St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 19, 1908, Image 3

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    Because lumber is cheaper
Because labor is cheaper
Cheaper than it has been for years
Mttiiy people in St. Johns and on the Peninsula are
wisely improving the present time to build a home.
It is just as good a time to furnish
your home as to build one.
The furniture trade all over the country has felt
the depression, and prices have been cut and slashed
wholesale as well as retail prices.
We arc buying more and more in the East, and
wc arc getting some rare bargains. These can't always
last. One year from now 3'ott will sec prices higher
than they have ever been.
Wc can give you very Low Prices and Easy Terms.
Remember the place-
Main store
Si) ) Qarb
V Nfl 1111
. Yes, (hat sounds nil right, but when you sec the
j - ' 51
I Norton's Hardware!
But that Is not a LORAIN.
Legs 5l
You won't buy an
other. Just ask your
neighbor, who is using
it, what she thinks of 3
the LORAIN. .
We have others as
low as $30 for an S-16
Successor to Potter & Goold
Don't go to Portland
We carry a full line of fresh meats, also salt and smoked
meats. As residents of St. Johns we believe in patronizing home
industry and wunt yon to pet the habit. Why go to Portland
when you can get your meat right at home at Portland prices?
Come and give us a trial. We will surely treat you right.
205 S. Jersey
Caah Market
9 Tu-n (lilni nm nccnnilril in ciirrAco in hnelrmcs -
I III I V 411 w kWWIIini vr ohvvum
1st. Right Goods
2nd. Right Prices
3rd. Right Treatment
You will find all these If you trade with
1 Q C5a CN Gs C- C5 C5-
207 S. Jersey Street
Sr. Johns.
C5v CJ3 Ct C5 C5J CS C5
Real Estate and Fire Insurance
Good buys in residence and business lots.
Factory sites, acreage and water frontage.
Chicago and Jersey Sts. ST. JOM NO, UHfc.
Plumbing and Tinning
Call and see our new Garden Hose.
23 S. .Jersey Street Phone Jersey 91 St Mm, rt&
Local News.
lie who by lilx would rise
Must cither Imst or advertise.
Mrs. Richard Shepard and Mrs.
Wayne L. Mills are spending the
summer at Seaside and report hav
ing a most delightful time.
The Odd Fellows of Laurel lodge
1 86 .will make Woodlawn lodge a
fraternal visit next Monday night.
Let's all go and give the boys a
good visit. It will do them good.
G. Ward, while putting on a
belt that drives the drier at the
woolen mill Monday without stop
ping the machine, was severely in
jured by the belt breaking and
striking him on the head.
Dr. Hartel attended the annual
State Dental Association meeting
held in the Medical building in
Portland this week and the ban
quet given the dentists at the Com
mercial Club Tuesday evening.
A ueutlcman cot mixed up with
a Sunday jag and the copper pulled
him. He was booked for to a. in.
Tuesday morning, but jumped his
bail. Easy money for the city and
light punishment for the one most
interested, but justice to nobody.
Mr. Paul Rossman, brother of
Mrs. Cochran, arrived with his
family from Greenwood, Wis., last
week aud will spend a year in St.
Johns and perhaps remain perma
nently. Mr. Rossman is an old
soldier and an Odd Fellow and will
find many .congenial friends here.
We hone he may be able to locate
here permanently.
Muck & Derric, the enterprising
merchants in the French block, re
port business the very best. They
have recently put on a fine new
wagon to deliver their goods.
these lads can't be beaten in their
line. They arc up to snuff, on the
spot, uiul treat you right at nil
limes. 11 is a pleasure 10 iraue
with such people. That accounts
for their success.
Tviiinfi-I Urns., the linkers in the
French block, arc nutting out some
of the finest things in the pastry
and baking iitic wc have seen in
the city. If you arc ever down
that way just (Iron in and sec what
thev have, and if vou never 110
down that way just make the trip
for a walk some day. It will pay
you to sec the people in the French
block They are all of the right
W. L. Nunn and daughter, Miss
Adelaide, arrived last week from
Hay City, Mich., to make their
future home in St. Johns. For the
present they arc stopping with
their old friends, Frank Taylor nud
family, hut expect to either buy or
build them a home in the near
future. Wc are glad to welcome
these good people to St. Johns and
hope their sojourn here may be q
happy and prosperous one.
The Odd Fellows of St. Johns
and contiguous territory will do
well to watch a little out. Lame'
lodge is figuring on another feed.
uotcd for their deliciousues9. So,
if you are a visiting brother in this
part of the country, consider this
au invitation to come to the feast
whenever it is announced. Just
watch these columns and when the
date is given come and get ac
quainted with the boys. It will do
you good.
The work done 011 Richmond
street by Supervisor Simmons is
up-to-date and makes that the best
street leading from the river to the
city. ' Philadelphia street could
be put in that same shape now, we
would have a street worth while.
St. Johns will not be worth n snap
until her streets are improved.
