St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 19, 1908, Image 2

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PiibllnhfiJ rimy FrMr
At IIJ Wert MtttlliiHton Htinl, t. John.
11V MAUKI.U & llVKKt.KK.
Till! RUVIHW Is entered nt twit office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, n "wl matter
of the second cities under the Act of Con
Crew of March 3, 1H79.
AtlTcrllilng rntc, $1.00 per Inch per month.
Alt comnuinleslloiii ohonM bo ftddrctied to
Ths ItYlew, Ht. John, Oregon.
Job Trlnttne pjfeuted In Orit-cUtii style
nilln for .lit) Vrlnttnir emh nn dclltcrr.
Phone Richmond It
Bulrtcrlpllon rtf, $1.00 ptr jrcsr In sdraneo.
FRIDAY, JUNK ty, 1908.
It tiikwi a yrcat deni of gall to
solicit n man to violate 1 1 is most
aoletnti obligation, not only to one
nifin to the entire people of the
.state; hut some of the old rotten
jvulitictdiis of the stale have more
KQll tit mi a government mule.
The conlemptililc anarcliist who
dynamited the irrigating Hume in
Hood River valley last week should
be niott severely dealt with if np
prehunded. Ilanging in too good
for such a cur. He ought to he
horsewhipped. Kor spite lie made
a loss of many thousands of dollars
to men whom he perhups never
met, who never did him a particle
of harm. We did not think such
an (iiioiiiiimiiie cur could live in
Hood River. It is too fine a place
for Mich people to thrive in, per
lintw that is the tiiisou the hrute
nought to destroy (he crops.
The thistles are just about to
burst into bloom. The season has
Imiuu very favorable to their devel
opment and they ate big, husky
fallows and our cily fathers should
do something with litem. If peo
ple will not obey the law tegatdiug
their removal this work should be
done by the city and the cost as
Nested against the procrty. This
is done In other cities and we do
not see why wc should be obliged
to have the unsty thorns sticking
into our hides from these thistles as
we wm nloug the sidewalks.
They do not look ns nice its rows,
Talk about hard times and no
limine. It doe not look like it
In south St. Johns. When we
wmu down nt the ice pi ml Tuesday
uveniiiK we counted thiee houses
within a block in course of con
htillCtioii. I.ooks pretty good to
us. There is just one indication
that times here nre not as rushing
as usual, so far as homeseekeis
nre concerned. It lined to be two
or three year ago, we are told,
that one could not gel a house for
love or money, while now there are
more houses than there are people
to fill. We figure it this way, our
people ar: building their own
hornet as fast as they can and the
runted houses ate being emptied,
and bvCHlisv our people have not
been doing their shaie of advertis
ing the iiiuuiKratiou lias not been
coming to St. Johns as formerly.
This being the case, we should get
busy and tell the world what we
havu here for the liiiiiieeeker.
Sad Death of Alabcl Tupper. The Harris Ice Plant. ECZEMA INSTANTLY RELIEVED,
Lust l'ridav evetiintr Miss Mabel If there is any place during the
Tupper was playing with a little hot days of summer that is more
friend near the oil tanks and they inviting than another it must be an
were slidinir down the sand banks ice house. We found our way tol
toward the track. In some way the Harris ice works Tuesday after-
Mabel caught her toe and fell, noon and were cordially greeted by
striking her head on the rail. She the manager, Mr. Peters, and
went home and seemed all rinht shown the whole works. It is a
that ulglit and batttrday, never
complaining at all. Sunday she
went to church and Monday went
to school, passing her examination
successfully, and seemed as well as
Tuesday morning about 2 o'clock
she wakened her mother by saying
that her head ached. Her mother
attended to her and after some time
succeeded in quieting her for the
remainder of the night. The next
morning Mabel did not get up and
assist her mother with breakfast as
usual. Her father, A. J. Tupper,
who works nights in the Liuntoti
mill, returns home about 7:30 a.
111., and the daughter not being up
then, he went to see how she was
feeling. When he reached her
bedside he could not arouse her and
becoming alarmed went at once for
a physician, who did everything in
his power to revive her, but she
never regained consciousness. She
was delirious during the day but
became quieter Tuesday evening,
and her father thinking she was
getting better started to his work as
usual, but before the boat reached
the other side of the river his
daughter was taken worse and he
was sent for. Hefore he reached
home, however, she passed away.
