St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 19, 1908, Image 1

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To .oHcrlbc for Tho RevUw. J J I A A V F M JL Jl M JLW Y ! Y Y X Of advertising In The Review J
All the new, whlk It li new It "M 1 " " and )ou'll never resret It. De- V
our motto. Call In and enroll tl at once and keep right at II X
l MMMWM1M N('VMVtl4M4l(lV
Devoted to (he Interest of the Peninsula, tho Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
Splendid Fraternal Address Delivered by Rev. E. A.
Leonard at the Evangelical Church Sunday
An Organization That is Doing Good Work for the
Welfare and Development of the Peninsula
Under the above title a number of
the most responsible and progres
sive realty men of the Peninsula
have organized for the purpose of
giving publicity to the best district
anywhere about Portland
This movement began just about
a week or ten days before the Rose
Carnival, and to show the energy
and push there is behind this insti
tution we need only to say that
they raised $265.00, printed for
distribution 15,000 booklets describ
ing some of the beauties and other
desirable features of this section as
a residence and manufacturing dis
trict. This was no small under
taking to be accomplished within
two weeks and at the same time
carry on the regular routine of
business as usual. The time was
so short and these energetic realty
men had so little time to explain
their purpose and methods to the
other realty men of the Peninsula,
that a large number who would
perhaps have joined them did not
have the opportunity to leant the
benefits to be derived; and as soon
as they learn that it is n permanent
organization and will be prepared
to do ever so much better next
than they did this year, will gladly
add their forces and thus assist
what will most certainly prove the
moU potent agen y in the develop
ment of the IV. .inula that has ever
been Murte-i
Theie is no e 114 back of the re
turns. It is conceded that it pays
to advertise. The question is the
manner, the amount, and kind of
advertising to be used We have
said so much about Hood River;
We have held that enterprising,
progressive community up so often
and so persistently ns a model of
excellence in all lines that it is be
ginning to become a chesnut with
our readers, no doubt; but when
there is nothing better obtainable,
what is a fellow to do? Now,
what has made Hood River the
focus of observation of the whole
world? It is their systematic, per
sistent advertising. Those three
words: "systematic, persistent" ad
vertising," tell the whole story.
When we went there twelve
years ago, they raised just as good
apples, just as fine strawberries s
they do today, but they did not
get any better prices than were ob
tained by other communities; not
as good as some The citizens
were jealous of each other. Any
Is the only way to sectire immediate delivery of your
goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and
Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts
over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car
load lots. Experienced and courteous employes.
Phone Main 358, Portland office.
Phone Main A 3358.
First and Flanders Streets.
Phone Woodlawn 818. Ageut at St. Johns.
Office 105 K. Burlington street.
Washed Gravel
Best for Concrete Work
West Side Washed Gravel Co. j
J Leave orders with
L110 N. Jersey Street 510 N. Jersey Street a
one coming into the community to
I look for a home and talking with a
man near the river would be told
' that the valley was not a fit place
to live above a certain line, that
the climatic conditions were not so
good, that the soil 'was not fit for
fruit growing, and other things
1 were wrong. Going up the valley
ftt,1tir It.. tirtltll In. flint til..
lower valley was not a good place
to locate. It was too stormy, the
soil was too soft, that it was neces
sary to use too much water in irri
gation because of the &andy condi
tion of the soil to make good fruit,
that the fruit would not keep, and
the poor visitor would conclude
Mat the measly valley was not a
fit place to live and would hike on
for a more congenial location.
About the year I reached Hood
River, or the year after possibly,
there was organized an association
for tue advancement of the interests
of the fruit grower. This brought
all the citizens together in one com
mon interest. They became better
acquainted with each other, learned
the good features of each individ
ual method of handling their fruit,
strong friendships were formed
among the citizens of the different
parts of the valley. This stopped
the knocking. Then when a man
came in he was told that one could
not make u mistake by locating
anywhere in the valley, that the
darudest meanest place in the en
tire valley was a paradise compared
with the outside world, and while
perhaps where the individual lived
doing the talking, was a little the
best, any of it was good, The re
sult was that they landed nearly
every new-comer and hundreds of
acres of bull pine and vine maple
(Continued on page 4)
D. S. Hoover, who has been tip
in Idaho and Ivastern Oregon, re
turned in time to put in a vote.
He says that it is his observation
that there is nothing any better
than St. Johns on the outside.
Further, he thinks the farther one
gets away from the Willamette and
Columbia rivers the less there is to
do in a general way. That busi
ness is better in these valleys than
anywhere he has been outside.
We carry hi stock typewriter
pajcr, carbon paper and onion skin
for making duplicate copies.
