St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 19, 1908, Supplement, Image 5

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    Supplement to the St. Johns Review
Friday, June 19, 1908
Lest wc forRct, wc wish to go on
record regarding the question of
statement No. t men elected to the
legislature. There is an effort lie
inn made, by the members of the
otd rotten ring in the republican
party, to influence the statement
No. i men to repudiate their sol
emu promise to the voters of the
state that they would vote for the
candidate for the United States sen
ate who received the largest num
ber of votes at the state election.
The me" her of the house who docs
so tepudiate his pledged word in
this matter is a deliberate liar and
should be so branded by every
honest voter of the state if he ever
comes before them again for the
benefit of their franchise. There
could be no greater breach of trust,
no more dishonorable or dishonest
act perpetrated by one ol our law
makers than that; and the man
who is guilty of such an net wc
would not believe on oath uud wc
would oi)K)se to the utmost of our
ability for election to any office
ever after. We do not believe that
there is a man who came out on the
platform of statement No. i who
will stoop so low as to do this (lis
honorable thing even though so
licited by the dishonorable and (lis
honest element of their party, and
we simply make this statement to
liow the position we take in the
mutter mill also to show the t)()si
tion tilketi by every one of either
party with whom we have con
versed on the question, and to give
a warning to statement No. i men
against committing political suicide
by repudiating their pledge to the
constituents. It does not matter
that we voted for Mr. Cake and
that wc did not wish to see Mr.
Cli iniberlaln sent to the United
States senate. The people of the
statu have declared that he is their
choice and by every sense of right
and justice he should be sent there,
even if by so doing the best inter
csts of the state are not conserved.
Only by such a course can we ever
achieve the government for which
Lincoln sacrificed his life. So, we
shall mark these men and govern
ourselves accordingly.
Comrade Hiumau of the Chicago
rooming house is treating the lios
telry to n fine coat of paint, great!)
adding to its appearance. The cir
cular work is being done by Com
rade Caldwell. There is nothing
like keeping our property in fine
repair. If one has to live even in a
drygoods box, like a newspaper
man, it is u iter to hav it nicely
painted If someone will lend 'us
ihe paint nud brush we will agree
to put it on. Don't all sp-ok at
once. Speaking of our humble
dwelling, we do not wish to com
plain. We arc more fortunately
situated than the great adopted son
of Athens. Diogenes, the tutor of
princes. When living in Athens
hisdwelliugphice was a tub belong
ing to the temple of one of the
gods We have something coming
Nice, fresh eggs from the coun
try at the Home Creamery.
It makes one Inugh to notice the
views some people take of political
issues, The late school election is
a case in point. Some people told
us about how mean Professor Al
derson was, others how mean Mr,
Williams was. Perhaps they both
should be hung and the writer
nloug with them. Hut that was
not the question at issue as we tin
derstood the matter. We wished
to elect a director and vote on the
grade of our schools. Personal an
imositics, personal likes and dis
likes should be eliminated from
such contests. As regards Mr.
Kobison, wc believe htm to ue one
of our best citizens. There is not
a man we know of that we hold in
higher esteem than wc do Mr.
Uohisou and wc believe he would
have done what he thought to be
the very best for our schools. Hut,
wc have had some little experience
with a school director s duties nud
we learned some things we shall
not soon forget. We felt the need
of legal advice many times during
our term of office, nud these needs
came when and where wc could not
avail ourselves of the services of an
attorney. It will be readily seen,
then, the extra value of Mr.
Greene's services to the city. It
was u case with us ns it was with a
certain Roman senator, not that
"we loved (Jacsar less, nut tltnt wc
loved Rome more." Had it been
our own father we should have
done just as we did in this instance.
We would have advocated the elec
tion of Mr. Greene because of his
special lituess and ability to give
the liest possible service to the city.
We hope this will ens; the pain of
the gentleman who jacked us up
for not fighting Greene.