Mabel was a bright, pleasant,
loveable girl, a general favorite
among her schoolmates as well as
with her instructors, and her par
ents have the deepest sympathy of
all their neighbors and friends in
their loss and sorrow. She was
i. years, 3 mouths and days old,
and her remains were taken to
wonderful bunch of machinery.
The most wonderful machine is
not tlie icemaking machine, al
though it is different from any
other wc have ever seen und is a
wonder of itself. Hut the greatest
wonder, not only to us; but to all
the different engineers and machin
ists who have seen it, is the Weber
suction gas producer engine. It is
a double engine and manufactures
its own gas from the smoke and
fumes of burning coke.
In the firing room is a battery
of two producers, either of which
has sufficient capacity to run the
engine, but the two arc installed as
a matter of precaution, the same ns
two boilers to the water plant, so
that if one became disabled for any
reason, the other could be nt once
fired up and the plant not be
obliged to shut down. This pro
ducer is n big iron tank set up on
end with an iron hopper situated
over it so that the coke which is
elevated into the hopper from the
firing room may be fed automat
ically to the fire below. This tank
is lined with a wall of fire brick
eight inches thick to protect the
iron. The combustion of the coke
makes the gas and smoke which is
drawn off through a washer which
removes the tar and less combus
tible materials than the caloric gas,
the latter being fed through the
gasometer to the engine, where it
operates much the same as a gaso
line engine
This engine is of 65 horse power
capacity and runs the big com
pressor for the distribution of the
Instant relief for that awful itch I
The itch gone the moment the
soothing liquid is applied to the
skin I
That is what oil of wintergrcen,
mixed with thymol, glycerine and
other mild ingredients, will do for
any skin sufferer.
Try a free bottle of this oil as
compounded in D. I). D. Prescrip
tion. We urge it and recommend it,
and surely would not recommend it
and offer it to our regular patrons
if wc did not know what p. D. D.
Prescription will do for skin suf
ferers. Call at our store for a pamphlet
or write direct to the D. D. D. Co.,
1 12 Michigan St., Dept. 3, Chica
go, for a free sample of the won
derful soothing liquid, enclosing
only ioc to pay for postage and
packing. Now don't fail to try
this wonderful soothing refreshing
liquid. St. Johns Pharmacy.
!udccii(lcncc, Ore, the place of her I ammonia with ease, besides furnish
birth, for
interment yesterday
The Deestriclct Skule.
The "old fashund spelling skulc"
was 11 "suckcess." There were
hi ellers and spellers. And the old
fashioned kids were there with
their funny aprons mid poke hou
n.'ts, their hair braided, the boys
witli their trousers picked a year
too soon, and the pretty school
um'aiu with her lovely curls, just
like those Mrs. Noah used to let
the breezes play with through the
window of the ark during the big
wet spell that happened in those
Miss Donna Iteach wielded the
birch, or rather shingle, and she is
certainly an exjicrt. There was
that big Uohisou hoy - she had to
take him out and wallop him. My I
how he howled I There was Josiah
Hopkins and Sis Hopkins, two of coming honeycombed mid losing its
the "beatenist" kids that ever refrigerating power. The cakes of
made life a buideu for the school- ice made by Mr. Harris are about
ma'am. Simple Simon was there eight feel long, four or five feet
too, and late as usual. To punish wide and 11 foot thick, and are so
him for being late he was made to clear that you may read the pajier
sii on Hie (liiiicclMock; hut bis Mop. I through the twelve inches of ice
lug power to operate the fans and
the big pump in the well. This
well is 182 feet deep lined with
eight-inch iron casing mid has 24
feel of water in it at all times.
Tills water is pumped up into the
tanks for use in the manufacture of
the ice.
This ice freezing, too, is different
from the ordinary tank,
which turns out the cakes about
the regulation si.e; mid it makes a
different quality of ice. These old
fashioned tank free.ers freeze the
ice from four sides, while this ma
chine l.eezes tlie ice iroin mil one
side. This prevents tlie core
which is always seen in ice pro
duced by the old process. The
consequence is Unit when you get
a hunk of Harris ice it is solid nil
the way through, and the last
pound will be just as solid and as
rold us the first; while the other
ice will begin melting from both
the inside and the outside, soon be
Teachers Entertained.
