St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 03, 1908, Image 3

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Owing to their buying in large
quantities, their low rent and small ex
pense, no dealer in Portland or St.
Johns can afford to sell cheaper than
Main store
E. Morrison
' Portland
C L '
Mffl"J DncintSira
This week you can buy any bed in
the store at 20 per cenf off for cash 30
days. Or if you need more time pay
Look over our line. We have more
than 25 different styles of beds in our
St. Johns store.
Phone Jersey 331
All kinds of Laundry Work done promptly.
New Machinery, New Management.
Call made for laundry at any plncc. Ring us up.
Churchill & Simpson.
Three things arc essential to success in business
1st. Right Goods
2nd. Right Prices
3rd. Right Treatment
You will find all these if you trade with
R. F. LASH 207 Ss.c,rZsstrect
Real Estate and Fire Insurance
Good buys in residence and busiuess lots.
Factory sites, acreage aud water frontage.
Ckmiwt Block Huxj. vimm ilc!uuo,i 39.
Chicago and Jersey Sts.
Plumbing and Tinning
Call and see our new Garden Hose.
203 S. Jersey Street Phone jersey 9 1 St. Jehiu, Oregon
Local News.
Make an Offer!
I have 1000 shares of the Col
lapsible Box Co.'s stock. All paid.
Make me an offer quick. W. A.
Thorndyke, 77 Third St., Astoria,
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by H. Hender
son, abstracter and notary public
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
205 Jersey street.
Mandolin and Guitar Lessons.
I have organized a class of man
dolin and guitar pupils in St. Johns
aud can Jake a few more scholars
on each. Terms reasonable. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. Best of ref
erences. Dale F. Taylor, at Calef
Bros., House Furnishers, opp. P. O.
To Exchange.
When wishing to exchange your
nrnrvrtv for outside acreage or
farms you should see McKinney for
quick results. Call and give me a
trial. J, S. McKinkkv,
St. Johns Heights Station.
To Water Users.
Water used through hose for
sprinkling yards or sidewalks or
washing porches or windows must
be paid for in advance, and used
only between the hours of 5 aud 8
a. m. and 5 and 9 p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets.
Anyone using water contrary to
these rules, or wastefully, will be
shut off without further notice.
St. Johns Waterworks and light
ing Co., P. H. Edlefsen, superintendent.
Here's a Bargain!
Lot 14, block 7, South St. Johns;
on Jersey street; grubbed and ready
for plow; pretty lot; will sell at any
decent figure. Must sell quick,
W. L. Thorndyke, 180 Eleventh
street, Astoria, Oregon.
For Sale
Siuger Sewing machine agency
for sale. Iuquire Wolcott, the
Rent Man. 34"
He who by his biz would rise
Must cither Imst ormlvcrtisc.
Watch the lnbcl on your paper.
Mrs. Harris Dean of Ashland is
visiting her sister Mrs. W. D.
A. P. Magness, of Wheatland,
Ore., on the grand jury in land
fraud cases is visiting his daughter,
Mrs. T. T. Parker.
The thistles along the public
thoroughfares got all that was com
ing to them Inst week. The city
dads had the pesky things cut down
right in their prime.
W. H. Warner, who it will be
remembered, cut his left hand with
a shineling hatchet three or four
weeks ago is again able to do light
work, and his hand is gradually
Ex-Mayor Couch is now a full
fledced Representative of the great
state of Oregon, having received his
commission several days ago. The
proper way to write his name is:
Hon. K. C. Couch.
Mrs. Salamond returned to her
home at Sock Center, Minnesota,
last week after an extended sojourn
at the home of her sou, Gus, on
South Ivanhoc. Mrs. Salamond
was greatly pleased with St. Johns.
Martin Matson, agent for the
Fidelity Conner company was in
the city last week aud hooked up
his subscription for another 12
mouths. lie represents a very
successful company that own some
valuable mines in the bnakc river
Mr. VV. D. Weeks wishes to ex-
nress his annrcciation of the kind
ness shown by his friends during
ld liiiir.14 mid to thank them for
the many flowers which prove that
thcyjdo not keep the alabaster box
es of their love scaled until their
friends arc gone but prefer to fill
their lives with sweetness.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmati,
who have been visiting with their
daughter, Mrs. Tom Cochran and
family for soma time, leave this
week for a visit of two weeks with
another daughter, Mrs. L. II. Nut
ting, at Columbia city, after which
they will return to &t. joiius.