The Portland Light nnd Power
Company is putting in n new sub
station just across tlie bridge near
Northern Hill station. It is said
the purpose is to use the current
generated there between the bridge
and Piedmont, nud that generated
nt the substation near the icehouse
on the loop in St. Johns. We be
lieve this is a good move nud will
prevent those vexatious delays
caused by the weakening of the cur
rent in times of heavy troffic, and
greatly improve the service. We
people in St Johns are fortunate in
our.trolly service anyway, and it is
gratifying to see the company show
n disposition to keep up its im
provements. We have better
tracks, belter service, more gentle
manly employes to deal with out
our way than obtains in any other
section of the system that we have
been over. 1 here are n few little
plnces where the track is bum and
the company is preparing to remedy
one of these places by putting in a
double track.
Please note the nrticle on the
Peninsula. This gives some of the
many good features of our section
and would be good material to
send to your friends who may be
thinking ot coming west. We
have a few extra copies of this is
sue at five cents per, if you wish
any to send "back home.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that R. L
Davidson and George V. D. Fort
tier, heretofore engaged as partners,
under the name of the St. Johns
Creamery Company, and carrying
on n general creamery business nt
115 West Hurlingtou Street, in the
city of St. Johns, Multnomah coun
ty. Oregon, have dissolved partner
ship, t iking effect June a, 1908.
I lie business will be conducted
hereafter by R. L. Davidson, who
has assumed all liabilities and will
collect all bills.
R. L. Davidson,
Gitouou V. D. FOUTNKK.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween D. G. Mossmau nud Iv. G.
Sites, blacksmith shop, 401 South
Ivanhoe street, is hereby dissolved.
The business will be continued by
D. G. Mossmau who will collect
all accounts due the late firm nud
pay all hilts. D. G. Mossmau.
Oregon Railroad
& Navigation Co.
(Line In Oregon)
Chicago . .
St. Louis.
St. Paul..
Omaha 60.00
Kansas City. , , 60.00.
One way via
,. ..87.50
. 82.50
... 81.75
.... 75.00
.... 75.00
June 19, 20
July 6, 7, 22, 23
August 6,7,21,22
Good for return in 90 days with stopover
liriviiVKva ui iicumirc wiuilll iiums,
J'or further Information call on any local
u)eni, or write 10
General Passenger Agent
Office: Room 9. Ilrceilcn lliillil
Ing, comer Third and Washington
streets, Portland, ami Room 35, Hoi
brook lllock, St. Johns.
Phone! Pacific 1098. Resilience: St. Johns
Rooms in the llollirook lmlMing.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Joseph AlcChesncy, M. D.
Day and Nlelil Office In McClicsncy lllock
I'lionc WondUwn 475
Physician and Surgeon.
Office In Ilolhrook's lllock.
Residence, 315 Hayes street.
Phone Scott 6993.
OfTlr hours, 11 to us. in., itoj p, in,
Office Miotic, Wixxltawn 1141,
KoMciiCf 1'honc, INilon yn.
Office In Tonsillolith llrlcW,
Building Contractors
I'laus sml l!llnmlr runiMinl,
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your good to anil from all
twirls of Portland, Vancouver, Mnuton,
Portland and Subiirhan Kxjircst Co,,
city dock and all xint accessible by
wagon. Piano nnd furniture movlna
a specialty. 109 JJ. Iliirlingtnu; phone
Richmond 61.
Funeral Director and P.mbalnicr
I.ady Assistant.
Ilranch office nt University Park Drug
Store, phone W'oodlawu 187.1.
Main office, Portland, Oregon; phone
Sellwood 71,
No. 186 I. O. O. F.
ST. joiins. ounaos
Meets each Monday evening in Odd
Pillows hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
II. S. Simmons, N. G.
H. It. Ilolcomb, Secretary.
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Meets every I'riduy niirht
at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P.
hall. Visitors always, wel
come. Geo. R. lllack, C.
C. J. II. lllack, K. R. S.
Central Market!
Holbrook lllock.
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Ilest
Meats Obtainable.
Orders Pilled and I'aniily Trade Solicited
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.