A couple of our citizens in the
north end of the city put up a job
011 the instructors of the high
school nicy were invited to a
little informal gathering Friday
night at the rosc-cmbowcrcd home
of L. If. Clark, where a very pleas
ant hour was spent visiting and
trying to make each one feel glad
that the school term was near its
end. After jollying each other to
keep from crying at the prospect of
soon parting indefinitely, the bunch
concluded through the suggestion
of a guilty member that they call
on Director Williams, and here the
real object of the evening s per
forinnnce was made mauilcst.
These plotters had simply buncoed
Miss uoss into a little reception as
a surprise and to attest their tip
prcciatiou of the good work she
had done during tlie year.
Here a dcllglitml evening was
spent with games and conversation
until a late hour.
School Report
For month ending May 26:
Number of days taught during
Whole No. days attendance, . .
Whole No. of days absence. . .
Whole number of times late. .
Number of pupils neither ab
sent nor late 63
Average number of pupils be
longing 160.4
Average daily attendance. . . . 149.3
l'cr cent of attendance 93
Number of visits by parents 8
Number of visits by members
of schoolboard 2
Number of pupils remaining last
month, girls 71, boys 88.. 159
Total enrollment this month:
girls 79, boys 85 164
Decrease in enrollment: girls
15, boys 19 34
Clara A. Uoss, Principal.
-Central School.
Number of days taught dur
ing the mouth 19
Whole number of days at
tendance 8684
Whole number of days ab
sence 537
Whole number of times late. 22
Number of pupils neither ab
sent nor tardy 215
Average number of pupils
belonging 6o.i
Average daily attendance. . . 433.8
Percentage of attendance 96,4
Number of visits by parents. 29
Number of visits by mem
bers of the board .... 2
Number of pupils remaining
last mouth, girls 249;
boys,. 235 484
Total ctisollmcnt this mouth;
girls, 225; boys, 228 . 453
Decrease in enrollment; girls,
24; boys, 7 31
were served and the guests given a
reception which they will long re
member with pleasure. Ure'r Wil
liams and family are adepts in the
art of entertaining mid 011 this oc
casiou they out Caesarcd Caesar,
we are told.
ft 1c liv tin f-ltt tt iit f.iti.ia.
ti I .. .. " . J " J " "
ivi-irc.ii.mci.1.1 iimt a. took, 11, J . I.cggelt nml S. C,
It is not m sii 1 pi iking after all
that tlie rotten elements of Miciuty
become so Mil and that it is so
lmrd for deccu.7 nml justice to get
ail inning, when we consider that
officials misuse their xwer by di
rectly or iuilitvctly favoring tlie
vicious element. The latent in
stMiiCtf that comes to our notice is
that of Tom Word, who in tyoi
and 1003 closed the jMiolmnnn, and
other gsmblinif dens of Portland,
1.1 . 1... . .- .... , .
milling 1 ne MuoiiKVhi ugui ior de
cency and for the safety of the
nl 1 Huge 1 iu Portland that has ever
Ittcii made by uu officer of that
city. Tliw awl Tom word fo.oo
oi ills own Kd hard money.
This has U-eii held up ever since,
anil even now the county court
only allows him hIkhu (17 cents on
the doilr This kind of a reward
for faithfulness to duty on the mit
of our public officer is nut calcu
lated to make tlaui very active iu
mi ppt easing vice, nor give the crim
inal very much resect for tlie law
or ttr public olhecis. How much
of this favor of the criminal classes
is due to a fear of their jniwer in
lwlilivs or otherwise we do not
know; but all decent people mid
those who have jny desire for good
government should mark the moral
coward who will lavor this class,
and if h ever comes before them
for any office lie should be turned
down good and hard. If an oilkcr
is afraid to do his duty, or a t of
officers is coiuocd of moral
oowntds, they should be lemovetl
from office ami men put iu who
will execute tlie laws regardless of
the ciicunutuucvs. Only by such
uiilorcvineut of the laws shall we
ever attain the highest standard of
OKoelteoce in our government.