Frank Kiiic. who was injured so
severely in the mill Inst week is
doing nicely and his father says he
will soon be able to get up. it was
a very close call, though, and one
the lad would not wtsn to tnKe
chances on ngain. It is a wonder
that the life was not crushed out
of him.
Passim? nituooil & Cole's mark-
et a day or two ago we stepped in
to get some com meats lor niucii
nnl seeinf n nice hunk of bacon on
the slab asked the price. We were
told that it was 17 centH. There
seems to be no need to go to Port
laud for 17c pig meat as long as
Bitgood & Cole have any in stock.
Married at the narsouarrc of the
M. I?, church Mondav. Tune 20.
Charles Finch and Miss Cora Utter,
Rev. F. U. Young oiiiciating.
These are Michigan young people
lvIio nvp mnde inniiv friends since
coming to St. Johns who will join
us in wismug tueiu me uesi we
earth affords in their new relations.
Miss Eva Braasch, who has been
attending the art school in Chicago
for the past year, receiveu uer
diploma this week. She stood
first in her class ami naturally leeis
elated over her success. It is a
fine feather in her bonnet, for
there are those who struggle in
this school for years before they
pass at all.
The man with the timid wife has
another place to look for burglars
before retiring. She used to be
half way satisfied when the man of
the house looked under the bed,
all through the attic and cellar,
and through the closets, but now
before she can sleep ill peace he
must make a careful search under
her Merry Widow hat.
We want to give you a hint.
The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs
are going to give a picnic some" of
these fine summer days. Get next
to one of them and get an invite.
These people have good times
when they are out. It will be one
of the old-fashioned, eat-on-tlic-grass-while-the-
bug- crawls- down-your-neck
kind with eyescreamnd
lemonade. The hustlers at Whitwood Court
are to have the home phone in
there at once. The poles are set
right up to the line. Wonder what
is the matter with St. Johns and
the Home phone? Auy old clothes
line would give better service than
the thing we have here they call a
phone system. If we cannot get a
phone system in any other way we
ought to build one aud present it
to the Home company in order to
get some kind of service.
Uncle Dan Calkius who has been
working his mine near Merlin, Ore
gon for the past year, almost, came
home last week for a little vacation
aud to attend to some business con
nected with his mine. Mr. Calkius
says his prospects are fine and that
he bas good property, wmcii lie
hopes to get developed inside of
the next year to a dividend paying
basis. He is a hard worker, und
erstands bis business, and if there
is anyone who can make a success
of it, he is the man. Jtverybody
who knows Uncle Dan, knows him
to be "on the square" and will
wish him the very best of success.
Bring in your printing now.
The glorious Fotuth promises to
be a quiet day in bt. Johns.
Mrs. D. G. Busby of Park Place,
near Oregon City, greeted many of
her friends here 1 uesuay.
Mrs. Murccllus entertained n
number of friends at her home in
honor of a friend, Mrs. II. A. Cone,
Miss Rcco Anderson goes Satur
day to visit her aunt, Mrs. C. A.
Barr near Salem, during the sum
mer vacation.
Mrs. H. A. Cone, mother of the
Cone Brothers, formerly sawmill
men in St. Johns, is visiting Mrs.
Marccllus aud other old friends in
the city.
B. S. Hoover left for Long Beach,
Wnsli.. Tuesday, where he will
engage in business for the summer.
His family will follow as soon as
a suitable location is found.
"The Two Johns' had a great
run on the boards and occasionally
make au npptnrauce yet; but they
never made such a strenuous tour
as will "The Two Bills" this fall.
Rev. C. P. Gates will pronounce
a funeral oration over the emaciated
remains of the St. Johns booze
joints Sunday evening, July 5H1.
The spirit ot '70, will be the morn-
ng topic.
Bill, H. G. Ogdcn's famous bird
dog, was treated to a first class
hair-cut last week, and now his
friends scarcely know him. He
looks about 2q years younger and
steps around as spry as a young
Euicric & Hart, the enterprising
blacksmiths on North Ivanhoc arc
opening a new blacksmttli snap on
hast Ash between Third street aud
Union avenue. These lads arc
first class workmen and will'hc sure
to do well with their branch shop.