The sooner our people waken up to
that ioct and get busy the sooner
will we have people coming here in
such numbers that there will not
be au empty house in the city in
stead of 56 empty residences and 14
empty store buildings as there are
now. It is up to us to get a move.
Kilkenny & Epps are enlarging
their business by opening and
maintaining an office at 301 and
302 commercial uiock, 1'ortianu.
They found this necessary because
of the large amount of work they
were getting in Portland. Mr.
Epps will remain in St. Johns
where their old office will be kept
as usual. These boys have made
good since coming to St. Johns
about a year ago and have wou a
very high position in the estima
tion of our people for good work,
prompt service and gentlemanly
conduct, and their prices are right
We wish them the best of success
in their new enterprise..
A most euioyable evening was
spent by the Portland Male Chorus
and friends, Wednesday, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce
on Gibb street. The crowd sang
many gay sougs, while Messrs.
Wilson. Pierce and Kilpaclc were
the soloists of the evening. Mrs.
Behrenz, who is a former elocution
teacher of California, and Miss
Perkins gave several readiugs.
Most delightful refreshments of
shortcake and mint julep were
served. Those present besides the
chorus were Miss Wilder, Mrs,
Behrenz, the Misses Stites, Miss
Perkins, Mrs. Soar and Mrs. Pierce.
The young folks did not leave un
til a late hour and alter arranging
to have a moonlight picnic on
Council Crest in th near future.
The St. Johns people were fortu
natc in getting the last car out of
town. E. L. Perkins.
Bring in your printing now.
Mrs C. Braaseh entertained Mr.
and Mrs O. E. Learned, Mrs. A.V.
Learned, Mrs. J. P. Wrinkle, Miss
Lena Long, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Hurlbcrt, Alice and Wesley Wrin
kle at dinner last Ftiday.
A gentleman made the prediction
in the National Tea Store a few
days ago that the town of Florence,
Idaho, would be destroyed between
the 10th and 20th of June. That
gives that little town just one more
day to exist,
Leon Colwell has been made
happy by the receipt of warrant
forai2o from the l'raternal Urotli-
crhood to remunerate him for the
oss of time and suffering caused by
the breaking of his arm. This is
fraternalism that pays.
The young people of the Congre
gational church observed children's
day last Sunday in a very fitting
manner, with songs, recitations,
readings and other exercises. It
was a most enjoyable occasion and
tlic little ones particularly were
very pretty in their white dresses.
Mrs. A. V. Learned entertained
the following ladies Thursday:
Mcsdamcs Kendall, Fox, Mills,
Lutherland, Cottel, Newell, Varnig,
Baddolct, Braaseh, Miller, Howes,
Joe Wrinkle, Misses Wnduck,
Braaseh, Alice Wt inkle, rraucis
Mills. The house was prettily
decorated witli ivy, roses, etc.
Dinner was served nt one o'clock
and ice cream and cake at five.
Keeping up the Good Work.
The Peninsula Realty Associa
tion, now that the rose carnival is
a thing of the past for this year,
lave not hud down, nut arc ener
getically pressing the work. They
met in a called session Wednesday
evening at the Albiua Fire House
aud decided to issue 5600 more of
the little booklets like those printed
by the Review for them on the
aforementioned occasion. This
makes 20,600 in all these enterpris
ing gentlemen have had printed for
They expect to have representa
tives at the different fairs and other
large gatherings, and when these
booklets and other advertising mat
tcr they have is nil distributed will
produce something else to keep the
cnftistila in touch witli tlie outside
world. This is the kind of work
that tells. It has always done m
and olways will so long as people
will read and will buy what they
want when they lcaru where to get
St. Johns will always receive her
share of the good these gentlemen
ure doing, for there are representa
tive men from St. Johns in the as
sociation. There should be many
more of our heft realty men 011
their membership roll. Now that
the city bonds have been taken by
our own bank, thus keeping our
bonds nt home and using our own
money to build the big city dock,
the assurance we have that both
the railroad companies will put
tracks to the city dock: there is no
reason why we may not look for a
big increase in the business nud
population of the city during the
coming year. In fact it docs not
seem to us that anything could pre
vent it.
Work on the big dock will begin
as soon ns the necessary legal for
malities in connection with the
bond issue have been complied
with, and it is the expectation that
the structure will be finished in
plenty of time to handle part of the
Inland Empire harvest this fall.
Uy that time the U. K. & N. will
be running freight trains around
the new water level track which the
company has been laying from
Portland to Troutdale. This track
skirts the Peninsula aud avoids the
heavy grade up Sullivan's gulch,
which is the route ot tlie present
The nronosed dock will have a
frontage of 600 feet along the river
nt the foot of Phi adcmhla street.
The railroad will pass right by It.
Hie North Bank will also build a
spur on piles along the river from
the new steel bridge to tlie dock.
St, Johns will thus have direct
communication for traffic with two
great railroad systems, and with
the great capacity of the new grain
dock will be able to load the largest
steamers or wheat vessels as easily
as they are done now at Portland.
