induces, one built by Natup
uluwiir, and the other by Nebtich
adnczAir. Until were most complex
in plan, containing hundreds rooms
lor the accommodation of retainers.
officials of the royal family. The
wo jKilaces nie separated by a
Mreei. 1 ue inter or new cuuice is
is on the eastern .ide and coiiists
a . . .a mi 1 . t 1
of Mtveral groups of chambers, ar
ranged mound quadrangles separ
tod iy stioug walls and gateways
I'lie largest of is a royal quad
angle, entered by a double gate
un the south sale of the sutiarc
is the northern lacadc of the royal
audience chamber of Selamlik. This
facade was .10 feet wide, and had
been lichly decorated with floral
usigns in ciuiueled brick in yellow
ml white, blue and black.
No Time to Walk.
n poy out cutting wood on one
1 . .
f the .steep hillsides near Newixut
hcaid a call from home to get some
ater lor the cook, dropped his ox
and started foi the house, Just as
stinted a huge black bear rose
p 011 her hind feet and beuan
hainpiug her teeth at him. The
lad let out a yell that made a sound
;ive that would icach the Philip
pines and jumivd for home. Un
fortunately his toe caught and he
fell so feet or more down hill. He
id not have tune to net tin and
alk but rolled circus fashion on
down to the doorstep and jumping
msuie told the startled people that
a big hog had chased him. The
gentleman he was working for took
his gnu and went to the sjot where
the lad received his fright and
found that an old bear and a cub
had been there, but were perhaps
iriguicued more than the boy and
had decamped.
Corned beef for your cabbage
llitgood & Cole's.
A Talk With Our Readers.
By way of a hint, we wish to
say to our good friends who may
owe the Review a little bill,
wc will receive this week or
a linotype machine. It is not
bin but it costs quite a bunch,
when our collector comes around
this month we hope you will go
down into that stocking leg and
cheerfully pungle up that which is
due tlie poor devil of a printer, so
that he will be able to mcet( his
engagements. We will continue
to make the Review bigger and
better just as rapidly as our friends
will enable us to do so. We should
have changed the form of the
paper the first of the mouth had it
not bctni for the "house cut" we
arc running which is a seven col
umn cut sent us by the contractor
instead of a six column wc con
tracted for and which runs to the
cud of the month and wc cannot
therefore chance until then
We shall, at an early date, in
arigurate a subscription voting con
test the prize for which will be
paid up scholarship in some bust
ncss collece. We wish to euro
contestants in St. Johns, Mnnloii
University Park, Portsmouth and
Tualatin valley. On July tst th
subscription price of the Review
was advanced to -ft. .so per annum
as announced recently. In spite o
the treat advAiicc in the price 0
paper and other printers' supplies
we have held the price down after
every other paper that we know
in the country has advanced th
price of their publications to $1.50
and if 2 per annum. in view 01
the many changes we are making
in the plant and in the paper
however, we are forced to step u
in line with the others in the pric
also. We will promise however,
that the price is not the only thing
that will be advanced in connection
with the paper, but wc will add
its interesting features in a greater
ratio than we have added to th
To those who wilt cuter this
contest we will give a liberal com
mission on new cash subscriptions
and renewals collected for and
the most energetic and success fu
solicitor, in addition, the scholar
ship. This will be worth working
for and may be the means of fitting
some one for a succcsmii bam
with the hardships of after life
I'or any further information call at
the office or address the Review.
It Was a Joke.
The biggest joke measured
latitude and longitude and by
degree of mirth it provoked
perpetrated in Hood River, Hood
county Oregon Thursday of last
week. About 10 o clock n .tele
graph messenger handed each of
proscctive candidates in the city
message that read "Meet me No
today to consult concerning your
candidacy for of
Hood River county (naming th
office) signed Geo. I;. Chamberlain
Gov. Every mini jack of them
took a hike to meet the governor
tliiiilMntr Hint lii. linil tin iiihIiI
: r . :: 1 .
iracK with n strong pun. No. a or
rived, tint no Gov. audit dawn
...1 iw, u. t,rK.ilv.. ilmi tti.-v
i,mi ,,. lititirotwi. Some of Hilmh
took it so to heart that they went
to The Dalles in the next county to
avoid publicity in getting back to
their offices. The Hood River
News Letter says that Seneca S
Fonts stood across the track with
a smile on his face like a harvest
moon. That is all that needs be
said. He owed it to Hood River
boys to even up for the badger
joke they put up 011 him about a
year ago. Sen is even.