S. J. Donaldson has returned
from an extended trip to Idaho, his
former home, aud is now busily
engaged in advancing the interests
of the Collapsible Box Co. Mr.
Donaldson is a hustler in every
sense of the word nud since his
return the factory lias taken on
new life.
July Fourth being the regular
meeting date of Coinpson Post the
commander wishes us to announce
that there will be no meeting 011
that date, but there will be 11 spec
ial meeting at 3 p. m. July 11th
instead. All of the old Coffee
Coolers will please bear this in
July the Fourth will dnwu again,
diverting circumstance; aud the
bubbling boy will light his punk
More he finds his pants. He'll
roll down stairs with a scream of
joy, contemptuous of hurt, aud
starts the battle when he burns the
tall off of his shirt.The Devil.
Our interesting correspondent at
University Park deserted us for a
time because of ill health, but has
promised us regular reports from
that beautiful section of the Penin
sula. We hope to secure one or
two good solicitors there in the com
ing contest, and it should be n good
point for our list is not nearly so
inrge as it should be at that office.
Billie, the Repair Man, has dis
posed of his busiuess in St, Johns
aud for the present will locate in
Portland. Billie's smiling counte
nance will be greatly missed here.
He always had au unfailing supply
of good humor on tap and was a
workman of more than ordinary
ability. His many friends wish
him a most successful career in
whatever line of busiuess he may
A committee of Jewish women
of Portland waited on Mr. Josselyn
of the street car company aud re
quested that the street car steps be
lowered so as to make it more con
venient to get on and off the cars.
Mr. Josselyn informed them that
it would not be practicable. We
have known ladies who were such
high steppers tiiat it would hardly
be necessary to make the change.
The Prall Mercantile Co. has
almost closed out its stock of goods.
The sales have been well attended
and a few more days will see the
end. We are extremely sorry that
Mr. Prall has decided to leave St.
Johns, Ever courteous, pleasant
and a gentleman in the truest sense
of the word, his departure is a blow
to any towu. We join his many
friends in wishing him unbounded
success wherever he goes.
Mrs. Ruby Markwell, nee Hoov
er came home for a visit last Satur
day and Mr. Markwell came down
Wednesday, They have been op
erating a hotel at Napavine, Wash.
That is a nice country up there,
but there is no place like home,
especially when home is in St.
Johns. We hope these young
peqple may get so stuck on the old
home that they will conclude to
sell all their possessions aud come
here to make a new home.
We understand the contract has
been let for the construction of the
electric line from Portland to Linn
ton, and that dirt will be flying
inside of two weeks. This will be
a great thing for Whitwood Court
and the west side in general. A
free ferry in connection with this
line when it is completed would
mean a quick trip to Portland.
The petition to council asking that
steps be taken toward securing a
free ferry was accepted and placed
011 file, and that seems to be the
end of the matter tor the present
I at least.
tj- r. . 1 1 e i. ....
i'ui 11111 wuiiu, l iiusii
prompt attention, go to Bitgood &
You get full weight nud first
quality at the Central market. Just
try it awhile.
E. D. Walker, 119 N. Jersey,
111 xi N. Jersey, cigars, tobacco,
confectionery and ice cream.
You get more meat nud less bone
for your money at Bitgood &
Cole's than anywhere in the city.
Logan berries fine for pics and
jell at J. W. Reeves the North Jer
sey Grocer, or phono Richmond
472. 34 P
All our meats arc government
inspected and the best that money
can buy. They arc neatly and
carefully handled. Come in and
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
For Sale House of eight lnrgc
rooms with bath room, pantry nud
two closets. Good woodshed. Lot
50x100. Two blocks from cars.
Price st 200. Half cash, balance to
suit. S. C. Cook, Cor. Oswego
and Fcsscndcii, St. Johns.
Corned beef for your cabbage at
Bitgood & Cole's.
For first-class screens for doors
and windows sec G. W. Dunbar.
If you want to buy, rent, sell or
exchange property see Wolcott
(.The Rent Man.)
Housekeeping rooms for rent,
furnished or unfurnished. Ask at
104 Modoc street. 3 4 1 f
Subscribe for the Telegram
best evening paper oil the coast.