An Interesting -Session Tuesday Evening in Which a Large
Budget of Municipal Business Was Disposed of
The city fathers met in their
10th weekly pow wow in the big
teepee Tuesday evening, with a
full house, all being present. Af
ter reading the minutes of the pre
vious meeting, the new member,
i'erry j. aimer, was ttuiy sworn in
and given the toga of Mr. J. J.
Tryon, resigned. Mr. Miller's po
sition is councilman of the first
ward, and he is on the committees
on streets and docks, buildings and
grounds and liquor license.
A petition from H. S. Simmons
et al. was presented asking the
council to pass an ordinance au
thorizing the improvement of Rich
mond street with a concrete side
walk, which was done later in the
evening, by resolution.
The engineer's acceptance of
work done on Polk street was read.
There was also 11 protct to the ac
ceptance of a certain portion of the
work presented by C. Ii. Royer,
and this portion was excluded from
tue engineer s report when lie made
same. 1 lie report was accepted as
On motion of Davis warrants
were ordered drawn to cover the
portion accepted. I
In the matter of petition pre-.
scuted last week for the improve
ment of Pesscudeu street, it was
decided that no steps could be
taken until such time as the proper ,
width of street could be obtained
by the eitv. Some steps have been
taken by some of the citizens look-
iug to this end, t
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
arc expecting to hold their annual
"blow out" in Cedar Park and re
quested special police service for
which they oiler to pay and also
the regular license for the day. It
was the understanding that the cel
ebration was to be held today.
Hills to the amount of $230.15
were allowed and ordered paid.
On motion of Hunter the bid of
the Peninsula bank or the ck
bonds was accepted and it was the
sense of the council that the work
of construction would be com
menced as quickly as the necessary
advertising for bids and other pre
liminaries could be accomplished.
It was reported Iiy tlic engineer
that the preparations for the in
stallation of the rock crusher were
I Whitwood Court j
Lots, $75 and up
nearly completed and that it was
necessary to have material on hand
for the construction of the bunkers
nt once. A special committee con
sisting of Windle, Miller and Dobie
was appointed by the mayor with
whom the engineer was to act in
conjunction in the purchase of
necessary material (or this work,
on motion ol Davis.
A petition from the property
owners and others asking the coun
cil to accept that portion of Phila
delphia street already improved be
tween Ivauhoe and Hayes streets
as it stands at present was present
ed. This launched a lengthy dis
cussion and on motion of Hunter
the city .engineer was authorized to
make a profile showing a proper
grade on Philadelphia street be
tween Ivauhoe and Hayes streets.
The matter of a permanent night
police was deferred until next meet
ing. ' ,
The garbage question was
brought to the attention of the city I
fathers again by 11 communication
from Captain lilack, but the mat
ter was not reached in the discus
sions of the evening. The city
fathers are finding this subject 11
white elephant on their hands. It
is one of the most serious and diffi
cult problems which the city fathers
have to face. It seems impossible
to secure a place where the garbage
may be deposited and burned with
out beco iiiug a nuisance to some of
our citizens, and we are not per
mitted to dispose of it by dumping
into the river for the same reason,
it would become a nuisance to
dwellers below the city and eventu
ally obstruct navigation. This is
certainly a hard nut to crack. We
called it a "chestnut, but it begins to
assume the shape of a hexagon nut
without any hole in it.
A Brilliunt Wedding.
One of the most elaborate wed
dings ever consummated in St.
Johns took place last Sunday even
ing, when Miss Hstella Moe Arm
strong, eldest daughter of Mrs. I.o
retta Armstrong, was united in
marriage with George II. Muhu, at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Smith.
The parlors were most beauti
110 N. Jersey Street, St. Johns, Oregon J
fully decorated with a profusion of
pink and white roses, palms and
greenery; while across the bay
window was built a screen of Mar
shall Ncal roses, ferns and Oregon
grape, from which hung a beautiful
wedding bell of white roses.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Chester Paul Gates in 11 very
impressive manner, using the ring
ceremony. The wedding march
from Lohengrin was beautifully
rendered by Miss Laura Gallon.
The bride, gowned in dainty white
organdie and Viennese lace, made a
charming picture with her flowing
veil and orange blossoms. She
carried n shower bouquet of bride's
roses. Her only bridesmaid, Miss
Carrie Armstrong, a sister, wore a
dainty gown of pink silk nitille and
carried Lal'rauce roses, hdward
Muhn, a brother of the groom, act
ed as best man and little Miss ler
essa Stewart of Oregon City tided
as ring bearer. "Ilecatise" was
rendered in a most pleasing manner
by Miss Grace Marshall of Oregon
The bride, when she threw her
bouquet, as is the custom, tossed it
among the ladies and it was caught
by Miss Marie Dohl, which indi
cates that this fair maiden will be
come the center of 11 similar social
event before the cud of the year.
There were 80 guests pr sent ami
many beautiful and valuable pres
ents were received by Mr. and Mrs.