Officers of New County
Die following from the Hood
River Glacier explains itself: A
private message leceiwd yesterday
from the governor s private secre
tary says the following officers for
Hood River county have been ap
pointed by the Governor:
Judge A. J. Derby.
Commissioners R. J. MclsaaQ
and M. M. Hill.
Clerk Geo. 1). Culbertson.
Treasurer -Y. C. Urock,
Sheriff -I.. E, Morse.
Assessor J. P, I4ucas, Cascade
Surveyor John I. eland Hender
Supt. of schools -E, E, Coad.
Coroner Dr. Edgiugton,
With the exception of Mr. I.ucas,
the assessor, all these gentlemen
are well known to the writer, are a
fine bunch of officers and will give
Hood River county first class ser
vice, judge tJerby will understand
now why he lacked five or six votes
of having enough to elect him to
the legislature ut the late state elec-
tion, the fates decreed that he
should be the fiist Judge of Hood
River county. The judge is a
bright young lawer and we congrat
ulate him on his success 111 captur
ing the plum.
Our Charges,
As is customary, we will
for card of thanks, 50c; for
tions of respect, i,oo: for
of church or lodge entertainments,
suppers, sociables, etc., where there
are charges lor admission, 5c per
line, but where there are no charges
for these events, we will break the
rule and insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
our good friends may understand
our rule in this respect.
Reformation Needed.
It is strange thut men will not
learn from the observation of the
experience of others. A man will
sec another begin to tipple, gradual
ly the appetite for drink will grow
upon him until, before he is aware
of it, he is under its control and
doomed to a drunkard's grave.
The same rule applies to nations as
to men. Nations will learn from
the fate of other nations no more
than will one man learn a lesson
from Jthc result of another man's
action. Unless there is a reform
ation in the life of this nation it
will go just as the Grecian, the
Roman, the Egyptian nations went
in the centuries of the past. It
takes no prophet to tell the result
of our dissipation, our inordinate
greed for wealth, our legalized
enslaving of the poor to increase
the wealth of the rich. Just so
surely as it brought rcvoluttou
bloodshed, destruction of the na
tions mentioned, will it bring the
same result with our nation. Wc
may not live to sec it but our child
rcn or their children will. One or
two generations with the increasing
disregard for righteousness thegrow
ing indifference for human life, and
disrespect for the property rights of
others will bring anarchy, and the
red rag of revolution will take the
place of Old Glory, there should
not only be a good government
league in St. Johns, but a National
organization along the same Hues,
Poultry Pickings.
Keep on fighting the army of lice.
Keep the houFcascool as possible.
bluidy nooks arc tclishcd by hens.
lhc most profitable hens us a
rule arc not the stylish ones.
During hot weather scclalcarc
should be taken not to overcrowd
nor ova feed.
Eilthy houses are doubly danger
ous during hot weather.
It will pay to clean the droppings
each morning.
Separate the growing cockerels
from the pullets.
This is a good time to dispose of
the old stock that is not needed.
The price for dressed ducks is not
so high as last mouth.
The prices ore good for roasting
Keep the eggs in a cool ccllcr.
Ue on the lookout for rats, wcaslcs
and coons.
Open New Hall Grounds.
The Apostles of St. Johns and
the Pioneers of Vancouver are
billed to open the new ball grounds
at Williams avenue and Stanton
street Sunday, July 5. This will
be a hard fought game as the two
teams arc pretty evenly matched,
it is new grounds, the boys will be
on their mettle and everybody will
want to see the first game.
brother T.apham challenges the
Christian Scientists to prove their
faith by their works in setting a
broken leg, for exumple. Will
brother I.upham give the Scientists
a try at his leg that is to say, one
of his legs? Oregoiiiau. If Hroth-
cr Latham will chase along with
these modern folks he will observe
that they will "pull his leg" pretty
regularly in order to propagate
their "screed."
City of St, Johns, Oregon
Mor-ll, W. lit If
Knutilcr A. M. Kmh
Tira.urcr J. H, Tnch
AUarury-ll, l, Collier
Hiililurtr C, AiiUrrw
I'll) ik-Un A. W, Vliictnl
Clilcl ol roller I. II. UUck
Mailt tVlkf-O, ItthriMst
Councilman ut Lariret
A. W Davit, C I,. Johnwu, rt. ! Potile
Couiicllmrn l'lrtt Ward)
I' J MllUr W.W. Wludle
Councilmcn Second Vtil:
II C Hunter II, W, Honhim
Slrrctt ami Dockk-W. W. Wlndle. I. ),
Miller 1. 1.. Johiiwn
I.Uemc- II W lUmham. II, C. Hunter,
w w w nunc
Water aud Ucht C. !,. Johnun, A. W.