Let us murk these cowaidly officers,
the same us wc do tlue who act
dishonestly with us in our business,
keep a record of them that we tuiiv
not forget and give them just wha't
is COiuiug to thcui when thev nsk
us for the benefit of our franchise.
kiiik nail used me 1001s cap tor a
biissle and he was obliged to go
bareheaded. The pupils brought
their dinners iu pails and boxes mid
ate them whenever the spirit moved
them, which was nearly nil the
About the usual time, too, there
was a contest to see who would
I mis the water. This time it fell
to the lot of the little twins. My
they weie little dumplings. They
IxiSM'd the water all right. Then
they had songs mid speeches and
othei exercises galore. Mrs. Hall
was asked to render "Jim Wilkins
und the Cats," which was iu per
fect keeping with the good old
time educational features, mid she
gave it as only .-die can, Some of
the audience are holding their sides
yet, and they are not sure whether
their ribs are dislocated or just
Then came the old-fashioned
spelling match where the whole
business stands up around the room
ami the one who misses the woixl
Mts down. It was excrutiatiugly
funny to see the expression on
this makes the ice just the same as
the purest of river Ice, even purer,
for the water from which the ice
is frozen is made from steam, con
densed, and has nothing whatever
iu it; while the river ice has more
or less sand and silt imprisoned iu
the ice while congealing.
These are some of the superior
features of the Harris ice, and these
qualities have been made possible
by some of the inventions of Mr.
Harris, among which we remember
the large freezers witli the process
of freezing from one side only, and
another the improved compressor
which enables Mr. Harris to han
dle the Irccziug compound more
The plant is not completed as
yet, because they had to begin
making ice nt the earliest possible
moment. The concrete floors arc
to be put iu, the ore crusher, which
is iu course of construction at Har
ris' machine works iu Portland,
with its elevator, so that the
ciushed coke may be elevated into
the hopiKT, is to be installed mid
other ammonia connections are to
Frakcs Had I:nsy Picking.
What was purported to be a
game of base ball took place on the
Hill grounds June 14. The l'rakes
team, the strongest otie in the
league, crossed bats with the locals,
ami when the smoke of the conflict
had cleared away it was lound that
bt. Johns had ninde one run and
their opponents twelve. The locals
made a poor showing both with the
stick and in the field. Hoover, a
new acquisition of Manager Valen
tine's, essayed to do the twirling
act, but after four heart-rending iu
uiiigs had been played, iu which
eleven runs bad been made off his
delivery, it was found necessary to
remove him nud old "Rube" was
substituted. Only one run was
scored off him. The management
made a serious mistake iu starling
the game with an untried man in the
box. Rube should have had pref
ereuce and if he did not make good,
the new acquisition should then
nave been substituted. lit any
event the locals could not have
won, because they were out-classed
at all stages of the game, but the
contest would have been more in
teresting. The cellar is now star
iug the locals iu the face.
Norton, three disinterested freeholders
of the city of St. Johns, mid ixcMlng
the qualification! of juror of the circuit
court of Multnomah county, Oregon, he
nml they nrc hereby npN)iutcil to view
the iroKiteil change nml alteration of
Willis lloulcvnnl in wild city, to-wlt;
llcgiiiuing nt the txiiul farthest mmiIIi
011 the easterly line of lot to, In block
1, ill Mill's addition to the eltv of
St. Johns; thence wiuth 35 leg, eat 177.5
feet to the weitcrlv utile line of l'ennen.
den ttreet; thence north 56 degteeit, eiut
jo feet; thence north 35 degree, went
177. S feet: thence south Vi ilcurceit. west
30 feet to the place of beginning mid
make nsu'ssiucuts of ilnuiiiges nml bene
fits, mid determine how much, If any,
less valuable the land or other prone ux
or nny pnrt thereof, through or over
which the tinoscl iKiuievaril, ns
changed, will be rendered thereby, und
shall nsccUuln (he tesiicctlvc interest of
nil tiersons clnliniug to he owners of
said lands or other property or Improve
ments thereon, or to have any Interest
iu such lauds or Improvements, nml the
dsiiniKcs which any of wld owners re
spectively will sustain. Said viewers
shall nlso make n just nml equitable as
sessment, 01 llie value 01 tlie Delicti! nml
mlviuitngc of said proKcl change to
the reflective owners or other jiersons
interested in Mid limit or other proiierty
...1.1.1. -l.l .., .1....1 1 . 1 ' ..
Have You Seen This Range
in Our Window
.20 5
2994 2
...219 Ht
If you aro lucky you
may get it for 50c.
der anyway. Buy a can
and when the whole
lot is sold in a few weeks your number may
be the one calling for the range.
The Leading Merchants.
Phone Richmond 311
All kinds of Ltuuulry Work done promptly.
New Machinery, New Management.
Call made for laundry at any place. Ring us up.
Churchill & Simpson.