Muhu. The happy couple left on
the 6:45 train for a short bridal
tour and will be at home to their
many friends at 1314 Michigan
avenue, Portland, after June 30. j
The Review joins their many
friends in well wishes for their
If. L. Uradley, who opened n
butcher shop in the French block,
has fitted up the shop in the finest
kind of style and keeps everything
as neat ns a pin, and Is building up
a very desirable class of trade.
Mr. Hradley's place is a very great
convenience to the residents of
south St. Johns, saving them a
long trip down town.
Miss Maggie Mullen, niece of
Mrs. H. J. Ward of Seattle spent
Saturday and Sunday in St. Johns,
The Odd Fellows held memorial
services at the United Uvaugcllcal
church Sunday at 2:30 o'clock.
There was a flue audience and the
closest attention. The Odd Pel
lows nud Rebckahs met at the hall
and formed in Hue, marching from
the hall along Jersey street to Ivan
hoc and thence to the church.
When the Odd follows came down
from their hall they were met by n
delegation of the members of the
Knights of Pythias and escorted to
the church, where they ocucd
ranks and the Rebckahs inarched
between the ranks of the Odd fol
lows and Knights followed by the
Odd Fellows into the church where
the center seats were reserved for
them. These seats they filled to
overflowing and other scats were
prepared for the remainder of the
fraternal societies.
The mectingwas opened by sing
ing and prayer and reading of the
scriptures. Then Hrother Leonard
of the llaptist church gave one of
the best fraternal addresses we have
ever listened to. He admitted that
he had not been permitted to cross
the portals of the Odd follows hall,
and could not say much about the
work on the inside, but that he had
often noticed the work of the lodge
on the outside, and that from what
he could sec of it there he knew
that it was a good institution. He
also stated that instead of the
lodges like the Masonic, the Odd 1
Fellows, the Knights of Pythias,
the Woodmen, the Workmen and
such fraternal institutions being an
tagonistic to the woik of the
churches they were in harmony
with and supplemental to their
work. He praised the Odd Fel
lows for their fidelity to their prin
ciples and stated that if a man was
n consistent church member he I
would be the better Odd Fellow fori
it, nud if he was n consistent Odd
Fellow he would be the better 1
church member. j
Hrother Gates also remarked at
the close of the address that we of I
Laurel lodge 186 were called to
mourn the loss of one member dur-'
iug the past year, Hrother Klliott,
and that our sister lodge of Uni
versity Park mourns the loss of
Hrother Kvaus, and that this meet-,
iug was in their honor nud to show
that though absent these brothers
! St. Johns
TI10 Largest and Oldest Real Estate Finn
in St. Johns.
East St. Johns
The center of the grent development now taking
! place on the Peninsula.
We have only a few business lots left on Columbia
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at
present prices.
i Some fine residence lots still on sale.
l Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the 0. R. &
I N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms.
J Holbrook's Addition
J We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the
,J! new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install-
t Call at our office for prices and terms for cither of
these desirable tracts.
St. JohllS PI'one
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise.
Also slab wood. Timbers of all sizes cut to order,
Get your winter's wood now and save trouble.
were not forgotten. After the ser
vices the members returned to the
lodge room and divested themselves
of their regalia, some returning to
their homes, but many others wont
to the different cemeteries and dec
orated the graves of their comrndus.
Box of Fine Berries.
This office is indebted to Leroy
II . Smith for a box of the finest
Magoon strawberries that we have
ever seen. There were just 27 in
the box and the last tier stuck half
their dimensions above the top of
the box. They were great, big,
luscious fellows, so large that even
11 big-mouthed editor was obliged
to cut them in two in order to get
them into his masticator. The
strangest part of it to us is that
these were grown on the same vines
from which Mr. Smith harvested
two good ci ops last year. It will
be remembered that he took off the
second crop late in the summer nud
we predicted that the vines would
bear 11 light crop this season, if any.
Mr. Smith says that he has the
heaviest crop this season that he
tins yet grown on these vines, ami
that the two crops last year smiiu
to have encouraged the vines to
greater exertions this.
Woodmen vs. Eagles.
On Decoration day there was 11
fierce game of base ball between the
Woodmen and the lvtigles. The
score was 6 to 5 in favor of the
feathered tribe. The Woodmen
have been chafing ever since and
have declared that they are going
to pick every feather from those
emblems of our country. The
event has been arranged for 3 p. in.
June 2 ist. It will be 11 hair-raising
event nud the friends of the two
aggregations are urged to come and
root for their favorites.
Building Permits Issued.
No. 66, to Kdward Cole, to erect
11 residence on lots 30 and 31, block
3, Point View; fronting 011 Rich
mond between Hudson and Port
land lloulevard. $800.
Old papers for sale at this office.
c. n. iiAiLi-v
Land Co.
Jersey 931 QregOIl