IUi, II, W. lkiiiliam
I'lnaiice -A W liavU. II. C. Hunter, 8.
I. nolle
lultdlnii and ('.round-II, C Hunter. !'
J Miller. C I., Jolintoii
Health and I'olUirt. I,. IHbr, II, W.
Itouliam W. W. Wlndle
l.kiuor Mi-en.- P ). Miller, A, W DatU,
ti. I. Doble
Oregon Maiu 547
Home A 3347
Safes, Pianos and furniture
Moved, Packed and Shipped
Office and store room;
309 Oak Street,
qulckli aaearuiit our oiMnku ffo
Anion Mnoinf a tttirk and uaacriMion
bar aa
InTtntlon U lrobablr lulaMaw. I
lion, attlctlf conndtuiltl. BMliin
oil I
1'aUnia tatan tbrouih iliwui Jkl
tf4tiMtutUt, wtlhoulckar, lata
nl I im in Jm uaucr tut aMtinu,
ajanfv f.i .Munu. tula
ibrouih ilua A Co. rctt
Scientific flmrtcai.
As well as the other
kinds of Hardware is
Wc arc making the hard
ware business our study, and
it's not how cheap we can buy
but how good, and we must
have the quality.
Our Universal Stoves and
Ranges arc ns good as the
HOST made.
Our mixed paints
Acme quality kind.
Hendricks Hardware
No. 1 1 1 Uurlington street f
Office: Room 9, Hrccilcn riulld
lug, corner Third and Washington
directs, Portland, mid Kooin 3J, Ifol
brook Illock. St. Johns.
riionc: Pacific 209S. Residence: St. Johns
Rooms in the Hollirook building.
ht. Johns, Oregon.
Joseph McChesncy, Al. D.
Day and Nlf lit Office In McClicincy block
rnone ooauwn 47s
Physician and Surgeon.
Office In Hollirook's Illock.
Residence, 315 Hnyct street,
l'ltonc Scott 6995.
Office hours, 11 to us, m 1 lo J p. 11
Office I'liotir, Woodtawii 1141.
Kctldcncc I'liotie, Union 5901.
Office In rorltnioulli lltlck.
Transfer and Storage
Wc deliver your goods to mid from nil
parts ol rortlnml, Vancouver, I.uuitoti,
Portland and Kutmrlxtii Itxnrcus Co..
city nock ami all lxilnt accessible ly
wagon. Piano ana furniture moving
a iclnUy. 109 IC. Ilurlliiiitoii: iihunc
Puncral Director and Limbaliner
I.ady Assistant.
1 1 r - -
llrnnch office at University I'nrk Dmil'
Store, rilione Woodlawn 1H74.
M11I11 office, rortlnml, Oregon; plione
ociiwoon 71.
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Meets each Monday cvcnlm: In Odd
I'd lows hall, at 8:00, Visitors welcomed.
II. h. Mmmoiis, N. G.
1;. 11. iioicomi), secretary.
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Meets everv 1'rldnvnlL'lit
Mot 7:30 o'clock at'.
hall. Visitor nlwuys wel
come, Geo, R, lllack, C.
C. J, II. lllack, K. R. S.
Oregon Railroad
& Navigation Co.
(Lines iu Oregon)
One way via
. 63.15
, 60.00 ,
Chicago ,
... , 82.50
St. Louis, . . .
St. Paul
... 81.75
.... 75.00
Kansas City., .
July 6, 7, 22, 23
August 6, 7,21,22
Good for return in 90 days with stopover
privileges at pleasure witliln limits.
For further Information call on any local
agent, or write to
General Passenger Agent
If you wish clean, fresh, nicely
meats go to littgood & Cole s.
It Is resolved by the city of St. Johns:
Tlint S. C. Cook, 11, T. Leggctt nnil A. S.