To Water Users.
some ol the faces ns thev were he miule: lint there is enouuh of the
uu tied tiotvH ny some little shrimp machinery in place to cnahle them
nut half its hij; nor a quarterns old. to make 20 to .o tons of the purest
Finally it came on down to the ice that ever went into a cocktail,
lust two, little Miss York and Can every ..t hours. Mr. Ilnrris has
tuiuO. R. Downs, hut Miss York put up 11 little jungle buiiKiilo and
downed Downs and won the first his family is siHrtidini; the summer
piw.e. iiiuiMHiu) pme was casuy uere. .Mr. 1 tarns comes ami goes
won by the bad hoy, llrothcr Uobi. I in his buz wauou whenever he
son, and consisted of a mouth or- wishes and is thus enabled to look
Water used through hose for
spruiKiini' yarns or sidewalks or
washing porches or windows must
be paid for iu advance, and used
only between the hours of 5 nod 8
n, 111. mid 5 and 0 p. 111. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets
Anyone using water contrary to
these rules, or wastefully, will be
shut off without further notice.
St. Johns Waterworks nud IJght
iug Co., V, II. Edlefsen, superiu
Dissolution Notice.
gau. All this occurred Wednesday
evening iu Odd bellows hall.
The only ones we have heard ex
press any regrets concerning the
entertainment are those who were
not theie. The ladies of the
W. R. C. doubled the amount of
teceipts they expected, consequent
ly they are feeling particularly
after both his St. Johns and Port
laud plants. It is his intention to
move his Portland works here as
soon as possible. When he docs
that he will have covered practi
cally all of his 2 j acres of ground
with warehouses and factories.
lite coming ot tins institution is
destined to mean much for St.
Notice is herehy uiven that V. W. Ma.
win anil M.U, iMmii, hcretoforeciiKJKeil
ns lurtuers umler the name of Mason Ac
I'rhau, mul carrying on a general
cement business at Myers nml Thompson
streets, 111 uie city of St. loiuis, Jlultno.
malt comity, Oregon, have dissolved
jurtiieuhip, taking effect June 5, 1908.
The tnisliu'NS will ij conducted hereafter
uy V. W . Mason, who hni assumed nil
of Mason & UrlMii'a liabilities nml will
collect nil hilU, V. W, Mason.
M. K. Urbau.
which (aid viewer nhnll ileein upeciall
ociieiiiieii ny ucn iiroimKcu ctianec. nil
sunn lliereatter lit their earliest con
veiilence, retxirt the nsscssmcnt of tli
ilaumne nml the benefit to snhl proi
erty owner to the council . Which mii
viewer shall receive as comiieiisntlon
iur iiit'ir M.TVU-C uiu hum oi jj.u a any
Kir cucji ciiiv iiciuni v ciiL'HL'i'ti i t uii
. . .ri
service nml sliall usscsa said cost us lurt
....1... 1.. .
01 me uciiciiu w luiiii nroiieriy.
Y1. .. .1... n.. f .1 ' .il-. .
1 uiu uic uiucc ui iiic cuy recorder I
the city hall In the city of St. lohus
Oregon, be the place, nml the 17th dav
of June, 1908, at lo o'clock n. 111. of said
day the time when nml where said view
er shall meet nml then nml there bi
sworn to faithfully dlkcharire the duties
assigned mem, or on any subsequent
day to which they may adjourn, (which
adjournment shall not exceed one week
atuiiyoue time) proceed to view the
Drowsed ctianue nml assess benefits mid
damages atorewtil.
That the city recorder shall send by
man, xi imiii. a nonce 01 tne appoint
ment of said viewer, their name and
the time and place for meeting am1
specify with convenient certainty the
lioumlarles and terminus of said nro
posed clmnee of wld Willis boulevard to
eucn 01 the property owner whose
property is proposed to be nintroprlnted
or to the agent of such, if the iiostoftice
miiircs-i 01 Mien owner, agent sr iihciiIs li
known to him, and if such ttostollice ud
dress is unknown to said recorder then
to such owner or nuent at fat. lolms
That the said city recorder shall nt
least live days before the day set for such
meeting, cause said viewer to be noti
fied of their apiwlntinent. ami the time
and place of such meeting, ami shall
swear each of said viewers, before enter
lite Ul)li the discharge of their said
duties, to faithfully nud impartially tils
charge the duties assigned to them .
Adopted uy me council June 3, J908.
rt, at. Kb&UN,
Citv Recorder.