Sec Ed Stockton.
Wanted Girls to uinke tin top
baskets. Portland Manufacturing
Co., loot of Richmond street.
Bitgood & Cole's trade is stead
ily increasing, the result of small
margins and prompt service.
Have your property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They tire the
best. h. L. Dobie, agent.
If you have auy old thing on
this green earth to sell or trade see
J. S. McKinney. He will fit you
out. What have you got? Come
and see me. Omce St. Johns
Heights Stntiou.
Council Meeting.
There was n very shoi t session
of the city lathers Tuesday evening.
There was sickness in the family
of one of the members of the coun
cil nud others wished to be else
where, so that, nfter reading the
minutes and transacting such busi
ness as could not well hold over
the council adjourned to meet
Thursday evening, ami are in ses
sion as we go to press.
Miss Mary Myrtle, (laughter of
Mr. nud Mrs. Thomas Llndlcy and
William Slmdrlck Jeans were united
in marriage at the home of the
bride's parents, in St. Johns, July
1st 1903.
To exchange Hood River laud
for St. Johns property. Inquire at
this office. 3.itf
II. M. Poole one of our old Hood
River tilliciims was in the city this
week looking nt several properties
and may be induced to locate here.
We hope so, at least.
Mrs. Marcellus goes this week to
Howl River where she will spend a
week visiting old friends 111 the
Apple City and attend to some
business matters there.
The Peninsula Law Enforcement
League offers and will pay 25 for
ach conviction of the violation of
the local option law.
By Order ot the committee.
J. II, Abbott and his friend Mr.
Firebaugh were in the city Wed
nesday looking for property. They
nre the class of gentlemen we would
like see coming to St. Johns. Mr.
Abbot has been a citizen of Hood
River a number of years aud made
good money there.
Mary had a little lamb, it fol-
lowed her to church; and then
stood around the door like an owl
upon the perch. Why don't the
silly lamb come in? the watching
people cried. Why, Mary told the
silly thing to watch for her outside.
So you, each gentle maiden, may
one and all still find, some sheep-
head waiting nt the door, if you ad
mire that kiud. Hood River pa
pers please copy.
There were doings at the last
meeting of the Pythian Sisters.
When about halt through with
their work, they were invaded by
their brothers of Holmes lodge with
two big cans of ice cream and about
a bushel of delicious cookies. Well,
maybe there was not a good time.
l lien after the feast, such of the
brothers as were not members of
the sister's lodge retired, while the
lucky fellows who belonged to the
lodge remained with the pretty
girls and aisisted in giving the fin
ishing touches to the miatory work.
The Pythian Sisters are a fine
bunch, up to date, and their lodge
is growing rapidly.
Can always be cashed at
Bonham & Currier's after
the regular banking hours.
We make no charge for it
and do it cheerfully, simply
for the sake of making our
store popular.
Keep Bright and You
Electric Light is the magnet that draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can
no more resist the attraction of a brilliant, Electrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion cull of a brass band.
Is your couietitor with the Electrically illuminated show
windows, bright interior and sparkling Electric Sign getting
nn ndvnutnge over you? The moth never flutters around the
iiulighted cnudlcl Up-to-date stores nowaday consider
shop-window lighting ti necessity, whether they remain open
after dark or not. Competition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated with Electric
light will make many n sale "the night before." Electric
light compels attention, makes e isy the examination of your
display, shows goods in detail mid fabrics in their true colors.
Aud don't neglect the Electric Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is n solicitor that never
becomes weary never stops work costs little.
Call Telephones: Alnin 6688, A 1675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light and Power Go,
St. Johns, Oregon.
Capital 535,000.00
Surplus $
Interest paid on savings deposits. g
It sometimes pays to look around a little
and get prices and see (utilities before
you buy. We have both.
Phone Union .jo66.
206-208 Philadelphia street.
iDon't go to Portland
We carry a full line of fresh meats, also salt and smoked
meats. As residents of St. Johns we believe in patronizing home
industry and want you to get the habit. Why go to Portland
when you can get your meat right nt home at Portland prices?
Come and give us a trial. We will surely treat you right,
205 S. Jersey
Cash Market
H.HENDERSON 205 Jersey St.
I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
$ Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. g
t . ... I
Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering t
Sand 011 hands at ull times. Orders solicited,