Stone, three disinterested freeholders
of the city of St. Johns, and possessing
the qualifications of jurors of the circuit
court of Multnomah county, Oregon, be
nnil they are hereby appointed to view
the proposed change and alteration of
Willis Itoulcvnrd In said city, to-wit:
Ilcginniiig at the point farthest south
on the easterly line of lot 10, in block
1, in Hill's addition to the city of
St. Johns; thence south 35 dcg. east 177.5
feet to the westerly side line of l'csscn
den street; thence north 56 dcgiecs, cast
y feet; thcticc north 35 degrees, west
177. 5 feet; thence south 56 degrees, west
30 feet to the place of beginning and
make assessments of damages and bene
fits, and determine how much, if any,
less valuable the land or other propcity
or any oart thereof, tliroimu or over
which the proposed boulevard, as
changed, will be rendered thereby, and
shall ascertain the rctncctivc Interest of
all tcrsons claiming to be owners of
said lauds or other property or improve
ments thereon, or to have any interest
in such lauds or improvements, aud the
dnmnucs which any of Ealtt owners re
spectively will sustain. Said viewers
shall also make a just mid equitable as
sessment of the value of the benefits and
advantages of said proposed change to
the respective owners or other persons
intcrcstcii in said latin or outer property
which said viewers shall deem specinlly
benefitted by such proixjscd clintic, and
shall thereafter at their earliest con
venience, rcKtt the assessment j)i the
ilamauc ami tlie hcnciiis to said prot-
crty owucis to the council. Which said
viewers shall1 receive as comeusatioii
for their services the sum of fj.oo a duy
for each day actually engaged in said
tcrvicc anil shall assess salil cost as part
ol uic bcncnis to sain profierty.
That the office of the city recorder i
the city hall hi the city of St. Johns
Oregon, he the nlacc. and the 6th day
of July, 1008, at to o'clock a. in. of said
dav the time when and where said view
crs shall meet and then and there be
sworn to fiiithfitlly ilinchari'e the duties
asftlKiicd them, or on any subsequent
day to which they may adjourn, (which
adjournment Mian not execid one wee
at any otic time) proceed to view tl
prox).cil change ami as.tess benefit aud
damncs aiorewiid.
That the city recorder shall scud by
iniiil. ixnt imIiI, a notice o( the uptxdnl.
incut ol mifil viewers, their names and
the time aud place for mcetlni; aud
snccifv with convenient ccrta liilv th
lx)iinifnrics and terminus of said pro.
ixed change of said Willis boulevard to
each of the procrty owners whose
property Is proiioscd to be appronriatcd
or to the agent of such, if the postofficc
aiidrcst 01 such owner, agent sr agents li
known to him, and if such ixislollice ad
dress Is unknown to said recorder then
to such owner or agent at St Johns
Tlint the said city recorder shall at
least five ilujs before the day hot for such
meeting, enmc said viewers to Iw noti
fied of their npi)ointment, and the time
aud place of such meeting, and shall
swear each of wild viewers, before elite
Ing uixni the discharge of their Mid
duties, to faithfully anil liuiurtlully di
charge the duties astlgtied to them.
Adopted by the council June J, 1908
A. .tl. I'.hM .,
City Recorder.
Published In the St. Johns Review June
30 nun jmy 3, 1909.
Resolved: That the council of the
city of St. Johns. Oregon, deems it ex
ncdlcnt und ncccarv to Itnnrovc Rich
moud street from the westerly line of
Jersey street to the easterly line of llrnd
font street by placing a cement side.
walk on either side thereof according to
ordinance ami cuurter 01 hi. joiius, and
does hereby rcmtlrc from the city en
glnecr nlaus nnil siwclficntlomt for an
appropriate improvement of said street
anil cstlmute of the work to le dan
aud the probable total cost thereof, aud
establish the necessary grade therefor.
aud that the city engineer shall file such
plans, Mtcclficntions ami ctlmutc In the
omce 01 tue recorder 01 tlie city ol St
Adopted iy tlie council June 16, 190a
A. .tl. I'.hMJ.N, Kecordcr.
Published In the St. Johns Review June
19111111 30, 190a,
llantltt church Ii. A. Leonard, nastor,
Sunday school at 10 a, m, Preaching at
1 1 a. ni. 11. y. v, u. 7 p. tu. t'rcacuing
IH O p, 111,
... - -
.Meuioditt cnurcn ir. I,. Young, pas-
ior. dummy scnooi 10 a. in,: nreacniiig
at 1 1 a. m, aud 8 p. in. Hpworth League
at 7 p. 111
Holy Cross Catholic church. Portsmouth
station: 0:15 low mass; ig:ij a.m.
high mass; 7:30 p. 111. , vespers and bene
Christian church Meets everv Sumlav
in Tabernacle as follows: Sunday school
at 10 a. ni.: preaching at 11 a. in, aud 8
P; ..'d V. P. S, C. I. meeting at 7 p.ui
K. J. Johnson, pastor.
St. Andrew's Uplscoixil Chaoel. Uui
versily Park Rev. Win. R. Powell
chaplain. Regular services 7:v 11. 111
Sunday school at 3 p. m.; Jlible class 7 p,
in.; i.entou services every I'rlday at 10
a. m.