Published iu the St. Johns Review June
12 ami 19, 190a,
Mandolin and Guitar Lessons.
Proposals for Street WorK
healed proposals will be received at
the ofllce of the Recorder of the City of
St. Johns, Oregon, until 4 o'clock i. in..
June 31, 190S, for the improvement of
Richmond street from the south line of
Portland Itoulevard to the north line of
Willis lloulevard. iu the manner nro.
vlded by Ordinance No, 178, and the
happy. If anybody asks you, just Johns and we trust Mr. Harris niav I have omanized a class of man-
tell them that the corps is a happy find a very remunerative field of doliu and guitar pupils iu St. Johns charter
lllltlPll TlllV till,., 'Pit.,,. n... .-.-... I .v.t.i- I...... I I .-1- - V 1 , I li! .1 1 . ,?
j nv; tiiw .uii- 1 uiviaiiuu mil.
stiiutco tutu way.
Card of Thanks.
We wibh to eNpichh to the many
loving friends who were so kind to
us dining our time of sonow, when
our daughter utSMrd awn v. ur
most heartfelt thanks. Your many
kindnesses will never be forgotten,
nud it is our hope and wish that
you may ull be spared a like sorrow.
MR. A. J. TtM'PKK,
Mrs, A. J. TiU'i'UK.
To IixcliniiKC
When wishing to exchange your
proierty for outside acreage or
fauns you should see McKiuuey for
quick results. Call and give me a
trial. J. S. McKinnuv,
St. Johns Heights Station.
Choicest varieties of pansy plants
and tosc bushes at Urodahl's green
house. Place your orders now.
If you wish clean, fresh, nicely
cut meats go to Uitgood & Cole's.
Our Charges.
As is customary, we will charge
for card of thanks, 500; for resolu
tions of respect, fi.oo; for notices
of church or lodge entertainments.
suppers, sociables, etc, where there
are charges for admission, 5c per
Hue, but where there are no charges
tor these events, we will break the
rule and insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
our good friends may understand
our rule in this respect.
and can take a few more scholars
on each. Terms reasonable. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. JJest of ref
erences. Dale 1. Taylor, at Calef
Uros., I louse Furnishers, opp. P. O.
iricanons ami estimates ot tlie citv en
glneer on file in the office of the city
Huls must be stnctlv In accordance
with printed blank which will be fur
uished on application to the Recorder.
ami said improvement must becompletett
on or before the iSth day of Aucust.
No bids will be considered unless ac
companied by a certified check payable
1 t .1. . . t Al. .
Lot U. block 7. South St. Johns: J.m
Here's a Bargain!
on Jersey street; grubbed and ready
lor plow; pretty lot; will sell at any
decent figure. Must sell quick.
W. h. Thorudyke, 180 Kleveuth
street, Astoria, Oregon.
Watch St. Johus grow this year. Watch the label on your paper,
bank, for au amount coual to ten per
cent of the aggregate proposal.
The right to relect any nud nil bids
Is hereby reserved.
Uy order of tue City Council.
A, 31, 15SSUN,
Published in the St. John Review June
5, 13 and 19, 1909,
City of SI, Johns, Oregon
Mayor II. W. Itilc
Kmmlcr A. M Kmm
Trramrtr I. It. Toncli
Atlurtlry-ll. II. Cutlli'r
I'ltulmvr C. Amlrvns
I'll) Icln 11 A. W. VlncTiil
Ctifcl ol fuller J. II. Iilnck
Mutil fotlcv-O. MhcrMiie
Cmiiicllinrn nt I.nri;c;
A W. I)na, C. I.. JulitiMit. S. I,. Dotilc
Cimncllintii I'ir.t War it:
V. J. Miller W. W. Whittle
Councllmrn Srroiul Want:
II. C. Hunter II. W. Ilonliam
HtrU mt !ock W. W. Vt'lmllc. f. I.
Miller. C. 1,. JoIiiimii
Mctiitc-ll. W. Ilonliam. II. C. Iluulcr,
W. W. Wl
Water nml l.laht-C. t. Jnhnxm, A W
tUU, II. V. Ikiiilimu
I'lnaiicc-A. W. IHvl., II C. Iluulcr, H.
I,. Oolite
Ilullillii;tRiil(lroiiiilt II C Hunter. 1'
J. Miller, C. I.. J oil no ii
Health ami I'ullce-S. I.. 1M.I-, II W
llonlinut. W. W Wln.lle
!,ljuor Mcciik P. J. Miller A. W IMvla.