Considering all these lacts we
cannot but view the situation very
complacently and permit the kick
ers to kick aud the calamity howl
ers to howl. The thing for the
average citizen to do is to "stick to
his knitting," "keep smiling," for
things are coming our'way.
One Year in Business.
Trade increasing by leaps and
bounds. This ought to convince
vou of the superior quality of our
teas and coffees. National Tea
Store, "the home of good coffee."
Make an Offer!
I have 1000 shares of
lapsible Box Co.' s stock.
Make me au offer quick,
Thorndyke, 77 Third St.,
the Col
All paid.
W. A.
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinned or examined by H. Hender
son, abstracter and notary public.
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
Greatest noise makers on earth
Latest Novelties
Now for a
Glorious Fou
109 South Jersey
Holbrook Block
Lot on Lively street $.oo,
terms. S. L. Dobie.
50 foot lot on Jersey street,
S4000. Terms. f. L. Dome.
Au acre near Stewart Station
$1800 $400 cash. S. L. Dohie.
For full weight, fresh meat,
prompt attention, go to Bitgood &
acre, umooU one block from
car line $600 ?20o cash. S. L.
Vou gel full weight aud first
quality at the Central market. Just
try it awhile.
Get your eyes tested and fitted at
Butterworth's. No fit un pay.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
$11005 room house nud 50.x
100 lot, ?.vo cash balance two
and three years. S. L. Dohie.
All our meats are government
inspected and the best that money
can hiiy. nicy are tieauy una
carefully handled. Come in and
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
You get more meat mid less bone
for your money nt Bitgood &
Cole's than anywhere in the city.
E D. Walker, no N. Jersey,
in Jj N. Jersey, cigars, tobacco,
confectionery and ice cream.
Go to D. E. Urodahl'sfor pansics,
late cabbage and bedding plants.
Secure your plants while you have
your choice of the hunch.
For Sale House of eight lorge
rooms witli bath room, pantry and
two closets. Good woodshed. Lot
50x100. Two blocks from cars
Price $1200. Half cash, balance to
suit. S C. Cook, Cor. Oswego
and Fesseudeu, St. Johns.
Keep' Bright and You
Electric Light is the magnet Hint drawn trade. Tn
bright store is the "hypnotic eve" of hinducM. People am
110 more resist the attraction ol n brilliant, Electrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion call of a hmm ImihI.
Is your competitor with the Electrically illuminated show
windows, bright interior aud sparkling Electric Sign getting
1111 advantage over you ? The moth never flutter around the
uulighted caudlcl Up-to-date Mores nowaday consider
shop-window lighting 11 necessity, whether they remain open
after dark or not. Competition forces modem method.
A .show window brilliantly illuminated with Electric
light will make many it sale "the night heforr." Electric
light compels attention, makes easy tlie examination of your
display, shows goods in detail and fabrics in their true colore.
Aud don't neglect the Electric Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is 11 solicitor that never
becomes weary never stops work eet little.
Cull Telephones: Alain 6688, A 1675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Capital $35,000.00
Surplus 5.33.3$
5 Interest paid 011 savings dupogits.
It soiiiL'tiiue.s pays to look around little
and get prices and see (jnulitieH before
you buy. We have both.
Buy your tea and coffee of R, F.
Lash. .
Celery plants for sale nt 205 N.
T.Mt.mi dr.... I
Corned beef for your cabbage , JWWVVVVWWtfT
Uitgood : Cole's.
For first class screens for doors 2
and windows see O. W. Dunbar, jjl
If you wunt to buy, rent, sell or
exchange property see Wolcott
(The Rent Man.)
Exnert optician at the jewelry
store from 1 to 3 p. in. Tuesdays.
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Subscribe for the Telegram-
best evening paper on the coast.
Rpr I?il Stockton.
,,,. , , , 'tf riione I'uioii .1000. aifj so nni.HUUiiiu siren.
UllKOOU iV v.uie s inuic i nit.m- .
ily increasing, the result of small j kAAoAAAtAA
margin uim jjiwiihh ov-i ..-.
Now is tlie time to secure .your
cabbage and tomato plants. Nice
ones for sale at Hrodahl's green
Have your property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They are the
l)est. S. L. Dobie, agent.
The strawberry and ice cream so
cial at the home of Mrs. llullis, 611
S. Jersey street, will be iostponed ,
on account of bad weather, until a: ...... 4......AA4A.. aaaaaa
date announced later. ; X
mid Krf hip. flmre St. lolins Z w
I tl. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St.
I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Jt Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate W'wrk liuanintccd. ?
and see me. Office St. Johns
Heights Statiou.
Mandolin and Guitar Lessons.
I have organized a class of man
dolin and guitar pupils in St. Johns
and can take a few more scholars
on each. Terms reasonable. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. Best of ref
erences. Dale F. Taylor, at Calef
Bros., House Furnishers, opp. P, 0.
Hatters and Gents' furnishers.
I'huiie Hast 3597.
121 Kuwvll Struct.
205 Jersey street.