Evangelical church Sunday school at
iuu, 111. rreaciung n a. tu. junior K.
L. C. I. 3:30 p. tn.; Senior K, L. C. !. 7
p. m. I'reaclilug ut H p. m. Chester P.
Gates, pastor.
Pirst Congregational Church-O. W.
.Nelson, pastor, Kituday school 10 a
ni.; preacuing 11 a, in. ana 7:43 n, ui.
. r. . k. meeting at 7 n. m. rraver
meeting inursuay ai 7:30 p. m. A seat
lf.. 0.t 1 - .
ami welcome to all,
Baptist Church, University Park. Rev
A. II. Waltz, pastor. Regular sendees
every Sunday morning and evening.
German Baptist church Services held
each Sunday ut Baptist church as follows;
aumiay scnooi 3 p. in., preaching at 3 p
ui. Rev. Pal t meat, pastor,
ueraian Lutnerau Services at 10:45
a. ni. every butulay morning at corner of
reuiusuia avenue and Kilnatrick street.
University Park. All Germans of St.
Johns cordially invited to attend. C.
ttueciiler, pastor.
Christian Science Society meetings
held at W. II. King's residence. Sun.
days and Wednesdays at 8 p. tu.
Central Market!
Holbrook Stock.
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best
Meats Obtainable,
Orders Pilled and Family Trade Solicited
T. P, WARD, Prof rWor.
Smitfi Premiar
has widened its market un
til it includes the whole civil
ized world; has become the
typewriter of over 300,000
operators and has, during
igoG, broken every previous
record of sales, because it
lias from the beginning best
net every typewriter need.
T"HEtri-color feature of .
3 the Smith Premier
A Typewriter is recog
nised as the greatest Im
provement in modern type
writer construction yet in
providing It, none of the
strong fundamental fea
tures, for which the Smith
Premier has always been
noted, have bccnsacrlficed.
Complete literature on re
Portland Office, 247 Stark Street
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
watch your business
Union Depot. Portland.
No. 2 Chicago Stwclal leaves 8:30 a. ui.
No, 4 Spokane Plyer leaves at 7:00 n, in.
No. 6 Kansas City lixp, leaves 7:40 p. ui,
No. 8 Local Passenger leaves 8;ooa..m.
No. 1 Chicago Special arrives 8:2a n. in.
No, 3 Sjiokane Plyer arrives at 8wj a. ui.
No, 5 Kansas City lixp. arrives 9,45 a, tu.
No. 7 Local PaKsenger arrives 5:4s p. tu.
St. Johns Ferry Time Card.
Leave Kast Side (A. M.I 6:to. 7:10.
8:00, 9o, 10:00, 11:00, u:oo M, P. M.
1:00, 3:00, yjoo, 4:00, 4:50, 5:30, o:jq.
Leave West Side (A. M.) 6:o. 7m.
8:30, 9130, 10:30, 11:30, P. M. 13:30,
1:30, 3:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:10, o:oo, 6:30.
Mail Schedule
Mail arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. tn.
and 1:1s p. 111.
waves at 10:20 a. tn., anil 4-45 p. tn.
Office opeu week day front 6m a. tu.
to 6:10 p. tn. Sundays (rout 9 to in a. tu
In order to Insure a change of ad-
ertltement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleat
remember this and save the printer
Pointers for our Patrons.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Our rule is the best stock and
best work for our patrons.
We do not allow any printer to
put out nicer work than we do and
we put the best stock iuto our jobs.
The difference between poor
stock aud first class stock on a job
is a small item when you consider
the value of the job. It is the
price of a satisfied customer. It is
better to make 50 cents less on a
job and have a customer who will
come back, than to use the flimsy
stock, make the extra 50 cents and
ose your customer. That is the
way we figure it.