S. I. Doblc
Pointers for our Patrons.
Old papers for sale nt this ofTicc.
Our rule is the best stock nud
best work for our patrons.
We do not allow any printer to
put out nicer work than wc do and
we put the best stock into our jobs.
The difference between poor
stock and first class stock on u job
is a small item when you consider
the value of the job It is the
price of a satisfied customer. It is
better to make 50 cents less on a
job and have a customer who will
conic back, than to use the tlimsy
stock, mnku the extra 50 cents nud
lose your customer.
way we figure it.
That is the
Resolved: Thnt the council of the
city of St. Johns, Oregon, deems it ex
pedient nud necessary to improve Rich
iiioml street from the westerly line of
Jersey street to the easterly line of llrnd
ford street by placing a cement side
walk on either side thereof nccordlue to
ordinance nml charter of St. Johns, and
does hereby require from the city en
L'ineer plans nml specifications for an
appropriate improvement of said street,
ami estimates of the work to be done
and the probable total cost thereof, and
establish the necessary crude therefor.
and that the city engineer shall Tile such
plans, specifications and estimates In the
ottice ot tne recorder ot the citv of St.
Adopted by the council June 16, 1908,
A. M. KSSON, Recorder.
Published In the St. Johus Review June
19 am! 30, 1903,
Oregon Main JJ7
Home A 3347
Baptist church It. A. Leonard, pastor.
Sunday school nt to n. m. Preaching at
1 1 n. m. 11, V, P. U. 7 P. tu. Preachlne
111 a . ui.
Methodist church P. I.. Youne. pas-
tor, Sunday school 10 a. 111.: prcachine
at II a, in, ami S p, m. Kpwortlt League
at 7 p. in,
Holy Cross Catholic church. Portsmouth
Station; 8:15 . low mass; 10:15 a.m.,
hhjh mass: y.o p. in., vespers and bene.
Christian church Meets everv Sundav
In Tabernacle as follows: Sunday school
at to a, in,: prcachiui; nt 11 a. ui. and 8
1. in., and V, V. S. C. K, uieetimi nt 7 n. in.
R. J, Johnson, pastor.
St. Andrew's Upiscopal Chanel. Unl.
ersity Park Rev. Win, R. Powell..
chaplain. ReeuUv services 7:o 11. 111.
Sunday school nt 3 p. m.j Bible class 7 p.
ui.; i.eniou services every 1'riday at 10
Kvangelieal church Sunday school at
iuu. m. iTcaciunL' u u. in. luniorK.
L. C. H. 3:30 p. in,; Senior K. L. C. I. 7
in. Pruachine nt 8 P. in. Chester P.
Gates, pastor.
1'irst Congregational Cliurch-O. W.
Nelson, pastor. Sunday school to a.
m,; preaching 11 a m. ami 7:45 p. uu
Y. P. S. C. K. meetim- nt 7 n. in. Praver
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m, A seat
and welcome to all.
Baptist Church, University Park. Rev.
, II. Waltz, pastor. Reeular services
every Sunday morning and evening.
German Baptist church Services held
each Sunday at Baptist church as follow s;
auuuu) Kiioui 3 u, ui., preacning at 3 p.
m. Rev. Paltmeat, pastor.
ucrman Muneran services at 10:45 i
m, even- aunuav inormtiL' at corner ol
Peninsula avenue and Kilnatrick street.
University Park, All Germans of St.
Johns cordially invited to attend. C.
ueciuer, pastor.
Christian Science Socletv
held at W. II. Kinu's residence. Sun.
days and Wednesdays at 8 p, in,
I Safes, Pianos ami furniture
Moved, Packed nml Shipped I
Office and store room; I
309 Oak Street,
Gtl Jg
Smifli Render
has widened its market un
til it includes thewhole civil
ized world; has become the
typewriter of over 300,000
operators and has, during
lo5, broken every previous
record of sales, because it
has from the beginning best
met every typewriter need.
TTHE tri-colorfeatureof
S the Smith Premier
Typewriter is recog
nized as the greatest Im
pravement in modern type
writer construction yet in
providing: It, none of the
cuong1 fundamental fea
tures, for which the Smith
Premier has always been
r.ated, have been sacrificed.
Complete literature on re
Portland Office, 247 Stark Street